>> A L U M N I I S S U E
FALL ’08
mentary V O L . 36 N O . 3
commentary t h e q u a r t e r ly o f c o k e r c o l l e g e , h a r t s v i l l e , s o u t h c a r o l i n a
Gus Speth to Speak Oct. 29 | 2 Class News | 4 Bell Tower and Dining Hall, 1922.
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C oker
L ecture
S eries
>> L eading
E nvironmentalist to Discuss Global C risis
>> A L U M N I I S S U E
Leading environmental studies educator and author Dr. James Gustave “Gus” Speth will discuss
FA L L ’08
VOL . 36 NO. 3
“The Environmental Crisis and the Coming Transformation” on Wednesday, October 29 at 8 p.m. at Coker College in the Watson Theater of the Elizabeth Boatwright Coker Performing Arts Center. Admission is free. Dean of the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies at Yale University, Speth has spent over 30 years as an environmental issues insider. He is co-founder of the Natural Resources Defense Council and founder of the World Resources Institute. Speth chaired the President’s Council on Environmental Quality for Jimmy Carter, was a senior advisor to President-elect Bill Clinton, and an administrator of the United Nations Development Program.
“W hat I b eliev e needs to ha ppen is that we need a fusion of people w ho a re concerned about th e en v ironmen t, concerned about social just ice, concerned about making our democr acy work and restore re al po pul a r con t rol to come togeth er and form an unusual and power ful poli t ical alliance b efore it is too l at e ...” — Dr. Ja mes Gustav e “Gus” SPe t h
Speth has also authored several widely praised books on global environmental issues. In his most recent work, “The Bridge at the Edge of the World: Capitalism, the Environment,
and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability” (Yale University Press, 2008), Speth condemns American-based economic and political systems
>> CLASS NEWS | 4 >> DEVELOPMENT | 22 >> Alumni Giving By Class | 24
and questions the effectiveness of the environmental movement he helped establish. In “The Bridge at the Edge of the World,” Speth argues that in affluent countries, like the United States, sustaining people and nature has been overshadowed by the relentless pursuit of economic growth. He contends that environmentalists will not succeed unless they change tactics and join forces with other movements for improved health, freedom, peace and community. “There’s been a huge environmental, social and personal cost to this commitment to keep
Volume 36, Number 3 w w w.coker.edu
growing [the economy] at all costs,” says Speth. “If we continue the toxification, continue the biotic impoverishment, continue to destroy the earth’s climate, we will in this century leave a ruined world
The Commentary of Coker College is published four times a year in the fall, winter, spring and summer by the Coker College Office of Marketing & Communications. 843.383.8018 Periodicals postage paid at Hartsville, SC 29550 and additional mailing offices USPS Pub. No. 599-590
>> J ames Jolly Director of Marketing and Communications jjolly@coker.edu >> K yle Saverance ’0 6 Web Developer and Publications Manager ksaverance@coker.edu >> C hristian S try ker ’0 4 Sports Information Director cstryker@coker.edu
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to our grandchildren.” In advocating a shift away from an over-blown consumer economy that damages the environment, social fabric and world security, Speth calls for a mobilization of spiritual, social and political resources to facilitate a transformative change. “What I believe needs to happen is that we need a fusion of people who are concerned about the environment, concerned about social justice, concerned about making our democracy work and restore real popular control to come together and form an unusual and powerful political alliance before it is too late,” he says. The Washington Post says “The Bridge to the Edge of the World” is an “extremely probing and
COKER COLLEGE Office of Marketing & Communications 300 East College Avenue Hartsville, SC 29550-3797
thoughtful diagnosis of the root causes of planetary distress.” Speth, who is married to Cameron Council Speth ‘64, is speaking at Coker College as part of the college’s 2008 Centennial Celebration. While he is on campus, Speth will also lecture biology classes
as part of semester-long science program that addresses environmental issues.
W W W. C O K ER . ED U / N EW S
Why do we give? to us. Ma ny of ou r e has given so mu ch “... bec aus e the Co lleg . Th e lea rni ng fro m ou r tim e at Co ker hap pie st me mo rie s are and sta ff is un like stu den ts, pro fes sor s rel ati on shi ps bet we en hel pin g Co ker by giv ing bac k, we are any oth er col leg e. So a sol id, top -no tch e eiv rec the cha nce to Co lleg e provid e oth ers e.” edu cat ion al exp eri enc
Ligge tt ‘04 Ligge tt ‘02 & Collin — Sus anne Watts Col um bia, S.C .
W h at is the A n nua l Schol a r ship Fu nd? • The Annual Scholarship Fund (ASF) is Coker College’s yearly campaign to raise financial support for its students. • Every gift to the ASF helps new and returning students attend Coker.
September 20 08 Dear Alumni an
d Friends ~
It is time to think about nominating someone you kn College’s Distingu ow for one of Co ished or Outstan ker ding Alumni award recognize alumn s. These awards i who have made great accomplish and/or have provid ments in their live ed noteworthy se s rvice to Coker. Please consider submitting a nomi nation for one or awards. The form more of these is easy to get at ww w.coker.edu /Al Distinguished /Outs umni ... just click tanding Alumni No on mination Form. Ple completed form ase send your to my office (addre ss below) no later than December 31 . Also, please rem ember to send in supporting inform newspaper article ation such as res s, and so on. Thes umes, e items are often dif ference for a wi what makes the nner.
• T he ASF helps Coker students in addition to their state and federal grants and loans.
Lyn Blackmon
• If your employer or your spouse’s employer matches your gift, you could double or even triple your contribution. • The fundraising goal for the ASF in 2008-2009 is $500,000. • Gifts to the ASF are tax deductible.
Director of Alumn
i Relations
• A lumni gifts to the ASF positively influence Coker College’s national ranking. • You can give online at www.coker.edu or contact the Development Office at 843.383.8178
Office of Alu mn i Rel ations | 300 East Col lege Avenue | Phone: 843 -383-8016 Ha rtsv ille, South Car | Fax: 843 -383-8 olina 29550 197 | alu mn i@c oke r.edu | ww w.c oke r.edu
class news
class news • G at h e r e d & w r i t t e n b y c l a s s R e p r e s e n tat i v e s •
adopt a class!
The Alumni Office is looking for a few good volunteers to adopt a class. We have several classes from the 1940’s who do not have representatives to report their news. If you are interested in becoming an honorary class representative for one of them, please contact the Coker Alumni Office at 1.800.65.COKER or alumni@coker.edu.
>> C lass of 19 3 8 F lorence Houck S teele Post Office Box 69 Davis Station, SC 29041 803-478-8783
>> C lass of 19 3 6 Vera Chisolm Taylor (above) of Hendersonville, NC, came back to campus for Alumni Day 2008 in April.
>> C lass of 19 3 7 E mily Henderson R emington Franke at Seaside 1885 Rifle Range Road The Cove Apartments 35 Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 843-881-8383 | 016021994@cidco.com
Dear Classmates of ’38, We’re all over ninety and it may be time for us to stop trying to gather news for the Coker Quarterly. I’ve been on the phone a lot, left a lot of messages but haven’t had too much success. I had a nice chat with Hope Tallevast Godefroy who gave me a special invitation to visit her which I may do. She is doing well but is very careful with walking which we all are. Eunice Ford Rogers had a fall in her home in early June and has a broken bone in her thigh and wrist. She has a sitter with her now but is mending and still has a sharp mind and strong will. Charlotte Ryan Stuckey says she is watching her walking carefully using a cane or walker. She belongs to two clubs and they play a lot of Shanghai. Enjoyed talking with Sarah Myers Dickinson. She lives alone. She has two married sons who live in Atlanta and two daughters who live near her in Lookout Mountain so I know they and their three grandchildren take good care of her. A correction from the last Commentary: Barbara Kalber Frampton and Harry live at the Presbyterian Home in Florence. Her son furnished a study room at Coker in honor of her and his grandmother, Carrie Lee Erwin Kalber ’16. I attended the Coker Alumni Weekend in March. It was nice but I couldn’t get any of my classmates to attend with me which would have made it much nicer. I am still fairly active and drive where I want to go. I’m visiting a friend in Knoxville for a long weekend soon. I’m sorry I’m short on news, but I’ve tried. Please remember to contribute to the Coker College Annual Scholarship Fund. Thanks. Florence Houck Steele
>> C lass of 19 3 9 L aura S . M c I nnis 2350 W. Lucas Street Florence, SC 29501
>> C lass of 19 4 0 M ar y C onstance [ C onnie ] Hucks ’ 9 3 104 Cooper River Road Myrtle Beach, SC 29588 843-650-4791 | CokerGrad@aol.com Dear Class of 1940: I cannot begin to tell you how much it means to me that you allow me to be an honorary member of the class of 1940. It is with great pleasure and pride that I serve as your class representative. I received a letter from Loree Harrington Gandy in early spring and she wrote, “Spring has brought its exquisite beauty of dogwoods, azaleas, irises (and more) which surround me at the present time”. I also learned from this letter that she once worked at Coker conducting biology labs. It was 1942-43, and the biology instructor had been drafted into service. Later, she conducted programs at Kalmia Gardens on lichens and ferns. Next time you visit Kalmia, please notice the beautiful watercolor paintings of ferns prominently positioned on the walls. These fabulous works of art are the talent of our dear Mrs. Gandy. Katherine Jackson Barton has moved from her longtime home in Oak Ridge, TN to a retirement facility near her children in Mobile, AL. She is pleased to be there but does miss her old home very much. One day while I was at work, Marjorie Brunk Nettles called. I was delighted to get her voice mail and know that she was down here at the beach, but so sorry that I missed the opportunity to visit with her. I spoke with Mary Mathis Guyton. She is doing very well living in her own home, and her daughter lives just around the corner. She told me that she had many great memories of Coker and is so very glad she attended Coker. Seems like it is very difficult to catch up with Nelle N. Fooshe, but your trusty Class Rep finally found her! I talked with her niece, Linda, who told me that she was still alive and kicking, has moved to an assisted living facility, and then she gave me her new address and phone number.
W W W. C O K ER . ED U
class news class news | ’40 - ’47
Well, Miss Fooshe and I talked for quite a while. She was so disappointed that she could not attend the centennial celebration at Coker. She divulged her love for Coker and of the many “professor greats” as she refers to them, that taught her so much. She is receiving good care and hopes to go home soon. In the meantime, she wants to share with her classmates her new address and telephone: 4551 Forest Drive, Apt 205; Columbia, SC 29206; 803-787-0413 Margaret Davidson Baker and husband, Bill, still share their time between their home in Estill and cottage in Bluffton. They will continue this 50-mile journey as long as they can afford the gasoline! The Baker’s children, Bill, Jenny, and Mary are doing well as are the grandchildren and great grandchildren. The great grandsons that I wrote about in the last column are almost a year old now! My how time flies! After graduation from Coker, Ruby Whittington Oliver taught school for five years. Then she herself returned to school to earn a Masters’ Degree in Public School Administration and began her career as an elementary school principal. She has been retired from the Horry County Department of Education for 28 years. Her two daughters, son, eight grandchildren, and ten great grandchildren are all well. Mrs. Oliver enjoys spending time at the Apache campground at Myrtle Beach. In May, she celebrated her 89th birthday. I was in Winston-Salem, NC, for a sorority convention and called Mildred Hardin Sawyer while I was there. On the particular afternoon that my schedule was clear, Mrs. Sawyer was attending a play featuring her granddaughter. She is doing well and enjoying her new accommodations [she recently moved from a cottage to a room in the main building] at the Moravian Retirement Center. Loree Harrington Gandy let me know that she received a letter from Dee Hope who was with Kalmia Gardens during the late 80’s and early 90’s. She told me how much she enjoyed the many educational walks where she learned interesting aspects of each plant or animal along the way. An especially fond walk was to hear “The Night Time Songs” in the gardens. She also collaborated with him for the summertime “Week in the Wild” for children. Dee returned to Kalmia recently and asked Mrs. Gandy to join him – it was indeed a joyous reunion. For old time sake, they enjoyed, as they did so many times in the past, iced coffee and sand dab cookies -- a fond memory for them both. Sarah Kathryn Orr Scarborough and I had a nice, long chat. In May, her grandson earned a PhD in early church history, and the same month, her first great grandchild, Geoffrey William Scarborough, was born. Last September, her daughter married just the nicest man. They are living in Raleigh where she teaches and he is a computer programmer. Capt [USN-Retired] and Mrs. Scarborough recently celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary. He is 92 now, and she still remembers the times when he was stationed in Charleston and rode the bus to Hartsville. He’d change from his sailor uniform into a suit before going on campus to visit her. We reminisced about the “Big Brown House” and other significant landmarks at Coker. Nell Godwin Morris celebrated her 90th birthday on Saturday, July 5th with countless people in attendance. She saw lots of cousins and said it was almost like a family reunion. She is still working tirelessly with Three Rivers Historical Society as well as serving as president and treasurer of the Garden of Devotion Professional Care Cemetery in Hemmingway. Her busy lifestyle makes my schedule appear quite slack! Frances Humphries Price and husband Hampton are still at Springmoor in Raleigh. I talked with Mr. Price who told me that it was Mrs. Price’s day to work in the store. The next evening, I called back to talk with the “working girl” myself. The store, I discovered, is a convenience store at Springmoor where every other Saturday is Mrs. Price’s day to inventory and stock the shelves. She really enjoys keeping busy. Their son, daughter-in-law, and two grandsons live in Raleigh and see them often – sometimes joining them for
lunch. Their son and granddaughter who live in Alabama will visit in August. She is studying marine biology. The “musical” granddaughter, Mary Price, is attending Brevard Music Camp for the summer. With the announcement of the upcoming retirement of our illustrious president, Dr. Jim Dawson, Nelle N. Fooshe suggested that it’s about time for an outstanding woman to be president of Coker. So, ladies, any nominees? Loree Harrington Gandy and I write each other often. I can always count on her for news as well as history from the class of 1940. This is fair warning – do not tell Mrs. Gandy anything that you don’t want to see later in print, because if she tells me about it, I’m going to use it in this column!
>> C lass of 19 4 5 K at h erine S till C ampbell 295 Club Acres Orangeburg, SC 29118 803-534-6594 Katherine Still Campbell was unable to get her class news in because she has been dealing with pneumonia but is feeling a little better. She asked that we extend sympathy to the family of Christine Hahn Ropp who passed away May 30, 3008.
Wishing each of you a spectacular summer,
>> C lass of 19 4 6
Cordially, Connie
R ep or co - rep needed
>> C lass of 19 41
>> C lass of 19 4 7
N orma M at h is P ate 128 Walnut Lane #124 N. Augusta, SC 29860 803-439-7930 cell phone ndmp8@juno.com
L ee B lake S tevenson Post Office Box 660 Beaufort SC 29901 843-524-5860 | Lbs26@isle.net
In the spring Miriam Blackwell Myers called me with some news. Miriam was honored January 13, 2008 at Scranton Baptist Church for being the organist for 60 years. Some of you may have seen her picture in the Baptist Courier. We are very proud of her—she is still playing! Anne Tarte Wiesen represented our class on Alumni Day in April. She had hoped more of us could join her there. I have had some health problems and my family thinks its best not to live alone. Presently I am in an assisted living home. I’m very fortunate to be near my home, friends and church. Please note my new address and phone number. Your Coker friend, Norma
>> C lass of 19 4 2 R ep or co - rep needed
Dear Classmates, I hope you are all having as good a summer as I am. Spent a month at Fripp Island with family and friends (Laurie & family came from North Pole, Alaska) and then, almost immediately, went on a 2 week Mediterranean cruise. I do not recommend back-to-back vacations however. I am still looking for things I put away, neglected to pay my estimated taxes, etc. I have not heard from anyone in our class, but did have lunch the other day with some of our friends from ‘46 and ‘48. Margaret Epperson Outlaw ’48 from Florence, was visiting her roommate, Priscilla Leland Perkins ’48, who lives here in Beaufort. Also attending was Jeanette Brunson Martin ’46 of Beaufort. Margaret and Cilla were leaving the next day on a trip to Jacksonville, FL. Cilla has a new great-granddaughter there that she had not seen yet, and Margaret has a daughter who lives in Jacksonville. Wouldn’t it be nice if next time I could report on some news from the class of 1947!!? Love, Lee
>> C lass of 19 4 3 S elma S togner L eHard y 415 Lakeshore Drive Hartsville, SC 29550 843-332-7952 C o - rep needed
>> C lass of 19 4 4 R ep or co - rep needed
Mary Coker Joslin and Katie Dolatowski ‘00 at Alumni Day.
class news ’48 - ’51 | class news
(Left to right) Claire Creel McKenzie, Betty Jean Ellis, Betty Marvin Linder, Betty Padgett Black, Hylda Elizabeth Bass
>> C lass of 19 4 8 B ett y P adgett B lack 1123 Wichman Street Walterboro, SC 29488 843-549-5260 | bpblack2001@yahoo.com P at Hesse Hardison 1300 Queens Road, Unit 318 Charlotte, NC 28207 704-373-3056 Please contact Betty or Pat with your news.
>> C lass of 19 4 9 C lass rep or co - reps needed
>> C lass of 19 5 0 V elna R ollins P atrick 1 Granville Road Columbia, SC 29209 803-776-3046 R ose P atrick S mit h ’ 7 5 1801 Stannard Trail Raleigh, NC 27612 919-789-4829 | dsmithII@nc.rr.com It has been fun hearing from so many classmates. Thanks to each of you for your responses. Frances Matheson Leppard called as soon as she received the letter from Rose and me. It was delightful talking with her after so long--- since our 50th reunion! Her children are established in their businesses. James, her husband, is confined to the home most of the time due to illness. With a cheerful outlook, she and he enjoy each day. Frances sees or talks with Pam Huggins Chapman frequently. It’s good to hear that she and Henry are well. Ernestine Cato Blakeney had good things to share, saying that she and her family are doing fine. She still lives in Pageland and is in contact with several classmates in the area. Elizabeth Gerrald Gibson and Bentley live in Palatka, FL. His arthritis prevents them from traveling and they have not been able to visit family in SC since Christmas,
2004. We hope they will be able to “head North” in the future. Dr. Edward Flaherty’s letter included some interesting information regarding the men on campus from 19461948. Did you remember that they had a football team and played a game at Carolina Stadium? Steve’s year round vegetable garden keeps Lillian Dillard Stephens busy in the kitchen! All three of their sons and their families are also in Clinton. Lillian and Steve were part of a group that Emma Jean “Mickey” Moore Radford and Bob hosted at their lovely home in Camden. Guests included June Reynolds Alston and Joe from Brevard, NC, Ruth Kirkley Jackson and Ed from Cheraw, Lib Bishop Tiller from Mt. Pleasant, and Bert Foster Sullivan from Columbia. Bert has moved from Hendersonville to Still Hopes in Columbia and has two daughters nearby. Last year Bert had the same group plus Joan Snoddy Hoffmeyer and Gus for lunch shortly after her move to Columbia. Lib Bishop Tiller left Mayesville in February for Sand Piper Village in Mt. Pleasant. She enjoys having a place that’s spacious enough to accommodate her baby grand! Skipper and Donna are in Anderson while Michael and Gail are in Alpharetta, GA. Daughter Liz is in downtown Charleston and Lib reports that they had a wonderful time on the Coker sponsored trip to The Sanctuary at Kiawah. Lib sees Betty Lou Mace Skinner ’51 quite often and hopes to arrange a visit with Mary Johnson Bowie of Myrtle Beach in the near future. Ann Henson Gettys is thrilled with the Coker campus! She writes, “Everyone should see it! What major changes have been made since our class graduated. The new buildings are beautiful and the grounds are spectacular. We can all be proud of our Alma Mater”. It was good to hear from Betty Swinnie Patterson. She and Manning live in Hemingway. Son Arthur lives in KY and works for SAMINCO. Grandson Bryan, his wife, Kristen, and great-granddaughters, Anna and Sadie live in Florence where Bryan has a dental practice. Son David is the Senior Pastor at Ashley River Baptist Church in Charleston. He, Jenny, and John Manning live on James Island. Susanne Knight Dabney writes, “I retired after fourteen years as volunteer director of ESL in Dunwoody Baptist Church in Atlanta. Now I’m back to our family letters that were hidden in Grandma’s attic in Society Hill until about 1973. Now I’m focusing on John M. Roberts, whose academy was an early step toward Furman University. Joe spent an afternoon with Genevieve Chandler Peterkin ’49, her brother and Ed Young this spring learning about low country cooking for his next book. His fourth book, Smokehouse Ham, Spoon Bread and Scuppernong Wine won the James Beard Award (1999) as cookbook of the year. He includes
recipes with stories about the people who remember the old times. He’s having a ball! From time to time I speak with Sybil Foster Lingle who lives in Cordova. She has been a widow for many years and keeps busy with friends and church activities. Mary Johnson Bowie lives in Myrtle Beach and has recovered nicely since her knee replacement last fall. Granddaughter Kayla is a senior in high school and serves as Mary’s “chauffer” and is quite the softball player. One son lives in Myrtle Beach and works in Charleston while the other lives in Maryland and works at Gallaudet University. Mary’s youngest son, Roger, died in January, 2008 after years of declining health .We extend our sympathy to her. Pat and I attended Mary Hodge Godwin’s funeral in February, 2007. What an inspiration it was! Her family spoke so highly of her. The grandsons mentioned the wonderful meals she prepared for them. At that time, we saw Betty Gandy Kirven and her son, William. We had lunch with them and their uncle, Dr. William Perry. A great visit! My sister-in-law, Lib Patrick Gnann, lost her husband, Jack, on July 3, 2008. Long time residents of Savannah, they had been married for fifty-seven years. Please keep Lib and her family in your prayers. Pat and I follow a different schedule since his heart by-pass surgery in early January. He has recovered well and soon to be completing rehab successfully. We’re thankful for the excellent medical care he received. Both grandsons are now married and we have two great –grandchildren: Anna Clair and Creighton Patrick Tomlinson. I look forward to your calls and letters. Send your emails to Rose. Keep in touch! Love, Velna
>> C lass of 19 5 1 B ett y L ee J ordan G and y 1201 Wisteria Drive Florence, SC 29501 843-662-2797 C o - rep needed Dear Friends, Shortly after the last newsletter was sent I had a call from Ann Lewis Wall. We thought she was lost, but we had her address wrong. Her correct address is: 2717 Regal Way, Tucker GA 30084; phone number is 770-934-0983. It was so good to hear from her and we had a wonderful “visit” on the phone. Peggy Carmichael Woodward sent me news about her induction into Second Wind Hall of Fame. She was honored this way for her 20 years of service to many local community groups. They include the Polk County Community Foundation, the Tryon Presbyterian Church, the American Association of University Woman and the Tryon Concert Association. Second Wind Hall of Fame is an organization that honors retired people who have caught a “second wind” and are being recognized for their volunteer service in the community. Congratulations, Peggy! You have been busy! I just learned that in 2006, Mary-Esther “Mike” Smith move to Charleston. Her address is: 513 Tribeca Drive, Charleston SC 29414. Our class mourns the loss of Irene Frampton Campbell who died March 23 and Barbara Jean Woodruff West who died April 24. Our sympathy and love go to their families. Joan Snoddy Hoffmeyer attended the 100th celebration of the College. She saw Carolyn Huggins Kendall and Hellen Jackson Jackson from our class. Maybe others
W W W. C O K ER . ED U
class news class news | ’51 - ’53
of you were there also. Just a reminder—don’t forget to send in your contributions to the Coker College Annual Scholarship Fund. Another reminder—Please send new! Thanks! Love you all, Betty Lee
>> C lass of 19 5 2 B ett y L ou M c I nt y re B arclay 329 Lee Circle Dillon, SC 29536 843-774-6122 | Bbar830771@aol.com F rances “ F rankie ” N ic h olson T ownsend 201 Kinney Circle Bennettsville, SC 29512 843-479-9398 We haven’t gathered a lot of news since the last time, but we do want to stay in touch. We still ask that you write, call or e-mail us with any news interesting or uninteresting. It is great to still be alive!!! I went to the 100th celebration and enjoyed the day very much. Betty Lou Brown Stewart ’53, Jane Woodward Truett, andJoan Snoddy Hoffmeyer ’51 enjoyed having lunch in the library and catching up on the latest news. Some of us had not seen each other for about 50 years and actually did recognize each other. It was good to see some members from the classes of 1951 and 1953 also. We discussed the fact that it would be nice if we could sometime have some classes who were at Coker at the same time have a reunion. Our family went to Corolla, NC at the Outer Banks in May. Shelly, our oldest daughter rented a home for a week. We went last year too. We had a great time. Went on a tour to see the wild horses and we did see many. There is a lighthouse that is so pretty near Corolla. You can climb to the top for a fee, but we passed on that. It looked good from the ground. Chris, our youngest daughter, took lots of pictures. The sunsets were beautiful, the food delicious and we hope we can return next year. Chris and I are looking forward to going to Charlotte to see American Idol’s top ten show in August. I may be the oldest one there but like Crickett I am young at heart. Crickett Blackburn Rogers emailed me a very interesting summary of her life since her husband Harold’s death several years ago. Also, we enjoyed talking on the phone and discussing growing older and some aches and pains that we experience. Crickett’s letter says and I quote from her. “that since Harold’s death, I’ve had a few changes in my life. My daughter and her husband had planned to build behind us. Their home sold so they moved in with me with their two little girls. After a year we decided to remodel my home to meet our needs. That was twelve years ago. The oldest granddaughter is a rising sophomore at Clemson and the other granddaughter will be a high school freshman. It’s been a joy to watch them grow up. My health is good in general. I’m still independent. I go my way with my friends and they do the same. If I’m needed, I help. I drive in Myrtle Beach (so far so good) and stay at North Myrtle in our house there often. Our son Charlie, who is divorced, has one son who is seventeen. He is with us now so I’m enjoying him too. Yes, I stay busy. Dorothy Gore Lay ’55 and I are friends. We live on the same street. Since George died, we do a lot of things together. We go to some concerts and plays, the same church, we’re in the Loris Music Literary Club and enjoy going. We eat out often and have a circle of friends that we do things with. Life is good, but different. Dorothy “Dot” Garrell Hanna and I meet for lunch as often as possible. We recently had out 60th high school reunion. We decided there were some
old people there. We still giggle a lot. It’s nice to be “young at heart”. We all can agree that Crickett proves that being a widow doesn’t mean you can’t still have a life. Jane Woodward Truett says that she hasn’t done anything very exciting this summer other than just hanging out and trying to stay cool. Jane wrote that she walked through the campus early one morning recently and all the students were gone for the summer and there was no one on campus. “It was a quiet walk which gave me time to reflect on all the wonderful days we spent there and the wonderful friendships we developed. I had such a feeling of gratitude. The campus is so different but it is truly beautiful. I miss the reflection pool.” I talked with Herb Hanna ’51. Dorothy “Dot” Garrell Hanna was at the lake and he said things were stale but fun. They were doing alright. Flora Collins Baker reports that she is very busy working on her high school reunion coming up real soon. She and her family are doing well. She said that Miriam “Tiggie” Hooks Benefield and Dewey are in the mountains at Highlands NC. Frankie and I hope to hear from you all soon so we will have lots of news for the next edition. Let’s remember our classmates that are deceased: Katherine Young Atkinson, Eleanor Curtis Boone, Peggy Sullivan Buck, Margaret Harris Engelhart, Virginia A. Forsythe, Robert Burton Gardner, Catherine Smith Hamer, Vera Washington Harrelson, Joann Johnson Keeler, Charles R. Lawson, Jacqueline Abrams
Lunsford, Betty Epting Owen, Florence McManus Rabb, Caryl McBride Tarrant, Betty McIntyre Thomas, Carolyn Taylor Wiber. And let us all try to keep in touch as long as we are able to do so. And thank God for His many blessings and the gift of life. Until next time, Betty Lou
>> C lass of 19 5 3 P at C h apman Huff 507 Wilmar Avenue Hartsville, SC 29550 843-332-3755 | Phuff507@cs.com M it z i D u P re M att h ews 6493 Bridgewood Road Columbia, SC 29206 803-787-4157 | Bmatthews2@juno.com Dear Classmates, How we wish that every one of you could have experienced the very special 55th reunion of our class. From the delightful drop-in at President and Mrs. Dawson’s home on Friday afternoon—then the delicious catered dinner at the historic Hart House at Kalmia Gardens that evening—to Alumni Day at the college on Saturday, we were excited to be with each other and share memories and
(Above) Jean Fore McDaniel presents the Class of 1953 Reunion Gift. FIRST ROW (Left to right) Pat Chapman Huff, Beth DuBose Cottingham, Jean Fore McDaniel, Joyce Bell SECOND ROW (Left to right) Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger, Susie Gaines Hautala, Peggy Warren Smith, Sarah S. Bell, “Boo” Brown Stewart THIRD ROW (Left to right) Jo Anne Boyd Sires, Truey Thieker, Charlie Chewning, Martha Ann Blackwell
class news ’53 - ’54 | class news
tell about our present lives. Perhaps our proudest moment of the weekend was the announcement and presentation of our $20,225 endowed scholarship in addition to our contribution of $3,470 to the Annual Scholarship Fund. Besides class members and their guests at the dropin we were honored to have Frank Bush, Pat Dampier, Lyn Blackmon, Dee Pierce and Wes Daniels representing the College. Dr. Dawson welcomed our group and brought us up to date on the latest happenings at the College. You would be so proud of the magnificent new Library Information Technology Center and the beautiful landscaping on campus. Those attending some or all of the reunion activities were: Joyce Bell, Sarah Sampson Bell and James, Martha Ann Anderson Blackwell and Bryan, Jennie Herlong Boatwright and Phillips, Charlie Hunt Chewning, Beth DuBose Cottingham, Beverly Denny Dority and Richard ’55, Susie Gaines Hautala, Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger and Dwight Hyman, Mitzi DuPre Matthews, Jean Fore McDaniel and Mac, Anne Merck McDowell and Mickey, Jo Anne Boyd Sires, Peggy Warren Smith and Jay, Betty Lou “Boo” Brown Stewart, Truey Tarbox Thieker and Forrest, Carl Huff ’52 and me. Particularly enjoying their accommodations at the Oak Manor Inn, a bed and breakfast located beside the college were Boo Brown Stewart, Joyce Bell (all the way from Texas), Sarah Sampson Bell and James, Jean Fore McDaniel and Mac and Charlie Chewning. The keepsake booklet is truly a keepsake and I have read and reread its pages. Since there are those who did not receive a copy, I will share some tidbits. Sarah Sampson Bell’s most cherished memory was making friends who have become life-long friends. Sarah had three grandchildren to graduate from high school this year, all three receiving numerous athletic and acadamic awards. Martha Ann Anderson Blackwell’s granddaughter appeared in concert as a solist for the Hartsville-Coker Concert Association in April in the Watson Theater of the Elizabeth Boatwright Coker Performing Arts Center. Jennie Herlong Boatwright said that her proudest moment since Coker was when all of her children graduated from college. Betty Carol Mobley Bynum has four grandchildren with the oldest entering college this fall. Betty Carol and Bundy are busily writing the history of their 200 year old church in Winnsboro. Charlie Chewning has recently begun teaching Sunday School. In telling how Coker affected her life, Charlie said that it was as if a special door had opened that spotlighted who and what she could become. Beth DuBose Cottingham works with a disabilities and special needs review board, Hospice and Friends of the Library. Beverly Denny Dority stated that the influence of four years at Coker on the last 55 years is seen in her being able to answer so many questions on “Jeopardy.” She and Richard have five children and seventeen grandchildren. Susie Gaines Hautala shared that one of her most cherished memories at Coker was being elected and serving as president of our freshman class. Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger fondly remembers us winning the singing of the Alma Mater our freshman year and then both the Alma Mater and Pep Song our sophomore year. Toula Latto’s proudest moment since Coker was being awarded outstanding service to the Profession of Physical Therapy by the South Carolina State Physical Thearapy Associationin 1995. Mitzy DuPre Matthews said the proudest moment since Coker was becoming a wife and mother and grandmother. Mitzi and Budd have recently bought and moved into a smaller home, her “doll house”, just across the street from her daughter Kay and family. Budd continues to need our prayers. Anne Merck McDowell’s favorite pastime is fellowship with family and friends, grandchildren activities, gardening and working in her greenhouse. Anne began a different chemo July 14 as an outpatient. Joan Carter McKissick always regretted that she did not attend Coker for four years and stopped with the associate degree in Business Education. Congratulations to her for being married to the winningest football coach in the
world! Helen Coachman Shipley always feels proud when she has a chance to say that she attended Coker College. Jo Anne Boyd Sires says her current proudest moment was being named 2007 Volunteer of the Year by Tidelands Community Hospice covering Georgetown, Williamsburg and Horry counties. Peggy Warren Smith’s most cherished memory was the four years she spent at Coker, and she often relives the many events and the life we students were expected to live and the rules which made us respect ourselves and each other. Truey Tarbox Thieker’s favorite pastime is world travels, cruises, bus and plane trips. Jo Williams said Coker gave her an opportunity to earn a living and a broad base of knowledge about a lot of things (Civ). We express sympathy to Mitzi DuPre Matthews in the death of her step-son, Jerry Talbert and to Jean Fore McDaniel in the death of her sister, Jo Fore Miller. Your reunion committee spent eight days at the lovely beachhome of Jean Fore McDaniel during June. Enjoying this special time were Susie Gaines Hautala, Mitzi DuPre Matthews, Anne Merck McDowell, Charlie Hunt Chewning, Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger our hostess Jean and me. We were joined for lunch one day at the Sea Captain’s House in Myrtle Beach by Daphen Yarborough Edge and Sarah Sampson Bell and James. Daphen and husband A.J. have recently moved to Little River, becoming Sandlappers again. A highlight of our time together was attending the Sunday morning worship service at the little chapel on the island. Sitting acorss from us were Rachel Collier Flowers ’51 and members of her family. Today is Carl’s 78th birthday and what a day it has been. The phone has been ringing constantly with birthday wishes from children and grandchildren. How blessed our lives have been since that day Carl and I met in 1951 in Chemistry lab at Coker. I’ll confess to you that I feigned ignorance on conducting an experiment and asked for his help. I had noticed him on campus and had been wanting to meet him. He called that night for a date and the rest is history. Let’s all keep Anne Merck McDowell, Callie McCuen Simpson and Beverly Denny Dority in our prayers. With all my love to each of you, Pat Chapman Huff
>> C lass of 19 5 4 M art h a L ittle Hunter Post Office Box 30207 Sea Island, GA 31561 912-638-4207 | erhunter@adelphia.net L ois Hatfield A nderson 210 Saddlebrook Lane Hopkins, SC 29061 803-776-0926 | LHAnderson32@aol.com Dear Classmates, “Pulling teeth” is the thought that comes to mind as I write this letter! It’s been tough to garner some news this time, but some of my “old faithfuls” have come through, thank goodness. Joan Griffin Burpee writes from Tennessee that she’s doing a lot of yard work, some painting (the artistic kind!), and making pickles, jam, etc. Obviously, she’s loving being in the mountains, and reports that her son Ashley is doing much better. Sarah Kolb Bivins and Lee had their two youngest grandsons with them for Vacation Bible School, and had a wonderful time. Lee has recovered from his broken leg, but he and Sarah both suffer from osteoarthritis and need knee replacements. They vacationed at Garden City Beach and spent Disciple Training Week at Ridgecrest. Speaking of osteoarthritis (and rheumatoid), I had a wonderful ‘phone visit with Chris Bates Mink. She and Al have been in the mountains for over 3 weeks. Chris is greatly
hampered by both forms of arthritis, and Al isn’t able to hike anymore, due to spinal stenosis. They both sounded great in spite of this, and are definitely making the best of it! Their 2 girls and their families visited in the mountains, and Chris tended to her sister, who had had surgery. “Frank” wrote me a long letter in February. Both her daughters live in Bennettsville with their families, and Frank sees them often. Lemont’s daughter has had a second back surgery, so Frank helps out a lot with her 2 little girls, even teaching one of them piano! She and Lemont are healthy, happy, and feeling very blessed! Becky Burroughs Mitchell wrote from Hendersonville, NC, that all is well with them. They love living in Hendersonville, which is about 20 miles from both Asheville and the Blue Ridge Parkway. Becky has 2 professional musician children, (flute and bass), and they spent a week in June in VA’s Claytor Lake State Park in a cabin by the lake. She says they’ve been going there since the ‘60s, and really love it. Ellen Bramlett Clarke and Jim are healthy and busy, traveling a lot, and enjoying their vegetable garden. Their oldest grandchild graduated summa cum laude in May, and will be attending Berkeley to study physics. Becky is still doing genealogy presentations, and she and Jim are planning a 3-week trip to England and several European countries in the fall. Lois Hatfield Anderson and I have had several long conversations, and she is well and busy! Electa Anderson Small ’85 and her husband have moved out to the midwest, which has been tough for Lois, but the good news is that they will be back in a couple of years. Electa flies home about once a month to tend to business, which is a blessing for Lois. Betty Reeves Herring and I had a great ‘phone conversation recently. She had a great bus trip to Colorado Springs. She saw Pike’s Peak and Royal Gorge, among other things, but was most impressed with the Air Force Academy. Betty shared with me a newsy letter she received from Mary Ellen Williamson Sprawls. Mary Ellen’s 2 sons received the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce small business person(s) award for 2008. They have a tire and auto business together - congrats, Mary Ellen! ME stays busy babysitting her grandchildren and volunteering for the Florence Little Theater box office, and church. She took a 4-day bus trip to Washington, and also cruised up the Danube. Sounds wonderful! Cainie Ruth Byrd Galloway and her husband have both been ill this summer with a lingering virus. They are beginning to feel better after major rounds of antibiotics, and hope to get up to the North Carolina mountains in the fall. Have you realized that our 55th reunion will be in spring of ‘09? Betty Herring and Lois Anderson have agreed to be on the reunion committee with me. We’ll be going to Coker in August to begin the planning. We always have so much fun when we get together - so please plan to come. We’ll let you know as soon as possible about the date. Reid and I continue to be exceedingly blessed with good health, and our children and grandchildren are great. Our oldest grandchild, Sarah, spent 5 weeks in Greece this summer with a class from her school and loved it! Our oldest grandson, Hunter, is coming to stay with us for the 1st week in August. He will be taking a golf clinic every day at the Sea Island Golf Learning Center. I’m still not over the fact that he out-drives me by about 100 yards! I continue to teach Bible study at my church, and will be in Atlanta for a week in August to take a Columbia Seminary course on the book of Luke. God is good, and I ask for His blessings for all of you. Much love, Martha Little Hunter
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class news class news | ’55 - ’56
>> C lass of 19 5 5 Ho y land L ower y F is h er 924 Dogwood Court Hanahan, SC 29410 843-747-9764 | hoyfish@bellsouth.net J ud y L ong Q uattlebaum 11415 Strickland Rd. Roswell, GA 30076 770-642-1699 Dear Classmates, I am grateful to those of you who responded to my email requesting information for the Commentary. Dona McLamb Brand and Buster continue to enjoy their five grandchildren’s activities. Dona is mastering her laptop computer and swimming while Buster is playing golf Beth DuBose Cottingham continues to volunteer for hospice and is concerned about her many friends and relatives with health issues. Walter continues to stay busy with his veterinary business. Beth saw Richard Dority and Beverly Denny ’53 at Coker’s President’s Reception during the April Alumni Weekend. She says that Beverly continues to have health problems. She reports that Mickey McIntosh Atkinson attended her granddaughter’s college graduation and that her granddaughter will teach in Guatemala for a year. Beth also reports that Mickey’s brother and Dorothy Gore Lay’s sister passed away in the spring. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Betty Shaw Merck is a busy lady since moving to Columbia. She and Florence Houck Steele ’38 went to Washington to visit Florence’s friends and they look forward to attending the Gamecock Football games. Betty was making plans to go on a mission trip to Pittsburgh with the church seniors. She would like to contact Jackie Young Gould. Allene Stuckey Reep worked at the polls in June, entertained two of her grandsons during their visit, and hosted their annual Fourth of July Picnic for family and friends. She and Lewis also plan to attend the National Reep Family Reunion. Also, most of the family will spend the third week of July in the mountains, allowing all the grandsons an opportunity to be together. In November of 2007, Frances Huggins McLaughlin had two strokes and spent four months at Life Care Center in Columbia for rehabilitation. She walks and drags her right foot slightly and is still receiving physical therapy. She plans to continue substituting this year. Frances says that her youngest daughter, Laura, her husband and six-month old son (the first male in her immediate family in 75 years) are living with her until they sell their home in Walterboro and can relocate to Sumter. Laura will teach in Sumter. Her husband, Bill, changed his career from being a state forester to a nurse and will work at Tuomey Hospital. Frances we are so happy that you are doing OK and that you had your daughter and her family with you. We wish you a full recovery! Enjoy your three granddaughters and grandson. Faith Fennegan Allen says she and Dorothy “Dot” Hayes Branham stay in touch. Dot’s son lives at the beach. Faith and Ray have a home on the Waccamaw River and would welcome any or all of our class for a picnic or overnight or whatever. They live between this house on the river and their home in Myrtle Beach Faith and Ray had two grandchildren to graduate this spring, one from college in North Carolina and one from high school. The college graduate will work in Winston Salem, her hometown. Ray, the high school graduate will report to the United States Military Academy at West Point in June.
Their other two grandchildren live on their street. They are Faith, 14 years old and Maggie, 10 years old. Faith says that Ray works like a hired hand at all of their properties. With the saying that hard physical work is good for the soul, Faith says that Ray’s must be in great shape. Thanks Faith for offering your river house. Maybe we can get a group together and have a picnic some time. That would be wonderful! Margaret Ann Eaddy Phillips says she has been in touch with Carol Elliott Green and Jackie Young Gould. If anyone knows how to contact Peggy Mitchell, her roommate, please let her know. She also stays in touch with Joy Curtis Bryan Stuckey because they were from Hemingway. Sara Pauline Jackson McRae, Wilhelmina Kirkland Miller, and Patsy Hill Yarborough spent a wonderful day together in May. Wilhelmina and Patsy went by Sarah Pauline’s home and took her to lunch in Hartsville. They rode around Coker, looked at the beautiful buildings and landscaping, and felt very proud. After returning to Sarah’s home, they looked at black and white pictures made at Coker. Wilhelmina brought pictures of her family. Wilhelmina’s daughter in Boston had just presented her and Jeff with a new grandchild. It is great that Sarah Pauline’s son, Allen, and grandson, Ben, live with her. Virginia Tomlinson MacKinnon had a wonderful visit with Joan Tisdale Harrington in June. She says they had 50+ years to catch up and talked constantly. Ila Louise Price McCoy had bronchitis and was not able to join them. She was planning a trip to Arizona in July to visit family and attend a family reunion. Dorothy Lee Holt Snowden could not attend either because she had two grandsons graduating that day. Also, Ginny was able to visit with Allene Stuckey Reep. Hoyland Lowery Fisher and her husband have just gone through a stressful time with their special needs son who is 49 years old. He had major emergency surgery June 1. They almost lost him but with prayers and God’s help he made it and is getting stronger each day. They still enjoy their two-year old granddaughter. She is growing up too fast. Please remember to contribute to Coker; the number of classmates who contribute is important. You may contribute in memory of someone, to honor someone, to celebrate something, etc. Judy Long Quattlebaum called last night from Jacksonville Beach, FL where she was vacationing with her daughter Kaye and her family. Love to all, Hoyland
>> C lass of 19 5 6 P egg y C ante y G ardner Post Office Box 42 Manning, SC 29102 803-435-6862 B arbara W ard M is h oe Post Office Box 38 154 South Main Street (if you’re coming close to Greeleyville) Greeleyville, SC 29056 tnmishoe@ftc-i.net Greetings to everyone, Hope all of you are doing fine! I haven’t heard from many this time period, so surely you are busy with fun things! All is well at our house, just getting older and slower!!
Grandchildren help to keep us on the go and, of course, up to date!! Maxine Locklear Amos, Della Revels Hartis, and I went to Coker to the 100th Year Celebration on April 5th and had a really wet time. The rain was so hard, I had to stop on the way and wait for it to slow down. I know the Alumni office was in a stew about the lunch plans, because they had planned to have lunch on the grounds at the Drengaelen House. With the rain, they had to move it to the new library, which is just beautiful!!! I just wish more of you could have been there with us. Anne Blake Townsend, Joyce Johnston, and I were supposed to meet at Joyce’s house in Conway for lunch one day, but Anne had to take care of urgent family business, and we had to postpone it. Joyce had some surgery in the spring and says everything went along fine, and she is much improved. See you soon, I hope. Barbara Joyce Chambers and her husband, George, have given me the OK to tell about their tragic loss last summer, the death of their daughter, George Anna, on August 5, 2007. They send this message to all, and I quote, “George and I would like to thank all of those who have called to check on us during the last 10 months. Many notes, e-mails, calls and letters. Our hearts are full of love and hope. We can’t believe that August 5th is almost here. George Anna’s death was a total shock. It has been a very painful experience for us all, but especially her 12-yearold daughter (13 on April 15). It was heartbreaking to see our granddaughter run her hands over her mother’s plaque. Otherwise, we re trying to move on, as we will never find any answers. She was a beautiful daughter in and out. Her girlfriends in Statesville have been over numerous times to take me to lunch or I fed them here. We are concerned about our granddaughter, Anna Edward, but with time and love she will be strong. Her father, Glenn, her godmother, Amy, and her caregiver, Angie, are doing a wonderful job of looking after her. Again, thanks to all. With love, Barbara, George, and Maxwell.” Barbara also writes that she and George celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary very quietly on June 3. They are in good health and still doing their volunteer work. George got his driver’s license renewed, which was a major accomplishment according to Barbara. It seems her brother-in-law took him to the patrol station in George’s truck that he drives, and the woman who took him out for his drive said his truck was older than she was! You’ll be fine, Barbara, ‘cause your sense of humor is still wonderful!!! Ann Gelzer Black had hip replacement surgery in February and recovery did not go according to plans. She is doing well otherwise, but the recovery has been longer than she thought. They plan a trip to St. John, USVI, with the family in July, and the rest of the summer will be quiet and restful. That’s the part that appeals to me! Enjoy, Ann. `Peggy Cantey Gardner says that she had a grandson, Smith Gardner, who graduated from college this year and went on a tour of Europe; a granddaughter, Rebecca, graduated from high school and will begin college this fall. Peggy’s husband, Ted, hit the 80-mark this summer. As most of you probably already know, we lost a good friend on June 29, 2008. Shirley Lawhon Rhem died in her sleep during the night. Her family did not have a public service, but are planning one to be held on Shirley’s birthday, August 11th, at the church where she and Laurice were married, Peniel Baptist Church in Bishopville, at 10:30 am. The family requested that in lieu of flowers, memorials be sent to Coker College. If you plan to send one, remember to request it go to our 1956 Scholarship Fund. Just a reminder—remember that our news goes into the college on January 15th and July 15th of each year. Send
class news ’56 - ’58 | class news
your news to me by mail at-- 154 South Main Street, Greeleyville, SC 29056; by e-mail at tnmishoe@ftc-i. net; or call me at 843-426-2591. Hope everyone continues in good health and much happiness comes your way! Barbara Ward Mishoe
>> C lass of 19 5 7 Ly nn W illiams O ates 3417 Oates Highway Lamar, SC 29069 843-332-3040 | lwoates@peoplepc.com Dear Class of ‘57, It sure is hard to get news from our class, and I am a hypocrite for trying because I seldom sent news either. But that was when we were all busy working and taking care of our families. Now that we have retired, please find a few minutes and share your news. I have already had a busy summer. I enjoyed an awesome trip with the Coker Alumni group to the Canadian
Rockies. We always have a fun group of travelers and this trip was no exception. I cannot describe the spectacular sights and I am sure none of our pictures captured the splendor. You just had to be there!!! When I returned, I had a granddaughter’s high school graduation to attend and then a week at Kiawah Island with my daughter and her family. Now, all I have to look forward to is mowing. If we don’t soon get rain in Oates, mowing will not be necessary--I will just get lots of green spray paint and sell my mower! Had a long, funny conversation with Anne DuBose Smith. She has had extensive dental work and home repairs. The home repairs are still in progress. We commiserated over what the economy is doing to our retirement nest egg and what we will do when it is all gone!!! Ann Gay Blakeney Duvall’s daughter has been very ill for several months and Ann Gay has been busy helping out there. Ann Boatwright Igoe, you promised to write--I am still waiting!!! Come on, class, give me something. If I don’t hear from some of you before the next Commentary goes to press, I am going to start spreading rumors!! Love to all, Lynn
(Above) Annette Cooke Stokes presents the Class of 1958 Reunion Gift.
FIRST ROW (Left to right) Connie Moe, Mary Kay Rickenbaker, Frances Gurley Carpenter, Patricia A. Hobbs, Virginia B. Case, Dee Briggs SECOND ROW (Left to right) Peggy Stogner Nelson, Elaine Johnson Hays, Marjean Lane McDonald, Joanne McFaddin O’Bryan, Hazel Johnson Nichols, Helen Kolb Chambless, Jane Howie Correll THIRD ROW (Left to right) Lamar Caldwell, Suzanne Currier Soderberg, Annette Cooke Stokes, Helen Lee Chapman, Susan Holroyd Shumaker, Mary Harvey Holmes, Virginia Hall Brinson Caine, Linda Gause Connor, Donna Davis Freeman
>> C lass of 19 5 8 A nnette C ooke S tokes 21500 Patton Avenue Lago Vista, TX 78645-6768 512-267-7520 | stokesannette@att.net Impossible as it seems….it is our 50th year! There were twenty-two of us who gathered for a catered dinner in Coker’s lovely drawing room on Friday evening, April 4, along with 17 of our traveling companions. (Thank you to Lamar Caldwell, Elaine Johnson Hays, and Dolores “Dee” McCracken Briggs for making the dinner arrangements, and the beautiful décor.) And there were twentytwo of us on Saturday morning who braved the non-ceasing rain for our time of reunion. Friday night’s affair included Lucile Parker Stranch, who had never attended a reunion prior and Saturday morning’s group was added to with the arrival of Donna Davis Freeman. The other first-timers, Helen Lee Chapman and Peggy Stogner Nelson, on Saturday received a prize. Honored for attending the most reunions included prizes for Elaine Johnson Hays, Mary Harvey Holmes, and Suzanne Currier Soderberg. Suzanne’s husband, Ed, was awarded a candy bar in honor of his attending 5 Coker reunions as a traveling companion! He seems to enjoy himself, and certainly is a photographer! I took pictures as did many others, and sent them by email to those who had planned to attend and could not at the last minute. Several who normally make the effort to attend 1958 reunions had family health problems. Patricia Clark Jackson, Katie Thomason Ballenger and Betty Barnes Walpole all have ill husbands who required attention. Sarah Burgess Auman has chronic back trouble which prevented her attendance. Beth Owens, our Class President, didn’t get to the reunion. She was moving from California to Nyack, New York, on the Hudson River. Beth also had recent surgery but is loving “being just a mile” away from only granddaughter, Valentina, Beth sent a stunning recap of our memories at Coker for me to read when we were together at Coker. “Through these gates pass the world’s loveliest girls!” She had the audacity to remember that it took us 4 years to win the song contest! The Alumni office did an outstanding job of helping our Class make memories! We each had a name tag with our Coker picture on it – and that came in handy! Our traveling companions were bussed to The Hartsville Museum for entertainment while we were busy reminiscing Saturday morning. And they arranged for faculty to drive golf carts for our transportation about campus during the incessant rains. One of the comments made was: “We planned for Coker’s 100th year in 2008; we just did not know we would have the 100 year flood on April 4-5!” But the College looked beautiful, and Hartsville was in full bloom. In spite of the rain, it was a delight to be back on campus, enjoying the new buildings and really remembering what a wonderful place Coker College was and is. Our President, Dr. Dawson, gave moving speeches to our Class on Friday and to the entire Alumni on Saturday. He pointed out many changes but assured us the purpose of Coker’s education is still the same – to teach students to think for themselves and to have the skills necessary for living a purposeful life. We 58-ers reminisced about professors and events during our years, 1954-58, laughing at too much and being saddened at the mention of members of our class who have died. Little did we know we would lose another, Dolores McCracken Briggs, in one month’s time. Dolores died Mother’s Day weekend. If any good can come of the deaths of our friends, it
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class news class news | ’58 - ’60
would be in the form of a donation to Coker as a memorial to these ten we have lost. I know Dee worked hard as our Class Rep, served also on Coker’s Alumni Board, and would love to be honored by a gift to our Coker College. Our Class was the honor class for 2008. We proudly presented $5551.20 that Saturday! Also a donation came from Mrs. Anita Colbert, widow of our sponsor, James Colbert, in honor of the Class of 1958. Frances Gurley Carpenter has moved to Ft. Mill, SC where she is enjoying her artist’s brush again. She is looking forward to being close to family in NC. Lamar Caldwell is on a quest! He and Lucy Singletary Caldwell ’54 were in NYC when our Marian McKnight Conway was crowned Miss America, and can’t come up with the correct date. He is attempting to find it for the Hartsville Museum, where there is a life-sized model of Marian. He represented our Class at the spring Bar B Q, another centennial event at the College. Lamar reports his garden is taking lots of water, but blueberries are in, and apples in the making. He still cuts his grass for exercise! Wish I had some peaches, Lamar! We are saddened to learn that Betty Barnes Walpole’s husband, Ed, is fighting a battle for his life against cancer. Prayers are with that family. Suzanne Currier Soderberg is in prime health now, but she is the poster girl for colonoscopy! She is pushing us all to have a colonoscopy since her brush with cancer. Linda Gause Conner is one of us still working! She is tutoring chemistry and I am sure she is a top tutor in demand. Helen Lee Chapman has a part-time job as accountant for a peanut company. I think Joanne McFaddin O’Bryan still sells real estate. Virginia Brinson Caine also teaches on occasion, but I believe the rest of us are self-employed! That is, we work at home, in the yard, and enjoy retirement which means you work for yourself! You can see from our picture, we have a good looking group of classmates! We wish you all could have been present at our reunion. It was a memorable two days! We need to send a good donation to Coker – she needs us! Thanks for all your support, and keep those cards, letters and emails coming to me! Hugs, Annette
>> C lass of 19 5 9 P at C rawford F ields 1713 Scenic Valley Lane Knoxville, TN 37922 865-675-3013 | JCF97@prodigy.net Holly M ims W estcott 7813 Harpeth View Drive Nashville, TN 37221 615-673-7949 | hmwestcott@comcast.net News from the Class of ’59 Sadly we offer condolences to Martha Jackson Singleton and her family for the loss of Martha’s husband Charlie in April of 2008 and to Barbara Dibble and Bubber Dixon for the loss of Bubber’s son Jim in February of 2008. Our hearts go out to all who knew and loved both Charlie and Jim. This past year has brought landmark 70th birthdays for the Class of ’59. Molly Creadick Gray asserts that “Being 70 is great!” She is working on mastering her new camera before she and Pete make a long awaited trip to New Zealand and Australia in the fall. Barbara Dibble Dixon’s stepdaughter Kay honored her with a “platinum” birthday/tea party to which a number of her Coker buds were invited, all of whom had already achieved the big seven-oh. Barbara notes, “Champagne flowed as well as tea and a good time was had by all.” Mike and Shirley Land Lupfer visited Antarctica in W W W. C OK E R .E D U /ALUMN I
February 2008, which of course is a summer month in the Southern Hemisphere. The pair flew to Buenos Aires, then to the tip of the South American continent, where they boarded the MS Andrea for a nine-day cruise with a number of stops. In addition to viewing scenery that was both gorgeous and desolate, they discovered that penguins are smelly, though still very cute, and got to see a humpback whale at amazingly close range. On their return, they spent four days in Buenos Aires, their second time enjoying that Argentinian city. Was the trip worth the time, the difficulty, and the expense? They give a resounding “yes!” Mary Holmes Burkett’s 2008 travels included an 18-day cruise with friend Karen Durand that started in Chile, made a stop in Peru, continued through the Panama Canal, then went on to Costa Rica and Key West before ending in Boston. The two got a bargain price because the ship was moving from one hemisphere to another. Mary took the opportunity to visit her sister Barbara Holmes Willis ’63 in Acton, MA, for a few days before returning to SC. Barbara is a fiber artist, a creator of “art to wear,” whose work is currently sold at the Cambridge Artists Cooperative on Harvard Square. Mary continues to work at her art too, having taken another College of Charleston painting class this past spring. Jim and Pat Crawford Fields made an early summer trip to Montreal and Quebec City, with a stay in a resort in between where they hiked the ski trails. Both not only walk in their Knoxville neighborhood nearly every day, but make weekly trips to hike in the Smokies, so they were in fine shape for these hills. Pat wrote, “I was excited to try my French again, but the instant I said ‘Bonjour’ they would respond in English and hand me an English menu if that were appropriate. Only a small number of the Quebecquois are separatists, but French is the number one language, and fortunately French is the number one cuisine.” Clearly, the Fields had good opportunity to restore some of the calories they burned hiking! Pat flew to Virginia for Charlie’s funeral, staying with Armand and Nancy Phillips Sebastianelli. The Sebastianellis’ son Daniel has been teaching in China, fortunately well away from the area that was devastated by the earthquake. When Anne Davis Glass told her department chair that she was considering retirement, he responded, “What ever for?” She thereupon decided she’d continue teaching piano in the music department at Austin-Peay University for at least another year. Anne is fortunate to have a yardman who, though older than she is, also has not retired yet. A major spring project was getting her yard cleaned and manicured. Anne’s middle child Lucie graduated from the Nashville School of Law, but will not hang out a shingle. She continues to work with Traveler’s Insurance in Brentwood, TN. Tricia Fisher Williams underwent surgery in March— a tummy tuck! It was not so she could bask in the sun at California beaches in a bikini, but rather to solve some ongoing medical problems. Fortunately, Tricia had a number of children at hand to see her through the recovery. Along with other siblings, Tricia Ann was able to take care of her mother since she was on family leave for the birth of Tricia’s 26th grandchild, Nathaniel. Tricia is still teaching, so she scheduled the surgery for her spring break, then took some sick leave. Betty Crawford Moore is “happy that she has no news to report.” She “plays” in the yard (ie, gardens) every day and occasionally prays for rain so that she can “at least half-way clean the house.” She spends much time with her grandchildren, a lot with the three-year-old and as much with the four teens as they will allow. She walks her Bassett hound daily, cooks as little as possible, lunches with friends often, checks out many books from the library, and might take an Alaskan cruise in the fall. . .but then again she might not. It sounds like a good life. If you live in one of the cities where Skirt! magazine is published, do watch for my article about our First Docent Book Club. I think it will appear in October. I just got word
Michal Millen Baird ‘46, Jeff Maddox ‘79, and his mother Marilyn at the Centennial Reception in Drengaelen House.
that they will publish it. Back to Betty’s note: She wrote, “And we have our 50th next year!!!!! I just don’t feel old enough, and, of course, you aren’t.” Well, old enough or not, it will happen, and I can’t wait. You can look forward to hearing more about it as the time draws near. We do want YOU to be there! Holly Mims Westcott
>> C lass of 19 6 0 A nn M att h ews B ragdon 1563 Johnsonville Highway Lake City, SC 29560-6202 843-389-4401 | wbragdon@ftc-i.net Dear Classmates, As you know Coker is celebrating its 100th Anniversary during 2008. I’m sorry I had a commitment preventing me from attending the April Alumni Weekend. Several of our classmates attended: Sherrill E. Jordan, Laura McLeod, Anne Hancock, and Phyllis Byrd Blackman. The Class of 1960 was recognized as the creator of the Coker College Alma Mater at the Friday night event. We hope that all of you will join us for our 50th reunion in 2010 where that recognition will be made campus-wide. The committee-- Sherrill E. Jordan, Pamela C. Binnicker, Patricia McLaurin Wright, Lois Sawyer Lott, and Louise Atkinson Cleveland (hope I haven’t omitted anyone)—worked diligently to produce a winner at our Senior Year Song Contest. Its also became a “gift” which was so much easier to sing than the original Alma Mater. I still find myself getting choked up with good memories anytime I hear “Tho’ we go our separate ways, In our heart there’ll always be Memories of these youthful days…Coker College, Hail to thee.” Thanks to Holly Mims Westcott ’59 who sent a newsy email in March and gave permission to use it in the Commentary. Our classmate Sally Bahous Allen has written a second book, Under Olive Trees. Holly gave her some editing help on parts of the book and she is mentioned in the acknowledgements. Sally had the publisher send Holly a copy and she hopes someday to get it autographed. You can take a look at info about the book at this website: http:// www.sallybahous.com Holly and Sally became good friends while they attended Coker. Sally married Delmas Allen, who had gone to the Citadel and they both transferred to UNC-Chapel Hill to complete their undergraduate degrees. After graduation there, Delmas got an MD and PhD in Anatomy. They went to Lebanon where they both taught in the American University.
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It’s their experience there that Sally writes about in her second book. When they returned to the US, Delmas taught at several medical universities, became chair of Allied Health at Georgia State, then President of North Georgia College and State University. Sally did graduate work at two of the schools where Delmas worked and earned both her MA and PhD in English. She taught at the college level for a number of years, the last one being Whittier College in California which was Richard Nixon’s Alma Mater. Now retired, Sally and Delmas built a house and settled in Mexico which Sally says is very much like the houses she knew as a child in Palestine. Sally and Delmas are parents of three children. Holly also became a very good friend of Charlotte Anderson Ross and her sister Sara Anderson Kummer ’62. After she and Warren moved from Florence to Greenwood, the friendship flourished at Greenwood High School “where they had long careers” and Holly a shorter one. The three of them visited Sally and Delmas in Los Angeles. After a stint in Greenwood, the Wescotts moved to Nashville and Holly looked forward to a visit from Charlotte and Sara in May. I hope the visit was a good one for the three of you. This is what makes Coker so special, the many lifelong friendships and also having your paths cross after your student days and forming deep and abiding friendships. We send sincere sympathy to the family of Dee McCracken Briggs ’58, our sister class. Dee died May 9th after a sudden and unexpected illness while visiting a daughter. Elaine Johnson Hays ’58 shared with me that the two of them at their 50th reunion in April, felt so blessed to have good health while others were dealing with health issues. Patti Posey Bullen has had two lengthy trips in 2008. In March she and a good friend and former neighbor from Virginia visited Italy and took the Orient Express to Paris which was very exciting. As I write this column she and Don are on the road again. Leaving on the 29th of June driving to northern California for Don’s high school reunion they planned to return home to Florida in a little over 3 weeks. “Seems like we always make this trip when the gas gets so high you can’t believe it,” she said. They planned to travel through the center of our country with a stop in St. Louis to visit a friend from Germany they hadn’t seen in 30 years. On the way back a southern route with two days of sight seeing in Santa Fe was planned. Sure hope they didn’t experience the weather related problems with such heavy rain or the terrible fires in California. We hope to see them in October when they drive north to visit their daughter and families in Virginia. That’s all for now. Please keep safe, healthy and happy and keep in touch. Love to each of you, Ann
>> C lass of 19 6 1 S y lvia B eard S eppala 2271 Brackenville Road Hockessin, DE 19707 302-239-0641 sylviabs@aol.com | 302.239.0641 fax R egina S w y gert- S mit h 5206 Main Street Stephens City, VA 22655-2632 540-868-1055 | randm@bilbroughterriers.com
>> C lass of 19 6 2 G abrielle ( G ab y ) M orandiere 300 East 54th St #7-K New York, NY 10022 212-832-7462 gaby.morandiere@verizon.net Dear Classmates, 2008 is Coker’s Centennial and the 50th high school reunion year for most of us. Hopefully you have been able to enjoy both. Molly Holbrook Birchler and Ida Pace Storrs made it to Coker in April to celebrate its Centennial and had a wonderful time. Please keep in touch and let us know of any changes in your contact information and those of our classmates. Please remember to give what you can to Coker which has given us so much. This Centennial year is a good excuse to be sure to give something back. Classmate news is in alphabetical order, by the last names we remember. Linda Abbott Johnson and George have had a fourth grandson who is keeping Linda very busy. Two granddaughters and four grandsons are all living in Greenwood and all need MiMi’s help. Their entire family has just headed to the North Carolina coast for a two week vacation. MiMi expects to be a basket case by the end of this trip. Sara Anderson Kummer’s knee replacement has been successful and she was able to join her sister, Catherine, in a cross-Canada trip which was fabulous and interesting. The sisters are aiming to go to Australia and New Zealand next April. Sara will be teaching for the first semester of the 2008-09 year. She’s also enjoying her new 14 month old granddaughter, Katherine, as well as eight year old Sara. Mary Bell Kittle and Joe are in their Orkney Springs house for the summer. Their arugula and herb garden is happy. They enjoy having relatives and friends visit their mountain retreat. They will return to San Antonio in the fall.
Sherrie Berry Wolski and Pat are happily nestled into their house in Ocoee, FL. Sherrie reports that she has been working on her Doctorate in Weed Eradication, after having received her Masters two years ago. Gayle Brandt Faust sounds wonderfully well on the telephone. After spending most of the past year in the hospital and recuperating bit by bit at home, she is recently able to swallow food and has enjoyed eating and walking and driving. Her three sons have been a wonderful help. Peggy Brown Buchanan and John are still living in a lovely house on the water in Norfolk, VA, most of the time although they do love to return to their home in Mount Pleasant every chance they get. Jo Ann Clayton Leist writes that her mother, Adelaide Shumate Clayton ’34, died peacefully on December 30, 2007, five weeks before her 94th birthday. Jo Ann was on NC Public TV on a Thursday evening in May for what she calls her two-second piano debut. Jo Ann accompanies a band of 27 retirement home residents who perform all over central NC (and even short forays in VA) on homemade instruments. They were featured on the “Our State” program. Charlotte Cothran Taylor is busy keeping her two granddaughters, ages 8 and 12, while school is out. She had a wonderful sixteen day vacation in Europe in May. Charlotte and her sister rented an apartment in Paris where they played tourist, took a cooking class, a train to Venice for a few days before moving on to Nice for several more days and after which they returned to Paris. Carol Elting Richardson is well following foot surgery last spring. She works at the polls during primaries and elections and has been busy putting scrapbooks and photo albums together. Molly Holbrook Birchler and Al went to see his new grand baby (boy) in May and also to see his brother and sister. These three adorable little children are very polite and have such good manners. The baby never cried once while Molly and Al were with him. Harriet King van Norte has had to make two trips to the emergency room at Emory this year. In early March, she twisted her ankle. In May she tripped over a dead bush while attempting to stop a cat fight in the middle of the night and sprained her right wrist. Nothing was broken but each sprain took over nine weeks to heal. With a foot brace Harriet was able to take a planned trip to Sicily with her good friend Angela in mid March and had a wonderful time. Margaret McCue Freymuth sounds like a new woman after having had successful shoulder and carpal tunnel surgery. She and Wayne are thrilled because their daughter Anne’s family is moving into a house on their block. Peggy reminded me that there were four Peggys in our class. Ida Pace Storrs joined Coker’s ten day trip to Canada. From Vancouver, they took a train across the Rockies, stopping at night to visit interesting sites. Their guide was informative and knowledgeable. Participants walked on a glacier and drank the water which runs under the ice. She has lots of memories. Ida has also found time to have her backyard patio and wall reworked. She says “it looks like I am going to have to hire a goat to eat the newly sodded grass.” Ida’s new buddy is a Bichon Frise named Archie who keeps her busy walking around the block several times a day. Her chemotherapy treatments are only once every three weeks. Ida had a nice call from Lee McCown Huey who has been spending nights with her mother. Lee is cooking dinner for her husband and mother and seems to be comfortable with this new routine. Valerie Powell White is heading East to attend her 50th in Sumter on August 15 and 16. She plans to leave by train for Washington, D.C. to visit her daughter, Vanessa. Val took a four night cruise to Mexico. She loves to travel, but dislikes leaving her little cat, not to mention the income from Yoga classes and massage business. Henrietta Ramsey van Arsdale is in good health and takes her dog, Swiffer, for two long walks every day, rain or shine. On Sunday mornings she cooks sinfully unhealthy breakfasts for herself and her two children. Henri does not
Guests at the Centennial Reception in Drengaelen House on Alumni Weekend.
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hear from Bea Duncan Weston very often, but they are still the best of buddies. Bea and Julian spend a lot of time at their mountain house. Nancy Rogers Watkins and her husband, Law, spent a wonderful week in Paris in May. Nancy has a new job at the Institute of Museum and Library Services where she is coordinating a multi-year initiative to help smaller cultural heritage institutions improve the care of their collections. Frances Segars Kelley has begun learning to “throw pots” in a pottery class, using a wheel. She says it is great fun. This year her dancing granddaughter, Sarah Elizabeth, has been in a lot of competitions. Anita Stanton Jones’ life seems to get busier. She has been working with a physical therapist because she slipped and fell on her knee last fall. After months of limping, pain, injections and tests she began physical therapy, which has helped. In May she hosted her 50th classmates at her house for a luncheon. Gwen Thomason Adams has been snowed under with meetings and entertaining. She hosted the annual Thomason reunion recently, attended by 76. Herbert and Gwen have not been able to travel much since he took over as Chair of the Board of Trustees at USC. This job will end on July 31st. Hopefully then they can get away for some nice trips. Last Fall they were able to drive out to Arkansas and Oklahoma with Patsy Hunt Adams, Bill Adams and Herbert’s other brother and his wife. Joanne Tuten Bellamy is as busy, perky and upbeat as always. Her sister-in-law has been very ill and Joanne heads south nearly every week to help, giving her brother a chance to run errands and catch up with things that need to be done. Cathy Ward Parker writes that she and Jim are well. They (in Nova Scotia) are finally getting some better weather. The high was 70° when she wrote in July. She has not been able to get out of her sweatshirts. The Wards are expecting a rash of company mid-July through mid-August - all family. They enjoy that. Bruce Williams and his wife Mary Frances Zachary Williams’64 finally made it to visit their last of the 50 states, beautiful Hawaii!! They spent three days in Honolulu near Waikiki Beach where they climbed Diamond Head, a very strenuous climb thru tunnels and switchbacks. In August, they are planning a Windjammer cruise in Maine with five relatives. In November, it will be back to the Southern Caribbean on the MS Noordam for a two week cruise. While they have been to most of the islands, this time they plan to visit Tortola (British West Indies) and to snorkel at the Baths. Nancy Wilson has stopped pet-sitting and is looking for a real job again, one with only 8-9 hour workdays, as opposed to 20+ hours a day. Everything is fine there in Phoenix. Mary Anne Wycliff Johnson lost her younger brother, Clark Wickliffe, to cancer on May 12, 2008. He had just retired from his camera store (Campus Camera) in Clemson, after 35 years. She received a very sweet e-mail from Linda Abbott Johnson whose son had worked at Campus Camera when at Clemson. Mary Anne loves wood carving. “Carving is a Gift from God I never knew I had”. She is starting her third year of carving and Jo loves to watch. Peggy Ziegler Reeves attended the Carolinas Council Spring Accounting Conference in Myrtle Beach the last weekend in April, was recognized as the Most Valuable Member for the Spartanburg IMA Chapter at the awards luncheon in May and went to the IMA Volunteer Leaders Workshop and the IMA National Conference in Tampa, Florida in June. Just want to share the news that I, Gaby, can now walk, swim, climb stairs, and take subways. It is amazing to think of what a wonderful surgeon can do after RA does its nasty thing. I’ve gotten two “new” feet thanks to two reconstructions, the first in June, 2007, and the second in January, 2008. So many of you have been so kind. Life is good. With love to all, Gaby
FIRST ROW (Left to right) Carol Hooks Pittman, Nan Warren Clarke, Edith Reynolds, Belinda D. Copeland, Libby Privette SECOND ROW (Left to right) Kay Elder Williams, Carolyn Hawkins Hopper, Georgia Ann Jenkins Porcher, Joy Shirley Edgerton, Lana Suber Barnett, Nancy McConnell Wilhelm THIRD ROW (Left to right) Peggy Kirby Lawrence, Kitty Kirby Nobles, Carol Phillips Kirven, Lynda Morillo Hord, Madeline Theus McKenzie
>> C lass of 19 6 3 N anc y W arren C larke P.O. Box 988 Montreat, NC 28757 828-371-0572 | frauclarke@mindspring.com E dit h F loride R e y nolds 105 South Rosemary Avenue Andrews, SC 29510 843-264-5173 | edithreynolds@verizon.net Celebrating our 45th reunion as well as Coker’s 100th Anniversary April 4-5 were: Lana Suber Barnett, Nan Warren Clarke, Belinda Duckworth Copeland, Joy Shirley Edgerton, Carolyn Hawkins Hopper, Lynda Morillo Hord, Carol Phillips Kirven, Peggy Kirby Lawrence, Madeleine Theus McKenzie, Goode Mobley and wife Gail, Kitty Kirby Nobles, Carol Hooks Pittman and friend Jerry Smoak, Georgia Ann Jenkins Porcher, Libby Whitescarver Privette, Edith Floride Reynolds, Nancy McConnell Wilhelm and husband Bill “Budgy” and Kay Elder Williams. On Friday night a few of us attended the cocktail reception held at Drengaelen House while the rest of us had drinks and dinner at Bizzell’s. Walter Brown and wife Judy joined us there. Saturday we had our reunion meeting in Davidson Hall. We were given information about the Endowment we are establishing for our 50th reunion. To all of you who contributed to the Loyalty Fund, thank you. Our 45th reunion gift was $5,455. The weather was awful, but the rain did not dampen our sprits. However, most of us were disappointed we didn’t have lunch in the Dining Hall. Walking down the halls and past the parlors always brings back memories. Saturday night we had a wonderful meal at the Hartsville Country Club. Many thanks to Belinda again for all of the arrangements she makes for our reunions. One of the highlights on Saturday was the Alumni Art Show and reception. Our own Carol Hooks Pittman was one of the exhibitors. We loved her work – an acrylic on tile titled: “In Pursuit of Pink”. Carol has had a one-woman exhibit in the Asheville Museum and group exhibitions in Tryon, NC, Bocca Raton, FL and Atlanta.
Joy Shirley Edgerton retired from her second teaching job last year. Joy taught a total of 43 years. She and her husband live on a farm in Bishopville. They have five children, eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Carolyn Hawkins Hopper hikes 18 miles every Wednesday and plays Mah-Jongg on Mondays. She visits shut-ins and does volunteer work for the NC Extension and Community Services. Husband Robert enjoys retirement, but still does some “fill in” preaching. Carolyn wants everyone to know she is FINALLY a grandmother to Caroline, daughter of son Elliott. Madeleine Theus McKenzie retired from the First Steps program. She is now involved with a literary program and is on a community philanthropy board in Hampton County. Madeleine visits her son in Charlotte and daughter in Texas often. Lynda Morillo Horde, recovering from arthroscopic knee surgery, has retired from the Center of Creative Leadership. She continues with her interior decorating and is thrilled daughter Jennifer is moving back to Greensboro. Belinda D. Copeland is running for Treasurer of Darlington County once again. Didn’t she tell us in 2004 she planned to retire after that four-year term? Nancy Fairey Forbis had a hip replacement in May. She is recuperating nicely and is almost back to normal. Linda Horton Cooke has been “lost” to us for many years. Lana Suber Barnett and Edith Floride Reynolds went to see her when she was visiting her brother in North Litchfield Beach in May. Her address is 1661 South Fletcher Ave, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034. Y’all keep Linda in your prayers as she undergoes another round of chemo. Nan Warren Clarke and Erskine have retired and moved to Montreat, NC. They are staying with one of their daughters until their house is completed. We offer our sympathy to Katie Turner Gordon in the loss of her husband and mother last year. It was great seeing everyone who came to the reunion, especially Peggy Kirby Lawrence. This was her first trip back to Coker since graduation. We hope to see all of you who came and those who were unable to attend at our 50th in 2013. Let us know if you have any news. Nan and Edith
class news ’64 - ’65 | class news
>> C lass of 19 6 4 L orena C ook J ames 24 Dearborn Rd North, SC 29112-8201 803-874-3332 lorenajames@windstream.net B eck y S parrow 505 Law St Hartsville, SC 29550-3646 843-857-0782 rgs2000@aol.com C ameron C ouncil S pet h 986 Forest Road New Haven, CT 06515 203-453-8985 cspeth@hopkins.edu Greetings to all! Nell Bates Beasley sent a card with a beautiful “on the beach” family shot. Everyone is just fine. Her granddaughter Haley completed third grade and grandson Chad K5 in the spring. The April 19th wedding of Mary Louise Antley Glesner’s son Scott to his lovely bride Suzanne was a joyous time for the whole family. Mary Louise, who emailed wonderful pictures, said her two little grandsons were so good throughout all the festivities. Now that she and her husband Steve, who retired two years ago, live on beautiful Edisto Island, Pam Goode Jacobs says it should really be easy for her to attend our reunion next spring. She’s busy volunteering for the Edisto Island Open Land Trust as a member of the Board, and the Jacobs enjoy boating, bird watching, and going to Charleston. Son James is a restaurateur in Columbia. Nita Nunn Danenburg and Marshall are enjoying the role of grandparents, since the birth to his daughter-in-law Kandi and son Scott of twins, a boy Cameron Everett and a girl Morgan Ann, on June 19, 2008 in Atlanta. Nita sent a picture of “Granddaddy” holding both babies, whom they were able to see just minutes after the births. She and Marshall will return to Atlanta to help the new mom when business takes Scott out of town. With a spring trip to Hawaii, Mary-Frances Zachary Williams and Bruce ’62 have visited all 50 USA states and are ready to start over! They spent three days in Honolulu and twelve days cruising the islands. They visited the Ari-
Carol Atkinson‘73, President Dawson, and Ellen Briggs ‘73 at the Centennial Reception.
zona Memorial, Waikiki Beach and the Polynesian Cultural Center, climbed Diamond Head, viewed Kilauea Volcano and snorkeled in Molokini Crater with the beautiful fish and coral. Carol Chastain Dietrich and her husband spent two June weeks traveling in Peru with a friend who has built a retirement house near Lima. They visited Lima, Cusco, Aquas Calientes, Machu Picchu and Ica. Carol says, “Lima is a crowded, dirty, smoggy city for the most part; however, we did see some pretty ritzy areas when we took the City Tour. Cusco, at 11,000 feet, was a shock to our sea level, low altitude lungs. The Sacred Valley of the Incas offers many interesting ruins. Then we took a train to Aquas Calientes, a quaint little Peruvian village near Machu Picchu with lots of hotels, shops and restaurants. Machu Picchu is breathtaking, figuratively and literally. Next, we took a bus trip to Ica, epicenter of the August 2007 earthquake. It is slowly rebuilding, but devastation is still evident. While there, we visited a museum with Inca mummies, a chocolate factory, a winery where we experienced a little tremor, and an oasis in the desert just outside of town. The huge sand-dunes are awesome, but boring after driving through them for four hours on the way back to Lima!” Since she travels extensively for Rotary International, Anne Lamb Matthews is rarely at home in Columbia. She was in Los Angeles for the Rotary International Convention in June followed shortly afterward by a second business trip there and had an itinerary including stops in Missouri, Virginia, North Carolina, District of Columbia and Texas before the end of July. Anne loves working with Rotary, whose sole purpose is to “do good in the world” and to foster goodwill and peace, and has devoted her life to the organization for the past ten years. However, she did manage a “just for fun” trip to Prague recently. Regarding our upcoming reunion, Susan Frank writes, “I will seriously consider attending, although it will be very strange to be back in SC after being away for so long - 45 years!” All’s well in California where Susan continues working as a paralegal for the Public Affairs Department of Chevron. Susan is very involved in the lives of her daughter Mara’s two children, Tavi, 15, and James, 14. With her son Sam and his wife Chris expecting their first child, a boy, in August, she was eagerly anticipating having a baby in the family again. A volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, she will also, thanks to two very successful knee replacements, once again join this year’s San Francisco AIDS Walk. As for your class representatives: Cameron Council Speth and Gus are having a wonderful time in Vermont for six weeks this summer. “We have met lots of interesting people who live in and around our little village. This summer we’re raising chickens - meat birds. We got the day-old chicks on June 23 and in six weeks time they will be small Cornish hen size and ready for the freezer. Next summer we’ll expand if this is a success. Our sons and their wives came for the 4th of July. We have a wonderful parade and fair and chicken barbeque on our Common. Our two little grandchildren, Cameron and Rodgers, will come all by themselves for 10 days at the end of July. They are 4 and 2.5 so we have lots of kiddie excitement planned for them (including feeding the chickens).” Becky Sparrow describes an amazing honor. “I was speechless when Jim Dawson called me in May to say that I was the 2008 community recipient of the Algernon Sidney Sullivan Award! The college honored the student recipient, Demetrious McCoy ’08, and me at a dinner held at Drengaelen. We were joined by friends and family to make it an evening of fun, celebration, and the presentation of the Sullivan Medals. Demetrious and I received the framed Sullivan Awards at Coker’s Centennial Graduation. I can’t tell you how profoundly moving it was for me to stand in front of Davidson Hall as I accepted the Algernon Sidney Sullivan Award for community service while looking out on the new campus and up College Avenue where I grew up!” Congratulations, Becky, on such well-deserved recognition!
Becky had lunch with Nell Bates Beasley, Naomi Kelley Jackson, Betty Morrell Pait, and Jean Smith Sansbury recently. They are all doing great. Also, she visited with Ellen Harden Rogers and Karen Kuehner. Ellen says it’s official; she and Nick are retiring and will be spending more time in Hartsville. Karen teaches at Columbia College and attended the weddings of her niece and her nephew this summer. Lorena Cook James and Linda Traynham Prior and families enjoyed visits during the spring and summer. In June, Linda’s son Jimmy, his wife and two little boys traveled from Texas for a stay at her Jackson home. Ann Dobson Hammond and Tom spent a relaxing May weekend with the James’ at their river cabin. Please mark your calendar for our 45th class reunion the first weekend of April 2009. Your class reunion committee is already planning for the fun filled weekend activities!
Happy days to all of you! Cameron, Becky and Lorena
>> C lass of 19 6 5 P egg y S impson P eck 2564 Mossy Oak Drive Hartsville SC 29550 843-383-5726 | hadebell@bellsouth.net
Kathy Reid Gall writes from Kensington, MD, that she cleaned out old storage boxes and found her Milestones. She took a sentimental journey. Kathy is now and has been for the last 38 years, a special education teacher. She works for the D. C. Public schools where she has taught middle/ Junior High school for the last 20 years. After all these years she still finds it fun and thinks her kids are great. Her son Dan and his wife are expecting a grandchild in August. Courtney Howard Quattlebaum’s daughter, Mary, is expecting Courtney’s first grandchild, a boy, in October. Hoot Ramsey Snyder wrote: “Well, nothing exciting happened like winning the lottery, so here I go with what is not a very exciting update about my life. After a slow start on summer here in the Pacific Northwest, it is now finally warm and sunny everyday. I enjoy watching the kiteboarders outside my living room window. Hood River is the windsurfing capital of the world and the windsurfers and kiteboarders make a very colorful display on the Columbia River. Last weekend I went out on a boat with my son and his family and enjoyed the sunshine and fresh air. I watched my son “surf” on the wake of the boat, as if he were in the ocean...no rope attached. My grandson, Silas Cooper, is 2 1/2 years old and stays with me two days a week. I continue to write for Columbia Gorge Magazine and did a story on barns in the gorge for their summer issue. The owners of the magazine have started a television channel on Charter Cable, and in August, I will start doing a cooking show for them. It will feature organic fruits, vegetables and meats grown in the Hood River Valley. Also part of the show will be table decorating, done with Lavender, evergreens, fruits and other native plants and flowers. Looks like I am going to turn 65 in a whirlwind...better that than a rocking chair! God bless you one and all.” Ann Butler Carraway had a wonderful fall! In Oct. her niece ran in the Women’s Nike Marathon in San Francisco— so her parents, her brother and his wife, and Lyle and Ann used it as an excuse to take a trip. Her niece finished in the top 10% of approx. 2,000 runners. The end of Oct. Lyle and Ann, along with several other couples, spent a long weekend at Bald Mt. and Apple Valley near Lake Lure. The week of Thanksgiving Lyle and Ann went with their daughter, her family, and her husband’s family to
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class news class news | ’65 - ’68
Barbados. There were 11 of them basking in the sun, enjoying the beautiful Caribbean waters, sightseeing, and being waited on by a great staff at Mullins Mill Villa, consisting of 8 acres and owned by a family in England. Dec. 5 her daughter, granddaughter, and Ann flew to New York for several days. This was her granddaughter’s 10th birthday present from her parents. Saw Sandra Tedder Lee ’66 Dec. 1 at her mother’s 90th birthday drop-in. Margaret McCarrell is living in Charlotte where has been running her own real estate business. She is getting ready to retire soon. Sharon Williams Elton wrote: This recent school year I pushed my health and sanity envelope and taught for three Baptist churches in my neighborhood, 2 year olds MWF/4 year olds T-TH/Conducted Chapel for after school children on Monday afternoons. You may send donations in lieu of flowers! A lot of fun but too much physical work! THIS coming school year it is my joy to have a first grade class of nine at a Christian Academy near Fort Worth. My own room set up and left my way! No sharing with any other group of people as this last year. No putting everything away at the end of the day! Children who can do more for themselves! I’m really excited about this school and my position there. Rachel Smith Warren has retired from teaching and has taken up golf and Master Gardening. Donna Gates Chapman and her husband Curtis ’63 spent two weeks driving around England, Wales, and Ireland in May. From Columbia, Karen Kuehner tells us that “Bill and I continue to enjoy retirement in Blythewood. In addition to our three dogs, the pasture behind our house is now populated by our two goats, a neighbor’s miniature donkey, and an abandoned emu that wandered up to our gate. Needless to say, the animals keep us busy and entertained. I continue to do some adjunct teaching at Columbia College, and now chair the Architectural Review Board for the Town of Blythewood. The above, along with yoga classes, gardening, and Book Club keep me more than busy. Nereide Ellis is now part owner of two small newspapers. Alex, Linda Crews Pearson’s, son got married in May. Marianne Green Roser has moved again. She writes, “Hey there, girlfriends! The days just keep marching along. Sorry I have not gotten back to you sooner. I am still unpacking in my new home here in Shenandoah Valley, about 10 miles north of Front Royal. The fun part is I am about an hour north west of Island View Farm where I lived while at Coker. My folks would be amused. I absolutely love the location and the 55+ community is perfect for me. I am only an hour from Geoff and his little family, lovely wife and three boys and one GIRL due mid July. Allison is a little over two hours away in Richmond and I get down there at least once a month to see her and her two boys. I have jumped in head first here and am playing with the Bridge Group, am teaching Mah Jongg once a week, and am the brand new Queen for our brand new Red Hat Society chapter, the Shenandoah Sweethearts. I am gradually finding my way around this area. This is my 30th move since leaving Coker. It does not get easier, which really surprises me. I guess my mom was right in bemoaning “Earth Weights”….you collect them, can’t take them with you and run out of room to store them! Bunches of hugs to you and yours, =^..^=” If you are moving to Florida be sure to call Sally Schrader Irving who is selling real estate. Jane Stogner Thompson has fighting the elements in
FIRST ROW (Left to right) Judy Brown Pigg, Judy Hesley Toney, Judi Bailey, Joan Abernathy SECOND ROW (Left to right) Sharon Roger Pelt, Mary Anne Pate Erter, Margaret Bland Cooper, Gail Randall McInnis, Barbara Nexsen Lansche THIRD ROW (Left to right) Angelyn Bateman, Gayle Grubbs Stoll, Nancy Baker Bell, Susan Reichard Allred, Martie Dobson White
Indiana. She writes, “Nothing exciting in our lives. Enjoyed some time on Seabrook and while there our lake home on Lamb Lake in Indiana was flooded by the breach of an adjacent lake. We weren’t affected other than our boat lift and shore station were damaged. The water came up over 6-8 feet of our dock but when it receded we still had all of our furniture and even my flower pots! They have tubes coming through them for a watering system that I guess saved the day. They all settled right back down on the dock in their original positions! We were very lucky. No water near the house as we are high. Others in Indiana and on the lake were not so fortunate. The flooding all over our country is quite frightening! This last month we had tornadoes, and earthquake and flooding just where we live. We have our seven year old grandson with us for about a month and then will return him to Amelia Island, Florida but stay with him and his three year old sister while his parents go to the Travel Ball World Series of Softball with our ten year old grand daughter. Grandchildren are great! BUT we’re old and it’s getting harder-ha! Eleanor Powell Clark said she had a good year teaching and will soon retire. Eleanor is busy with her grandchildren this summer. Mary Williamson Sikes is teaching college level math and living in Raleigh, NC. She has built a house with her son and his family. She loves having her grandson right upstairs. Carol Metz Peecksen is retiring from teaching in Charleston County Schools. Craig Mason Morisak writes that she has been “babysitting’ for her in-law’s dogs and they have kept her very busy. Tom and I, Peggy Boatwright Peck, enjoyed a few nights in the mountains during the heat of the summer. We are still settling into our new home and getting used to a lot of yard work. We have a wild rabbit that ate all my pepper plants, hot peppers included, but as Tom loves rabbits we just watched. Right now I am doing my best to master some Wii games. They are fun and keep me moving even if I lose every time I play! Barbara Thompson continues to entertain with her high-brow e-mail humor. I am closing with this very funny note from Norma Herring Mitra: During the last few months I have discovered the cure for a disease so rare that they can’t find anyone to test it on. Johnny Depp has begged me to see him just one more time before he returns to his home in France. Samir and I learned to tango and were invited to assist in rehearsing newcomers to “So You Think You Can Dance”. I had to say no because I am just finishing my cook book titled, “Cooking the Mitra Way”.
>> C lass of 19 6 6 C lass rep or co - reps needed
>> C lass of 19 6 7 C lass rep or co - reps needed
>> C lass of 19 6 8 J oan L ading A bernat h y 20037 Oak River Court Petersburg, VA 23803 804-590-1644 | jabernathyva@aol.com J ud y B rown P igg 2412 Old Hickory Lane Hartsville, SC 29550 843-332-5600 | Juliapigg@roadrunner.com The “Fabulous Fourteen” from the class of 1968 were present to help celebrate Coker’s 100th Anniversary in April. Judy Brown Pigg is presently in the midst of building a new home right behind her three year old grandson in Hartsville, and anxiously awaiting the August birth of a granddaughter in California, so I am making an attempt to put together some news to share. Judy and Wayne traveled with the Coker group to the Canadian Rockies, starting in Vancouver. She was overwhelmed by the scenery, actually walked on a glacier, and rafted down the Althabaska River. Nancy Baker Bell’s daughter Elizabeth gave birth to Elizabeth Anne in June. Nancy is now fortunate to have four grandchildren living nearby her and Jimmy. He recently spent time in Trinidad on a medical mission trip while Nancy visited with family and friends in Bluffton. Angelyn McCarver Bateman is also celebrating the birth of a second grandson. Her daughter Frances, who lives in Florence, had a boy in June. MaryAnne Pate Erter shared that she still teaches mathematics and Jack practices law. Her daughter, Caroline, shares her time with her daughters Lily and Charley and teaches at Harvard. Her son, Jay, is presently in his second year of a fellowship in hematology/oncology in Ohio. MaryAnne also commented that “grandchildren are the best”. Judi Hege Bailey said that it seems like only yesterday that we were celebrating our graduation, not 40 years ago! She left Michigan to return to her roots in Clemmons,
class news ’68 - ’70 | class news
NC and continues to consult for ECU. Judi also mentioned that Bren creates gourmet meals and even extended all of us an invite! Judy Hesley Toney works as a Human Resource Director for Rutherford County where she said she is paid to talk, a job in paradise for her! Her daughter Holly, has three children, Mandy is expecting a grandson in August, and her youngest, Sally, who is a registered nurse, now lives in Fort Eustis, VA with her husband. Sharon Rogers Pelt shared that her daughter Jennifer chose to stay and reside in Charleston after her college graduation as a portfolio manager. Now Sharon has a wonderful excuse to travel to the Carolina coast for a visit. Barbara Nexsen Lansche noted that John, Shay, and her two year old grandson, Drew, are in Columbia where John has opened his own law firm. Keeping it all in the family, Will serves as the office manager for John. Martie Dobson White also shared the birth of a granddaughter, Addison, born to Adam and Amy in December of 2007. Michael married Shannon in 2006, and is now in Gen Surgery Residency in Greenville. Merrill Ann lives in Richmond and works for C&F Bank. Since Martie retired she and Jim have stayed on the go. Future traveling plans include a river cruise through the Columbia River Gorge and a cruise down the Danube in Europe. Susan Reichard Allred, Margaret Bland Cooper, Gail Randall McInnis, and Gayle Grubbs Stoll also shared family photos and events with all. Even though she didn’t attend the reunion, Nancy Strahan Hall, wants to let everyone know that she certainly missed the occasion to renew friendships. She has retired, just from teaching, and now works at an Ecumenical Center, as well as a volunteer at the National Park Service at Sagamore Hill. Both her sons, William and John, are married and live in Queens. John is an educator and William is with the N.Y. Public Library. My retirement from teaching Math at the high school level, was an ending, but also promoted a beginning. I now teach freshmen at VSU and have a little more time to make choices on my activities. I bake, scrapbook, teach a youth Sunday school class, ride a motorcycle, and anxiously await the arrival of my first granddaughter. Keleigh lives in Atlanta, and Chris in Surfside, so my travels have become a priority. Renewing past acquaintances should not only be a five year tradition, so I’m hopeful to inspire each of you to make an attempt to reach out to a Cokernut in the near future. Joan Congratulations to Sharon Rogers Pelt on her inclusion in The Heritage Registry of Who’s Who for her accomplishments and achievements in the Real Estate Industry with Fonville Morisey Realty!
>> C lass of 19 6 9 R ep or co - rep needed
>> C lass of 19 7 0 L inda S mit h B radford Post Office Box 130 Hallieford, VA 23068-0130 804-876-3239 | Lbradford@mcvh-vcu.edu J ane B rown R iec h mann 2970 St. Johns Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32205 904-384-8650 | stjohnsjane@bellsouth.net J o y ce F lo y d S h aw 252 Timberlake Drive Florence, SC 29501 843-393-2540 | OdeToJoyce@aol.com Greetings, Class of ’70! As this is being written the summer is speeding by. Again, we’ll keep our fingers crossed that the hurricanes don’t find their way to the U.S. By the time this news hits the press, we will know. It’s good to hear from so many of you. Keep the news coming. Eed Thanomkulbutr is now fully retired in her native Thailand and says she is exercising to control weight and cholesterol and reading a lot now that she is a woman of leisure. Elaine White Gilbert reports that she had a minireunion with Jane May Gable at a store in Raleigh where Jane and her mother were shopping. Jane’s mother could not believe that Elaine and Jane had both attended Coker and were in the same class since such a meeting would be rare. Elaine says that’s what makes her realize how special her years at Coker were….a small school (at the time all girls) where everyone knows one another. Elaine joined Genevieve White Sharpe (better known as Pie) and Jane Brown Riechmann at Mary Edmunds Reed’s lovely home in Sumter last April for another minireunion. Mary is now fully retired from teaching as of the end of May 2008 and ready to begin a new career buying antiques for customers. She has many unique pieces in her home and has a real knack for decorating which I (Jane) never witnessed as her suitemate at Coker! Talking about changes from Coker, who would have ever suspected Judie Cooper Camak as a workaholic? She puts in late hours and even weekends occasionally at A.G. Edwards as a Senior Vice President but thanks to a co-worker with whom she is now collaborating, she is under declassification to become a normal worker. Judie and husband Banks, who is fully retired, finally have a daughter. Their younger son Cooper married a Macon girl and delighted the family. Their older son Banks III has recently moved to Nashville from California which is much closer to home to Johnson City, TN and makes Judie much happier. Also still working is Susan Burns Wetmore who wrote that she was on her way to Boulder, CO for a school conference. Her work has even taken her to Italy so teaching kindergarten does have its advantages. Susan was part of the “Laurens girls turning 60” celebration held in Surfside Beach in April. Fran Crisp McCaw and Jane Brown Riechmann also represented Coker well in the group of ten crazy women. Diane Thrasher Mills is still teaching high school and loves it so much she is teaching summer school. Who would not like Diane as a teacher? Beverly Armstrong McLaughlin wrote that she had been meaning to write but her life has been turned upside down lately. On Easter Sunday, 2006, she stepped from her car and broke her leg which led to the discovery that she has Multiple Myeloma, a rare blood cancer that attacks bone marrow and is not curable. Beverly’s positive outlook is a testament to true character. She and husband Doug still live in Rock Hill.
Kay-Kay Duelley Nooft is retired from 17 years of teaching high risk students. She spent a lot of that time in Columbia as Chairman for the Business Department for Richland One’s Adult Ed program at Logan School. Kay-Kay and her husband Al, who is also retired, are celebrating 37 years of marriage which produced two children Ginger (30) and Jonathan (25). Kay-Kay is no longer able to walk due to complications from diabetes which is now cured after a double transplant of a kidney and a pancreas. Kay-Kay keeps in touch with Ginny French Lyles ’71 and Susan Ayers Oliver ’71. Ginny lives in Hartsville and teaches 4 year old kindergarten at Society Hill. Susan and her husband Fred are both retired and live in the Boone, NC area in a cabin they reworked. Kay-Kay says she is an avid reader of the Commentary and would love to hear from others of our “Crazy Coker Bunch”. Celeste Oliver Phillips has a second grandchild, this time a little boy born in March 2008. Celeste says she plans to retire in the spring of 2009 from the Medical University of SC and move to Tequesta, FL where her son, his wife and her grandchildren live. Frequently, Celeste sees Camille Reynolds ’69 at Grace Episcopal which they both attend. Still in Bishopville is Sandy Myers Denny. Sandy is retired from teaching Spanish in high school and now enjoys reading, gardening, and visiting her six grandchildren, three of each. Harriett W. Council plans to retire November 1. She still lives in Lake Waccamaw and is looking forward to retirement. She is arranging a Coker mini-reunion over lunch with Kaye Thurston Pope, Gayle Grubbs Stoll ’68 and Gail Worrell Townsend ’69 so maybe she can fill everyone in on these former Coker grads in our next newsletter. Joining the grandmother ranks is Ray Torrance Vance. Ray and husband Mike are proud grandparents of Jackson Alexander Vance who was born in November of 2007 and lives only 3 minutes away from his adoring grandparents. Ray is in the same quilt guild as Martha Flowers Herbert. (That’s another “can you believe it” change since Coker days…Martha Sherrill quilting!) Patty Shuler Noble and John hope their next bowl game trip will result in a win for John’s beloved Buckeyes – the Nobles have followed Ohio State all over the country and bowl losses or not they are still huge fans! Patty continues to help out during tax season but enjoys a slower pace the rest of the year. Debbie Collins Kobezak has been retired from education for several years now – she worked with students in art and gifted education in the public schools in Hampton VA. She and her husband are frequently traveling – she’s putting all that good art education to use overseas! Linda Pearce Lewis and Mark are preparing for the marriage of their son, David, in October. She is going strong playing tennis, planning the wedding and keeping everything organized! Gray and Linda Smith Bradford are about half-way through an addition – part is a “cat-free” bedroom suite for allergic guests – and the rest is bringing a nearly 30 year old house up to the 21st century. They hope to finish before Linda retires (again) next summer! Candee Constable Craven writes that they purchased a lake house in upper Wisconsin in April and she’s been busy furnishing it. She’s almost ready for visitors. Joyce Floyd Shaw is at it again—in May she was commissioned as Associate in Ministry in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. She accepted the call to her home church, St. Luke Lutheran in Florence where she has been since 1969—the weekend before her granddaughter Christine Shaw ’08 graduated from Coker! Congratulations Joyce! Trudy Donnon is owner of Blue Ribbon Packing Service in Pipersville, PA so if you are ever in that area and need someone to help you out in that area or to help with organization, call her. We have not actually spoken with Trudy so we would love to learn more about her life since Coker.
W W W. C O K ER . ED U
class news class news | ’70 - ’73
Congratulations to Sylvia McLamb Puffer 2007-2008 Teacher of the Year as St. John’s Music Instructor! Sylvia was featured in an article in the News and Press. Aside from her duties at school, she also serves as music director and Sunday School teacher at Hartsville Advent Christian Church. The above is true for any readers who have not been heard from since 1970. That’s WAY too long so we hope you will get in contact with one of the class reps or at least plan now for APRIL, 2010, our fortieth reunion! Let’s make it the biggest and the best ever.
FIRST ROW (Left to right) Carol Atkinson, Jane Clyburn, Ellen Briggs, Greer Johnson
>> C lass of 19 7 1 S ara h J o W ood S afrit Post Office Box 388 Beaufort, NC 28516 252-728-3213 | leonards@mail.clis.com Susan Weathers Floyd shares news of the past year that includes heart surgery and the marriages of both sons, Scott and Jim. She is thrilled finally to have daughters. Susan’s aortic valve and aorta were replaced after being diagnosed with congenital Aortic Stenosis which caused a bulging aorta. Susan and Lane live in a 15th floor condo in Columbia overlooking Forest Acres. They have kept their home in Lake City and plan to return there when “re-retiring.” I ran into Wendy Lamm Leonard on an airplane as we were both traveling north for family visits. She was headed to New Jersey to visit her father who resides in a nursing home. Wendy and her husband moved near New Bern, NC, a few years ago after retiring and built a waterfront home. They are homesick for their children and all-important grandchildren so plan to return north when their home sells. Wendy says Barrie Murphy Sadler is a new grandmother. Our son, Wes, 20, is in an Asperger’s program in New York, and Mary B., 18, is headed for a college in North Carolina. One of her closest friends, Xoe Wise, is headed to Coker. I’d love to hear from you. Email me at leonards@mail. clis.com. Sarah Jo Wood Safrit
>> C lass of 19 7 2 C lass rep or co - rep needed
>> C lass of 19 7 3 J ane C ly burn 1002 Starcliff Drive Lugoff, SC 29078 803-438-5638 | 803-669-4487 clyburnpj@bellsouth.net | jane@ctp-cpa.com Dear Classmates: Hello??? Anybody out there???? I’m beginning to think our class has just disappeared. I’ve heard from a few of you, but I know there are a lot more of you. Please let me hear from you. If you are reading this and you have email, then please email me so I can have your email. Also, if you are reading this and haven’t sent any news… just touch base with me so I know you’re still getting my emails. I was a little disappointed in the turn out for the class reunion. There were a grand total of 5 of us. Monty Smith,
Ellen C. Briggs, Carol Turner Atkinson, Greer Johnson. It was a very wet, soggy day, but it was nice to see everyone. From Penny Daniel Cox: Don and I live in Niceville, Florida--yes it really is a town in the Florida Panhandle. We are near the beautiful beaches of Destin, Florida. We moved here in 1988 when Don was assigned to Hurlburt Field, a Special Operations Air Force Base. He spent 4 years there and then moved across town to Eglin AFB where he worked until his retirement from active duty in Dec. of 2000. He took off his Lt. Col. uniform and returned to a very similar job as a civilian the next week and is still at Eglin. Our 28 Air Force years were wonderful with assignments in Italy and England as well as several stateside bases. I work at our local community college as the Coordinator of Educational Services. I spent about 12 years there working in the adult education and family literacy field and moved into the Educational Services position working for the Sr. Vice President 2 years ago. I supervise an alternative teacher certification program and do various other projects in my office including monitoring most of the college grants for compliance. We have 2 grown children. Our daughter, Hannah, has a PharmD and is a staff pharmacist at a large CVS mail order plant in Birmingham. She was married in October 2006. Our son, Daniel, is a 3rd year general surgery resident at the University of Alabama, Birmingham. He went to med. school there and will remain there to complete a 5 year residency. He is also married and lives about 1 1/2 miles from Hannah and her husband. Nice for us to get to see everyone at the same time when we go to Birmingham. I still hear from Libby Chaney McCarthy and Lynn Little Littell. Both are doing well. From Marte Parham: I apologize for not responding before now. Being in Houston has great benefits, but trying to get home more than once in a blue moon is not one of them. I am impressed with all of my classmates who have retired and are traveling, enjoying grandchildren, and/or starting new vocations. I am STILL teaching and have been at the same high school for 25 years. I almost retired last year, but we decided to try another approach called Small Learning Communities. Since the schools contain at minimum 3200 and maximum 4000 students (and our district will open its 9th and 10th high school in August), this SLC seems like a more successful way to educate a small city. So instead of retiring, I have been roped into assuming a responsibility I have refused for the last 10 years: I will be the chairperson of the English Department and the Academic Coordinator of one of four Small Learning Communities at Jersey Village HS. At 57. What is up with that? I am planning to retire, whenever that happens, in South Carolina in Eutawville on Lake Marion across the path (literally) from Jeri Burdick. My sister and her family
have always lived in Charleston (right down the street from Frankie). My brother and his wife have bought property in Charleston for their return (in Minnesota now), so what’s a Carolinian to do? I started buying the property last year and plan to build in about 5 years. I still play guitar every now and then, I sing with a performing arts group here in Houston (Bayou City Performing Arts, Bayou City Women’s Chorus), yet most of my time I am doing the school thing. I would love to join all of you next weekend, but it’s the end of a grading period here and I have a concert mid-May for which we are preparing weekly. As you reminisce, sing a song and have a drink on that porch for me. From Beth Stewart Dana: I have been in contact with Margaret Ann Murchison Fitz and would have been at her middle daughter’s wedding if family obligations had not gotten in the way. I hope I am not stealing her thunder, but her daughter Anne Roddy was married on May 17th in Banner Elk, NC. She has sent me some pictures and both Margaret and Tom look wonderful. In the pictures of Anne Roddy, I told Margaret that she looks just like her. In fact, it’s that way I remember Margaret looking all those years ago when she and Tom got married. In my news, my son Stephen, graduated from college last May (07) and has been living and working in Baltimore since. We are trying to help him buy a house in downtown Baltimore so that has kept us busy. My husband Eric and I are celebrating our 31st wedding anniversary on June 25th…. Heavens it make me feel old, but happy. Hope all is well with everyone. From Carol Turner Atkinson: I don’t think there is much news here. You already knew that Mike & I were going to Tahiti & then on to Sidney in early May. It was a wonderful trip in spite of the long journey. While in Tahiti we did a little snorkeling, swam with the sting rays and smaller sharks. We took a boat to one of the less populated islands which was quite beautiful and had a nice picnic on the beach. Most of the trip was spent in Sidney. We did go to the mountains one day for a little site seeing and to a park to see the koalas and wallabies. There is quite a lot to see around Sidney. There is actually a national park in the midst of the extended city. We did a day hike which gave a good opportunity to see lots of native plants and landscape. And let’s not forget the shopping - opportunities abound. From me: As for my news, my granddaughter turned 6 months old on July 11th, and my grandson will be 3 on July 25th. Man how time flies. I just bought a little pop-up camper and then found out my car wouldn’t pull it, so I had to get a new car. I traded my old car and the 33 foot camper in so I’m beach bound again. Jane Clyburn
class news ’74 - ’77 | class news
FIRST ROW (Left to right) James Leon Hartley, Daniel Moses, Philip R. Asbill
>> C lass of 19 74 M y ra G ray son N uttall 2873 Luvan Blvd. Georgetown, SC 29440 843.527.4837 Greetings class of ’74. A special thank you for your updates! Here is some news from our class! From Carole Toomey Kiser in Charlotte….. James Wade Thompson was born on 7/2/08 at 11:40 pm. He is a tiny little thing and weighed in at 5 lbs 6 ounces and was 18 inches long. He is so little but he is healthy and adorable, (if I do say so myself). Congratulations to Toomey and Kip! From Flora Beth Privette Patterson…… We are still doing the same. Courtney loves school and stays very busy. She will be traveling to New Zealand this summer, so if you know anyone who lives there we would love to talk to them. She will be down there for 5 weeks by herself (yikes) doing research on the environmental policy. Marcena Kellahan Tisdale continues to do great work at her Church and being the fabulous grandmom. She and I enjoyed a little reunion with our childhood friends recently. My MOM, Ruth Phillips Grayson ’49 and I enjoyed our “Coker College” trip this past January to the Sanctuary on Kiawah Island. Her sister, Naomi Phillips Ward ’49 and her daughter Bea Powell went along with us and we had great fun and now have some wonderful memories. We are happy that Naomi was able to be with us and enjoy her Coker family. Hope this finds everyone well! I am looking for someone to replace me as Class Rep or someone to be a Co-rep for our class. We have a reunion coming up in April, 2009. Look forward to seeing everyone there!! And remember, keep the news coming! Myra
>> C lass of 19 7 5 R ose P atrick S mit h 1801 Stannard Trail Raleigh, NC 27612 919-789-4829 | dsmithII@nc.rr.com Susie Dunklin Guerry’s beautiful home served as a B&B for Miriam Anderson and Bonnie Yon during Alumni Weekend. (I was there for breakfast!) Once Susie pulled out pictures from Coker days, they gave Diane Roden Dinneny a call to catch up and to reminisce. While the weather was not cooperative for Alumni Day, we all had a wonderful time visiting with many Coker friends, including Monty Smith ’73 and his wife, Ann, over lunch in the new Library Information Technology Center. Who knew that the day would come when eating and drinking would be encouraged in a library??? Deborah Scarboro Snyder retired from Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools in June. Congratulations, “Scarboro”! Reveley Wilson Thomy retired too! Son John graduated from college in June and Reveley is off to Europe with People to People. Her dad celebrated his 90th birthday in March and continues to sing in the choir, volunteer at the hospital, and make a mean banana pudding! Liz Glenn Marvin teaches in Anderson and is also a freelance photographer. Daughter Brandy is an artist and lives with her husband in Portland, OR. Brandy recently had an exhibit entitled “The American Delta” at the Delta Blue Museum in Clarksdale, MS. “Brown” writes, “I enjoy hearing from Debbie Roberts Alford on a regular basis. Some friendships were made in heaven and ours continues
to flourish”. Carlotta Johnson Wiggins is going to be a grandmother in December! She and Johnny are thrilled! Kathy Earle O’Briant Binkley has recently learned that she and Bob will become grandparents in February! After a two year hiatus, “Earle” is back playing competitive golf. Injuries and caring for her mother sidelined her for a while but she’s now back on the course. “Earle” lost her mother in June, 2007 and we extend our sympathy to her. Diane Roden Dinneny and Owen are now empty nesters since both girls will be college students in the fall. Megan completed her Girls Scout Gold Award in the spring (Diane was the troop leader) and Kate enjoyed her junior year abroad at the University of Cork. The family traveled to Ireland to visit Kate and to attend a family wedding. Sarah Creech Vick and John are “home alone” as both girls will attend college in Raleigh in the fall. Allie had a summer internship at Wachovia which kept her busy. So much so that Sarah kept Allie’s sea point rag doll cat for the summer but can tell that it’s going to be difficult to let “Sallie Belle” return home ! Agnes Avery Lyles shares her home with six dogs; three inside and three outside. Agnes lost her mother in July, 2007, only eight months after she lost her husband. Tripp and Avery are both married and Tripp has a three-and –a-half year old, Harleigh Caroline. Agnes sees Betty Bebe Prosser Beasley quite often. Horses, dogs, and cats: they keep Betsy Mauldin McCray hopping! She and Elizabeth enjoyed a wonderful cruise to the Eastern Caribbean following Elizabeth’s freshman year of college and then it was back to the animals! Did you see the article in the Winter 2008 issue of REAL SIMPLE TRAVEL which highlighted a Coker couple and their love for Kiawah Island? In the 50’s Carol Hatton Kinney-----joined by husband Sonny Kinney in the 70’s---- began vacationing at beaches around Charleston with her parents. Half a century later, the group includes their two married children, Meg and Libba, and the daughters’ husbands and children. The article features some photos from the Kinney’s family album. Richard Harley Smith has a new job CEO of Northern Cochise Health System. Congratulations Harley! Bonnie Yon came to Raleigh for a weekend in June. Our “big entertainment” was spending the day at Replacements, Ltd. surrounded by china, crystal, and silver! We definitely experienced sensory overload! Thanks for keeping in touch! Rose
>> C lass of 19 7 6 M arily n M ros B elotti Post Office Box 2334 Myrtle Beach SC 29578 843-747-8361 | msquare01@earthlink.net
>> C lass of 19 7 7 J ane M c C rackin S uc h y 1011 Poplar Street Marion, SC 29571 843-423-1989 | suchysuchy@aol.com Hello to the Class of 1977 I received a very nice email from Sarah Rodgers Williams. She shared with me some news about herself and her mother Mary Cross Rodgers (Coker’s nurse while we were there). Sarah told me that Peggy Jernigan Russ ’76 lives just a few miles from her and they see each other usually once a week or so. Lola Thompson Plotnik lives up in Pendleton and manages to get together with her a couple of times each year. She also got to see Eddie Hawkins (he resides in Columbia), Gerry Randall (Virgina) and Frank Wilms (San Diego, CA) last year for a mini reunion. Sarah has one daughter Cailyn, who is a freshman at the College of Charleston. Mrs. Rodgers recently celebrated her 90th birthday! She had about 120 folks that came from all over, including out of state from Pennsylvania, Georgia and a couple from California. One of her Coker students, Gerry Randall, flew in from Virginia to be there. Also, Peggy Jernigan Russ ’76 attended as well. She received a greeting from President Bush and wife Laura and also a letter from Governor Mark Sanford. If any of you want to send her a belated birthday card or a note, her address is 150 Wilson’s Creek Road, Summerville, SC. She will write you back. I know because she sent me a very nice letter when I wrote her. I have been very busy with school and my new grandson, Joseph Michael Rowe. He is now 8 months old and I do enjoy spoiling him. I got a new job in my school district two years ago, Coordinator of EEDA/Guidance Services. I stay very busy with the State Department of Education now. My husband and I bought a house in the county with 5 acres of land. It does keep us busy keeping up our huge yard and garden. Life is very nice out here. My son got back from Afghanistan this past April after spending 15 months there. It was a very trying time for me. I was very thankful that he
W W W. C O K ER . ED U
class news class news | ’77 - ’82
got back safely. I would very much like to hear from the Class of 1977. Please email with your news and I will keep in touch with you. Jayne Suchy
>> C lass of 19 7 8 V icki S mit h C h aplin 839 Bethlehem Road Hartsville, SC 29550 843-332-5998 | Chaplins4@aol.com D r . D aniel M oses Post Office Box 2403 Jacksonville, FL 32203 904-777-8179 | dan1204@bellsouth.net Thank you, class members for your contributions to our 30th reunion and Coker’s 100th. Looking forward to our 31th New Year. Daniel Moses
>> C lass of 19 7 9 D ebbie S c h ult z M c L aren 20184 Foothill Terrace Ashburn, MD 20147 703-726-1190 | writerdeb11@aol.com Dear Class, Welcome to Summer!!! I don’t know about you, but it has been unseasonably hot here in Northern Virginia. I will not complain since it could be much worse, like the floods in the mid west. I hope you are all doing well? As for my family, we have experienced some challenges this year. Last fall my husband was hospitalized with Pneumonia. Right after that my son Stephen developed a severe case of Mono and Strep Throat at the same time. Unfortunately he fell behind in his class work. However, he caught up and has just completed his first year of college, and we are thrilled to have that over with. I am writing a Children’s book I hope to get published by next year. I have made some money writing personalized greeting cards for people. I really enjoy the creative process in making the cards. It’s a lot of fun for me. Recently I spoke to Rick Harrell. He and his wife Susan, are leaving in August to serve on the mission field in Italy. (Tough destination uh?) They are leasing their house to someone, and selling their car before they move. I will have the opportunity to visit with Rick and Susan before their big move. Rick and I are both from Myrtle Beach, and will both be down there with our respective families the first week of August. It will be wonderful to see them again, since it has been at least eight years since we last saw each other. I received an email from Martha Matthews Greenley ’82 she and her husband David recently moved to Northern CA, to be close to her Mother. They are doing well. Martha was looking for work and enjoying her new environment. It was great to hear from her. I would love to hear from more of my class mates. I am sure others would love to hear from you as well. If you would like to share your news with us please email me at: Writerdeb11@aol.com or call me at (703)726-1190. I look forward to hearing from you. Blessings to you all! Debbie Schultz McLaren
>> C lass of 19 8 0
>> C lass of 19 8 2
L ee H . Hickman 703 Beaty Street Conway, SC 29526 843-248-3925 | lhickman@sccoast.net S usan D . W eat h ersbee 137 West Home Avenue Hartsville, SC 29550-4123 843-383-4692 | CIRCEmyTW14/Sunbeam@hotmail. com
>> C lass of 19 8 1 B arbara A . B ritton 6716 St. Julian Way Fayetteville, NC 28314 910-860-7650 | 877-820-9147- toll-free jmb1jmb2@aol.com (put Coker in subject line) Greetings! It took me a while to recuperate but here it is: Jerry Frazee ’82 is now a happily married man! He met his bride, Nicki, on match.com. The newlyweds have been blissful for two years now (no children). I forgot to ask about pets. Nicki is an English native who spent most of her life here in the US. Jerry reports the adventures of melding the American and English cultures. We’ll have to get an update after the New Year’s Day festivities. Some of you may recall Jerry was quite notable for his caricatures. He still gives life to an ink pen and does so for a living. How much fun is that- to have a career that you really enjoy? Kimberly Waylett Becherer ’82 was not to be found. Her telephone number as listed in our directory had the old South Carolina area code for Myrtle Beach. I still could not reach her using the new area code. If any one knows the whereabouts of Kimberly, let us know. Clementine Ashe Ellis ’82 was not available for comment, but her telephone is working. I’ll try you and Craig Stewart ’82 again before January or feel free to give me a call. Martha Matthews Greenley ’82 was also missing in action. Please send us your correct telephone number. We’d love to hear from you. Kimberly Moss Haselden ’82 must be doing quite well. Attempts to call Kimberly Moss Haselden were met with busy signals. That could be a good thing. Let us hear from you. Lois Turner Schnider ’82 has a telephone number update that is hopefully en route as does Kathy Hope Tucker ’82. Terrie Garren Reames ’82 has been happily retired from her dance studio for about two years now. Terrie’s dance studio, Tip Tap Toe met new ownership upon Terrie’s retirement. Terrie still teaches an occasional class here and there at various locations. Terrie reports sheer enjoyment in spending time with her children who are attending college. (Here’s continued hope that her daughter will follow at least part of the way in my footsteps and become a registered nurse). Whle still in Hartsville, Terrie has the privilege and enjoyment of the botanical gardens Dr. Sawyer introduced us to years ago. Terrie says she still bumps into him and a few other professors every now and then. It’s wonderful to hear how the gardens (Kalmia) are flourishing and bringing pleasure to those who would have the experience. It’s always a pleasure to speak to those who walked (and paced) the hallowed halls of the Cobra’s nest with the class of 1982. I look forward to seeing or hearing from more of you soon. Regards, Barbara Britton
D ebra Holt Zsembik 325 Moss Avenue Port Orange, FL 32127-6136 386-760-6430 | ddshouse@yahoo.com Hello everyone!!! I hope you are all well and happy. I heard from another classmate this time around! Isn’t that great!! Keep the news coming. We all love to hear what’s happening with our classmates. Here is the letter from Tracy Hanna Foye: I was great to hear how you are doing and also to read Leslie’s letter to everyone. You girls have been busy!! I live in Pawleys Island with my husband Brian and we are staying busy with work and family. We don’t have children, so I don’t understand how you working parents keep it all together. Hat’s off! I have been at the beach for 23 years. I have been very blessed to use my major and work as an artist for the passed 25 years. I paint murals, do faux finishing, custom artwork and interior design consulting. It’s been a very fulfilling career. I see and hear from Tammy Rodgers Mitchell ’84 often. She and Billy live in Georgetown with their family. I also talk to Lyn Snyder on occasion. I saw Suzanne “Ziggy” Powers ’81 in K&W restaurant in Murrells Inlet a couple of Sundays ago. She’s still as much fun as ever!! I’m really mad at myself for not attending our reunion. I guess it slipped up on me too. I cannot believe all these years have passed. I will be 50 in December and I remember when I was about 10 years old thinking how long it was going to be until the year 2000. Now I’m 8 years passed that time and cherishing time with family and friends. Hello to all of you and please email me at paintrus2000@yahoo.com. Take care and hope to see you sometime at Coker. Tracy Hanna Foye Thanks Tracy for the news and I loved reading about your family and friends from other classes. Come on classmates. We would like to hear more. Love you, all! Dee
Coker College Tours Canadian Rockies travelers are presenting this quilt to their tour guide in appreciation of his excellent work. The quilt was crafted by Ray Torrance Vance ‘70.
class news ’83 - ’90 | class news
Glenn Bridges
>> C lass of 19 8 3 G lenn D ouglas B ridges 14 Huskey Court Wellford, SC 29385-9695 864-439-6217 | daddydolphin@charter.net Glenn D. Bridges is the proud papa of his fourth grandchild Ryder Levi Bridges, born August 8, 2008 at 6 lbs, 1 oz., and 20 inches long. His other grandchildren include Savannah Bailey Bridges (2), Nathaniel Glenn Bridges (1), and Caroline Faith Bridges, born July 17, 2008.
>> C lass of 19 8 4
fourth of July. She looks great, and they all seem to be fine. We did wonder what happens to the time. They have been married 18 years (I think), and Emily is becoming a terrific young lady (15ish). Hud continues to be terribly busy with his practice. I talk to Tammy Rodgers Mitchell ’84 regularly. She and her husband have just celebrated their 23 rd anniversary. Billy is owner of Tidewater Properties in Georgetown, and does a great job in the real estate business. I have my real estate license with Billy, so if you need anything in the beach area, we’ll be glad to help. I also see or talk to or email Teressa Thompson Harrington ’81 regularly. They continue to do well. She and her husband, Kim, and their son Zachary live in Georgetown where Teressa is a counselor, and Kim is a contractor. As for Joe and me, we are doing fine. Joe has taken a job with Fidelity Information Services as account manager to Bank of Oklahoma. We are living in Tulsa, and if you can’t be in SC, it is not a bad place to be. I came out here expecting flat, brown, uninteresting terrain. That is NOT the case. I also expected blizzards in the winter and tornados in the spring. That is NOT the case either. While we did have an ice storm in December, and the tornado sirens did go off two or three times this spring, it wasn’t nearly as bad as I had anticipated. The nickname for the Tulsa area is Green Country – so you can imagine that it really is a pretty place. Joe loves his work, and I fly back to SC on a monthly basis, at least, in order to run my business. My mom is invaluable in helping me, and I couldn’t do it without her help. Please, please contact me with some news about you. You may not think it’s interesting, but there are old friends and classmates that would love to hear what is going on with you. I know my Coker friends have been a support system to me when things are going well, as well as when I’m having a tough time. Please call me on my cell phone (803-348-6748) or email me (andee33@aol.com) to catch up. I’d love to hear from you.
>> C lass of 19 8 6
D onna C raig 801 Longbow Road Charlotte, NC 28211 704-365-6763 | donna.craig@prodigy.net
S usan S weatt R obe y 1 Cobblestone Court Columbia, SC 29229 803-699-6620 | susansrobey@earthlink.net
M ic h elle W iscovitc h K ing 400 Gandy Drive Hartsville, SC 29550 843-857-0084 | MWKMBK@msn.com
T eresa “ T rigger ” M artin 133 Tall Oaks Drive Irmo, SC 29063 803-749-3922 Home | 803-318-1413 Mobile triggermartin@aol.com
>> C lass of 19 8 5
>> C lass of 19 8 7
E lecta A nderson S mall 204 Lantana Circle Georgetown, SC 29440-7278 803-348-6748 | andee33@aol.com
C y nt h ia L ee H y lton 14405 Woodswalk Court Midlothian, VA 23112-2412 804-639-2814 | Cindy.L.Hylton@pmusa.com
T racie J o h nson P asc h al 1111 West Roseneath Road Florence SC 29501-5745 | raciePL@aol.com
P h y llis Atkinson P almieri 1819 New Market Road Hartsville, SC 29550-9303
>> C lass of 19 8 8 L isa B r yant M c D owell 9 Alison Way Columbia, SC 29229 803-699-7924 | mcdowellx5@aol.com M illicent C h ewning M acc h ione 3011 Stone Bridge Trail Conyers, GA 30094 770-388-0067 | Millicentmacchione@yahoo.com
>> C lass of 19 8 9 P ennie C at h e y P eagler 183 Royal Oaks Lane Lexington, SC 29072 803-926-8410 | ppeagler@columbiastaffing.com M eg Q uilt y L iebe 803 Washington Avenue Palmyra, NJ 08065 856-303-1090
>> C lass of 19 9 0 A m y G ibson 6 Corby Court Columbia, SC 29229 803-462-9851 | amy.gibson@worldnet.att.net K at h y Hars h C unning h am 6004 Highmarket Street Georgetown, SC 29440 843-527-0530 | khc1224@aol.com Dear Classmates, I have received some news, but I know that there must be much more going on in the Class of 1990. Kathy and I would love to hear from you about all of your exciting events (births, promotions, moves, changing jobs, etc.) We want to share your success with our other Coker buddies. So please call, write, or email either of us at any time. As of July 1st, 2008 – Mike Martin ’89 will leave his job as Assistant Principal at North Forsyth High School and accept a new position as Assistant Director of School Safety for the Forsyth County, GA School System. Congratulations Mike! I know that you will do a great job! Tina Weeks Weaver’91, Lisa Snyder Freedman, Resia Johnson Chavis ’92, Amy Ross Eisenrauch and Samantha Grice Crimminger ’91 got together at Lisa’s beach house in North Carolina with all of their children. I know that must have been a great experience. Well, that’s all the news for now. Take care and let us hear from you soon! Amy
Dear Coker friends, I surely hope this finds you all doing well. I haven’t received news from anyone in the recent past, so there isn’t much to tell except what is going on with the ones that Joe and I see on a fairly regular basis. Thankfully everyone is doing well. I had lunch with Tracie Johnson Paschal while she, Hud and Emily were at the beach for the week of the
W W W. C O K ER . ED U
class news class news | ’91 - ’94
>> C lass of 19 9 1 Helen M ason A llen 1823 Misty Vale Road Charlotte, NC 28214 704-391-0931 | We3allens@bellsouth.net
>> C lass of 19 9 2 K elly S . J enkins 129 Springdale Drive Union, SC 29379 864-427-6823 | Kelljenk@hotmail.Com
Vernon O. Fraley has joined Embarq and will handle public relations functions for Florida and Texas. He was the evening news anchor on News 14 Carolina for six years. Congratulations Vernon!
>> C lass of 19 9 3 A ngela Hodges Tay lor 2834 Wood Hill Lane Darlington, SC 29532-7465 ahtaylor@sc.rr.com C o - reps needed Dear Classmates,
thread. Remember... It is the Coker experience that binds all of us together regardless of the year or the campus from which we graduated. I would like to challenge each of you to “adopt” an earlier class. The time involved is minimal, yet the rewards are enormous. These alumnae paved the way for us; now it’s our turn to give back to them.
A History of Coker College on its Centennial by Dr. Malcolm C. Doubles
Limited Edition published by the Coker College Press in Fall 2008. 300+ pages and up to 32 additional pages of photog raphs!
>> C lass of 19 9 4 C lass rep or co - rep needed
Terrance A. Hayes is the author of three books of poetry, most recently “Wind in a Box”, winner of numerous awards and is a professor of creative writing at Carnegie Melton. Congratulations Terrance! Polly Hopkins Atkinson is a third-grade teacher at Cheraw Intermediate School. Her dedication and commitment to her students and her school were recognized as she was named Chesterfield County School District 2008-09 Teacher of the Year. Congratulations Polly!
0 • 2
chapteRs include: • • • •
I hope to hear from some of you soon! Take careAngela Hodges Taylor Dear Classmates:
V isit www . coker . edu / alumni to read y ou R class news
In Quest of Excellence:
Best wishes to you all! Connie (Bell) Hucks EV’93 Myrtle Beach, SC
>> C L A S S E S 19 9 5 - 2 0 0 8
Many of you won’t remember me as I was a graduate of Coker’s South Campus located at Fort Jackson. Coker has always been dear to my heart, and I have served as a volunteer for many years. My latest undertaking is that of Class Representative for the class of 1940. I cannot begin to tell you the stories I have heard, and the laughter I have shared with the members of the class of 1940. It is truly a pleasure to call someone – someone whom you have never met, yet have a common
c ok e r c ol l e ge c e n t e n n i a l h is t or y
19 0
I hope that you are all doing well. Life with three children is a very busy pursuit. In addition, I completed a Masters of Education in March 2008. I saw Eric Tew ’95 while out shopping. He, his wife Sarah Scaffe Tew ’97, and daughters are back in Hartsville and doing well. Liana Thigpen Pace and her family have moved back to Florence. She is busy with her three girls. Shanna Simeral Morgan is a reading specialist and remains a strong educational advocate. She and Gary ’92 do many wonderful activities with their son Connor. Becky Lawson Marks says life as a mom is busy but she enjoys it. In addition, her sister, Heather Lawson Auger ’95 has twins! My high school alma mater is fortunate to have Bion Shoemaker as the men’s head basketball coach. His wife Wendy Strickland Shoemaker ’95 also teaches at West Florence. Go, knights!
Class of 1999’s Dean Legge, Quentin Grant and Phil Dowdy at the Centennial Reception on Alumni Weekend.
F redie J ames W illiams P.O. Box 2734 Evans, GA 30809-2734 frediew@netscape.net
• • • •
During the Major’s Lifetime: 1908-1918 From the New Deal to Civilization: 1933-1945 Civilization: 1946-1966 T he End of Civilization and the Coker Plan: 1966-1974 The Contemporary College: 2003-2008 Traditions Peculiar to Coker The Alumni(ae) Association Kalmia Gardens of Coker College
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$50 per book ( incl. shipping & handling ) Your book(s) will be mailed to you upon publication.
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development development
>> M emorial gifts From June 19, 20 0 8 through August 29, 20 0 8, Coker College received the following memorials
James Bessenger Hylda Inabinet Bass Lynda Borden Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger Margaret Duc Braid Barbara Braid Spannagel Dolores “Dee” McCracken Briggs Ann Matthews Bragdon S. Anne Hancock Elaine Johnson Hays Annette Cook Stokes Raleigh Burno Mildred G. Burno Hugh Campbell Dick and Michal Millen Baird Gus and Joan Snoddy Hoffmeyer Carl H. and Pat Chapman Huff Sue James Clarkson Dick and Michal Millen Baird Bobbie Jean Courson Carl H. and Pat Chapman Huff Shirley Coward Sid and Madge Windham Zemp Dr. James D. Daniels David and Gay Blackmon Nan Carter Howard James Dowling Dick and Michal Millen Baird Robert Fairey Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger Joy Melanie Flaherty Lois and Jerry Gibson Bascom Floyd Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger Jim Freeman Anne Lamb Matthews Dr. John T. French John D. Roven Maxine Gainey Carl H. and Pat Chapman Huff Rory Graham Sid and Madge Windham Zemp Dr. Valleria Grannis Sherrill E. Jordan Harris E. Haynes John A. Denny Mike Hoffman Sid and Madge Windham Zemp
>> s y mpat h y Information received June 13, 20 0 8 through August 29, 20 0 8.
Margaret Jane Ingram Holland Nancy Carole Ingram Acker George Howle Sid and Madge Windham Zemp Conrad Igleheart Connie Igleheart Brock Sonny Ingram Sid and Madge Windham Zemp Dr. Ronald Johnson Carolyn Donati Johnson Dr. Berry L. Litsey, Jr. David and Gay Blackmon Sid and Madge Windham Zemp Campbell McLeod Gus and Joan Snoddy Hoffmeyer Marilyn Kirby McCullough Carole Causey Boyles Jo Fore Miller Sarah Sampson Bell Charlena Hunt Chewning Susie Gaines Hautala Carl H. and Pat Chapman Huff Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger Mitzi DuPre Matthews Anne Merck McDowell Randy Mines Carl H. and Pat Chapman Huff Ronny Oates Lynn Williams Oates Dr. Emily T. Owens Anne Lamb Matthews Sylvia Parks Price S. Anne Hancock Floride Josey Reynolds Dean and Jessica Thigpen Legge Shirley Lawhon Rhem Bill and Sada Buck Joseph and Katherine Bull Class of 1950 Winyah High School Dr. and Mrs. Peter M. Duvoisin Peggy Cantey Gardner Clyde Lawhon Joan Lawhon Mary R. Odom Robert and Susan Oliver Kay A. Turner Shep Porter Wallace Polly Robinson Dean and Elizabeth Steele Hall Richard and Luanna Samiec Paula Samiec Bailey Jerry Talbert Charlena Hunt Chewning Susie Gaines Hautala
Carl H. and Pat Chapman Huff Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger Mitzi DuPre Matthews Anne Merck McDowell Maryan G. Thurman Marianne Green Roser Gretchen Livingston Toole Allen Toole James Townley Alumni Office Development Office Marketing and Communications Office President’s Office Provost’s Office T. E. “Rock” Truett, Jr. Jane Minter Gardner Hunter Harry Varn Carl H. and Pat Chapman Huff Edward Walpole J. Lamar and Lucy Singletary Caldwell Naomi Phillips Ward Walter and Beth DuBose Cottingham Lorena Cook James Cliff Moore H. O. and Jean Campbell Williamson Joe Waters Frances N. Townsend Lucile Williams Lynn Williams Oates Dr. Kenneth L. Wilmot Valerie J. Wilmot Ruby Kizer Wofford Walter G. Wofford John Coleman Yarborough Jeff Maddox
>> I N memoriam Information received June 13, 20 0 8 through August 29, 20 0 8.
Yvonne Phillips Eddy ’42 Naomi Phillips Ward ’49 Shirley Lawhon Rhem ’56 Anna Roddey Gregg Gage ’82
her husband Harvey Jack Harper on August
her husband Edward on July 14, 2008.
17, 2008.
Barbara Dibble Dixon ’59 in the death of
Mary Johnson Bowie ’50 in the death of
Bubber’s son Jim in February 2008.
her son Roger in January 2008.
Katie Turner Gordon ’63 in the deaths of
Corinne Boyd Hunter ’45 in the death of
Lib Patrick Gnann ’50, Velna Rollins
her husband and brother in 2007.
her husband Roy in July 2008.
Patrick ’50 and Rose Patrick Smith ’75 in
Regina McDougald Parker ’06 EV in the
Jean Williams Waters ’49 in the death of
the death of Lib’s husband Jack on July 3,
death of her brother David McDougald on
her husband Joe Payne Waters, Jr. on June
August 8, 2008.
19, 2008.
Suzanne Butler McLeod ’50 in the death
Kathryn O’Briant Binkley ’75 in the death
Ruth Philips Grayson ’49, Cathy Ward
of her husband Campbell McLeod in August
of her mother in June 2008.
Parker ’62, Myra Grayson Nuttall ’74,
Agnes Avery Lyles ’75 in the death of her
and Ellen Powell ’01 in the death of Naomi
Jean Fore McDaniel ’53 in the death of her
mother in July 2007.
Phillips Ward ’49 on July 6, 2008.
sister Jo Fore Miller on July 5, 2008.
Eunice Hayes Harper ’49 in the death of
Betty Barnes Walpole ’58 in the death of
>> Honor gifts Coker College has received the following honorariums from June 19, 20 0 8 through August 29, 20 0 8
Elizabeth Cockfield Bushardt Priscilla Perry Arnold Class of 1962 Nancy Thornhill Bolden Trisha Braid Collins Priscilla Perry Arnold Alice and Calvin Daniels Wes Daniels Wes Daniels Emily Marovich Tupper Dr. B. James Dawson Florence Houck Steele Erin Earle Emily Marovich Tupper Katherine English Ellen Tollison Hayden Claire Hudson Gaskins Collin David and Susanne Watts Liggett Dr. Lois R. Gibson Marie Kmonicek Brenda B. Goodwin John Goodwin Ruth Phillips Grayson H. O. and Jean Campbell Williamson Lama Hamer Ellen Tollison Hayden Ann Dobson Hammond Lorena Cook James Susanne Watts Liggett Claire Hudson Gaskins Collin D. Liggett Claire Hudson Gaskins Dr. Patricia G. Lincoln Henry C. Alewine II M. L. Murph Ellen Tollison Hayden Mary Wood Nexsen Ellen Tollison Hayden Dr. Danny Nicholson, II Carl H. and Pat Chapman Huff Linda Rhyne Priscilla Perry Arnold Dr. and Mrs. Grace Sloan Anne Lamb Matthews Courtney Smith Emily Marovich Tupper Sid and Madge Windham Zemp Wes Daniels
>> L ibrar y M edia The Charles W. and Joan S. Coker Librar y- Information Technology Center has received media from the following from June 19, 20 0 8 through August 29, 20 0 8.
Dr. I. Jill Banks Dr. Cathleen Cuppett Dr. Lois Gibson Jean Grosser Mal Hyman
W W W. C O K ER . ED U
>> contributions to sc holarsh ips The following gifts for scholarships were received from June 18, 20 0 8 through August 29, 20 0 8
Anne Lamb Matthews Endowed Scholarship Anne Lamb Matthews Chaty Hayes O’Neal ‘46 Endowed Scholarship Thomas A. O’Neal, Jr. Class of 1953 Endowed Scholarship Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger Class of 1956 Endowed Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Bill Buck Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L.Bull III Class of 1950 - Winyah High School Dr. and Mrs. Peter M. Duvoisin Clyde E. Lawhon Joan Lawhon Mary Odom Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Oliver Kay Turner Shep Porter Wallace Jean Ludlam ‘51 Endowed Scholarship Estate of Jean Ludlam Lettie Pate Whitehead Endowed Scholarship Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc Nancy Barrineau Endowed Scholarship Teressa Thompson Harrington Nan Carter Howard Nickey Brumbaugh Endowed Art Scholarship Betty J. Robertson Coughlin Willie Calcutt Saleeby Endowed Scholarship Sloan Hungerpiller Brittain
>> B irt h s
Congratulations to Russell A. Raniszewski ’01 and Amanda
Information received June 13, 20 0 8 through August 29, 20 0 8.
Derrick Raniszewski ’01 on the birth of son Derrick Anthony Raniszewski on July 2, 2008. Congratulations to Sabrina Wotier Peterson ’02 and
Congratulations to Nita Nunn Danenburg ’62 and Marshall
Nathan D. Peterson ’02 on the birth of daughter Tierre
on the birth of grandchildren-twins Cameron Everett and
Peterson on February 6, 2008.
Morgan Ann on June 19, 2008. Congratulations to Angelyn McCarver Bateman ’68 and Ted on the birth of a grandson in June 2008.
Congratulations to Nancy Baker Bell ’68 and James on the birth of granddaughter Elizabeth Anne in June 2008. Congratulations to Martie Dobson White ’68 and James on the birth of a granddaughter in December 2007. Congratulations to Ray Torrance Vance ’70 and Mike on the birth of grandson Jackson Alexander Vance in November 2008. Congratulations to Celeste Oliver Phillips ’70 and Alan on the birth of a grandson in March 2008. Congratulations to Carole Toomey Kiser ’74 on the birth of grandson James Wade Thompson on July 2, 2008. Congratulations to Camden L. Cherbonnier ’81 and Mary
>> W E D D I N G S Information received June 13, 20 0 8 through August 29, 20 0 8.
Congratulations to Tanya Keith ’98 and Peter Kobylarz on their marriage on April 19, 2008. Congratulations to Lisa Miller ’98 and Ryan Sneed on their marriage on February 1, 2008. Congratulations to Kelly Marie Farrell ’00 and Michael Moore on their marriage on May 10, 2008.
on the birth of daughter Amy Grace Cherbonnier on July 24,
Congratulations to Barbara “Babs” Williams ’02 and Toby
Whitaker on their marriage on October 14, 2006.
Congratulations to Glenn D. Bridges ’83 and Ramona on the birth of grandchildren Ryder Levi Bridges on August 8, 2008 and Caroline Faith Bridges on July 17, 2008.
Congratulations to Mandy Coons McCune ’01 and Chip on the birth of their son Keith Patrick McCune on February 5, 2008.
T h e r e a r e m a n y r e a s ons to s u pp ort C ok e r C ol l e g e ’ s A n n ua l S c hol a r s h i p F u n d e v e ry y e a r . t h e be s t r e a s on t h i s y e a r i s t h at C ok e r C ol l e g e i s c e l e br at i ng i t s C e n t e n n i a l . Giv e online at www.cok er.edu It’s Sa fe. It’s Simple.
Your contact for the Annual Scholarship Fund is Director of Annual Giving W es D a niels ’ 0 3 — wdaniels@coker.edu or 843.383.8178.
development development
Top 10 Giving Classes
Alumni Giving by Class
1941 33% $100
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund May White Walker
1931 $500 $500
Sc hol a rship Fund Ot h er Rebecca Field Henslee
1933 33% $100
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund
Kathryn Stephens Grant Miriam Blackwell Myers Norma Mathis Pate Lynne McCuen Ridgeway Jane Bracknell Shuler Ruth Elizabeth Ragsdale Sitton Dorothy Walker Vestal Anne Tarte Wiesen Nancy Mahady Winn
1936 33% $5,000
Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d O t h e r
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund O t h e r
31% $1,050 $3,225
Mary Jones Folger Barbara Kalber Frampton Hope Tallevast Godefroy Eunice Ford Rogers Florence Houck Steele
1939 Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Ot h er
45% $2,755 $100
Virginia Williams Anderson Martha Gunter Caldwell Virginia Hill Hipp Helen Montague James Janet Langston Jones Finley Plunkett Lucas Octavia Moses Mahon Vivian Gandy Root Julia Youmans
50% $2,329 $125
Loree Harrington Gandy Edith Woodham Howle Mary Verne Williamson Powell Frances Humphries Price Mildred Hardin Sawyer Sarah Orr Scarborough
40% $715 $1,270
2 | 19 4 1, 19 5 9
7 | 19 5 3
3 | 19 5 2
8 | 19 3 9
4 | 19 4 5 , 19 6 1
5 1%
9 | 19 6 3
5 | 19 4 0 , 19 4 6
10 | 19 5 1
Gwen Haynes Hutchinson Margaret Scott McCann Nancy D. McLaurin Lorraine Carlisle McNair Elizabeth Bowers Miles Ann Holloway Murchison Caroline Tison O’Neal Leila Eubanks Vance Jean Campbell Williamson Kathryn Huntley Windham
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund O t h e r
50% $3,790 $6,575
Michal Millen Baird Merle Davis Baxley Marjorie Hooks Bethea Ruth Earnhardt Lillian Catoe Galloway Darlle Belflower Hawkins Ruth Ludlam McClam Betty Reid Elkins McEachin Jane Ann McGregor Jo Mathis Pinner Anne Bethea Powell Anne Daugherty Shaw Mary Coker Teel Patricia Segars Thompson Adele Hubbard Williams Lucille Rayle Williams
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund
1944 32% $750 $5,300
1945 Pa r t i c i pat i o n 51% S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d $2,620 O t h e r $12,550 Edith Hahn Anderson Kathryn Gibbons Blackmon Edna Earle Johnson Bryan Katherine Still Campbell Mary Alden Haynsworth Carrison Dorothy Greene Chisholm Martha Ketchin Gardner Corinne Boyd Hunter
20% $338
Susan McLeod Allen Natalie West Johanson Ann Rogers King Elsie L. Trantham Joanne Price Webster
1948 Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Ot h er
1951 47% $2,030 $1,100
Lemerle Jackson Abbott Jean Shelley Andrews Wilma Carmichael Crews Sara Ann Lynch Eaddy Virginia James Graves Ruth Phillips Grayson Mary Brooks Halterman Eunice Hayes Harper Mary Graham Highsmith Betty George Hurlbutt Betty Lou Fentress Johnston Pauline Dixon Lewis Emma Leah Alpert Lucius Jean Sigmon May Mary Virginia Tomlinson Moody Ruth Rogers Nielsen Genevieve Chandler Peterkin Sally Towbridge Rion Fredrica Wadsworth Stell Sara Garrell Stephens Lou Buckner Stoudenmire Louetta Coker Strickland Barbara F. Ballentine Stuckey Harriet Henderson Tewkesbury Jean William Waters Joanne Moody Zobel
Myrtle Dudley Katherine Kalber Dunlap Frances McDaniel Hood Jane Gardner Hunter Grace Jackson Ingram Jacqueline Everington Jacobs Charlotte Easley Shaw Ann Ludlam Winfield
1940 Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Other
11% $50
Miriam Corbett Brinkley Sloan Hungerpiller Brittain Esther Harrelson Graham Constance Olive Harding Selma Rae Rivers Henderson Vermelle Gressette King Louise Bentley Lawhon Selma Stogner LeHardy Sarah Boone Peek Ethel Truscott Rhodes
Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d Other
6 | 19 4 9
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Ot h er
Mary Sue Pierce Luek Phronsie Bizzell Quinn
Vera Chisolm Taylor
1942 Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d
Emily C. Cox
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund
56% $470 $25
Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d O t h e r
1 | 19 5 8
37% $1,625 $25
Hylda Inabinet Bass Margaret Cox Bellman Marguerite Kiser Bessenger Betty Padgett Black Eugenia Miller Blackwell Gertrude Mae Johnson Chewning Betty Jean Ellis Bette Eleanor Thomas Goudey Peggy Greene Hicks Bertha May Harris Holley Margaret H. Atkinson Huntley Betty Marvin Linder Marilyn Brabham Lyles Doris Avant Martin Claire Creel McKenzie Rosa Henderson Murray Margaret Rodgers Poston Dorothy Broadwell Rumph
Pa r t i c i pat i o n 38% S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d $4,745 Ot h er $67,748 June Reynolds Allston Ernestine Cato Blakeney Mary Johnson Bowie William Ralph Brantley Pam Huggins Chapman Connie Watford Ellis Elizabeth Gerrald Gibson Lib Patrick Gnann Maurice Gray Ruth Ingram Jackson Ann Livingston Joyeusaz Carolyn Cannon Kellihan Emma Wates Lesto Wilma Turnage Lytton Velna Rollins Patrick Emma Jean Moore Radford Willie Calcutt Saleeby Lillian Dillard Stephens Margie Lee Connell Stuckey Elizabeth Bishop Tiller Betty Brown Upchurch
Pa r t i c i pat i o n 42% S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d $3,138 Ot h er $6,800 Carolyn Timberlake Bullard Jewel Bryant Cannon LaFaye Lillian Cox Clarkson Nina Cox Collier Mary Perrin Coxe Rachel Collier Flowers Betty Lee Jordan Gandy Betty Reeves Gardner Doris Johnson Gray Herb Hanna Fann Harding Bobbie Pridgen Harley Joan Snoddy Hoffmeyer Mary Lou Nye Holley Hellen Jackson Jackson Betty Pate Johnson Jeanette Long Kelly Annie Rose Wolfe Pruette Betty Lou Mace Skinner Helen Charles Smith Susan E. Watkins Peggy Carmichael Woodward
1952 Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d Ot h er
53% $5280 $2,375
Flora Collins Baker Miriam Hooks Benefield Karen Johnson Conway Dorothy Garrell Hanna Vera Wyndham Helmly Margaret Hewitt Hoffmeyer Carl H. Huff, Jr. Betty Wray Macdonald Jones Elizabeth Stevenson Meigs Mary Moore Parnell Louisa Porter Presler Jocelyn Johnson Ross Anne Howell Seavey Frances Nicholson Townsend Jane Woodward Truett Wanda Causey Umlauf Lila Fannie White Watson Leatrice Margolin Weiner
1953 Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d O t h e r
46% $2,350 $3,005
Joyce Bell Sarah Sampson Bell Martha Ann Anderson Blackwell Jennie Herlong Boatwright Frances Worley Bond Betty Carol Mobley Bynum Charlie Hunt Chewning Beverly Denny Dority
W W W. C O K ER . ED U
Martha Sue Gaines Hautala Pat Chapman Huff Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger Toula Latto Mitzi DuPre Matthews Tommie Long McClain Jean Fore McDaniel Anne Merck McDowell Joan Carter McKissick Martha Lyons Shealey Jo Anne Boyd Sires Peggy Warren Smith Betty Lou Brown Stewart Truey Tarbox Thieker Elizabeth Wadford Watkins
Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d O t h e r
1954 Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund O t h e r
31% $3,155 $100
Jo Simmons Aiken Lois Hatfield Anderson Sarah Kolb Bivins Patricia Threatt Dimery Laverne Hancock Margaret Nesmith Harris Betty Reaves Herring Martha Little Hunter Miriam Powers Jordan S. Jerome McKenzie, Jr. Rebecca Burroughs Mitchell Doris Rogers Page Joyce Barton Toole Frances Fowler Williams
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund O t h e r
40% $2,055 $3,195
Lily Mae Mims Bailey Ann Gelzer Black Dona McLamb Brand Leah Collier Crawford Beth DuBose Cottingham Richard F. Dority Hoyland Lowery Fisher Joan Tisdale Harrington Elizabeth Turner Jordan Claire Redman McGee Sara Pauline Jackson McRae Wilhelmina Kirkland Miller Marsha Dugan Oates Allene Stuckey Reep Mary Anne Jones Slattery Nelle Gerrald Thompson Iris Matthews Tilley Sally Rast Williams
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Ot h er
1958 76% $6,131 $1,350
Sarah Burgess Auman Pat Hamilton Baker Katie Thomason Ballenger Dee McCracken Briggs** Virginia Brinson Caine J. Lamar Caldwell, Jr. Frances Gurley Carpenter Virginia Blakeney Case Helen Kolb Chambless Helen Lee Chapman Anita Colbert Linda A. Gause Connor Jane Howie Correll Donna Davis Freeman Elaine Johnson Hays Martha Dean Chestnut Hines Mary Harvey Holmes Patricia Clark Jackson Marjean Lane McDonald Connie Booker Moe Louise Harper Morrison Hazel Johnson Nichols Joanne McFaddin O’Bryan Beth Owens Betty Connor Senn Susan Holroyd Shumaker Nora Ann James Smith Suzanne L. Currier Soderberg Annette Cooke Stokes Lucile Parker Stranch Maxine Fore Taber Betty Barnes Walpole
37% $1,605 $6,820
Maxine Locklear Amos Maxine McLamb Anderson Emma Ann Lawton Benton Elizabeth Degenhardt Campanile Barbara Joyce Chambers Helen Amelia Holland Chaplin Martha Langford Derrick Peggy Cantey Gardner Joyce Player Gibbons Della Revels Hartis Christine Savvas Homer Polly Tedder Howle Norma Johnson King Shirley Lawhon Rhem Shep Porter Wallace
Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d Ot h er Sue Kirkley Arledge Elizabeth Whittle Baxter Mary Esther Holmes Burkett Patsy Maxwell Day Barbara Dibble Dixon Doris Maxwell English Pat Crawford Fields Lynn Smith Gainey Anne Davis Glass Mary Kay Huggins Hennecy Angelyn Grainger Hinson Shirley Land Lupfer Kathy McCall Beth Humphries McCutchen Rochelle Moore Miller Betty Crawford Moore Lynnette Brinson Oliver Faye Gurley Reynolds Bonnie Cone Sawyer Nancy Phillips Sebastianelli Martha Jackson Singleton
Mary Tedder Turner Joyce Tolson Warr Holly Mims Westcott Barbara Roney Whittington Tricia Fisher Williams Pam Pennington Yarbrough
1960 37% $4,509 $1,100
Elizabeth Huggins Barrow Phyllis Byrd Blackman Ann Matthews Bragdon Patti Posey Bullen Patricia Coleman Carmichael Beulah Griggs Chapman Louise Atkinson Cleveland Sara Long Fox Ann Parker Gallop Ann Hayward Griffin Betty Sue Mangum Haithcock Jean Bailey Ham S. Anne Hancock Frank Hays III Sherrill E. Jordan Dorothy Harvey Lavisky Lois Sawyer Lott Claire Langston Marchand Annie Laura McLeod June Ergle Melton Millie Wells Moody Bernice Clanton Thomas Joyce Anderson Todd Sue Morrow Turpin Evelyn Parsons Weaver
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Ot h er
56% $5,690 $7,375
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Ot h er
52% $4,933 $5,230
Julie Poole Brice Bleeker Sisk Cannon Jayne Burch Cannon Betty J. Robertson Coughlin Lillie Laverne Easterling Edna DuRant Ellis Lou Stuckey Gardner Carolyn Moore Hall Gail Power Helms Ritta Croft Hennecy Jane Bolding Ivester Betty Wise Jackson Jackie Yarborough Kelley JoAnn McDonald Land Gail Green McCown Dorcas Lineberger Merhoff Susie Bellamy Murray Emily Mullins Oulla Mary Lee Mathis Pattison Helen Faye Pope Jessie Coggeshall Rogers Ann Wooten Sanders Sylvia Beard Seppala Sylvia Eckard Settlemyre Isabel L. Smith Licia Love Stone Sally Caskey Sutton Travis Delaine Terry Mary Shirley Whelchel Hannelore Weidemann Wilson
Pa r t i c i pat i o n 26% S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d $5,167 Ot h er $27,260
Lana Suber Barnett Anna Phillips Chandler Nancy Warren Clarke Genie Ray Watson Cooke Frances Partin Cooper Belinda Duckworth Copeland Joy Shirley Edgerton Mary Ann Bullock Elvington Nancy Fairey Forbis Katie Turner Gordon Jennie Turner Gustafson Sara P. Hodges Carolyn Hawkins Hopper Lynda Morillo Hord Dena Epps Hucks Marian Surratt Johnston Mary Bailey King Carol Phillips Kirven Ida K. McCaskill Tammie Caskey McGuire Madeleine Theus McKenzie Goode Mobley Katherine Kirby Nobles Carol Hooks Pittman Georgia Jenkins Porcher Lisbeth Whitescarver Privette Edith Floride Reynolds Nancy McConnell Wilhelm Kay Elder Williams Barbara Holmes Willis Margaret Brown Young
Pa r t i c i pat i o n 31% S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d $4,267 Ot h er $10,944
31% $3,170 $50
Molly Holbrook Thomas Birchler Carole Causey Boyles Peggy Brown Buchanan Bonnie Murray Bull Penny Clements Crane
42% $5,470 $135
1962 Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Ot h er
Peggy McCue Freymuth Judith Ann Griggs Betty McDaniel Hedgpeth Sara Anderson Kummer JoAnn Clayton Leist Gabrielle Morandiere Peggy Zeigler Reeves Gail Arnette Sinclair Ida Pace Storrs Charlotte Cothran Taylor Florence Staklinski Taylor Thomas R. Terry Harriet King Van Norte Nancy Rogers Watkins Margaret Aull Werts Zeda Forte Wilkes Caroline Quick Zweidler
1956 Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund O t h e r
Dorothy Dowling Cooper Ann Gay Blakeney Duvall Marcia Cann Evans Suzanne DuRant Gonya Joyce Tyner Hinsch Lura McCutchen Holler Ann Boatwright Igoe Anne McGuirt Kennington Janette Harrelson Martin Bertha Maye Drose McCaskill Murray Frank McDonald, Sr. Marion White Messier Mary Kay Rickenbaker Anne DuBose Smith
Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d O t h e r
42% $2,875 $50
Patricia Holland Chapman Carol Chastain Dietrick Carol Thomason Elliott Susan Melody Frank Linda Addy Gorham Ann Dodson Hammond Naomi Kelley Jackson Lorena Cook James Linda Milam Law Anne Lamb Matthews Gail Etters Pilger Margaret Lind Pitner Ellen Harden Rogers Jerry Sansbury Becky Sparrow Cameron Council Speth Mary McCaskill Tomlinson Fran Warlick van der Vate
Anne Butler Carraway Liz Swink Ellett Joanne Jorgensen Gee Lillian Utsey Harder Marvis Wiggins Henry H. Bryant Herring Judy Cottingham Lawing Mellie Ertzberger Motes Liles Richardson Nickerson Jane Parler Norwood Linda Crews Pearson Peggy Simpson Peck Courtney Howard Quattlebaum Susan Benfield Robberts Marianne Green Roser Mary Williamson Sikes Joanne Waldrep Thomason Judy Johnson Walker Rachel Smith Warren
1966 Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d O t h e r
23% $1,185 $325
Melinda Hudgins Adams Renee McNabb Beard Alice Adams Brown Polly Pickett Caldwell Pam Simmons Cox Carolyn Spires Dixon Carol Ann Elmore Tina McDaniel Faris Carolyn Fairchild Fugarino Pamela Phillips Ivester Melissa Patrick Lerner Karen Moore Lorenz Anne Ellis Neely Rose Brannan Roseveare Carolyn Griffith Williams
1967 11% $275 $420
Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d O t h e r Nancy Ingram Acker Caroline Cepin Benser Virginia Causey Burk Ann Gibson Bryant Coker Laura Cheatham Palmer Mary Lloyd Edwards Williams
1968 Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d Ot h er
33% $5,330 $250
Joan Ladinig Abernathy Susan Reichard Allred Judith Irene Hege Bailey Lyn Murph Bartley Angelyn McCarver Bateman Nancy Baker Bell Margaret Helmkamp Blose Elizabeth Walker Chambers Margaret Bland Cooper Anne Law Finch Ellen Tollison Hayden Billie O’Daniel Jackson Barbara Nexsen Lansche Gail Randall McInnis Pat Harmon Pantsari Judy Brown Pigg Gayle Grubbs Stoll Judith Hesley Toney Susan Howe Wain Martie Dobson White
development development
1969 Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Other
24% $1,895 $300
Dora Johnson Beasley Anne Gardner Blomeyer Connie Igleheart Brock Paula Randolph Courtright Linda Watkins Kelly Janice Atkinson Lane Diane Parker Mann April Garnier Poitras Martha Ducworth Reynolds Carol Luth Ruthven Amanda Hubbard Sedgwick Frankie Rhodes Watson
Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d O t h e r
34% $4,475 $1,370
Ann Bodenheimer Bell Shirlyn Daniels Bellum Linda Smith Bradford Judith Cooper Camak Myra Cato Coffey Candace Constable Craven Nell Cutts Daniels Carol Alford Edwards Elaine White Gilbert Martha Flowers Herbert Virginia King Hilderbrand Mary Burnett Jeter Jessica Markley Lee Pat Jacobs Lipe Crystal Reynolds McNinch Jo Beth Young Mewbourn Patricia Shuler Noble Sylvia McLamb Puffer Gayle Buckheister Sawyer Martha Carpenter Shaleuly Joyce Floyd Shaw Julie Anne Southard Brenda Thompson Stewart Ray Torrance Vance Susan Burns Wetmore
16% $2,300 $108
1972 16% $845 $25
Deborah Bell Ackerman Sara Kathryn Holley Adams Mary Kelly Baker Julie Jay Carter
10% $1,141 120
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Other
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Ot h er
9% $725 50
6% $1,080 $50
3% $1,000
Scott Whitmire Askins
1989 12% $100 $175
Phyllis Georgette Fields Darrin Hayes Pennie Cathey Peagler Sheila R. Schmotzer
5% $125
1983 19% $405 $100
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund
8% $350
Patrick J. Brooks Kelly Ann Fox Moore Jerry (Dominick) Dale Thomas Tina Weeks Weaver
Judy Gordon Cedilote Rob M. Darnell Dina Ekis Hart Hoyt Kelley, Jr. Matthew D. Shores
Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d O t h e r
14% $1,430 $1,000
Traci Barr Mark David Becker Regina Bacote Donithan Jeffery Lynn French Susan Scoggins French Elizabeth Steele Hall Tim J. Halverson Michael David Hood Sarah Scaffe Tew
2% $150
Karen Tallon
1999 5% $1,330 $362
Dean S. Legge Jessica Thigpen Legge Jason W. Trego
Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d O t h e r 4% $125
Suzanne Bailey Dorian Scott Houser
1993 Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Ot h er
7% $645 $3,450
1992 Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund
Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d Ot h er
Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d Ot h er
Jerry Frazee
12% $275 $50
Samuel Thomas Arminio Elizabeth Clack Freeman Michelle Eaddy Hood Lori Johnson Rivers Patsy M. Sawyer Eric Norman Tew Betty Beasley Williams
Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d
Amy Gibson Donna G. Logan
3% $50
Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d O t h e r
1990 Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Other
17% $2,715 $1,428
7% $420 $325
Sherrie Caulder Chapman Stephen Matthews Jones Brian S. New Madge Windham Zemp
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund
Keith Anthony Alford Gina Lewis Bassford Glenn Douglas Bridges Kimberly Chestnut Poston Rick McLaurin Poston Steven Herbert Roos Kathy Ann Stewart
9% $ 325 50
Julia Weathers Hart Carolyn Donati Johnson Rebecca Hall Poston Sharon Huggins Sturdivant
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Ot h er
Teressa Thompson Harrington Nan Carter Howard Edward Wright Huffstetler Margaret Ann Lambert Pat Ramsdell Segars
13% $3,070 $50
Electa Anderson Small
Teresa Baker Allen Grantham Patricia Bell Hargrove Laura Jill Staat
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund
3% $100 $50
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Other
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Ot h er
Elsie Coker Ameen Marilyn Bishop Blackwell William Lloyd Coates, Jr. Larry C. Ferguson Sandra Tweed Gaskins Carol Sunderman Gordan Jonnie Marlowe Miller Michael Shisko Arthur Jake Smothers Anthony R. Taylor
17% $1,200 $133
Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d Ot h er Polly Hopkins Atkinson Burns Gordon McBride Mike Miller Leon Toby Myers Cathy Edwards Williams
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund O t h e r
Philip R. Asbill Sandra Stokes Blackwell Kevin Johnston Duncan Sandra Veatch Freeman James Leon Hartley Jill Swager Jones Virginia Wilson Jonte Juanita Coleman McFarland Daniel Moses
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Ot h er
1994 8% $1,050 $120
15% $1,283 $25
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Other Edie Williford Brown David Charles Darling Ernest Session
Frances Way Bohler Kellie Lee Braddock Angela English Dent Pamela Gill Franklin Charles Jefferies Maddox, Jr.
Floy Henry Fanning Susie Dunklin Guerry Lydia Kaiser Heiden Barbara Kirkley Kelley Kathi Pleasant Luther Lisa C. Hardwick McCutchen Nancy Karen Smith Rose Patrick Smith Deborah Scarboro Snyder Kathy Swygert Speights Paul H. Speights Dorothy Moody Stephens Helen Adams Stroud Reveley Wilson Thomy
Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d O t h e r
Terri Anderson Marvin B. Bell Wesley H. Blackwell Robert L. Braddock Claire Webber Coates Burlean Smith Moses Pat J. Wilmot
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Ot h er
1975 Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d Ot h er
1984 9% $650 $7,156
Debra J. Bass Andrews John Lennell Andrews Gloria Mack Bell Melvin Steve Duke James L. Dunlap, Jr. Cynthia Ward Gantt Milton Gantt Claire Hudson Gaskins Betty Arrowood McCutchen Edna Earle Boone Myrick Myra Grayson Nuttall Flora Privette Patterson John D. Roven Marcena Kellahan Tisdale
Marguerite Adelle Assey Trisha Braid Collins Susan Weathers Floyd Christine Batts Green Henry W. Herbert, Jr. Annita Ward Hunt Cecelia Stewart James Susan Hendley Key Debbie Rodgers Martin Barbara Belue Martin Katherine Ledbetter Meyer Virginia Stanley Moore Susan Bartenstein Necci Linda Ryne Margaret Murphy Sadler Sarah Jo Wood Safrit Betty Young Sullivan Mary Peele Thomas Anne Dennis Trotter Christina Glover Wallerstein
Carol Turner Atkinson Cil Warren Benton Karen Young Blackman Ellen Corinne Briggs Jane Clyburn Frankie Cauley Earnst Joy Gault Gruber Greer Johnson Denny Woodall Neilson Katherine Bledsoe Nelson Martha Parham Rebecca E. Reynolds Betsy McCollough Yager
Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d Ot h er
Pa r t i c i pat i o n 29% S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d $8,811 Other $46,005
16% $2,080 $150
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Ot h er
Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Ot h er
1970 Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund Other
Melissa Pegram Cotton Harriett Courtney Lemke Andrea Morrison Barbara B. Pruitt Debbie Hinshaw Pugh Joseph Michael Rauseo
4% $217 $100
14% $110 $220
William B. Altman Greg Batchelor Holly Hall Becker Arthur W. Bradshaw Brenda Tallon Bradshaw Kimberly White Davis Deena Epps Fogle Keelea Le Jeune Greg Lunn
Susan Daniels Henderson Susan Turpin Steven Grant Waterman II W W W. C O K ER . ED U
2001 Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund O t h e r
7% $100 $665
June Scott Barfield Brianna Bunce Douglas Kristan de Laurentiis Johnson Ellen Powell Kelly Azure Shields
2002 Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund O t h e r
6% $215 $25
Hank Alewine Leah Adams Andrews Brent S. Freeman Susanne Watts Liggett
2003 Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund O t h e r
8% $400 $200
Jeffrey S. Baker Wesley James Daniels Bruce Douglas Courtney Smith Emily Marovich Tupper Valerie Wilmot
2004 Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund O t h e r
3% $33 $25
Collin Liggett Brandon Roberts Charles Ellison Miracle Griffith Brandon Roberts
2005 Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund O t h e r
8% $113 $160
Ashley Flowers Eaddy Joseph R. Gainey Louis-Pierre Godin Jessica Brill Lloyd Jennifer C. Roberts Brantlee R. Yarborough
2006 Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund O t h e r
2% $75 $100
Alex Kornfield Kyle Saverance
2007 Pa r t i c i pat i o n Sc hol a rship Fund O t h e r
4% $55 $300
Blake C. Miller Ashley M. Schaum
2008 Pa r t i c i pat i o n O t h e r
2% $105
Charles Michael Koshis Tara A. Nelson
Evening and Extended Studies Program Pa r t i c i pat i o n S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d O t h e r
4% $9,427 $1,375
Henry Alexander III ‘89 FJ Jason E. Anfinson ’06 HA Chad R. Atkinson ’06 HA Sallie G. Bailey ’90 HA Carol Jean Baker ’83 HA Veronica Gallo Bambery ‘08 Kathy L. Beasley ’96 HA Gail J. Bowen ‘92 HA Jim Carraway ‘93 FJ Jodie Catoe ‘06 Pat H. Dampier ’90 HA Faye Blanks Daniel ’03 HA Gerard F. DeGaray ’79 FJ Mae Dines ’08 HA Nancy Payne Dunn ’89 HA Jerry Earl ’89 HA Barbara R. Evans ’93 HA Brenda L. Ferguson ’00 HA Michael Funderburk ’08 HA William T. Gainey, Jr. ’91 HA Susan Rivers Gaskins ’08 HA Jennifer Woodbury Gibson ’94 GE Shelia V. Gilbert ’04 HA Linda C. Gilliard ’04 HA John C. Goodwin III ’08 HA Debra Severance Grant ’90 HA Lara A. Grantham ’07 HA Sloan Gresham, Jr. ’74 FJ Andrew William Harker ’88 HA Marilyn F. Henderson ’97 HA Teresa Griggs Hendrix ‘04 Tara Hicks Hill ’05 HA Ronnie David Howard ’91 HA Russell David Howell, Jr. ’84 HA Connie Bell Hucks ’93 FJ Rita Horton Huggins ’90 HA Elaine Shoemake Hungerpiller ’91HA Cathy R. Hurd ’97 HA Tina Hancock Hurst ’90 HA Donnie W. Jackson ’04 FJ Shandra Johnson ’01 HA Franklin R. Joyner ’06 FJ Selena Durante Keese ’03 HA Marcy Coffey Kershner ’05 HA Karen E. Lear ’98 HA Amy E. Gardner Lloyd ’97 HA Trish P. Lunn ’87 HA Tammy Gaskins McCarn ’00 HA James Authur Miller ’94 FJ C. Chandler Peel ’85 HA Ronald B. Pope ’89 FJ James Earl Revels ’84 FJ Linda Ward Richardson ’92 HA Jay D. Rickman, Sr. ’74 FJ Heike Buchlar Rubinstein ’89 HA Thomas Cornelius Sawyer, Jr. ’07 HA Ellie J. Scherer ’91 HA James Russell Shaw ’91 HA Jennifer Motte Sherman ’06 HA Anna Marie Siegfried ’93 HA Dwaine L. Simmons ’01 FJ Kimberly W. Sims ’07 LC Monica F. Sirmans ’07 HA Janice B. Tallon ’90 HA Anne Carter Warr ’93 HA Thomas Dwain Watson ’85 HA Angela F. White ’06 HA Ernest L. Williamson ’07 HA John Lee Wyche ’92 HA Rex Yarborough ’02 HA **Deceased
Leadership Council
Those alumni, friends, businesses, corporations or foundations contributing $1,000 or more. Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation Donald J. Amaral Elsie Coker and Stephen Ameen Aramark Corporation Lois Hatfield Anderson Tina and Scott Askins Marguerite Assey AT&T Sarah B. Auman Jean and Frank Avent B. C. Moore Foundation The Bailey Foundation Bank of America BB&T Charitable Foundation Michal M. and Dick Baird Ellen Coker and Tyler Baldwin Jack Barclay Gloria Mack Bell Nancy and Jimmy Bell Tiggie and Dewey Benefield Emma Ann and Jim Benton Marjorie and Tom Bethea Bilby Construction Company, Inc. Kathryn and Red Blackmon Sandra and Wesley Blackwell Beth and Bill Blakeney Anne and Robert Blomeyer Heide and Ritchie Bond Gay Fort Boswell Linda and Gray Bradford Ann and William Bragdon Julie and James Brice Sloan and Deward Brittain Broadfield Foundation Brock’s Hauling and Grading Dorothy C. Brown Edie and Reginald Brown Sandi and Bob Brown Virginia and Eugene Burk Byerly Foundation Kathy and Bernie Campbell Katherine Still Campbell Carolina Bank Carolina Canners, Inc. Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center Melanie and Lynch Christian Joan and Charlie Coker Charles W. and Elizabeth H. Coker Foundation Elizabeth H. Coker Rhonda and Howard Coker Marcy and Tom Coker Trudy Coker Art Cooler Estate of Margaret Cooper Betty and Bob Corning Beth and Walter Cottingham Nancy and Rollins Culpepper Michael K. Daley Nell and Kenneth Daniels Judy and John Davis Karen and Jim Dawson Patsy and John Day Louise and Harris DeLoach Martha and Fletcher Derrick Dickson Foundation Barbara and Bubber Dixon D. L. Scurry Foundation Linda and Eddie Drayton Frances and Graham Drayton Jessie and Fred DuBard Jane and Kirk Dunlap Vicki and Andy Eaddy Sarah and Louis Elson Tom Ewart
First Citizens Bank Vickie and Larry Ferguson Delie and Caleb Fort Peggy and David Fort Alice and Hamlet Fort Jean and Jim Fort Susan and Jeff French Helen and Rodger Fuller Virginia and Larry Gantt Robert Goodson, AIA Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics Fdn., Inc. Hartsville Community Bank Hartsville Orthopedic & Sports Medicine PA Joel Hafner Penelope Coker Hall Tim Halverson S. Anne Hancock Mickey and Byron Harder Caroline and Terry Harrington Cindy and George Hartley Hartsville Kiwanis Club Hartsville Oil Mill Susan and Walt Harvey Wayne L. Haupt Greta and Marion Hawkins Claudia and Andy Heath Marvis and Pat Henry Rebecca Henslee Heritage Community Bank Barbara and Don Herriott Kathy and Jim Hines Joan and Gus Hoffmeyer Patty and Ronnie Holley Honda of SC Mfg., Inc. Mrs. Randolph W. Hope Edith and Fuller Howle Connie and Herbert Hucks Pat and Carl Huff Page and Jim Hungerpiller Martha and Reid Hunter Frances and Charlie Hupfer Ann Boatwright Igoe Eliza and David Ingle IRIX Pharmaceuticals Judy and Willard Jacobs Betty Wray Macdonald Jones Mary and William Joslin Ann and Ed Joyeusaz Bessie and Floyd Keels Stephanie and Hoyt Kelley Iris and Phil Kennedy Kathie Koerwer Mary Koerwer Kooken Family Foundation Nan and Edgar Lawton Tru and Ed Lawton Ione and John Lee Jessica and Dean Legge Lettie Pate Whitehead Fdn., Inc. Linville Family Foundation Finley and Marion Lucas Tina and Kevin Mahoney The Malloy Foundation Debbie and Pete Martin Hilda and James Martin Anne Lamb Matthews Margaret and Roy McCall Reaves McCall Ruth and Marvin McClam Tricia McClam Jean and James McDaniel Mary Jane and Harry McDonald Claire and Jim McGee The Messenger
Mimms Construction, Inc. Connie Booker Moe Rita and Harry Moran Mutual Savings Bank NCAA Lisa Newsom Woodrow Newsom Jane and Buddy Norwood Iva Jane and Mitchell Odom Julie and Graham Osteen Velna and Walter Patrick Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Inc. Margaret and John Pitner Lizbeth Whitescarver Privette Progress Energy Debbie and Bob Puechl Prudential Segars Realty Peggy and Donald Reeves Marvin Reynolds Ann and J. C. Rhodes Jay Rickman Karen and Jim Roquemore Heike and. Joseph Rubinstein Sarah Jo and Leonard Safrit Willie Calcutt Saleeby Pam and Jerry Sansbury Santee Electric Cooperative, Inc. Bonnie Cone Sawyer SCANA Pat and Goz Segars Sylvia and Earl Seppala Patti and Jimmy Shelley Showa Marutsutsu Company, Ltd. Pat and Ralph Sims J. M. Smith Foundation Sonoco Foundation Sonoco Products Company SC Independent Colleges and Universities, Inc. SC Student Loan Corporation SPC Cooperative Credit Union Cameron and Gus Speth Florence Houck Steele Lillian and Louis Stephens Mary Catherine and Clyde Stuckey Betty and Charles Sullivan Syrian Lebanon American Society Talley Metals Technology, Inc. Vera Chisolm Taylor Olive and Bill Timberlake W. Allen Toole Total Tennis Training Donna and Howard Tucker UPS Foundation Vanguard Charitable Endowment Dexter C. Vaughan Virginia and James Vaughan L. Robert Vaughan Wachovia Bank of South Carolina, N.A. The Wachovia Foundation, Inc. Wal-Mart Foundation Judy and John Walker Susan E. Watkins Pat and Zan West Sherry and Lex West Betty C. Wiggins Sara K. and Jim Wilds Jean and Oliver Williamson Pat J. Wilmot Ann Ludlam Winfield Peggy and Ben Woodward Linda and Louis Yount Madge and Sid Zemp Joanne and Bud Zobel
Office of Marketing and Communications 300 East College Avenue Hartsville, South Carolina 29550-3742
w w w.coker.edu
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