2018 - Issue #3
COGnitions: Ramblings from the Northeast Area Director
photo courtesy Bob Barbanti #7134
Let me send out kudos to the rally 2018 team. They ran a wonderful event. Due to timing logistics I decided to fly to the event landing in Houston. Fred Boothe, Dan Vacek, Doug Meister could not have been more hospitable as my hosts. Muchos gacias to Chuck Kimball for allowing me to use his C14. At the Three Sisters 2018 National Rally in Kerrville, TX, I had the honor to be there for the announcement of next year’s rally... the Keystone National Steve Smith #3184 Rally in Williamsport, PA July 22nd-26th, 2019. It was sometime during the 2016 Spring Fling regional rally when Jason Kaplitz came up to me and quietly said, I think this would make a great national rally location. The NE staff met several times by conference call, at rallies, and many emails. A terrific rally introduction video was presented as the last item of business at the banquet dinner. I realize that most of the attendees there lived far from the eastern coast and Pennsylvania, but the response from the crowd was incredible. I want to thank every member of the COG NE staff for contributing rally location ideas, discussing the pros and cons of each, and then helping to select what was felt to be the best proposal. Other ideas will be held in our pocket for possible future events. Special thanks go to rallymeister Jason Kaplitz and AAD George Griffith who is our local boots-on-theground AAD. Thanks to AAD Christian Dupuis for visiting Williamsport with us this past May, taking a ton of photos, and then creating the announcement video shown. Thanks to long time member Kendra Weaver for providing the graphic art talent and collaboration to develop the rally artwork. You can view these and read more about the rally on the events page in this issue. 2019 marks the Concours Owners Group 30th anniversary. No other gr oup dedicated to the Kawasaki Concours has been around this long. Let’s celebrate together. On to other NE Area business… I would like to thank and welcome Tim Traylor (COG#12811) as one of our new members and the latest addition to the COG NE staff. He recently contacted me eager to bring more COG activities to southern Maryland, and he proposed hosting an event in September that was added to the schedule. Not long after that, Tim asked about adding another similar activity in July and had ideas for more rides and meet & greets. His enthusiasm to generate more camaraderie and activity among members in this region is commendable and led me to ask him to consider joining the NE staff in the future. He was ready to toss his hat in the ring right then and there and I appointed him as NE AAD, US Capital Region. Please contact Tim if you reside in his region, would like to help him organize activities, or just participate. On the COG forum and Facebook I recently read about a member’s experiences regarding “The Spirit of COG.” There is more to the story that you can read for yourself, but it seems the culmination that got him to post his experience was another member helping him diagnose a problem with his bike in the parking lot at the national rally in Kerrville, TX. Members helping members is not uncommon in COG and happens in all forms… from being club officer or assistants, hosting rides or other activities, rescuing a member in distress, and more. We tout the club motto “Join for the bike, Stay for the people” often. The members of COG are what make this organization unique. This point can easy be missed by those who see the club only from the online forum & social media perspective where many have a selfish viewpoint that does not extend far from the keyboard and they tend to focus and post up the negative more than the positive. (Continued on page 2)
Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS
New Members First things first, a warm welcome to our Newest NE Area COG members!
Barry Cox Donald Duffy David Jacobson Jason Henderson William King Timagnus Traylor Bruce Bell Ed Snow Ed Johnson Steve Williams Jennifer Teich Jim Miller
12784 12785 12794 12795 12810 12811 12813 12817 12820 12822 12822A 12832
Cornwall, ON Easton, PA Southfield, NY Toronto, ON Norfolk, MA Waldorf, MD Macedon, NY Somerset, MA Gap, PA Greenwich, CT Greenwich, CT East Hartford, CT
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A few months ago, Kevin Martin wrote me and expressed concern that more people are not recognized at rallies. There’s good stuff happening so often that it is easy to overlook how special the members of this club are. There are many members worthy of honorable mention over the years that we could fill volumes of this newsletter. Instead of addressing a limited audience at rallies we need to shout this out loud, and as Kevin mentioned, let other members and prospective members know what type of club this is. So… if you see something noteworthy, I suggest writing up a few paragraphs and send it to me and I will compile a “SHOUT OUT” section in the newsletter. Here is one to kick it off… At the Spring Fling Rally this past May, Paul Medeiros pulled into rally central Thursday evening with a significant fuel leak on his BMW. He pulled of the plastic to discover a broken fuel quick-disconnect. Without [much] hesitation Jason Kaplitz offered his bike to Paul so that he could pick up repair parts, return to the motel where he was staying a town away, and then return in the morning to make repairs. When Paul returned in the AM, Pat Mulloy was there and broke out his tools and helped make the needed repairs. Lastly, the dates and location for the next Spring Fling Rally have been set. MAY 16-19 2019 in Matamoras PA. We ar e going back to the same Best Western, and it will be even nicer since it just had a complete renovation. We negotiated a terrific price of $99/night (only $8 more than 7 years ago); but the catch is you must make reservations before March 1. See the preliminary information in the Ride Schedule in this issue. Until next time, ride safe.
Editor’s Corner
Concours Owners Groupsm
NORTHEAST AREA NEWS Published 5 times a year for the Concours Owners Group and distributed to Northeast Area members. Past newsletters are archived in the club’s online member library at www.cog-online.org Also available at: issuu.com/cognortheast Written (most formats except Works) & photo (most formats) submissions are welcomed and members are encouraged to share their COG experiences. Please send to: Email: NECOGEditor@gmail.com Snail Mail: COG NE Newsletter c/o Maryann Geiser 139 Kennedy Rd Tewksbury MA 01876 © 1989-2018 Concours Owners Groupsm
When I heard that the 2018 rally was being held in Texas, my first thought was that it was going to be unbearably hot - I imagined a sauna from dawn to dusk. I was pleasantly surprized with temps starting in the mid-70’s rising into the 90’s, but the heat of the day didn’t start until late afternoon. Time constraints meant we flew to TX and rented bikes so we could ride the sisters (routes 335, 336 and 337). The scenery was beautiful, the roads all different (some twisty, some hilly, some curvy) and fun to ride. Route 39 by the Guadalupe River was cool and shaded, curvy and an entirely different landscape from the grass lands we Maryann Geiser #4627A had been traveling through. We had lunch at the fabled Bent Rim Grill and met a local rider who told stories of his family going back to a time when this area was still part of Mexico. The highlight of the trip was meeting and talking with Voni Glaves. After the woman’s breakfast I got to sit and chat with her and Paul about their adventures and asked about her Iron Butt Rally experiences. She’s a very warm and approachable woman with great stories. The entire rally was great! We were provided with wonderful food, gracious and friendly folks, and thoughtful touches like having the conference room open all day with cold drinks and snacks. Thanks to all the South Central folks who put together a very enjoyable and successful rally. Maryann
2018 - Issue #3
Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS
Around the NORTHEAST News from your Assistant Area Directors (complete list of AADs on back page)
Metro NY, NJ Hello again all! Summer is now in full swing and prime riding days are upon us. My Americade ride was quite pleasant with seven bikes and Terry Faherty #792 eight riders enjoying a perfect Adirondack day. Lunch at the Lake Placid Brewpub was tasty and all seemed to enjoy the day. It would have been picture perfect if not for the three inch finishing nail I discovered in my rear tire. At least it must have happened late in the ride because I didn't notice anything until we had stopped for a post ride cigar at Scotty's cigar shop second home. After a quick call to the local dealer, a new bun was acquired and installed thanks to Scott's No Mar tire changer so the fun could continue. Unfortunately for yours truly, there was a major change at work and I no longer enjoy steady weekends off. I have every other weekend which I guess is better than none! This definitely puts a damper on my ride planning, but opens up the possibility for a Friday or Tuesday hooky ride for those who can pull it off. As I write this I've already registered for the Fall Rally in New Hampshire and as soon as this column is put to bed I'll be making my reservation. The Lincoln area has some nice riding and plenty to see. I haven't been there since 1994 so I'm looking forward to it. As Jason would say, "Book dem rooms!" Stay tuned to the forum and calendar for upcoming day rides and meet and greets as soon as my new schedule settles down. Ride safe all and see you out there! Terry
2018 - Issue #3
Eastern Ontario Well as cool and wet as last summer was, this year were getting dry and hot… did I say hot? I meant HOT! In fact we just got over a 7 day heat wave that would have made riding uncomfortable. Yes I said it Derek Pugh #11636 uncomfortable! I found last year 33c plus humidity was about my comfort limit, the heat wave was 37C with high humidity that made it feel like 46C (115f). But I need not worry as I was unable to ride anyways (more on that shortly). Eastern Ontario COG had a very nice ride from Ottawa to Trenton to meet up with Dave Perkins and his Southern Ontario COG group who were having their annual Tech Day. On the ride we had 2 C14 and a C10. The weather was perfect, the roads were clear, and we had great company. Who could ask for anything more! Well I could … I have been searching for a small intermittent coolant leak since last fall without success. Intermittent problems are the worst. In my case I would find a small puddle of coolant on the floor the morning after some ride, but not all (nothing for the previous 2 weeks). Well the morning after the Trenton ride I found a bigger puddle than ever before. Testing in the driveway found my leak was a hole in a fin of the radiator that was intermittent no more. Radiator out, I took it to the rad shop and was told not repairable. I looked for a used one, but the ones I saw were rough looking so I broke down and went to the dealer who the week before had stock in the warehouse. Seems someone else was having radiator problems as well because the warehouse was out. Back order for 2 weeks… then 3… and then on July 4th it was at the dealer. We are eating mac and cheese this month but I have a brand new radiator and no more puddles. The heat wave was still on then so I worked in the shade as much
as possible but it still took 2 days to get it in with a lot of inside cooling breaks needed. Now back up and riding I feel so much better but will be doing non-motorcycle life events for most of the next month. Late August or early September I hope to set up a ride or lunch meet up for Eastern Ontario Riders. Till then, ride safe and stay hydrated! Derek
South Central PA/MD After a cold damp spring that kept the bikes in the garage way too much, summer has finally arrived. The Spring Fling offered a couple good days of riding, including a ride to Benezett to see elk (we did) and Greg Puterbaugh #6163 a stop at Hyner's Overlook (WOW) on the way back. We also included a lunch ride to Watkins Glen, NY. The banquet was well done, as was the entire rally. Kudos to Jason, Steve, and the entire event staff. I'd like to welcome new MD/D.C. AAD, Tim Traylor, to COG. He already has a couple events on the calendar that are worth checking out. Best wishes, Tim. Looking ahead, the upcoming months offer many opportunities to get out and ride with your COG pals, so, again, check the calendar. Regardless, your bike needs the exercise. Greg
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Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS (Around the Northeast - Continued from page 3)
MA, ME, NH, VT It is hard to believe we are already well into July. We have been enjoying some nice weather here in the Greg & Tracey Habel Northeast. #7010/7010A Greg was fortunate enough to attend the Spring Fling in Wellsboro, PA for the first time this year and had a great time riding around the area and spending time with all the folks that attended. I couldn’t make it due to work and lack of time off with the new job.—L On the weekend of June 8th-10th we held a no frills camping weekend with a ride on Saturday in the North-Central area of MA and into NH with lunch at a quaint little restaurant. We didn’t have any takers for camping, but we did see some friends for the ride on Saturday. Greg and I ended the day on Saturday with a trip to the Flat Track races in Winchendon. It was a nice event and it was amazing to see some of the “Junior” riders taking to the track. I think the youngest riders may have been around 6 or 7 years old! Later in June, Kevin Martin hosted a couple of his popular rides such as the Bridge of Flowers ride and a Quabbin Reservoir ride. Coming up on Saturday August 4th, Coop will be hosting a ride to tour the Submarine Nautilus in Groton, CT. The ride will start at Lowell’s Restaurant in Mendon, MA and include a free tour of the sub in the afternoon. Lowell’s serves breakfast so feel free to come early and have breakfast before the ride which leaves at 10:30 AM. August 11th will be Kevin’s Vermont Sports Ride which will include parts of routes US-5 and Route 100 in Vermont and heading to Brattleboro. It is hard to believe that the Fall Rally is quickly approaching with less than 2 months to go. Greg and I will be your hosts for this one at the Woodward’s Resort in Lincoln, NH on September 6th-
If you have not spent a lot of time in this area, this is the perfect opportunity to check it out and hang out with some great folks. If you have been here before and liked it, here is the perfect excuse to go back! The resort has breakfast included so you can fuel up before heading out for the day. The resort also boasts an indoor pool and hot tub in the same building as our block of rooms. What better way to wind down at the end of a Fall ride then in the hot tub! Make your reservations ASAP to secure a room from our reserved block and take advantage of the early registration discount which will quickly disappear in early August. There is a huge selection of great things to do and see in the Lincoln area. Literally something for everyone! See you in Lincoln! Tracey & Greg
U.S. Capital Region As the Washington, D.C. area gets those C10s and C14s out and about, you may notice an unfamiliar one in the midst. So if you see an Arabian Red one zooming around the area (and especially in D.C. Tim Traylor #12811 itself), it's probably me spreading the good word about COG! I have planned three events in the region and hope to plan more soon. There are three meet & greets planned for 2018. There is a lunch meet & greet on Sunday, July 29th and a breakfast meet & greet on Sunday, September 23rd; both of these are in La Plata, MD. There is also a meet & greet in Odenton, MD on Sunday, August 19th. Hopefully COGgers in the U.S. Capital Region and surrounding areas will be able to attend one of these events, and I can get some real-time face time with you as your new AAD.
E Hudson Valley NY Greetings, Northeast Area COGgers. I have been quiet for a while as life has thrown a series of predicaments at my family – some good and some not so good, but such is the balance of life. I hope you have all been having a prosperous Steve Cerutti #6763 and fun-filled summer of good health, and a glut of twowheeled time. I look forward to the Fall rally in Lincoln, NH this coming September. Lincoln, NH has proven to be a fantastic rally venue with stunning scenery and great riding in any direction. Many thanks to the NE staff organizing this event. I know we have a nice rally in the works for next spring, and we will all certainly have a great time at the National Rally in Williamsport, PA, but there was no talk of a Fall rally for 2019. However, after brainstorming a bit with AAD George Griffiths, we decided to explore the idea of a Thousand Islands Rally in Alexandria Bay, NY. The planning is in its infancy, but we have had some decent vibes when speaking to the proprietor of a potential rally location. Sue and I will be scouting the area in mid-August and will begin negotiations, and then George and I may go back in early September to finalize everything. We will keep you posted. I don’t think COG has been to this area before, but I think it’ll be a good rally location. As always keep your eye on the event calendar, and don’t be shy about assisting your local AAD. I always say this ad nauseam…you do not have to be an officer of COG to plan a ride or event. I’m back, and I hope to see you all in Lincoln. Steve
2018- Issue #3
Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS
(VT) Sat, August 11, 7: 15 AM Vermont Sports Ride Meet at Cliff’s Diner, 268 Main St. (Rte 119), Time listed is START time. Townsend MA for breakfast around 7:15 AM, Visit www.cog-online.org for updates and then join us for a Vermont Sports Ride up US more details. 5 to Bethel, VT, stopping for lunch at the Creek House Diner on Rte 107 in Bethel, VT. (MD) Sun, July 29, 12:00 PM After lunch we’ll ride down Rte 100 into Southern MD M&G/MIR Ride Ludlow and south through Grafton picking up Meet at the Texas Roadhouse at 103 Drury Rte 9 East in Brattleboro. Ride ends back in Dr., La Plata, MD for lunch before heading ot Townsend, MA. for a 48-mile romp in southeastern Charles KEVIN MARTIN H 978.459.6275 County that will end at the Xtreme Dragbike cog145@verizon.net Association’s annual Bike Fest. Check calendar page web site or with Tim to verify (ON) Tue, August 14, 6:30 PM starting location. South Central Ont. Meet & Greet TIM TRAYLOR H 301.535.6193 2nd Tuesday each month at Mohawk Inn, ebonyzg1400@gmail.com 9230 Guelph Lane, Campbellville, ON, just North of 401. All welcome. Many hungry (VA) Fri - Sun, August 3 - 5 people arrive earlier to get their dinner. A Dog Days Weekend, 2018 mainly social function to meet other riders, Staunton is the perfect launching pad for shoot the breeze, plan rides. some of the best riding anywhere. The Blue DAVE PERKINS H 416.691.2191 Ridge Parkway is 17 miles from the hotel and several GREAT routes into WV start or are very close. There are local wineries and breweries for after hours. It is only a 3 block walk to the restored downtown area where there are many choices for food and beverages. Staunton is a great location to bring a non-riding spouse or partner! JASON KAPLITZ H 814.615.9138 C 814.615.9138 cog62@kaplitz.com (PA) Sat-Sun, August 4-5, 11:00 AM Burgers, Brats & Beans M&G Come enjoy some great riding, boating and camping at my river lot 654 Big Run Road in Williamsport, PA. lot #570. Please register on the COG sight so i have an accurate count. I have room for tent camping and some limited camper beds in my motor home, so those are first-come-first-served. GEORGE GRIFFITH H 570.651.2919 gbgriff@epix.net
(MA) Sat, August 4, 10:30 AM Ride to Submarine Nautilus We will leave Lowell’s Restaurant, 75 Cape Rd., Mendon, MA at 10:30 AM and ride to the Vanilla Bean in Pomfret, CT for lunch. Then we ride to the U.S.S. Nautilus Submarine and Museum at One Crystal Lake Rd., Groton, CT. Parking and Entry to the Museum are free. LYLE COOPER H 508.923.9711 C 508.361.3451 lcooper370@comcast.net (PA) Sun, August 5, 9:00 - 11:00 AM Ephrata Bikers Breakfast and Ride Meet COG members at Cloister Post 429 of the American legion, 300 Cocalico St., Ephrata, PA near the loading dock. We’ll chat, look at bikes and deicide on the ride and lunch spot from there. STEPHEN RUTTER H 717.361.1189 ruttersm@comcast.net
2018 - Issue #3
(MD) Sun, August 19, 11:30 AM US Capital Region M&G Join Russell Fleming at the Jiffy Mart at the intersection of Rte 97 & Magna Way, Westminster, MD (across from the Carroll County Airport). Kinkstands up at 9AM. Or, join Tim Traylor at the Wawa at the intersection of Rte 301 and Billingsley Rd, White Plains, MD by 9AM. The rides will lead to The Hideaway, 1439 Odenton Rd, Odenton, MD for a lunch at 12:00 noon. TIM TRAYLOR H 240.416.9259 H 301.535.6193 ebonyzg1400@gmail.com
(ON) Mon, August 20, 6:30 PM GTA East - Meet & Greet 3rd Monday EVERY MONTH at Tartan Tavern, 555 Rossland Rd East, Oshawa, ON. All welcome. Arrive early to kick tires and tell lies in the parking lot (weather permitting). A social function to meet other riders, discuss tech issues, shoot the breeze, and plan rides. DAVE PERKINS H 416.691.2191
Franconia Notch in the White Mountains area of New Hampshire and Rally Central will be located at the lovely Woodward’s resort in Lincoln, NH. See page 7 for details and registration form. GREG HABEL H 508.444.2235 C 508.745.6677 cog7010@verizon.net (ON) Tue, September 11, 6:30 PM South Central Ont. Meet & Greet (see August 14 for details) (ON) Mon, September 17, 6:30 PM GTA East - Meet & Greet (See August 20 for Details) (MD) Sun, September 23, 8:00 AM Southern MD M&G/MIR Ride We will meet 8:00 AM for breakfast at the IHOP,116 Rosewick Rd, La Plata, MD (this is subject to change - check here before heading). We will leave IHOP at 9:00 AM for a 62 mile ride on a modified version of the Nanjemoy Loop. Once completed and after taking a breather and a fuel break, there is a further 48-mile romp in southeastern Charles County that will end at the racetrack in time for the start of eliminations and the final round trials. TIM TRAYLOR H 301.535.6193 ebonyzg1400@gmail.com
(MD) Sun September 30, 8:30 AM Kawasaki C14 Riders and Friend’s Ride Meet for breakfast at the Golden Corral, 5621 Spectrum Dr., Frederick, MD. Route sheets will be handed out for a 135-mile selfguided ride that will end at Brown’s Orchard in Loganville PA. The ride will take you on some of the FINEST Motorcycle riding roads in the area. Come out and show your support for Sport Touring at its finest. You will ride in Maryland, Pennsylvania. GREG PUTERBAUGH H 717.632.3324 pbaugh1@comcast.net
(MA) Sun September 30, 12:00 Noon Bag Lunch M&G Greet at Quabbin Reservoir perkins43@rogers.com Meet us at the Quabbin Hill Tower at the Quabbin Reservoir, 485 Ware Rd., (PA) Sun, August 26, 9:00 Belchertown, MA. Bring a bag lunch as we Left Right Up Down #3 enjoy the view. The afternoon ride will be a Breakfast buffet at the Keystone Family choice of a short 1 hour or 2.5 hour ride Restaurant, 10530 Buchanan Trail E., around the Quabbin followed by ice cream. Rouzerville, PA. at 9AM, followed by a scenic GREG HABEL H 508.444.2235 ride to Friendly's in Gettysburg, PA. C 508.745.6677 COG7010@verizon.net GREG PUTERBAUGH H 717-632-3324 pbaugh1@comcast.net (PA) Sun, October 7, 9:00 - 11:00 AM Ephrata Bikers Breakfast and Ride (PA) Sun, September 2, 9:00 - 11:00 AM (See August 5 for details) Ephrata Bikers Breakfast and Ride (See August 5th for details) (ON) Tue, October 9, 6:30 PM South Central Ont. Meet & Greet (NH) Thu-Sun, September 6-9, 2018 (see August 14 for details) Twistin’ Through the Notch NE Fall Rally We are heading back to the base of (Continued on page 6)
Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS (Continued from page 5)
(MD) Fri, October 12, 6:00 PM S. MD M&G at Midnight Madness All COG members and friends are invited down to southern MD for a "meet and greet" at (PA) Thu - Sun, May 16-19, 2019 the Maryland International Raceway, 27861 NE SPRING FLING RALLY Budds Creek Rd., Buds Creek, MD. We will Matamoras PA meet at the track at 6:00 PM (the specific The last rally we did in Matamoras was in location at the track will be posted closer to 2012 and we had a blast. Thanks to a the event - stay tuned). suggestive nudge from Kevin Martin we will be TIM TRAYLOR H 301.535.6193 going back there this spring. There is great ebonyzg1400@gmail.com riding in Delaware River Valley of north NJ & PA, as well as Hawks Nest and Catskill (ON) Mon, October 15, 6:00 PM Mountains of NY. More info will be available in GTA East - Meet & Greet the next newsletter and online. This is only (See August 20 for Details) preliminary information to allow you to mark you calendar and book your room. We have a (WV) Fri-Sun, October 19-21 limited block of rooms with a special room Bridge Day Festival Weekend rate of $99/night for a double including This is a non-COG event. This is the largest breakfast is only available until MARCH 1, extreme sports event in the world and is held 2019. (the rate jumps $30 after) Call now to on the third Saturday in October in Fayette County, WV. Hundreds of BASE jumpers and book your room, you can always cancel. Best Western at Hunt’s Landing, nearly 80,000 spectators are expected. The 570.491.2400. Mention Concours Owners New River Gorge Bridge, 876′ tall and the world’s third longest single arch bridge, serves Group on 5/16/19 to get our special pricing. as the launch point for six hours (9am-3pm EST) of safe, legal BASE jumps. We typically watch the jumpers for an hour or two and then go riding. www.officialbridgeday.com We'll stay at the Mineral Springs Motel www.mineralspringsmotel.net in downtown Webster Springs. We'll have no planned agenda! Our motel is rider friendly, with parking in front of most rooms, gas grill available and campfire along the river! JASON KAPLITZ H 814.615.9138 C 814.615.9138 cog62@kaplitz.com (VA) Sun, October 21, 9:00 AM My Favorite Neighborhood #3 Meet at the Golden Corral Restaurant, 17635 Valley Mall Rd., Hagerstown, MD at 9AM then go for a ride in my favorite neighborhood, ending at the Milky Way Restaurant in Fort Loudon, Pa. GREG PUTERBAUGH H 717-632-3324
to the… COG Keystone National Rally 2019, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, July 22nd-26th, 2019. The "rally central" venue is in the heart of the quaint and small Williamsport PA downtown, which is easily walkable from the selected hotels. There are plenty of places to eat & drink, small shops to browse, and even a Wegmans to pick up snacks, beverages, and sundry items. Here in the Susquehanna River Valley region, the Allegheny Mountains meet the Allegheny Plateau, and is dissected by the Susquehanna River - the longest river on the east coast. This combination of the mountains, river, and tributaries make for many twisty, hilly roads to ride on. There is terrific riding in all directions, plenty of fun destinations, and wonderful scenery in Pennsylvania and the Finger Lakes region of New York. Visit the Wellsboro, PA area, less than an hour north. It is one of COG NE favorite rally destinations which still has gas street lighting, lots of small shops, and a small central green with the unique Winken, Blinken and Nod statue. The Pennsylvania Grand Canyon, a popular tourist location, is located near Wellsboro. This region is home to a large elk herd. The Elk Country Visitors Center, Winslow Hill Elk Viewing Area, Dents Hill Elk Viewing Area are a couple hours northwest of rally central. Longer day excursions in PA are possible to visit Gettysburg, Lancaster County (PA Dutch country), or Flight 93 National Memorial. Head north to New York and tour the Finger Lake region. Visit some of the many wineries, Watkins Glen State Park, Glenn Curtiss Museum, Corning Glass Museum, or Wings of Eagles Discovery Center. Visit the rally web pages at: www.concours.org/national/2019-national-rally
(VA) Thurs - Sun, November 8-11 Brrrrr Ride Join us for the annual Brrrr Ride. We will camp at the Natural Bridge KOA (cabins available recommend early reservations). www.koakampgrounds.com/where/va/46144.htm
We usually meet for breakfast and dinner at the Pink Cadillac. Organized rides are planned for Friday and Saturday. If you're not interested in camping, the closest motel is the Budget Inn, 4331 South Lee Highway, Natural Bridge, VA (540-291-2896). Stay tuned to the Forum for news on the “Buckwheat Pancake Breakfast Benefit” held annually in Blue Grass – we expect it to be held Sunday, but their schedule is not yet firm. DUSTY SCHILLING H 540-951-7768 cog@centaurfed.com
(PA) Mon - Fri, July 22-26, 2019 COG Keystone National Rally Williamsport PA
2019 marks the Concours Owners Group 30th anniversary. No other group dedicated to the Kawasaki Concours has been around this long. Let's celebrate together. Most in attendance at the 2016 COG NE Spring Fling indicated they wanted to return. Instead of keeping it a regional event, it was decided to make it a big party.
The rally web pages already have lodging and reservation details, along with a start on tourist information. The pages will continue to be built out and expanded in coming months to provide additional details on camping, things to do, local food & drink, and even more tourist information.
Rally Master Jason Kaplitz, Northeast Area Director Steve Smith, and the entire NE Staff and 2019 Rally Team are excited to invite all
2018 - Issue #3
Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS C o n c o u r s
O w n e r s
G r o u p
Twistin Through the Notch Part Deux Northeast Area Fall Rally September 6th – 9th, 2018 Lincoln, NH Join hosts Greg and Tracey Habel for a return to the beautiful Franconia Notch area of NH for a fall rally. Rally Headquarters: Woodwar d’s Resor t located at 527 US Route 3 Lincoln, NH 03251. http://www.woodwar dsr esor t.com/ Toll-free: (800) 6358968; local (603) 745-8141. GPS : N44.08.934 W071.68.356 . Woodward’s Resort is a full feature resort with plenty of onsite amenities such as: Lounge, indoor & outdoor pools, hot tub, sauna, tennis and racquetball courts, game room, horseshoes, and shuffleboard. Each room will include either two queen beds or one double bed with one twin bed, compact refrigerator, coffee maker, iron and ironing board and complimentary WI-FI and cable television. Room Rate: $114.67 plus tax per night for up to 4 guests. Rate does include a hot continental br eakfast. Rooms accommodate up to fou r people per room. Group rate does not include 9% New Hampshire sales tax. Please call the resort and ask for the “Concours Owner's Group” group rate before August 18th, to book your reservation at the discounted rate. At the time of booking, a one night room and tax deposit will be required to confirm the reservation. Cancellation policy: 1 week prior to start of event, if less than one week notice you will be required to pay 1 night room rate. (We have a block of 40 rooms being held for us until August 9th;if they are not sold the block will be reduced to 30 rooms until August 18 th. (After August 18st reservations will be based on resort availability, and are not guaranteed.) Rally Fee: COG Member rate: $42 per person for COG members (regular members and associates). Non-Member rate: $57 per person. Everyone can save $5 by registering before 8/6. Save time & postage – register online through online COG Calendar of events. Walk-in registration accepted at standard pricing and subject to seating availability. Register early - Banquet dinner seating limited to first 100 registrations received. Rally fee covers Saturday group dinner, and other rally expenses. Wristbands will be used to identify registered attendees. Saturday evening banquet dinner buffet will consist of: Garden Salad, Roasted Sirloin carved to order, Chicken dish, Pasta Primavera, Roasted potatoes, fresh vegetable, coffee, tea and soft drinks and dessert. Refund Policy: Rally fee paid less $5.00 per per son befor e 9/01; no r efund after 9/01. Events: Ther e will be a Satur day evening banquet at the r esor t, and a meet and gr eet on Thur sday evening. Riding: Sample self-guided ride routes; download available from online member library or from link at event listing in the COG calendar of events. General Questions: Gr eg and Tr acey Habel: 508-444-2235 Registration Questions: Gr eg and Tr acey Habel: 508-444-2235 or COG7010@verizon.net Rally web page: can be found on the Nor theast Ar ea online Calendar of Events at: www.cog-online.org If registering by mail: complete & mail for m below with r ally fee payable in $US to “Concours Owners Group” to: Greg and Tracey Habel – Fall Rally 2018, 80 Jones Road, Hopedale, MA, 01747 (Cut & return this section) 2018 Fall Rally Registration Form (Please PRINT Clearly)
Name: (One form per person) ____________________________________________ AMA # _____________ COG #____________ Street: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________________________ State/Province: ________________ Zip Code: _______________ Phone: __________________________ E-Mail: __________________________________________________ Country: _________ I will be a: rider / passenger / guest
Motorcycle model: _________________________ License plate: __________________
Emergency Contact Information:
Phone No.:
________________________________________________________ _________________________Relationship: ____________________
Please read and sign the following Concours Owners Group Release: I understand that the Concours Owners Group (COG) cannot assume responsibility for my personal safety in this event. I choose to participate in this event voluntarily, based on my own assessment of my abilities, the routes conditions and facilities, and therefore assume all risks. I release and hold harmless COG, its officers, agents and members from any and all injury and/or loss to my person or property that may result from my participation in this event. I further certify that my vehicle and I are in compliance with all applicable licenses, insurance and financial responsibility laws applicable to my participation in this event. All participants under 18 years of age must have their parent or guardian sign the following additional release. As the parent or guardian of the above participant, and being informed or familiar with the risks normally associated with motorcycle events, I hereby consent to his or her participation in this event, and accept and adopt all the representations and assumptions of risk set forth in the foregoing release.
Parent or
Signature: ________________________________________
2018 - Issue #3
Guardian (if applicable) ___________________________________
Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS settled and relaxed in the shade with the breeze blowing, no one wanted to get up and go for a ride. We had 16 for the Saturday event, 5 overnight campers and Ephrata Bikers’ Breakfast two rode in for the Sunday breakfast. It was a great time and nd The July 2 Ephrata Bikers’ breakfast event was well attended, sorry if you missed it. Jack and Deb deserve a big thank you which was not a surprise given that it was the first Sunday this for hosting the first class event. Jack and Deb know how to year without a threat of rain. The temperatures, however were throw a party! July hot. There were so many motorcycles and folks dropping Steve Rutter #9715 in to chat, it’s hard to know how many COGgers were there, but estimate at least 15, and perhaps more since there were other C-14’s parked elsewhere. Despite our COG NE banner and a lineup of Concours, it was Jack Frederick’s brand new Kawasaki Z900RS that was sucking all of the oxygen, and getting the most attention. Dave Fridirici’s Triumph Thruxton 900 was also a very nice bike, and sported the throwback look as well. The photo below show the two together.
Event Reports
Steve Rutter #9715
Shady Maple Smorgasbord RTE Despite the beastly torrid weather (hey, at least it wasn't snowing or even raining), sixteen people showed up to ride to the Shady Maple smorgasbord on June 30 th in East Earl, Lancaster County, PA on Saturday, including Jeff and Kathy DeBruyne, who made the trek from close to Williamsburg, VA and decided to get a nearby room so they could attend the First Sunday event in Ephrata. As usual, Russell Fleming had very nice back roads route laid out through the woods and past rivers, streams, and gorgeous farms, ending at the world class eatery. Greg Puterbaugh #6163
Creekside Grill ‘N Chill Once again Jack and Deb outdid themselves and provided all of the wonderful accommodations for lunch, dinner, and breakfast the next day. The weather was perfect for July. This should be a ride report, but after everyone rode in and got
(Continued on page 9)
2018 - Issue #3
Event Reports (Continued from page 8)
COG 2018 National “The Three Sisters” Rally in Kerrville Texas Russell W Fleming COG 599 & Ronald Fleming COG 12205 Total Miles Traveled: 4525 miles Day 1 - June 5, 2018 - Left home in Manchester, Maryland and rode to Knoxville, Tennessee via interstates to spend the night. Day 2 - June 6, 2018 - Packed up and rode back roads to Birmingham Alabama for a two-night stay. Day 3 - June 7, 2018 - Found a good local restaurant. After breakfast we went to Barber Motorsport Park and Museum, it is world’s largest private motorcycle collection. They have 1,200 to 1,300 motorcycles on the property at all times. There are 600 to 700 motorcycles on display all the time and keep rotating the display. After five hours in the museum I have motorcycle overload. We went for a ride around Birmingham and saw lots of old growth trees and high dollar homes. Day 4 - June 8, 2018 - Got up early had a good breakfast. Rode 150 miles to Tupelo, Mississippi where we hopped on the Natchez Trace Parkway and rode 164 miles. The Trace is a flat and pretty much straight parkway with historical marks to stop and read. The weather was fine till after 3 pm when it was getting hot. Spend the night in Jackson, Mississippi. Had a good dinner at Brango Seafood House. Day 5 - June 9, 2018 - Left Jackson, Mississippi in the morning. Back on the Natchez Trace Parkway and rode the last 102 miles to Natchez. I can say I rode NTP and don’t need to go back. I guess I am spoiled by the Blue Ridge Parkway. From Natchez we headed west to the Mississippi and Louisiana border were there by 9:50am and the Texas border at noon. Made it to the motel in Livingston, Texas around 2 pm just as it was getting very HOT. The speed limit in Texas is 75 mph on most roads not like at home (Maryland) where the speed limit is 55 mph. On route 63 eighteen miles east of Jasper, Texas a Bobcat ran across the road in front of me. The Bobcat only touched the road 3 times and he was across the road. Day 6 - June 10, 2018 - Left Livingston Texas and head toward Austin, Texas. Before getting to Austin we stopped at very safe place to eat breakfast. There were three Texas State Troopers eating and who knows how many other people were packing firearms. Crazy people drive around Austin, I needed four eyes to keep track of the traffic around me. At 3pm we made it to the Y.O. Ranch Hotel in Kerrville, Texas, home of the 2018 COG National “The Three Sisters” Rally. Before I had my kickstand down a greeter was there with a bottle of ice water and a rag to wipe the sweat off. Then we checked into the hotel and unloaded the motorcycles. I went for a walk and came across Ted Adcock and Jim Snyder and helped them tie down Ted’s canopy. Ted and I went walking around and a C14 came by with the same muffler as Ted’s but much quieter. Ted takes off to find out what made that C14 muffler quieter so he could do the same to his motorcycle. Walked down the street to Cracker Barrell for dinner. In the evening went to Early Arriving Attendees Welcoming Gathering. Met some other people from the Northeast area - Robert Marceau (COG 9537 from Quebec Canadia), Richard Wackett (COG 7182 from New York), and Paul Gould Jr (COG 6562 from Virginia). I mentioned to Fred Boothe that I would lead a ride if they need someone. Day 7 - June 11, 2018 - Had breakfast with Jim Snyder from Texas. He asks what part of Maryland I was from, and I told him Manchester, MD. Hhe said that is just south of Hanover PA. Yes, he was right. He was born in Baltimore MD. At age of 14 they moved to York Springs, PA. Later got married and moved to Hanover PA. Bought a H1 Kawasaki and started drag racing at US 30 Drag Strip in York PA air field. That would have been in the mid-seventies when I was helping on a drag car and raced at US 30 Drag way. Who knows we might have meet back then. The story gets better. I asked what shop he was racing out of and asked if it was Whites Kawasaki in Hanover and he was a mechanic there at that time. That was 3 or 4 years before I started riding Kawasaki. I made my way to the sign in area for the group ride and they asked me to lead a ride. It was a group of 4 - John Cavuot from Texas, Robert Marceau from Canada, Ronald Fleming, and me. Rode the Three Sisters ride. You had to watch out for hoops and curves that could catch you off guard. Seen lots of deer, cattle, goats, zebra and wild hogs. It was starting to get hot after 2 pm. Had an opening meet and greet that evening to kick off the Rally. There was cold cut subs and chip to eat. Got to meet the OTP’s Ralf Peters from Austria and his ride along, Andre Schaefer from Germany. Ralf and I exchanged T-shirts since I was the 2010 OTP. We had a great time talking about people we both know in Europe. Three more Northeast Members joined us. They were Steve Smith from CT, and Maryann & Wayne Geiser from MA. Day 8 - June 12, 2018 - I lead another ride which was called the Enchanted Luckenbach-Willow City Loop. Today it was only 3 of us on the ride. Robert, Ronald and me. The landscape looked like Wyoming and Montana with lots of cattle crossing because we were riding in lots of open range. The types of animals that we saw today were rattlesnake, deer, cattle, goats, mules, horse and burrows. Stop at a road side fruit stand and had a fresh peach. It was very tasty. Lunch time stopped at Luckenbach and had a very good pulled pork sandwich and ice tea. Luckenbach has a population of 3 and I think it is the Rooster, Duck and Gennie. After 2 pm it was getting hot. Had another rally dinner that was a Texas dinner of Fritos, Chili and Cheese and it was very good. Day 9 - June 13, 2018 - Today we went to Fredericksburg, Texas to the Pacific War Museum which was about the war between the USA and Japan in WW2. Fredericksburg is the home of Admiral Nimitz who was the head of one of the fleets in the Pacific that battled Japan. We spend 2 ½ hours in the museum which was interesting if you stayed close to Ted Adcock and the tour guide. After the tour we went outside to where they have plaques of veterans. Ted showed us the plaques that his family raised money for and made in honor of his 4 uncles who fought in WW2. Had a good lunch in town then went to the Pioneer Museum of Fredericksburg, Texas. This museum was about the settlers of the area and what they went through. Back to the rally this was the night for Murph’s Ice Cream Social. Thank You Murph’s. Picked up my information for the Scavenger Hunt Challenge then went back to the room to make a route up for the Scavenger Hunt. Day 10 - June 14, 2018 - The Scavenger Hunt Challenge. The route that I put together was 145 miles long and we had 7 questions to find the answers. Questions were standing looking and the history marker what color the roof was facing Alaska, standing looking at the history marker and reading about the death of the 2nd son if you need ready-mix concrete what number you should call, standing reading the history marker about the cattle drives what river they crossed which was on the sign down the road. Fred said I had all 7 questions right. Pulled my 5 cards and threw away two cards and replaced them. Had a hand of 2 pairs - 2 Queens and 2 Sevens with an Ace high. Most the time that is a very good hand, but not today. Later in the afternoon Voni Glaves gave a talk on her being known as the BMW million-mile lady. It was interesting. Thursday night was the Banquet had more food from the area. (Continued on page 10)
2018 - Issue #3
Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS (Continued from page 9) Day 11 - June 15, 2018 - Left Kerrville, Texas after a good breakfast and said good bye to COG friends. Started our day ride north and west of Dallas, Texas. North of Dallas start to see more cattle and goats. There were some good size dairy farms and small feed lots of beef cattle. Even saw a feed lot of goats. Spent the night in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Day 12 - June 16, 2018 - Leaving Oklahoma City in a northeast direction to pick up Old Route 66. Not much of the old route remaining, but there were a good many of the old gas stations and restaurants. At one point came across an oil well salvage yard. It was a mile long and deep as far as you could see of old oil well equipment. When we got to Bentonville, Arkansas we stopped to see the Sam Walton Museum of Walmart. It was very interesting. Spend the night in Springdale, Arkansas. Laid out the next day ride that was going to be long day. Day 13 - June 17, 2018 - Left Springdale, Arkansas early in the morning. Took route 16 which runs on the north edge of Ozark National Forest. Route 16 and 7 in Arkansas are known as the Arkansas Parkway. Looks like the Blue Ridge Parkway without the overlooks. It was very hot that day in Springdale even though the elevation was 1,100 feet. On Arkansas Parkway the elevation was from 2,000 feet to 2,500 feet coming down off the Parkway. The elevation really changed in seven miles when from 2,300 feet down to 250 feet in Russellville, Arkansas. Hopped on Route 40 and headed east for 400 miles. Just west of Nashville the skies turned black. Pulled of the interstate into a Shell station under the canopy then the rain let loose. It rained hard for 35 minutes and stopped. We waited 15 more minutes and the roads were dry never got a drop of rain on us. Spent the night 40 mile east of Nashville. Day 14 - June 18, 2018 - Early start on the road at 5:45am to beat the heat. Another day of lots of interstate Route 40 to Knoxville where we picked up Route 81 north to Kingsport, Tennessee then route 16, know as The Tail of The Dragon to Route 52 into Bluefield, West Virginia for the night. Day 15 - June 19, 2018 - On the road at 5:30am again to beat the heat. We didn’t fill up on gas the day before and I thought Ronald might run out. The route that I put together was on back roads and of course, no gas. We eventually found gas without incident. We traveled on some roads in that area that I have not rode on in a very long time. Route 219 to route 311 and picked up route 220 to Monterey, Virginia for breakfast at the Highland Diner which was a very good choice. Back on route 220 to Moorefield, West Virginia to Route 48 into Wardensville, West Virginia to route 55 and picked up back roads into Winchester, Virginia. Route 7 to Route 340 to Frederick, Maryland then home to Manchester, Maryland. Below are a few memories that really stood out in my mind about the COG National 2018: 1.) The open arms greeting you got from everybody. 2.) How much everybody wanted to have a quieter motorcycle and everyone came out of their rooms ready to ride, started their motorcycles, and took off. 3.) The few people who smoked, didn’t smoke at the smoking points that were out side of the entrance door. T hey went to the other side of the road or parking lot, smoked, and came back to put their butts in the smoking pot. Two gentlemen even picked up some trash and placed it a trash can after smoking. Russell W Fleming COG 599 OTP 2010 photo courtesy Kevin Martin #145
Area Director
Naugatuck CT
Greg/Tracey Habel #7010 OPEN Bob Chappell #1283 Greg Puterbaugh #6163 Steven Rutter #9715 George Griffith #6377 OPEN Tim Traylor #12811 Jim Ansbro #8443 OPEN Steve Cerutti #6763 OPEN Stephen Strock #10396 Terry Faherty #792 OPEN Dave Perkins #5932 Derek Pugh #11636 OPEN Christian Dupuis #10098 Claude Doucet #9011
AAD MA/VT/NH/ME AAD CT/RI AAD DelMarVa AAD S. Central PA/MD AAD S. Central PA/MD AAD Northeast PA AAD VA/WV AAD US Capital Region AAD Southeast PA/Philly AAD W Hudson Valley NY AAD E Hudson Valley NY AAD Long Island NY AAD Central NY AAD Metro NY/NJ AAD Central NJ AAD Greater Toronto AAD Eastern Ontario AAD Eastern Ontario AAD Greater Montreal AAD Atlantic Canada
Hopedale MA
Claymont DE Hanover PA Elizabethtown PA Benton PA
302-791-0582 717-632-3324 717-361-1189 r 570-925-5010
cog1283@comcast.net pbaugh1@comcast.net ruttersm@comcast.net gbgriff@epix.net
Waldorf, MD Newtown PA
301-535-6193 215-805-0909
ebonyzg1400@gmail.com bluecon06@gmail.com
Copake Falls NY
Syracuse NY Staten Island NY
315-492-6032 718-227-2099
cogcny@gmail.com tmcefah@aol.com
Toronto ON Ottawa ON
416-691-2191 613-222-9554
perkins43@rogers.com concoursderek@gmail.com
OPEN Maryann Geiser #4627A
NE Webmaster NE Newsletter Editor
Sainte-Martine PQ 450-427-0182 Middle Sackville NS 902-252-5062
d1user@mac.com motorcycleclaude@gmail.com
Tewksbury MA
Steven Smith #3184
2018 - Issue #3