[Spring 09] Commentary

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>> A L U M N I I S S U E


mentary V O L . 37 N O . 1

commentary t h e q u a r t e r ly o f c o k e r c o l l e g e , h a r t s v i l l e , s o u t h c a r o l i n a

>> A L U M N I I S S U E S P R I N G ’ 0 9

V O L . 37 N O . 1

>> C oker

At hletics adds t hree N ew Sports Coker College is adding junior varsity (JV) baseball, a varsity cheerleading squad, and a dance

team to its athletics program starting in fall 2009. “The JV baseball program will allow players to improve their skill and play the game they love at the college level,” said Coker College President Dr. B. James Dawson. “The cheerleaders and dance team will inject a new sense of excitement into Coker’s athletic competitions while being college ambassadors at off-campus events.” Coker College will hire a head coach for the JV baseball team who will also work in another area of the college to be determined by the candidate’s qualifications. Brianna Bunce Douglas ’02 (see below) has been named the head coach of the cheerleading squad and dance team. Both coaches will


also be responsible for recruiting new students. The Cobras JV baseball team will play an abbreviated schedule of 15 to 20 games using the College’s existing facilities and those at Byerly Park in Hartsville. They will compete against other teams in the region, such as USC-Sumter, USC-Lancaster, Florence-Darlington Technical College, St. Andrews


College and Pfieffer University.



Coker College has 12 NCAA Division II men’s and women’s teams competing in the Conference

>> Coker is an independent, comprehensive liberal arts college founded in 1908. The living and learning environment at Coker fosters participation in the community of scholarship and the development of ethical character, leadership skills and social responsibility.

C oker Graduate named c h eerleading and dance team coac h Brianna Bunce Douglas ‘02 is the head coach of the College’s new varsity cheerleading squad and dance team. Douglas is recruiting now to build the teams for the fall. “The the addition of the cheerleading and dance team program at Coker will provide young people the opportunity to continue dance

Volume 37, Number 1 w w w.coker.edu

and cheer on a competitive level after high school,” said Douglas. “This is a unique program within the Athletic Department that will

The Commentary of Coker College is published four times a year in the fall, winter, spring and summer by the Coker College Office of Marketing & Communications. 843.383.8018 Periodicals postage paid at Hartsville, SC 29550 and additional mailing offices USPS Pub. No. 599-590 POSTMASTER: Forward and send address changes to: COKER COLLEGE Office of Marketing & Communications 300 East College Avenue Hartsville, SC 29550-3797

>> J ames Jolly Director of Marketing and Communications jjolly@coker.edu

attract many students who already participate in these activities competitively before coming to college.” Douglas began her dance career at Coker College in 1994 under

>> K yle Saverance ’0 6 Web Developer and Publications Manager ksaverance@coker.edu >> C hristian S try ker ’0 4 Sports Information Director cstryker@coker.edu >> C ontributors: Scott Logeman Shannon Townley ’09

the direction of professor Nancy Thornhill Bolden ‘62. In addition to her Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Coker, Douglas holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of South Carolina, and a Master’s of Business Administration from the University of North Florida. When asked about to returning to Coker College, Douglas said “I enjoy working in an atmosphere that merges academic excellence and social development within an environment conducive to personal growth. Based on my familiarity with Coker, I believe this position will only strengthen relationships within the college and community.” Douglas is a board member of Hartsville Downtown Development Association and the Coker


College Alumni Association. In addition to her coaching duties, she will be a member of the Coker dance faculty.

W W W. C O K ER . ED U / N EW S



Why do I give? n tha t pre pa red I rec eiv ed an ed uca tio “... At Co ker Co lle ge na l suc ces s. It is de mi c an d pro fes sio me for my fut ure aca ers ma y exp eri en ce e to Co ker so tha t oth im po rta nt tha t I giv nd col leg e s an d rew ard s of a sou as I did the ble ssi ng to Co ker, an d it is nt we I cau se I am gla d ed uca tio n. I giv e be an k Yo u.” my wa y of say ing Th

’6 0 — D r . S. A nne H ancock - Region IV ve i t a t n e s e r p e R l a Region F o r m e r S e c r e t a r y ’s f Ed u c a t i o n U. S. D e p a r t m e n t o

W h at is the A n nua l Schol a r ship Fu nd? • The Annual Scholarship Fund (ASF) is Coker College’s yearly campaign to raise financial support for its students. • Every gift to the ASF helps new and returning students attend Coker. • T he ASF helps Coker students in addition to their state and federal grants and loans.

February 20 09 Dear Alumni an

d Friends ~

I hope this Class News issue of Th e Commentary fin Spring is almost ds you well. here and we have so much for which I am writing to as to be thank ful. k for your suppor t for this year’s An Scholarship Fund nual goal of $5 00,00 0. As you know, the Scholarship Fund Annual is vital because it helps Coker recrui best and brightes t and retain the t students. This year your gif t is more importa nt than ever. Like Coker is being im other colleges, pacted by the ec onomy. We fear of our most quali we will lose some fied students if we cannot suppor t the to the Annual Sc m through gif ts holarship Fund. Please know tha t all of us at Coke r — especially ou appreciate any gif r students — t you make to the Annual Scholarsh genuinely need an ip Fund. We d are thank ful for your suppor t. Sincerely,

• If your employer or your spouse’s employer matches your gift, you could double or even triple your contribution. • The fundraising goal for the ASF in 2008-2009 is $500,000. • Gifts to the ASF are tax deductible.

Wes Da nie ls ‘03 Director of Annu al


• A lumni gifts to the ASF positively influence Coker College’s national ranking. • You can give online at www.coker.edu or contact the Development Office at 843.383.8178


Office of Institution al Advanc ement | 300 East Col lege Ave Phone: 843 -383-8178 nue | Ha rtsv ille, SC or 843 -616-2485 | 29550 Fax: 843 -383-8197 | wda niels@coker.e du | ww w.c oker.ed u




class news

class news • G at h e r e d & w r i t t e n b y c l a s s R e p r e s e n tat i v e s •

adopt a class! >> C lass o f 19 3 7 E mily Henderson R emington Franke at Seaside 1885 Rifle Range Road The Cove Apartments 35 Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 843-881-8383 | 016021994@cidco.com

>> C lass o f 19 3 8 Florence Houck S teele Post Office Box 69 Davis Station, SC 29041 803-478-8783

>> C lass o f 19 3 9 L aura S . M c I nnis 2350 W. Lucas Street Florence, SC 29501

>> C lass o f 19 4 0 M ar y C onstance [ C onnie ] Hucks ’ 9 3 104 Cooper River Road Myrtle Beach, SC 29588 843-650-4791 | CokerGrad@aol.com Dear Class of 1940, It is with much sadness and a heavy heart that I write this column. I was once told that the most difficult thing in this world was to lose somebody you love. That loss has been truly felt by the class of 1940. I have only newly discovered that on July 15, 2007, Emily Hasell Fishburne passed away in Sumter. She was retired with 29 years of service from the Sumter Daily Item. She was a member of the Church of the Holy Comforter, Junior Welfare League of Sumter and the Cotillion club, where she served as secretary for many years. On December 17, 2008, the class of 1940 bid farewell to Nelle Norris Fooshe. Nelle retired as a physical therapist from the Dorn VA Hospital, and she served in the United




The Alumni Office is looking for a few good volunteers to adopt a class. We have several classes from the 1940’s who do not have representatives to report their news. If you are interested in becoming an honorary class representative for one of them, please contact the Coker Alumni Office at 1.800.65.COKER or alumni@coker.edu.

States Army during WWII and the Korean War. Nelle loved animals and enjoyed travelling. An avid reader, she particularly loved history. She was a painter and possessed a wonderful sense of humor. For 61 years she was a member of Shandon Baptist Church where she served as a phone volunteer. Edith Woodham Howle lost her husband, Fuller on November 14, 2008, just a couple of days after the death of their daughter, Lynne Howle Byrd. Our sincere sympathies to these families. I do have good news to share with you as well. Loree Harrington Gandy is doing well. She celebrated her birthday [which was on Thanksgiving Day] at Prestwood Country Club with a large family gathering. They enjoyed a sumptuous dinner and a lovely birthday cake. She told me that her hearing isn’t quite what it used to be, but after visiting with her, I attest to the fact that she is as charming and cheerful as always. I received a lovely card from Katherine Jackson Barton who moved to Birmingham, AL to be near her son, Dr. James C. Barton. This is quite a change for her since leaving her home. She spends time reading and watching television. She also knits, and one of her projects is knitting preemie caps which are distributed among various hospitals which need them. An exquisite Christmas card arrived with the most gorgeous manger scene made from the bark of the banana tree. A student in Haiti had made the card, and its sender was Frances Humphries Price and her husband Hampton. Their son and one granddaughter from Alabama surprised them with a visit in November. The other granddaughter has changed her major from pre-vet to pre-med and had to work in the clinic so she and her mother couldn’t make the trip. They spent Christmas with their son in Raleigh, daughter-inlaw and two grandsons. Margaret Davidson Baker and husband Bill are both doing fine and had a very nice Christmas. I called to check on Marjorie Brunk Nettles. She was at the beach for a week in November, but doesn’t come down here as much as she use to since she no longer drives. As a result, she doesn’t get to see her friend, Virginia Williams Anderson ’39, who lives at Myrtle Beach, as often as she’d like. As chipper as always, she told me that she was blessed with good health. All the family is doing well, including her daughter, Carol Phillips Kirven ’63 who still lives in Sumter. She still sees Octavia “Ta” Moses Mahon ’39 quite often. Margie sees Helen Montague James ’39 a lot at church, but says she is not doing real well. I spoke briefly with Martha Bruce Mason who lives in Chapel Hill, NC and said she is “doing alright.”

Gladys McNeill Bellamy is still in Conway. She is doing just fine and had a very nice Christmas. I spoke with Mildred Hardin Sawyer from WinstonSalem, NC. She told me that it is wonderful to have a daughter living so close. We talked a lot about Coker and she said that she believes the most valuable experience gained is friendship. She still keeps in touch with “best buddy” Janet Langston Jones ’39, and they chat periodically. Ruby Whittington Oliver still lives in Loris and told me that she had a great but very busy Christmas with family and friends. After taking down the Christmas tree, she and her daughter decided they would get a head start on spring cleaning. I’m afraid she over did it a bit, but perhaps a little rest should cure those aches. A totally unexpected package arrived at my home from Loree Harrington Gandy. I carefully unwrapped the intricate workmanship. Beneath framed glass is a delicate arrangement of dried, pressed flowers. I wish that you could see it --- it is simply stunning! As evidenced by her lovely gardens, Loree has always loved flowers. Thank you, Loree for the beautiful gift, all your lovely cards and letters, and most of all your friendship. After several phone calls to class members, I kept hearing the names Janet Langston Jones ’39 and Virginia Williams Anderson ’39. Both of these remarkable ladies live in the area, so I called them. I heard wonderful stories of Coker College’s “character, culture, and Christian service”. It’s so amazing that the Coker connection is shared with so many from diverse generations. A great big “thank you” for allowing me to serve as your class representative. Cordially, Connie

>> C lass o f 19 41 N orma M at h is P ate 128 Walnut Lane #124 N. Augusta, SC 29860 803-439-7930 cell phone ndmp8@juno.com I guess “No News is Good New”!! I received a Christmas letter from Lynne McCuen Ridgeway, which I enjoyed. She is not able to continue doing mission trips so she sponsors a trip for a young couple to go to the Urkaine. She gave their church a LED sign in memory of her husband.

W W W. C O K ER . ED U

class news class news | ’41 - ’48

Her son, Ray Jr., has moved to Anderson and coordinates Hospice chaplains in SC. Nancy Mahady Winn heard from Dorothy Walker Vestal with a little change in her address. She is in a Retirement complex: 1 Oaknall Court, Apt. 208, Iowa City IA 52246-5250. My son, Norman and his wife, Lisa gave me the new Coker book: In Quest of Excellence: A History of Coker College on its Centennial. I have read some in it, and it is interesting how Coker came into being! I hope I’ll have more news by July 15th. Love, Norma

>> C lass o f 19 4 2

old North Durham Auction. Ann and John have been married for 21 years! Mickey Box Tanenbaum ’43 and Nat live in Brevard, NC. They built and moved there from Florida. My granddaughter, Evan, is in 11th grade, an honor student, and works several afternoons a week at Piggly Wiggly as a cashier and in the office. My oldest grandson, Madison, has his own mechanic shop in Mt. Pleasant; and his brother, Hayden, is a senior at the College of Charleston. We have a yard full of camellias - most are at least 8 to 10 feet tall! By the time you get this, we’ll probably be into spring weather - I hope we won’t have as hot a summer as last year. Won’t 3 or 4 of you drop me a post card with some news for our classmates? Much happiness in ’09! Katherine Campbell

R ep or co - rep needed

>> C lass o f 19 4 3 S elma S togner L eHard y 415 Lakeshore Drive Hartsville, SC 29550 843-332-7952 C o - rep needed

>> C lass o f 19 4 4 R ep or co - rep needed

>> C lass o f 19 4 5 K at h erine S till C amp b ell 295 Club Acres Orangeburg, SC 29118 803-534-6594 Some of you probably don’t know that we lost another one of our dear classmates in November - Ann Holloway Murchison in Union. Ann had suffered with diverticulitis for years, and was careful about what she ate. I saw where Margaret DesChamps (Mar Burr) Moore’s brother, Ralph, remembered Ann in our last commentary. I talk occasionally to Kathryn Gibbons (Gibb) Blackmon and Red, Caroline, and Jean Campbell Williamson and Oliver in Mt. Pleasant. Gibb and Red have faithfully represented our class at several classmates’ services. I also talk with Corinne (Kenny) Boyd Hunter in Pine Bluff, and Charlie in Seattle, Wash. Finley Plunkett Lucas ’39 still lives in the Florence Methodist Manor. She lost Marion in November. I had pneumonia twice recently - once in November (“walking pneumonia”) and again in December, which put me in the hospital for 6 days. I sure don’t bounce back like I used to! I had ONE Christmas card from our classmates - Edna Earle Johnson Bryan! She’s a substitute teacher for Foysth County. Eleanor Fairfax Acher Partonr’s son, John Parton, lives in Durham, N.C. He and Ann send a very clever Christmas review of their year annually. Ann has finished her 4th semester at Duke Divinity School. She did a summer pastoral internship at Bellemont United Methodist Church in Burlington, NC. Ann is now in Philadelphia’s Lutheran Theological Seminary. She also finds time to play cello in Durham’s Symphony, as well as sings and dances. John enjoys his job at Workplace Options where he does phone intake and assessment counseling. John continues to be active at Chapel Hill Zen Center. He is also an emcee in the


>> C lass o f 19 4 6 R ep or co - rep needed

>> C lass o f 19 4 7 L ee Blake S tevenson Post Office Box 660 Beaufort SC 29901 843-524-5860 | Lbs26@isle.net Hi Everyone, I had a nice Christmas card from Jane Brothers Bryan and a letter from Gene Stokes Brown. I don’t think she’ll mind if reprint her letter here - it will catch us up on her life. “Dear Lee, In thinking over my blessings in 2008, I am thankful I went to Coker ’43 – ’45. I thank you for serving as class rep, even though no one writes. My roommate was Betty Philips Washington. We transferred to U.N.C. together. Age is taking its toll on her life, too but I keep up with her in Conway. (Editor’s note: Betty passed away December 21, 2008.) Connie Lou Lawton Huggins is in Atlanta area, but too far away to drop in on. She was fine the last time I talked to her. She and I had talked about coming to the last reunion. I am from Darlington and drove through the Coker campus a year ago. I lost my husband in May from peripheral neuropathy, so I’m trying to get adjusted to widowhood. It isn’t easy, as so many from our class know. I enjoy reading the notes from classes ’44 – ’48 and it seems ’47 sends in the least news. Now that I’m writing I can complain that others in our class do not. I have a daughter and son in Atlanta and 5 grandchildren. A granddaughter is a lawyer in Brunswick, GA. No great grands.” Isn’t that a wonderful, newsy letter? My life continues as usual - church work, bridge, etc. The little baby (great grandson) that gave us all such a scare last January, will be one year old on January 24 - a big strong boy weighing almost 30 pounds, flashing 4 teeth and close to walking. We still call him our “miracle baby”. Well, 2008 has been some year! As we rooted for our favorite candidate we had to wonder why anyone would want such a job at such a time. I know I will be joining all of you in praying for President Obama and his advisors - they have a hard row to hoe. Dr. Doubles has written a book on Coker history called In Quest of Excellence: A History of Coker College on its Centennial. If you would like to purchase one, please call the Alumni Office. Here’s to a better year ahead for all of us! Love, Lee

>> C lass o f 19 4 8 Bett y P adgett Black 1123 Wichman Street Walterboro, SC 29488 843-549-5260 | bpblack2001@yahoo.com P at Hesse Hardison 1300 Queens Road, Unit 318 Charlotte, NC 28207 704-373-3056 Dear Classmates, This is my first effort to report on some of our classmates...I hope you will write or telephone, or e-mail me your news that you would like to share with others about your life, family, and your travels. I still live in Walterboro in the same house that John and I bought in 1960. He passed away in May of 2007 so I have joined the “widow’s club” along with many of you. We had four children, two boys and two girls. None of them live in Walterboro, the boys live in Mt. Pleasant and Nancy lives in Hawaii, and Carol in Washington, D.C. I stay busy with church work, Fine Arts Club, DAR, and auditing one course at a time at the college here in Walterboro. Betty Marvin Linder lives here and we are still the very best of friends (besides having been roommates at Coker!) She is also a widow, has five children, two boys and three girls. One son is a doctor here and the other one travels but spends a good bit of time with her. Two of her daughters live in Columbia with their families and the third lives in Michigan but owns a house at Edisto so they come down to visit as often as they can. “Mervin”, as I insist upon calling her, and I go places together and since she doesn’t drive anymore I do the driving. Betty George Hurlbutt ’49 also lives here and we see her very often….she’s an Episcopalian in the same church with Betty Marvin Linder. Betty Hurlbutt has two sons, one lives in Charleston with his family and the other travels overseas a lot. She lives in Forest Hills section of town near Betty Marvin. She keeps up with Harriet Henderson Tewkesbury ’49 in Aiken. We drove up to see HAT last year and really enjoyed seeing her and her husband. Just called Marguerite “Maggie” Kiser Bessenger and talked to her ….she lives close to us in Jacksonboro on the way to Charleston. Her husband, Bubba, just passed away last August 2008. She’s taking care of her daughter, Delane, who is not well at her home. Her granddaughter, Brooke, is a pharmacist, lives in the river house at Jacksonboro, and is planning to be married April 18th of this year. Maggie hears from Pat Tobbins who still lives in the state of New York and she says it is freezing up there right now! She’s thinking about selling her house but has not reached a decision. Maggie also heard from Bertha May “Bert” Harris Holley in Aiken and she’s getting along just fine...we saw her when we visited HAT. Received a note from Rosa Henderson Murray in October 2008 telling me that she now lives in Falmouth, Mass. Ten miles from her oldest daughter, Carol Nichols. Her apartment overlooks Falmouth Harbor. She has five grand children, most are already college age. Rosa is also a widow; Walker Murray and she were married 55 years. She says she is very close to leukemia and requires a transfusion weekly. She sent her telephone number (508) 548-0932. I’m sure she would love to hear from you all. Marilyn Brabham Lyles Wise also sent me an e-mail and said that she hadn’t been called “Queenie” in quite a while! She said that Sara Thompson Finlayson had given her that nickname because of her imitations of Miss Floyd who was our Spanish teacher. She still lives at the Chesapeake Retirement Community in Newport News, Virginia. She and her husband, Joe, moved there in 2000 and he




class news ’48 - ’51 | class news

died in 2003. She remarried in 2007 to John Wise, and they continue to live in the retirement community. “Queenie” has a son, Bryan, who is a computer scientist and lives in New Jersey. Her daughter, Cindy, lives in Winnetka, Illinois with her three sons. Finally, It is with a great deal of sadness that I received a call on October 27th of this past year from Maggie, telling me that Hylda Inabinet Bass had passed away. Betty Marvin Linder and I had seen her at our 60th class reunion and enjoyed being with her again. We only had five of us there, but it was great to be with Claire “Butch” Creel McKenzie and Betty Jean Ellis. I will look forward to hearing from you in the near future and hope that you will send news of you and your family, you may call me, write or e-mail me, and the address is at the top of the column. Love to all, Betty Padgett Black

>> C lass o f 19 4 9 C lass rep or co - reps needed Betty Eaton Howe writes: “It was like coming home to be at Myrtle Beach in early October. I was part of the sextet which sang at the Ocean Forest Hotel for a Rotary Convention there in 1948 or 1949. That was the last time I saw the beach. This time I was gathering with my nieces and nephews and their children. I have no great grandchildren so I feel the need to let my deceased brother’s progeny know who they came from. We stayed right there on the beach at an excellent hotel (The Caravelle) which had several unique pools which the children could enjoy with minimum supervision. I opted in or out of the activities as my spirit dictated. I keep very busy at Winter Park Towers, where I have just finished my first term as President of the Resident Council—which makes me the liaison between the residents and management. Much of my professional life was in administration and it is great to have a chance to re-activate my brain! I always look in the Commentary for the news from the 49ers, but it is sparse. That’s what motivated me to write—in hopes that it would tweak the conscience of others. My very best to you all.” Joanne Moody Zobel writes: “2008 has truly been a year of sweet and sour for us. In February, Wanda found out she had breast cancer. She had surgery (10 hours) on February 29th and then chemo and radiation covering a period of seven months. She has been an inspiration to all the family and her friends who have been with her every step of the way. Everyone’s prayers have been a great help to us all. As of now she has returned to work several days a week and is doing great. She will continue with chemo treatment (Herceptin) every three weeks for a few more months. I continue to work with SRS Heritage Foundation with its goal of preserving the history and mementoes of the Savannah River Site’s role in the “Cold War”. Her main emphasis is honoring the people who gave up their homes and all they had for the plant. Bud and I still enjoy volunteering at the local hospital and visiting for the church. Bud still fishes when he can and has recently started playing golf with a group of older men. At 81, he is among the youngest in the group. (The oldest is 96). In July, all the family gathered at the beach to celebrate Joanne’s birthday. There was much celebration and joy as Jay, Beth’s oldest son, announced that he and Nicci are expecting a baby—another event we are looking




forward to. The baby is due in January 2009. What excitement! After returning to Aiken Bud surprised Joanne with a dinner dance to celebrate her birthday AGAIN. Claire’s daughter, Morgan was married in September to Brice Debnam. The wedding was sandwiched in between three hurricanes. The week before the wedding, Morgan and Brice planned to drive her car from Charlotte to Houston, but could not because of Hurrican Gustav. The weekend of the wedding Tropical Storm Hannah visited Wilmington. The only problem was the church air conditioning got hit, so it was very hot. It was a beautiful wedding and Morgan was a lovely bride. On their way back from their honeymoon, Hurricane Ike hit Texas and prevented them from returning to Houston. They finally got back there in the middle of the following week to no electricity. Their house appeared in tact, but they later found some damage that had to be repaired. As of this writing, Beth and Murray are in the process of moving from Charlotte to Richmond, VA. They have bought a restored row house in a lovely part of the downtown area known as “The Fan”. Beth is very excited about it as well as the expected first grandchild. All seems to be happening at one time for them. We continue to divide our time between Aiken and Isle of Palms. We enjoy both places. Our lives are very different at the two places—Slower and more relaxed at the beach— Faster and full of activities in Aiken. We are both enjoying good health and are thankful for that.”

>> C lass o f 19 5 0 V elna R ollins P atrick 1 Granville Road Columbia, SC 29209 803-776-3046 R ose P atrick S mit h ’ 7 5 1801 Stannard Trail Raleigh, NC 27612 919-789-4829 | dsmithII@nc.rr.com Dear Friends, Thanks to each of you who have taken time to write or call. It’s always great to hear from all of you. Lib Bishop Tiller continues to enjoy living in Mt. Pleasant. She is involved in her church where her aunt is also a member. Of course she misses friends in Mayesville, but does get back to visit occasionally. Elizabeth Gerrald Gibson and husband Bentley wrote to say they were happy to hear from our class members and promise to stay in touch. They, too, are active in their church as her health permits. Take care of yourself, Elizabeth! It was great to hear from Pam Huggins Chapman. She said that Henry had recently gone to Duke for an annual check-up and received a good report. Your transplant is serving you well, Henry. Pam says he’s so busy with his many interests it’s hard to keep up with him! Pam included a picture of Henry and herself, along with a one-year-old great-grandson, taken in New York on the Canadian border where his father is stationed. By the way, Pam reminds us that we’re having a 60th class reunion in 2010! Frances Matheson Leppard is exerting every effort toward adjustment to the loss of her husband, James. They were only a short time away from their 60th wedding anniversary when he passed away. Frances has wonderful sons, along with their families, who are generous in support of her, as well as long time friends nearby. We extend Frances and her family our deepest sympathy. We have a newsy letter from Doris Ernell Griffin who attended Coker as a freshman in 1946-47. She writes,

“Since I was only at Coker for one year, I must admit I haven’t stayed in touch. I did love my year at Coker and the friendships I made were very special. I have many fond memories. The only reason I left Coker was to go into dental hygiene at the University of Pennsylvania. After graduation, I went into private practice in Durham with my brother who was a dentist. We practiced together for 40 years and I actually worked 5 more years after he sold the practice. I also taught part-time for several years. I have always been an avid sports fan and still attend all the UNC home football and basketball games and even get to some out of town games. When I’m not going to a ballgame, I’m usually in the kitchen. I love to cook, including grilling outside. Every May, a friend and I go to Germany. We’ve done this for about some 20 years and have made some very nice German friends who meet us in the Bavarian Alps each year.” Thank you, Doris, for writing and we hope to see you at the 60th reunion in April, 2010! Peggy Jo Tapp Turman writes, “Jay and I have lived in Nashville for over 40 years. Our lives have revolved, for the most part, around music and art. Jay has retired from his interior design company but finds joy in being a docent at the First Center for the Visual Arts and at the new Schermerhorn Symphony Hall. I am still teaching, practicing and performing. Music continues to be a lifeline for me. Fortunately, Jay loves music also, and has helped me to appreciate opera! We are very much involved with growing, showing, and judging daylilies----our garden is sanctioned by the national organization, The American Hemerocallis Society. Our only child, Kimberly is a pre-school teacher and our grandson, John Robert, is thirteen.” Joan Brailsford Kneece and David live in Trenton and report that they are both in good health. Two of their children live in Aiken which means that Joan and David are within 30 minutes of five of their seven grandchildren! They also have a son who is a minister in Brevard. I’m sorry to report that Jeanne Byerly Wilhelm passed away in December. Jeanne’s father, you’ll remember, was “our doctor” when we were at Coker. After graduate school, Jeanne taught business courses at Coker for thirty- five years. Send your news! We’ll pass it on. Love, Velna

>> C lass o f 19 5 1 Bett y L ee J ordan G and y 1201 Wisteria Drive Florence, SC 29501 843-662-2797 C o - rep needed Dear Classmates, Once again another New Year has arrived and I hope that it will be a happy and healthy one for each of you. Sadie Rae Huggins Hutchinson wrote on her Christmas card that she has been very ill for the past several months; but with the help of a team of medical professionals and a wonderful husband she is doing much better. Sadie Rae and Genair had enjoyed a visit from Faye Herring Floyd and Burnie. So glad to hear from you, Sadie Rae and my prayer is that you will continue to get better. I know that all of us are saddened at the death of our classmate Betty Shelley Gunnells who died in November. Our sympathy and prayers go out to her family and also to Louise “Cooter” Tapp Joye. Cooter’s husband, LaVerne died in October after a long illness. Joan Snoddy Hoffmeyer called me after talking to Anne Harmon McGregor. Anne has moved to Hickory

W W W. C O K ER . ED U

class news class news | ’51 - ’53

NC. I don’t have her address but her telephone number is 828-345-1199. Speaking of Joan—I’m sure that you saw the picture of her and Gus in the campus issue of the Commentary. Just as they do, let me encourage each of you to show your love and thanks to Coker by giving to the Annual Scholarship Fund. Remember to put class of 1951 on your donation. Great picture, Joan! You read in the Commentary that Frank Bush surprised a group of us at Mary Johnson Bowie’s house in Myrtle Beach in September. Mary, Joan Snoddy Hoffmeyer, Doris Johnson Gray, Mary Lou Nye Holley, and I did have a good time catching up, shopping, eating (of course), and reminiscing about our Coker days. At my High School Class Reunion luncheon in October, I saw Sylvia Thompson Avant and Jo Hunter Watson both Coker classmates, and Mary Frances Coker Johnson ’53, a sister classmate. All looked great and were doing well, but since then Jo has open heart surgery right before Christmas. This class needs a co-rep. please one of you grab this position by calling the Alumni Office at 1-800-65 COKER (26537) or 843-383-8066 or me at 843-662-2797. Remember to send your contribution for the Annual Scholarship Fund to Coker College and your news to me. Love you all, Betty Lee

>> C lass o f 19 5 2 Bett y L ou M c I nt y re Barclay 329 Lee Circle Dillon, SC 29536 843-774-6122 | Bbar830771@aol.com Frances “ Frankie ” N ic h olson T ownsend 201 Kinney Circle Bennettsville, SC 29512 843-479-9398 Hi Classmates, Betty Lou and I continue to hope we will get a flood of calls or email with news from you. Karen Johnson Conway called to tell me Christiane Blanchon Burnet died December 30. Chris was the French exchange student our junior year and had been in a nursing home for several years. She had many fond memories of Coker and enjoyed getting pictures and news of our reunions Karen sent to her. Karen had a rough year health wise. A “bad” lumpectomy resulted in a series of radiation treatments. In August she had a knee replacement which still gives her trouble. We hope 2009 will be a good change. Now some good news, Karen’s own Walton was the subject of an excellent article in The State Magazine (North Carolina) about his business “Golden Cockerell” in Boone. Walton imports Russian “cottage industry” crafts which includes the unique nesting dolls. Perhaps you’ve seen his booth at the Southern Living Christmas Show. Judson, another son and his family are spending the season in Chile where he is working as manager and guide at a fishing lodge. Karen enjoyed having all of her family during Christmas in Boone. 2008 was not a good year for Jennie Smith McLeod. She suffered a major stroke in August. You’re a “real trooper” Jennie and we’re pulling for you for better times. Vera Wyndham Helmly told me she is doing fine and enjoys her family. Bobby has macular degeneration so she has become his driver. Jane Woodward Truett had a good family Christmas. She has enjoyed having her daughter for a longer visit. I enjoyed having all of my family at Ocean Lakes in


July. Son, Jim and his family continue to live in Louisville KY. Anna, my only grandchild, is fourteen and keeps busy with school activities including tennis and playing flute. My oldest daughter, Mary, lives in Lugoff and works I.C.U. at Palmetto Richland. Ann, my youngest and her husband Mark Bowman live in North Augusta. “Barney” my cairn terrier and I hold the fort down in Bennettsville. I still enjoy spending time at the beach and activities with friends here. Betty Lou and I talked of having mini-reunions as a way to keep in touch. Anyone interested? Let us hear from you and please send a contribution to the Annual Scholarship Fund. Love and bear hugs! Frankie

>> C lass o f 19 5 3 P at C h apman Hu f f 507 Wilmar Avenue Hartsville, SC 29550 843-332-3755 | Phuff507@cs.com M it z i D u P re M att h ews 6493 Bridgewood Road Columbia, SC 29206 803-787-4157 | Bmatthews2@juno.com Dear Special Friends, You really are special to me. After all, we did spend a lot of time together, since we lived at Coker College together for four years or less, and the memories we have are wonderful. I also remember the fun we had with our Big Sisters and Freshman Commissioners and the seniors - oh how we looked up to them! I also enjoyed being with and getting to know the ones in the classes below us. I roomed with a freshman my senior year and there were some wonderful sophomores on third floor Morgue. On Saturday, August 2, 2008, we had another great Leadership Training/Appreciation day at Coker. Pat Chapman Huff and I enjoyed having a luscious lunch, and we heard from Dr. James Dawson, President of Coker College, Lyn Blackmon, Director of Alumni Relations and our famous Frank Bush. To top things off, Dr. S. Anne Hancock, ’60 spoke on “Moving into a New Century” The Power of One. Again, many thanks to Lyn Blackmon and Dee Pierce for such great planning. For those of you who don’t already know, our dear Beverly Denny Dority went to her heavenly home after having Lou Gehrig’s disease. Richard ’55, her husband took such good care of her. Beverly always smiled and had such a great attitude for all the years she was struggling with her illness. She and Richard were involved in our reunions, dropins, the beach trips and whenever we had mini reunions, etc and were always encouraging us with their faith and trust in the Lord. Please continue to pray for Richard and children and grandchildren during this time of sorrow. Jennie Herlong Boatwright came to see me one day. We had lunch together and had some good talk time. She and Phillips were driving, a few days after our get-together, to Jackson Hole, Wyoming to meet some of their children. Then they were going to take a few weeks to travel around all of that beautiful country and see all the special sights, such as the Grand Canyon. Louise Bristow Kinsey called me one day and said she had moved back home with her son now, as she had been living in a retirement home in Columbia. Her address is 2921 Blossom Street. Columbia, SC 29205. She enjoys knitting sweaters for her great grandchildren and working on her genealogy. She is so proud of her grandson Bert Kinsey

who is at MUSC getting a degree in Pharmacy. He already has his Doctorate degree in Research. Pat and I are sharing our Christmas cards with you. (Please forgive me for not sending any this year and last year.) Pat heard from Mary Elizabeth “Beth” DuBose Cottingham ’55. She stays busy with church work and other activities. She and Walter celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Walter is still working full time. We are sorry to hear of the death of Walter’s sister, Juanita Gordon. Please keep him in your prayers. Pat also heard from Dot Garrell Hanna ’52 and Herb Hanna ’51; Ina Jean Webster Godwin; Marie Daniels wife of Dr. James Daniels, former President of Coker College; Chuck Cottingham who is husband of the late precious Sara Frances Coleman Cottingham; Danny Nicholson; Callie McCuen Simpson; Dave Rogers who had bladder cancer surgery in November; Nina Franklin who is so happy that Pat keeps her informed about Coker events and friends. Jean Lamond Crabbe and Bill have one granddaughter who is graduating from Medical School in June and another who is getting married in July. They also have another grandchild who is in college and another graduating from High School in May. Jean Fore McDaniel and Mac plan to be in their Pawleys Island home soon and several times during the year. Pat, Anne, Charlie, Susie, Betty Jean and I join Jean in June for a week at the beach. Jean has been experiencing some health problems. We’re praying for her. Sarah Sampson Bell and Buddy always take part in all of the Coker activities. We really enjoy seeing them at least twice a year. Joyce Bell sends greetings and is so faithful about keeping in touch and joining us at our reunions. Truey Tarbox Thieker and Forrest are always attentive in our class activities. Tommie Long McClain and Ken welcomed their first great granddaughter on November 18, 2008. They say, “they have been blessed.” Susie Gaines Hautala was so disturbed about Beverly’s death as many of our other classmates were. Daphen Yarborough Edge and A.J. sent a special card that said, “Have a bright and wonderful Christmas as you celebrate Jesus.” Fran Worley Bond and John moved last March to a smaller house. They had lived in their other house for 48 years and miss it. Anne Merck McDowell and Mickey sent a sweet card. Anne will be having surgery on Thursday, January 15. 2009. She has been taking chemo treatments for more than a year and has already had two surgeries. Her attitude and outlook on life has always been so special. She always uplifts me with her faith and trust in the Lord every time I see her. Several of us have been going to their house about once a month and taking food - and guess what? Anne always cooks good meats and “vegs” out of their garden. .Please keep them in your prayers. Charlie had a Christmas card from Everette Gause Stauffer. Charlie Hunt Chewning stays busy looking after her sister’s affairs. She is also trying to sell a house her niece occupied before her death. She loves her three dogs. Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger had a grandson to graduate from College in San Antonio, Texas in December. She stays busy with her children and grandchildren and her friends and her church. Pat and Carl Huff ’52 are very excited about their granddaughter who is getting married in July. They also have a granddaughter going to Medical School to be a Physician’s Assistant. They really enjoy their family and their two great grandchildren. The reason I haven’t written the class news since 2007 is because Budd and I have not been well. Budd has Parkinson’s disease. He’s really slowing down with walking and doing things for himself. I have help three days a week, so I can get out and grocery shop and do what I have to do. I fractured two vertebrae in my back and am still having pain after a year and a half. I am going to a pain management doctor now. We moved in May to our little “doll house” after living in our bigger house for 48 years. We live across the street




class news ’53 - ’55 | class news

from one of our daughters now and I can call her to help any time I need her. All three of our daughters have really helped us so much. We have loved our little house since the first day we moved. We are very content and happy. We have three grandsons graduating from college this year. Our prayers go out to Margaret Hewitt Hoffmeyer ’52 in the death of her husband. Price. Margaret started off with our class, but graduated a year earlier. Several classmates got together and sent a contribution to Coker for our 1953 Endowment Scholarship Fund in memory of Beverly Denny Dority. Hope you all will remember to send to our endowment fund by June 30, 2009. Much love, Mitzi

>> C lass o f 19 5 4 M art h a L ittle Hunter Post Office Box 30207 Sea Island, GA 31561 912-638-4207 | erhunter@adelphia.net L ois Hat f ield A nderson 210 Saddlebrook Lane Hopkins, SC 29061 803-776-0926 | LHAnderson32@aol.com Dear Classmates, As I write this, 2009 has just begun, so Happy New Year! This is the year of our 55th reunion at Coker, and I do hope that you’re planning to come. I’ve made my reservation, and so has Joan Griffin Burpee, who writes that she’s looking forward to seeing everyone. Sarah Kolb Bivins has had her knee surgery, and Lee will have his on April 28, after they get back from their condo in Garden City. They’re excited that they will have 2 sets of grandchildren visiting for Spring break. Sarah said she has a great time playing FreeRice.com. Go online and check it out – it’s interesting and fun, and for a great cause. Betty Reaves Herring, my faithful correspondent, sent me a newspaper clipping and photo from the Baptist Courier. Our own Jerome McKenzie, Jr. was honored by Brownsville Baptist Church in Blenheim, during their homecoming celebration last July. He was named Pastor Emeritus, and he and his wife, Bertie Lee, were given a check in appreciation for his long, faithful service. It is a great picture of Jerome and Bertie Lee, and after all these years, we would know him anywhere! Congratulations and blessings, Jerome. Betty always says she doesn’t have much news, then fills up a page or two with the fun things she’s been doing. She and her daughter, Beth, went to Lexington, KY to spend Thanksgiving with Betty’s granddaughter, and had the fun task of helping her choose her wedding dress! She’s getting married in October at Kalmia Gardens. The day after Christmas, Betty rode Amtrak to Williamsburg to be with her sister and family, and enjoyed the gorgeous Williamsburg Christmas decorations. Betty said there was an article in the Hartsville Messenger about the Miss Hartsville beauty contest, and the article mentioned our own Joyce Collins Warwick and Frances Collins Hollowell, who were named co-winners in 1951! Who knew we had twin beauty queens in our midst? Betty didn’t remember it, and neither do I. She says Joyce and her husband Lawrence live in Hartsville, and she thinks Frances is still living in Augusta. Reid and I are fine. As a matter of fact, as I write this, he is flying home from Arizona, where he has been playing golf with friends. We’re so blessed to be able to be so active. Reid takes Pilates twice a week, plays golf and walks, and




I take spin class twice a week, work out with a trainer, and play golf. There are two books I would like to recommend to you - THE SHACK, and YOUNGER NEXT YEAR FOR WOMEN. These are two amazing books, one for the soul and one for the body. You will love and be challenged by both, I promise, and we can have great discussion in April! Please, please make plans to come to Coker for our reunion – it truly will be a once-in-a lifetime event, and truly not the same without you. Blessings and love, ‘til April, Martha Martha and I have not been in touch in a while, but we’re both excited about our gathering for our 55th(IMAGINE!) reunion and seeing YOU there. I’ve talked with several classmates since our last Commentary and have been unable to reach others. Some of the news is not terribly new but it’s news anyway. Betty Stokes Cottingham and I visited via telephone on a cold rainy afternoon. She’s okay! Her son, Mike, lives with her and they really enjoy each other’s company. Betty reads voraciously—about five or six book a week. She and I shared names of some of our favorite authors and she’ll include some of my favorites in her stack of books from the Florence library. When weather permits, she works in her yard Miriam Powers Jordan and I continue to see each other regularly at the monthly meetings of the local Woodmen of the World—and occasionally in between. Electa Anderson Small’85 and I dropped by to see her and Chubby a few days ago and LOVED our visit. They are doing well and she showed us a sonogram picture of their first greatgrandchild. When this little fellow gets here in May, he’ll be named Wilburn Kire Jordan and will have the initials WKJ for the fifth generation! Electa and I left the Jordan house with a tin filled with Chubby’s homemade peanut brittle---GOOD!!! GOOD!!! Patricia Threatt Dimery sounds GREAT! She’s just had a trip to the mountains which she really enjoyed. She visits her daughter in the Columbia area pretty often and they go to ballgames and plays. She promised to call me when she is nearby and we’ll “do lunch”. Had a lovely phone visit with Betty Bull Asnip! She still lives in Georgetown and stays busy with her church, the beautiful Prince George Episcopal Church. She serves as a docent for the historic Kaminsky house, which is a REAL tourist attraction in the area. I begged her to get someone to work in her place on our reunion Saturday and she promised to try. She is in good health! Actually, Betty lives in the Georgetown area, and not the town. I had not talked to Dorothy Lee Holt Snowden in decades! Loved my visit with her. She and her family still live on their farm in Hemingway. She has macular degeneration so her driving is very limited. Their son runs the farm and their daughter lives close by. She and Charles have four grandsons of whom two are in college and two are in high school. She has enjoyed the farm and gardening through the years and for a long time, kept the books for the farm. Nancy Altman Moore was not at home but I chatted very briefly with Don, who has retired. You remember that they have four sons and now have eight grandchildren. I was hoping that Nancy would call back before I shipped these words off to Lyn for printing. Maybe soon! Frances Johnson McElveen gave me some daisies when I was at her house YEARS ago and they have bloomed and multiplied exponentially! She also gave me one of my favorite plants which still thrives in my yard, but neither of us could remember its name at that moment. NO SENIOR MOMENTS FOR US! She has had some back trouble but is doing better. One of her sons lives pretty near me, so I’m planning another “do lunch” time! Don is doing okay, but battles diabetes. I lost a brother-in-law just after Christmas and Mary Ellen Williamson Sprawls came to the funeral. She looks

WONDERFUL! Didn’t get to visit with her because she was baby-sitting her grandchildren. She still helps her sons in the business. My latest visit to my cardiologist was encouraging! He said (when I asked him what he had to say) “I expect to see you around for decades”! I’m all for that! I feel well and am staying busy with the usual stuff! Since Electa is living in Tulsa, I’m getting pretty good at handling rental property!!!!!!!!! I’M BEGGING EVERY ONE OF YOU TO PLAN TO COME TO OUR 55th REUNION, MAKE YOUR ROOM RESERVATIONS QUICKLY! WE’RE HAVING DINNER AT THE DRENGAELEN HOUSE AND WILL BE JOINED BY THE CLASS OF 1949. DO NOT LET THEM OUTNUMBER US!!!!! WE ALSO WILL MAKE A GIFT TO THE COLLEGE FROM OUR CLASS, SO SAVE YOUR PENNIES AND QUARTERS!!!!! Much love, Lois

>> C lass o f 19 5 5 Ho y land L ower y Fis h er 924 Dogwood Court Hanahan, SC 29410 843-747-9764 | hoyfish@bellsouth.net J ud y L ong Q uattle b aum 11415 Strickland Rd. Roswell, GA 30076 770-642-1699 Dear Classmates, As we approach 2009, I hope you are looking forward to a year filled with excitement and many fun activities with your family and friends. Mickey McIntosh Atkinson sent me a fantastic newspaper article about Beth DuBose Cottingham; however, it arrived too late to appear in the last issue of the Commentary. The article describes Beth as a Role Model Extraordinaire, a title that was first used in a PEE DEE MAGAZINE written about her 18 years ago. Beth’s church and Coker activities were among those highlighted. Did you know that Beth was the first woman elder in her church, the Williamsburg Presbyterian Church? The article states that Beth is a person who receives the highest praise from everyone in all walks of life locally and beyond. She is an individual to whom the young and old seek advice and want to emulate. All of us who have known Beth for over 50 years will agree that she is truly a Role Model Extraordinaire and will always have a positive influence on those with whom she comes in contact. I wish all of you could have read the article. Beth writes that the highlight of the year was the celebration of her and Walter’s 50th Wedding Anniversary in August. About 80 family, wedding party members, and close friends attended several events over the weekend Our sympathy and condolences go out to Walter in the passing of his oldest sister in October. She lived to be 92 and was able to attend Beth and Walter’s anniversary dinner. Beth multi-tasks and continues to be active in church activities and Hospice volunteering. Judy Long Quattlebaum says she is helping her daughter home-school her grandson. Our sympathy and condolences are with Richard Dority in the passing of his beloved wife and our Coker friend, Beverly Denny Dority ’53. While talking with Sara Pauline Jackson McRae the first of November, I learned that she was bitten badly on her ankles and legs by a stray dog in September incurring over 100 stitches and a hospital stay for a week. At that time she was recuperating and receiving therapy. Sarah received

W W W. C O K ER . ED U

class news class news | ’55 - ’58

a visit from Elizabeth Turner Jordan and her husband while in the hospital. Sarah says that Betty June Dixon Gandy continues to spend time with her mother in the nursing home. Allene Stuckey Reep stays healthy and busy with her hobby of gardening. Virginia Tomlinson MacKinnon is organizing a class “get together” for the first of April at Pawley’s Island. Hopefully, I will have lots of news for the next issue of the Commentary. Classmates, please send some news about you, your family, and other classmates for the next issue of the Commentary. Please mark in your calendar to send me news prior to January 15 and prior to July 15. Also, remember to contribute to Coker’s Annual Scholarship Fund. I apologize for the small amount of news. In addition to illness, my computer crashed and I was unable to email you. Love, Hoyland

>> C lass o f 19 5 6 P egg y C ante y G ardner Post Office Box 42 Manning, SC 29102 803-435-6862 Bar b ara W ard M is h oe Post Office Box 38 154 South Main Street (if you’re coming close to Greeleyville) Greeleyville, SC 29056 tnmishoe@ftc-i.net Hello, everyone! Hope all of you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New!! I received cards from a few of you and e-mail from some. I attended Shirley Lawhon Rhem’s Memorial Service on August 11, her birthday, and the graveside service was held at the church in Timmonsville where she and Laurice had their wedding ceremony. Laurice was mainly in a wheelchair at the time, but was glad to see the representatives from Coker. Peggy Cantey Gardner, Maxine Locklear Amos, Della Revels Hartis, and I were there. Some of her high school friends were there also, and there was much talk about her basketball prowess. Elizabeth Plowden Anderson has really been busy! She has retired, but continues to go in for an hour to supervise staff. She and Spencer spent 15 days in Ireland and Scotland in October! What a wonderful trip!! Anne Blake Townsend stays on the road trying to see her five children—one in NC, one in Atlanta, one in Texas, one in Colorado, and one in Europe. Lib, Joyce Johnston Utt, and I are planning to get together at Anne’s house in Wilmington NC, when she gets back and recuperates after the Christmas visits. If any of you live close, call one of us and we’ll have an unplanned reunion. I’m sure Anne would love that. Speaking of Joyce, she and I had a long phone conversation before Christmas, and she caught me up on some of her news. She stays busy helping her son with their business plus 2008 was the year of multiple family-connected weddings and wedding parties. Barbara Joyce Chambers keeps in touch with e-mails. The end of January, she will be having cataract surgery on her right eye. We hope all goes well for her. They had a quiet Christmas and are making progress in dealing with her daughter’s death. Let’s send a few prayers her way. Elizabeth “Liz” Degenhardt Campanile sent a Christmas card with a picture of her and her 10 year old grandson, Cole. Liz is planning to go to the inauguration in Washington on January 20th. Hope you don’t get lost in the crowd, Liz! She has been in public education work for 52


“wonderful” (her word) years, and is set to retire on February 1, 2009. Come down South and visit with us, Liz! Ann Gelzer Black stays in touch via e-mail and says she really has no news for this edition. Maxine Locklear Amos stays in touch with e-mails also and sends some of the most beautiful thoughts and pictures. I see Peggy Cantey Gardner very seldom even though she lives only 15 miles from me. She stays busy with her children and grandchildren and some civic endeavors—like bridge, maybe. Personally, 2008 was not such a good year. Our nephew, who lived next door died in January at 52 after a long bout with cancer. My brother, Roger, died the last of August after fighting colon cancer for a little over a year. He was only 62. Two of our classmates and one of my high school classmates died. I worked hard to get McCain elected, but failed there. Oh well, you win some and lose some. I ate all the hoppin’ john and collard greens I could on New Year’s Day with a prayer that I could be strong enough to handle whatever 2009 may bring. You have to look on the bright side and be thankful we live in the United States. Let me hear from you! Note the address change above. Everything is the same except we get our mail at the house now. Hang in there, we’ll make it. Barbara Mishoe

>> C lass o f 19 5 7 Ly nn W illiams O ates 3417 Oates Highway Lamar, SC 29069 843-332-3040 | lwoates@peoplepc.com Dear Class of ’57, You sure make my job easy—no news—so I have nothing to do! What a “cushy job” I don’t have time to spread rumors this time (as I threatened), so I’ll tell you that I had a wonderful time on a recent Coker trip to Washington DC (except for the cold, rainy day spent with our Government). Hope all had a safe, happy and healthy Holiday season and escaped that terrible “bug” that has made life miserable for so many. Look forward to some news sometime. Love to all, Lynn PS—Late breaking news —Since our 55th Reunion, Anne McGuirt Kennington has had gall bladder surgery and a total knee replacement. She says that the knee replacement was worth the rehab time. She and Bill are semi-retired but still work from their home office. Their 9th grandchild, a boy, was born prematurely on December 26 and all are enjoying him. Thanks, Anne for your news.

>> C lass o f 19 5 8 A nnette C ooke S tokes 21500 Patton Avenue Lago Vista, TX 78645-6768 512-267-7520 | stokesannette@att.net Greetings! The Class of 1958 continues its famous giving. Thank you for your gifts to our college in 2008. We honored our 50th anniversary, made contributions in memorials, and established a charitable annuity trust (Joanne McFaddin O’Bryan) – all those assist current scholarships to continue. Now it’s a new year and 2009 will need more donations to Coker College! Every little bit helps a student continue

gathering life skills. Katie Thomason Ballenger’s husband continues to do well since his heart surgery. Linda Gause Connor keeps me informed. They see Katie and Isam when they visit their son in Virginia. This is the Connor son who is going to the Arctic Circle to explore global warming!! Linda Gause Connor and Neuman enjoyed Holden Beach with the extended family and Neuman’s sister and family as well as a brief visit from Helen Kolb Chambless and Bob. What an admirable soul is Bob! He continues to try to be active, in spite of his Parkinson’s. Helen is the pillar of strength and so accomplished as care-giver and social chairman! She reports that Bob had a scare in the summer of ’08 resulting in a 5 day hospital stay two months of home health care, and two more of therapy. It seems he’s on 28 pills a day with instructions to take at differing times so “we’ve become clock-watchers!” She also says he is walking better, pleasing them both. Elaine Johnson Hays’ husband, Frank Hays ’60, was named Civitan of Year in Hartsville. She reports the men in her life are still very active – from her father who still manages his farm in Georgetown to two sons, one a teacher in Columbia and active with NEA in Washington, and the younger in Hartsville with building skills. Elaine enjoys a good book and going out to lunch with aunts and friends! Joanne McFaddin O’Bryan and Cecil have traveled to 3 states recently – Clearwater Beach, FL and Highlands, NC for 3 months of hot summer, and finally 11 days in Hawaii, visiting 4 islands. Now that’s the life! Congratulations and thanks for the annuity set up at Coker. Had a great phone call from Mary Harvey Holmes who reported now is the time to purchase a new car! She just replaced hers with an identical Camry. Mary was quite insulted when sister, Dorothy “Dotty” Harvey Lavisky ’60, suggested it could be the last car she’d ever buy! Mary ran into Virginia Brinson Caine in the restroom of a church in Atlanta! She continues her varied lifestyle – church, SC group, going to plays and concerts. She loves visiting her family but enjoys her own place in Atlanta. Frances Gurley Carpenter is adjusting to SC living. She purchased a new home in Ft. Mill about Reunion time 2008 and has continued her watercolors, her cooking, chair yoga, and volunteers. Her advice: “Be happy by letting go of the past and live to give.” Lamar Caldwell is a great email buddy. He stays in touch with the College as well and I appreciate that effort. He has quite a nice family in addition to lovely Lucy Singletary Caldwell ’54. Steve lives in Montana, active in politics, and out of doors. Phyllis has one 17 year old daughter and lives in Iowa. David lives in Hartsville, happily, and LuBeth lives in Charleston with her 23 year old son, 21 year old daughter, and 16 year old daughter. Lamar concerned himself over a nephew when Hurricane Ike hit Texas. His nephew works with a company that is connected with NASA and the Johnson Space Center near Houston. Yes, we in Texas had two hurricanes this year! (Helen says they were lucky in SC and NC with none!) First Gustav and then the wonder, Ike. Our daughter, Phyllis, escaped Hurricane Ike, but her home got flooded. She lives in Bridge City, near Orange, TX, close to Louisiana. It has been an endurance test, but they are hoping to be back in by spring ’09. All three of her children were in college so they are scattered, while Ronnie and Phyllis live in a nice trailer in their yard. Her sister, Janice, on the west side of Houston, was without electricity for a week, but had very little damage, although Houston lost many trees and roads were a mess, supplies negligible. She and the triplets, who are 5 now, and in kindergarten, were with us a week. Phyllis escaped to Lago Vista for Hurricane Gustav, but he did nothing to the Bridge City area three weeks prior to Ike, but evacuating




class news ’58 - ’59 | class news

twice in one month was trying. Still working for real money? Connie Booker Moe reminded me that she too still works for pay! She is a fitness Class leader at YMCA in Richmond as well as certified Personal Trainer. Talk about Energizer Bunny! She and Linda Gause Connor are top bunnies (not Playboy but better!!) Connie’s big news is that she visited Beth Owens in New York State and together they visited Max and Jane Howie Correll in Ohio. They saw “Lion King” and enjoyed stories together. Wish I’d been a fly on the wall! Her report: “Beth feels great and looks the same. She is so happy to be up in Nyack near her only grandchild, Valentina.” Thanks, Connie, and best wishes for your recent surgery on that leg. Connie is an idol – keep on keeping on! Virginia Brinson Caine gives a play by play description of their activities. In February they babysat and she experienced classic transient global amnesia. She has been declared OK by the neurologist. Another health problem surfaced in July – atrial fibrillation –and, with medication, has that conquered. In spite of all that, she stays busy with her grandchildren’s activities as much as possible. In spite of health issues, Virginia herself supervised the remodeling and addition of a glorious sun room to their house. That sounds like a project of magnitude. Sadly, Betty Barnes Walpole lost Ed in July 2008 after a painful illness. I have attempted to reach her by phone, to no avail. I hope Betty feels the hugs from all of us at this time in her life. Best wishes to you, and your family. Suzanne Currier Soderberg and I chatted a bit. She got a clean bill of health this year! She was able to visit their son and family in Dallas in September. Husband Ed is still into his races in Florida so he will be spending most of the winter there. Suzanne commented on what strange weather even they have had in Connecticut – warm one day and so cold the next. For those of you who don’t know, my husband Gordon (Gene still to some of you) had double knee replacement in

February 2008. He was able to accompany me to Coker for the April reunion, but very carefully and slowly! However, I have to report that we just returned from 2 weeks in Costa Rica and he never missed a hike through the rainforest, or a canoe trip in the Pacific, or rafting on the river. We were amazed at how well he did! I recommend it if you need a replacement! True, it was a long recuperation and therapy, but less than a year, he is in no pain and can DO! Thanks for the cards and notes and emails. Keep on sending them. If you don’t see your name, it’s because you haven’t sent me news! Maybe next time I’ll make up some stuff! Annette Stokes, Class Rep.

>> C lass o f 19 5 9 P at C raw f ord Fields 1713 Scenic Valley Lane Knoxville, TN 37922 865-675-3013 | JCF97@prodigy.net Holly M ims W estcott 7813 Harpeth View Drive Nashville, TN 37221 615-673-7949 | hmwestcott@comcast.net It seems as if the news for this period is rather scanty. But I do have a little to report. Please remember that Holly and I can’t write unless you give us the facts! Bonnie Cone Sawyer spends her time visiting friends and family in the southeast, as well as making other trips. She and Faye Gurley Reynolds teamed up for the Coker trips to the Canadian Rockies as well as to the Washington, D.C area. They both enjoyed the trips and highly recommend the trips sponsored by Coker. In July Bonnie spent time with her family at a cabin at Lake Junaluska in North

Carolina. Later she went with her sister and brother-in-law on an ecumenical choir trip to Germany, singing in Leipzig, Dresden, Halle, Wittenburg and Berlin. So many 59-ers travel, and leading that list are Mike and Shirley Land Lupfer. In July they went to Lake Tahoe for hiking with the Sierra Club. The adventure in August was to an anniversary party for friends in Chicago where Shirley’s dinner partner was Henry Paulson. Their conversation was not about the economy, however; the topic was NCAA basketball! If it’s October it must be Rome with some architecture friends for a week-long tour of church architecture. While there Shirley was invited to interpret the paintings of Carravaggio in the church at San Luigi dei Franchesi – wouldn’t Dr. Davidson and Mr. Brumbaugh be pleased! By the time you read this they will have been with son Eric and daughter-in-law Victoria to Big Ben National Park in southwest Texas for a week of hiking and rafting. Sharon Bennett Gregory sent a wonderful note. She had been to Hartsville for the Doubles book signing (In Quest of Excellence: A History of Coker College on its Centennial by Dr. Doubles) She also had Thanksgiving with Doris Ann Maxwell English and John. Sharon was effusive as she spoke of how lovely Doris Ann’s home is, how wonderful she looks, and the delicious meal that Doris Ann had prepared. Sharon also told about her two grandsons. One of them (third grade) plays the mandolin and sings. It sounds as if he has inherited some of his grandmother’s musical talents. Here comes Civ again! Betty Crawford Moore was in Mobile with some of her grandchildren and went to an art museum—which had a nice collection of the work of Durer. Did we ever think that this course would have made an impact some 50 years later? Dawn Singleton, daughter of Martha Jackson Singleton went to Russia last summer (2008) accompanied by Barbara Roney Whittington—where Dawn adopted a Russian child. She was 15 months old at the time and Dawn

s u pp ort C ok e r C ol l e g e ’ s A n n ua l S c hol a r s h i p F u n d Ca ll 843.383.8178 or Giv e online at www.cok er.edu — It’s Sa fe. It’s Simple. It’s Ta x Deductible.

Your contact for the Annual Scholarship Fund is Director of Annual Giving W es D aniels ’ 0 3 — wdaniels@coker.edu or 843.383.8178.




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class news class news | ’60 - ’61

sent emails each day to relate their experiences in Russia. The little girl is Sarah-Grace Daria (her birth name) Singleton, and when I talked to Martha in early 2009, she said that Sarah-Grace is doing very well, and talking a lot. Martha’s other grandchild, Ryan, is about the same age and the two children enjoy seeing each other and playing together. Molly Creadick Gray and Pete were planning a trip to New Zealand and Australia, but Pete’s doctor decided that it would not be a good idea. Molly says that it was somewhat disappointing, but they accepted the decision. Claire (granddaughter) is well physically and both she and her brother are great students and volunteers for the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society of Pennsylvania. Conner (grandson) was invited to speak to the state congress in Harrisburg. Molly’s son, Geoff, is with Microsoft and does some designing for Lego. He was sent by Lego to Copenhagen to talk about new ideas. “Nothing like being a 44-year-old kid!!” according to Molly. Warren and Holly Mims Westcott continue with their professional and volunteer duties in Nashville, though she has been taking a watercolor class for fun. She emailed me some samples and I declared them “excellent”, so I am sure she is relieved that they passed my inspection! They really were good, and I am in awe of those of you who have so many talents. In talking with Katie Huggins Hennecy I discovered that we both enjoy our leisurely breakfasts with the paper! Katie said that she regretted missing a couple of the activities with the Columbia group as she looks forward to seeing that crowd. She, as do several others, say “nothing special” when I ask what is happening in their lives, but we all agree that sometimes that’s the best thing going! Jean Youngblood Ritter and I played telephone tag for a couple of weeks, but we finally made connections! She and Curtis are still living in Birmingham near their boys, but have a condominium in Charleston which they use frequently when they visit family there. Plan to see her at the reunion. And that’s all the news I have for this issue. Please keep Holly and me up-to-date on your families and your lives. We don’t make this stuff up! As ever Pat

>> C lass o f 19 6 0 A nn M att h ews Bragdon 1563 Johnsonville Highway Lake City, SC 29560-6202 843-389-4401 | wbragdon@ftc-i.net Dear Classmates, My how time does fly! Is it because we’re getting older (and don’t want to admit it) or we’re staying busier in our retirement years and seldom have time to just sit back and rock in the old rocking chair? Patti Posey Bullen and Don stopped by for a nice 2-night visit in October while returning to Florida after visiting their two daughters and their families in Virginia. We joined Barbara Pittman Hinson and husband Doug and Barbara Singletary Bryan at a Florence restaurant for dinner one night and had a wonderful time together. Barbara Pittman lost her first husband to cancer before our 2005 reunion. She lived in Petersburg, VA at the time, but since her second marriage she and Doug reside in Dillon. For years I’ve looked forward to getting family pictures on Christmas cards from Evelyn Parsons Weaver and Tom. This year’s card ranked right up there with all the others. It contained three pictures, one of Evelyn and Tom and one of each of the two daughters and their beautiful families. They have four grandsons and one granddaughter ranging in age from 11 up to 19. Evelyn and Tom “still enjoy retirement and (usually) good health.” For several weeks in May they traveled “The Great Rivers of Europe” sailing on the Rhine,


Main and Danube. The trip began in Amsterdam and ended in Vienna. They also enjoyed visiting relatives in South Carolina and Ohio and getting together with college and fraternity friends in Florida. Another attractive picture card of three fine looking grandsons came from Lois Sawyer Lott and B. Graham and twins Luke and Travis are the sons of Lois and B’s daughter Melissa and husband Rob Jordan. Graham is a third grader and their twins are in kindergarten. They all love music and church choir which thrills Lois and they enjoy visiting DISNEY where their father works while pursuing his MBA at the University of Florida. Lois and B’s son Barry and his wife Roxanne commute between Sarasota and Orlando with their work. Lois and B went to Highlands in May (2008) and enjoyed a lovely summer there. Louise Atkinson Cleveland and Bubba spend the first week of July with them and they “celebrated those 70th birthdays! Ugh! Can it be? They had planned to go to Carmel and San Francisco, but couldn’t because of the California fires so they just had a good week in Highlands instead. In October, Lois saw Beverly A. Touchberry ’58 who was vacationing at Anna Maria and they went out for dinner together. Lois had gall bladder surgery on October 15, but was still having some pain when she sent her holiday letter and card. Thinking maybe a small stone escaped, she planned to have it taken care of so she’d “be good as new.” Thanks for your lovely card and letter, Lois and I hope you are now as good as new. Elizabeth “Liz” Huggins Barrow looked forward to retirement so she could curl up with all those books she had planned to read, but seems to stay pretty busy most of the time. She is involved in a seven year Bible Study Fellowship which is now in the fifth year. She describes it as being a great study, although taking up quite a bit of preparation time. Liz took two nice trips in the fall—Cape Cod in September and five days on Beech Mountain with friends. They had six inches of snow and couldn’t leave the house for two days. She sees Ann Parker Gallop fairly often. When Ann comes to Charleston they usually have lunch together. She hopes they will be able to visit Mickie O’Brien Hook and Sally E. Gandy in Columbia in 2009. A note on a Christmas card brought an update on the family of Judy Watson Dew and Jim. They surprised Jim with a 70th birthday party which was a lot of fun. Older daughter, Susan remarried in August and her two sons are adjusting well. Daughter Becky has her hands full as husband Bill was transferred to D.C. They opted to remain in Huntsville, Alabama because of the school son Lucas attends. Daughter Tammy and her family visited at Thanksgiving and Jim’s surprise birthday party so didn’t plan to return for Christmas. Judy’s Christmas Eve hosted all the Dews and her brother Steve and his family has become a tradition since the death of Jim’s parents so she planned toward that at the writing of her note. A Christmas card and holiday letter brought news from Anne Hancock. The year 2008 was a blessed one for her—“good health (no hospitalization), much happiness, successful rewarding work” and some big changes for her. The biggest change—approaching retirement again since her position in a Republican administration will no longer exist for her. She has enjoyed being part of President Bush’s administration during the last seven years with No Child Left Behind and considers this the highlight of her almost 50-year career in education. Anne’s biggest news is moving to her hometown, Greenwood SC in the New Year. She bought “a beautiful home in a small development” which is in excellent condition requiring very little to move in.” Although leaving the Atlanta area after 42 years will be a big change, she will be closer to her family and she believes it is the right thing to do. Anne was happy to be named in March ’08 to the Coker Board of Trustees. She was the featured speaker at the Alumni Leadership meeting and luncheon in August which I attended. Staying happy and involved with many activities, Anne was humbled and honored to receive the

YWCA Woman of Achievement Award in May. Congratulations, Anne! And Happy Retirement! Each year I look forward to a Christmas card and letter from Frank and Elaine Johnson Hays ’58. For those of you who many have forgotten Elaine’s sister, the late Janice Johnson Outen was my freshman roommate. Elaine and I taught in the same Florence school across the hall from each other my first year of teaching. As I was finishing putting together this column, I received the sad news that Marion Wright Jr., husband of Patricia McLaurin Wright had died that afternoon (January 17) from a heart attack. We extend sympathy to Patricia and their children in this great loss. This has been a fast and busy year for our family. Our mother who is 93 years old was active and in good health until she began to experience declining health problems in January 2008. She was hospitalized three weeks, spent several weeks in a nursing facility before returning home in late April. Since then we’ve had a nice lady who sits with her Monday through Friday. My two sisters, brother and I take turns staying with Mama each night. Heath wise William and I have done pretty well this past year. Our big news for 2008 is that we became grandparents again on December 3. Bill and Becky who live in Lexington have an adorable little boy named David. Holly turns 5 on November 3 and continues to be our pride and joy. She loves 4-K, writing stories, drawing, playing games on the computer and most of all reading. Nine days before David was born, my younger sister’s daughter gave birth to her second beautiful little boy, Matthew. When the family gathered for Christmas at Mama’s the most beautiful gifts under the tree were the two new little great grands dressed in red that arrived just in time for a Christmas celebration. Sherrill E. Jordan who now lives in Florence sent a long e-mail just before Christmas. She reported 2008 being a good year with blessings of good health. She visited and had visits from a number of good friends from her days in Okinawa and Germany. She said “Six of us old broads met at my good friend Laura “Punk” McLeod’s house in Summerville” in November to celebrate Sherrill’s birthday and relive their many great times together over the years. She had also e-mailed our former classmates Harriet Harper Salley urging her to plan to attend our 50th Coker Reunion in 2010 saying she and Laura Punk McLeod plan to be there. I also join Sherrill in reminding you of our 50th Coker Reunion in 2010 which is next year. Even if you’ve never taken an interest in returning before, please think seriously about this reunion. So what, if we now have grey hair, some unwanted pounds, etc? The joy comes from being together and renewing friendships of yester year when we were students at Coker. Until next time, take care. May God bless each of you with good health, joy and peace. Ann

>> C lass o f 19 6 1 S y lvia Beard S eppala 2271 Brackenville Road Hockessin, DE 19707 302-239-0641 sylviabs@aol.com | 302.239.0641 fax R egina S w y gert- S mit h 5206 Main Street Stephens City, VA 22655-2632 540-868-1055 | randm@bilbroughterriers.com




class news ’62 | class news

>> C lass o f 19 6 2 G a b rielle ( G a b y ) M orandiere 300 East 54th St #7-K New York, NY 10022 212-832-7462 gaby.morandiere@verizon.net Dear Classmates, What a busy year this has been for our class. A few actually made it to join some of the Centennial celebrations and Coker has two wonderful new books for us to read. Lots have retired and our lives are taking off in different but exciting directions. Mary Ann Wycliff Johnson’s husband for 48 years, Joseph Johnson, M.D., died last fall. Dentists are doing a booming business with all of us and there have been so many interesting trips taken. The Canadian Rockies was THE destination spot for many. Please remember to let me/ Coker hear about any new or changed contact information and to support Coker. Here we go with news in alphabetical order by college names: June Ammons is thoroughly enjoying her Springer Spaniel puppy, Spirit. But June claims this little rascal needs obedience training. Spirit is living up to her name, it seems. June is really active with the music program at her Laurens SC, Methodist church. She also helps on senior trips, by driving one of the mini-vans. Mary Bell Kittle and Joe left their Virginia home to return to their San Antonio home just in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Gaby is landing on their doorstep in February, for the first time in Texas. Last summer they took a wonderful and interesting trip to Canada and another to their NC beach. Sherrie Berry Wolski has unfortunately been having some bad headaches and finally has heard that they are probably “cluster headaches” which should not last forever. She has decided that in her next life she wants to live on a houseboat. Gaby would like to do that too. Gayle Brandt Faust is reading a lot of good books. Unfortunately she had a setback just before Christmas and is taking things more slowly again, but after a long challenge lasting more than a year and a half, she has been able to eat real food and walk and get around again. She mentioned that Ida Pace Storrs had dropped by to bring the biggest, most beautiful apple Gayle had ever seen. Peggy Brown Buchanan and John have finally moved back home to live in Mount Pleasant in their lovely house and to be so near their two daughters and grand-twins, and where John is serving with at least two Charleston churches. Their last two and a half years were spent with the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia where they loved serving. There were two wonderful receptions were given by the Diocese to honor their time there. Brenda Cromer Miller received her copy of In Quest of Excellence: A History of Coker College on its Centennial and has had a wonderful time reading and remembering. Doris Duke Straight has changed jobs at Thornwell in Clinton. After 13 ½ years of working in a cottage with teenagers/young adults, she now works with the Sponsorship office and assists the president. Doris spent Thanksgiving and attended her elder daughter’s wedding in Delaware. Christmas was spent near Columbia where her son and younger daughter, who has three boys and one girl, live. Carol Elting Richardson’s daughter came home for a week for an early Christmas but had return to NV for a show on December 25th. Carol had rotator cuff surgery in October to repair a massive tear and she is now in rehab, which will hopefully by February. Judith Ann Griggs is thrilled to say that her house repairs have finally been finished and she is delighted. As Clerk of the Session of the Ruby Presbyterian Church, Judy has been really busy with collecting and presenting informa-




tion to hand over to the Presbytery. There is no time to relax between the end of one year and beginning of another. Dorothy Herlong Hay and Charles managed to have great visits with all of their children and four grandsons between Thanksgiving and Christmas. A new tradition is to have all four grandchildren visit for a couple of weeks in the summer (without parents). Dot and Charles worked hard to help Obama carry Florida and are happy with the results. Dot is very involved with a community and church-sponsored program for underprivileged and “at risk” children, spending several days a week with 15 children from kindergarten and 6th grade. Molly Holbrook Thomas Birchler and Al were so pleased to have 10 month old “Baby Bill” visit during the Christmas holidays. Molly says it was such a treat to have a baby in the house again. Al loves his golf and keeps a close eye on his Boilermakers (football and basketball). Molly has been active with local College and Garden Clubs. She is also trying to establish a Newspapers in Education (NIE) program in Moore County. Harriet King van Norte and her husband, Bob, sound well and are busy taking care of their feral cats. Bob had emergency bypass surgery in October but is recovering beautifully. He attended a telecast of an opera conducted by Pier Giorgio Morandi recently and was so pleased he bought two tickets for Harriet and a friend to go for the next telecast. Harriet’s ankle was sprained but she and a friend were able to take a wonderful trip to Sicily last fall. Sara Lawton Anderson Kummer recently joined her two daughters, son-in-law and granddaughters in the mountains of NC near Valle Crucis. She is delighted with the election results. Sara, her sister, Charlotte, brother Jim and his wife Margaret are arriving in NYC on February 5th for a brief visit and to see In the Heights. One cousin, a Met docent, will take them on a special, private tour on a day the Met is closed. Sara’s hoping for snow! She and Charlotte have plans to go to Australia and New Zealand in April for 28 days. Jean Ledbetter Redding has been happily married to Talmage “Tom” for 26 years. He was a project engineer in the Navy before retiring. They live in Charleston and Jean retired from working at Middleton Gardens last summer where she had been involved with the tour guides and historical projects. Peggy McCue Freymuth sounds really well and thrilled to have her daughter and grandchildren live just four houses away. That makes after-school hours and extracurricular activities so much easier to manage and I suspect there is not much that Peggy and Wayne miss. Betty McDaniel Hedgpeth loves to visit her grandchildren in Greenville and Colorado Springs when she can break away from working with the Hedgpeth’s Faithatworkministries.com. She and her husband go to Romania every November with this ministry and are looking forward to a ten day trip to Israel on March 10th. Elizabeth Moore Wier’s husband, Tom, has had a difficult time with a shunt and was in the hospital for four months. Liz has, to say the least, had her hands full. Christmas this year was a wonderful one, with their whole family joining them in celebration of having everyone there. Things have improved so much that Liz has recently been able to feel comfortable leaving Tom alone for awhile. She has been re-reading Pillars of the Earth by Follett and plans to follow up with World Without End and sends New Year greetings to everyone. Bonnie Murray Bull writes that she is very busy in spite of having recently retired from teaching English in Holly Hill. She has begun to volunteer at Hebron Grace Home, opened in 1953 in Santee, where 16 women from all over the country are allowed to stay free of charge for a 10 week program intended to help them overcome alcohol and/or drug dependency. Five of the Bull’s children and their families have birthdays in January and this year there will be a gathering at Bonnie and Witte’s to celebrate on the 25th.

Valerie Powell White is heading for a Women’s Health Conference in San Francisco at the end of February. She has been very interested in that field for a long time. She and her daughter, Val, are planning to head for Berlin and then to visit cousins in England next Fall. Ida Pace Storrs reports that this was the first Christmas in so long she has been able to celebrate without the effects of chemotherapy. Her last tests showed no signs of cancer and she is having the chemo treatments only every three weeks. Ida, Gayle Brandt Faust and Henri Ramsey van Arsdale went out for dinner last October, with a lot to celebrate. Another friend and Ida spent a weekend at South Port NC and had a wonderful time walking in the rain, shopping and eating an elegant dinner at The Pharmacy. Ida’s family came to visit for Christmas and Ida and her darling pup had fun hiding presents all over the house. She and neighbors and friends had a Christmas feast later that week with a turkey and ham and food made from everyone’s mothers’ favorite recipes. Poor Ida had a tooth extracted just before her December 30th birthday, but is fine. Henrietta Ramsey van Arsdale sounds very well. She has unfortunately been enriching her dentists, but seems to be surviving. When Ida Pace Storrs brought her a beautiful and huge apple they decided that it would become applesauce and it did. Her 50th high school reunion was wonderful and she had a grand time. Henri loves being close to her children and grandchildren in Columbia. Betty Saunders Brooking and three good traveling friends for 40 years took a three week trip, driving through the NW US and Canada. They enjoyed the gardens in Victoria, BC and riding bikes around Stanley Park in Vancouver, visited Whistler where the Winter Olympics are scheduled to be held and worshipped at Lake Louise in Alberta, seeing its beautiful jade green water. A man on the beach was playing an Alp horn to the tune of “Amazing Grace”. They also made it to North Dakota, completing her goal of visiting all of the 48 continental states. Alaska and Hawaii will be next. Frances Segars Kelley has been busy with her quilting. She attended the Asheville Quilt Show, having stayed in a “cabin” which was built in the early 1900s, attended a Quilting Retreat for three days in Winnsboro at White Oaks as well as Houston TX at the end of October for the International Quilt show. Frances also spends a lot of time with her granddaughters. The girls are busy with competitive dancing, baseball, tennis and softball. Every year they head to the beach house in Holden. Frances feels lucky to have them nearby and can be with them each week. Flo Staklinski Taylor and her husband are still working, playing tennis, reading and watching their grandchildren. (two girls 3 and 5 along with a 12 year old grandson). They are also very active helping the St. Vincent de Paul Society through their church. They are still in Roswell GA and have loved watching UNC and the Falcons this year. Gwendolyn Thomason Adams celebrated the 12 days of Christmas with children arriving at different times. Herbert concluded his stint as Chairman of the USC Board of Trustees last August and was honored with a wonderful formal reception in September. With life calming down a bit, Gwen and Herbert are heading to the beach for a few weeks of sleeping late, reading, having just finished The Shack, and seeing some movies. She has been knitting and cross-stitching lately. Nancy Thornhill Bolden and Harold have such wonderful times with their daughter Deb, who teaches first grade, her husband and wonderful Luke Hayes Peterson, who will be three in May. Moonpie says she really enjoyed Coker’s Centennial Alumni Day, seeing the new library and so much more, but in a deluge. She says she feels as though she’s only 20 – 32. Think we all do? She told me about wonderful changes in Hartsville and an emphasis on art at downtown spots. She is thrilled to have copies of the book by Dr. Doubles and Growing up in the Brown House. Joanne Tuten Bellamy sounds wonderfully well. She continues to visit her brother and sick sister-in-law every

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class news class news | ’62 - ’64

week in Mount Pleasant to help out and helps a friend in Pawley’s Island every day, who needs someone to walk her dog and drive her to various appointments. Joanne’s pets are weathering the cold very well and she mentioned her son, Matt, lives next door and is a wonderful cook, willing to share his creations from time to time. He loves to hunt. Cathy Ward Parker is perched in her chilly home in Nova Scotia and had just returned home from cataract surgery when I spoke to her. She thankfully has friends who are cooking and tending to her needs while she recuperates. They have been in the middle of snow storms. Bruce and Mary Frances Zachary Williams ’64 delayed trips to Disney World and a Caribbean cruise after Mary-Frances had her annual physical. A CT scan and scan-guided biopsy discovered lung cancer and she had her left upper lobe removed at MUSC in early November. By December she had no cancer and the doctor said “live your life as if this never happened”. The cancer was in its earliest stage, 1-A. What a blessing! The Disney World trip is now scheduled for March and a cruise to Scandinavia, for May. As Bruce says, “Life is for the living. So live it to the fullest!” Nancy Wilson reports that it’s plenty cold “down here” in Arizona. She doesn’t “do” cold! Mary Ann Wycliff Johnson’s husband for 48 years, Joseph Johnson, M.D., died last fall. Joe had been a Pathologist and unfortunately had suffered from Parkinson’s disease for the last seven years. Their daughter, Deb, lives in Arizona with her husband and three sons, from 5 to college age, and insisted on borrowing Mary Ann for Christmas where she had a lovely time. Mary Ann still carves and takes good care of her horse. Caroline Quick Zweidler returned to the USA in last Fall for her 50th high school reunion in NC. She made it to Georgia, Florida, California and Massachusetts and had a fantastic time. She could not make it to our 45th because her daughter was expecting twins. She hopes to go to Israel in March. Peggy Zeigler Reeves’ consulting contract has been renewed and she is happy about that. Her next National IMA Conference will be held in Denver, CO in June this year and she looks forward to attending that. Peggy misses having the excuse to see Coker’s campus when she served on several Board positions and had to attend those meetings. In conjunction with its 100th anniversary, Coker College has published In Quest of Excellence: A History of Coker College on its Centennial (Coker College Press, 2008). Written by Dr. Malcolm C. Doubles, former provost and dean of the faculty, the history examines the first 10 decades of the college’s existence and discusses special topics, such as Kalmia Gardens, unique Coker traditions and athletics. It costs $50 and should be available at Burry Bookstore in downtown Hartsville and at Coker College. Gaby

>> C lass o f 19 6 3 N anc y W arren C larke P.O. Box 988 Montreat, NC 28757 828-371-0572 | frauclarke@mindspring.com E dit h Floride R e y nolds 105 South Rosemary Avenue Andrews, SC 29510 843-264-5173 | edithreynolds@verizon.net Happy 2009 to all members of the Class of 1963! There were not too many “sightings” of the Class of 1963 after our Reunion at Coker last April. That was a special time for us to reacquaint ourselves. We look forward to our 50th in a few years. Please put the date on your calendar as soon as you hear from the college about the festivities.


We have a little news for you. Anna Phillips Chandler and her husband, Archie had a surprise meeting with Nan Warren Clarke and her husband, Erskine recently. Archie, Nan, and Erskine were pouring over some old records in the Zion Presbyterian Church near Bishopville, when Archie said,” My wife Anna will be here in a few minutes.” Soon Anna appeared around the door and what excitement there was for Nan and Anna. They had no idea of the love of Presbyterian History connection between their husbands. It was a great mini reunion. Anna is enjoying retirement from her “Judgeship”. Nan continues to enjoy her retirement from teaching German. More “Nan” news – she enjoyed a trip to Central and Eastern Europe this past year. Erskine led a group of Presbyterians on a Reformed Heritage Tour of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania. It was a great trip to learn about the church there, its history and present day connections with the church in the USA. Nan had a recent telephone conversation with Joan Henley Brendle, who now lives in Flat Rock, NC after an exciting career as an interior decorator in England. Edith Floride Reynolds has gone back to work after her retirement!! She is working part-time in the family owned and operated drugstore in Andrews. Nancy McConnell Wilhelm is laid up for a while after foot surgery. We’re hoping for a speedy recovery for Nancy. We send condolences to Margaret Brown Young, who lost her mother, Trudy on December 6, 2008. We were also sorry to hear the sad news about the death of Nancy McConnell Wilhelm’s mother-in-law, Jeanne Byerly Wilhelm ’50 after Christmas. Budgy, we’re thinking of you and sad for the loss of your mother. Here is a special plea for our class–We would like to stay in touch. Please send us some news and plan to come to our 50th Reunion.

>> C lass o f 19 6 4 L orena C ook J ames 24 Dearborn Road North, SC 29112-8201 803-874-3332 | lorenajames@windstream.net Beck y S parrow 505 Law Street Hartsville, SC 29550-3646 843-857-0782 | rgs2000@aol.com C ameron C ouncil S pet h 986 Forest Road New Haven, CT 06515 203-453-8985 | cspeth@hopkins.edu In a beautiful and inspiring letter, Diane Barber shares her personal triumph over many adversities, major challenges and changes during the past eight years. She says, “At the age of 66, I am finally sensing a feeling of being settled both physically and emotionally. What have I learned from these transitions? I appreciate the simple things of life, the sunrise, the smell of coffee, easing into each day with a slower pace. I have learned to get rid of excess baggage — things, emotions and stuff. I cherish each day and try not to place demands on myself.” Diane is a social worker at Carolina Dialysis and now lives in Landrum, enjoying the small town life style and feeling she has truly “come home”. Her two daughters are doing well. Joy, who received her Master’s in Social Work in 2008, is working for ten months with a youth program in the town of Pune on a grant through the National India Foundation. Also, she is studying the lives of those who collect trashed recyclable items for money to survive. Lisa is the associate director of a YMCA in Raleigh NC, and she mentors a teenage girl through the Big Sister Program. Hopefully, Diane with her bright smile and amazing

spirit will be at our reunion to share more of her story with you. “Let’s do Coker this spring!” from Catherine “Katie” Tanner Mishler’s brief holiday note. We’ll look forward to a great update from you, Katie, at our reunion. Marshall and Nita Nunn Danenburg’s Christmas note exclaims, “What a wonderful journey we are experiencing learning to be grandparents; it is the most fun we have had!” Twins Cameron and Morgan are growing fast. Mary Louise Antley Glesner included great pictures of children and grandchildren in her Christmas letter. All are busy and thriving. Son Scott and his wife Suzanne live in Christiansburg VA, and he works for Yokohama Tires plus making some Domino’s pizza deliveries and keeping stats for Virginia Tech during football season. Suzanne works and takes courses toward a Master’s degree. Daughter Jill, who lives down the street from her mom and dad, is enjoying her job at Indoor Biotechnologies and will be doing a poster presentation at a spring meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Trevor, three, and Dustin, one, keep daughter Sharon and her husband Barry fully occupied! With daughter Reaves and her husband Michael expecting a baby girl in March, Sarah Ann Alford Horton’s sewing machine was turning out lots of little girl outfits and nursery items at press time! And Pat Holland Chapman writes, “My happy news is that both of my daughters-inlaw are expecting girls in March 2009. Jim and Carrie live in New Jersey where he is in a family practice in Middletown NJ. Leighton and Buffy live in Lexington, and he works as a graphic designer for an engineering firm.” Pat and Frank enjoyed beautiful scenery on a gold dome train trip through the Canadian Rockies in June 2008. Karin Armstrong Harper is enjoying the blessings of family and says, “I have two sons, two great daughters-inlaw, and six wonderful grandchildren — three boys and three girls. The oldest is nine years and the youngest is fifteen months.” Life continues to mostly revolve around Rotary leadership and Foundation activities involving much travel for Anne Lamb Matthews. Her January schedule included a twelve-day stint in San Diego serving as the Lead Trainer for the International Assembly for Rotary International, her second year in this role. District governors from all over the world were to be trained to start serving in July as Rotary governors. Anne had the honor, responsibility and hard work of training the trainers who work with them. Linda Milam Law and Charlton had a great trip in September. After flying to Paris and enjoying a day and a half there, they boarded a river boat and were on the Seine for seven days with daily stops in wonderful villages or towns. Linda says, “We loved seeing Van Gogh’s and Monet’s homes; and Normandy was special. Of course, the food was great, and we enjoyed meeting lots of new people.” Your reunion committee (Becky Sparrow and Naomi Kelley Jackson) is planning the best “45th” you’ll ever attend; and that’s a promise! “Naomi Kelley Jackson and I are very excited about the plans for our 45th Class of 1964 Reunion! Our first event is dinner at Naomi’s home on the evening of Friday, April 3 at 6:00 p.m. Naomi says you may need to prepare for a Civ Test BUT you will be rewarded with a “Coker dining room Sunday night brown bag” complete with Heath bars and an apple! Anyone needing a ride or directions to Naomi’s house should contact either of us! Our phone nos. and email addresses are on the letters you will be receiving from us! It has been so much fun to hear from many of you who are planning to come and from as far away as California, like Susan Frank. Our class has contributed 23% of our class gift goal of $6,500 to the Annual Scholarship Fund. Let’s put it over the top by April 4th! Come see the beautiful new campus and enjoy our 45th reunion gathering!” Becky Sparrow




class news ’64 - ’70 | class news

Let’s ALL do Coker this spring! We’ll look for you April 3rd and 4th in Hartsville. Lorena Cook James gathered all of these notes. Please keep your correspondence coming. It was wonderful seeing faces from the Class of 1964 in the audience at my husband Gus’ lecture in the Lois Walters Coker Lecture Series at Coker in October. We enjoyed a wonderful visit to the campus in the fall and now I look forward to spring in Hartsville with all of you. Cameron Council Speth

>> C lass o f 19 6 5 E leanor P owell C lark 106 Arapaho Circle Darlington, SC 29532 843-395-2173 Joyce Stewart Rea writes: In November I took a 10 day tour to Israel and had a fabulous time. We stayed a few days in Jerusalem, a beautiful city, and Tiberius, where we woke every morning looking at the Sea of Galilee. We walked where Jesus walked from Bethlehem to Calvary. I recommend this trip to everyone - It truly makes the Bible come alive. Nothing exciting going on the life of Jane and Joel Thompson, writes Jane Stogner Thompson. We’ve just arrived at our Winter home on Seabrook Island where we will remain until Joel manages to pull me away sometime in April. Anyone in the area give a call for a lunch date! 7689474. We had a wonderful Christmas with our children and six grandchildren, survived two flooding accidents at our Indiana lake home and one here on Seabrook. Hopefully having three means it’s all over! Planning to do lots of walking on the beach, reading all the books I can, doing a little scrapbooking and stitching more family samplers this winter. That should keep me busy. Happy New Year to all! Mary Williamson Sikes writes: I have only one tidbit of news that I don’t think I’ve shared – my son and his wife had another little boy on July 20 – Carson Walker Sikes. He joins his 3 year old brother, Matthew. Of course, I have 2 other grandchildren ages 6 and 3, also. Craig Mason Morisak says she is enjoying her animals and likes to see and hear about funny things done in the animal world. Well I’m finally a grandmother, exclaims Courtney Howard Quattlebaum. My daughter Mary and her husband, Roualeyn have a fine baby boy (born 11/05) in Santa Fe, NM. Tom and I were there and were actually allowed to be in the birthing room. His name is Elliot Roualeyn de Haas. They will be spending Christmas with us and will be Christened on 12/28. Our daughter Anne will be here too (lives in Austin, TX.) Our youngest daughter Elizabeth is looking forward to the holiday because it means a months’ break from Med. School – she’s a freshman at MUSC. Son, Thomas and his wife will be in VA with her family. We’ll be celebrating at our beach house (our 4th Christmas there). Tom is still working full time (Pediatrics). I stay busy with some volunteer work and keeping company with my Mom who turned 90 this past summer (she’s in assisted living at Bishop Gadsden). I hope the New Year brings good things for all of you. Linda “Hoot” Ramsey Snyder: Still enjoying life in the Pacific Northwest. Grandbabies are growing up. Children are healthy, intelligent and resourceful in the face of hard times. What more could a mother ask? I continue to write for Columbia Gorge Magazine. My next article will be about the ancient Warm Springs Reservation, home to the Paiute and Wasco Native American Indian tribes, located in the Oregon desert a few miles from my home. There is a particular waterfall along the Deschutes River that is rich in history and legend. In this first person article, I will attempt to lure my readers into a warm sunny afternoon spent with the spirits of a time long ago and how fishing provided sustenance for




families even before Lewis and Clark. Following that will be an article about a new system of cycling trails in the county where I live. My son is active in this project, at the moment doing the GPS mapping for the system. As you can see, I live vicariously through the people that I love and the beauty and mystery of nature. I celebrated my 65th with good friends and family and, for some strange reason, feel younger rather than older every day. I love life. Ellen Lowrimore Young writes: My husband Freddie and I spent Thanksgiving with our 3 children and all of our grandchildren and with my sister Mary Lowrimore Daniel ’54 in Hemingway. With her 6 children, their spouses, and her grandchildren, there were 50 of us. Needless to say, we were very blessed to be together once again. Mary Kathryn is also a Coker Nut and recently went back for a visit. She could not believe how many changes there are and how beautiful the campus still is. I am always so proud to introduce myself as a Coker graduate. No one can believe I attended when it was so small and there were only a handful of male day students! We still had so much fun. I am still a social worker with the elderly disabled and Freddie continues to pastor and teach at Grand Strand Baptist Church. I bet most of you have been next door @ Tangier Outlet stores on hwy 501 and didn’t even know how close you were to our church. Well, now you do, so next time, stop in. Freddie & I celebrated our 43 wedding anniversary last week. Ellen and I (Peggy Boatwright Peck) both enjoy old movies. We love the old ‘black and whites’. Tom and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas. Family came and went. We all ate way too much and are still groaning. Donna Gates Chapman and Eleanor Powell Clark and I play Scrabble every few weeks. We have a good time laughing at all the problems of aging. Very good therapy. Eleanor is the Scrabble champ! Donna helps out at a small county library and Eleanor is still teaching art. I just enjoy not having to get up early and being able to go out to lunch when I want to. As we are all moving into the Medicare years let us be sure to remember each other in thoughts and prayers as we meet the challenges given to us on this bumpy road of life. Class of ’65 and still alive!!

>> C lass o f 19 6 6 C lass rep or co - reps needed

>> C lass o f 19 6 7 C lass rep or co - reps needed

>> C lass o f 19 6 8 J oan L ading A b ernat h y 20037 Oak River Court Petersburg, VA 23803 804-590-1644 | jabernathyva@aol.com J ud y Brown P igg 2412 Old Hickory Lane Hartsville, SC 29550 843-332-5600 | Juliapigg@roadrunner.com We heard from Judi Hege Bailey and it sounds like she and Bren have had a great year. They took a trip to Cape Cod in May and to Wrightsville Beach NC in June. In December, they went to the Meineke Car Care Bowl in Charlotte and on January 2 they attended the Liberty Bowl in Memphis to watch their two teams-UNC and ECU. Judi is the Senior Executive Director for Enrollment Management at East Carolina University while Bren works at retirement,

enjoying his motorcycles. I enjoyed being able to be at the birth of our granddaughter in August. Katarina Olivia Schmidler entered the world almost grown—10 lbs. 3 oz! I just hate that she and her parents are so far away in California but am thankful for webcams and instant messaging. Wayne and I got into our new home the first of October and we love being on one floor! December was not the best month for us though. Mother passed away one weekend and the very next one Wayne had congestive heart failure and ended up having open heart surgery to replace his aortic valve along with triple by-pass. He is doing better each day and will be good as new by the time you read this. Joan “Joni” Ladinig Abernathy has a new granddaughter also. Loreli Claire Strudtoff was born on August 26th in Atlanta. Joni was in Florida visiting her mother when so she had to go back home and then fly to Atlanta. She said her suitcase was getting heavy! She also was excited to share with us that she soon will be celebrating her 5th year in remission. Congrats and may you have many more! Joni is teaching freshmen at Virginia State University and is not ready to retire yet! Hope that everyone had a great holiday and will have an even better 2009. Please write and fill us in on what is going on in your life. Judy

>> C lass o f 19 6 9 R ep or co - rep needed

>> C lass o f 19 7 0 L inda S mit h Brad f ord Post Office Box 130 Hallieford, VA 23068-0130 804-876-3239 | Lbradford@mcvh-vcu.edu J ane Brown R iec h mann 2970 St. Johns Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32205 904-384-8650 | stjohnsjane@bellsouth.net J o y ce Flo y d S h aw 252 Timberlake Drive Florence, SC 29501 843-393-2540 | OdeToJoyce@aol.com Class of ’70, the countdown is on but you are receiving a good ‘heads up’! April 2010 and our fortieth reunion will be here before you know it so begin your planning NOW. Tentatively in 2010 it should fall on the second weekend. Reunions are usually scheduled for the first weekend in April, but with Easter coming on April 4, it will probably be April 10 but you might want to check with Coker to be certain. At any rate, plan to be there!!! Every holiday brings greetings from Eed Thanomkulbutr. Eed is being encouraged to attend the 2010 reunion if there is any way that she can make the trip from her native Thailand but she says her doctors advise her to stay close to home. She sends her love to everyone. Celeste Oliver Phillips loves to travel to Jupiter FL to visit her son, daughter-in-law and two grandchildren Ella and Ryder. She is still planning on a spring 2009 retirement and move to Florida to be near them. There will need to be a carpool from Florida to Hartsville for the reunion. By the time this news is printed, Harriett Council will have retired after 22 years from Columbus County Health Department. Her retirement date was December 31, 2008. She will work from home when she wants transcribing for

W W W. C O K ER . ED U

class news class news | ’70 - ’73

doctors’ offices. Keeping up with fellow Cokernuts, Harriett has recently seen Kaye Thurston Pope, Gail Grubbs Stoll ’68 and Gail Worrell Townsend ’69. Carol Alford Edwards reports that her daughter Carmen was married in April of ’08 in Kalmia Gardens. I am sure we all remember how beautiful that place is and such a pretty site for such an occasion. Carol promises to tell how Carmen and her husband Paul met but as yet that story has not arrived so stay tuned. There is life after divorce. So writes Martha Flowers Herbert, who after 38 years with Hal ’71 is now “alone” with 20 cats, 14 dogs and varying snakes and turtles. Martha’s children and their families are near and far in Florence (not Italy) and Scotland. Her daughter Ruth in Scotland is recovering from a major stroke following the birth of her third child on Christmas Eve, 2007. It was so good to hear from Virginia “Ginger” King Hilderbrand who said she visited the campus the first time since graduation. She was thrilled with all of the renovations. Ginger has recently retired from teaching high school math in Douglasville GA. Her husband is still at Georgia Tech Research Institute and their two sons serve in the military. She frequently visits her hometown of York to see her father. Readers take note. Leila O’Neal Stallworth’s husband David recently published a book entitled Why the Wind Blows with great reviews. And David failed English his senior year in college! Leila and David now have four grandchildren ages 2 – 10. Being in the finance world has left Judi Cooper Camak with lots of headaches for sure. Her husband Banks had a heart attack in November but is doing well. A cure for all of these blues is in the works, though, with the birth of “Baby Boy Camak” due in May 2009. Speaking of grandchildren, Kay-Kay Duelley Nooft and husband Al are loving being able to spoil their two-year old granddaughter Lillie Grace. Kay-Kay would love to hear from any of the Class of ’70. You can call Coker for her email address. Elaine White Gilbert and Mary Edmunds Reed spent a week in Florida with Jane Brown Riechmann at Jane’s beach condo. The week was wonderful and it seemed as if not a day had passed since the late 60’s! Jane enjoyed dinner with Genevieve “Pie” White Sharpe in Columbia during the Christmas holidays. Jane was there to be with her sister Judy Brown Pigg ’68 whose husband Wayne was in Providence Hospital for heart surgery. Judy and Jane as well as sister Margaret Brown Young ’63 lost their mother on December 6 so Judy has really had quite a December. Also losing a mother is Roxanne Copeland Richardson. Her mother died on Thanksgiving. Roxanne had more sorrow with her brother’s diagnosis of cancer in May, 2008. We send wishes for a better 2009. Candee Constable Craven, with 32 inches of snow on the ground and temperatures outside with a wind chill of 35 below as her news was sent in, is looking forward to spring. Not only for a thaw does she anticipate the change in seasons, but also for a wedding. Candee and Scott’s son Jeff will marry Jessie Miller in Santa Barbara in April. Their daughter Meredith is still enjoying teaching and raising a three-year old. Candee and Scott’s hopes for retirement have been pushed off a while, thanks to the stock market. Having retired two years ago from teaching high school English in Columbia, Jo Beth Young Mewbourn is teaching part-time in the English department at Columbia College. Her big news is that she and her husband Jerry are now the proud grandparents of Helena Beth Mewbourn born on December 8, 2008. We have a poet in our class, Carol Alford Edwards. Carol and her husband Mike wrote a poem to celebrate the wedding of her daughter Carmen and her husband Paul that told the story of how the young couple met. It was quite a chance meeting. Carmen and her husband now live in Charlottesville VA and Carol and Mike enjoy visiting them there as well as having them in Hartsville as they were for Christmas


of 2008. Carmen works for a company that develops software to enhance math and science curriculum for teachers. Eed Thanomkulbutr, our retired classmate in Thailand, sent a wonderful Christmas card about her Christmas Eve. She and several girl friends tried to gather for a special dinner in a Japanese or American ( Sizzler ) restaurant only to end up at McDonald’s because of parking difficulties. She listed a number of American spots as familiar to us as any visit to a mall – Oh how small our world has become! Eed wishes everyone Happiness, Good Health and Prosperity in 2009! Lucy Maxwell has once again taken up the retired life after getting her Mom and brother better situated. She spent three magical weeks in South Africa in September and has resumed volunteering at the Raptor Center. In addition to attending to our feathered friends she can again work with the Rowing Team, canoe, practice Yoga and garden! She wishes us Sweet Peace in 2009. That’s it for this edition! We would love to hear from others who have not been heard from since 1970. We hope to see EVERYONE in April of 2010!

>> C lass o f 19 7 1


TOURS New England: Islands & Mountains

S ara h J o W ood S a f rit Post Office Box 388 Beaufort, NC 28516 252-728-3213 | leonards@mail.clis.com In September, Julie Stackhouse Eggen, Jan Bonnette Frye, Beth Poole Garrett and Katherine Ledbetter Meyer had their annual Coker get-together in Boston. As always, they enjoyed catching up on what’s happened in their live –jobs, grandkids and travel. They toured the city and enjoyed the Italian restaurants in the area. Great weekend in Boston! Sarah Jo Safrit

>> C lass o f 19 7 2

October 9-19, 2009 Highlights Providence • Newport • Nantucket • Martha’s Vineyard • Hyannis • Boston • Harvard University • Cape Cod Dinner Train • Plymouth Rock and Plantation • Lobster Feast • Cranberry Bog • White Mountains • Hobo Railroad • Lake Winnipesaukee Cruise

Per Person Rates:

C lass rep or co - rep needed

Double – $3,295 Single – $3,895 Triple – $3,250

>> C lass o f 19 7 3 J ane C ly b urn 1002 Starcliff Drive Lugoff, SC 29078 803-438-5638 | 803-669-4487 clyburnpj@bellsouth.net | jane@ctp-cpa.com Dear Classmates: Becky Reynolds is retiring from her job at the Medical University. She has been employed there ever since we graduated from Coker to start our careers in the “real world.” Nancy Wilson, Becky, and Nancy Payne Kennedy have dinner together when their schedules allow the time. CONGRATULATIONS to Becky for finally taking a break after MANY years of HARD work!!! Monty Smith is still teaching special education in the Wake County Public School System, Raleigh NC his wife, Anne is still teaching music, and is singing with the NC Symphony and The Carolina Ballet. She is past president, elementary division of the NC Music Educators’ Association. His step-daughter, Erin, is in graduate school at East Carolina University in voice/music vocal performance and will graduate in May. She has aspirations of singing with the Metropolitan Opera in New York. Step-son Matt has been working in Dublin Ireland and is home and hopes to hear about a new job in youth ministry at a church back in

Includes: 17 Meals (9 Breakfasts, 2 Lunches, 6 Dinners); Round Trip Air from Charlotte Airport (subject to increase until paid in full); Motorcoach transportation round trip from Coker to the airport; Cancellation Waiver and Insurance




class news ’73 - ’75 | class news

Dublin. Meanwhile, Monty is still into music and is playing lots of bluegrass music, as he has been for years and truly enjoys it. He says he is very proud and impressed with the great progress that Coker has made over the years since our graduation and is looking forward to getting back to the beautiful campus in Hartsville. He said the last visit was so memorable. “Keep up the great work, Coker” Nancy Payne Kennedy’s son, Joseph is an accomplished singer and tennis player. Nancy Wilson is still coaching at the College of Charleston. She spends her free time at Surfside Beach and would love to have visitors. Careful, Nancy, you might have more company than you bargained for. As for me, well I can’t believe my granddaughter is one year old and my grandson is three and a half. Man, they are just growing up way too fast. As an accounting assistant at a CPA firm, January is my absolute worst month of the year with all the yearend payroll processes. But, I will make it through. I’m having total knee replacement in March. I asked the doctor if I would be able to dance after I was completely healed and he said he was pretty sure I would. I told him that was great because I never could dance before. J Jane Clyburn

>> C lass o f 19 74 M y ra G ray son N uttall 2873 Luvan Blvd. Georgetown, SC 29440 843.527.4837 Hello class of ’74. A special thank you for your updates! Do not forget the Annual Scholarship Fund. Every contribution counts and a special thank you to those who have already contributed! Remember our Coker Reunion is this spring, April 3-4, 2009! All alumni are invited to come back! Hope to see you there! Here is some news from our class! Hooray! Heard from Mary Baker and was absolutely thrilled. Baker writes: My parents are 90. Dad, World War II Vet, is still a champion angler and throws a shrimp net like a pro. Mom (Margaret Davidson Baker ’40, Music Major) played the piano for us over Christmas. I am teaching fourth/fifth grade at Bluffton Elementary, Bluffton SC. I have enjoyed progressing into the 21st century with technology in the classroom using, demonstrating, and teaching interactive white board lessons to students and colleagues. I have three “children.” College graduate, Baker, is serving in the armed forces and stationed in Germany with my daughter-inlaw and GRANDDAUGHTER! College graduate, Jennie, is working in Columbia, and hoping to further her education in dentistry. Junior in college, Creighton is a big ATO guy...and will graduate next year, hopefully and “Thank de Laudy.” From Sarah Fran Wells… was thinking about you the other day. I’m still doing handbells at church and loving it and singing in the choir. I am still working at the hospital, but am having a “vacation” of sorts. On Friday, January 2, I did the surprising, unexpected thing: I had a heart attack!! Seriously!! Totally out of left field!! Chest pain, radiating down the left arm and up into jaw. VERY scary! I ended up in Columbia at Palmetto Richland Heart Hospital. My don’t list is VERY long and my DO list very short. But I am feeling great, just getting my strength back, walking is limited and watching my diet. It’s great to be home, but not what I had planned for the New Year!! I heard from Jane Blankenship during the holidays… Thanks for thinking of me! I heard from Flora Beth Privette Patterson and she is doing well and her daughter, Courtney is doing a lot of traveling in her college days and had a great time in New




Zealand and Pat and Flora Beth traveled down under to visit. Marcena Kellahan Tisdale continues to do great work at her church. She teaches my grandniece, Grayson, (Carolyn McCutchen Grayson ’69, granddaughter) in Sunday School. I get to see her often. Marcena is expecting another grand in the near future! Phyllis Barrineau Baker is doing well and I get to see her at church functions since she now lives in Kingstree. From Claire Hudson Gaskins….Although we had sadness this year with Len’s mom’s death on April 18, 2008, and my Mom’s death on December 4, 2008, we also had some happy moments with the birth of grandsons Jackson Eugene Watts on July 31, 2008, and Shannon Ray Gaskins, Jr. on November 18, 2008. Our deepest sympathy to Claire Hudson Gaskins in the death of her mother, Hazel Hudson. I heard from Carole Toomey Kiser. She is in the throes of planning another wedding for June. Shanley Ann is getting married in June and I cannot wait! My chance to visit with Toomey and her girls and meet her grandson, Wade! News from Alice Bodenheimer Wilson…She writes that she can’t wait for the reunion! She and Don are planning to come. She has not been well, but now she is doing fine! She can’t wait to see everyone and has called and made reservations. She would love to see lots of us, especially for dinner and our meeting Saturday morning. As for me...I am taking my mother, Ruth Phillips Grayson’49, on a Caribbean cruise in February for her 80th birthday. We are so excited! We cannot find Mary Ann Burkee Palmieri. If anyone has heard from Mary Ann, please let me know or Coker College. Hope this finds everyone well! I am looking for someone to replace me as Class Rep or someone to be a Co-rep for our class. It will not be long before our reunion and I hope that I see you there! Myra

>> C lass o f 19 7 5 R ose P atrick S mit h 1801 Stannard Trail Raleigh, NC 27612 919-789-4829 | dsmithII@nc.rr.com Jackie Bullock Szczepanik still calls Australia home. In April, she and Russ welcomed a grandson, Asher. Ryan, Julie and the baby live in Seattle. Daughter Kristen starts nursing school in February and plans to marry in June. Kelsey continues to be quite the horsewoman! Russ works for Boeing while Jackie teaches Kelsey at home and volunteers with various equestrian groups. Linn Brummer Pedelty’s daughter, Shaylin, graduates from Coker in May with a double major in early childhood and elementary education. Son Matthew attends college in Greensboro and is a music/vocal major. Besides school, he stays busy with performances and his job as section leader in the choir at Starmount Presbyterian church. Seth is a ninth grader at Crest High School in Shelby and serves on the Shelby City Parks Youth Council. Linn works as a paralegal, directs the music program at Hoyle UMC, and serves as staff accompanist at Gardner-Webb University. At a recent choral clinic, she ran into Helen Adams Stroud. Linn reports that Helen hasn’t changed a bit! Over Thanksgiving, Elizabeth Glenn Marvin and Debbie Roberts Alford caught up with each other at the beach. “Brown” teaches at Westside High School in Anderson and recently shared with the faculty, “I’m enjoying my tenth year of divorce!” Debbie teaches seventh grade at Aynor Middle School and husband John is with Bass Pro Shops. They’ve been married for twelve years and live out in the country on what was once the Roberts’ tobacco farm. Debbie has two step- children and two step- grandchildren. And, her hair is still red!

Here’s some news from Kathy Swygert Speights in Charleston, “Paul and I are going great! Our oldest son, Paul, Jr., married Abigail on November 15th in St. Michael’s Church. Our second son, Dustin, will marry Chelsea on February 14th. Paul, Jr., works at Hanckel Marine and Dustin works with Paul and me at Ross Marine. The twins are doing well! Susan is in grad school at the Citadel and teaches fourth grade at First Baptist Church School. She is also the school’s head volleyball coach and took her team to the state playoffs. It was the first time the team been there in ten years. Katie attends school in Asheville and will graduate in May. I see Mary Jo Thompson Stemple quite a bit. Her son, Luke, got married last summer. We hosted a Low Country Boil for Luke and Courtney in our back yard. It’s amazing that all these kids have grown up soooo fast! Mary Jo and I also got together with Lu Anne Baker Ellison and Debbie Scarboro Snyder last summer. We had a great time catching up. Both of those girls never change!!!! I still feel like “Scarboro” is in charge of the dorm!!!” Debbie “Scarboro” Snyder sent an email early in the fall all about this mini reunion in Charleston! The group gave Kathy “Earle” O’Briant Binkley a call and made tentative plans to get together in Charlotte. She has also been in touch with Ellen Briggs ’73, who teaches at a small private college in Georgia. They hope to get together sometime when Ellen comes through Charlotte on her way to Lexington. In August, “Scarboro” and Betsy Mauldin McCray met for a long “catch-up” lunch. Now that she’s retired, “Scarboro” is cleaning things that haven’t been moved or scrubbed in a hundred years, planning to remodel the kitchen, and making college visits with Hannah. Betsy Mauldin McCray still rides horses. At Christmas she sent a wonderful photo card of herself, Elizabeth, and their four dogs! Thanks to Reveley Wilson Thomy for the picture of her family. Grandson Daniel has really grown! Carlotta Johnson Wiggins sent a photo card which included the newest member of her family, a precious grandson! Miles Wesley Wiggins was born on November 3, 2008. Kathy O’Briant Binkley is looking forward to the arrival of a grandson in late February. “Earle” writes, “He will be called ‘Graham’, after my dad, so I’m thrilled!” Sonny and Carol Hatton Kinney are anticipating the arrival of their fourth grandchild in February. Carol writes, “We are doing well….now. Sonny is doing great after having a heart attack last spring. It was a scare but we are so grateful. Life is blessed.” Floy Henry Fanning lost her mother in October, 2008. Floy writes, “Kathi Pleasant Luther and Martha Rivers Short were very supportive during the time Mother was in the hospital. It meant a lot to me for them to attend her service.” We extend our deepest sympathy to Floy and her family. After Christmas, Miriam Anderson and husband John caught The Polar Express in Bryson City, NC and took Santa BACK to the North Pole! Miriam writes, “I caught a glimpse of my big-kid husband and what a grand grandfather he will make some day.” Both of Sarah Creech Vick’s girls attend college in Raleigh. Sarah writes, “I stay busy with my harp, Bible study, and my ‘Pearl Girl’ friends. We have lunch together every Thursday and we always seem to show up in pearls…… especially me! I love my fake pearls!” Thanks to Mary Morris Beshears, Denise Johnson Baker, Sally Rogers Boyle, J. W. Inlow, and Carolyn McMillan for the lovely Christmas cards and holiday greetings. We extend our sympathy to Ruthie Henderson Mobley and Brad in the death of her father in December 2008. At least for now, things are quiet here in Raleigh. Last summer a friend and I visited the Frank Lloyd Wright home, Taliesin, in Spring Green WI. It’s just a phenomenal property in such a picturesque setting. After several days we traveled to Chicago, toured the Wright home and studio and spent W W W. C O K ER . ED U

class news class news | ’75 - ’86

the day in his old neighborhood, Oak Park. Take care, everyone and keep in touch! Rose Congratulations to Richard Harley Smith on his promotion to CEO of Northern Cochise Health System.

>> C lass o f 19 7 6 M arily n M ros Belotti Post Office Box 2334 Myrtle Beach SC 29578 843-747-8361 | msquare01@earthlink.net

Amy Grace Cherbonnier was born to Camden L. Cherbonnier and Mary on July 24, 2008. Congratulations Camden and Mary!

>> C lass o f 19 7 8 V icki S mit h C h aplin 839 Bethlehem Road Hartsville, SC 29550 843-332-5998 | Chaplins4@aol.com

>> C lass o f 19 8 2

D r . D aniel M oses Post Office Box 2403 Jacksonville, FL 32203 904-777-8179 | dan1204@bellsouth.net Daniel Moses was recently featured in Living African American Achievers in Jacksonville, FL. Congratulations Daniel!

>> C lass o f 19 7 7 J ane M c C rackin S uc h y 1011 Poplar Street Marion, SC 29571 843-423-1989 | suchysuchy@aol.com Hello to the Class of 1977 I received a very nice email from Sarah Rodgers Williams. She shared with me some news about herself and her mother Mary Cross Rodgers (Coker’s nurse while we were there). Sarah told me that Peggy Jernigan Russ ’76 lives just a few miles from her and they see each other usually once a week or so. Lola Thompson Plotnik lives up in Pendleton and manages to get together with her a couple of times each year. She also got to see Eddie Hawkins (he resides in Columbia), Gerry Randall (Virgina) and Frank Wilms (San Diego, CA) last year for a mini reunion. Sarah has one daughter Cailyn, who is a freshman at the College of Charleston. Mrs. Rodgers recently celebrated her 90th birthday! She had about 120 folks that came from all over, including out of state from Pennsylvania, Georgia and a couple from California. One of her Coker students, Gerry Randall, flew in from Virginia to be there. Also, Peggy Jernigan Russ ’76 attended as well. She received a greeting from President Bush and wife Laura and also a letter from Governor Mark Sanford. If any of you want to send her a belated birthday card or a note, her address is 150 Wilson’s Creek Road, Summerville, SC. She will write you back. I know because she sent me a very nice letter when I wrote her. I have been very busy with school and my new grandson, Joseph Michael Rowe. He is now 8 months old and I do enjoy spoiling him. I got a new job in my school district two years ago, Coordinator of EEDA/Guidance Services. I stay very busy with the State Department of Education now. My husband and I bought a house in the county with 5 acres of land. It does keep us busy keeping up our huge yard and garden. Life is very nice out here. My son got back from Afghanistan this past April after spending 15 months there. It was a very trying time for me. I was very thankful that he got back safely. I would very much like to hear from the Class of 1977. Please email with your news and I will keep in touch with you. Jayne Suchy


>> C lass o f 19 7 9 D e b b ie S c h ult z M c L aren 20184 Foothill Terrace Ashburn, MD 20147 703-726-1190 | writerdeb11@aol.com

D e b ra Holt Zsem b ik 325 Moss Avenue Port Orange, FL 32127-6136 386-760-6430 | ddshouse@yahoo.com

>> C lass o f 19 8 3 G lenn D ouglas Bridges 14 Huskey Court Wellford, SC 29385-9695 864-439-6217 | daddydolphin@charter.net

>> C lass o f 19 8 4 D onna C raig 801 Longbow Road Charlotte, NC 28211 704-365-6763 | donna.craig@prodigy.net

>> C lass o f 19 8 0 L ee H . Hickman 703 Beaty Street Conway, SC 29526 843-248-3925 | lhickman@sccoast.net S usan D . W eat h ers b ee 137 West Home Avenue Hartsville, SC 29550-4123 843-383-4692 CIRCEmyTW14/Sunbeam@hotmail.com

>> C lass o f 19 8 1 Bar b ara A . Britton 6716 St. Julian Way Fayetteville, NC 28314 910-860-7650 | 877-820-9147- toll-free jmb1jmb2@aol.com (put Coker in subject line) Award-winning singer-songwriter Hope Nunnery, a native of western Sumter County and a Coker alum who currently resides in New York City, will appear in South Carolina from October 22-25 on a homecoming tour that includes performances in Spartanburg, Greenville and Liberty. She made appearances on the campuses of Wofford and Converse colleges, at the Bohemian Café in Greenville, and a concert at Liberty’s Rosewood Center will conclude the tour. A commentator on Real Country Radio, speaks of Nunnery as “an awesome performer, a “diamond” whose record is “a precious one, and deserving a place of prominence.” “Wilderness Lounge is a place where all roots-music fans should want to go.” Hope graduated from Coker College in1981 with a degree in Theatre. In 1985 she received the Master of Fine Arts degree in Acting from the University of South Carolina in Columbia. She has lived, worked and studied in Manhattan for many years. Kendall Marie Overbay was born to Michael and Lisa King Overbay on October 4, 2008. Congratulations Lisa and Michael!

M ic h elle W iscovitc h K ing 400 Gandy Drive Hartsville, SC 29550 843-857-0084 | MWKMBK@msn.com

>> C lass o f 19 8 5 E lecta A nderson S mall 204 Lantana Circle Georgetown, SC 29440-7278 803-348-6748 | andee33@aol.com T racie J o h nson P asc h al 1111 West Roseneath Road Florence SC 29501-5745 | raciePL@aol.com

>> C lass o f 19 8 6 S usan S weatt R o b e y 1 Cobblestone Court Columbia, SC 29229 803-699-6620 | susansrobey@earthlink.net T eresa “ T rigger ” M artin 133 Tall Oaks Drive Irmo, SC 29063 803-749-3922 Home | 803-318-1413 Mobile triggermartin@aol.com




class news ’87 - ’92 | class news

Sat uRday, A pRil 4

For more information please contact: Co ker Co lleg e A lu m n i O ffi c e 843. 383.8016 or 1.800.65.COKER alumni@coker.edu

>> C lass o f 19 8 7

>> C lass o f 19 8 9

C y nt h ia L ee H y lton 14405 Woodswalk Court Midlothian, VA 23112-2412 804-639-2814 | Cindy.L.Hylton@pmusa.com

P ennie C at h e y P eagler 183 Royal Oaks Lane Lexington, SC 29072 803-926-8410 | ppeagler@columbiastaffing.com

P h y llis Atkinson P almieri 1819 New Market Road Hartsville, SC 29550-9303

M eg Q uilt y L ie b e 803 Washington Avenue Palmyra, NJ 08065 856-303-1090

>> C lass o f 19 8 8 L isa Br yant M c D owell 9 Alison Way Columbia, SC 29229 803-699-7924 | mcdowellx5@aol.com M illicent C h ewning M acc h ione 3011 Stone Bridge Trail Conyers, GA 30094 770-388-0067 | Millicentmacchione@yahoo.com

>> C lass o f 19 9 0 A m y G i b son 6 Corby Court Columbia, SC 29229 803-462-9851 | amy.gibson@worldnet.att.net K at h y Hars h C unning h am 6004 Highmarket Street Georgetown, SC 29440 843-527-0530 | khc1224@aol.com

>> C lass o f 19 9 1 Helen M ason A llen 1823 Misty Vale Road Charlotte, NC 28214 704-391-0931 | We3allens@bellsouth.net

>> C lass o f 19 9 2 K elly S . J enkins 129 Springdale Drive Union, SC 29379 864-427-6823 | Kelljenk@hotmail.Com Fredie J ames W illiams P.O. Box 2734 Evans, GA 30809-2734 frediew@netscape.net Dorian S. Houser was awarded the R. Bruce Lindsay Award for his work in marine mammal bioacoustics. Congratulations Dorian!

Please send your news to Amy or Kathy.




W W W. C O K ER . ED U

class news class news | ’93 - ’94

>> C lass o f 19 9 3 A ngela Hodges Tay lor 2834 Wood Hill Lane Darlington, SC 29532-7465 ahtaylor@sc.rr.com C o - reps needed Hello, Coker friends. Here is my official 100th Anniversary Homecoming report now that I’m back from Hartsville. Who did I see that we know? I got to see the following people who were upperclassmen my freshmen year: Helen Mason Allen ’91, Kathy Harsh Cunningham ’90, Darrin L. Hayes ’89 (local), Larry ’90 & Tillette Gibson Scott ’91 (local). Here were the ones closer to my own class that I got to see: Ben & Glenda Hodge Quick ’91 (local) and their sons Christopher (11, who looks like Glenda) and 9yr old Will; Andy Mosteller’94 & Kim Haugland Mosteller ’95 and their girls (who both look like Kim), Mackenzie and Megan, about 5 and 3 years; Eric ’95 and Sarah Scaffe Tew ’97 (local) and their girls, Savannah and Stella, ages 7 and 3; Glenn Fulmer ’92 and his 10yr old twins, Glenn and Ben, who look just like dad (local); and Dorian Houser ’92. Jubal and I also spent time talking with Malcom and Jacque McLeod Doubles ’79, Mal Hyman, and Joe Rubinstein, making me recall what I loved about Coker’s intellectual community and why it was such a good place for me. On the way home, we had dinner with Sudan Turpin Illner and hubby of 2 years, Brian Illner, near where they live outside Spartanburg. Dorian and Barbara have a 2yr old, TJ, who likes to headbutt (why doesn’t this surprise us?). Dorian’s doing marine biology for the Navy and travels a lot. Turpin’s hair was totally straight (she blows it dry that way), and she reports that her stomach turns every time she thinks of drinking Dr. Pepper anymore. She and her quiet hubby report married life is good. He’s an IT guy doing networking for a trucking insurance co. She quit being Director of Spartanburg Historical Society and is now a financial advisor at Edward Jones. They do WWII and Civil War re-enactments as a hobby. And yes, y’all, to answer our question, Jodi was her first roommate. Glenda called Tillette and Larry’s teenage daughter Tillette because she looks so much like mom – and apparently they have a whole basketball team of girls. Glenda was a counselor at Rubicon for years, left to work in the prisons, but soon returned to Rubicon. She’s their DUI/Substance Abuse counselor. Of Glenn Fulmer procreating, we all said, “there’s two more of Glenn; run for your life” – but aside from some quirkiness from being Glenn’s kids, they seemed like nice boys to me, reading to 5 much younger girls at Eric’s house. Glenn works in his dad’s trucking biz and swears Hartsville is overrun with organized crime and drug trafficking. Communications Prof Dick Puffer (a community organizer in Hartsville) says that’s more folklore than fact. Eric Tew does graphic design for the same company he started with while still in school, and his wife, Sarah, teaches developmentally delayed kids at the high school. They live a block from the latest drive-by shooting of the 1212 gang (is that the right name?) and report a lot of gang activity in the schools and in town. Eric’s brother lives in the same neighborhood as Andy and Kim in NC. And guess who delivered one of the Mosteller babies? An OBGYN named Anita wife of Vernon O’Neal Fraley ’92. She and Vernon had a girl and a boy but are now divorced. Last I heard, he was leaving TV news and starting a broadcast video production company for churches, but someone said he might be a weatherman in Charlotte now. Kim was a gymnastics teacher, but she just finished dental hygiene school now. Andy has been in the restaurant business for years and runs a place now, but he’s


ready to change directions. He says computers; Kim says air traffic control. While the Mosteller, Tiner, and Tew girls played Royal Ball (where adults were commoner subjects not allowed in the living room), Andy told their parents his hilarious childhood tales of growing up around Coker until we were crying and clutching our sides laughing. I’d forgotten how funny he was. All of us shared college memories of Gary Tuttle (aka John Denver), Amy L. Gibson ’90, Turpin, Dr. Daniels (fond memories of the real one, as well as stories of the drink named after him), Jimmy Steen ’91 and his would-be harem (when he and Glenn rented a house with me, Glenda, Deb Dorothy, and Liz Demers ’92 one summer), Heather Snow McPherson ’92, Tami Conner ’92, Sonja Howe ’92, Mike Myers, Sackhead, Bea Jae, Marcia, Rik Alemo ’92, Anna & Joe, Wells, Dorian & Lucy, Heather Lawson Auger’s (’95) love of Subway’s tunafish sandwiches, Paul Sabo ’91, Sara with the rat-tale and pet newt and Star of David on the floor, Holy Tara, Keith Ackerman’s (’94) prompt rent payments to Andy after Andy put him to work repairing the front porch when the first month’s rent was late, Franklin the security guard, Uncle James, Big John, Henry Williamson “Juuunior” and others. Here are the updates I know about Coker friends who were not able to come this past weekend. Vidette DixonBorgmannand I talk about every week. She’s in touch with Toschia Moffett ’94 and Athena King ’90, too. Vidette and her hubby Josh live in a small Iowa town. He teaches English at the college, and she is finishing an accounting degree. I saw Turpin and Queena at Vidette’s wedding, which I was fortunate enough to officiate at their Unitarian Universalist Church. Tami Connor ’92 is married to John Chester. They lived in Asheville a long time but moved a few years ago to Virginia, where she’s a tech writer and a staff trainer for big corporations. Tami became my matchmaker and got me and Jubal Tiner together – she also sends me editing work now and then! Neil French ’89 works for an accounting firm in SC and was at Kathy Harsh Cunningham’s (’90) 40th birthday party. Becky Lawson Schroppe married, moved to NJ, and is now divorced. Wells Hightower is a service tech delivering medical supplies to shut-ins and others. Heather Snow married long-time boyfriend and Citadel grad, Mark McPherson, but later divorced. They had a little girl named Kelsey, who must be about 10 now (?), and I think lives in GA. Patrick Lange transferred, graduated from Auburn, married, has a little boy who’s 4, and is a cop in southern GA. Brian Pruitt ’95 married Sarah Scaffe Tew’s roommate, Becky, but they divorced. Later, she was accidentally shot and tragically killed by her new boyfriend. Brian’s new wife of 3 years is Tracy. Jimmy Steen ’91 became a Youth Pastor and has 3 kids with his wife. A bunch of us are on Facebook: me & Jubal, Glenn, Steen, Jimmy Parker ’94, Jacqui Rees Ackerman ’94, Eric Tew ’95, Sarah Scaffe Tew ’97, Angela Easter ’94 (who just had a baby), Brian Pruitt, Tommy Hight ’90, Kathy Harsh Cunningham ’90, Mary Helen Hensley ’91, Darrin Hayes ’89, Glenda Hodge Quick’s (’91) husband Ben Quick, Chris Dawson, Dave O’Kane ’91, Paul & Aya, Patrick Lange, Wells, Tami, Vidette, Frank Bush, and many more. Anyway, look us up on Facebook! My own update is that Jubal and I have been married 12 years and have a 3.5 year old daughter, Olivia. Jubal teaches English, film, and fiction writing at Brevard College and runs a national literary magazine, www.pisgahreview. com. I was a Unitarian Universalist minister for a couple years, but seminary was not for me, and I charted another course, getting my masters in sociology/anthropology instead. We can now enjoy going to our UU church instead of working for one. I now run a home business as an editor/writer, CoachWrite. Glenda pointed out I got my editing start with The Periscope —true, and it never dawned on me before! I’ve been home with Olivia until this fall, when she

started school at www.mountainsunschool.org, of which I’m on the board. Now I can work 10-15 hours a week in the business while she’s in school halftime. We live in Brevard, NC, a place we love, in the mountains near TN, SC, and GA, in the Land of Waterfalls. Ch-ch-ch-changes...Coker’s old Music Bldg backs into the huge new Performing Arts Center. The Commissioner’s Rose Garden received a facelift. There is no longer anything fun to mark one’s entrance into Commissioner’s. The new library is not called a library but a Library – Information Technology Center. It is giant, spiffy, with a design that’s very open. The old library will soon be a dorm. Now at almost double its old capacity, Grannis’ old 2-person rooms have been renovated to house 4 private mini-rooms, with a bigger bathroom and small living room to each suite. Grannis doesn’t have a TV room or 2nd floor storage, but has skinny hallways and study halls on 2nd and 4th floors. Like Memorial, the “new” GSSM dorm of perhaps 18 years ago is now a Coker dorm. Governor’s School has its own building down past the soccer field. Mosteller sold his old house behind the cafeteria. Byerly Hospital got torn down and is a parking lot. There’s a new hospital across town. The Education Department is in a new old house across from Grannis en route to the soccer field. Graduation isn’t held on the green space outside the Administration Building anymore, because that field is now the new library. They filled in the outdoor amphitheater behind Davidson. Security Guards no longer walk their patrols; they have a yellow golf cart. The Dining Hall has a food line divided into “Home,” “Grill,” and a salad/ sandwich area. The latter has a perplexing sandwich press and toaster, and somehow I managed to mess up both. The small old theater in the balcony of the Dining Hall is now the Residence Life office. Oh, and despite many, many vacant businesses boarded up from the recession (even Central Park Hamburgers, built only 16 years ago), Hartsville development is still what you might call booming compared to our old days—and reserve hotel rooms early if you visit, because they are all booked a month or more in advance! What can we do to improve the networking when we aren’t visiting Hartsville, and what can we do to improve the socializing when we are visiting Hartsville? Write to me at jubaltara@yahoo.com or on Facebook. It was great to be back and see everyone! Love, Tara McDonald-Tiner

>> C lass o f 19 9 4 J enni f er S pray Blankens h ip JennB@darlington.k12.sc.us V iola D e D e L awrence dede_lawrence@yahoo.com Terrance A. Hayes has had another poem published Imaginary Wedding Song was published in The New Yorker. Congratulations Terrance!




class news ’95 - ’03 | class news

>> C lass o f 19 9 5 C lass rep or co - rep needed Heat h er M c C onnell Buckelew 1606 Duckhorn St NW Concord, NC 28027 (704) 786-1857 nj2sc2nc@ctc.net S am J . Fr y er I I I 1610 Southwood Court Florence, SC 29505-3195 843-629-8372 | S_Fryer@fsd1.org

>> C lass o f 19 9 6 C lass rep or co - rep needed

>> C lass o f 19 9 5 A lison E li z a b et h W ood 2400 Pine Haven Street Beaufort, SC 29902-6042 425-338-9760 R egina Bacote D onit h an 17341 Hartsville Ruby Road Hartsville, SC 29550 843-335-5850 | rbacote518@hotmail.com

>> C lass o f 19 9 8 A s h le y M . P ruett apruett76@yahoo.com

>> C lass o f 19 9 9 S h onda M iles K notts 925 Lynch Road Coward, SC 29530 843-210-3346 | Shonda.Knotts@PalmettoGBA.com D ean S . L egge 808 South Poplar Avenue Andrews, SC 29510-3032 843-264-9398 | dean@dawgpost.com R e b ecca Ly nn T eal 1116 Swift Creek Road Hartsville, SC 29550 843-383-2994 | becbec1324@aol.com S h eila Brodie T rapp Post Office Box 967 Hartsville, SC 29551 Scott Taylor is now the Saluda High School baseball coach. He will also be in the classroom teaching math classes.




>> C lass o f 2 0 0 0 K eelea R . L e J eune 3121 Torres Avenue Pensacola, FL 32503 850-393-6861 | Keelea.LeJeune@covenanthospice. org Mark ’97 and Holly Hall Becker had a baby boy on September 11, 2008. His name is Siler Robert Becker. He joins his twin brother and sister, Eli Jackson Becker and Mila Katherine Becker.

>> C lass o f 2 0 0 1 R osly nn D . E lom 572 East McIver Road Florence, SC 29506 843-667-0502 | Ravenrose3@aol.com

>> C lass o f 2 0 0 2 Blay ke E ple y T urru b iartes 1847 Arnold Drive Charlotte, NC 28205 704-535-1504 | bpepley@yahoo.com S tep h anie C arwile P arker 1274 Ferguson Road Harleton, TX 75651 StepahnieParker@letu.edu Linda Tindal writes of her husband, Henry “Dee” Tindal: “I’m just so proud of him, he went back to school at 25 and did the evening program from Central Carolina Technical College to Coker and got his bachelor’s in English Education and then his Master’s in English from Clemson, and now he’s National Board Certified! He was close to Lois and John in the English Department at Coker and loved the school. It’s just funny that he graduated from Coker, we got married, and moved here all in December ’02. We moved to the area just for him to get his master’s and we love it so much, we’re staying. We bought a house 3 years ago and have an almost 5 year old little boy, Greyson. He is proof that that program works.

>> C lass o f 2 0 0 3 E mily M arovic h T upper 1100 Esplanade # 10 Redondo Beach, CA 90277 emilymarovich@yahoo.com W es D aniels 907 Hannah Avenue Hartsville, SC 29550 843-616-2485 | wdaniels@coker.edu

in Rock Hill. Only change is the last name! Stephen Ramey ’04 and I got married on July 5, 2008. Congratulations to you both! Ellen Mason Harris got married on November 1st and is enjoying married life. She and her husband bought a condo in Clemson. Thomas and Monica Carvajal Beben just celebrated their FIFTH anniversary this year! Their restaurant Smoking Mo’s has been open for over a year now. At this year’s Bite of Shelton they were chosen as the Golden Fork Award winner. Voters chose them as their favorite restaurant in the county. Then the local newspaper featured Monica in a 2 page spread in their new Local Women in Business tab. Most recently, they were photographed and interviewed for the next Chamber of Commerce Year in Review. Monica started a side business decorating cakes, which everyone can see pictures of her work on www.myspace.com/smokingmoskitchen. They continue to be active in the local music scene. They love Washington life and hope all of their Coker friends have found a comfortable, fun and beautiful home as they have. Erin Earle’s big news is she got married on January 10th. She had a beautiful wedding in South Port Australia, where she lives and I was lucky enough to be a part of her special day as a bridesmaid. Along with juggling the wedding, Erin is still working on her Masters in Psychology and is working fulltime with Schizophrenic patients. I, Courtney Smith and Wes Daniels were exposed to a few of these interesting stories at my wedding back in May. D and Amber Douglas Brown are still living in Hartsville. D recently started his own real estate business and is doing quite well. They are expecting their second child in March and are very excited. Amber is teaching preschool at First Presbyterian Church. Wes Daniels moved back to Hartsville over a year ago and is working at Coker in the development office raising money for student scholarships. He really enjoys getting to travel around and visit with Coker alums. He has become very active in the Hartsville Kiwanis Club, Hartsville Downtown Development Association, and First Presbyterian Church. A few weeks ago there was baseball alumni weekend and he was able to catch up with Adam Hensley, Jeff Baker, and Eddie Frey, all from our class. He said all of these guys were doing very well. He wanted me to remind everyone of Homecoming 2009, October 2-4. Hopefully Wes will be able to schedule a visit out to the West Coast soon! As for me, Emily Marovich Tupper, I am enjoying the married life… it’s been an exciting and wonderful 9 months! I just recently went to Australia with my husband Greg for Erin’s wedding which was such an amazing trip. The weather was fantastic and we had an incredible time touring around Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns, and the Gold Coast and visiting with Erin and her family! I am still working for Accenture as a consultant, currently supporting Chevron as my client. I am traveling all over the country, as well as internationally for my job, which I love! I am still living in Redondo Beach, CA which is getting some great weather this time of year so please let me know if you are ever in the area or want to visit! If you have not done so, please remember to make your gift to the Annual Scholarship Fund. You can make your gift in memory or honor of someone special at Coker or in your life. It was so great to hear from everyone. I hope we can all get together again soon at Coker. Happy New Year! Emily Marovich Tupper Wes Daniels

Courtney Smith is still living in Charleston, and working for a company called Daktronics. The company has partnered with The Citadel Athletics Dept. (owning the marketing rights for 10 years), and she is running the sales and marketing department for Citadel Sports. She is still dating the same guy, Mike Geiger, and having fun. We like to travel to watch sporting events and visit friends when we can. Patrice Barlotta Ramey is still teaching and coaching

W W W. C O K ER . ED U

class news class news | ’04 - ’08

>> C lass o f 2 0 0 4

>> C lass o f 2 0 0 7

J ulia C o x K okemor 12787 Highway 90 Kenner, LA 70070 504-466-3096 | jucarcox@hotmail.com

K ristin C aswell 55 Villa Road, Apt 347 Greenville, SC 29615 864-235-6563 | kriscazz@yahoo.com

S elena D avis 1003 East Home Avenue Hartsville, SC 29550-3409 SelenaCobras20@hotmail.com

N ikki D aniell J o h nson 843-669-1083 | 843-857-3812 nikkidaniell@gmail.com

David Foster is currently the lead male dancer on the Regent Seven Seas Navigator, reported to be the world’s only six-star cruise ship. If you’d like to see him, passage on this ship runs $10,000 per person! This follows his professional work with Wild Adventures there park in Valdosta GA and with The Lost Colony, a professional outdoor theater in Outer Banks, NC.

>> C lass o f 2 0 0 5 J essica Brill L lo y d 1241 Old Oak Road Birmingham, AL 35235 205-853-5871 | smilerainmaker@aol.com Filling you all again in ’09! Curtis D. Lloyd ’01 and I are again still busy with our students and youth group in Birmingham AL. Ben Johnson is still singing with the Palmetto Mastersingers. He is working with a marketing group called Apple Unlimited Inc., which helps with non-profit organizations. Ben serves as Training Manager. Classmates, if you have access to the internet and have not received my e-mail messages, please send your email address to SmileRainmaker@aol.com. I will be sure to add you to my list. Thanks and God Bless, Jessica

>> C lass o f 2 0 0 6 J enni f er J ackson 200 Cedar Branch Road Loris, SC 29569-5834 843-756-4469 | jenmarie_john315@yahoo.com C o - rep needed Deborah L. Maine danced at Walt Disney World, appearing in parades and The Lion King. She then danced in Philadelphia Dance Company’s (Philadanco’s) second company for over a year, before leaving to dance with The Wanda Project in Columbia. She resides in Charlotte NC.

L adrica R . J ones - C h ristain 1407 D Willow Trace Drive Florence, SC 29501-6279 843-667-3400 | ladricaj@hotmail.com Jaclyn “Jackie” O’Toole has finished her first year of the MFA program in dance at Florida State University. She is currently enrolled in a program called FSU in MYC,” where she is working in the Public Relations office for Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater this semester, which also allows her free dance classes and free space in which to choreograph while she studies and works. (Jackie was also a double-major in dance and communication.) Jackie is also a member of The Wanda Project. Amanda E. Wright spent two years saving money and gathering professional experience with Sapphire Moon Dance Company and The Wanda Project in Columbia, and has relocated to New York City, to start the auditioning process. She and Jackie O’Toole share an apartment. Tiffany G. Jones is pursuing her Master’s degree in nutrition at Winthrop University. Shante’ N. McDougald was selected to dance with Philadanco’s second company, then left to teach and perform in Atlanta with Total Dance. She is also a member of The Wanda Project.

>> C lass o f 2 0 0 8 V eronica G allo Bam b er y 502 Cashua Street Darlington, SC 29532 veronicagallo@hotmail.com S h ere z a M a z y ck M iddleton 420 Royer Road Bishopville, SC 29010 Smiddleton26@adelphia.net Elsie C. Mufuka is dancing professionally with Ntsoana Contemporary Dance Theatre, in South Africa. She is also assisting with public relations for the company (double-major in dance and communication at Coker), which does outreach classes for children with AIDS. Their website is www.ntsoana.co.za. Heather M. Watkins teaches dance for Sheila R. Schmotzer ’89 at Dizzy Dancin’ in Hartsville, and dances with The Wanda Project.

In Quest of Excellence: A History of Coker College on its Centennial (ISBN 978-0-9703644-3-2) is a 364-page, hardcover book with over 200 photog raphs, including 38 in color. Limited edition published by the Coker College Press. Written by Dr. Malcolm C. Doubles, former provost and dean of the faculty, the history examines the first 10 decades of the College’s existence and discusses special topics, such as Kalmia Gardens, unique Coker traditions and athletics.

Order Your Copy Now! $50 per book ( includes S & H ) 1.800.65.COKER or alumni@coker.edu chapteRs include: • • • • • • • • • •


During the Major’s Lifetime: 1908-1918 From the New Deal to Civilization: 1933-1945 Civilization: 1946-1966 End of Civilization & the Coker Plan: 1966-1974 Coker and the GSSM Coexist: 1986-2003 The Contemporary College: 2003-2008 Traditions Peculiar to Coker Athletics The Alumni(ae) Association AND MUCH MORE!!!




development development

>> M emorial gi f ts From December 3, 20 0 8 through Februar y 10, 20 0 9, Coker College received the following memorials

Elizabeth Andrews Carl H. and Pat Chapman Huff Ashley Barrow Mary Bell Kittle Hylda Inabinet Bass Andy and Vicki Eaddy Anne Merck McDowell Pat Smith Eleanor Powers Berryhill Miriam Powers Jordan Joann Bodenheimer Ann Bodenheimer Bell Roger Bowie Mary Johnson Bowie Dolores “Dee” McCracken Briggs William and Lynn Kennedy Cindy Lesesne Trudy Brown Nell Cutts Daniels Genevieve “Pie” White Sharpe Christiane Blanchon Burnet Karen Johnson Conway Sam Chapman Carl H. and Pat Chapman Huff Sue Flinn James Clarkson Mr. and Mrs. Keith Symmers Williamson Jean Lamond Crabbe Carl H. and Pat Chapman Huff Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger Jean Fore McDaniel Anne Merck McDowell Dr. James D. Daniels Andy and Vicki Eaddy Dr. Elizabeth Davidson Cecilia S. Benton Patrick DeHart Carl H. and Pat Chapman Huff Beverly Denny Dority Charlie Chewning Walter and Beth DuBose Cottingham Susie Gaines Hautala Carl H. and Pat Chapman Huff Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger Mitzi DuPre Matthews Jean Fore McDaniel Anne Merck McDowell Kathryn Chastain Durham Yvonne Raftelis Miller George Lewis Ebert The Education Department of Coker College Wayne Evans Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger Elizabeth Kelley Gardner Naomi Kelley Jackson Gary Grantham Carl H. and Pat Chapman Huff Betty Shelley Gunnells Doris Johnson Gray Bill Gunnells Doris Johnson Gray Lama Hamer Lyn Murph Bartley Wila Hamer Lyn Murph Bartley Sue Melton Henry Sally Caskey Sutton




Jane Ingram Holland Joyce Johnston Utt Randolph W. Hope Rebecca Hope Jayne Howell Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger Dorothy Moore Jernigan Susan E. Watkins Ruth A. Kelley Naomi Kelley Jackson Vermelle Gressette King Jim and Patti Shelley Mary P. Koerwer Jim and Sara K. Wilds Clement LeHardy Selma Stogner LeHardy Dr. James Leppard Velna Rollins Patrick Berry L. Litsey, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David Blackmon Marion DuBois Lucas, Jr. Dick and Michal Millen Baird Jean Ludlam Marvin and Ruth Ludlam McClam Tricia McClam Michael D. Martin Christine Weeks Weaver Ione Lane Maynard Frances Maynard Bradfield Hugh Moren Carl H. and Pat Chapman Huff Ann Holloway Murchison Lillian Dillard Stephens Chaty Hayes O’Neal Marvin and Ruth Ludlam McClam Ralph Payne Larry and Virginia Gantt Peggy Durham Peterson Yvonne Raftelis Miller Floride Josey Reynolds Rebecca Reynolds Nancy Padget Reynolds Lib Bishop Tiller Shirley Lawhon Rhem Maxine Locklair Amos Joyce Johnston Utt Eleanor Coker Ruthven Richard and Carol Luth Ruthven Charlotte Easley Shaw Ann Ludlam Winfield Frances A. Bufkin Shealy Velna Rollins Patrick Rick Stevenson Lenore B. Stevenson Professor John Stewart Cecilia S. Benton Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stogner Selma Stogner LeHardy Charles Lenson Sullivan T. Dwain Watson Harry Walden Adam Dampier Brent Dampier Howard and Patricia Huggins Dampier June Wallace Dr. Patricia Holland Chapman Roger Ward Joyce Johnston Utt Mozelle Gold Warlick Fran Warlick Van der Vate Betty Jo Phillips Washington Ann Ludlam Winfield

Jeanne Byerly Wilhelm Dr. Patricia Holland Chapman Drs. Jerry and Lois Gibson Goode and Gail Smith Mobley Dr. Kenneth Lewis Wilmot Patricia Evans Wilmot Dr. Pat Worrell Carl H. and Pat Chapman Huff

>> s y mpat h y Information received November 13, 20 0 8 through Januar y 31, 20 0 9.

Finley Plunket Lucas ’39 in the death of her husband Marion DuBois Lucas, Jr. on December 6, 2008. Richard Dority ’55 in the death of his wife Beverly Denny Dority ’53 on December 9, 2008. Janice Copeland Pigote ’60 and Roxanne Copeland Richardson ’70 in the death of their mother Sudie Carter Copeland on November 27, 2008. Patricia McLaurin Wright ’60 in the death of her husband Marion F. Wright, Jr. on January 17, 2009. Mary Ann Wycliff Johnson ’62 in the death of her husband Joseph Johnson in the fall 2008. Doris Duke Straight ’62 in the death of her mother on January 18, 2008. Nancy McConnell Wilhelm ’63 and Mary Wilhelm Jordan ’89 E in the death of Jeanne Byerly Wilhelm ’50 on December 28, 2008. Margaret Brown Young ’63, Judy Brown Pigg ’68, Jane Brown Riechmann ’70 and Miriam Pigg Norwood ’98 in the death of Gertrude Brown on December 6, 2008. Betty Young Sullivan ’71 in the death of her father-in-law Charles Lenson Sullivan, Sr. on January 2, 2009. Margaret Murchison Fitz ’73 in the death of her mother Ann Holloway Murchison ’45 on November 15, 2008. Claire Hudson Gaskins ’74 in the death of her mother Hazel on December 4, 2008 and her mother-in-law on April 18, 2008. Floy Henry Fanning ’75 in the death of her mother in October 2008. Ruthie Henderson Mobley ’75 and Brad Mobley ’75 in the death of her father Earl Bunting Henderson on December 14, 2008. Kathy Stewart ’83 in the death of her father Charles Edward Dalton on January 12, 2009. Sherman Wallace ’89 E in the death of his wife June Wilnet Wallace ’92 E on November 27, 2008.

>> Honor gi f ts Coker College has received the following honorariums from December 3, 20 0 8 through Februar y 10, 20 0 9.

Marguerite Assey Sarah Jo Wood Safrit Steve and Sarah Carlson Ben and Ann Williamson Class of 1955 Pauline Griffin Funderburk Class of 1962 Gabrielle de la Morandiere Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Doubles Andy and Vicki Eaddy Drs. Jerry and Lois Gibson Bill and Shelli Wilson Dr. Ed Ebert Dr. and Mrs. David Blackmon Nancy Edinger Dr. and Mrs. David Blackmon Frank and Elaine Johnson Hays Ben Outen and Michael O’Hara Dr. Susan Henderson Dr. and Mrs. David Blackmon Gus and Joan Snoddy Hoffmeyer Wes Daniels Carl H. and Pat Chapman Huff Elayne Mahn Pat Chapman Huff Walter and Beth DuBose Cottingham Jacqueline Everington Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bex Choi Jungsoon Dr. and Mrs. David Blackmon Dr. Patricia Lincoln Dr. and Mrs. David Blackmon Wes Daniels Dr. Darlene Maxwell Dr. and Mrs. David Blackmon Susan Bartenstein Necci Marguerite Assey Dr. Sara Odom Dr. and Mrs. David Blackmon Linda Lovett Parker Marguerite Assey Ann Rice Phillips Marguerite Assey Lynn Rawls Dr. and Mrs. David Blackmon Dr. Joseph Rubinstein Dr. and Mrs. David Blackmon Sarah Jo Wood Safrit Marguerite Assey Truey Tarbox Thieker Forrest H. Thieker, Jr. Anne Dennis Trotter Marguerite Assey Christina Glover Wallerstein Marguerite Assey Sarah and Alex White Frances Segars Kelley Ann Ludlam Winfield Ruth Ludlam McClam

Miriam Pigg Norwood ’98 and Russell A. Norwood ’03 E in the death of his grandmother Mary Norwood on October 24, 2008.

W W W. C O K ER . ED U



>> C ontri b utions to sc h olars h ips

Algernon Sydney Sullivan Restricted Scholarship The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation Alice and Virgil Smith Piano Scholarship Pat Smith Alumni Scholarship Milton and Cynthia Ward Gantt Ann Ludlam Winfield ‘44 Endowed Scholarship Marvin and Ruth Ludlam McClam Ann Ludlam Winfield Anna White Hill Endowed Choral Scholarship Andy and Vicki Eaddy Barbara D. Dixon ‘59 and Osmund W. Dixon, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Bubber and Barbara Dibble Dixon Belle Wolfe McCall Endowed Scholarship Roy and Margaret McCall Charles R. and Mary P. Koerwer Endowed Scholarship Jim and Sara K. Wilds Chaty Hayes O’Neal ‘46 Endowed Scholarship Marvin and Ruth Ludlam McClam Class of 1953 Endowed Scholarship Pat Chapman Huff Jean Fore McDaniel Anne Merck McDowell

Class of 1956 Endowed Scholarship Maxine Locklear Amos Shep Porter Wallace D. L. Scurry Foundation Scholarship The D. L. Scurry Foundation Eleanor Coker Ruthven Creative Writing Scholarship Richard and Carol Luth Ruthven Eleanor Whittinghill Vaughan Endowed Music Scholarship L. Robert Vaughan Elizabeth Davidson Loan Fund Drs. George and Gayle Buckheister Sawyer General Scholarships Susan Ewing Watkins Gretchen Livingston Toole Endowment Allen W. Toole Jacqueline Everington Jacobs Endowed Scholarship Michael and Janet Bex Jacqueline Everington Jacobs Endowed Scholarship Robert and Patricia Jacobs Lipe Jane Andrews Funderburk Endowed Scholarship Larry and Virginia Gantt Jane Parler Norwood Scholarship Buddy and Jane Parler Norwood Jean Ludlam ‘51 Endowed Scholarship Marvin and Ruth Ludlam McClam Tricia McClam John C. and Leland S. Hungerpiller Memorial Scholarship James E. and Page Hungerpiller

Joyce Johnston Jordan Utt Endowed Scholarship Joyce Johnston Utt Kenneth Lewis Wilmot Endowed Music Scholarship Patricia Evans Wilmot Kiwanis Scholarship Hartsville Kiwanis Club Lavaughn Robinson McCall Endowed Scholarship McCall, W. Reaves Lettie Pate Whitehead Scholarship Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Malcolm C. and Jacqueline E. McLeod Doubles Endowed Scholarship Andy and Vicki Eaddy Jerry and Lois Rauch Gibson Nancy Barrineau Endowed Scholarship Teressa Ann Harrington Howard, Nan Elizabeth Nickey Brumbaugh Endowed Art Scholarship Betty J. Robertson Coughlin Randolph W. Hope Endowed Scholarship Rebecca Hope Ruth H. Woodham Kalmia Plant Endowment Wilson H. Ellis Lisa Newsom Ruth Lawton Wilds Endowed Music Scholarship Jim and Sara K. Wilds Ruth Ludlam McClam ‘46 Endowed Scholarship Marvin and Ruth Ludlam McClam Sarah Jo Safrit Endowed Scholarship Sarah Jo Wood Safrit

>> I N memoriam

>> Birt h s

Congratulations to Jacqueline Bullock Szczepanik ’75 and Russell on the birth of grandson Asher in April 2008.

From December 3, 20 0 8 through Februar y 10, 20 0 9 Coker has received the following gifts for scholarships

Information received November 13, 20 0 8 through Januar y 31, 20 0 9.

Nelle N. Fooshe ’40 Ann Holloway Murchison ’45 Jeanne Byerly Wilhelm ’50 Norma Wilson Anderson ’51 Christiane Blanchon Burnet ’52 Beverly Denny Dority ’53 Gloria Truluck Godwin ’59 Jane “Libby” Cress Newsome Moss ’69 Joseph David Chase ’74 E June Wilnet Wallace ’92 E

>> L i b rar y M edia The Charles W. and Joan S. Coker Librar yInformation Technology Center has received books and/or media from the following from December 3, 20 0 8 through Februar y 10, 20 0 9.

Ilvi Joe-Cannon Charles W. and Joan S. Coker Dr. Cathleen Cuppett The Education Department of Coker College Patricia Hanahan Engman Dr. Lois Rauch Gibson


Information received November 13, 20 0 8 through Januar y 31, 20 0 9.

Congratulations to Martha Jackson Singleton ’59 on the adoption of granddaughter Sarah Grace Daria Singleton. Congratulations to Ann Matthews Bragdon ’60 and William on the birth of grandson David on December 3, 2008. Congratulations Courtney Howard Quattlebaum ’65 and Thomas on the birth of 1st grandchild Elliot Roualeyn de Haas on November 5, 2008. Congratulations to Mary Williamson Sikes ’65 on the birth of grandson Carson Walkes Sikes on July 20, 2008. Congratulations to Joan Ladinig Abernathy ’68 and Wilson on the birth of granddaughter Lordi Claire Strudtoff on August 26, 2008. Congratulations to Jo Beth Young Mewbourn ’70 and Jerry on the birth of granddaughter Helena Beth Mewbourn on December 8, 2008. Congratulations to Claire Hudson Gaskins ’74 and Len on the births of grandson Jackson Eugene Watts on July 31, 2008 and grandson Shannon Ray Gaskins Jr. on November 18, 2008.

Congratulations to Camden L. Cherbonnier ’81 and Mary on the birth of daughter Amy Grace Cherbonnier on July 24, 2008. Congratulations to Christopher L. Yarbrough ’96 and Fara on the birth of daughter Samantha Clare Yarbrough on November 18, 2008. Congratulations to Lisa King Overbay ’01 and Michael on the birth of daughter Kendall Marie Overbay on October 4, 2008. SEND US BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS ABOUT YOUR CHILDREN OR GRANDCHILDREN!

>> W E D D I N G S Information received November 13, 20 0 8 through Januar y 31, 20 0 9.


Congratulations to Carlotta Johnson Wiggins ’74 and John on the birth of grandson Miles Wesley Wiggins on November 3, 2008.




Office of Marketing and Communications 300 East College Avenue Hartsville, South Carolina 29550-3742 w w w.coker.edu





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