NE2018 Issue 2

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2018 - Issue #2

COGnitions: Ramblings from the Northeast Area Director

photo courtesy Bob Barbanti #7134

What the heck is going on with the weather? The calendar said late April, yet I woke to a 36-degree temperature. Thank goodness for heated gear. Then it’s May 3 and we’ve jumped to summer. Last week was the MA Spring Tech Session. It was a bit damp and chilly when I departed around 7:30AM. The weather cooperated nicely, and it had warmed up sufficiently for the outdoor lunch. A BIG thanks to the hosts and staff of the MA Tech Day. Multiple sets of tire changes, TPMS battery Steve Smith #3184 replacements, oil changes and other maintenance items. A great lunch was served. The best part of the day was the COG camaraderie, as this activity is as much a social event as it is a tech day. Reading the reports in this issue it is good to see that members around the northeast are coming out of riding hibernation and escaping PMS (parked motorcycle syndrome). I suspect it is really difficult for our members and staff in Canada who stay snowed in longer than the rest of us, and I really appreciate the efforts of the staff there who organize activities to try to pull members together. Please come out to support them and meet other members. Due to unforeseen circumstances Kevin Martin will be unable to lead the May 5 ride to Petey’s Seafood for lunch. This is a good reminder that it is important to check the online Event Calendar for last-minute changes or cancellations. There a few activities in May. Claude Doucet hosts a Ride to the annual Bike Blessing in Truro, Nova Scotia. The COG Open House / Meet & Greet at Ivan’s Performance Products in Congers, NY with one day 50% discount special pricing on C14 ECU flash. This event may get postponed due to rain—watch the calendar and forum. The weekend of May 17-20 is the Northeast Area Spring Fling Rally. There are close to 90 people registered at this time. Although the room block was released, if you call around you may still find lodging. Don’t wait. All motels usually sell out in Wellsboro. The 2018 COG NE Event Calendar has filled in nicely. If you have an idea for an activity, just ask and we’ll work together to get it on the event calendar. Any member can host/organize a ride, meet & greet, etc. The NE Staff and I are here to assist you. I want to toss out there that there are no rally plans locked in for 2019 Spring Fling or Fall Rally. While it seems far off, this riding season is the time to begin the preliminary stages and begin to get dates locked in. While speaking to members a few past locations were tossed out for consideration for a return visit...Matamoras PA and Kingston NY. Please contact me if you have a preference or another location idea. Let’s chat if you are willing to take on a portion of the rally event planning. Take a look at the staff listing on the last page. The Northeast Area Staff has several positons that are vacant… some upcoming or recent, and others for a year or more. One of the biggest concerns I hear is lack of activities. We need member support to be volunteer staff members to help build participation in your region while enlisting and assisting other members to learn how to organize activities. Being part of the staff or a member activity host is not a lot of effort, but you will find helping the club build camaraderie and getting involved will bring great personal joy. In addition, there is a club project underway to migrate to new web based membership services and forum software. Since the team is all volunteer, additional assistance may be needed to help keep the project from being stalled. A person with project management skills is the critical need to bring the project over the finish line. Other need includes php programming or experience with CSS. Contact me to discuss. Until next time, ride safe.

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

New Members First things first, a warm welcome to our Newest NE Area COG members!

Linda Peter Stephen Almon Brian Bourdon Phillip Benedict Bryan McKenzie Sat Seetal Nazruddin Asgarali Andrew Holmes Keith Krebs Brian McGuire William Seeman Greg Neely Jim Malanga Sindee Nevin Byung Og Eagan Rob Skora

12215A 12744 12745 12746 12747 12750 12751 12754 12759 12760 12761 12778 12779 4429A 9226A

Dornbirn, Austria Quispamsis, NB Dundas, ON Chantilly, VA Midland , ON, Kitchener, ON Columbia, MD Baddeck, NS Haverhill, MA Breinigsville, PA Washington Township, NJ Lincoln University, PA Manchester, CT Downsville, NY Westbury, NY Woodbine, MD

2018 Fall Rally - Twistin’ Through the Notch Part Deux (Sept 6-9, 2018) We are heading back to the base of Franconia Notch in the White Mountains area of New Hampshire and Rally Central will be located at the lovely Woodward’s resort in Lincoln, NH. It was the fall of 2014 when we last held a rally there and thought it was time for another run through the area. The dates of the rally are September 6 th – 9th. Register by August 6th to save $5 on registration. A block of rooms is being held for us and COG RALLY registration is open. Book your room by calling the hotel and mentioning COG to get the group rate in our block of rooms. Our rally has the entire back building (28 rooms) of the resort with additional rooms in the adjacent building close by. The back building houses an indoor pool; hot tub and sauna. Our block of rooms is being held till August 16th so book early to guarantee a room. UPDATE: We have also recently added a continental breakfast including scrambled eggs; hash browns and sausage that will now be included in your room fee at no additional cost. Check out the full details on the calendar of events page on where you will find sample routes, local attractions and all the info you need to register. We look forward to seeing you there! BOOK THOSE ROOMS! Greg & Tracey Habel

Concours Owners Groupsm

NORTHEAST AREA NEWS Published 5 times a year for the Concours Owners Group and distributed to Northeast Area members. Past newsletters are archived in the club’s online member library at Also available at: Written (most formats except Works) & photo (most formats) submissions are welcomed and members are encouraged to share their COG experiences. Please send to: Email: Snail Mail: COG NE Newsletter c/o Maryann Geiser 139 Kennedy Rd Tewksbury MA 01876 © 1989-2018 Concours Owners Groupsm


Editor’s Corner In the last issue I promised that spring would arrive, but I may have been mistaken. With temps in the high 80’s to 90’s the past few days, it seems that we have just skipped past cool days of spring and gone right into summer. Sigh… weather … what can you do? I’m not complaining, it’s just that I don’t like breaking a promise. It seems like it was just a few weeks ago that I put out the last newsletter. Honestly, the most difficult part of this job is coming up with something to write in this space. I am grateful for all those who write area updates and ride reports for the newsletter; they all make me look good. Thank you for all your input!

But, this newsletter is not just for the officers to brag about their events, rides and rallies. Members are also welcome to submit articles and pictures to this newsletter. Where have you Maryann Geiser #4627A ridden and what did you see? Let us all know so we can be jealous or find the same amazing places that you found. I look forward to hearing from you. Maryann

2018 - Issue #2

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

Around the NORTHEAST News from your Assistant Area Directors (complete list of AADs on back page)

Metro NY, NJ Well folks it looks like Spring might have finally arrived! Temps as I write this have broken into the sixties mark in the tri-state. It's Terry Faherty #792 time to ride! By the time you read this April will be in the ole rearview mirror. Things didn't work out for a visit to the Tech Session hosted by the Mulloys and Habels but I'm sure it was quite the shindig as always! You guys rock! As you can see on the forum and calendar things are starting to ramp up. I'll be attending the open house at Ivan's Performance in Congers, NY on May 12th. It goes from 10am till 2pm unless we're still having fun and they let us stick around a bit. Lunch will be provided and Ivan has offered members the opportunity to try out a flash for their C-14s and offering a member discount. You can't beat that! The next weekend kicks off the COG rally season with the Spring Fling in Wellsboro, PA. This is a great town with plenty of nice roads to choose from and with Jason at the helm you know it'll be a good one. I'll be there will you? Next up is Americade in Lake George, NY, June 4-9. I'll be there for the week staying just south of town in Queensbury. Expect a day ride to be listed as soon as I get an idea of the extended weather forecast the week before. Probably an encore of my new route to Lake Placid including tasty backroads. Tracey Road anyone? If you're in town drop me a text and say hi.

2018 - Issue #2

If anyone is heading out to the National in Texas, give em my best. That's just a might too far for me to pull off in a week. It looks like it's gonna be a doozy! Four more years till my daughter is done with college then maybe I can kiss this full time nonsense goodbye! That's all for now kids! The season is just getting started and I'll see you out there! Terry

Eastern Ontario Last newsletter I wrote about it being almost spring … well 2 months later and I’m not fully convinced we will ever have spring in Ontario this year! The cold weather just wouldn’t end and weekend of April Derek Pugh #11636 14-15 we got hit with over 24 hours of freezing rain. A week later the temperature finally rose to double digits (Celsius). Sadly this long winter that wouldn’t end drained any farkle plans I had; nothing was done. Happily, double digit temps encouraged me to get working and soon the bike was ready to go. So, with the warmer weather finally here, the bikes are getting out on the road again and I had the great pleasure of seeing a different C14 for each ride. Once I hear when the GTA COG group is having their tech day I will be posting a ride to them in Trenton, Ontario. Last year we had a great ride on a perfect weather day. We started the ride from Carton Place where we met up with Bruce on his new to him C14 that he was bringing home to Toronto from Quebec to replace his last Connie. If anyone in Eastern Ontario would like to suggest a ride or get together please let me know and I will happy to work with you to get it set up! Derek

South Central PA/MD Winter is rapidly becoming a memory, now that spring is half gone already. I hope everyone has their bikes and lawn mowers in tiptop shape, as there will be plenty of opportunity to use Greg Puterbaugh #6163 both. We were able to do some riding in March and April: the Crabcake Ride, Forget Your Taxes Ride, and The Favorite Backyard Roads Ride, and while the C-14 Riders and Friends Ride was cancelled because of bad weather, it was still well attended. The Spring Fling is greatly anticipated, and may the weather Gods smile on us for this event. Now for some commentary, the recent spate of mass homicides in our country has been a real bummer. 'Twould be nice if these nut bags who feel compelled to commit these awful acts had discovered motorcycling as an alternative to mayhem. Until then, rubber side down, and try not to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Greg

Atlantic Canada (NS, NB, PEI) Spring has finally sprung. I think most of you would agree that it was a bizarre spring in the North East but now it's here. My first ride was on March 27th because I just couldn’t take it Claude Doucet #9011 anymore. Most normal people had their first ride on April 22nd because bikes were all over the place that day. I love seeing the smiles in the spring, spending time with friends and of course going for a ride. The annual Bike Blessing in Truro, NS is fast approaching; it's always the first Saturday of May. Some people may think that it's religious event but in the (Continued on page 4)


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS (Around the Northeast - Continued from page 3)

end it's just a way of wishing everyone have a safe and fun season. Everyone is welcome to join me for a nice ride. Please register if you plan on attending. It's a good chance to shake some rust off (bike and body) and enjoy the company of a few thousand like minded individuals.

I'm sad to miss the Spring Fling in Wellsboro this year, but I have a few projects on the go that have to take priority not to mention not enough funds to go around. Maybe I'll make the Fall rally? I'm open to any ideas for rides, or helping organizing a ride. Send me an email or give me a call. I plan on doing more smaller events this year like weekend events, camping weekend, one night stay or ride to eat. Invite your friends, not everyone needs to ride a Concours. COG is what you make it! Claude

Greater Montreal Although motorcycling season officially starts on March 16th, we had to wait until Spring April 21st to start having relatively decent riding conditions in the southern part of Christian Dupuis the province. #10098 Weather has been playing an extended April Fool’s joke on this part of the country, but I’m happy to report that we are now starting to see bikes in La Belle Province in droves.

2018 brings its lot of challenges to us. Construction and legal changes will have an impact on your experience. On the construction side, there are many roadwork projects going on in and around the Montreal area and the conditions aren’t the best for motorcyclists. Expect major delays and detours if you plan to go through the Island, we are experiencing a marathon of major initiatives that will go well into 2019 and intense traffic of heavy trucks around the major sites takes a toll on the roads. There is some roadwork going on on highways 20 and 55 (the latter being one of the entry points from Vermont to Quebec). Spring thaw is in effect, so careful about potholes, and check your fork seals and suspension! If you are planning a trip, check the website for current road conditions. The Quebec highway safety code has changed as well, with lots of new rules coming into effect on May 18th. First, Quebec apprentice motorcycle license owners will no longer be required to ride with an experienced partner. Therefore, lots of new riders will be out and about solo with no experience outside of their compulsory riding course. However, they are subject of a curfew between midnight and 5 AM Second, lane splitting is officially forbidden – it wasn’t clearly defined before, it’s now officially in the code. Climate change has also had an impact on our riding season. The new official date for winter tires – and the end of the motorcycle season – will be December 1st. On the plus side, if the Farmer’s Almanac is to be trusted, we should have a long hot summer, and a warmer than usual fall. Feel free to drop me a note if you are planning a trip and have questions, I’ll be glad to help! Safe rides, everyone! Christian

MA, ME, NH, VT Wow! We just had our popular NE Spring Tech Session and Gear/Part Swap this past weekend, and the Greg & Tracey Habel weather #7010/7010A was amazing. The morning started out a little cloudy but ended up being sunny and around 70 degrees! We could not have asked for a better day. Thank you Mother Nature! We had a group of almost 30 folks show up to do some work on their bikes. Many had new tires mounted and balanced and several had the TPMS batteries replaced. Thanks to all who attended and assisted us in getting all the work accomplished. It is always wonderful to see the camaraderie in the COG family and how everyone pitches in. A big Thanks to Pat & Sher Mulloy for opening up their house and garage to the club once again and hosting such a great event. This is one of my favorite events of the year as we get to see so many members from the club and is always a great day. Next big event for us this year will be the Fall Rally that Greg & I will be hosting up in Lincoln NH. The Fall Rally – Twistin’ through the Notch Part Deux will bring us back to Lincoln NH to the lovely Woodward’s resort, from September 6th – 9th. This is a great area for riding and there are lots of sites to take in as well so check out the calendar for all the details and make your reservations early to guarantee your spot. Look for a bigger write-up in this newsletter. There are several other events going on throughout the season, so be sure to check them out on the calendar. Here is just a sampling of what is on the calendar: June 8-10- No Frills camping weekend at Otter River state Campground with a visit to the Flat Track races in Winchendon MA on Saturday 6/09. (Continued on page 5)


2018- Issue #2

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS (Continued from page 4)

July 7- Newport NH ride August 4- Trip to tour the USS Nautilus in Groton CT. Take some time to peruse the many offerings. Please give us a hand and host a ride or event. We will guide you through the easy process of putting it together and will announce your event on the calendar/forum/Facebook for you. If anyone has any suggestions or would like to host something, please email us at Please be sure to register on-line at on the N.E. events calendar at , if you plan to attend an event. This will help us to make reservations for lunch and plan accordingly to keep the ride group size at a safe number. Tracey & Greg

2018 - Issue #2


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

RIDE & EVENT SCHEDULE Time listed is START time. Visit for updates and more details. (NS) Sat, May 5, 9:30 AM Ride to Bike Blessing Ride to the Annual Bike Blessing at Victoria Park, 29 Park Rd., Truro, NS. We'll Meet at Tim Hortons, 6739 Highway 2, Enfield, NS next to the Irving Big Stop. Kickstands up at 9:30am. We'll take old Hwy 2 to Victoria Park in Truro NS. For anyone that wants to meet us in Truro, look for the group of Concours riders. Please arrive early at Victoria Park, the ceremony starts around noon. CLAUDE DOUCET H 902.401.6821

(ON) Mon, May 14, 6:30 PM GTA East - Meet & Greet 3rd Monday EVERY MONTH at Tartan Tavern, 555 Rossland Rd East, Oshawa, ON. All welcome. Arrive early to kick tires and tell lies in the parking lot (weather permitting). A social function to meet other riders, discuss tech issues, shoot the breeze, and plan rides. DAVE PERKINS H 416.691.2191

(MA) Sat, June 9, 8:30AM Ride and Flat Track Event This is for those who want just the ride and race being held in conjunction with the NoFrills camping event in Baldwinville, MA. Meet at the campsite and start the ride from there. GREG HABEL H 508.444.2235 C 508.745.6677

(TX) Mon-Thu, June 11-14, 2018 Three Sisters National Rally (PA) Thu-Sun, May 17-20 The COG South Central Area folks, led by North East Area Spring Fling Rally South Central Area Director Craig Green and Wellsboro has proven to be a great location Rally Master Fred Boothe, are pleased to for a NE Regional rally. Its central location is invite all y’all to come on down to the Texas just a day ride or less for many members and Hill Country for the 2018 Concours Owners offers great riding and sightseeing. The host Group “The Three Sisters” National Rally in town of Wellsboro is located in north central Kerrville, Texas. Please check the web site PA, along the famous Rte 6 corridor, not far at from New York State's Finger Lake Region. It for all the details is well known for the old fashion gas street lights. The rally area is abundant with muse- (ON) Tue, June 12, 6:30 PM ums, wineries, terrific scenery, and of South Central Ont. Meet & Greet (PA) Sun, May 6, 9:00 - 11:00 AM course... great roads. The group dinner will (see May 8 for details) Ephrata Bikers Breakfast and Ride be in the Mary Wells Room at the historic Meet COG members at Cloister Post 429 of Penn Wells Hotel. (MA) Sat, June 16, 7:30AM the American legion, 300 Cocalico St., JASON KAPLITZ H 814.615.9138 Quabbin Reservoir Ride Ephrata, PA near the loading dock. We’ll C 814.615.9138 Meet at Cliff’s Diner, 268 Main St. (Rte 119), chat, look at bikes and deicide on the ride STEVEN SMITH H 203.720.7575 Townsend, MA for breakfast at 7:30 AM and and lunch spot from there. join a Group Ride out to the Quabbin ReserSTEPHEN RUTTER H 717.361.1189 voir stopping for lunch at Antonio’s Pizza, 31 (PA) Sun, June 3, 9:00 - 11:00 AM Federal Street (Rt-9), Belchertown, MA. Ride (ON) Tue, May 8, 6:30 PM Ephrata Bikers Breakfast and Ride leaves Cliff’s at 8:30am, please gas up beth South Central Ont. Meet & Greet (See May 6 for details) nd fore breakfast. 2 Tuesday each month at Mohawk Inn, KEVIN MARTIN H 978.459.6275 9230 Guelph Lane, Campbellville, ON, just (PA) Fri -Sun, June 8 -10, 12:00 PM North of 401. All welcome. Many hungry peo- 16th Annual BMW Rider Campout ple arrive earlier to get their dinner. A mainly A campout for all riders, sponsored by BMW (ON) Mon, June 18, 6:30 PM social function to meet other riders, shoot the Riders. The event takes place at Pioneer GTA East - Meet & Greet breeze, plan rides. Park Campground, 273 Trent Rd., Somerset, (See May 14 for Details) DAVE PERKINS H 416.691.2191 PA. $50 registration includes 2 nights ing, 3 meals, door prizes and self-guided (MA) Sat, June 30, 7:30 AM route info. Contact Jason for registration and Bridge of Flowers Ride (PA) Sat, May 12, 8:30 AM more details. Join us for a visit out to the Bridge of Flowers Ride to Canton PA Vintage Bike Show JASON KAPLITZ H 814.615.9138 in Shelburne MA. This ride will start from a Meet at the Country Cupboard Inn, 7701 new breakfast place called The River City West Branch Hwy., Lewisburg, PA, for breakDiner, 68 Airport Rd, Fitchburg, MA. Meet fast and then ride to Canton, PA, to the vin(MA) Fri -Sun, June 8 -10 for breakfast at 7:30 AM; ride leaves at 8:30 tage bike show. No Frills Camping Weekend AM out Rte 2 West to Wendell Depot then GEORGE GRIFFITH H 570.925.5010 Join hosts Greg & Tracey Habel for a spring through Shutesbury, Leverette Town, DeerC 570.651.2919 camping weekend in north central MA on the field and parts west to the North Adams hair NH border at the Otter River State Forest, 86 pin turn. After the hair pin turn, we’ll head (NY) Sat, May 12, 10:00 AM Winchendon Rd., Baldwinville, MA. On SatEast on Rte 2 to the Shelborne Bridge of Ivan’s Performance COG Open House urday we’ll have a morning ride, lunch at a Flowers and lunch. After lunch, the ride will Join us for a COG meet & greet and Open family restaurant followed by attending a Flat end at the Townsend Creamery for a treat. House event at Ivan's Performance ProdTrack race in Winchendon, MA. (Annual KEVIN MARTIN H 978.459.6275 ucts, 175 N. Route 9W, Congers, NY. Meet Jamison Minor Memorial Race). Ivan, check out the shop and have your C14 flash questions answered. Free test rides of Tenting not your thing? Try one of the yurts (NY) Sat, June 30 11:30 AM Ivan’s flash in your C14. 50% discount for at the campground complete with bunk beds, Big W BBQ Meet and Greet C14 flash purchase that day only. Lunch tables, chairs, water, and electric. Just bring This is the annual COG NE pilgrimage to go and cold drinks provided between 11:30ayour own linens and utensils. Meals are on for a ride and enjoy great BBQ. We will con1:30p. Free t-shirts for attendees. your own. verge on Big W BBQ, 1475 Route 22, WingMARK HERING H 201.213.9971 GREG HABEL H 508.444.2235 dale, NY for some great eats. Keep in mind C 508.745.6677 they open at 12:00 PM, but some folks get TERRY FAHERTY H 718.227.2099 (Continued on page 7)

2018 - Issue #2


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS (Continued from page 6)

there a little early to meet & greet. STEVEN SMITH H 203-720-7575 TERRY FAHERTY H 718.227.2099 . (PA/MD) Sat, June 30, 9:30 AM Shady Maple Smorgasbord RTE Meet at 9:30 AM (kickstands up at 10 AM) at the back-parking lot Sheetz, 3281 Main St., Manchester, MD (at the intersection of MD Rte 30 and MD Rte 27.) The ride is 95 miles long and takes about 3 ½ hours. The ride will take you through some of Russell Fleming’s hidden back roads through PA Amish Country. RUSSELL FLEMMING H 443-375-1215 (PA) Sun, July 1, 9:00 - 11:00 AM Ephrata Bikers Breakfast and Ride (See May 6th for details) (NH) Sat ,July 7, 8:30 AM Newport Day Ride Join me for a ride up to Newport NH and lunch at the Fabulous 50’s Car Hop Drive-In. The Car Hop is an old fashioned out-door drive-in restaurant located on Sunappe Street in Newport NH. Ride leaves from Cliff’s Restaurant, 268 Main St. (Rte 119), Townsend, MA at 8:30 AM. Pease gas up before the ride. Ride will end at the Tyngsboro Mobil-On-The-Run, Westward Rd., easy access to Rtes 3 and 495. KEVIN MARTIN H 978.459.6275 (ON) Tue, July 10, 6:30 PM South Central Ont. Meet & Greet (see May 8 for details) (PA/MD) Sat - Sun, July 14 - 15, 11:30 AM Creekside Grill ‘n Ride By popular demand, the Creekside Grill 'n Ride is again going to be a 2-day event with overnight camping. Arrive at 11:30 on Saturday with lunch served at noon. Spend the day on self-guided rides OR hang around Creekside. Last year’s ride was great. An evening cookout will be at 5:00. Overnight camping is available including outdoor shower & port-a-john facilities. Sunday will begin with breakfast served at 8:30, followed again by self-guided rides. Contact Jack for registration. JACK FREDERICK H 717.764.9091 C 717.361.1189 (ON) Mon, July 16, 6:30 PM GTA East - Meet & Greet (See May 14 for Details) (VA) Fri - Sun, August 3 - 5 Dog Days Weekend, 2018 Staunton is the perfect launching pad for some of the best riding anywhere. The Blue Ridge Parkway is 17 miles from the hotel and

2018 - Issue #2

several GREAT routes into WV start or are very close. There are local wineries and breweries for after hours. It is only a 3 block walk to the restored downtown area where there are many choices for food and beverages. Staunton is a great location to bring a non-riding spouse or partner! JASON KAPLITZ H 814.615.9138 C 814.615.9138 (MA) Sat, August 4, 10:30 AM Ride to Submarine Nautilus We will leave Lowell’s Restaurant, 75 Cape Rd., Mendon, MA at 10:30 AM and ride to the Vanilla Bean in Pomfret, CT for lunch. After lunch we will ride to the U.S.S. Nautilus Submarine and Museum at One Crystal Lake Rd., Groton, CT. Parking and Entry to the Museum are free. LYLE COOPER H 508.923.9711 C 508.361.3451

(ON) Mon, September 17, 6:30 PM GTA East - Meet & Greet (See May 14 for Details) (PA) Sun, October 7, 9:00 - 11:00 AM Ephrata Bikers Breakfast and Ride (See May 6th for details) ON) Tue, October 9, 6:30 PM South Central Ont. Meet & Greet (see May 8 for details) (ON) Mon, October 15, 6:30 PM GTA East - Meet & Greet (See May 14 for Details)

(WV) Fri-Sun, October 19-21 Bridge Day Festival Weekend This is a non-COG event. Bridge Day is the largest extreme sports event in the world and is held on the third Saturday in October every year in Fayette County, West Virginia (WV), (PA) Sun, August 5, 9:00 - 11:00 AM USA. Hundreds of BASE jumpers and nearly Ephrata Bikers Breakfast and Ride 80,000 spectators are expected to attend next (See May 6th for details) year’s Bridge Day on Saturday, October 21, 2017. The New River Gorge Bridge, 876′ tall (VT) Sat, August 11, 7: 15 AM and the world’s third longest single arch Vermont Sports Ride bridge, serves as the launch point for six Meet at Cliff’s Diner, 268 Main St. (Rte 119), hours (9am-3pm EST) of safe, legal BASE Townsend MA for breakfast around 7:15 AM, jumps. We typically watch the jumpers for an then join us for a Vermont Sports Ride up US- hour or two and then go riding. Learn more 5 to Bethel VT, stopping for lunch at the Creek about Bridge Day here: House Diner on Rte 107 in Bethel VT. After lunch we’ll ride down Rte 100 into Ludlow and We'll stay at the Mineral Springs Motel south through Grafton picking up Rte 9 East in in downtown Brattleboro. Ride ends back in Townsend, Webster Springs. A great location to use as MA. home base for Bridge activities and Riding in KEVIN MARTIN H 978.459.6275 general. We'll have no planned agenda! Come as you like, ride as you like. If you've never been to (ON) Tue, August 14, 6:30 PM Bridge Day we can help you plan the weekSouth Central Ont. Meet & Greet end. Our motel is rider friendly, with parking in (see May 8 for details) front of most rooms, gas grill available and campfire along the river! (ON) Mon, August 20, 6:30 PM JASON KAPLITZ H 814.615.9138 GTA East - Meet & Greet C 814.615.9138 (See May 14 for Details) (VA) Thurs - Sun, November 8-11 (PA) Sun, September 2, 9:00 - 11:00 AM Brrrrr Ride Ephrata Bikers Breakfast and Ride Join us for the annual Brrrr Ride. We will camp (See May 6th for details) at the Natural Bridge KOA (cabins available recommend early reservations). (NH) Thu-Sun, September 6-9, 2018 We usually meet for breakfast and dinner at Twistin’ Through the Notch NE Fall Rally We are heading back to the base of Franconia the Pink Cadillac. Organized rides are planned for Friday (11/9/18) and Saturday (11/10/18). Notch in the White Mountains area of New Hampshire and Rally Central will be located at If you'’re not interested in camping, the closest motel is the Budget Inn, 4331 South Lee Highthe lovely Woodward’s resort in Lincoln, NH. See page 2 for details and page 8 for registra- way, Natural Bridge, VA (540-291-2896) Stay tuned to the Forum for news on the tion form. “Buckwheat Pancake Breakfast Benefit” held GREG HABEL H 508.444.2235 annually in Blue Grass – we expect it to be C 508.745.6677 held Sunday (11/11/18), but their schedule is not yet firm. (ON) Tue, September 11, 6:30 PM DUSTY SCHILLING H 540-951-7768 South Central Ont. Meet & Greet (see May 8 for details)


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS C o n c o u r s

O w n e r s

G r o u p

Twistin Through the Notch Part Deux Northeast Area Fall Rally September 6th – 9th, 2018 Lincoln, NH Join hosts Greg and Tracey Habel for a return to the beautiful Franconia Notch area of NH for a fall rally. Rally Headquarters: Woodwar d’s Resor t located at 527 US Route 3 Lincoln, NH 03251. http://www.woodwar dsr esor Toll-free: (800) 6358968; local (603) 745-8141. GPS : N44.08.934 W071.68.356 . Woodward’s Resort is a full feature resort with plenty of onsite amenities such as: Lounge, indoor & outdoor pools, hot tub, sauna, tennis and racquetball courts, game room, horseshoes, and shuffleboard. Each room will include either two queen beds or one double bed with one twin bed, compact refrigerator, coffee maker, iron and ironing board and complimentary WI-FI and cable television. Room Rate: $114.67 plus tax per night for up to 4 guests. Rate does include a hot continental br eakfast. Rooms accommodate up to fou r people per room. Group rate does not include 9% New Hampshire sales tax. Please call the resort and ask for the “Concours Owner's Group” group rate before August 18th, to book your reservation at the discounted rate. At the time of booking, a one night room and tax deposit will be required to confirm the reservation. Cancellation policy: 1 week prior to start of event, if less than one week notice you will be required to pay 1 night room rate. (We have a block of 40 rooms being held for us until August 9th;if they are not sold the block will be reduced to 30 rooms until August 18 th. (After August 18st reservations will be based on resort availability, and are not guaranteed.) Rally Fee: COG Member rate: $42 per person for COG members (regular members and associates). Non-Member rate: $57 per person. Everyone can save $5 by registering before 8/6. Save time & postage – register online through online COG Calendar of events. Walk-in registration accepted at standard pricing and subject to seating availability. Register early - Banquet dinner seating limited to first 100 registrations received. Rally fee covers Saturday group dinner, and other rally expenses. Wristbands will be used to identify registered attendees. Saturday evening banquet dinner buffet will consist of: Garden Salad, Roasted Sirloin carved to order, Chicken dish, Pasta Primavera, Roasted potatoes, fresh vegetable, coffee, tea and soft drinks and dessert. Refund Policy: Rally fee paid less $5.00 per per son befor e 9/01; no r efund after 9/01. Events: Ther e will be a Satur day evening banquet at the r esor t, and a meet and gr eet on Thur sday evening. Riding: Sample self-guided ride routes; download available from online member library or from link at event listing in the COG calendar of events. General Questions: Gr eg and Tr acey Habel: 508-444-2235 Registration Questions: Gr eg and Tr acey Habel: 508-444-2235 or Rally web page: can be found on the Nor theast Ar ea online Calendar of Events at: If registering by mail: complete & mail for m below with r ally fee payable in $US to “Concours Owners Group” to: Greg and Tracey Habel – Fall Rally 2018, 80 Jones Road, Hopedale, MA, 01747 (Cut & return this section) 2018 Fall Rally Registration Form (Please PRINT Clearly)

Name: (One form per person) ____________________________________________ AMA # _____________ COG #____________ Street: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________________________ State/Province: ________________ Zip Code: _______________ Phone: __________________________ E-Mail: __________________________________________________ Country: _________ I will be a: rider / passenger / guest

Motorcycle model: _________________________ License plate: __________________

Emergency Contact Information:


Phone No.:

________________________________________________________ _________________________Relationship: ____________________

Please read and sign the following Concours Owners Group Release: I understand that the Concours Owners Group (COG) cannot assume responsibility for my personal safety in this event. I choose to participate in this event voluntarily, based on my own assessment of my abilities, the routes conditions and facilities, and therefore assume all risks. I release and hold harmless COG, its officers, agents and members from any and all injury and/or loss to my person or property that may result from my participation in this event. I further certify that my vehicle and I are in compliance with all applicable licenses, insurance and financial responsibility laws applicable to my participation in this event. All participants under 18 years of age must have their parent or guardian sign the following additional release. As the parent or guardian of the above participant, and being informed or familiar with the risks normally associated with motorcycle events, I hereby consent to his or her participation in this event, and accept and adopt all the representations and assumptions of risk set forth in the foregoing release.


Parent or

Signature: ________________________________________

Guardian (if applicable) ___________________________________

2018 - Issue #2


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS wake up early and say what the heck. I meet up with Jack and Fish in York, and we expect to see Russell all by his lonesome. Nope, that’s not how COG rolls. We had a table with 14 hard Meet & Greet at J&P’s, Hampstead, MD core COGgers. It was the same for every conversation. This Fourteen motorcycle enthusiasts, mostly COG members, met at weather suxs and I just couldn’t stand it anymore, so I’m J&P's, a nice Italian restaurant in Hampstead, MD, on Sunday, riding. Steve Rutter, co-AAD #9715 February 18th. After getting up to 4" of snow the night before, only one person arrived on two wheels, but by the time we were leaving, the snow was gone, the temp was near 50 degrees, and I was wondering why my Concours was resting at home. Otherwise, the food was very good and the company and discourse was excellent. Greg Puterbaugh, co-AAD #6163

Event Reports

Crab Cake Ride As expected, it was a crisp and breezy 32 degree start for the 2018 version of the PA-MD Crab Cake Ride. That is to be expected for what is technically still winter. Temperatures under the full sunshine did warm up to 51 degrees. Five riders started out in Westminster, MD and joined up with four riders near Glen Rock PA. Three other COGgers rode in from places like Reading and Allentown, PA for the fine meal at Woodies in Northeast MD. It’s funny to see us traipsing around the restaurant in High-Viz gear with a bunch of heated gear cables dangling out of jackets, sleeves, and pants. One patron asked Jack if he was crazy for riding in that weather. The answer….It helps! It was a great kick off ride for 2018. Steve Rutter, co-AAD #9715

Factory 5 Tour Originally scheduled for early March, mother nature foiled our plans with a storm that caused a power outage in Wareham, MA. A fraction of those who signed up showed up anyway, and we had an impromptu (4 wheeled) ride to a local restaurant led by Coop (#7588). We rescheduled the event and crossed our fingers for nicer weather. The weather did cooperate and on April 7th we had a good crowd. Factory 5 is the world's largest manufacturer of component car kits, and they graciously agreed to let us tour their facility. They make some amazingly beautiful cars, and while everybody enjoyed the tour, I didn’t see any contracts being signed before we left. There were, however, many catalogues taken home, so perhaps we will see one of these kit cars at a future COG rally. Maryann Geiser, # 4627A

“Cancelled” C14 Riders and Friends Ride Let me tell you about the PA-MD Ride that got cancelled (basically the inside scoop on how COG works.) It isn’t normal. The forecast calls for a chance of snow and temps in the 20’s. The AAD, Greg, sends out an email saying “Drats, we are going to cancel the ride but Russell is still going to the breakfast and will be handing out the ride sheets.” Then my phone starts ringing, the emails and PM’s flow and all you hear is, yeah it’s cancelled but you are still going right?? Well for me, it meant starting the in the dark with temps 23-28 degrees for an 89 mile ride just to get to the breakfast. So in the end, I

2018 - Issue #2


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS (Continued from page 9)

Forget Your Taxes Ride The 2018 version of the Forget Your Taxes Ride April 14th, was unforgettable. We welcomed a new COG rider, Mike, and Chuck Landis led one of two groups of riders totaling 9 bikes for a twisty ride to Schaefer's Canal House In Chesapeake City MD. Sitting on the deck enjoying the sunshine had us all reflecting on what a difference a week makes, as we transitioned from 23 degree riding temps and snow showers mid-week to a beautiful mid-80’s riding temps. The ride featured two confusing detours, crowded mud sales, and countless horse and buggies to pass along the way. If you forgot about the Forget your Taxes Ride, you missed out. Steve Rutter, co-AAD #9715

Favorite Roads Ride The weather was perfectly sunny, and for a change not windy for the second annual Greg and Russell’s Favorite Roads ride April 22nd, 2018. After 17 of us ate a hearty breakfast at the busy Dutch Country Restaurant near Hanover, PA, we set out to take on an entirely new set of roads. Greg and Russell each led a group of riders, and as usual the pace was brisk and the ride well planned as we bounced north and south several times on the Mason-Dixon line. We know tires are expensive and wear down fast, however this was a free ride considering the tires since we only rode on the sides ,which we usually throw away unused. I bet that young squid on the sport bike was wondering “what the hell” as five old guys on sport touring and an ADV bike roared past him and just kept going! Don’t miss out on next year, since these guys are not even close to running out of roads. Steve Rutter, co-AAD #9715

photo courtesy Kevin Martin #145

Area Director

Naugatuck CT


Greg/Tracey Habel #7010 VACANT— Help Needed Bob Chappell #1283 Greg Puterbaugh #6163 Steven Rutter #9715 George Griffith #6377 VACANT— Help Needed Jim Ansbro #8443 VACANT— Help Needed Steve Cerutti #6763 VACANT— Help Needed Stephen Strock #10396 Terry Faherty #792 VACANT— Help Needed Dave Perkins #5932 Derek Pugh #11636 VACANT— Help Needed Christian Dupuis #10098 Claude Doucet #9011

AAD MA/VT/NH/ME AAD CT/RI AAD DelMarVa AAD S. Central PA/MD AAD S. Central PA/MD AAD Northeast PA AAD VA/WV AAD Southeast PA/Philly AAD W Hudson Valley NY AAD E Hudson Valley NY AAD Long Island NY AAD Central NY AAD Metro NY/NJ AAD Central NJ AAD Greater Toronto AAD Eastern Ontario AAD Eastern Ontario AAD Greater Montreal AAD Atlantic Canada

Hopedale MA


Claymont DE Hanover PA Elizabethtown PA Benton PA

302-791-0582 717-632-3324 717-361-1189 r 570-925-5010

Newtown PA


Copake Falls NY


Syracuse NY Staten Island NY

315-492-6032 718-227-2099

Toronto ON Ottawa ON

416-691-2191 613-222-9554

VACANT— Help Needed Maryann Geiser #4627A

NE Webmaster NE Newsletter Editor


Sainte-Martine PQ 450-427-0182 Middle Sackville NS 902-252-5062

Tewksbury MA



Steven Smith #3184

2018 - Issue #2

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