[Spring 2010] Commentary

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>> A L U M N I I S S U E

S P R I N G ’ 10

mentary V O L . 38 N O . 1

commentary t h e q u a r t e r ly o f c o k e r c o l l e g e , h a r t s v i l l e , s o u t h c a r o l i n a

Inauguration Week Events | 3 Alumni News | 4

>> A L U M N I I S S U E S P R I N G ’10

VOL . 38 NO. 1

3 Inauguration Week Schedule of Events

contents >> CLASS NEWS | 4 >> DEVELOPMENT | 18

Volume 38, Number 1 w w w.coker.edu | w w w.coker cobr as .co m

The Commentary of Coker College is published by the Coker College Office of Marketing & Communications.

>> J ames Jolly Director of Marketing and Communications jjolly@coker.edu

COKER COLLEGE Office of Marketing & Communications 300 East College Avenue Hartsville, SC 29550-3797 843.383.8018

>> K yle Saverance ’0 6 Web Developer and Publications Manager ksaverance@coker.edu >> C hristian S try ker ’0 4 Sports Information Director cstryker@coker.edu

The Alumni Phonathon in February broke all previous phonathon records by raising over $15,000 in pledges in just four nights of calls. Thank you Alumni for your support of Coker College. Your participation in Coker’s fundraising efforts not only enables the College to continue to attract the best and brightest students, it also has a positive impact on national rankings. We could not do it without you!


W W W. C O K ER . ED U / N EW S

[re]defining ready

Preparing our students for the world as it was, or even as it is, does them a serious disservice. We have to help them to succeed regardless of what the future brings. We have to Redefine Ready. Instead of our graduates wondering, “Am I ready for the real world?” we want them asking, “Is the real world ready for me?”

/// march 26, 2010 Investiture Ceremony The Courtyard at Davidson Hall, 10:00 a.m.

Coker College invites you to the inauguration week events: monday, march 22 Charles W. and Joan S. Coker Libr ary Information Technology Center

9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Student Research Symposiums (Poster Display All Day Through Friday)

All Day Community Service Poster Display (Poster Display All Day Through Friday)

and students

Globalization of Labor » D r. Russ Hamby, professor of sociology Chemistry Research at Coker

» D r. Pramod Chopade, assistant professor of chemistry Natural Rights and the American Revolution » Dr. Shawn Lay, professor of history

2:00-3:15 p.m. (concurrent)

5 p.m. Evening & Extended Studies Program Reception for Dr. Robert L. Wyatt Cl aude fort atrium lounge, 1st F loor

tuesday, march 23 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Student Research Symposium Poster Presentations Charles W. and Joan S. Coker Libr ary Information Technology Center

11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Fulbright Fellows Symposium » Maggie Meyer ’08 – Malaysia


Student Centered Shakespeare

» D r. Rhonda Knight, associate professor of English,

Matthew Ferguson ’07 – Indonesia

Davidson Hall, C.W. Coker Auditorium

On Creativity » Jim Boden, assistant professor of art; Dr. Rhonda Knight, associate professor of English; Dr. Julia Klimek, associate professor of English; Melinda Norris, assistant professor of business administration; Dr. Tracey Welborn, associate professor of psychology

Student-Centered Research as a Form of HighImpact Practice: A Molecular Biologist’s Approach at Coker College r. Joseph Flaherty, assistant professor of biology, » D and students

Caught in the Perfect Storm: The Rise and Fall of Social Work at USC, 1934-45 » D r. Elaine Townsend, visiting assistant professor of social work

Chemistry Research at Coker » D r. Gordon Brown, assistant professor of chemistry, and students

Locations TBA

Hedge Fund Fraud: An Overview of Federal Prosecutions » D r. Michael Siegfried, professor of sociology

Faculty Presentations

3:30-4:45 p.m. (concurrent)

12:30-1:45 p.m.

Hispanic/Latinos, Education and Local Schools » Cathleen Cuppett, associate professor of Spanish

wednesday, march 24 (concurrent)

The Changing Media Landscape » Richard Puffer, assistant professor of communication; Melinda Norris, assistant professor of business administration; Mal Hyman, assistant professor of sociology

Volker Schlondorff in the 21st Century: A German Filmmaker as a Trans-European Citizen » D r. George Lellis, professor of communication

The Geology and Geography of the South Carolina Sandhills » Dr. Fred Edinger, professor of geology Mathematics Games as Real Problem Solving Opportunities in the Elementary School Curriculum » Dr. Joseph Rubinstein, professor of education, with students Amanda Whitt and Kayla Grantham

7:30-8:30 p.m. Eliz abe th Boat wright Coker Performing Arts Center

Performing Arts Showcase Watson The ater

Reception Stein Gallery

thursday, march 25 7:30-8:30 p.m. Eliz abe th Boat wright Coker Performing Arts Center Watson The ater (Reception to follow in the Stein Gallery )

Lois Walters Coker Lecture Series » Jessica Jackley, co-founder of Kiva Kiva has been alleviating poverty by empowering individuals to lend to entrepreneurs across the globe since 2005. Combining microfinance with the Internet, Kiva is creating a global community of people connected through lending. Jessica Jackley was 27 when she co-founded Kiva and she is the spirit behind the organization. As of February 19, 2010, Kiva had connected almost 675,000 lenders with 302,000 entrepreneurs in 52 developing countries. More than 82% of the entrepreneurs are women. The average loan amount, at 0% interest, is $399 but loans through Kiva start at $25. The repayment rate is 98%.

friday, march 26 10:00 a.m. Investiture Ceremony of Dr. Robert L. Wyatt The Court yard at Davidson Hall

11:30 a.m. Inauguration Luncheon Susanne G. Linville Dining Hall

W W W. C OK E R .E D U



class news

class news • G at h e r e d & w r i t t e n b y c l a s s R e p r e s e n tat i v e s •

Dear Classmates,

Many of you won’t remember me as I was a graduate of Coker’s South campus located at Fort Jackson. Coker has always been dear to my heart, and I have served as a volunteer for many years. My latest undertaking is that of Class Representative for the class of 1940. I cannot begin to tell you the stories I have heard, the laughter I have shared with the members of the class of 1940. It is truly a pleasure to call someone—someone whom you have never met, yet have a common thread. Remember…it is the Coker

attention alumni >> C lass o f 19 3 7 E mily Henderson R emington Franke at Seaside 1885 Rifle Range Road The Cove Apartments 35 Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 843-881-8383 | 016021994@cidco.com Congratulations to Emily Henderson Remington on making a CD at 93. It is called “For my Fabulous and Forgiving Friends at Frankie at Seaside”. It’s good to know that “life is NOT over at 93!!”

>> C lass o f 19 3 8 Florence Houck S teele Post Office Box 69 Davis Station, SC 29041 803-478-8783

>> C lass o f 19 3 9 L aura S . M c I nnis 2350 W. Lucas Street Florence, SC 29501



experience that binds all of us together regardless of the year or the campus from which wer graduated. I would like to challenge you to “adopt” an earlier class. The time involved is minimal, yet the rewards are enormous. These alumnae paved the way for us; now it’s our turn to give back to them. Best wishes to you all! ~ Connie (Bell) Hucks ’93

Starting with this issue, the Class News Alumni Issue of the Commentary will be printed once a year. We are trying to be efficient and cost effective. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Coker Alumni Office at 1.800.65.COKER or alumni@coker.edu.

>> C lass o f 19 4 0 M ar y C onstance [ C onnie ] Hucks ’ 9 3 E V 104 Cooper River Road Myrtle Beach, SC 29588 843-650-4791 | CokerGrad@aol.com My sincere thanks for the many cards, notes, letters, and compliments you send. You are so gracious and appreciative, and it makes my little mission of writing this column such a pleasure. With all the cold and rainy weather we have had lately, Loree Harrington Gandy brought such a burst of sunshine in a letter I received from her. I admire her praises of the “replenished water table” from numerous days of downpours. She is “looking forward to camellias offering bountiful, beautiful blooms all winter and to a spring with a profusion of colorful azaleas and the whitest of dogwood trees”. I think she should have been a novelist. I briefly spoke with Marjorie Brunk Nettles who said she was not feeling well but assured me that she will be just fine. Katherine Jackson Barton sends such lovely notes, and she let me know that she is still knitting. If you will remember, in my last newsletter I wrote of a visit to Kalmia with Loree Harrington Gandy, and Katherine let me know that she wished she could have been on that garden walk with us. She also shared with me that she is so fortunate to have a painting by Loree; it is of a plant indigenous to South Carolina. This is one of the few items she took with her when she moved to Alabama. You’ll never guess who gave up one of her many jobs -Nell Godwin Morris finally found a replacement for her duties at the Perpetual Care Cemetery. She was thrilled at the relief of this obligation. Of course she is still very involved with the Three Rivers Historical Society. She says that she meets some wonderful folks as they seek her genealogical resources. She acknowledged that it’s the best of people who seek informa-

tion on their heritage. When I spoke with Nell, she was getting her documents in order for preparation of her tax return. Being an accountant, I know just how tedious such as task can be. Gladys McNeill Bellamy still lives in Conway and wanted to let everyone know that she is fine. I called Mary Mathis Guyton and found that she is not too well, but she does have someone to help her. Ruby Whittington Oliver still lives in Loris and told me that she was having a problem with her medication but is trying to get it straight. She has already begun her spring cleaning and, as usual, she always overdoes it. Her son, two daughters, eight grandchildren, and ten great grandchildren are all doing well. She, like the rest of us, is trying to keep warm during these very chilly days. When we talked, Ruby was babysitting her daughter’s poodle for the weekend, and she said she rocks him like a baby. Such a spoiled little thing! The phone rang and at the other end of the line was the happy and joyful voice of Sarah Orr Scarborough. She is very well and had a wonderful Christmas visit from her son who lives in Georgia. She said that husband Bill is happy and well, and they are so fortunate to have such an excellent health center. She had talked with “Marni” Margaret Davidson Baker and was just bubbling with remembrances. She mentioned the many good times she had with “Kat” Katherine Jackson Barton, and told me one of the greatest joys of old age is the many memories she has. She loves Coker College so very much. Frances Humphries Price, who lives at Springmoor in Raleigh, met a new friend there. She is Martha Jean Stevens Edwards ’52. Frances and husband Hampton enjoy having lunch with Jean and her husband Jim. Frances is on the decorating committee and works in the convenience store every other Saturday. She has exercise classes three days a week and has signed up for Yoga. They enjoy the many musical programs available in the area. In fact, they were going to the symphony when I last spoke with her. Although Mary Luther Hudson lives in Salisbury, NC, she visits Coker rather often. Her daughter married a doctor from Hartsville, and when they visit his family, Mary often goes with them. She is so very proud of Coker and its beautiful

W W W. C O K ER . ED U

class news class news | ’40 - ’51

campus. Mary says that she is just fine and her two daughters and four grandchildren are just wonderful. Another North Carolinian, Martha Bruce Mason from Chapel Hill says she is doing just fine. And on the subject of North Carolina, I spoke with Mildred Hardin Sawyer from Winston-Salem. If you will remember, I spoke of those delicious Moravian cookies in a prior column, and when I mentioned them again, we both got hungry for them. I have yet to figure out how they make those cookies so thin and they aren’t as fragile as you would think. And the flavor… YUM is all I can say. Millie said that she had a great Christmas and has a pleasant, easy life with not too much excitement. Millie and I talked about her teaching French. Oh how I wish she could have been with me in the Dominican Republic when I was trying to communicate with a Haitian [French speaking] doctor. I found that my French, at best, would receive a failing mark. She told me that she hasn’t been on the campus in a number of years, so I promised to take some pictures next time I go to Coker and mail them to her. So if you have some pictures of the campus and would like to share them, please send them to me and I’ll be sure to get them mailed right away. While Millie and I were talking, she said that a flood of memories came back and she recalled walking on campus in the shade on a summer day and how simply beautiful everything looked. She remembered her professors, Dr. Shibel [Religion], Dr. Sisson [psychology], Dr. Sisson [English or history], Dr. Lee [history] and Dr. Green [President of the College]. She told me stories of Margaret “Marnie” Davidson Baker and Frances “Jump” Humphries Price. Millie says it is so exciting and always interesting to get the class news. She let me know that her daughter, Janet, is named for Janet Langston Jones ’39 that I had mentioned in my last column. She said that Janet Jones has been the leading light in her life. I spoke with Bill Baker husband of Margaret Davidson Baker and he is fine and just living day to day and having a wonderful life. When Marnie got on the phone, she first thanked me for keeping up with her and her classmates and having space again in the Commentary. Everyone seems perfectly delighted to be reconnected to their classmates. Bill and Marnie have seven grandchildren – all of whom have graduated from college. They have a granddaughter who is in dental school; a grandson who is a practicing dentist, and a granddaughter who married a dentist. With this many dentists in the family, don’t you just know that Marnie has a ‘million dollar smile’. They also have seven great grandchildren and all are doing well. The family gets together often and just enjoys time with one another. Much of their spring and summer time is spent at their cottage in Bluffton. They just love it down there. Marnie and Bill are very much a family-based family. Of course, not everyone can attend each gathering. A grandson is stationed with the military in Germany, and of course, he doesn’t get to come home very often. Please keep all of our soldiers, airmen, marines, pilots, sailors, coast guardsmen, or anyone serving in our armed forces in your thoughts and prayers. It is such a massive operation, but you know, if you send just one card to an unknown soldier, it may be the only time they smile that day… and you – someone a half a world away and a total stranger – gave them that smile – that hope that someone truly cares and appreciates them. Yes, it all starts with a very small gesture. I received another letter from Loree Harrington Gandy who said there was no special news except that she is now 90 years old, but she can still see, and walk, and is so glad for both. Her hearing is not what it once was, but she still manages. Also, she would like to extend her very best wishes to all. Well, Herb and I took our much needed vacation to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic in November. Herb was sick for a couple of days, but we were fortunate that the resort had a doctor on staff. It was an enjoyable and restful vacation which prepared us for an upcoming VERY busy tax season. As an accountant, and my husband a CPA, we see very little of each other this time of the year. The day after Christmas, we had all three of our girls and all three of our grandsons, among others, for our Christmas dinner. It was delightful to have the whole family together. As always, a great big “thanks” for allowing me to serve W W W. C OK E R .E D U /A LUMN I

as your class representative. And don’t forget to tell someone that you love them! Cordially, Connie

>> C lass o f 19 41 N orma M at h is P ate 128 Walnut Lane #124 N. Augusta, SC 29860 803-439-7930 cell phone ndmp8@juno.com I have no news at all from you. Please write or call me. Norma

>> C lass o f 19 4 2

four generations and it was great to see them all. One fun thing we did was to watch some of the home movies. They couldn’t believe that the little girl having her first birthday party (Mary Claire) was their mother or grandmother. I have just returned from a whirlwind trip to New York City. I have been on this same “Broadway Fly” trip several times and it’s always fun. This time we had the added excitement of a “shootout” where a policeman shot and killed a scam artist who had fired at him—this at our hotel just minutes after my roommate and I had taken a taxi from that very spot. My life is pretty much the same as reported last year—still keeping active in my church, playing a lot of bridge, reading a lot of books for our book club but not, not, editor of our association’s newsletter. This fall issue was my last. I resigned after 8 years and handpicked my successor who will do a great job. Please send me news of what you have been doing. Love, Lee

>> C lass o f 19 4 8

R ep or co - rep needed

Bett y P adgett Black 1123 Wichman Street Walterboro, SC 29488 843-549-5260 bpblack2001@yahoo.com

>> C lass o f 19 4 3 S elma S togner L eHard y 415 Lakeshore Drive Hartsville, SC 29550 843-332-7952

P at Hesse Hardison 1300 Queens Road, Unit 318 Charlotte, NC 28207 704-373-3056

C o - rep needed

>> C lass o f 19 4 9

>> C lass o f 19 4 4

C lass rep or co - reps needed

R ep or co - rep needed

Joanne Moody Zobel sent in a Christmas newsletter. She has been very busy in 2009. Her first great-grandchild Julia Colby Small was born in January. Her family got together at the beach in July and she and Bud visited granddaughter Morgan in Houston in August. They spent Thanksgiving in Wilmington with friends. Both are playing a little bridge and Bud fishes and plays some golf. They spent Christmas with Beth and all her family at Isle of Palms. It is Julia’s first Christmas.

>> C lass o f 19 4 5 K at h erine S till C amp b ell 295 Club Acres Orangeburg, SC 29118 803-534-6594 Curt Campbell, son of Katherine Still Campbell was the first recipient of the Austin Cunningham Award for this dedication and service to the city of Orangeburg. He says he got his work ethic from his mom and dad.

>> C lass o f 19 4 6 R ep or co - rep needed

>> C lass o f 19 5 0 V elna R ollins P atrick 1 Granville Road Columbia, SC 29209 803-776-3046 R ose P atrick S mit h ’ 7 5 1801 Stannard Trail Raleigh, NC 27612 919-789-4829 | dsmithII@nc.rr.com

>> C lass o f 19 4 7 L ee Blake S tevenson Post Office Box 660 Beaufort SC 29901 843-524-5860 | Lbs26@isle.net

>> C lass o f 19 5 1

In January I had to do the funeral for my cousin Laurice in Fort Lauderdale. I went with my two daughters on an Alaskan cruise in June. In the fall, I went with three of my “bridge buddies” to the North Carolina mountains. We played nonstop bridge between sightseeing trips and consumption of tons of junk food. Everyone was at my house for Thanksgiving. We had

Bett y L ee J ordan G and y 1201 Wisteria Drive Florence, SC 29501 843-662-2797 C o - rep needed Dear Classmates, It is freezing cold as I write this in January 2010, but it will be nice and warm when you read it in April…So a Happy New Year to each of you.



class news class news | ’51 - ’53

I had a nice note from Betty Minus Young. She and Ray are doing well and were having all the family for Christmas. They have two daughters and their husbands and their grandchildren. Betty shared with me about the death of Peggy Wright David’s husband, Frank David. They were married over fifty years. Peggy, I’m sure the class joins thought and prayers. Betty, thank you for writing. Cassandra Manda McGill, I hope your friend Marilyn Sterbes Stockton contacts you. I had a great conversation with her when she called asking for help in locating you. I would love to hear from you about that. Oh, that we would all make such an effort to locate “lost” friends. I learned from Mitzi DuPre Matthews ’53 that Louise “Cooter”Tapp Joye is doing well. They are in a Bible study together. Mary Lou Nye Holley, Doris Johnson Gray and myself once again enjoyed our gathering with Mary Johnson Bowie ’50 at her home in Myrtle Beach in September. We missed having Joan Snoddy Hoffmeyer with us. She was home recovering from back surgery—which was very successful I understand. You read about Coker’s new President, Dr. Robert L. Wyatt, in the campus issue of the Commentary. I do hope that all of you will get to meet him. He is delightful person. Coker College is very fortunate to have him as our leader. Please remember to send your contribution to the Annual Scholarship Fund...and send your news to me for our next letter. Love you all, Betty Lee

>> C lass o f 19 5 2 Bett y L ou M c I nt y re Barclay 329 Lee Circle Dillon, SC 29536 843-774-6122 | Bbar830771@aol.com Frances “ Frankie ” N ic h olson T ownsend 201 Kinney Circle Bennettsville, SC 29512 843-479-9398 It is always interesting trying to get news for the Coker Notes from the Select Few of ’52. Frankie and Betty Lou try to gather information, but it becomes difficult sometimes. We would appreciate it so much if each one would at least once a year send us something about your family, what you are doing or what you are not doing, etc. Our contact information is at the head of our column each time. Wyness Lupo Thomas lives in Conway and has a very interesting life and is till contributing much even though she is bed ridden due to arthritis and Parkinson’ disease. Wyness recently wrote and published a book, Spiritual Food From Tested Recipes. It is about 25 testimonies of people in the church relating how the Lord saved them. At the end of each testimony she has written a recipe on “How to go to Heaven”. Wyness’ two sons live in the Conway area. Her address is 5059 Thomas Road, Conway, SC 29526-7412. Lila Fannie White Watson’s husband talked with Betty Lou and reported that Lila had broken her pelvis and had been in rehab for about two months. Hopefully she would be coming home soon. We wish her well. Her address is P.O. Box 82, Bishopville, SC 29010-0082. Dorothy “Dot” Garrell Hanna and Herb Hanna ’51 are doing fine. They spent Christmas with their daughter and her family in Wilmington. Herb and Dot enjoy eating out a lot and we compared prices and deals for senior citizens. Of course, we both still have to present our I.D. in order to get the senior discount. Their granddaughter, Erin, is a junior in college. During the spring semester she will go on a working trip to Belize where they will help with harvesting the vanilla bean crop. Tiggie Hooks Benefield and Dewey are doing well and Tiggie said they still enjoy going to the movies and eating popcorn. Recently they went to the movies and happened to sit right behind Betty Wray Macdonald Jones and her daughter



who were enjoying the movie and eating popcorn. It reminded them of the Coker days when we did love to go to the movies and have fun. Sometimes we went when we should have been studying for a test, but the movie was more fun. Tiggie & Dewey have four grandchildren. Their oldest granddaughter is a freshman in college. Their twin grandsons who are identical twins are now seniors in high school and their last granddaughter is seven years old and in the second grade. Vera Wyndham Helmly and Bobby have a new greatgrandson who is just the most precious child. They have two sons, two daughters, four grandsons, four granddaughters, but the symmetry is broken with two great-grandsons. She thinks that may even out in time. Bobby still goes to the office every day and is able to drive that short distance. His vision is low, but he has adapted very well. They are well and Bobby is very healthy other than the vision problem. Their daughter who lived in Florence has moved to Summerville area and they are enjoying having all the children in close proximity. Vera said that Coker was an important part of her life and a happy part. Flora Collins Baker reports their family had a real rocking Christmas with a house full. This group included six adults, six grand children, one girl friend, and four dogs. Flora reports, “This old house was really rocking”. Karen Johnson Conway reports that she uses snail mail rather than e-mail, also has no cable, no internet, had to get a converter box to get some TV and got a DVD player for Christmas but has not connected it yet. If you need to contact Karen, use USPS or telephone. We had a very interesting phone visit. She was most sympathetic about Betty Lou’s family loss of our pet duck, Bobbie. She even thought about sending a memorial for Bobbie. Her sympathy was greatly appreciated. We still miss Bobbie. She was a very special pet. Karen has had knee problems, but has joined an Athletic Club and is doing better. She hopes another benefit will be developing flat stomach. She is enjoying life by being a grandmother to nine grandchildren. Her three sons live in or near Boone, so she visits the mountains often. All three sons are real outdoors men. Her son, Judson Conway has his own business which is Elk Creek Outfitters. He has two children 6 and 7 years old. The family goes to Chile each year for two months after Christmas to manage a fishing lodge. The children go and are home schooled there for the two months. It is a real educational experience for them. Judson’s business in Boone involves offering fly fishing guide services. He has fished all over the world. He also has a house that he rents on his farm. You can stay there and live the life as a farmer without today’s modern conveniences. His business is very interesting and he has a website which is ElkCreekOutfitters.com. Walton owns Golden Cockerel in Boone, NC which sells Russian nesting dolls and many types of authentic made in Russia items. He has a shop in Boone and also a gallery. He taught in Russia in the 90’s and one of his students became a friend and now owns a factory in Russia where many of the items are made. His business has a website which is GoldenCockerel.com. Karen’s oldest son Eustace lives at Turtle Island which is a preserve and environmental center for campers who want to experience life as people lived it in the 1800’s and 1900’s. They have students and families who come for this experience. His website is TurtleIsland.com. Karen’s daughter Martha lives in Wake Forest. Her husband owns a business which makes custom containers. They have four children ages 3 to 15 which are home schooled. Betty Lou’s husband Don had a heart attack and pneumonia in September. He was in the hospital for about four weeks, but he is doing very well now, and one doctor called him the miracle man. When this was happening, I couldn’t figure what God had in mind, but he feels much better after the storm and we are very grateful to God and for answered prayers. Shelley, Betty Lou’s oldest daughter is working in New York for HBO. She worked for Guiding Light for years and as you soap fans may know, it is no longer on TV. Chris, Betty Lou’s youngest daughter and Betty Lou enjoyed New Year’s Eve by using her tickets she got for

Christmas to go to Dixie Stampede. They enjoyed seeing the angel come down from above in the show plus the rest of the show. Frankie Nicholson Townsend and Jane Woodward Truett went to Jennie Smith McLeod’s funeral. They talked with Anne Harmon McGregor ’51, and Louise Tapp Joye ’51. Frankie enjoyed Christmas with her family at home with her for the holidays. Dot Garrell Hanna, Jane Woodward Truett, Frankie Nicholson Townsend, Betty Lou McIntyre Barclay, Flora Collins Baker and Crickett Blackburn Rogers plan to try to get together soon. We usually meet in Lumberton NC so if you would like to join us in the future, let us know and we will keep you informed. Jane Woodward Truett’s daughter, Theresa Truett Rogal ’86 has been with Jane while recovering from neck surgery. They are hopeful that soon she will be able to drive and become completely healed. Jane has set a goal for 2010 to try to lose pounds. Like Jane we are thankful to still be walking around and have most of our minds. Jane did attend before Christmas a delightful brunch at the president’s home. Jane states, “He and his wife are charming and gracious.” He is so young and energetic. I think Coker is in good hands. The campus is beautiful and always well groomed. We hope each one has a nice spring and summer and really hope that you can send some news before the next time. Don’t forget to remember to contribute to the Annual Scholarship Fund. We would also like to remember our friends and classmates, Jennie Smith McLeod and Carl H. Huff, Jr., who passed away recently and we extend our sympathy and love to their families. Getting information for the Coker Notes has really reminded us of the great influence that Coker Alumni has had and will continue to have on the lives of people really worldwide. Reading about the lives of the Class of 1952 reminds us of the fact that the Coker Spirit has effected many lives and led to many achievements for the betterment of mankind. For this we will ever be grateful to Coker College. Betty Lou and Frankie

>> C lass o f 19 5 3 P at C h apman Hu f f 507 Wilmar Avenue Hartsville, SC 29550 843-332-3755 | Phuff507@cs.com M it z i D u P re M att h ews 6493 Bridgewood Road Columbia, SC 29206 803-787-4157 | Bmatthews2@juno.com Hello Dear Classmates, It is my sincere prayer that each of you is having a good New Year. Imagine it being 2010! Where have all the years gone since we first met each other at Coker College as freshmen? Remember the freshman commissioners who wrote us a letter during the summer before going to college and then met us when we arrived? My freshman commissioner was Jennie Smith McLeod ’52 who passed away on September 7, 2009. Louise “Cooter” Tapp Joye ’51 went to her memorial service and brought me a copy of the service and a picture of her with her obituary attached. We’ll surely miss Jennie and I’m sure her family will appreciate your prayers. (I enjoy seeing “Cooter” at a weekly Bible study.) On July 18, 2009, Pat Chapman Huff and Carl Huff’s granddaughter Ansley Stewart married Brandon Wilson in Marion, SC. Carl was not able to go because of his illness. Ansley teaches first-grade in Summerville and she and Brandon go to the same church as Joan Carter McKissick and John. On Saturday, August 1, 2009 we had a lovely Leadership luncheon for volunteers at Drengaelen House. Again Lyn

W W W. C O K ER . ED U

class news ’53 - ’54 | class news

Blackmon and Dee Pierce worked hard to make the day a great success. Even the program was beautiful and colorful. We met our new President, Dr. Robert L. Wyatt whom I really liked and I think he’ll be an asset to the college. On September 17, 2009 our beloved Carl Hicks Huff ’52, husband of Pat Chapman Huff passed away. His memorial service began with a Prelude of Show Tunes as Carl was known as “The Actor”. All three of their daughters told funny things about Pappy that really made the large congregation laugh. The ministers had encouraging messages. Tommy Graham, family friend, sang The Lord’s Prayer at the end. Please continue to pray for Pat and her daughters and family. Coker was well represented at the service. Pat has received so many cards, flowers and memorials to Coker and their church. She really appreciated all of the response and love from friends and family. Recently Pat called several classmates who had not heard about Carl’s death and they were shocked. We also received news of Margaret Atkins Saffold’s death. Our prayers go out to her family. Guess who I saw at the Women to Women Retreat in October? None other than Frances “Frankie” Nicholson Townsend ’52. It was so good to see her. On October 30, 2009, Pat, Betty Jean, Charlie and I went to Pat’s house in Hartsville. We enjoyed a nice lunch at Bizzells. Then we went back to Pat’s house and played 3-13. If you don’t know how to play that card game, we’ll teach you! Pat, Charlie, Betty Carol and Bundy, Mickey (Anne’s husband) Betty Jean and her friend Dwight Hyman met at Watford’s Barbeque in Bishopville on November 19. After lunch they went to Mickey’s house for dessert. I left Lexington at 7:45 a.m. on December 1 and drove to Pat’s house in Hartsville. She drove to Charlie’s house in Darlington to pick her up and then drove to Betty Jean’s house in Latta where we met Dwight and Mickey. Dwight drove the six of us to Pembroke, NC to meet Sarah Sampson Bell and James (Buddy) at Sheff’s Seafood Restaurant. They so generously treated us to a delicious lunch. Their son Greg who is a judge and his son Jamie who is a student had lunch with us also. We then went to Sarah and Buddy’s lovely home for dessert. Then another son Ronney, who is a doctor specializing in Epidemiology at Wake Forest Medical School came by with two of his co-workers. We didn’t meet their other son Joey who is a Pediatrician as he was out of town. I’m sure they are so thankful for the successes of their three sons. After dessert they rode us around the town to point out places of interest at UNC. Have you heard about the kicker/punter on the USC Football team? His name is Spencer Lanning and his grandmother and grandfather are the late Anne Merck McDowell and Mickey. We are so proud of Spencer. Watch for him next fall even if that’s not your team! Daphen Yarborough Edge and A. J. spent Thanksgiving with their daughter Melony in Florida. They really enjoyed being there so much. Pat and I want to thank you for the Christmas cards we received from Fletcher Allen ( husband of the late Betty Fink Allen) who has written a book of poetry called Generations: Ripples on the River, which is coming out in early 2010; President Dr. Robert L. Wyatt; Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger ; Lyn Blackmon and Dee Pierce; Fran Worley Bond and John; Susie Gaines Hautala, Joyce Bell who told of her trip to Hawaii, and a riverboat trip out of Portland, Oregon on the Columbia and Snake rivers; Cathy McCallum, daughter of the late Sara Frances Coleman Cottingham and Chuck. Pat also saw Cathy at the Marion Baptist Church where she is the pianist. Nancy, Pat’s daughter and Cathy are good friends. Other Christmas cards received were from Nina Franklin, Mickey McDowell; Dave Rogers who still has that wonderful deep voice, but now has some health problems. (Am sure Dave would appreciate our prayers.); Danny Nicholson, who worked with the Development office for many years; Sarah Sampson Bell and James with a picture included of them; Jennie Herlong Boatwright and Phillips with a note included about their family and great grandson; Dorothy “Dot” Garrell Hanna ’52 and Herb Hanna ’51; Doris Johnson Gray ’51 and Sammy (She included the nicest note on how meaningful Christmas, God’s love, and friends etc. become as she gets older. (Would love to have her whole note published in the Commentary because it said everything!) W W W. C OK E R .E D U /A LUMN I

Let’s pray for Doris as she has some health problems; Tommie Long McClain who has a one-year old great granddaughter, Lois Ann Buddin Coker and Donald and New Year’s card from Beth DuBose Cottingham ’55, but she really belongs to us! Jo Anne Boyd Sires’ granddaughter married Mr. O. D. Kelly’s great grandson. Remember Mr. O. D. Kelly, the “Chief Finance Man” at Coker? Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger went to her grandson’s graduation from law school in Texas in May and then went back on November 14 as the same grandson, Stephen Lecholop married Christina Kahn. He will work with a law firm in San Antonio, Texas. Betty Jean recently called Jean Fore McDaniel. Jean and Mac plan to be at their Pawley’s Island home in March and will entertain a group of women from CA. We hope to see them while they’re in SC. On Saturday before Christmas our daughter, Jeanne Matthews Cochran ’78 who lives in Irmo, SC slipped on ice, fell down the steps and broke her right arm. She had surgery on the following Monday and had a plate and screws in the wrist are area. Five days later on Christmas Eve our daughter, Lettie Matthews Gilligan ’76 who lives in Kansas City, MO, slipped on ice, fell down steps and broke her leg (both the tibia and fibula). She went into surgery on Christmas Day and had a rod and screws in her leg between the knee and ankle. Both have been in a tremendous amount of pain. Please join the many who are praying for healing for them. Budd sleeps a lot and is about the same. His brother, W. Cannon Matthews died on September 14, in Pineville, LA. I’ve been having epidural injections for my back which I fractured two years ago. We keep plugging along and are thankful to the Lord for each new day. The good news is three of our grandsons graduated from college in 2009. We saw two of the ceremonies on the computer since we were not able to go to their graduations. One has found a good job. Now we need to pray for the other two to find jobs. Our mini-reunion will be April 9, 2010. You will receive information about it in the mail. Please remember to contribute to the Coker College Scholarship Fund or the 1953 Endowed Scholarship Fund by June 30, 2010. Much love to you friends, Mitzi

>> C lass o f 19 5 4 M art h a L ittle Hunter Post Office Box 30207 Sea Island, GA 31561 912-638-4207 | erhunter@adelphia.net L ois Hat f ield A nderson 210 Saddlebrook Lane Hopkins, SC 29061 803-776-0926 | LHAnderson32@aol.com Hi, Everyone, and Happy 2010! I’m writing this on January 14, and it has been a shivery, freezing-cold year, so far. The cold has definitely put a damper on golf, but as I write, we’re beginning to thaw out and venture out a bit. There’s not a lot of news, but I’ll give you what I have. Had a long email from Sarah Kolb Bivins. Lee had knee replacement surgery in the fall, and has been going through rehab, doing very well. That is such a tough surgery, I know Lee is glad it’s over. Sarah continues to take water aerobics, and stay busy in general. They had a lovely Christmas with most children and grandchildren, and like the rest of us, are hoping and praying that 2010 will be a better year, God willing. I’m delighted to have started a “snail mail” correspondence with Beth DuBose Cottingham! We discovered at our reunion that we have much in common, such as our love for Henri Nouwen, our Circle Bible teaching, and of course, Coker. Walter had hip replacement surgery in August, and has had a good recovery (meaning he’s gone back to work!). Beth and Walter have had busy times, traveling for weddings, funerals, and especially Christmas, with much family time. Frank Bush brought Dr. Wyatt, our new president, to

Sea Island in the fall, and I was privileged to have lunch with them, Betty Wray Macdonald Jones, and Tiggie Hooks Benefield, both members of the class of ’52. Dr. Wyatt was delightful, relaxed, interesting, and gracious. I could see that Frank was REALLY excited about him, and I can surely see why! Coker is blessed to have him, and let’s hope this will be a long tenure! Reid and I continue to be blessed with wonderful health, and are so happy that we can continue to do the things we enjoy doing - golf, spinning, Pilates, fun times with family and friends. I volunteer at our fine hospital in Brunswick, and work for the Chaplain there, calling on new patients, and I mentor a 13-year-old young man, going to his school and spending about an hour with him every week. This is my third year with him, and we work on things such as reading and history, and we TALK a lot! If you don’t have a lot to do, look into mentoring – it’s a real blessing! Please write or email or call me with some of your news, and I will try to do better next time. Love to all, Martha Mary Byrd Gibson is still in Jacksonville, Fla. Her three children all live in Florida and they have given her ten grandchildren. One of her grandsons lives with her and goes to school in Jacksonville. Mary also has one great-grandchild. She (Mary) and her family have lived in Florida more than thirty years and they do not get back to the Hartsville area anymore. She sends love to all! Had a lovely telephone visit with Jerome McKenzie last fall and promised him that I would dash by his house on my way to-or-from the beach. Electa and I had spent some time at the beach last summer and had stopped on a Saturday afternoon to pick tomatoes to can. We didn’t know it at the time, but we were in a stone’s throw of Jerome’s home. We’ll find him next time! Jerome is not preaching now—says he does not like retirement but he is staying busy. When I asked him what he was doing to stay busy, he said, “Just little piddling jobs that I create for myself”. He’s had some health issues, too, but has not lost ONE bit of his sense of humor! Remember Betty Frierson Dawkins? She and her husband, Charles, retired from the mission field some years ago and live now in Lexington where both of them are very involved in their church. Charles is active in a prison ministry. Betty says that Charles and the men to whom he ministers find his work very rewarding and fulfilling. Their children and some of their grandchildren are involved in the medical field. Don’t we need good folks taking care of us! Mary Ellen Williamson Sprawls is finally off crutches after having badly sprained her ankle. She was at the home of her sister-in-law and tripped over a rug. Mary Ellen’s brother, Jack, recently passed away after a long illness. Mary Ellen’s grandchildren are growing up SO fast! Charleigh is in second grade; Hamilton is in first; the twins are in three-day kindergarten. Her next big trip is to Scotland in August. What a good little phone visit I had with Mary Sue Sowell DuRant! Her husband, Marion, and I were high school classmates, so I had a double privilege! They live in Titusville, Florida, and Marion retired from the Space program about twenty-five years ago. They have two children, both of whom live close by. There are six grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. Sue has, since Coker days, taught school, gone back to school herself, worked in real estate, managed a large appliance store, and played a lot of golf! Laverne Hancock was suffering from a terrible cold when I talked to him! He pastors a church that is near me, so I know a lot of his congregation. They LOVE him! He and Barbara have five children who are scattered about. They all, however, keep in touch. I wish I had space allowed to bring you all up-to-date on what’s going on with the whole Hancock bunch. They are doing well, in spite of the cold, and Laverne invited me to attend his 100th birthday party twenty years from now! I readily accepted the invitation and am already wondering what in the world I’ll wear to such a great occasion! I still see Miriam Powers Jordan regularly. She and Chubby are so proud of their great-grandson!! Miriam has been having some back problems, but is doing somewhat better now. Their homemade peanut brittle is the best in the WORLD!!! Because of facebook some of you are aware that I had



class news class news | ’54 - ’56

carpal tunnel surgery the first of the year. It was not nearly as bad as I thought it might be. I’m doing great in that department and in all the other departments, so far as I know! Electa Anderson Small ’85 was with me for the hand procedure and is here again as I write this. She and Joe gave to me as a Christmas gift, tickets to see Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly in Charleston this weekend. You don’t have to guess many times to know which side of the aisle I sit on! The weather promises to be wretched, but who cares!!!!! I’m so excited that Electa is the president-elect of our Alumni Association. She is excited, too, and a little bit nervous. Her first official meeting in that capacity is February 6. By the time you read this, she will have crossed the first hurdle! I’ve tried to reach many classmates recently but have been unsuccessful. If you are a member of the Class of ’54 and have not been contacted, please call me at 803-776-0926 or send me an e-mail to lhanderson32@aol.com. I’m not the only one who would love to hear from you! Martha Little Hunter and I can’t do a column unless we have something to say. Doesn’t it give you a good feeling to open the Commentary and find news of your friends from ’54? HELP! HELP!!!!!! Speaking of presidents----You are, of course, aware that Coker’s new President, Dr. Robert Wyatt is to be inaugurated on March 26. Hope to see some of you there! WRITE! CALL! E-MAIL! VISIT! Much love, Lois

>> C lass o f 19 5 5 Ho y land L ower y Fis h er 924 Dogwood Court Hanahan, SC 29410 843-747-9764 | hoyfish@bellsouth.net CL ASS CO-REP NEEDED Dear Classmates, It is difficult to believe it is 2010 and we will celebrate our 55th Class Reunion April 9 and 10, 2010. I certainly hope everyone is making plans to attend. Thanks to you and Virginia (Ginny) Tomlinson MacKinnon for the news contained in this issue of the Commentary. She contacted many of you for me. Ginny continues to enjoy her two granddaughters who speak fluent Spanish. She stays busy with church, gardening, reading, playing bridge and playing with the grandchildren. She and friends enjoyed a weekend at Cedar Key, FL during the weekend of the FL/FSU Football game. Beth DuBose Cottingham is a jewel and always sends me news. Her husband, Walter, had hip replacement surgery in August. He is still in therapy and has a dropped foot due to a damaged nerve. Beth says that he is improving and will get full use of his foot. He is returning to work. She and Walter attended her 93 year-old stepmother’s sister’s funeral in December. They also attended a 50th Wedding Anniversary of a former Coker student. They certainly stay busy. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Beth also says that Mickey McIntosh Atkinson traveled to Iowa in January to attend her granddaughter’s wedding. Mickey, was it colder than we were having in SC? Beth received an invitation to Richard Dority’s wedding. Richard writes that he lost his wife, Beverly Denny Dority ’53, in 2008 after 54 years of a wonderful marriage. About six months ago, he met a wonderful lady named Star Callaway at church and they started dating. On November 15 they were married and he says it is a whole new life for him. He is excited and happy and feels blessed that God is so good to a 76-year old man. Congratulations! We’re happy for you, Richard. Lou Phillips Hancock writes that Thanksgiving of 2008 they were in Cancun having a wonderful time watching their daughter’s basketball team play in a tournament. This past Thanksgiving, they were in New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington, NC. On November 13 her husband, Tom, had an accident. He fell from his 8 ft. high hunting shooting house out in the woods on their farm and was unconscious



for 45 minutes to an hour. Fortunately, he was able to use his cell phone and call 911. Tom was transported to the hospital in Wilmington and has had two surgeries on his neck to stabilize it. The doctor feels that the problem has been corrected and that within time he will be able to resume his active lifestyle. Lou says that their children and the hospital staff have been wonderful. Their son, Steve, lives in Dallas and has two girls, Emma, age 12 and Hope, age 9. Their son, Jim and his family live there in Elizabethtown and have been so helpful. He has two daughters, Cassie, age 13 and Cade, age 8. Their daughter, Ann, is still the Head Basketball Coach at the UNC Wilmington. Lou says it was great having her there since Tom was in Wilmington. In January Tom was progressing slowly and walking without a walker. Lou says the doctor told her on the last visit that she had seen very few miracles but Tom is one. Keep him in your prayers that he will be able to resume playing tennis, coaching softball, gardening, and even hunting but from the ground. Lou participates in an exercise class with Dorothy “Dot” Garrell Hanna ’52 and they exchange Coker news. Joan Tisdale Harrington ’53 emails saying she and her family were together over the holidays except for one grandson who was in Iraq but scheduled to come home in January. She saw in the newspaper that Dorothy Lee Holt Snowden’s brother passed away in November. Keep her in your prayers. Dona McLamb Brand and husband, Buster, continue to live in Camden in a downstairs apartment in the house with her daughter and her family. She says they are doing well, are very comfortable, happy, and very blessed for their age. Ila Louise Price McCoy says she is doing better and enjoyed the Christmas holidays with relatives. Marian Atkins Powe writes that she continues to participate in the historical organizations, though at a reduced pace. She was presented with the 25-year Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Pin. Marian, congratulations, we are proud of you. She says the highlight of the year was publishing her husband, Carl’s book entitled “Career Planning and Development—In Reverse” with worldwide distribution. He is currently working on a companion volume entitled “Keys to Success—What You Didn’t Learn in School” and hopes to have it published by the end of the year. Those are fascinating titles. Marian, you will have to tell us more about the books. Marian also published a family photo album entitled “Our Life” for the family with her and Carl’s pictures from the different phases of their lives. Wilhelmina Kirkland Miller tells Ginny that she didn’t have much news except that she had been to Conway helping her son with the grandchildren. Frances Huggins McLaughlin emails Ginny saying she is still having after effects of the stroke she suffered earlier. She continues to have difficulty with her balance, writing, and memory. Her daughter, husband, and son spent 15 months with her but now she is alone at home in Sumter. Her family gathered at her home to celebrate her 76th birthday. Frances, we’re thinking of you and hoping you’ll continue to improve. Sarah Pauline Jackson McRae is working very hard spearheading the Class Reunion Planning Committee. Wilhelmina and Patsy Hill Yarborough met with Sarah and Allene Stuckey Reep prior to Christmas to discuss plans for our Friday night outing at Sarah’s home in Dovesville during our reunion weekend in April. With a relaxed atmosphere of home, it will be a time to look back on the unforgettable times at Coker and memorable events in our lives. It will be a night to remember. Sarah says that she is happy that we are meeting at her 70-year old home. She says her life is ordinary—friends with the same people she grew up with, attends the same church, and lives in the same house on the same farm. She is currently writing her memoirs, telling her children what it was like growing up in the 1930’s, 40’s, and 50’s. Sarah says it is amazing how many memories surface that she had forgotten. According to Sarah, the day in April 2009 at Faith’s home was very special and she hopes our reunion in April 2010 will be as much fun. She needs to get an approximate head count so she will know how many to plan for and how to divide the cost. Please contact her or me if you plan to attend.

Faith Fennegan Allen emails Ginny that she and her family were blessed with happy holiday memories from both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Most of her family attended the Army-Navy Game in Philadelphia. They had a wonderful opportunity to be with their grandson who is in his second year at West Point. He was also able to join them for Christmas at Zaylyn, their home on the Waccamaw River. Zaylyn is where Faith and Ray hosted our enjoyable one-day mini reunion in April. In fact, Faith says she would like to host another one if there is enough interest. The Fisher household had a lot of health problems in 2009 according to Hoyland Lowery Fisher. In February, her youngest son received first, second, and third degree burns on his legs from a natural gas explosion. In addition to her knee surgery in April and her husband having both knees replaced at the same time in June, he had to return August 19 and have one of his knees redone. Both times he had complications and spent 13 days in the hospital each time. He continues to have difficulty with his balance and uses a cane. Our special needs son who was 51 in December continues to decline physically and is confined to a wheelchair. I’m looking forward to 2010 being a better year. As Lou stated in her letter, we should enjoy each day that we have and count our blessings every day. I totally agree. Remember to send a contribution to Coker, large or small. You may send it to honor someone, in memory of someone, or just to the alumni scholarship fund. The amount given and the number of classmates who contribute are important. Love, Hoyland

>> C lass o f 19 5 6 P egg y C ante y G ardner Post Office Box 42 Manning, SC 29102 803-435-6862 Bar b ara W ard M is h oe Post Office Box 38 154 South Main Street (if you’re coming close to Greeleyville) Greeleyville, SC 29056 tnmishoe@ftc-i.net From Maxine Locklear Amos; through the years I have tried to keep in touch with several of my classmates through telephone calls and e-mails. Recently I have heard from the following: Della Revels Hartis reported that she has been experiencing “survival of the fittest.” She had knee surgery in 2008 and Neil has had some medical problems but is much improved. They take short trips and all of their family spent time in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. They are looking forward to 2010, a year of celebration. Del and Neil will celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary, their daughter and son-in-law will celebrate their 25th Wedding Anniversary and their oldest granddaughter will graduate from college and is planning a wedding. Recently I saw Jeanene Locklear Leonard and Del Revels Hartis at a 57th Class Reunion in Pembroke, NC. Sylvia Claudette Lockee Taylor reported that she had knee surgery this summer and is improving every day. She feels much better. Joyce Player Gibbons has been spending time with her family at Lake Marion – Santee. It has been difficult to find her at home. Christina Savvas Homer was excited about her granddaughter receiving a full volleyball scholarship for college. I think she is following in her grandmother’s footsteps. Shep Porter Wallace has been spending time at the beach with her daughters and grandchildren. Barbara Joyce Chambers and I email each other and she takes one day at a time, just as we all should/do.

W W W. C O K ER . ED U

class news ’56 - ’59 | class news

Since Peggy Cantey Gardner and I celebrate June 7th as our wedding anniversary, we met in Florence for dinner. Peggy and Ted celebrated their 53rd anniversary and Mac and I celebrated our 51st. The Gardner’s son-in-law, Tim Rogers, celebrated his 52nd birthday along with his wife, daughter and future son-in-law. Emily is planning a wedding in 2010. The Gardner’s daughter, Michelle and her family have moved to Manning. Peggy has a new job this summer – keeping her two younger grandsons. I have been involved with the Retired School Personnel (RSP) on the local and district levels. It was an experience to attend the State RSP Convention and see my former students there. What does that say? My involvement with Women of the ELCA, all levels, keeps me traveling and assisting with training. Mac and I have been in Lumberton for almost thirty years and he has begun to talk about moving to western North Carolina, close to his roots. As of now, I hope it is just talk. Greetings to all in this New Year of 2010! As I am writing this, it is the middle of January and very cold, to say the least. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and is still having a Happy New Year. I received several Christmas cards and e-mails with some news, but I wish I had more. (Never satisfied, I guess) I talked with Maxine Locklear Amos last week and she had talked to several people who were doing well, Joyce Player Gibbons, Christina Savvas Homer, and Jeanene Locklear Leonard. We would love to hear from you, girls!! Maxine, Della Revels Hartis, Barbara Joyce Chambers, and I keep in touch by e-mail. They send some really beautiful poems and pictures which I thoroughly enjoy! Del has also joined Facebook and I enjoy her news there, especially the pictures of her beautiful family members!! She and her husband went to Texas to see a granddaughter graduate from college before Christmas. I’m sure that was a great occasion. Barbara Joyce Chambers writes that their son, who was divorced five years ago, is dating seriously now. The girl born in Barcelona, Spain, lived in Haiti, came to the states when she was nine, and her family settled in Spartanburg years ago. She speaks three languages fluently. He took her home in Oct., and Barbara entertained for them. Her son’s daughter turned seven on January 6th, and their older granddaughter turned fifteen on January 15th. Sounds like things are doing fine with them. Ann Gelzer Black and her husband have a grandson who has just returned safely from Afghanistan and is entering North Greenville University in January to finish his college degree begun just before he enlisted in the Marines. They are very thankful for this and the fact that his father (their son) and the rest of his family have moved to Easley from Johnson City, TN. They now have all but one of the grandchildren in Easley! She says it sure keeps them busy, but they really love it! Their oldest granddaughter will finish law school in May and is engaged to be married next January. She says that they have much to be thankful for and are truly grateful!! I’m sure we can all understand that! Have fun with the grands, Ann. Liz Degenhardt Campanile is staying quite busy since her retirement last February. In November, she took a trip to the Holy Lands! Her description - “FABULOUS TRIP”… She visited with Peggy Rogers Neighbors and her husband, Jim, in Beaufort last spring, and is hoping to be in South Carolina again in March. We’ll plan a get-together, Liz! She sent a Christmas card with a picture of her family and headed to California to spend the holidays with her daughter. Liz is also working on her living space at her daughter’s home near San Francisco as well as doing the upkeep on her “arc” in New Jersey. (Translation—“old house”) Good luck! See you in March! Anne Blake Townsend’s daughter, who lives in Colorado, had a bout with breast cancer during the summer and fall of 2009. About the middle of August, I received a call from Anne. As a result of the phone call, Lib Plowden Anderson, Joyce Johnston Utt, and I went to Anne’s for a couple of days to “cheer her up”. Well, we had a ball! We visited, talked out, laughed, and in general acted like college kids. Anne took us to Bald Head Island for a day, which was just wonderful, and to a really good restaurant for some seafood. Wilmington is lots larger than Greeleyville. As a result, all of us were “cheered up.” Thanks so much, Anne. Anne’s daughter is doing well, now. Anne visited with all her five children for Christmas. She really stays on the go.


Joyce Johnston Utt is doing well and really looks good. She and her daughter took a trip up the east coast through New England last summer. They just made it a leisure trip, and Joyce really enjoyed it. That sounds wonderful! Lib Plowden Anderson is retired, but still goes into the “office” once a week. Her husband’s mother is in a home and they are in charge of her. Lib’s sister has been rather ill for a while now, and Lib comes down to Lake City often to check on her. Spencer and Lib took a trip last summer which they enjoyed tremendously. As for my news, here goes. As you know, we had three children and now I have seven grandchildren and one greatgranddaughter which is the cutest great-grand in the world. The oldest granddaughter graduated from business school in December. The three adult grandchildren we don’t see as often as the smaller ones--13, 11, 9, and 8. Neil and I are really enjoying them. They all came for Christmas and I haven’t recovered yet, but I love it!! Don’t forget to send news. My address is 154 South Main St., Greeleyville, SC 29056; phone--843-426-2591; e-mail--tnmishoe@ftc-i.net. Love to all, Barbara

>> C lass o f 19 5 7 Ly nn W illiams O ates 3417 Oates Highway Lamar, SC 29069 843-332-3040 | lwoates@peoplepc.com I stumbled on 2 bits of news, so you won’t have to read about me!! Murray McDonald and his family have moved back to Hartsville after 40+ years in Boston. Hope all this recent cold weather has not made them sorry they moved. Anne DuBose Smith is building a “retirement” home behind her present home. She expects to be in it soon. On a sad note, our deepest sympathy to Almena “Mena” Gainey Galloway on the recent death of her husband, Joe. That’s all the news I have gleaned. Hope all of you had a Healthy, Happy Holiday with those you love and that the New Year will also be healthy and happy. Would love to hear from you. Love, Lynn

>> C lass o f 19 5 8 C lass rep or co - rep needed Virginia Hall Brinson Caine went to France with her grandchildren who performed in the mighty cathedrals—only problem was: daughter Lauren’s flight did not make the connection as Virginia’s did, so she went solo—an adventure for a day. Her husband is doing well with his treatment, she says. Frank ’60 and Elaine Johnson Hays are expecting their first—grandchildren! Twin boys. Let’s hope all goes well. Helen Kolb Chambless is continuing to live in her and Bob’s home in Jacksonville NC and visits Conway as well, Mary Kay Rickenbaker lost her 20 year old grandson to a fatal automobile accident last August. It is tough. Mary Harvey Holmes called me and we visited—nice touch! She stays her busy self, and enjoys a massage every two weeks. That’s all I know, except for me—Gordon had an episode on Nov 3 with heart rate exceeding 159.........so the last 6 weeks have been involved with getting the story. He finally had a defibrillator implanted Dec. 17 and is much improved. Happy New Year! Annette Cooke Stokes

>> C lass o f 19 5 9 P at C raw f ord Fields 1713 Scenic Valley Lane Knoxville, TN 37922 865-675-3013 | JCF97@prodigy.net Holly M ims W estcott 7813 Harpeth View Drive Nashville, TN 37221 615-673-7949 | hmwestcott@comcast.net Here’s to retirement and lazy living, To pensions and social security. We couldn’t conceive… Yes, it’s hard to believe… But 59ers have achieved maturity! Angelyn G. Hinson writes “This has been a different year for me as I lost my husband, Derl, on January 11, 2009. His battle with cancer was a quick but difficult process. Here was a man who did all the right things and had reached the age of 75 without having to take medication, exercised regularly, had regular checkups, lived the positive happy life with God and family at the center of his being. The girls and I miss him so but are so thankful for the great memories we made together. We have had a blessed life. We are doing okay as we strive to make EACH day the best day of our lives. Angelyn, Eddie and Ann Margaret are still in Charlotte and Penelope is in North Myrtle Beach which is only 20--30 minutes from me. I continue to be in Loris and in Jefferson, S. C. Keep our family in your prayers. Much love to each of you and thanks so much for keeping in touch.” Get out your dictionary and look up “family”. That word has two meanings when you’re speaking of the Fifty-niners. First it is indicative of the family feelings that we have for all the members of our (notorious?) class. But secondly it is the word that crops up most frequently as I have talked with class members. And isn’t that a good thing? The conversation with Joyce Tolson Warr was wonderful—she is a great conversationalist! She talks of keeping up with her family, and especially her 91-year-old-mother. Joyce retired from the postal service several years ago, and is now involved with her church and her family. She also tries to see Polly Jordan Huntley on a regular basis. She reports that Mary Lynn Patten Jordan has been having some health problems. Barbara Roney Whittington says that life is good. She and Katie Huggins Hennecy went to Ft. Mill to hear Faye Gurley Reynolds give her personal testimony. Barbara reports that it was a good day. Barbara and her family spent Christmas at Walt Disney World. Shirley Land Lupfer continues to thrive in her second career as a docent at the Memphis/Brooks Art Museum. She and Mike made a trip to the southwest with son Eric and their daughter-in-law which they thoroughly enjoyed. They also joined a Sierra Club hiking trip to Newfoundland’s Gros Morne National Park, then later a long weekend in New York City. These trips sound exciting, but in some ways must seem tame after the trip to Antarctica last winter (their summer)! I could be wrong, but I believe that Shirley and Mike have now been on all the continents. Now we all know how old we all are, but get this! Betty Crawford Moore built a patio and two small retaining walls at her home.“Once I realized that each of the 200+ blocks weighs 39 pounds and that equaled more than 4 tons I had been moving multiple times each, it was more understandable why I felt so tired at the end of each day.” Betty has had two cataract surgeries and is very pleased with her new vision. She spent 16 days in Spain with friends as part of a tour, and she enjoyed the museums, but particularly the Prado. As they entered one room, she remarked, “Look at that beautiful painting by Tintoretto! Asked how she knew, she answered “Because Tintoretto turned the tables.” [Do you remember Mr. B telling us that during Civ?] Last fall Betty attended her son’s



class news class news | ’59 - ’60

retirement party in Florida. He was a Navy doctor and is now practicing in Jacksonville. Upon returning home she found that her house had been broken into and among the missing were her laptop and her “good” jewelry. The intruder must have known about things of value because the only missing things were real pearls, gems, and gold—to include her Coker ring. The house was a mess, but they did not vandalize. Bonnie Cone Sawyer and Faye Gurley Reynolds had planned to take a tour of Egypt, but later found it was overbooked. Then Bonnie realized that some of the activities on the tour were things she might not enjoy—like snorkeling. So those plans are on hold. She does hope to go out west; she was born in Oregon but doesn’t remember it as she was 2 when her parents returned to South Carolina. She enjoyed the documentaries on the National Parks and anticipates seeing one or two. She is among the large number who happily says “I am devoted to my family.” Holly Mims Westcott and Warren bought a house in Aiken and have now become landlords. The house had been a Methodist parsonage. They have been envisioning renovations for the time when Warren retires and they can become occupants. This year Holly plans to go to Bolivia with a church group to visit an orphanage the church helps to support. Look for her report in the next Commentary. Doris Kirk Miller, Sylvia Pennell Lemelin, and Molly Creadick Grey all reported a healthy year and happy family times. Doris’ son was married in November 09 and she gained new grandchildren, now numbering 7. Mary Holmes Burkett is another classmate who has had cataract surgery—and now uses glasses only for reading. She went to a “Women in Wellness” retreat in Akumal, Mexico for water aerobics, swimming, snorkeling, yoga and a hatchling turtle release—this she described as a “real spiritual experience”. She has plans to go to Israel in early 2010. She spent Christmas in California. In San Francisco she enjoyed several museums, and she also mentioned a favorite place, the Japanese Tea Garden. Patsy Maxwell Day and I had a brief conversation. Her medications have been changed and I know you will all be happy to hear that she’s doing better. Nancy Phillips Sebastianelli had some health problems in 2009 but is doing much better now and says that she feels stronger each day. Sadly, we all send our condolences to Angelyn Grainger Hinson who lost her husband to a quick but unsuccessful fight with cancer in 2009. Ann says that she and her family miss him but cherish the great memories they built up over the years. She says that they strive to make each day the best day of their lives, which seems to be a very healthy philosophy. Her children are in Charlotte and North Myrtle Beach. So that is the Class of 1959 early in 2010. If I didn’t mention you or someone you’d like to hear about, please get in touch with Holly who does the next report. We both love hearing from you and would receive your contact enthusiastically. All good wishes to each of you.

>> C lass o f 19 6 0 A nn M att h ews Bragdon 1563 Johnsonville Highway Lake City, SC 29560-6202 843-389-4401 | wbragdon@ftc-i.net 50th Reunion 1960 – 2010 April 9 – 10, 2010 Dear Classmates, Happy New Year! As I write this class column on a very cold but sunny January afternoon I look forward to spring and warmer weather. This has been the coldest weather with more than one week of sub-freezing temperatures at night that we’ve had in many years. I heard from several of you at Christmas and seems like excitement abounds with our 50th reunion just around the corner. I hope all of you are planning to return for the occasion. Elizabeth “Liz” Huggins Barrow had a relatively busy



2009. She had a great trip to Michigan and Mackinac Island in May. She stayed in the Grand Hotel, took an open carriage ride one morning and almost froze with the wind chill in the 30’s. She described the island as unique with no motor traffic—only horse drawn carriages, bicycles or on foot. She also went to the mountains around Hendersonville NC several times and to the beach. Liz looks forward to seeing everyone at our April reunion. Celebrating a 50th wedding anniversary, June Ergle Melton and Buddy went to Orlando the week after Christmas with their son, Edward and family. Their two grandsons are Jordan 16 and Chandler 13. June and Buddy were married December 19, 1959 after June completed her degree fall semester of our senior year. A beautiful family portrait Christmas card from Evelyn Parsons Weaver and Tom along with a note brought news of 2009. Evelyn and Tom maintained good health and still consider retirement “wonderful.” They limited their travel to the US. In September they traveled to Tom’s high school reunion in Ohio and also enjoyed visiting relatives there. Afterward they enjoyed several days at Niagara Falls. Their return trip took them through the beautiful Allegheny Mountains. In late September, they attended the 50th anniversary celebration of the Tampa high school, where Tom, a member of the first faculty met Evelyn who began teaching there in its second year. Evelyn commented “We all know what that led to!” I have sincerely enjoyed keeping up with the growth of Evelyn & Tom’s family each year. Their two beautiful daughters, husbands and five grandchildren (4 boys and 1 girl ages 20 – 12) keep me looking forward to Evelyn’s card each year. Lois Sawyer Lott and B also sent a Christmas card with three pictures on it which included all of their family. Their daughter and her husband have three boys, the oldest is 10 and twins are 7. Lois’ family also includes a son and his wife. Lois and B are looking forward o April and seeing everyone. I always look forward to a card and news letter from Frank Hays and Elaine Johnson Hays ’58. Although Janice Johnson Outen (now deceased) was my freshman roommate at Coker, Elaine and I taught together my first year of teaching in Florence and we still keep in touch. Their two sons are Frank IV ’90 who is still teaching second grade in Columbia and recently received National Board Certification and Craig, married to Andrea expecting twin boys in March. However, Andrea being a high risk patient, Elaine and Frank are cautiously optimistic and excited. She asked that we pray for her to have a full-term normal pregnancy and deliver healthy little boys. Our thoughts and prayers are certainly with them. Elaine’s father is really amazing. He still lives in the family home on the farm outside of Georgetown and at the age 95 still lives alone. After a challenging, exciting, rewarding eight-yearsecond career working for President George W. Bush representing the Secretary of Education, Anne Hancock has retired again. Her first career was working mostly at the college level. After 42 years in Atlanta she has now come back home to Greenwood to retire. She misses her friends and confesses that the move from Atlanta was difficult. However, she thinks the move was worth the trouble. She settled in a small quiet subdivision about five miles from downtown Greenwood and has already become involved in the community. Activities include Kiwanis, Greenwood Historical Association, Garden Club, volunteer with Greenwood’s Lander University Performing Arts, patron and volunteer with the Greenwood Community Theater, and is the new President of the Greenwood County Republican Women. She has also enjoyed meeting new friends, playing bridge and she recently joined the First Baptist Church. In addition she considers it an honor to serve on the Coker College Board of Trustees and looks forward to celebrating our 50th reunion April 9-10. Wow! You haven’t retired, Anne. You’ve started a third career. I’ve always accused her of being the Energizer Bunny who just keeps going and going…Please plan to tell us at the reunion your secret for all your energy. In fact, if you can bottle it up, I’m sure it will be a big seller. Louise Atkinson Cleveland and Charles are doing well. Their son Charlie, recently promoted to Army full colonel and his wife Amy live in the Washington DC area and have a 3 ½ year old precious little boy and expect a baby girl in May.

Patti Posey Bullen and Don haven’t gone north at Christmas time in several years now. They usually make the trip to visit their daughter and families in Virginia, brother Michael and wife Elizabeth in Greenville SC and William and me during October. They have three other couples who are neighbors and close friends and they spend their Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday meals together. This year Patti and Don went to New Jersey to attend her nephew’s October wedding. They spent the night with us on the return trip to Florida and we enjoyed our Christmas gift exchange. They plan to come here several days before our class reunion in April and the four of us will attend together. William has had some health problems this past year. March 3, 2009 he had surgery called an Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion to remove two large spurs from the neck, install a steel plate and fuse some bone. He got along well and it surely did take care of most of the neck pain he had suffered for over two years. In late July he was scheduled for a routine colonoscopy. He had one only three years previously. A malignant tumor was discovered in his colon and surgery was performed to remove it a week later. Fortunately, it had not spread to his liver, but it had spread to 10 of his lymph nodes. Since then he has been undergoing chemo. It has gone well, a slight nausea only once or twice, but he does tire very easily and he’s had some problems with his diabetes. We hope he will complete his chemo treatment in late March. We did cancel our annual trip to Ridgecrest in October thinking it may be too tiring for him. In spite of a busy fast year (2009) and William’s health problems we’ve been blessed. William has been so upbeat and that goes a long way. Also, so many people have had both of us in their prayers and we’re thankful for that. We have felt the peace that prayer can bring. We had a nice Christmas although it was fairly quiet on Christmas Day spent with our 94 year old mother. We all brought in the food as she wanted it at her house and only two of the six great grands were there. Bill, Becky, Holly and David came on Sunday before Christmas and we enjoyed them so much. Holly turned 6 years old November 3rd and David was one on December 3rd. they are both our pride and joy. Holly still loves to read and is in 5K in a Language Immersion Program where half of her day is spent in French and half in English. She’s doing well with the French and enjoys it. David is walking and very busy and such a happy little guy. They stayed home on Christmas Day, but drove up to New Jersey the day afterward to spend several days with Becky’s sister and her family. Brian came to SC on New Year’s Eve and spent several days for a nice visit. I look forward to seeing each of you at our 50th reunion. Where have the years gone??? It doesn’t seem possible that it’s been that long!!! It will be so much fun recalling those Coker days and experiences of our youth. Our class of 1960 is going to be recognized at the general meeting on Saturday as the class that provided the present alma mater. Remember, during our days at Coker we had a song contest each fall? Each class had to write an original class song, sing it, and also sing the alma mater which was difficult to sing. At the competition in 1959, our fall semester, our senior class won a double victory for singing the then alma mater and for performing the best class song. The class song was so well received it was suggested that it should be proposed to replace the older alma mater with our class song for a new one. It later became a reality and two or three slight changes were made to adjust to Coker’s new co-ed policy. Have I brought back enough “memories of our youthful days” to encourage you to mark April 9-10 on your calendar if you haven’t already? Make your reservations if you haven’t already. Coker has blocked a group of rooms at Hampton Inn in Florence. Telephone is 843-662-7000. Easy to locate you Exit 164 north off I-95 in Florence SC. And please let’s remember our monetary gifts to Coker. Our goal has been set for $5,455 so let’s be as generous as we can. See you there! Love, Ann

W W W. C O K ER . ED U

class news ’61 - ’62 | class news

>> C lass o f 19 6 1 S y lvia Beard S eppala 2271 Brackenville Road Hockessin, DE 19707 302-239-0641 sylviabs@aol.com | 302.239.0641 fax R egina S w y gert- S mit h 5206 Main Street Stephens City, VA 22655-2632 540-868-1055 | randm@bilbroughterriers.com

>> C lass o f 19 6 2 G a b rielle ( G a b y ) M orandiere 300 East 54th St #7-K New York, NY 10022 212-832-7462 gaby.morandiere@verizon.net Dear Classmates, Most of us are or will be 70 this year. Can you believe it? Of course, none of us look THAT old. To further put us in our place, we graduated nearly 48 years ago! Hope this will be a year filled with good health, good times and lots of reunions. Many of us were able to attend Coker delightful receptions here and there to meet and greet Dr. Wyatt, Coker’s new president. Please remember to keep us posted on any changes in your contact information and that of fellow alums. I have threeway calling and so enjoy putting classmates together on a call. If you ever want to see if we can find a classmate this way, please let me know. Fortunately the number of our classmates remembering to stay in touch is growing and I am so grateful for that. In these times which are difficult financially, Coker still needs our support for their scholarship fund. Apparently the freshman class of 2013 is full. Here is the news of our class we have found to share with you, listed in alphabetical order by the last names we had while attending Coker. June Ammons is celebrating because of two “new” eyes. Cataract surgery was very successful. Her no-longer-apuppy, Spirit, has a best friend, Buddy, a boxer mix who wandered into June’s yard and has decided to stay. Thanks to an electric fence, June now knows where they are. Her brother, Keith, has moved to Lexington, SC and is happily teaching blind students in five Columbia schools. June continues to sing in the choir at First Methodist in Laurens, where she keeps up with Joanne Waldrep Thomason ’65. Their music director is a very famous and talented organist. June has heard that Anne Hancock ’60 is returning home to Greenwood to live. Sara Lawton Anderson Kummer and her sister, Charlotte Anderson Ross ’60, went to a wedding in St. John, Virgin Islands, in July. In August Sara had shoulder surgery and a test revealed uterine cancer for which she had a


hysterectomy in September. Her sister and sister-in-law have been wonderfully supportive. Sara has continued to teach for the semester in spite of some radiation and chemotherapy, but had a wonderful Christmas and is feeling well except for the few days close to administration of chemo. A house guest was arriving right after the New Year, a friend whose husband had been the Swedish ambassador to Liberia when Sara lived there. They had not seen each other for more than 20 years. The one semester a year classes she teaches will be over midJanuary and the last chemo treatment will be right after that. Sara, Charlotte, Jim, and Margaret are planning a trip in late May to Croatia, so things are looking up for 2010. Mary Bell Kittle and Joe are back home in San Antonio but enjoyed their months in Orkney Springs, VA, hosting lots of company. Gardening, painting some rooms and updating parts of the kitchen kept them busy. They drove to Maine for a quick trip and Mary joined her sisters for an annual escape – this time to her elder sister’s house on the Chesapeake. They enjoyed the oysters, catching up and shopping in Williamsburg. The next week Mary and Joe returned to Nag’s Head for their annual visit with good friends. Sherrie Berry Wolski writes that in the very cold weather she wears two pairs of PJs and stays in the house. One of her hands registers the same temperature indoors as you would find on a thermometer outdoors. Sherrie refuses to come to visit me because it is too cold in the winter and I refuse to visit her because it gets too hot in Florida. Fortunately we were never roommates. Do you remember when one would love to have the windows open and the other preferred to have them closed – same as in a lot of marriages? Gayle Brandt Faust has three wonderfully attentive and helpful sons, one of whom has given her a laptop he has replaced and she loves it. Last summer she came down with a dangerous infection, but luckily her doctors were able to take care of that. She reads a lot and sees Henri (etta) Ramsey van Arsdall and Ida Pace Storrs from time to time. In September she and Ida attended the Columbia reception to meet Dr. Wyatt. Gayle found him to be very pleasant. Peggy Brown Buchanan and John are dividing their time between Mount Pleasant and Illinois, while John continues to serve as Provisional Bishop of Quincy, IL which means spending about half of each month there, which they enjoy. They had a wonderful trip to visit friends in various parts of England and Scotland last summer. They also arrived in New York City for a week in September to celebrate John’s 40th reunion from General Theological Seminary. They stayed at “Chez Gaby”. It was such fun to see them and even join them for a few delightful evenings. They saw Billy Elliot, South Pacific and attended a NY Philharmonic Mahler concert. We went to the 11:00 service at Trinity Episcopal Church (really old, famous and beautiful) on Sunday and strolled over to South Street Seaport for a bite of lunch and fresh air on a gorgeous day. Fortunately Peggy was here on the 22nd and we “girls” were able to meet Coker’s new President, Dr. Wyatt, at a very nice and interesting luncheon. Among the guests were two young married couples who live here but met while attending Coker Henrietta Chapman Moore and Howard have just celebrated their 50th anniversary. They stay active in Hartsville and enjoy teaching a little dance and crafts every now and

then. The Moores have been clogging (dance) for 30 years and continue to dance at the Asheville Folk Fest in NC every summer. They also enjoy being on staff for the Bannerman Folkdance Camp which they have been doing for about 30 years. Henrietta says their knees are getting stiff but thankfully still keep going. Her love for dance has also led them to teach Hebraic Praise Dance which is like Israeli Folk Dance, a joyful praise and worship dance. They belong to a Messianic congregation, Shabbat Shalom, near Charlotte, NC, where they use this type of praise and worship as well as in other churches, even the Hartsville Presbyterian Church where they are members. Henrietta enjoys staying in touch with Edith Ganelle Watts and helped me find this ‘lost’ classmate. JoAnn Clayton Leist and Molly Holbrook Birchler caught up by telephone recently. JoAnn and Jinny Ricker Wilkes were roommates during their freshman year. JoAnn’s daughter lives in Columbus, OH, where nine of their family was able to celebrate Christmas. The Leists sold their home recently and now enjoy living in a retirement community near Highpoint in Colfax, NC. They enjoy being part of a friendly community and do not find space an issue in their new home. In fact, Joann inherited a small, Steinway concert grand piano and it fits very well. Playing the piano for community events, walking and quilting are some of her favorite activities. Sharolyn Eales Bane has been found! When growing up her step-father was in the Air Force and the Eales lived in Kansas, Dallas, GA, SC, Alaska and VA, where Sharolyn met her second husband. Her first marriage took her to Jacksonville, FL and Charleston, SC, where she worked at the Citadel. Her second husband was a shipbuilder and Radiological Engineer, even working on the Enterprise Aircraft Nuclear Carrier before he died in 1983. She worked in the business office of a college there until she decided to move to Alabama to be close to her parents. She has two sons and is sure, the smartest 6 year old granddaughter in Newport News, VA. Her elder son lives in Robertsdale about 15 miles from Sharolyn’s house, which is in a golfing community in Foley, AL. This is not far from the Gulf of Mexico and is where she used to play a lot of golf. Almost daily Sharolyn visits her mother who is 93 years old and lives in a full care nursing facility about 45 minutes away. Sara Funderburk Atkinson was a stay-at-home mother until she began teaching for 17 years. Her husband was a chemist in textiles until everything changed in that field. They have four grandchildren in NC. Their son is a computer programmer and their daughter is working as a full-time mother. Sara and her husband enjoy traveling. Australia, China and Panama have been favorite destinations. Edith Ganelle Watts has been found! She and her fox terrier live in Edith’s mother’s house in Lumberton, NC. Divorced in 1974, she spent five years in Governor, NY where she received an MS degree from the NY State University at Platsdam. Both sisters and their husbands died within a short period of time. Sister Betty Ann’s daughter, then 14 year-old Dana Ganelle Allsbrook, became Edith’s “daughter”. The two lived in Lumberton and now Dana is grown up and has married a wonderful young man. They live in Leesburg, VA. Edith retired from teaching in a middle school in 1995. She then began teaching at Pembroke State University (soon called UNC Pembroke) part-time for four years. Then for one year



class news class news | ’62

she taught first grade in a public school followed by two years in a Communities In (Charter) Schools Academy. Mid-decade, Edith returned to High School teaching testing skills for 9th – 12th graders on a semester grant. After this she returned to middle school, tutoring in math and reading and currently works at the CIS Academy teaching testing skills part-time. Edith has traveled to Europe, Hawaii and taken Art History cruises. She enjoys movies, crocheting and knitting. Molly Holbrook Thomas Birchler: and her husband, Al, attended an event in Hartsville, seeing Frank Bush, who is retiring, and President Wyatt in October, although Molly had met Dr. Wyatt on August 1st. When they were in Hartsville, they enjoyed seeing the new house of a cousin by marriage, Anne DuBose Smith ’57. The Birchlers had a busy holiday season. They were lucky enough to have all of their combined children and grandchildren (16) visit for Christmas. Seven grandchildren from 12 years old to 22 months and their parents arrived from northern VA, Ft. Collins, CO and OH. This was the first time the entire Birchler/ Thomas combined families had been together. A special memory is that six grandchildren felt comfortable enough to ask Molly and Al if they could spend the night together. After a mad dash to buy sleeping bags, it was a delightful and cozy slumber party for these grandchildren and grandparents. Harriet King van Norte and Bob are well and looking forward to seeing dear friends who are heading for Atlanta from Colorado. Bob and the husband of this couple were in the Air Force together in the 1960s and the four have been good friends ever since. Harriet’s sister, who now lives in their mother’s house, and her family spent Christmas with the van Nortes. Bob has been the family cat sitter while Harriet has taken a few trips. She went to Paris last summer with a good friend from the 1960s and 70s. The girls had a wonderful time even taking the TGF (fast train) to Belgium for a day. Later she took a bus trip to Niagara Falls with a good friend and 49 other seniors. That was a real treat. In November a dance teacherfriend who has moved from Atlanta to Michigan flew down to take a trip with Harriet to stay in an old 128 year old Bed and Breakfast in the Georgia mountains, near the corners of SC, NC and TN. Harriet exercises 6 days a week to stay in shape. Peggy McCue Freymuth reports that she has unfortunately been going through breast cancer surgery and treatments since last summer. She has two remaining sessions of chemotherapy to go through as of the end of January Her husband, Wayne, has been a wonderful help and is doing everything he can think of to make her feel more comfortable while she is recuperating and healing. Elizabeth Moore Weir and her husband, Tom, live in Winston Salem, NC. Tom has unfortunately not been well enough lately for them to travel very much. But Molly Holbrook Birchler reports the Weirs have recently adopted a year old Coker Spaniel from the Humane Society which is keeping them busy. Apparently this dog thinks he is the alpha in their family. Liz has not had time to keep up-to-date with former classmates lately so she and Molly are hoping to meet soon in Lexington, NC for a “good ‘ole BBQ” reunion. Paula Moran reports that all is well in Jacksonville. Her son and his girlfriend are planning to get married next fall. Paula stopped smoking last April and is surviving. When she wants to smoke she walks with great determination. Once she started walking around her house and one of her cats ran and jumped with her, very puzzled. Paula usually goes out to walk for 30 minutes every morning and again, each afternoon. She is still enjoying her part-time work at Publix. While talking we tried to reach Gail Arnette Sinclair, but no luck this time. Linda Oliver Huggins and her husband live in Lumberton, NC. Molly Holbrook Birchler enjoyed catching up with Linda by telephone. Linda and Harriet King van Norte were roommates while at Coker. Twelve (including two sons, one daughter and three grandchildren) spent Christmas at Linda’s. When she is not helping her 93 year young mother and her husband, she enjoys her garden club, various church and DAR activities. Ida Pace Storrs and Gayle Brandt Faust enjoyed meeting Dr. Wyatt at a Columbia reception in July. Ida went to see Pat Conroy who was in Columbia for a book signing for his latest book, South of Broad. She is delighted to have autographed copies of every one of Conroy’s books. Nancy Rog-



ers (Watkins) apparently was his French teacher in Beaufort a while ago. Ida says he was in love with that French teacher and Ida called to give Nancy a message from him. Ida wrote that Rosalind Carrigan Hearon’s mother died in October. Ida was adopted by Frances Segars Kelley’s family for a wonderful Thanksgiving. She was able to celebrate being cancer-free for three years and is looking forward to attending the wedding of a niece January 23rd in West Palm, FL Jinny Ricker Wilkes left Coker after her freshman year, returned to Pennsylvania and then moved to Arlington, VA, where, among other things she loves playing tennis and has her own Real Estate firm. One son has worked in the firm for 15 years and has three children. Another son remained in State College, PA, where he and his wife teach at Penn State. They have one child and keep an eye out for Jinny’s 102 year old mother who lives by herself but still visits Jinny in VA and another daughter in CT. Nancy Rogers Watkins and Molly Holbrook Birchler had a nice telephone visit just after Nancy and her daughter had returned from a trip to visit Nancy’s sister on the big island of Hawaii. In September Nancy and her husband traveled to the Loire Valley in France, where they enjoyed taking advantage of a house exchange plan. The Loire Valley reminds Nancy of Medieval times, with lots of charming tiny old villages. Since she is especially fond of all things George Sand (French female novelist 1800s), she enjoys being in the same part of the world of and in which Sand wrote. Nancy is “on loan” as Senior Project Manager and Coordinator to the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services, and concentrates on ways for our national cultural heritage to be preserved and to prepare for how best to protect these works of art and treasures in case of disasters. She recently organized a meeting of the Salzburg (Austria) Global Seminar which addressed the conservation and preservations of cultural heritage. This seminar was attended by 60 representatives and experts from 32 countries. Many were from developing African and Middle Eastern countries. When Nancy is not traveling for various conservation projects, she enjoys spending time at her husband’s farmhouse in VA. Her apartment in Georgetown, D.C. is located near her office. Betty Saunders Brooking reported to Molly Holbrook Birchler that she and her husband will celebrate their 5oth wedding anniversary in June. They may take a cruise to some romantic site or drive out of the USA. In October Betty and several friends drove to Salt Lake City, Utah for the wedding of friends’ daughter and had a lovely time touring the area. They were, however, not allowed to attend the wedding itself as it was held in the Mormon Tabernacle. All Brooking children came home to help prepare for Christmas as Betty was recuperating from having had ankle surgery. She is now able to walk a bit on the mending ankle, but it will be March before it should fully recover. Betty said she does not hear mush from other classmates, but would like to. She keeps busy playing golf, volunteering at her church and loves playing with her grandchildren. Frances Segars Kelley reports that she has just returned from spending five great days of sewing at Myrtle Beach and had a great time. She is learning more quilting techniques and is concentrating on artsy quilts/wall hangings rather than the regular vintage quilts. Barbara Stafford Peebles lives in Sumter where she still works at a bank, although it is part-time now. Her husband unfortunately died in 1989. He had worked for a furniture manufacturer. She has two children, a son who is now married and has two sons in Sumter. Barbara’s daughter lives in Florence where she enjoys working for the Post Office. Barbara walks 30 minutes every morning and again every afternoon. She loves her church and relaxes by watching good movies. Florence Staklinski Taylor and Bill came to the Big Apple for a long Labor Day weekend to see the U.S. Tennis Open matches. They enjoy traveling with good friends who were in NY with them. They were nice enough to invite me to join them for a huge breakfast before they headed off to watch the exciting games and were having a wonderful time, looking well. They love playing tennis and are hoping to go to Puerto Rico in February, looking for some nice warm weather. Bill hopes to retire this year and Flo continues to work with the Gift and Apparel Shows in Atlanta. Gwendolyn Thomason Adams is delighted to have

her youngest daughter’s family move back to Laurens. This means that three of Gwen’s youngest grandchildren are again close enough to hug. They moved in with the Adams in time for Christmas and are to stay until their new house is ready. The grandchildren began their new school on January 4th. and are adjusting very well. JoAnn Tuten Bellamy has not been physically strong for a number of years, but much to my delight and surprise about a week before Christmas I received a great phone call, letting me know she was here in NYC and too busy to see me! A friend of hers had waited for Joann to get stronger and promised her the trip of a lifetime. They spent wonderful days and evenings gallivanting all over NYC. Staying in Times Square, they saw Billy Elliott, ate at Tavern on the Green one of the last days it was open, and enjoyed a horse and buggy ride through Central Park, saw The Nutcracker at Lincoln Center, visited St. Patrick’s Cathedral, shopped at Macy’s and were part of the “I Believe” excitement with elves and lots of young people, visited the Met, had a day of sightseeing on a special tour bus, ate in all sorts of fancy restaurants, including Top of the Rock above the NBC studios and the Top of the Marriot Marquis. So, while I never saw her, her voice was merry and bright and she sounded then and now ever so much better. Bruce and Mary-Frances Zachary Williams ’64 drove to Pensacola, FL for Thanksgiving week, visiting the National Naval Aviation Museum. It is a beautiful museum on the same scale as the Air and Space Museum in Washington with original aircraft from the Navy, Marines, Army and Coast Guard. These have been refurbished to their original beauty by volunteers and perch on the floor or hang from the ceilings inside the buildings and out because there is not enough room inside. There are simulators that one can sit inside and actually practice landing on an aircraft carrier. The museum is free to all. Pensacola Naval Air Station trains pilots and is home to the Blue Angels. Everyone should go there for a visit. Bruce and Mary-Frances stayed on the base at the beautiful Navy Inn available to retirees and military families. They are planning to take a 32 day cruise with Holland America from Fort Lauderdale to Portugal, around the Mediterranean to ports in Greece, Turkey and Italy. The Cruise will end in Venice. Kay Williams Denning retired as a microbiologist in 2004. After Coker’s Education courses, she taught for five years and moved to Raleigh for a NC State job in virology. After that she did research in virology at Becton Dickison for 5 years. She received a Masters in Science Education and nearly completed another Masters in microwaves. She has three daughters. The eldest is married and enrolled at NC State, reaching for her Ph.D., her middle daughter had a business her own for awhile and is now taking classes as well. Her youngest received a law degree from the University of West Virginia two years ago. Nancy Wilson writes that she adores Thanksgiving and Christmas. When she decorates, every room has at least one Christmas tree. These are of different sizes and sorts (fabric, pinecones, silver and green). She and her cat have discovered good battery operated candles and listen to holiday music even when it is not Christmas. Nancy is not tempted to travel and admits that after 9-11-01 she has been even more determined to stay in Phoenix. She loves baking and being with good friends. She, as many of us, is hoping to find work. Nancy is a real sports fan and has two TVs in her entertainment center. She has been watching a lot of professional and college football games, working her remote controls “to pieces.” She watches almost every sport on these TV sets. Mary Ann Wycliff Johnson still has her wonderful horse and animals and is sculpting. Her AZ daughter, SC son, their families and a new male friend of Mary Ann’s spent Christmas with her in Lexington, SC. She sounds well and happy and says they all had a wonderful time. Peggy Zeigler Reeves still travels for meetings of the Institute of Management Accountants. She enjoyed a trip to Cape Cod the latter part of September where she took a boat trip around the harbor and saw the Kennedy Compound and saw some of the famous housed along the shore. She went whale watching and saw a number of whales, but felt a bit seasick so she enjoyed reaching land again. There will be meetings in Charleston in February and Myrtle Beach in April and Baltimore in June. She certainly chose the right major!

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class news ’62 - ’64 | class news

Please do not forget to let me hear from you if you come to New York. We have only two more years before our next reunion, but surely many of you will want to attend Dr. Wyatt’s Inauguration Ceremony on March 26, 2010. Please keep me posted. Until soon, I hope, and with very best wishes to each of you for a wonderful spring and summer, Gaby

>> C lass o f 19 6 3 N anc y W arren C larke P.O. Box 988 Montreat, NC 28757 828-371-0572 | frauclarke@mindspring.com E dit h Floride R e y nolds 105 South Rosemary Avenue Andrews, SC 29510 843-264-5173 | edithreynolds@verizon.net Nancy Warren Clarke’s family has spent Christmas the last 20 years at the Isle of Palms. She did not let the 14 inches of snow that fell a few days before keep her from changing her plans. She and Erskin slushed down the mountain with their luggage in tow on sleds to a waiting car left by daughter Legare. They all had a wonderful Christmas. Mary Ann Buck Loughlin says she and husband Nick are “still kicking” and travel as much as they can. Jennie Turner Gustafson and husband Gus had a rough 2009 healthwise. Gus has a heart attack while in Austria (as reported in the last Commentary). Since then he has had a defibrillator implant and Jennie has had a couple of bone reduction surgeries on her toes. Both of them are on the mend now. Hope 2010 will be better. Edith Floride Reynolds recently encountered a classmate she has not seen since the early 1960’s. After the lady who framed her pictures for years quit due to health problems, she suggested using a person in Kingstree who happened to be Carmen McClary Covington ’62. Carmen has a nice little shop and does beautiful work. Ann McCutchen Swasko sent a picture of her family taken this past summer. Her smile is the same. Daughters Katherine and Lorie look very much like their mother and her seven grandchildren are so cute. Nancy McConnell Wilhelm’s family continues to grow. Daughter Libeth Parsons gave birth to twins Emily Elizabeth (5 lbs 10 oz) and William McConnell (4 lbs 7 oz) on January 8. Mother, babies and grandparents are doing great. Kay Elder Williams had a knee replacement in early January. She is doing fine. I was saddened to learn that Linda Horton Cooke passed away on August 30, 2008 of liver and pancreatic cancer. Husband Roy apologized for not letting anyone know, but he “has not been himself since her death.” We offer our sympathy to Roy and Linda’s family. I hope all of you have a healthy and prosperous 2010. Keep in touch with either Nan or myself. We can’t share your news if we don’t hear from you Edith

>> C lass o f 19 6 4 L orena C ook J ames 24 Dearborn Rd North, SC 29112-8201 803-874-3332 lorenajames@windstream.net Beck y S parrow 505 Law St Hartsville, SC 29550-3646 843-857-0782 rgs2000@aol.com


C ameron C ouncil S pet h 986 Forest Road New Haven, CT 06515 203-453-8985 cspeth@hopkins.edu Hopefully, January’s cold blast will have turned into nice spring days by the time you are reading this! Holiday greetings from some of you were so appreciated and enjoyed, however, only a couple contained news to share! The highlight of Diane Barber’s past year was a spring trip to India with daughter Lisa to visit her other daughter Joy, who was working there but has since returned to the USA and job hunting. Diane sent a page filled with wonderful pictures. She enjoyed experiencing the rhythm of life in a culture where survival is simple and basic, although it was a culture shock. While continuing to work full time as a social worker at Carolina Dialysis, Diane found 2009 a great year to celebrate aging and maturity. As should we all! Lisa still loves her work as associate director at the Alexander Family YMCA, and Diane enjoys living in the small town of Landrum and being a part of its daily life. Also, she’s been connecting with friends from high school, which will celebrate her class’s fiftieth reunion in May, and college. Mary Louise Antley Glesner and Jerry never fail to write their annual newsy letter. Mary Louise is now unemployed though not retired. The company where she worked for almost 10 years declared bankruptcy. She is wondering if there is another career out there for her other than housework. Daughter Sharon and husband have two little boys, daughter Jill has a new boyfriend and son Scott and his wife are expecting a baby next summer. Susan Frank has a new grandson named Max who is featured on Youtube and is so cute! Susan continues to work at Chevron and loves her job. Ellen Harden Rogers writes, “It’s been years in the making - thinking, planning, preparing, and construction - but the dream of renovating my childhood home on Prestwood Lake in Hartsville finally became a reality in 2009. It’s been an education and a labor of love to preserve special features of the house while updating many aspects of the structure. Retirement is not too far off and I’m looking forward to spending more time enjoying the end result!” Cameron Council Speth and Gus love living in Strafford, Vermont – a picturesque little village full of interesting, friendly folks (filmmakers, authors, farmers, builders, school teachers). They raised chickens, ducks, and veggies last summer, put them in the freezer, and are enjoying eating them this year. Cameron is officially retired with time to babysit their three grandchildren. Gus will join the faculty of the Vermont Law School in July. Winter sent lots of snow and below freezing (sometimes below zero) temperatures but Cameron, Gus and their yellow lab Weezie stayed warm by the wood stove and enjoyed snowshoeing through the woods. They escaped to SC for February and March. Pamela Goode Jacobs is still active on the Board of Directors of the Edisto Island Open Land Trust. They received national accreditation last year and are very proud of that. Pam and Steven play duplicate bridge and enjoy their mountain cabin near Brevard. They find retirement brings opportunities to enjoy our old friends and make new ones. Anne Lamb Matthews co-hosted a fall Columbia drop-in to meet Coker’s new president, Dr. Robert L. Wyatt. Pat Holland Chapman and Lorena Cook James enjoyed the event along with many others, including Ellen Tollison Hayden ’68, Gayle Brandt Faust ’62 and Ida Pace Storrs ’62. As promised in our previous column, we have a few more tidbits to share from last spring’s reunion biographical pages! “Accomplishments or honors since 2004”: ...lead trainer — Rotary International. ...GA FWC Dunwoody Women’s Club “Woman of the Year”. ...Sullivan Award for excellence of character and service to humanity. ...building a new home. ...becoming a grandmother! ...advocate for patient’s rights and empowerment. ...retired from Coker College in 2006....being the best wife, mother and grandmother I can. “Coker connections maintained or renewed”: Most responses indicated connections with a number of class-

mates, some with Coker staff/faculty and/or with activities at the college. “Hobbies or community involvement”: ...Pilot International, walking, reading, Book Club. ...cross stitch and knitting, square dancing, handbell choir. ...crossword and jigsaw puzzles; volunteer in church library. ...genealogy, charitable work. ...Rotary—humanitarian work....GA Federation of Women’s Clubs, SC Club of Atlanta....volunteer at Brookgreen, mentor, Miss Ruby Red program. ...my grandchildren! church work. ...music, learning to drum, meditation, travel. ...My dog is a pet therapy dog at a nursing home; I work at a soup kitchen and distribute clothes to needy. ...church activities, enjoy reading and traveling....quilting, any crafts, have a greenhouse. “An interesting place I have traveled since 2004”: ...St. Louis, MO....Alaska. ...road trip to Cape Cod and Maine.... China. ...Norway, Central America, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Russia, Denmark and tour of sixteen western US states.... Tuscany, Italy. ...Peruvian Amazon. ...Branson, MO and Indiana Amish country. ...India. ...Italy and Greece. ...Canadian Rockies Gold Dome Train Trip....Denver, Co. “A great getaway weekend I recommend is”: ...Charleston, SC. ...Southport, NC. ...Beaufort, SC....Grove Park Inn, Ashville, NC. ...Atlanta, GA. ...Pisgah Inn, Blue Ridge Parkway. ...Savannah, GA. ...Saluda, NC....Biltmore House, Ashville, NC. ...New York City....Callaway Gardens, Pine Mountain, GA. “An interesting day-trip is”: ...gathering with friends at Naomi Jackson’s!. ...Georgetown, SC and nearby Hobcaw Barony. ...Historic Brattonsville, York County, SC. ...driving down home to Lake City, SC and eating great barbecue. ...Chattanooga, TN Aquarium. ...SC State House tour, visit to its Senate and House of Representatives. ...Bull Island off Charleston, SC. ...Kensington Mansion, Eastover, SC. ...SC beaches....the Frank Lloyd Wright house in Yemassee, SC. ...Riverbanks Zoo, Columbia, SC. “Words for the wise”: ...”love with all your heart. Live each day to the fullest”. ...aging is not for wimps! Remain active physically and mentally. Look for ways to make others happy and feel loved. Gather with your friends often and continue to make new friends. Laugh a lot—even at yourself! ...when you’re stymied by a situation after doing all you can, “Let it go!” Practice “thankfulness” every day. In the midst of a crisis, keep afloat with the knowledge it will pass. Support with pride a gem of a college, our Coker!...Quoting Sir Winston Churchill: “We make a living by what we get: we make a life by what we give.” I hope I live my life by giving daily! ...be thrifty, keep abreast of the world markets, exercise every day, eat healthy, take your calcium and Vitamin D. Express your love to your family and friends every day. ...I like what Andre Gide said: “Joy is a moral obligation!”. ...practice an attitude of gratitude.. ...life is short—live it to the fullest. Don’t worry about what others think of you, because you have to live with yourself. ...from this point forward—Each Day is a Gift—Enjoy. ...always keep love in our hearts so we have plenty to give away. ...stay in touch; call friends; visit older family members; travel to new places, eat great desserts. ...be true to yourself. The Hartsville area alums from our class have a great lunch group which meets from time to time (no fuss; just Dutch treat and fun catching up), and folks from other areas expressed interest in having one in their area. We and/or the Alumni Office can provide information if you’d like to get a group started where you are. Also, the questionnaire revealed positive reactions to the Commentary keeping folks updated on classmates—ours and other years—and news of Coker, her students, staff and activities. So please keep your information coming; it’s so easy to dash off an e-mail or send a note by regular mail. Phone calls are great, too! People care about and are sincerely interested in YOU! Help us get lots of your names in the column next time. Twenty Coker students and Coker professor, Dr. Edinger will be visitors and guests of historic Hobcaw Barony on Feb. 19th. Senior Intrepreter, Lee Brockington will be the classes tour guide. Four Coker Alums will provide a “brown bag lunch” on Friday, Feb. 19th. The Coker Alums have revived a 1960’s Coker Tradition, brown bag suppers on Sunday nights, into a Friday lunch “brown bag” with sandwiches and snacks. Each student’s brown bag will have a little write up of the old Coker tradition revived for this special occasion.



class news class news | ’64 - ’70

After a quick lunch, either at the site of the old slave village or Kimbel Lodge, and a little time to visit and “getting to know you” between Coker students and Coker alums, the students will climb back on the van and hit the road back to Hartsville. Becky Sparrow

>> C lass o f 19 6 5 E leanor P owell C lark 106 Arapaho Circle Darlington, SC 29532 843-395-2173

>> C lass o f 19 6 6 C lass rep or co - reps needed

>> C lass o f 19 6 7 C lass rep or co - reps needed

>> C lass o f 19 6 8 J oan L ading A b ernat h y 20037 Oak River Court Petersburg, VA 23803 804-590-1644 | jabernathyva@aol.com J ud y Brown P igg 2412 Old Hickory Lane Hartsville, SC 29550 843-332-5600 | Juliapigg@roadrunner.com Here is hoping that all of you had a very Merry Christmas and that 2010 will be a great year for everyone!! Here in Hartsville, we are experiencing the coldest weather (for an extended period) that I can ever remember. I hate to rush time, but I am looking forward to spring and warmer weather! I saw Emily Pittman Hudson last July at Ocean Isle Beach and she informed me that she was a grandmother. Her son and daughter-in-law, Seth and Cicely Hudson of Charlotte had a son born on June 17th. Named—Jackson Baker Hudson. Heard from Gayle Grubbs Stoll after we saw each other this past fall at the drop-in for our new president, Dr. Wyatt. Gayle and her husband, Phil, live in Whiteville, NC. Gayle retired (for the 3rd time) in August. She was employed with public schools in both South Carolina and North Carolina for 41 years. She spent the last 5 years in private practice as a Board Certified Licensed Professional Counselor. Gayle and Phil have two sons, John and William. John is a pharmacist who owns and operates Clarkton Drug Inc. He and his wife have 3 sons. William started his practice of anesthesia in July 2009 at Waccamaw Hospital in Murrells Inlet. He and his wife had a son born on October 27th. Gayle’s husband, Phil, retired from Federal Government Civil Service at age 51 and went to work for John at his drug store. Phil became a (self-taught) Board Certified Pharmacy Technician in 2002. Now that she has retired, Gayle looks forward to spending more time with all 4 grandsons. Please try to make this resolution—to send news to us for the Commentary. It is always great to hear from you and to pass the news along. Your representatives, Judy and Joan



>> C lass o f 19 6 9

spending time with her grandsons Jake (11) and Adam (7). Her son Scott has moved to Chicago with his company. Her husband Jim is still running his own company.

R ep or co - rep needed Our class enjoyed our 40th Reunion in 2009 with 16 classmates and some husbands in attendance, too. It was great to reminisce old times and to re-connect. We enjoyed a surprise visit from Gayle Buckheister Sawyer ’70 and husband George. At the Reunion, April Garnier Poitras and Leigh Anne Farnell agreed to be co-class reps. April Garnier Poitras and husband Joe enjoy retirement and still live in Arlington, TX just 2 miles from the new Dallas Cowboys Stadium. April and Joe celebrated their 40th Anniversary with a trip to Scotland and England and it was beyond expectations. They are very happy to be first time grandparents of a grandson who will be 1 year old in February. Matt, father of the baby and his wife live in Austin, TX about three hours away. Her youngest son, Mark and his wife live in the same neighborhood in Austin. April tutors a few days a week at the elementary school where she used to work. Travel is a great source of pleasure for April and Joe- they enjoy travel in Europe and the United States. They enjoyed coastal areas of South Carolina before attending the Coker Reunion in April, 2009. Paula Fulcher Kemp, who enjoys retirement in Austin, TX travels often with her husband Bill. They plan to take a trip to Peru, Ecuador, and the Galapagos Islands. She also took a trip with her daughter (who lives in San Francisco) to Costa Rica and reports that the wildlife, beaches, and flowers were amazing. Their son lives nearby in Austin and drops in occasionally for home cooked meals. Paula and her husband enjoy volunteer work. She is the Registrar for a 500 member program of lectures for seniors through the University of Texas and Bill volunteers at Lifeworks teaching ESL and is a Master Naturalist. Please note that Paula’s new email address is pkdoover@hotmail.com. Amanda Hubbard Sedgwick and husband Michael love retirement and living in the United States on Tybee Island, GA. They had a great Christmas with her brother Carter and his family in Savannah, GA. She loves being part of her Episcopal Church on Tybee Island. On New Year’s Eve, Mandy and Michael had a romantic dinner at home; then rode their trikes down to the beach to watch fireworks. Mandy writes that life is good! Carol Luth Ruthven and her husband Richard still have two homes in NJ, so much of their time is spent with the usual upkeep, repair, and gardening. They take care of oldest son John’s two children on Thursdays-Owen, 4 and Madeline, 2. They are at that adorable age where they think grandparents are quite grand! Their youngest son David lives in San Francisco, so they don’t see his son Meyer as often. Richard still does tax work and Carol enjoys volunteer work at her local library. Carol writes she is sorry she missed the Reunion. Anne Gardner Blomeyer and husband Bob visited Kingwood, TX to see Bob’s family before Christmas and went to Raleigh during Christmas for a few days to visit Anne’s family. Everyone’s doing well. Anne and Bob hosted their annual New Year’s Eve party. The hit food item this year was biscuits made with Smithfield Country Ham (brought back from Raleigh on the plane and something Anne grew up with). She will be glad to share the recipe –one with lots of salt and fat, of course! Anne started a new monthly email catalog as part of her antique business, Annie’s Song. Email her at anniessong@ sbcglobal.net and she’ll put you on her contact list. Leigh Anne Farnell and husband Jeff Noyce are staying home in Maine this winter and not going south as their 15 year old Birman cats Mizzen and Jenny both have kidney disease. They enjoyed a week’s visit from Hyatt Ann Keels Brandt in September. Hyatt Ann Keels Brandt is living with her Mother to help care for her and still working for the state of SC. Her son Stewart is deployed to the war region while his wife and four children remain in FL. Her son Lorne is still teaching art at the Rock Hill high school and daughter Anita still works as a physical therapist in Lexington. Connie Igleheart Brock is enjoying retirement and

>> C lass o f 19 7 0 J ane Brown R iec h mann 2970 St. Johns Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32205 904-384-8650 | stjohnsjane@bellsouth.net C arol “ K ay- K ay ” D uelle y N oo f t 324 South Shields Road Columbia, SC 29223 803-736-5424 | kdzines@bellsouth.net Classmates, the year has arrived…2010 and our 40th reunion! We are excited and hope all of you can be there. The best news we have is from Beverly Armstrong McLaughlin who reported that her cancer is basically in remission. What a blessing. Beverly plans to come to the reunion. Now if that’s not incentive to come to our reunion, I don’t know what is! Other good news is the birth of grandbabies. More grandbabies are here or on the way! Fran Crisp McCaw now has six grandchildren with the birth of twins to her daughter and son-in-law in June. Does anyone have more? Kay-Kay Duelley Nooft’s Thanksgiving day “butterball” was not a turkey but instead a 7 pound, 11.5 ounce, 18.5 inch granddaughter, Laurin Elizabeth. This is Kay-Kay and Al’s second granddaughter and they could not be more thrilled. Mary Edmunds Reed has a second grandson, Barrow Huger Reed. The boys belong to Mary’s older son and his wife. It’s the first grandchild for Judie Cooper Camak. The “crown prince”, Hinson Caleb Camak, was born in May. Judie now says she understands all of her friends who went ga-ga over their grandchildren. She also says her own two sons have had to realize that they are no longer the center of her universe. I’ve got a feeling we will have a lot of cute baby pictures in April! Elaine White Gilbert’s daughter Laura also added to the opposite sex with the birth of her and husband Jay’s second son. Miller Upchurch was born October 18, 2009 joining big brother Max. Miller was a big baby weighing almost 10 pounds and measuring 22 inches in length. Elaine and Vic are excited about their second grandchild but also about the upcoming marriage of their second daughter (Ginger) who will be married May 1, 2010 to a fellow she has known since she was 15 years old. Another mother of the bride is Jessie Markley Lee whose daughter Caroline, a teacher at Daniel Island School in Charleston, will be a June bride. Jessie’s other daughter Annie is finally feeling better after battling 4 surgeries in 6 years for endometriosis. Annie is hoping to be able to get back into nursing school. Jessie and husband Joe are still working. More weddings occurred in the Craven family. Candee Constable Craven had two weddings in 2009. Son Jeff married on April 17th and daughter Meredith married July 31st. Jeff and his wife Jessie live in Long Beach where Jeff continues as a project manager in construction and Jessie works as a landscape architect. Daughter Meredith is still teaching and her husband Matt is in sales. Martha Carpenter Shaleuly will be at the reunion. She is still at Furman serving as the Director of the Teaching Fellows program. She has begun to at least THINK about retirement, but that’s as far as it’s gotten. I’m sure Martha will have pictures of that adorable granddaughter who she says is cuter than any Gerber baby! Linda Burnett Jeter’s daughter Jane is graduating from college this spring and heading to Los Angeles to become an actress so we’ll have to keep up with this rising star. Linda marvels at Jane’s determination and like any mother, worries at the same time. Linda has spoken recently with Patty Shuler Noble. Patty’s husband John was in a serious car accident in April 2009. He had surgery to repair two broken vertebrae and then a surgery to fuse the vertebrae. He has been through

W W W. C O K ER . ED U

class news ’70 - ’73 | class news

rehabilitation and is now taking physical therapy at Shepherd Spinal Center. John is not paralyzed but he cannot walk. He is bedridden and is only mobile with a wheelchair. Doctors are stumped as to why he cannot walk with a cane; therefore, he still has lots of tests and doctor visits. He and Patty hope for the best. They would appreciate your prayers and Patty said they would find great comfort from them. Patty would love to attend the reunion! We surely hope that can happen. Gayle Buckheister Sawyer and George are settling in to life in Rock Hill. George has participated in Emergency Management training for the Red Cross and was dispatched to the big Myrtle Beach fire in 2009 as an ERV operator. Their church quickly discovered George’s talents and he has pitched in to help with the grounds as well as Habitat for Humanity. Both Sawyers are expressing their musical talent. George is in the church choir and Gayle substitutes as organist in the Rock Hill area and sag as the soprano soloist in Faure’s Requiem with the York County Chorale. Gayle serves as a member for the Coker Alumni Executive Board and still finds time for a paying job with CERRA. Susan Roessler Dirsh and her husband Mike are still enjoying their jobs. They enjoy being grandparents to three as well as parents to their three. Daughter Sara is the mother of the grands, son Will is in Qatar and daughter Emily is the independent one. Hopefully Susan can get with Lynda Patton Land and anyone else in the TN hills and all can make a trip back to Hartsville in April! Lynda is still teaching first grade which she enjoys very much. Carol Alford Edwards will be at the reunion and as a Hartsville “local” offers help to anyone in need during our reunion weekend. Linda Lee Matthews will not be at the reunion but reports that her daughter married a wonderful man and Linda and her husband could not be happier for them. She says that she, Sylvia McLamb Puffer and Mary Michau Jordan got together often over the summer. There’s nothing like friends. Judy Southard will retire from LSU effective June 30, 2010. Retirement does not mean Judy will have nothing to do. She will be joining a former colleague in her consulting business. Although there will be some travel, the majority of work can be done from home which Judy hopes will be Mt. Pleasant as soon as she sells her home in Baton Rouge. This move will allow Judy to spend time with her mother who celebrated her 93rd birthday in January. Judy will miss our Friday evening activities but will catch up with all on April 10th at Coker. Jane Brown Riechmann and husband Mark enjoyed several weeks in Tuscany on their latest trip to Europe. By the time this prints, they also cruised the Hawaiian islands with her sister Judy and brother-in-law Wayne. Retirement is great! Betty Moore Snowden wrote that she and Caroline Jordan Black will be car pooling to the reunion. I hope others of you are planning on doing the same. See you at the reunion!

>> C lass o f 19 7 1 S ara h J o W ood S a f rit Post Office Box 388 Beaufort, NC 28516 252-728-3213 | leonards@mail.clis.com Jan Bonnette Frye, Julia Stackhouse Eggen, Beth Poole Garrett and Katherine Ledbetter Meyer enjoyed their annual Coker mini-reunion in Chattanooga, thanks to Katherine’s great organizational skills. They enjoyed the Bluff View Art District, a boating trip down the Tennessee River and bragging about their grandchildren. Julie has the most – 4. Jan is still in Puyallup, WA, wishing for an East Coast address; Julie can’t wait for retirement to leave the Pensacola hurricanes behind; Beth divides her time among her ABC homes in Asheville, Boston and Charleston; and Katherine is still hanging out in Snellville GA, enjoying her grandchildren, Brandon Sherrington, born Dec. 10, and his big brother, 2 ½ year-old Dylan. Susan Weathers Floyd and Marguerite Assey visited at the Columbia drop-in to meet Coker’s new president, Robert Wyatt. Marguerite reported that it was wonderful to


meet Susan’s husband, Lane, after all these years. Susan said she joined her 87-year-old dad on the Veterans Honor Flight to Washington, DC, in November. Susan reports her son, Jim, earned the Doctor of Physical Therapy from USC in December. Bonnie Rivers Drumwright had a wonderful visit from her son, Rivers, and family who are missionaries in Africa. Daughters, Kneece teaches fourth grade and French in California and Sara is studying fashion and merchandising while working at Kohl’s in Louisiana.

>> C lass o f 19 7 3 J ane C ly b urn 1002 Starcliff Drive Lugoff, SC 29078 803-438-5638 | 803-669-4487 clyburnpj@bellsouth.net | jane@ctp-cpa.com Dear Classmates,


News is kind of “slim”, but the following are from the trusted few I almost always hear from.

>> C lass o f 19 7 2 C lass rep or co - rep needed Janie Cleckley Campbell sent in this news: Sara Holley Adams’ mother, Bertha Mae Harris Holley ’48 passed away on December 26th. Sammy and I had gone to take the grandson back home when Sara called our home last night to tell me, I’m sorry I missed her call...she said “they had a wonderful Christmas day as a family, but then when she called her mom on the morning of the 26th she could not get her to the phone. She went to her house and found that she had laid down for the night in her home, and woke up in heaven.” What an amazing gift from God, to allow her to wake up in heaven, with not long drawn out illness or hospitalization. The memorial service was December 28th her home church in Aiken. Please keep Sara, Barbara and Nancy in your prayers. Sue Todd Babb sent this news: Life has been a little sad at our home for several months now. You may recall that my mother died in September and shortly after her death, my mother-in-law became ill and spent several weeks in the hospital and additional time at the Rehab facility. Just when we thought that all was on the mend, my father-in-law experienced respiratory problems and after several trips to the emergency room, the cardiologist finally decided to admit him in early November. He failed to respond to all attempts to recover from repeated congestive heart failure and took his final labored breath on December 3rd. Like Sara’s mother, my mother simply closed her eyes and peacefully joined my father in heaven where she immediately recovered all the lost memories that this earthly life denied her for so many years. She was such a blessing and continued to minister to those around her with her constant smile and familiar laugh. She was glad to see everyone! Therefore, it was so difficult to watch my father-in-law suffer and gasp for every breath. His death on December 3rd took its toll on my sweet 92 year old motherin-law and she was rushed to the hospital following our visit to the funeral home to view Daddy B’s body. She underwent emergency surgery while we attended his funeral. What a test of faith all of us experienced that weekend. Unfortunately, she is still in the hospital and grows weaker every day. On a brighter note...All 4 of our parents lived long and productive lives. Except for Mother B, all were in their eighties when they passed. The Honea Path garden club dedicated a dogwood tree in mama’s memory on December 4th-Arbor Day. She was one of the members who worked many hours to develop Dogwood Park, which was just a club project idea when she was a young member. Finally, when she was in her fifties, the park was approved and the club has continued the upkeep on their realized dream. Although my family has been through a difficult year, we have much to be grateful for. I’m still working even though John is now disabled and unable to work. I’m not even thinking about retirement...Am I crazy or what???? I’m active with literacy projects in our community and plan a Literacy Day each year in which every high school student in the district receives a free book of choice to read for pleasure. We invite an author to join our celebration each year and I help raise funds in Greenwood to support our initiative. I have 2 nephews and their wives along with 3 precious great nieces who are 10, 7, and 5 years old. Thanks for letting us know about Sara’s mother; I will keep her in my prayers. Keep in touch. Sue

Carol Turner Atkinson writes: So, what news do I have? Work commanded most of my time. My high school class had a reunion in November and we had such a great time. The turnout was pretty good & some were attending a reunion for the first time. Let’s all plan for great participation at our next Coker reunion. Over the Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year holiday period we had a chance to visit or be visited by a number of family & friends. It seems that we were able to connect with more friends this year than usual. With the New Year here, it’s back to work & right now it’s all about staying warm - brrrr. Becky Reynolds writes: In Oct., a gospel choir from Daystar University in Kenya toured the US for 100 days. The group, Afrizo, spent 5 nights in Mt. Pleasant. Two of the choir members stayed with me. What a rewarding experience. These girls had such great faith and were just a delight. While I was a bit apprehensive at first, what a treat to have had this experience. The girls are currently juniors at Daystar and are so very talented. Being retired has opened the door for rewarding opportunities such as this. What next? Can’t wait to find out. Nancy Wilson writes: I have a good basketball team. We beat Clemson at the first of the year. I am in a Bible study with Becky Reynolds. As for me, I was hoping to publish a new address, new email and a new telephone number. But as life has its twists and turns, I have not moved. We’re having a tough time selling my house in this economy. The “house that Jane built” is still waiting for me and I pray that I will have the opportunity to move. It’s the first time I picked the lot, the house plans, the interior colors and a few other features. Now, it’s possible that someone else could purchase it if I don’t sell my “old” house. Thanksgiving and Christmas were sort of quiet for me. My daughter and her husband made their usual trip to his grandparents in North Carolina. For the last 8 or so years, we had been having Christmas day dinner at my aunts’ house. But the families have grown so much that it was beginning to be quite a crowd. So this year it was just her immediate family with her, and my immediate family got together. It was nice to have a quiet time for a change, but I did miss being around extended “cousins”. In addition to being the class representative for college, I have somehow been the “oh, Jane will get it started” designee for my high school reunions. After a number of months of nervousness and trying to contact people, gather decorations and making plans, we had a very successful reunion in November. The theme was 50’s, 60’s and 70’s with tie dye table cloths, an inflatable juke box, beads, smiley faces, and peace signs galore. Imagine my surprise when someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around to see Karen Young Blackmon standing there. What a treat to see a college classmate at my high school reunion. I’ve become a Facebook junkie and have connected with a number of friends and family. I’ve been researching my Clyburn ancestry and have found “us” everywhere. I’ve met two “cousins” through Facebook who happened to see my name on someone else’s posts. It turns out we all have the same great-great grandfather. How cool is that? I’ve connected with one person that has a nearly 4000 page “book” that she is extending to proven family. I’m getting some pictures together to send to them plus more data from my family (birthdates etc)



class news class news | ’73 - ’85

so she can add those to the book. I can’t wait to see the Well, that’s all the news I have for now. Hopefully I will be writing from my new home the next time. For now, sign me: Jane

>> C lass o f 19 74 M y ra G ray son N uttall 2873 Luvan Blvd. Georgetown, SC 29440 843.527.4837 If my memory is still in service, forty years ago we were college freshmen. Can you say “time flies” rapidly six times in a row? Well, as we roll through 2010, let’s keep our Coker connections alive. I am happy to take over from Myra Grayson Nuttall as class rep. Hope I can fill her stilettos! Myra wrote that she is helping care for her niece’s newborn twins Peyton and Carter (11/5/2009) with Carolyn McCutcheon Grayson ’69, their grandmother. “I’m enjoying family and friends and wish everyone a healthy, safe and happy 2010.” Cynthia Ward Gantt and Milton Gantt report that they are alive and well and living in Conway, enjoying all the beach has to offer. Cynthia continues to do contract work for the Dept. of Social Services and Milton works part-time at the Conway Library. They traveled to Las Vegas in May where Milton competed in the National Bowling Tournament and spent Christmas at Disney World Orlando with their daughter Mandy who works at the Kennedy Space Center. Frances “Frany” Whitaker Cook resides in Columbia and hosted a summer get-together for Mary Baker Odom, Jane Blankenship, and Nancy Harter Boyd (all Class of 1974). The accompanying pic on Facebook shows all looking fab. Gloria Mack Bell of Hartsville announced that she was named “Woman of Achievement” in the city’s Chamber of Commerce’s 44th Annual Women in Business Celebration in September. Employed by Sonoco for 31 years, Bell was promoted in November to Staff Vice President, Internal Audit. Son Glenn “Monty” is an attorney working as a magistrate judge in Darlington and Michael is returning to school for nursing. He lives in Nashville, TN. Gloria reports that her husband Glenn passed away in 2002. She is now dating a wonderful man. I am living in Gainesville, FL and am working part-time in education and running a jewelry website. My son, Robert, (Class of 2008) works in the hospitality industry and continues to pursue his photography. Daughter Julia is a high school senior and son, David, is pursuing a law degree. My mother, Veronica, passed away in November. Check out Facebook for your old friends. There are a number of Coker classmates actively posting news. Remember Sally Lodge Henderson Teel, Cissie “Jess” Jordan Thaxton, Elizabeth Simons Avery, Milton Gantt, Donna Ladinig Holder, Mary Baker Odom, Myra Grayson Nuttall, Sarah Stubbs, Pat Newman? All on Facebook. Don’t forget to support the Annual Scholarship Fund. This year’s goal is $500,000. Please make your contribution to Coker by June 30, 2009.

>> C lass o f 19 7 5 R ose P atrick S mit h 1801 Stannard Trail Raleigh, NC 27612 919-789-4829 | dsmithII@nc.rr.com

>> C lass o f 19 7 6 M arily n M ros Belotti Post Office Box 2334 Myrtle Beach SC 29578 843-747-8361 | msquare01@earthlink.net



>> C lass o f 19 7 7 J ane M c C rackin S uc h y 1011 Poplar Street Marion, SC 29571 843-423-1989 | suchysuchy@aol.com

>> C lass o f 19 7 8 V icki S mit h C h aplin 839 Bethlehem Road Hartsville, SC 29550 843-332-5998 | Chaplins4@aol.com D r . D aniel M oses Post Office Box 2403 Jacksonville, FL 32203 904-777-8179 | dan1204@bellsouth.net

>> C lass o f 19 7 9 D e b b ie S c h ult z M c L aren 20184 Foothill Terrace Ashburn, MD 20147 703-726-1190 | writerdeb11@aol.com

>> C lass o f 19 8 0

I apologize for not being in touch with you as much. I’m continuing my educational pursuits and have been under the books (Ed.D requirements should be completed by the end of the year). Continue to say a prayer or two for me. My son is now 18 and my daughter is 16- both are desperately trying to grow up. It wasn’t too long ago I was having the same growth spurt. Please direct your class news/updates (family, employment, education) to me at jmb1jmb2@aol.com including COKER in the subject so I don’t inadvertently discard an unknown email address. Thanks, bab

>> C lass o f 19 8 2 D e b ra Holt Zsem b ik 325 Moss Avenue Port Orange, FL 32127-6136 386-760-6430 | ddshouse@yahoo.com

>> C lass o f 19 8 3 G lenn D ouglas Bridges 14 Huskey Court Wellford, SC 29385-9695 864-439-6217 | daddydolphin@charter.net

>> C lass o f 19 8 4

L ee H . Hickman 703 Beaty Street Conway, SC 29526 843-248-3925 | lhickman@sccoast.net

D onna C raig 801 Longbow Road Charlotte, NC 28211 704-491-3093 | djcraig@bellsouth.net

S usan D . W eat h ers b ee 137 West Home Avenue Hartsville, SC 29550-4123 843-383-4692 | CIRCEmyTW14/Sunbeam@hotmail. com

M ic h elle W iscovitc h K ing 400 Gandy Drive Hartsville, SC 29550 843-307-4648 | michaelbking@bellsouth.net

>> C lass o f 19 8 1 Bar b ara A . Britton 6716 St. Julian Way Fayetteville, NC 28314 910-860-7650 | 877-820-9147- toll-free jmb1jmb2@aol.com (put Coker in subject line) The Class of 1981-1982. Cobras can be found EVERYwhere!!! Facebook (over 500 Cobras noted), Twitter, South Carolina, North Carolina, Iraq, Aphganistan. We look forward to hearing from you and hope all will accept the tidings of a wonderful New Year! The following is an update provided by Clementine “Tina” Ashe Ellis: Hi Britt, I was shocked to see that I am on the MIA list while reading the Coker College Commentary. I tried to contact you a while back and got no response (but I noticed you wanted COKER to be indicated in subject line). Hope life is going great for you. Life is great for me. I am married to Jasper (I dated him through high school and college) still. We recently celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary. I have a 24 year old son and a 20 year old daughter who is a sophomore in college. I have been employed with the Town of Cheraw for 27 years and assumed a new job last February as Clerk-Treasurer for The Town of Cheraw. This is an exciting time in my life now that we have the empty nest syndrome going on but I hope the change in jobs will keep me occupied again. Clementine “Tina” Ashe Ellis - jl12@bellsouth.net

>> C lass o f 19 8 5 E lecta A nderson S mall 204 Lantana Circle Georgetown, SC 29440-7278 803-348-6748 | andee33@aol.com T racie J o h nson P asc h al 1111 West Roseneath Road Florence SC 29501-5745 | raciePL@aol.com Hey classmates, As I was going through some old emails, I found an address from Jim J. Varsallone. I emailed him to see if the address was still good. It was a nice surprise to get a quick response from him. He is in the Miami area and is working as youth sports editor and pro wrestling editor for the Miami Herald. His email address is JVarsallone@miamiherald.com. I’m sure he would love to hear from some of you. Electa

W W W. C O K ER . ED U

class news ’85 - ’94 | class news

>> C lass o f 19 8 6 S usan S weatt R o b e y 1 Cobblestone Court Columbia, SC 29229 803-699-6620 | susansrobey@earthlink.net T eresa “ T rigger ” M artin 133 Tall Oaks Drive Irmo, SC 29063 803-749-3922 Home | 803-318-1413 Mobile triggermartin@aol.com

>> C lass o f 19 8 7 C y nt h ia L ee H y lton 14405 Woodswalk Court Midlothian, VA 23112-2412 804-639-2814 | Cindy.L.Hylton@pmusa.com P h y llis Atkinson P almieri 1819 New Market Road Hartsville, SC 29550-9303

>> C lass o f 19 8 8 L isa Br yant M c D owell 9 Alison Way Columbia, SC 29229 803-699-7924 | mcdowellx5@aol.com M illicent C h ewning M acc h ione 3011 Stone Bridge Trail Conyers, GA 30094 770-388-0067 | Millicentmacchione@yahoo.com

>> C lass o f 19 8 9 P ennie C at h e y P eagler 183 Royal Oaks Lane Lexington, SC 29072 803-926-8410 | ppeagler@columbiastaffing.com M eg Q uilt y L ie b e 803 Washington Avenue Palmyra, NJ 08065 856-303-1090

>> C lass o f 19 9 0 A m y G i b son 6 Corby Court Columbia, SC 29229 803-462-9851 | amy.gibson@worldnet.att.net K at h y Hars h C unning h am 6004 Highmarket Street Georgetown, SC 29440 843-527-0530 | khc1224@aol.com Hey Guys! Hope the New Year is off to a great start for everyone! Can you believe it’s been TWENTY YEARS since we graduated?? It seems impossible! Amy sent me the following infor-


mation regarding Homecoming this year. Please be sure to make your reservations and plan to come. I’d love to see us have a big turnout. I know this is hard to believe, but our 20th Year Reunion is coming up on October 1st and 2nd of this year! We have a block of rooms reserved at The Fairfield Inn which is located on Fourth Street. When you call to make your reservation the code to use is Coker Homecoming. The rate is $89 per night. Please make your reservations early. The number for the Fairfield Inn is (843) 332-9898. All of the unreserved rooms will be made open to the public on September 17, 2010.You will be receiving more information about the reunion throughout the year, but please go ahead and make your reservations now if at all possible. I look forward to seeing everyone in October ! Amy We’d love to hear from you for the class news as well. Please email Amy or me at anytime and let us know what is going on in your lives. Kristin LaTorre Molony ’87 sent the following to Amy. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Our daughter Mallory is a senior at Bishop England High School and just got word that she has been accepted to several colleges. She is so excited and changes her mind on a daily basis as to which one she will attend. Our oldest daughter Caitlin just finished her first semester at Trident Tech College. She plans on studying nursing. We will have an empty nest next school year and I cannot imagine what that is going to be like. I stayed with Bobbi Brumble Zimmerman and her family this past October in Columbia. They have a very wild and crazy household with 3 young boys. We went out to dinner and just had a good time. Well that’s all for now. Talk to you later. Kristin LaTorre Molony, 1987 Don’t forget – make your reservations now. Believe it or not the hotels in Hartsville fill up quick!! If you haven’t seen the campus at Coker in twenty years you’ll be amazed at the changes – it is definitely worth the trip! Hope to see you all in October. Take care, Kathy Harsh Cunningham ’90

>> C lass o f 19 9 3 A ngela Hodges Tay lor 2834 Wood Hill Lane Darlington, SC 29532-7465 ahtaylor@sc.rr.com C o - reps needed

>> C lass o f 19 9 4 J enni f er S pray Blankens h ip 2977 Dance Drive Hartsville, SC 29550 843-332-9835 | blankcamp@aol.com V iola D e D e L awrence dede_lawrence@yahoo.com

Special Request from Frank Bush Are you remodeling, downsizing, or just simplifying your life? The College is in need of fine antiques, such as round tables, oriental carpets or wing-back chairs, for use and display in our public spaces, including the Margaret Coker Lawton Music Building and

>> C lass o f 19 9 1 Helen M ason A llen 1823 Misty Vale Road Charlotte, NC 28214 704-391-0931 | We3allens@bellsouth.net

the Lawton-Wiggins House. Your gift-in-kind is tax deductible. If you have any furniture or even artwork that you can give to the College or if you have any questions, please

>> C lass o f 19 9 2

call me at 843.383.8007 or e-mail

K elly S . J enkins 129 Springdale Drive Union, SC 29379 864-427-6823 | Kelljenk@hotmail.Com Fredie J ames W illiams P.O. Box 2734 Evans, GA 30809-2734 frediew@netscape.net

me at fbush@coker.edu. I’d love to hear from you. See you at Alumni Day 2010!

Suzanne Bailey writes: I am still living in Baltimore, MD near the harbor but sometime miss the “true” South. Currently, I am practicing law and have the privilege of representing victims of domestic violence in circuit court in downtown Baltimore. It is a lovely job and I have the fortune of being able to bike to work. I am still in touch with Mary Lahr Carson Cain, Melanie Corbitt Galloway, Dale and Julie Plyer Leatherwood (on occasion) and Rik Alemo (on occasion). Blessed to have made such wonderful friends during my time at Coker. Hope all is well with each of you. Enjoy your day, Suzanne

>> C L A S S E S 19 9 5 - 2 0 0 9 V isit www . coker . edu / alumni to read y ou R class news



development development

>> M emorial gi f ts From November 1, 20 0 9 through Februar y 15, 2010, Coker College received the following memorials Jimmy Baker Mary K. Wallace Newton Shirley Caldwell Becken Al C. Becken III Al Beckham Pat Chapman Huff Eleanor Powers Berryhill Miriam Powers Jordan William Murph Bethea Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger Joe Banks Birch, Sr. Pat Chapman Huff Dr. Jim Blackmon Mary K. Wallace Newton Benji Blanton Tim and Julie Halverson Dr. Irene Boliek Anne Law Finch James Bonnette Mary K. Wallace Newton Adele Camp Pat Chapman Huff Vina Carr Pat Chapman Huff Bob Chambless Suzanne Currier Soderberg Civilization Courses Bertha Maye Drose McCaskill Jimmy Coffey Nell Cutts Daniels Linda Rhyne Mildred Abbott Currier Suzanne Currier Soderberg Dr. James D. Daniels Brenda Tallon Bradshaw Julie Plyler Leatherwood Deceased Members of the Class of 1950 Mary Johnson Bowie Walter Ellerby Mary K. Wallace Newton Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Fentress Betty Fentress Johnston Jane Andrews Funderburk Allene Stuckey Reep Ruth Gardner Drs. Jerry and Lois Gibson Barbara Bailey Goodson Joe and June Reynolds Allston Harris and Louise DeLoach Floyd and Gardner, PC Tracy Kea Lex and Sherry West Dr. Valeria Grannis Gail Power Helms Bertha Mae Harris Holley

>> s y mpat h y

Marguerite Kiser Bessenger Janie Cleckley Campbell Dr. Lannie Huckabee Mary K. Wallace Newton Carl H. Huff Dick and Michal Millen Baird Elayne Mahn Dr. Martha Coker Ziegler Huntley Jimmy and Nancy Baker Bell Martha Gunter Caldwell Bill and Mary Coker Joslin Reaves McCall William and Olive Timberlake Howard and Donna Tucker Ruth Adams Kelley Naomi Kelley Jackson Virginia King Virginia King Hilderbrand Juanita Mason Lewis Walter and Beth DuBose Cottingham Finley Plunkett Lucas Camellia Garden Club Jean Ludlam Marvin and Ruth Ludlam McClam Tricia McClam Harry McDonald Joe and June Reynolds Allston Howard and Pat Dampier Mr. and Mrs. E. C. McDonald Murray Frank McDonald Alice McElhannon Pat Chapman Huff Betsy Moore Karen Moore Lorenz Mary Moore Drs. Jerry and Lois Rauch Gibson Raymond Moore Karen Moore Lorenz William C. Moore, Sr. Carolyn Moore Atkinson James Petty Pat Chapman Huff Sylvia Parks Price Millie Wells Moody Emma Jean “Mickey” Moore Radford Robert H. Radford Floride Josey Reynolds Rebecca Reynolds Sandra Kirkley Rhodes Shelia Meeks Gilbert Judith McColl Smoke Susan Melody Frank C. E. Spires Carolyn Spires Dixon Juanita Thomas Pat Chapman Huff Lamar Thompson Nell Gerrald Thompson Dr. Jim Thrailkill Pat Chapman Huff Gretchen Livingston Toole Allen Toole

Smilie Jean Williams Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger Dr. Kenneth Lewis Wilmot Patricia Evans Wilmot Ruth H. Woodham Lisa Newsom

>> L i b rar y M edia The Charles W. and Joan S. Coker Librar yInformation Technology Center has received media from the following from November 1, 20 0 9 through Februar y 15, 2010. Charles W. and Joan S. Coker Gayle McElveen Douglas Susan Melody Frank Drs. Jerry and Lois Rauch Gibson Kayla L. Grantham Jean Grosser and Larry Merriman Linville Family Foundation Professor Richard Puffer Almus and Hazel Rose Dr. Michael Siegfried Ken Stuart Dr. Graham Wood

>> Honor gi f ts Coker College has received the following honorariums from November 2, 20 0 9 through Februar y 15, 2010 Marguerite Assey Sarah Jo Wood Safrit Janice Bullard Brenda Tallon Bradshaw Katherine Still Campbell Randy and Nedra Campbell Dr. Will Carswell Wes Daniels Barbara Joyce Chambers Maxine Locklair Amos Class of 1962 Gaby Morandiere Class of 1968 Ellen Tollison Hayden Beth DuBose Cottingham Sarah Kolb Bivins Department of Education Faculty Drs. George and Gayle Buckheister Sawyer Dr. Edward S. Ebert II Dr. and Mrs. David W. Blackmon

Angelyn Grainger Hinson ’59 in the death of her husband Derl Hinson on January 11, 2009.

Marian Frances Sistare Sells ’74 in the death of her husband Michael Sells on October 8, 2008.

Susan Rogers Frampton ’66 in the death of her father-in-law Harry Frampton, Jr. on November 18, 2009.

Linda Pearce Lewis ’70 in the death of her mother Amy Louise Pearce on September 23, 2008.

Barbara Kalber Frampton ’38 in the death of her husband Harry Frampton, Jr. on November 18, 2009.

Valerie Saleeby Schulz ’70 on the death of her husband Bob Schultz on January 17, 2010.

Lesa L. Mulligan ’95 in the death of her brother-in-law William Mulligan on January 2, 2010.

Mabel Grooms Hall ’45 in the death of her husband Dr. Thomas O. Hall, Jr. on July 20, 2009.

Sue Todd Babb ’72 in the deaths of her mother on September 9, 2009 and father-in-law on December 3, 2009.

Betty Beasley Williams ’95 in the death of her son-in-law Russell Steen on February 5, 2010.

Peggy Wright David ’53 in the death of her husband Frank B. David on November 23, 2009.

Sara Holley Adams ’72 in the death of her mother Bertha May Harris Holley ’48 on December 26, 2009.

Heather Grant Steen ’00 in the death of her husband Russell Steen on February 5, 2010.

Dorothy Lee Holt Snowden ’54 in the death of her brother in November 2009.

Pat Newman ’74 on the death of her mother Veronica on November 1, 2009.

Information received November 2, 20 0 9 through Februar y 15, 2010



Nancy Edinger Dr. and Mrs. David W. Blackmon Jan Bonnett Frye Marguerite Assey Peggy Cantey Gardner Maxine Locklair Amos Joyce Player Gibbons Maxine Locklair Amos Robert H. Goodson Wes Daniels Della Revels Hartis Maxine Locklair Amos Frank and Elaine Hays Ben Outen and Michael O’Hara Dr. Susan Daniels Henderson Dr. and Mrs. David W. Blackmon Anna White Hill Wes Daniels Liz Hoffman Pat Dampier Gus and Joan Snoddy Hoffmeyer Wes Daniels Christina Savvas Homer Maxine Locklair Amos Naomi Kelley Jackson Alice Adams Brown Bentley Thomas James Rev. and Mrs. Jerry M. James Natalie West Birdsong Johanson Betty Birdsong Matthews Choi Jungsoon Dr. and Mrs. David W. Blackmon Jeanene Locklair Leonard Maxine Locklair Amos Collin Liggett Wes Daniels Susanne Watts Liggett Wes Daniels Dr. Patricia G. Lincoln Dr. and Mrs. David W. Blackmon Dr. Darlene Maxwell Dr. and Mrs. David W. Blackmon Sarah Pauline Jackson McRae Hoyland Lowery Fisher Susan Bartenstein Necci Marguerite Assey Cecil and Joanne McFaddin O’Bryan on their 50th Anniversary Walter and Beth DuBose Cottingham Dr. Sara S. Odom Dr. and Mrs. David W. Blackmon Linda Lovett Parker Marguerite Assey Ann Rice Phillips Marguerite Assey Lynn Rawls Dr. and Mrs. David W. Blackmon Allene Stuckey Reep Hoyland Lowery Fisher Dr. Joseph Rubinstein Dr. and Mrs. David W. Blackmon Drs. George and Gayle Buckheister Sawyer Dr. and Mrs. David W. Blackmon Sarah Jo Wood Safrit Marguerite Assey Yvonne Floyd Stuckey Marguerite Assey Anne Dennis Trotter Marguerite Assey Shep Porter Wallace Maxine Locklair Amos Christina Glover Wallerstein Marguerite Assey Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wyatt Dr. and Mrs. David W. Blackmon

>> I N memoriam Information received November 2, 20 0 9 through Februar y 15, 2010 Juanita Mason Lewis ’38 Martha Coker Huntley ’39 Harriet Vernon Smith Downey ’42 Barbara Bailey Goodson ’42 Bertha May Harris Holley ’48 Lucile Sawyer ’49 Gladys Floyd Fickling ’50 Linda Horton Cooke ’63

>> Birt h s Information received November 2, 20 0 9 through Februar y 15, 2010 Congratulations to Nancy McConnell Wilhelm ’63 on the birth of granddaughter Emily Elizabeth Parsons and grandson William McConnell Parsons on January 8, 2010. Congratulations to Emily Pittman Hudson ’68 on the birth of grandson Jackson Baker Hudson on June 17, 2009. Congratulation to Lesa L. Mulligan ’95 on the birth of grandson Aksel Kieran Kohn on December 28, 2009. Congratulations to Matthew D. Shores ’96 and Tracy on the birth of son Warner Douglas Shores on December 10, 2009. Congratulations to Jennifer Konopa James ’06 and Todd ’06 on the birth of their son Bentley Thomas James on November 12, 2009. Congratulations to Elizabeth Steele Hall ’97 and Dean on the birth of their son James Segars Hall on January 4, 2010. SEND US BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS ABOUT YOUR CHILDREN OR GRANDCHILDREN!

>> W E D D I N G S Information received November 2, 20 0 9 through Februar y 15, 2010 Congratulations to Lora Harrell ’02 and Blake Knotts on their marriage in February 2009. Congratulations to Leah Wright ’04 and Rob Burkett on their marriage on April 18, 2009. Congratulations to Jessica Hope Blackwell ’08 and Toby “TC” Carroll Lloyd Jr. on their marriage on October 24, 2009. SEND US A WEDDING PHOTO OF THE BRIDE AND GROOM WITH ALL YOUR COKER GUESTS!

W W W. C O K ER . ED U



>> contri butions to sc holarsh ips The following gifts were received for endowed scholarships from November 1, 2009 through February 15, 2010 Ann Ludlam Winfield ‘44 Endowed Scholarship Ann Ludlam Winfield Ann Matthews Bragdon Endowed Scholarship Judy Watson Dew Ann Parker Gallop Barbara Dibble Dixon ‘59 and Osmund W. Dixon, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Bubber and Barbara Dibble Dixon Benji Blanton Endowed Scholarship Tim and Julie Halverson Class of 1953 Endowed Scholarship Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger Frances Worley Bond Class of 1956 Endowed Scholarship Maxine Locklair Amos Shep Porter Wallace

>> Gi f ts

Eleanore Whittinghill Vaughan Endowed Music Scholarship James and Virginia Vaughan L. Robert Vaughan Erby Jackson and Katie Sue Duffy Jackson Endowed Scholarship Hellen Jackson Jackson Folsom Scholarship Ann Livingston Joyeusaz Jane Parler Norwood Scholarship Jane Parler Norwood Jean Ludlam ‘51 Endowed Scholarship Ruth Ludlam McClam Tricia McClam John C. and Leland S. Hungerpiller Memorial Scholarship James and Page Hungerpiller Katherine Still Campbell Endowed Scholarship Randy and Nedra Campbell Kenneth Lewis Wilmot Endowed Music Scholarship Patricia Evans Wilmot Lettie Pate Whitehead Scholarship Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc. Lewis and Lillian Dillard Stephens Endowed Scholarship Robert H. Radford

Mary Elizabeth DuBose Cottingham Endowed Scholarship Barbara Nexsen Lansche Nancy Barrineau Endowed Scholarship Nan Carter Howard Teressa Thompson Harrington Nickey Brumbaugh Endowed Art Scholarship Betty J. Robertson Coughlin Ruth H. Woodham Kalmia Plant Endowment Lisa Newsom Ruth Lawton Wilds Endowed Music Scholarship Jim and Sara K. Wilds Ruth Ludlam McClam ‘46 Endowed Scholarship Marvin and Ruth Ludlam McClam Sarah Jo Wood Safrit Endowed Scholarship Sarah Jo Wood Safrit Sparrow Scholars Program Becky Sparrow Susan Melody Frank Zeigler Endowed Scholarship Bill and Mary Coker Joslin Bill and Olive Timberlake Howard and Donna Tucker Martha Gunter Caldwell Reaves McCall

given to K almia G ardens [ N ovem b er 4 , 2 0 0 9 – Fe b ruar y 16 , 2 0 10 ]

>> M emorials Dr. Robert G. Askins Greg and Allynne Askins Ray and Mary Clanton George and Hettie Dargan Lauren Boiteau Belva H. High Dick Boyce Steven and Cheryl Scott Joby Bristow Sarah B. Auman Ray and Mary Clanton Tom and Annie Cannon Carolyn Cannon Kellihan Ellen Cecil Steve and Holly Peterson Mrs. David R. Coker Ione C. Lee Hannah Lide Coker Bill and Mary Coker Joslin Lib Deschamps Dr. James D. Bolt May Dee Diggs Toy and Shelby Galloway Paul Elkins, Jr. Elizabeth E. McEachin Mr. and Mrs. William H. Farless, Jr. Jim and Paula Bowen Harry H. Frampton, Jr. Phil and Iris Kennedy Ruth Gardner Rachel Flowers Barbara Bailey Goodson Daphne W. Arthur Rose Marie K. Newsome Mrs. Raymond F. Harris Virginia H. Miller Thomas E. Hart, Sr. William M. Teague Lucile Hendrix Leslie and Bobbie Bradshaw Frances S. Holland Helen Holland Chaplin


Carolyn Hubbard Ray and Mary Clanton Carl Huff Julia S. Petty Dr. Martha Coker Zeigler Huntley Ben and Anne Williamson Dr. Berry L. Litsey, Jr. Fred and Nancy Edinger Marion Lucas Alva and Ida Whitehead Marion and Finley Lucas Ray and Mary Clanton Muriel Luth J. Richard and Carol Luth Ruthven Atha Mangum Charles and Adrienne Rogers Harrison Martin Rose Marie K. Newsome Harry McDonald Charles and Sylvia Coker Margaret Stuckey Nolan Lewis and Allene Stuckey Reep Jesse Plummer Buddy Plummer Meta Robertson Betty. J. Robertson Coughlin Arabella Meadows Rogers Charles and Adrienne Rogers Mr. Jack Ross Suzanne G. Muldrow Eleanor Coker Ruthven J. Richard and Carol Luth Ruthven Margaret Catoe Saleeby Lillian Catoe Galloway Mary Carline Turner Dr. Tracey Welborn Joe Wiggins Betty C. Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Williams Rose Marie K. Newsome Ruth H. Woodham Davis Kirkpatrick

>> D onations Anderson Brass Company Dick and Michal Millen Baird Tyler and Ellen Baldwin Ann Banning Phillip and Honor Bonds Brit and Sloan Hungerpiller Brittain Brown-Pennington-Atkins Rev. and Mrs. Ronald W. Cannon Charles and Sylvia Coker Elizabeth H. Coker Fitz and Dotty Coker Gregory and Barbara Connor Richard and Joan Connor Bob and Betty Corning Charles and Carole Davis John and Judy Davis Kirk and Jane Dunlap Andy and Vicki Eaddy Randell Ewing Wade and Mary Lutie Fletcher John R. Folsom Jim and Jean Fort Karen H. Gentry George and Cindy Hartley Walt and Susan Harvey Gus and Joan Snoddy Hoffmeyer Mr. and Mrs. David Holt James and Page Hungerpiller Charles and Frances Hupfer Roger K. Hux Luan S. Jeffords Bill and Mary Coker Joslin Robert and Diane Kerzner Julia E. Krebs Edgar and Nan Lawton Ed and Tru Lawton Curtis and Barbara Lee Jane T. Levinson Fulton and Amey Lewis Linville Family Foundation Kevin and Tina Mahoney Mike and Ann Malone Gordon and Bernice McBride

Kathy McCall Jim and Claire Redman McGee Brian Meadows Norman and Jane Miner Kathy Moore Ruth D. Moore Harry and Rita Moran Mutual Savings Bank Mr. and Mrs. Vern W. Myers Lisa Newsom John and Pam Newsome Bubba and Nancy D. Nickles Charles and Joanne O’Rourke Ellis and Annie Parsons Pee Dee Eye Associates Chandler and Martha D. Peel Pepsi-Cola of Florence, LLC Walt and Teresa Peterson Dick and Brenda Porter Frank and Robin Prehoda Progress Energy Edward and Rose Quilty Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Reck Gill and Jenny Rogers Joseph and Heike Buechler Rubinstein Sarah Jo Wood Safrit Willie Calcutt Saleeby Drs. George and Gayle Buckheister Sawyer Robert and Janet M. Snow William and Gwendolyn Steinmeyer Jim and Dot Stone Licia Love Stone Clyde and Mary Catherine Stuckey Robert and Janet Townsend Sarah C. Timmons Howard and Donna Tucker John and Martha Ward Clyde and Myrtle Weaver Anne Tarte Wiesen Bill and Birgitt Torres White Ben and Peggy Carmichael Woodward Bud and Joanne Moody Zobel


>> Honorariums Ronna V. Askins Greg and Allynne Askins Luke and Kathy Baxley Merle Davis Baxley Merle Davis Baxley J. Michael Baxley Dr. David W. Blackmon Bobb E. Riggs Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cox IV James and Holly Prescott Hope Gettys Dunlap Morrie Cooper Vera Grahams Mrs. Walter Simmons Jean Gray Ms. Catherine McBroom Susan Daniels Henderson Marie B. Daniels Camille and Rebecca Knockemus Mark and Dominique Knockemus Drs. George and Gayle Buckheister Sawyer David and Gay Blackmon Charles J. Maddox Drs. Jerry and Lois Rauch Gibson Raymond L. Teders Tom and Denise Hendricks Betty C. Wiggins Lynch and Melanie Christian C. Nevin Betts Larry and Virginia Gantt Hannelore Wilson Bob L. Wilson



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