[Summer 2011] Commentary

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commentary t h e O F F I C I A L M A G A Z I N E O F co k e r coll e g e – h a r t s v ill e , s o u t h ca r olina

A dvo c at e

E n g ag e

S u p p o rt

I m pac t





S u m m e r 2011


V o l . 39, N o . 2

coker.edu | cokercobras.com | facebook.com/cokercollege | youtube.com/cokercollege


I m pa c t


(Partners for Unparalleled Local Scholastic Success)

31 Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s A DVOC ATE

Colleges of Distinctions 4

A ME SS AGE FROM DR. Ro b e r t L . W YATT President of the College


Celebration of Academics 6 Development

Alumni News



Health & Wellness I MPA CT

Coker SIFE

As you read this Commentary, I hope you are, as I am, dazzled by the wonderful, inescapable truth that Coker’s students, faculty, staff and


alumni gave more of themselves this year than any could have expected.


Consider a few of their achievements: our men’s basketball team went to the Conference championship; our Students In Free Enterprise team won the regional championship and Rookie of the Year and earned a top-60 spot at the national expo. Hannah Beard’s choreography was showcased

Summer 2011 | Vol. 39, No. 2 coker.edu | cokercobras.com facebook.com/cokercollege | youtube.com/cokercollege


at the gala of the American College Dance Festival Association in Florida; Amanda Warner and Kendra English participated in a national genetics conference; Tom Wright was the conference’s 2010-11 Men’s Basketball Scholar Athlete of the Year.

A R t Di r e c t o r / D e si g n e r

Kyle Saverance ’06

Finally, we expected alumni and friends to support the institution, they

Executive Director of Marketing & Communications ksaverance@coker.edu

always do. But we did not expect to obliterate Advancement’s giving goals.

E d i t o r s/C o n t r i b u t o r s


Ashley Simatic

Harrison Waters

Content Manager & Writer asimatic@coker.edu

Interactive Media Developer hwaters@coker.edu

Barb Steadman Director of College Relations bsteadman@coker.edu Kyria Hoffman ’10 Marketing & Communicaitons Coordinator khoffman@coker.edu

G r a p h i c D e si g n I n t e r n s

Janet Walker ‘11 Samantha Fletcher ‘13 Y o u T u b e Vi d e o I n t e r n

Tyler Senecal ‘13

Judging from the 2010-11 academic year, I’d say it is time for some new expectations. And now, thanks to you, I fully believe that that we will exceed them as well! My best,

The Commentary is the official magazine of Coker College and is published by the Office of Marketing & Communications.

Dr. Robert L. Wyatt

COKER COLLEGE Office of Marketing & Communications 300 East College Avenue Hartsville, SC 29550-3797 843.383.8000 | 843.383.8017


Coker College Featured in

Colleges of Distinction

Eng aged Students

Gre at Te aching

Vibr ant Communities

Successful Outcomes

Coker College is one of 200 colleges and





CollegesofDistinction.com, an online guide focused on institutions of higher education that excel at engaging students, providing outstanding teaching, offering vibrant communities and producing successful outcomes.

These four pillars of a strong and active undergraduate education comprise the Four Distinctions, and only schools that demonstrate excellence in these four areas qualify for inclusion in the guide. “We applaud the big-picture approach that Colleges of Distinctions™ uses to evaluate colleges and are obviously pleased that Coker College was selected for this honor,” said Coker College President Robert Wyatt. “I hope that students will make plans to visit Coker to see it for themselves. No guide, however good, can substitute for a campus visit.” The goal of Colleges of Distinction™ is to provide students, counselors and parents with information about colleges and universities that excel in the Four Distinctions. Featured schools take a holistic approach to admissions, consistently excel in providing undergraduate education and have a truly national reputation. “Schools selected as Colleges of Distinction™ create well-rounded graduates and are among the very best in the country,” reports Tyson Schritter, the Executive Editor of Colleges of Distinction™. “While each school is one of a kind, they all share a common attribute: each is a great place to get an education.” Follows is a sampling of some of Coker’s points of pride that particularly attracted the editors’ attention.



COKER COLLEGE FE ATURED I N C o l l e g e s o f Dis t i n c t i o n

Eng aged Student s R ound Table Le a rning: At Coker, students learn to think on their feet and present their ideas with confidence. The College utilizes the interactive, discussion-based teaching approach which “Peterson’s Smart Parents Guide to College” praises as “a model learning experience.”

S tudy Away: Coker provides a wide array of study away opportunities through programs such as the American Institute for Foreign Studies and Central College Abroad.

The Yale - Coker Partner ship: Through PULSE (Partners for Unparalleled Local Scholastic Excellence), Coker students are gaining first-hand experience developing and implementing best practices in education and child development. For more information on PULSE, see page 31.

E liz a be th Boat wright Coker Performing A rt s Center: The $6.5 million facility houses the Department of Dance, Music and Theater and includes a 466-seat proscenium theater, audio and video editing suites, a black box theater, two dance studios, a music recording studio and a rehearsal room.

Gre at Te aching S t u d e n t a n d Facu lt y R e s e a rch: Dr. Gordon Brown, chemistry, was awarded a $50,000 grant from the American Chemical Society’s Petroleum Research Fund to enhance Coker’s chemistry program. In 2010, Dr. Joseph Flaherty, biology, received a $500,000+ National Science Foundation grant to support new undergraduate biology research. Ashley Zearfoss ’08 completed research that led to the funding of multiple grants. For more on Ashley’s story, see page 29.

W rit e r’s S t u dio: A valuable resource with student tutors who help students brainstorm ideas; discuss and understand assignments; organize and write a first draft; improve the focus, organization and clarity of their writing; and develop and better articulate their own ideas.

Vibr ant Communities U n ri va l e d n at u r a l a n d a rchit ec t u r a l b e au t y: Coker’s campus includes 15 acres of paths, trees, lawns, gardens (some of which are designed by world-renowned artist Pearl Fryar) and exceptional examples of Georgian-style architecture. Beyond campus, the Sory Boathouse and Clubhouse a few blocks away gives students access to Prestwood Lake, and the nearby 30-acre Kalmia Gardens of Coker College adjoins a 700-acre nature preserve.

M o r e t h a n 30 s t u d e n t o rg a n i z ati o n s: Coker has something for everyone. Organizations include special-interest groups, honor societies, performance ensembles, leadership programs, religious groups, intramural sports and a literary magazine.

T r a ditio n s: Coker Olympics of Winter, one of the institution’s most unique and treasured traditions, takes center stage one week at the beginning of every February. Each class competes in Coker’s version of Olympic events in hopes of earning the title of C.O.W. Days Champions. In another great tradition, Coker’s Commissioners have welcomed freshman with excitement each year since 1924.

Successful Outcomes A l u m ni Su cce ss: Coker alumni making national headlines include Terrance Hayes ’94, who won the 2010 National Book Award for Poetry for “Lighthead,” his fourth collection of poetic works, and CNN producer Christopher Dawson ‘93, who was honored in Washington with the 2011 Global Media Award for the positive impact his work has had in the lives of the victims of last year’s earthquake and its aftermath in Haiti.

F u l b rig h t S ch o l a r s: In the last four years, three Coker graduates have been selected to the Fulbright Program, the government’s flagship international education exchange program.

Ca r e e r Pl a n ni n g: From freshmen year, Career Services aids in the career exploration and planning process by helping students create a career plan that will successfully integrate academic studies and engaged learning to meet the challenges of today’s competitive job market and graduate admissions standards. Career Services offers personal career counseling, career interest inventories, online job listings, job fairs, workshops, presentations and resume services.

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Ma r ia n W ri g h t E d e l m a n

Freedom Rides

Addressing a crowd of about 2,500 at Coker’s 103rd Spring Commencement on May 14, keynote speaker Marian Wright Edelman applauded Coker College’s emphasis on service learning, global engagement and on redefining success. “I am very pleased about the College’s focus on service learning, on giving back and on caring,” Edelman said. “I hope that many of you will wander, in fact I hope that all of you will wander, off the beaten path and help redefine success in 21st century America.” She urged the Class of 2011 to face the challenges ahead with honesty, discipline and a willingness to make change by working hard and taking risks. “My generation had to learn to get off the dime,” Edelman said. “Your generation will have to learn to get off the paradigm.” Now president and founder of the Children’s Defense Fund, Edelman began her career in the mid-60s when, as the first black woman admitted to the Mississippi Bar, she directed the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund office in Jackson, Miss. In 1968, Edelman moved to Washington, D.C., as counsel for the Poor People’s Campaign that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. began organizing before his death. She founded the Washington Research Project, a public interest law firm and the parent body of the Children’s Defense Fund. For two years, she served as the Director of the Center for Law and Education at Harvard University and in 1973 began the Children’s Defense Fund. Edelman has received more than a hundred honorary degrees and many awards, most recently a Doctor of Humane Letters from Coker, presented by President Robert Wyatt during Commencement. Other awards include the Albert Schweitzer Prize for


Humanitarianism, the Heinz Award and a MacArthur Foundation Prize Fellowship. In 2000, she received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian award, and the Robert F. Kennedy Lifetime Achievement Award for her writings. Her writings include: “Families in Peril: An Agenda for Social Change;” “The Measure of Our Success: A Letter to My Children and Yours;” “Guide My Feet: Meditations and Prayers on Loving and Working for Children;” “Stand for Children;” “Lanterns: A Memoir of Mentors;” “Hold My Hand: Prayers for Building a Movement to Leave No Child Behind;” “I’m Your Child, God: Prayers for Our Children;” “I Can Make a Difference: A Treasury to Inspire Our Children;” and “The Sea Is So Wide and My Boat Is So Small: Charting a Course for the Next Generation.” The graduate of Spelman College and Yale Law School served on the Board of Trustees of Spelman, which she chaired from 1976 to 1987, and was the first woman elected by alumni as a member of the Yale Corporation, on which she served from 1971 to 1977. Edelman is a board member of the Robin Hood Foundation, the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities and the Association to Benefit Children. She is also a member of the Selection Committee of the Profiles in Courage Award of the John F. Kennedy Library, the Council on Foreign Relations, the American Philosophical Society, the American Academy of Arts & Sciences and the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences.

Civil rights leader and Emory Distinguished Scholar in Residence, Dr. Bernard Lafayette Jr. and Coker College Professor of Art Jean Grosser discussed her work at the opening of the “Road to Equality: The 1961 Freedom Rides,” an exhibit at the historic Greyhound bus station in Montgomery, Ala., that opened to the public on May 20. Check out the two web extras below.

WEB E X TR A S For more information, visit: coker.edu/current-top-stories/ 1471-prof-jean-grosser-toparticipate-in-freedom-ridesexhibit.html

WEB E X TR A S To view Jean’s interview plus many more, visit: youtube.com/cokercollege BECOME A SUBSCRIBER OF OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL!



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Continuing a tradition that began last year during President Robert Wyatt’s inauguration as the 16th president of Coker College, Coker hosted a three-day, campus-wide Celebration of Academics Monday, April 18, through Wednesday, April 20, 2011.

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“The celebration in 2010 was enthusiastically embraced both by our campus community and by our neighbors throughout region,” said Wyatt. “In fact, the overwhelming success of Coker’s Celebration of Academics last year was a contributing factor to our being recognized this year on ‘CollegesofDistinction. com,’ a national college guide site that includes only two other colleges from South Carolina.” According to Professor of Political Science and Philosophy Jim Lemke, who headed planning both years’ events, one of the most important aspects of the celebration is that it asks our community to pause from their daily routines long enough to revel in the


richness of knowing that learning is not about architecture and classroom furniture, it’s about personal engagement, and it is a thing well worth celebrating. “Many people have the unfortunate tendency to think of education as something that happens in the confines of a box—the classroom. Not at Coker,” he said. “For us, learning happens everywhere. Rejecting the tired admonition to think outside the box, we ask, instead, what box?” This year’s schedule included the final presentation of the College’s Last Lecture Series by College Provost and Professor of Biology Patricia Lincoln, a dozen poster presentations of student research and service-learning projects, 18 presentations of student-faculty research and a grand culminating presentation, Coker’s annual Performing Arts Showcase. Patrick Flynn ‘11 was awarded Best Oral Presentation, and Emma Hayes received the award for Best Poster Presentation.



WEB E X TR A S To view this video plus many more, visit: youtube.com/cokercollege BECOME A SUBSCRIBER OF OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL!

Alumni Weekend 2011 The 2011 Coker College Alumni College Weekend was held June 3-5 with approximately 110 alumni in attendance, representing the classes of 1946-2010 joined by faculty, staff and friends of the College. Festivities began on Friday night with the reunion class dinners followed by a funfilled day of class meetings, college courses and an evening campus tour followed by movies, games and concessions before several alumni took advantage of reliving their “Coker College Experience” by spending the weekend in the dorms. During the General Session on Saturday, the class gifts totaling $110,689 were presented to President Robert Wyatt from the reunion classes of 1951, 1956, 1961, 1966, 1971 and 1976.

The Performing Arts Showcase featured dance, music and theater performances by students, faculty and alumni. The showcase included “Sonata for Horn and Piano in F Major” performed by Assistant Professors of Music Jun Matsuo and Graham Wood; a comedic performance of “The Role of Della” by students Ameerah Briggs, Brianna Fowler and Kaylie Wilson ‘11; and “Particle Influence,” a dance piece performed by Devin Jennings, Meagan Stone and Amanda Wright ‘07 and choreographed by Associate Professor of Dance Angela Gallo. Some of the Theater Department’s favorite fairies also made a return appearance in “Oh Shakespeare! In Love?” a short film featuring Associate Professor of Theater Phyllis Fields, Amy Ross ’90, Alex Shifflet ’90, Anthony Peguese ‘11, Taylor Adams ‘11 and Jasmine Stevenson ‘11.


Alumni Association awards were presented during the General Session to the following recipients:

Dr. Priscilla Perry Arnold ’71 – 2010 Distinguished Achievement Award

Representative Denny Woodall Neilson ’73 – 2011 Distinguished Achievement Award

Dr. Karen M. Kuehner ’64 – co-recipient of the 2011 Distinguished Service Award

Tanya Kuehner Sisk ’72 – co-recipient of the 2011 Distinguished Service Award



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Sabbatic al s


rofessor Angela Gallo, Associate Professor of P Dance, Spring 2012 – plans to focus on two areas: dance on film and working to attain a Certified Movement Analyst certification. Professor Gallo’s previous film was honored at the Optical Film Festival, and she now wishes to create a new dance for film. r. Jill Banks, Professor of Psychology, Spring 2012 D – plans to improve her teaching effectiveness by gaining knowledge and skills in the discipline of psychology; increase technological knowledge to improve her teaching and research effectiveness; and increase her clinical and research abilities and skills to enhance her professional development. r. Darrell Hollliday, Professor of Business D Administration, Fall 2011 – his sabbatical will include an extensive review of the literature on research that relates to South Carolina Senior Citizens becoming victims of fraudulent activities, i.e. financial abuse, telemarketing fraud and identity theft. The resulting knowledge will be incorporated into the classroom and will enhance his lectures.

Promotion & Tenure Promotions


rofessor Alexa Bartel P Associate Professor of Library Science

Dr. Julia Fisher Associate Professor of Psychology

Dr. Joseph Flaherty Associate Professor of Biology

Dr. Susan D. Henderson Associate Professor of Education

Professor James Boden Professor of Art

Dr. Cathy Cuppett Professor of Spanish

Dr. David McCracken Professor of English

Dr. Suzanne Parker Assistant Professor of Physical Education & Sports Studies

Honor s

Dr. Patricia Lincoln Professor Emerita of Biology

Dr. Joseph Rubinstein Professor Emeritus of Education

Professor Kaye Crook Professor Emerita of Mathematics

Professor Deborah Bloodworth Professor Emerita of Theater

The Office of Institutional Advancement would like to thank the friends, alumni, faculty, staff, foundations and corporations who gave so generously to Coker College this year. Your support allowed us to surpass last year’s fund raising total by 29 percent, and exceed the goal for the vitally important Annual Scholarship Fund which directly helps so many Coker College students. Gi v e to Cok er’s A n n ual Scholar ship Fu nd • T he Annual Scholarship Fund is Coker College’s yearly campaign to raise financial support for its students. • E very gift to the fund helps new and returning students attend Coker. • G ifts to the fund are tax deductible. • A lumni gifts to the fund positively influence Coker College’s national ranking. Gi v e online at www.cok er.edu/GIF TS It’s Safe. It’s Simple.

nta th nn sh IFTS Your con tac t f o r t he An nual Scholars h i p F u nd n d i s D i r e c t o r o f M A J OR G IFT

W e s Dan i e l s ’03 — wdaniels@coker.edu or 843. 383.8178

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Go online to read more class news: www.coker.edu/the-commentary

class news •

G at h e r e d & w r it t e n by cl a ss R e pr e se n tat i v e s

Dear Classmates, Many of you won’t remember me as I was a graduate of Coker’s South campus located at Fort Jackson. Coker has always been dear to my heart, and I have served as a volunteer for many years. My latest undertaking is that of Class Representative for the class of 1940. I cannot begin to tell you the stories I have heard, the laughter I have shared with the members of the class of 1940. It is truly a pleasure to call someone—someone whom you have never met, yet have a common thread. Remember…it is the Coker experience that binds all of us together regardless of the year or the campus from which we graduated. I would like to challenge you to “adopt” an earlier class. The time involved is minimal, yet the rewards are enormous. These alumnae paved the way for us; now it’s our turn to give back to them. Best wishes to you all! Connie (Bell) Hucks ’93 EV Class reps needed for: 1937, 1942, 1944, 1946, 1967, 2009, and 2010. If you are interested, please call the alumni office at 1-800-65-COKER (26537) or 843-383-8062.


Florence Houck Steele

Post Office Box 69 Davis Station, SC 29041 803-478-8783 | 803-460-7877 cell phone Class of ’38, Hilda Rowe Rutherford, 22 fine Pounds Road, St. Simon GA 31522 Telephone (912) 265-0972. Hilda wrote me a long letter saying she had moved back into the home that she and her husband built in 1960’s. She has caregivers around the clock who do everything for her. She walks on her own with the assistance of her walker. She says she has macula degeneration in her eyes and goes to a specialist in Jacksonville FL. I had a nice long chat with her which I thoroughly enjoyed. I talked with Alma (Annie) Reames Walker. She said she was having when she’s trouble with dizzy spells but when she’s sitting down she’s OK so we had a nice chat. Her son and his family live with her. Sarah Myers Dickinson has had a hip replacement and is in St. Brannbus, Chattanooga, TN. Her son Tommy and family live in Lookout Mt. but they didn’t know when she would be able to return home. Nancy Bridges Fussell lives alone in her apartment in a retirement community. Two sons and daughters live in Washington and two sons and daughter live in Maryland. Frances Robbins Hovis passed away in 2010. Mary Jones Folger (24 Boxwood Lane, Greenville, SC 29601). I enjoyed chatting with her. She has help part of the day and enjoys watching television. I spend January, February, and March at my duplex at the Methodist Oaks in Orangeburg but now

I’m back at my lake house right out of Summerton SC. It is beautiful here. I’m right on the water so watch many boats and skiers going by. Hope to hear from some of you soon. Love, Florence Steele


Lisa Miller Sneed ’98


Mary Constance [Connie] Hucks ’93 EV 104 Cooper River Road Myrtle Beach, SC 29588 843-650-4791 | CokerGrad@aol.com

Dear Class of 1940: Since my last column, I regret to inform you that we have lost a dear friend and classmate. I spoke with Suzanne Janson who informed me that her mother, Edna Wingardner Hayes has left this life. Suzanne told me that her mother so loved her Coker days and always looked forward to receiving The Commentary. We will miss her greatly, and our sincere sympathies are extended to her family. I spoke with Mary Baker ’74 daughter of Margaret “Marni” Davidson Baker. Marni says “hello and Happy Easter” to all her classmates. Mary told me that she has a Facebook page; just type Coker peeps and you’ll be connected to the ‘peepsters’. Sarah Orr Scarborough told me that when her husband Bill and Marni’s husband Bill were in the service, Marni visited with Sarah for a week. What a time those two must have had together. Gladys McNeill Bellamy is doing pretty well and said that she sure does love reading our news column. I called Janet Langston Jones ’39, but was unable to catch her home.

Ruby Whittington Oliver is doing “as usual”. When I called, she was babysitting “Choco”, her granddog. Rocking and spoiling him is what she seems to do best. Frances Humphries Price says that she and her family are about the same. Husband Hampton has been in the hospital but is home and doing well now. Frances is still working at the convenience store at Springmoor once every three weeks. The convenience store truly lives up to its name as she only has to go the grocery store every 6-8 weeks. She and Hampton enjoyed a lovely Easter dinner including their son, daughter-in-law, and grandson. I chatted a while with Mary Luther Hudson who told me that she and her family are well. Her daughter, son-in-law and granddaughters are in Austin, TX, but she gets to see them rather often. In fact, one granddaughter is graduating soon and may have her sights set on Coker College. She also has family quite a bit closer in Raleigh. She periodically has the opportunity to visit in Hartsville and always insists that she visit Coker. Nell Godwin Morris was enjoying a visit from her sister when I called to chat. She said that her arthritis was bothering her, but other than that she couldn’t complain. I promised that when I cut back to part-time work, I will indeed go to visit her. Frances Humphries Price assured me there was no damage sustained during the awful tornados in her area in mid-April. We talked about college roommates, and I learned that Florence Houck Steele ’38 was one of her first suite-mates. I was surprised to hear from Sarah Orr Scarborough that she is not too well right now. Her trepidation of upcoming dental implant surgery was about to get the best of her. Since I experienced that very same surgery only three days earlier, I assured her that she would be just fine. Her husband Bill had


pneumonia, but is doing well now. As usual, he is so very happy and looking forward to his 95th birthday. On June 14, Sarah and husband Bill will celebrate 70 years of wedded bliss. Sarah and I talked about Coker and she told me about a house party at Myrtle Beach after graduation. She reminisced of having dates in the parlors and having to get written permission to visit Bill’s family in Bishopville. A rather funny detail she shared was looking forward to getting the Coker handbook in summer and reading it thoroughly so she wouldn’t make any mistakes that may warrant getting her shipped home during the school year! Marjorie Brunk Nettles is not feeling too well as her back has been bothering her lately. Other than that, she’s doing okay. I was delighted when I received a lovely note from Florence Houck Steele ’38. She let me know that her driving is limited now, but she still lives alone and is able to take care of herself. Florence had eye surgery in December, then spent the next three months at her home at the Methodist Oaks. When she wrote, she was back at her lake home and just enjoying life. Florence, like so many of you, invited me to come for a visit. When my work schedule slows down, don’t be surprised when I call with the message, “I’m heading your way!” Mildred Hardin Sawyer is still living in Winston Salem, NC and doing very well. As usual, we talked about those ever so delicious Moravian cookies. On Christmas Eve, Loree Harrington Gandy took a new medication that made her so ill she missed the Christmas festivities. Her meds have changed and she is doing much better now, but still not well yet. She can’t do the yard work that she once loved so very much, but she manages to take walks. After missing her family at Christmastime, she was very pleased to spend Easter with her family at her grandson’s home in Hartsville. Herb and I enjoyed a fabulous vacation in Playa Mujeres, Mexico, then in January I had emergency surgery and lost three weeks of work. Tax season seemed busier than usual this year, and Herb and I were just exhausted when we arrived home the evening of April 18. Those long days and 6-7 days per week, we have decided, are for a much younger generation. Our middle daughter will graduate from nursing school in August, and all three daughters and three grandsons are doing well. As always, a great big “thanks” for allowing me to serve as your class representative. And don’t forget to tell someone that you love them! Cordially, Connie

Norma Mathis Pate

c/o Norman Pate Post Office Box 885 West Point, VA 23181-0885 803-439-7930 cell phone | ndmp8@juno.com


Class rep or co-rep needed


Selma Stogner LeHardy 415 Lakeshore Drive Hartsville, SC 29550 843-332-7952 Class co-rep needed


Class rep or co-rep needed


Katherine Still Campbell 295 Club Acres Orangeburg, SC 29118 803-534-6594


Class rep or co-rep needed


Lee Blake Stevenson

Post Office Box 660 Beaufort SC 29901 843-524-5860 | Lbs26@islc.net We offer sympathy to the family of Mary “Tootie” Mitchell Sanders who passed away September 20, 2010.


Pat Hesse Hardison

1300 Queens Road, Unit 318 Charlotte, NC 28207 704-373-3056


Lois Hatfield Anderson ’54

210 Saddlebrook Lane Hopkins, SC 29061 803-776-0926 | LHAnderson32@aol.com

Dear Classmates of 1950, Deadlines in mid-January (now April 15th) always seem to slip up on us. In spite of this, we’ve had some correspondence. Thanks to each of you! In fact, Susanne Knight Dabney wrote twice! The first was to say how much she regretted having missed our 60th reunion and to send season’s greetings. I appreciated it, and used her words as a devotional at a breakfast meeting for my Sunday school class. The second note involved her husband, Joe, and his visit with Genevieve Chandler Peterkin ’49 in Murrells Inlet. Joe had researched the collection of Genny’s mother’s WPA records which he utilized in the writing of his book FOOD, FOLKLORE and ART! Needless to say, Susanne is still rejoicing that the past and present came together in such a meaningful way. So are we, and look forward to reading FOOD, FOLKLORE, and ART. Frances Matheson Leppard maintains a busy routine. Her family is very supportive and Frances is grateful they are doing well. Of course Frances and Pam Huggins Chapman get together often, just like old times! Elizabeth Gerrald Gibson of Palatka, FL spoke of her concern due to illness of members of her family. Specifically, her sister, Margaret, and her husband, Bentley who are experiencing health issues. I suspect that is a worry most of us have in common. Thank you, Elizabeth, for sharing your situation. Let us remember Elizabeth and her loved ones. Lillian Dillard Stephens wrote that she and her family are doing well. As she said, “Grateful for good health and modern medicine.” Isn’t that true! Thanks, Lil! Lib Bishop Tiller is the busy one! In the meantime, she has spoken with June Reynolds Allston, Mary Johnson Bowie, Lillian Dillard Stephens, and Betty Lou Mace Skinner ’51. In August, Lib took a nice trip to the British Isles which included a visit to Edinburgh Castle where the Citadel band and bagpipe group performed. In October, she and Joanne Moody Zobel ’49 hosted a luncheon in Mt. Pleasant for Coker alumnae. Good job, Lib and Joanne! My best to each of you, Classmates, and to those you love, Velna

Electa Andeson Small ’85

204 Lantana Circle Georgetown, SC 29440-7278 803-348-6748 | andee33@aol.com


Velna Rollins Patrick


Norma Matthis Pate is now living in a convalescent home in West Point, VA near her son Norman and his wife Lisa Pate ’94. Her address is: Post Office Box 885; West Point VA 23181-0885; her phone number is the same. She is very content and is fortunate to have family to take care of her.

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1 Granville Road Columbia, SC 29209 803-776-3046

Rose Patrick Smith ’75

1801 Stannard Trail Raleigh, NC 27612 919-789-4829 | dsmithII@nc.rr.com

W W W. C O K E R . E D U

My youngest daughter, Ann Bowman, is a line umpire with the N.T.A. During a tournament in Raleigh last spring she met Barbara’s son, David Baird. David and his two sons are very active in tennis. The oldest son, in the tenth grade, is home schooled to be able to play in tournaments all year. Ann was excited to be one of the line umpires at the U.S. Open in New York in August. I was able to spot her on TV a few times, if the court she was assigned to was being filmed. How wonderful it would be to hear from others in our class. We will have another reunion next year. I can’t believe it will be the 60th year since graduation. Please plan to come. The “Select Few of ‘52” are getting fewer! Don’t forget to contribute to the Annual Scholarship Fund. Love to each of you, Frankie

First Row (left to right): Jeanette Long Kelly, Carolyn Huggins Kendall, Rachel Collier Flowers, Nina Cox Collier, Betty Lee J. Gandy, Joan Snoddy Hoffmeyer


Betty Lee Jordan Gandy 1201 Wisteria Drive Florence, SC 29501 843-662-2797


Betty Lou McIntyre Barclay

329 Lee Circle Dillon, SC 29536 843-774-6122 | Bbar830771@aol.com

Frances “Frankie” Nicholson Townsend 201 Kinney Circle Bennettsville, SC 29512 | 843-479-9398

W W W. C O K E R . E D U



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Dear class of ’52 “Select Few”: This is to let you know about the 843 club. It is a fast and easy way for any alum to make a contribution to the Annual Scholarship Fund. It works like this, you sign up to have $8.43 which is also Coker’s area code, deducted from your checking account once a month and at the end of the year, you have contributed at the $100+ level. That is equal to one fast food lunch per month. Sign up and send a voided check with 843 in the memo to: Coker College, Wes Daniels, 300 East College Avenue, Hartsville, SC 29550. You can also sign up online if you prefer. Coker needs to increase alumni giving percentage from 17%. This percentage is most important to our college rankings, our ability to attract quality grants, and to the value of your degree. This is a worthwhile project and a simple way to support Coker and we hope many will join with in joining the 843 club. Also, please send us some news for the Coker notes since we didn’t have any last time, we would like to continue having news about our class. It would make our job much easier if you would send us information.

(Our addresses are at the top of this article) Thank you and we hope you are well and having a nice fall with cooler weather. This heat has been bad on some old folks so we hear. Betty Lou and Frankie And the most recent news for the “Select Few of ‘52”, Karen Johnson Conway is doing much better after having a knee replacement. We had a fun day in November when she joined me at a family reunion in Gastonia. Karen told of having lunch with Betty Jane White Daniels last fall when Betty Jane was visiting her daughter. Barbara Spears Baird and I have had several long “visits” by phone recently. She has double vision in one eye at times, but has adjusted to it and thankful it isn’t worse. All of her family were together to celebrate Bob’s eighty ninth birthday on April 16th. It was the day of the terrible tornado, but their home was not damaged. April 15th was a special fun day. Jane Woodward Truett, Betty Lou and I met Dorothy “Dot” Garrell Hanna in Lumberton for lunch. Each shares the latest news of our families both sad and joyful. Betty Lou Barclay is still dealing with the sudden loss of Dan in December. Dot’s granddaughter will graduate from college in May with a degree in anthropology. Her grandson is in college also. Daughter, Beth and her family live in Wilmington. Jane continues to live in Hartsville and sees her daughter often. Two sons live in Lexington. Her one grandchild is a junior in high school, plays in the band and recently got his driver’s license. Jane told us that Joann Jones Woodward is in an assisted living home in Greenville now. I flew to Louisville, KY in March to visit my son and his family. I went especially to attend a Louisville Youth Orchestra concert. My granddaughter, Anna, plays flute and as “first chair” had a solo. Proud grandma cried through the whole solo!

Leatrice Margolin Weiner wrote me a very interesting note and like many of us wonders where all the years go. She and her husband have been married for over 60 years. She remembers her happy years at Coker. Last summer they spent 1 ½ half months in Boca Ratan, Florida and went on the Oasis cruise ship for eight days but found that it was not a ship for older people. She had good news to report. She is a part of a creative writing class and has sold some of her stories. Her children are doing well. She has two M. D.s, an R. N. and a scientist. Two of her grandchildren are at Brown Medical School and others are Director of Human Relations, Executive banking , etc. The two at Brown Medical were nominated for the Noble Peace Prize. They didn’t win but it was a great honor. Even the President sent letters nominating them. Congratulations to her for all the successes with her family! She said that most old people are downsizing their homes, but they just brought a larger home with a postage stamp lot. We got too old to take care of four acres with a pool and a tennis court. Leatrice’s new address is 64 Red Bay, Elgin, S. C. 29045. She said would be willing to host any meeting in Columbia. Wyness Lupo Thomas wrote me that in August of last year the secretary of their Sunday School Class sent off her composition for a copyright. It finally came back and she sent me a copy to give to our choir director. She said it would make her very happy if they used it for a call to worship at church. She is getting along better since her doctor gave her some new medicine, but she still does not get out. Anyone wanting a copy of her composition should get in contact with her. I know she would like to hear from you. Flora Collins Baker visited with me recently and treated me to lunch. We had the best time and it was almost as if we had just left Coker. Time does fly by. Her children and husband are doing well. Her sister Anne lives close by. It was really so nice to get together and we hope to do it more often. I got a note from Betty Wray Macdonald Jones and she is doing all right. It was good to hear from her and to get a phone call from Miriam “Tiggie” Hooks Benefield who is doing well now. My life has certainly changed a lot since the last Coker Notes. Don, my husband of 58 years, died on Dec. 23, 2010 and it was really a shock since he had been doing well and enjoying life. With the help of family, friends and our church family we have gotten through it and doing all right. Your prayers would be appreciated. We thank God for all the good times and memories and for giving us so


many years, but yet our hearts are still broken. We hope that things are going well with all of you and remember to keep us informed and contribute to our Coker. Betty Lou


Pat Chapman Huff

507 Wilmar Avenue Hartsville, SC 29550 843-332-3755 | Phuff507@cs.com

Mitzi DuPre Matthews


200 Juanita Drive Lexington, SC29072 803-808-8462 | Bmatthews4@windstream.net Dear Coker friends, While listening to some instrumentals of semiclassical and “big band” music today I was reminiscing about the music of the ‘40’s, and ‘50’s from our college days. Remember our dances in the dining room with bands playing this same kind of music? Those were the days! On July 29, 2010, I met Pat Chapman Huff, Charlie Hunt Chewning, and Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger at Fatz Café in Lexington for lunch. They followed me to my “doll house” for dessert and to play our famous card game “3-13”. We had a fun time. Jennie Herlong Boatwright was supposed to join us, but didn’t feel well at the time. On August 6, I spend the night with Pat and we went to the Leadership Coker luncheon at Coker the next day. They theme was “Your Vote Counts!”—Why is Alumni Participation so Important? Our president Dr. Robert Wyatt gave an enlightening talk and reported we had over 1150 students enrolled! We met Tom Giffin, who is the new Vice President of Institutional Advancement. Lyn Blackmon gave us an update on alumni affairs. She and Dee Pierce did a wonderful job as usual getting the plans together for the day. After lunch there were Leadership Training workshops. In early October, I went to Hartsville to watch a soccer game that my grandson was playing in for Erskine vs. Coker. I met Jennifer Howard, who is Betty Fink Allen’s daughter. It turns out that our grandsons have played soccer together for 11 years. They were even roommates in college their freshman year and played soccer in Lexington before that. I was surprised to hear of that connection. Betty Carol Mobley Bynum and Bundy met Pat, Charlie, B.J., Dwight, Mickey and me at Hoots in Winnsboro on October 7 for a delicious meal. Afterwards we went to their house and had a “yummy” caramel cake for dessert. On November 12, Pat, Charlie, Betty Jean and her friend Dwight Hyman, Micky McDowell, Betty Carol Mobley Bynum and Nancy Wyatt (our president’s wife) has lunch together at Bizzell’s in Hartsville. Then they went to Pat’s house for dessert. We were so sorry to hear of the deaths of Joan “Jo” Hall Williams and Dave Rogers in November. Please pray for their families. On December 10, the usual group went to Woodstone’s in Florence to eat a delicious meal. We then went to Dwight’s house for dessert. Pat received Christmas cards from Joyce Bell, Sarah Simpson Bell, Jennie Herlong Boatwright, Beth DuBose Cottingham ’55, Dot Garrell Hanna ’52, and Herb Hanna ’51, the late Anne Merck McDowell’s daughter Lisa. I received additional cards from Lois

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Ann Buddin Coker and Sally Lynde Leech. Charlie heard from Everette Gause Stauffer and Jean Stevens Edwards. I fractured my leg (femur above the knee) on January 19. My wheelchair was “my friend” for a while as I couldn’t put any weight on it. Now, “my friend” is a walker, but I find myself walking away from it in the house. I’m so thankful it doesn’t hurt anymore. Jennie Herlong Boatwright had back surgery in January and is doing well from that. Then a few weeks later had another kind of surgery, so she will have to take radiation treatments. Let’s pray for Jennie. A group, of which we would love to have any of you to join us anytime, met in Florence again in February at Woodstone’s. I didn’t make it, but in March, my sweet daughter Kay drove me over to eat with some Cokernuts at Bizzell’s in Hartsville. Lois Hatfield Anderson ’54, joined us. My oldest daughter, Lettie Matthews Gilligan ’76 came from Kansas to visit on March 24-31. My oldest grandson and Lettie’s son Jayson surprised us and flew from San Diego on March 26. What a wonderful time with family all week! We were sad to hear of Virginia “Jennie” Lee Matthews’s death on March 26. She had planned to be at our mini-reunion. She and Joan “Jo” Hall Williams were with us in April of 2010. On April 2, 2011 we had our mini-reunion at Kalmia Gardens. Dr. and Mrs. Wyatt, Tom Giffin and Pat Dampier ’90 EV were there from the college. The ones from our class were Truey Tarbox Thieker and Forest, Peggy Warren Smith and Jay, Sarah Sampson Bell and James, Beth DuBose Cottingham ’55, Jo Anne Boyd Sires, Chuck Cottingham, Mickey McDowell, Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger and friend Dwight Hyman, Charlena Hunt Chewing, Daphen Yarborough Edge, Pat Chapman Huff and her granddaughter Erin Stewart. I was unable to attend. Daphen spent the night with Pat the night before and they really enjoyed “girl” talk. Her granddaughter is graduating from college this spring. Felicia Brown McElveen told Pat that her husband Red is not doing well health wise. Nan Fripp Steadman was sorry she couldn’t be at the mini-reunion. Sara Huggins Fowler was also sorry she couldn’t make it. Lynne Eidson Dudley and her husband were planning to be there, but at the last minute couldn’t be there. Jean Fore McDaniel and Mac have been at their Pawley’s Island home this month. They met Pat, Charlie, B.J., Dwight and Mickey at Webster’s in Mullins in April to have lunch. I was at the beach and couldn’t meet with them. Mickey and Anne Merck McDowell’s grandson, Spencer Lanning graduated from USA where he was such a great asset to the football team. Pat’s granddaughter, Erin, is graduating from MUSC on August 19 as a Physician’s Assistant. Also, Pat’s daughter Brenda and her husband Keith celebrated their 30th Anniversary. Betty Jean’s granddaughter Courtney became engaged. We extend our sympathy to Daphen Yarborough Edge and Martha Yarborough Truluck ’58 and their families in the death of their sister Donna Hill. Remember in 2013 we will have our 60th reunion! Tom Giffin announced at our mini-reunion that we have $26,412 in our 1953 Endowment Fund. We hope to reach a goal of $30,000 by then. You should still give to the Annual Scholarship Fund, but be sure to remember our 1953 Endowment Fund also. Much Love, Mitzi


Lois Hatfield Anderson

210 Saddlebrook Lane Hopkins, SC 29061 803-776-0926 | LHAnderson32@aol.com A memorial service for Peggy Blakely Jackson was held on April 17, 2011 at Pawleys Island Chapel of Pawleys Island to celebrate her life and enormous love of the island.


Hoyland Lowery Fisher

925 Dogwood Court Hanahan, SC 29410 843 747-9764 | hoyfish@bellsouth.net Dear Classmates, As I write on this cold, January day, hope that each of you is well and had a wonderful holiday season with family and friends. This weather surely makes our arthritic aches and pains more noticeable. Sarah Pauline Jackson McRae’s Christmas card did not have any news. Beth DuBose Cottingham writes that 2010 was a year that she and Walter felt the joy of age with the gratitude for physical therapists and ophthalmologists. They continue to be active by celebrating birthdays, weddings, new babies, class reunions, etc. Beth says their nephew had a unique wedding in 2010 on Kentucky Derby Day. Everyone was invited to a horse farm in Summerville for an engagement party that turned out to be a wedding day. Also, she attended a Caring for Creation workshop at Mepkin Abbey in Moncks Corner. Along with celebrations, Beth has experienced the loss of several family members. An aunt died in Alabama a month before her 100th birthday, her 16-year old dachshund died in May, and two cousins in September. Beth, rejoices in the many happy memories you have of your aunt, pet, and cousins. Walter continues to practice full time and in October was honored by the SC Association of Veterinarians as the Distinguished Veterinarian of the Year. Congratulations, Walter! Beth and Walter continue to be active in church. A highlight was a series of special services by a former student. Judy Long Quattlebaum sent a Christmas card with the picture of her three adorable grandchildren, ages 13, 10, and 7. She still lives with her daughter and family and assists in home schooling the children. Marian Atkins Powe and Carl are in reasonable good health according to their Christmas note. Marian had cataract surgery in 2010 and has 20/20 vision for the first time since 7th Grade. Carl has begun a rigorous exercise program with weights and walking and has lost 26 pounds in six months. Congratulations Carl for your book, Career Planning and Development—In Reverse being a finalist in the USA Book News Best Books competition. He hopes to complete the second book, Keys to Success—What You Didn’t Learn in School in 2011. Carl says Audrey lives about three blocks from them and Carl and Carla live in Oakton, VA outside of Washington, DC. We have lost another member of our class. Richard Dority passed away November 12, 2010. You may recall that he and his Coker sweetheart and beloved wife, Beverly Denny, Class of ’53, were married for 53 years before her death in 2008. They had five children and 12 grandchildren. He fell in love again and was married for 362 days prior to his passing. To let our classmates and other Coker students know what an outstanding person Richard was and what a wonderful life he lived, I am including information from the Charleston Post and Courier.

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Richard led an active life by serving as a priest in the Episcopal Churches in South Carolina from 1958-1987; founding a non-denominational church to emphasize biblical principles; serving in numerous ministries (private Christian school, pregnancy center, church camps, TV station), personal counseling, etc. He preached in Russia in 1990, went on a mission trip to Nicaragua, and helped with disaster relief in Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina. As a young man, Richard felt he had nothing to offer even though his high school picture held the caption, “From a tiny spark bursts a mighty flame.” When asked why he wanted to go to the seminary, he said, “I love God and I love people and I just want to bring them together.” Richard will be remembered as a “people person” and one who made a positive difference in many peoples lives. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family. Thelma Mae Johnson Baker lives in Pinewood with her husband, Thomas. They have two daughters, one grandson, and one great grandson. One daughter and her husband are teachers. Tom worked with World Book Childcraft and was transferred a lot prior to returning to Pinewood. We are fortunate to have our son and only granddaughter staying with us for a while. Isabella, our granddaughter, will be five years old in April and is attending kindergarten three hours a day at the church. I am amazed at how smart and computer literate the children are today. This past year was not a good year for me health wise. Today is the first day I have been at the computer since the summer. I am hoping that 2011 will be better. I apologize for being unable to contact you for news. Please email me or drop a note in the mail. Even though we are counting our pennies and wondering when prices are going down, please remember Coker and send whatever you can afford. You may send to honor someone, in memory of, scholarship fund, or for another purpose. The number of classmates who contributes is important. Love, Hoyland

First Row (left to right): Maxine Locklear Amos, Barbara Ward Mishoe, Elizabeth “Lib” Plowden Anderson, Della Revels Hartis

Peggy Cantey Gardner Post Office Box 42 Manning, SC 29102 803-435-6862

Barbara Ward Mishoe

154 South Main Street Greeleyville, SC 29056 843-426-2591 | tnmishoe@ftc-i.net

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Lynn Williams Oates

3417 Oates Highway Lamar, SC 29069 843-332-3040 | lwoates@peoplepc.com


Class rep or co-rep needed

Gabrielle (Gaby) Morandiere

Substitute Class Representative 300 East 54th Street # 7-K New York, NY 10022 212.832.7462 | gaby.morandiere@verizon.net


Pat Crawford Fields

1713 Scenic Valley Lane Knoxville, TN 37922 865-675-3013 | JCF97@prodigy.net

Holly Mims Westcott

7813 Harpeth View Drive Nashville, TN 37221 615-673-7949 | hmwestcott@att.net It’s time once again to share some class news with you. Several mentioned the fact we are all aging, but with the activities described, it seems that most are still doing a lot--and especially travelling. Betty Crawford Moore and a friend went to Nova Scotia and circumnavigated the southern half, enjoying the many lighthouses and fishing villages. Among many other things, she also saw the 40-foot tides at the Bay of Fundy. So many classmates are continuing to volunteer. Bonnie Cone Sawyer has always been an avid gardener, and she continues to share her enthusiasm with the students at Saluda elementary school. She also continues with her golf, and she says that she and her friends play by “senior rules”. She knits when the climate is not appropriate for golf, and she takes art classes. The activity that she described in most vivid detail was her trip to Grants Pass, Oregon where she was born. (Her dad was in the CCC and stationed there.) She and grandchildren flew to Oregon and thoroughly enjoyed Portland and Grants Pass, even locating the hospital where she was born and the house (in the historic section!) where she lived as a newborn with her parents. Shirley Land Lupfer continues her volunteer work at the Memphis/Brooks Art Museum and is a go-to docent for “special guests”—corporate donors. She and Mike are experienced travelers, and when their daughter-inlaw found they had not been to Ireland planned a trip for her and Mike to join her and Eric (Shirley’s son) in July. Victoria wrote her PhD dissertation on Irish literature, so she made a wonderful built-in guide! Later last year Shirley and Mike went to Nepal (44 hours in transit) for two weeks, seeing much to include the temples and palace squares throughout the Katmandu Valley and a flight to and around Mount Everest. Several who live in the Columbia area mentioned the Christmas Brunch for Coker friends hosted by Barbara Dibble Dixon, and how much they enjoyed the hospitality and the food. Among those present was Mary Kate Huggins Hennery. She and Frank are planning a trip to England, Scotland, and Ireland for this year. We all know how old we are, and age oftentimes brings physical problems. Martha Jackson Singleton had a pacemaker and defibrillator “installed” last summer and seems to be

doing well and going strong once more. She said the doctor was very pleased with the results, and I know we all are, too. You can see that Doris Kirk Miller is as proud of her family as all of our other classmates are. She said that she is called on to “baby-sit” her daughter’s sons, but as they are both teenagers, I’ll wager that she enjoys them—if she’s not pulling out her hair!! One grandson-who was married in 2010—is now trying to get into medical school. His wife is a nurse, so it appears it would be a medical family. Doris also had a comment that would make us all smile. She said “I never knew how much the friends made in college would mean to me at this stage in my life. When we meet it is as if all the years when we were living life disappear.” That’s all the news I have for this time. Please let Holly or me know of your activities, and you, too, can be in the next Commentary.


Ann Matthews Bragdon

1563 Johnsonville Highway Lake City, SC 29560-6202 843-389-4401 | wbragdon@ftc-i.net

Dear Classmates, As I write this column it is certainly a cold and dreary day. It’s been hard to believe in the two weeks following Christmas we’ve had snow twice and very low temperatures. I’ve enjoyed sitting by the fireplace. We extend our sympathy to Sara Jane Long Fox in the death of her husband Dan Fox on July 4, 2010. He had a CT scan in June showing lymphoma. His death was in our last Commentary, but I missed it and discovered it later when I went over it again. Elizabeth “Liz” Huggins Barrow did several short trips during 2010. She went to the mountains several times and also to Myrtle Beach several times; one week there at her time share condo and during the holiday season she enjoyed the Christmas show at the Alabama Theatre. Her big trip was cancelled for lack of people to sign up. It would have been a bus tour to the Heart of America states. She has been in Bible Study Fellowship for six years and has two more to go. Liz sees Ann Parker Gallop often, and talks to Judy Watson Dew and Mildred “Mickie” O’Brien Hook often. Also she and Louise “Sissie” Cothran Lachicotte have talked since our reunion and hope to get together since they are in the same area with Sissie over in Mt. Pleasant. A lovely picture Christmas card and letter from Lois Sawyer Lott and B gave an update on the family. 2010 was the year of 50th celebrations for them. Lois and B took their very first cruise with friends in January enjoying the Caribbean and all the neat things about a cruise. Lois, of course, enjoyed our Coker class 50th Reunion, April 9-10 and B had his 50th Citadel class reunion in November. They enjoyed both, visiting “old” friends with whom they both shared so much together. They celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary June 5th. They took an early anniversary trip with friends to the Grand Canyon, Sedona, Monterey and Carmel. This has been one of their favorite places since they were there when B was at the Language School at Presidio of Monterey in 1964. Their children are doing well. Son Barry and Roxanne stay very busy with their work. Barry is in advertising with Travel and Leisure and travels a lot. His wife, Roxanne continues to build her internet business which is growing by leaps and bounds. Their son-in-law Rob was selected to be Director of Marketing Disney UK



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and left in May for London for 6 months. Their daughter Melissa and grandsons Graham, Travis and Luke joined him in June and embarked on a summer of learning about the history and charm of London. It was a learning experience of a lifetime. Lois and B joined them in July and took them by train to Germany. They saw the sights in Bavaria that their mom Melissa experienced when she was their age. They traveled back to Paris by sleeper train and met Rob. They all stayed at Disneyland Paris and had a great time. After returning to the US Lois and B spent the rest of the summer at the home in Highlands, NC staying as cool as they could. Lois, I agree, 2010 was the year of celebrations for you and B and I’m sure enough good memories to last a lifetime. Evelyn Parsons Weaver and Tom took a short Caribbean cruise just before Christmas and took the family for an early celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary (7 months early). They had a great time and feel blessed to have such a terrific family. Their Christmas card was a family picture made on a descending stairway inside the ship. What a beautiful card it was with such a lovely family! In the spring Evelyn and Tom spent two weeks on a small ship on the Volga traveling from Moscow to St. Petersburg and afterward spend a week in Estonia and Finland. Evelyn described it as one of their favorite trips. A nice holiday letter and a cute picture Christmas card came from Frank and Elaine Johnson Hays ’58. Their son Craig and wife Andrea blessed them with twin boys on February 10th. After several weeks of hospitalization they were both able to come home. They continue to grow and develop and are such a joy to them as well as an answer to many prayers. From the picture on the Christmas card they look healthy and happy. Louise Atkinson Cleveland and Charlie had a busy 2010 “filled with many blessings and milestone celebrations with family and friends.” They attended our 50th college reunion at Coker in April. While in the area Louise also had a very special mini reunion with three of her childhood friends. Later in the month they traveled to Anna Maria Island, Florida to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of Lois and B Lott. As most of you remember their roots run deep, and Louise and Lois were college roommates and Louise was Lois’s maid of honor. Also Charlie and B were Citadel schoolmates. The year’s greatest celebration was May 24th with the arrival of their precious granddaughter, Sawyer Isabel Cleveland. She and her 4-year old brother Charles give Louise and Charlie much joy as grandparents. Their feelings are certainly transparent on their Christmas card. The middle picture on the card had Charlie and Louise on either side of Santa with Charlie holding Sawyer and Charles on Santa’s knee with Louise’s hand on his shoulder. What a happy looking bunch! On either side is a smaller picture of each child. Beautiful children, Louse! In July their son and family sold their home in Washington and moved to Ft. Bragg, NC. Louise and Charlie drove down when their son assumed command of the Joint Intelligence Brigade of the US Joint Special Operations Command. In October Charlie deployed to Afghanistan for a temporary assignment until March 2011. They get to see Allison and grands fairly often. In August the Clevelands made their 4th annual trip to Cape Elizabeth Maine with three other couples for a wonderful week. Anne Hancock is another classmate who always stays involved. February 2011 marks two years ago that she went to Greenwood, bought her home and settled into an “active retirement”. She enjoys her home, church, many new friends, her brother and his

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First Row (left to right): Licia Love Stone, Gail Green McCown, Louise “Floogie” Woodham Kelley, Sylvia Beard Seppala, Joyce Medlin Eaton, Gail Power Helms, Edna DuRant Ellis, Bleeker Sisk Cannon Second Row (left to right): Ritta Croft Hennecy, Isabel Larue Smith, Louise Foster Thomanson, Mary Frances Irick Richards, Jayne Cannon, Jane McLeod Webb, Sally S. Aldrich, Mary Lee “Mathis” Pattison, Betty Wise Jackson, Regina Swygert-Smith Third Row (left to right): Judy McCartt Dickson, Larry Leasure (Joyce Coats), Frances Gray Atkinson, Beryl Hills Carter, Linda MacPherson Hein, Lou Stuckey Gardner, Julie Poole Brice, Pat Cullum Yarbrough family and countless civic and social activities keep her busy and happy. She also continues to do a number of speeches to many different groups. In June Anne and her friend Charles attended the 50th wedding anniversary celebration for B. and Lois Sawyer Lott at their gorgeous home in Anna Marie, Florida where Lee Greenwood came to sing to them. Another trip with two other friends who served in the same capacity as Anne in President George Bush’s administration, but in different parts of the country, met in Phoenix and Scottsdale Arizona for a wonderful time together. Anne has had good health in 2010 although waging a daily battle with ulcerative colitis. We’re glad you had a better health year, Anne. Patti Posey Bullen and Don have done some long distance traveling since our 50th class reunion April 9-10. They drove cross country to visit Don’s sister and an elderly aunt in northern California and were gone for a month. They also visited some other sites along the way. In August they traveled up to Maine to visit vacationing next door neighbors for two weeks. They stopped by to spend the night with us on the way back to Florida. In November they visited their daughters and grandchildren in Virginia, her brother and sister-inlaw in Greenville and spent a few days with us. This was their Christmas visit north as they stay in Florida to get together with three very special neighboring couples for the holidays. William and I spent Christmas day with my 95 year old mother with most of the family members. Bill, Becky, Holly and David joined us there. Brian didn’t make it home for Christmas but came the first week in January. William had a PET scan in November which showed that all the spots of cancer in the liver were gone. Good news! We had gone to MUSC in Charleston once a

month since June for him to get treatment which was Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA). This involves going into the cancerous lesion from the outside with needles which are heated up while looking at it like microwaving the spot. They did discover a small cancerous lesion in his chest in October and we’re scheduled to go to MUSC in February for a PET and CT scan to see if the doctor can use RFA to treat it. We surely do hope so. He has had three months of doing well and we hope the treatment can be successful with this spot and that no others will show up. I sincerely hope all of you are having a very good 2011 and that your year will be one of good health and happiness. Blessings to all! Love, Ann


Sylvia Beard Seppala

2271 Brackenville Road Hockessin, DE 19707 302-239-0641 | sylviabs@aol.com

Regina Swygert-Smith

5206 Main Street Stephens City, VA 22655-2632 540-868-1055 | randm@bilbroughterriers.com


Gabrielle (Gaby) Morandiere

300 East 54th Street #7-K New York, NY 10022 212-832-7462 | gaby.morandiere@verizon.net Dear Classmates, Our 50th reunion will be in 2012 - next year! At this point decision makers at Coker are considering having

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step through garden gates of some of South Carolina’s most beautiful private gardens. The tickets of $50 allows you nine days visiting more than 35 private gardens, and participants will meet garden designers and artisans, attend luncheon seminars, shop plant sales and enjoy box lunches. For more information at www.gardenclubofsc.org or publicity chairman Brenda Miller at jrmiller635@truvista.net. Doris Duke Straight plans to retire from her position a Thornwell Home for Children at the end of September, 2011. She is looking forward to spending more time with her grandchildren, the youngest of whom is nine months old. This grandson and his parents (Doris’ son and daughter-in-law) and Doris are leaving on a cruise to the Bahamas later this month (April). Carol Elting Richardson and Charlotte Cothran Taylor took a nice trip to celebrate their 70th birthdays last fall. Dorothy Herlong Hay sent this “In a word I’m happy, healthy, busy and at the moment having a great time visiting grandsons which are one of our favorite things. Looking forward to our 50th next year. Love to all,” Molly Holbrook Thomas is planning to come to New York City for a few days this May on a tour with a NC group of seniors. I am so hoping there will be time in their busy schedule for me to see her. Molly just returned from visiting her son’s family in Fort Collins, Colorado. Molly’s 13 year old grandson, Noel, is very musical and 11 year old Evan plays the drums and is beginning to take viola lessons. Think they’ve inherited some musical genes? Sara Anderson Kummer writes that she is feeling wonderfully well. Her hair has grown back post chemo. It’s dark and curly, with a bit of grey. She is enjoying spring and gardening. Chez Sara is currently housing daughters, a son in law, granddaughters, other family members, horse, dog, chickens and more. On June 30th Sara leaves for Russia to take a river cruise from St. Petersburg to Moscow and then to spend a few days in Kiev. She always takes the most interesting trips! Margaret McCue Freymuth feels like a “new woman”. She is feeling really well after a number of difficult years. Next door neighbors have been wonderfully helpful with raking and mowing and Peggy and Wayne are so grateful. Peggy has been enjoying working with her flowers and garden this year and loves rooting for her grandchildren who love playing ball. Daughter Anne continues to coach. Grandson, Tanner, is in first grade and doing very well. Granddaughter, Harleigh, 11, has been selected to attend the district school of the arts for middle school because of her beautiful voice. Paula Moran has called from time to time and we have such a good time chatting and laughing. She gave up smoking completely two years ago and feels so well. She loves to walk and still enjoys her work at Publix. Paula’s son, Jonathan, married a nice young woman, Rebecca, at Marineland on a nice, comfortable breezy day last August. The reception was at the bride’s paternal grandfather’s home. Nancy Martin Swisher is still teaching ESL at N.C. State, which she loves. We had a nice chat while tornados were threatening to hit Raleigh one day and another three-way chat with Joanne Tuten Bellamy the next. It was good to catch up. Her daughters are well and attentive. She wonders if anyone has news about Mrs. Reynolds. If you know anything about her, please let us know. Ida Pace Storrs is enchanted with Columbia being

awash in spring flowers. She was glad to be able to attend Nancy Thornhill Bolden’s husband’s funeral, where Walter Brown was the official church greeter. Ida wrote that there is a St. Patrick’s Day parade in Columbia and she and her pup, Archie, attended this year’s. On December 13th Ida was told that after six years she would no longer need to be on chemotherapy! She will be going for checkups to keep an eye on things, but this was indeed a wonderful Christmas gift! Valerie Powell White came to visit me in New York for a whole very rainy day after having enjoyed a 10-day cruise to Quebec from September 22nd until October 2nd. Val looks just wonderful, of course, and we talked and talked and talked, drinking lots of tea and enjoying a nice luncheon at a nearby restaurant. She continues to enjoy her work with yoga and meditation in St. Louis, MO. Henri(etta) Ramsey Van Arsdale has been really busy designing, planting and tending her new gardens and patio. Friends report that it has been beautifully done and a wonderful treat to see. Nancy Rogers Watkins has retired after 27 mostly fantastic years at the National Endowment for the Humanities. Law and Nancy left that very night for England to visit friends in Cambridge and explore the area around Winchester, Salisbury and Stonehenge on our own. A magical trip! Two weeks after they returned, Nancy became a “reemployed annuitant” at the Institute of Museum and Library Services, working half-time on a half-dozen amazing projects. It’s fun and Nancy has more time for herself and for her marriage now. Daughter, Ellen, is on track to receive her PhD from Harvard in May -- in evolutionary human biology and population genetics. She plans to move back near Washington soon thereafter, as she has many friends in the area and doesn’t like the cold weather in Boston). She was due to arrive at the farm for Christmas, as was Law, who had been in India for three weeks, working with the board of the non-profit educational institute that he chairs and visiting with his son, daughter-in-law and two small children. They were with Nancy and Law last summer for several weeks and everyone enjoyed the action and the chaos. Frances Segars Kelley is always doing so much. She has recently been elected to be Recording Secretary for the Quilters of South Carolina. There are about 600 members in SC and she looks forward to getting to know more of them. Frances still enjoys supporting her granddaughters with their sporting activities and she and Henry took six little girls to their Wateree house for a week recently and they all had a good time. Flo(rence) Staklinski Taylor and Bill are planning a big Easter celebration this year with about twenty family members and friends. Bill plans to retire next month and he and Flo still enjoy playing lots of tennis. Bill enjoys reading and Flo continues to enjoy working at the Apparel Mart in Atlanta. Gwen(dolan) Thomason Adams writes that their oldest daughter, Dale has just returned to Kenya for a ten day mission trip, her third in the last year and a half. She loves these trips and has been blessed each time she has been there. Gwen and Herbert’s last big trip was to Alaska a year ago. This past year has been spent enjoying the beach and their grandchildren. Nancy Thornhill Bolden’s husband, Harold, died on March 23rd. Frances Segars Kelley was able to call on Nancy before leaving for a trip out of town. Gayle Brandt Faust, Lee McCown Huey, Ida Pace Storrs and Henri Ramsey Van Arsdale were able to attend the funeral. They had nice visits with Moonpie and her daughter, Molly, and enjoyed meeting a lot of Harold’s



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us meet between the end of the school year and the beginning of summer school. We may even be able to stay in the dormitories and eat in the cafeteria. Think we can still do that? Please talk to all your friends and let’s start making wonderful plans. Looks as though the new dates for presenting class news will be on April 15th and October 15th for Commentary deliveries in the summer and winter. Please stay in touch and keep me posted on your news and those of our classmates, changes of address, telephone numbers and email addresses. Unfortunately, a lot of my emails, many from our classmates, were lost in December when my email program “upgraded”. I am crushed and apologize to those whose news has been left out. Please remember that Coker needs to have our financial support and the number of us who can help are as important as the amounts we can give. Our news is listed by the last names we used when we were students. Mary Bell Kittle and Joe are busy keeping their homes going. They always seem to have active building projects going on and some take less time than others, as we all know. Joe is a real “handyman” which helps a lot. Mary enjoys cooking, is a wonderful cook and has a lot of good friends to keep her on her toes. Sherrie Berry Wolski and Pat are planning to have their whole family of children and grandchildren for an Easter feast this year. Sherrie and I are convinced that while everyone else in our class may be aging, we know we feel the same age we were while at Coker. Of course, we are checking the mirror less often. Gayle Brandt Faust has been trying to get some yard work done, but happily is enjoying any interruptions and invitations to get out and about. After too many years of being sick, she is enjoying every minute of feeling well enough to play again. Peggy Brown Buchanan and John are still dividing their time between home in Mount Pleasant and Peoria, IL. They have survived a lot of 2010 and 2011 real winter in Peoria and enjoy the Episcopalians they have gotten to know there. Peggy loved taking their grand-twins, 8, to Washington, DC for their spring break. All enjoyed the Smithsonian, the monuments and zoo, of course. Daughter, Margaret, mother of the twins, is in nursing school and will graduate in April, 2012. Daughter, Mary, is training for a management position with Fresh Market near Hilton Head and Savannah. Harriet Burnside Richmond moved into a division of the Still Hopes Episcopal Retirement Community in West Columbia several years ago. Sadly, our alwayscheerful Happy has severe Alzheimer’s which must have begun even before our last reunion. What fun she had with us, and we with her, four years ago! Apparently she is not really able to recognize her friends anymore. Henrietta Chapman Moore and Howard continue to enjoy clogging with Bannerman’s and their NC mountain friends at Asheville’s Music and Dance Festival. They enjoy teaching and dancing Hebraic dance (Davidic) at their Shabbat Shalom congregation near Charlotte. When Howard is teaching at Campbell Folk School a couple of times each year, Hen(rietta) is able to participate in other classes there which she loves. I cannot imagine having my old body parts work that well! Hen wrote to mention that Howard and Moonpie’s Harold Bolden enjoyed each other in the Hartsville Woodworkers Club and Moonpie and Hen would see each other on Ladies’ Nights. Brenda Cromer Miller was nice enough to send an announcement about a wonderful “Follow The Blooms”™ Garden Tour , May 14-22, 2011. She has been busy working on this for a year. It sounds wonderful and I wish I were near enough to join everyone. Visitors will


friends at a nice lunch provided by the church. Joanne Tuten Bellamy’s wisteria, dogwoods, jasmine have been blooming and the azaleas are coming along soon. She has enjoyed borrowing stalks of fresh asparagus for breakfast every morning from her son’s vegetable garden and is relieved her citrus trees survived this harsh winter. Joanne has been busy lending some of her bunnies to various churches and town centers in Pawley’s Island for the children to pet and for newspaper photographers to use. The busiest bunny is named Peter, though Joanne is not sure if Peter is a he or a she. Bruce and Mary-Frances Zachary Williams ’64 have exciting plans for a 17 day cruise in August. This trip will bring them from England to New York by way of Ireland, Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. Bruce is thrilled to have a new camera and is planning to take “a thousand pictures”. Linda Williams Stanton’s husband, Joshua Joyner Stanton, died on October 21, 2010. They had been married for 49 years and had two sons who live in Hartsville. Joshua had worked for 36 years in crop science and had specialized in seeds and soybeans. Nancy Wilson loves living in warm Arizona and especially enjoys having friends visit. She loves to cook and bake. She and Gayle Brandt Faust have enjoyed reconnecting by email. Peggy Zeigler Reeves and I had a chance to chat and she sounds wonderful. She is still working three or more days a week and is happy to be needed. Her arm and shoulder have finally healed nicely. After more than a year of hard work, I finally finished a resource guide of Senior Housing Opportunities in Manhattan for a non-profit organization that does wonderful things for seniors, helping them remain safely in their own homes. We discovered that there was no single place to find information about alternative housing for those who should or can no longer live at home. On February 3rd we launched this online guide for the world to use free of charge at http://www.HAFOP. org It is hard to believe that we will be “reunion-ing” next year! Let us try to have everyone try to make it – I am so looking forward to that. You will be hearing more about it as soon as we know more. Please remember to stay in touch, I love hearing from you, Gaby


Nancy Warren Clarke

P.O. Box 988 Montreat, NC 28757 828-669-5728 | frauclarke@mindspring.com

Edith Floride Reynolds


105 South Rosemary Avenue Andrews, SC 29510 843-264-5173 | ef.reynolds@frontier.com The years are passing too quickly—most of us are, or will be entering our 7th decade this year. It seems like only yesterday we were students at Coker, and in two years we will celebrate our 50th reunion! Please start making plans to attend and let’s make it a memorable event. This past November Kay Elder Williams and husband Jim cruised to the Panama Canal with stops along the way. Kay says the canal is quite impressive and they were able to observe construction of the expanding canal. Dell Bethune Walker visited Margaret Brown Young at Litchfield beach in February. Edith Floride

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Eleanor Powell Clark

106 Arapaho Circle Darlington, SC 29532 843-395-2173


Anne E. Neely The Tree House P.O. Box 204 Shallotte, NC 28459 | 910-754-5375 Class rep or co-reps needed First Row (left to right): Sandra Tedder Lee, Carol Ann Elmore, Alice Adams Brown Second Row (left to right): Rebecca Ramseur Earle, Shrinkin’ Violet (doll), Anne Ellis Neely, Pam P. Iverster Reynolds joined them for lunch. A lot of “catching up” was done. Nancy McConnell Wilhelm and Budgy, Goode Mobley and Gail, Judy Brown Pigg ’68 and Wayne cruised to the eastern Carribbean to celebrate Nancy and Budgy’s 50th wedding anniversary in early March. They all had a wonderful time. Nancy Fairey Forbis had knee replacement surgery in March. She is recovering nicely and keeps up with her physical therapy. Lynda Morillo Hord, Nancy McConnell Wilhelm and Edith Floride Reynolds spent a few days in April in Hampstead NC at the home of Kay Elder Williams. Jean Virgin ’64 met us in Wilmington one day for lunch on the riverfront. We had planned to take a trolley tour afterwards, but the weather did not cooperate. Instead, we had a “mini-Kay” tour of a few places of interest. Recently Lynda Morillo Hord of Greensboro, NC and Nan Warren Clarke of Montreat, NC met Nancy Fairey Forbis at Nancy’s house in Durham, NC. We drove to a near-by restaurant to meet Cathy Smith Smith of Raleigh, NC. We spent several hours chatting, reminiscing, sharing pictures and our life stories since leaving Coker so many years ago. It was so much fun. These “mini” reunions with Coker friends are very special and important. We would like to extend our sympathy to Katherine “Kitty” Kirby Nobles in the death of her husband and Cindy Rhame in the death of her mother. Don’t forget the Class of ’63 Endowment. We pledged $10,000 and time is running out. When you send in your money, designate it for the Class of ’63 Endowment Scholarship. We want to meet our goal. We would love to have more news to report, but we can’t if we don’t hear from you. Edith and Nan


Lorena Cook James

24 Dearborn Rd North, SC 29112-8201 803-874-3332 | lorenajames@windstream.net

Becky Sparrow

505 Law Street Hartsville, SC 29550 843-857-0782 | rgs2000@aol.com

Cameron Council Speth

986 Forest Road New Haven, CT 06515 203-453-8985 | cece@speth.com


Joan Lading Abernathy

20037 Oak River Court Petersburg, VA 23803 804-590-1644 jabernathyva@aol.com | jabernathyva@comcast.net Classmates, this is our year of turning 65, so we are now “officially” Senior Citizens! Take advantage of all the benefits available---free coffee at McDonalds, Senior shopping discounts, excuses for memory loss, and the list goes on and on. But, please don’t forget your Coker sisters, who will always be a part of your life! Pat Harmon Pantasari is enjoying her retirement after spending thirty-one years in the classroom. She has recently participated in six sprint triathlons, is planning on a thirty mile charity bike ride, and plays golf weekly, having joined the Executive Women’s Golf Association. Both her boys, Tony and Andy, are married and live nearby. Pat and Pete will be celebrating forty years of marriage this July. Judi Hege Bailey has now retired for the second time, celebrating with Bren on a cruise to the Caribbean. She had a full right knee replacement following the trip, so physical therapy, water therapy and home exercises presently dominate Judi’s retirement life. Once her recuperation is over, a trip to Maine is planned, and she hopes to do some consultant work with higher education and volunteer with community organizations that affect women and seniors. According to Angelyn McCarver Batemen this year our class will be receiving our Medicare Cards. Her warning was; “You will age instantly when you see it!” Besides spending time with her grandchildren, McCarver, Jay, Eliza and Stephen, she heads to the YMCA for water aerobics. She also enjoys living close to her Mom, who will soon turn 90 and mentioned that Ted is going through rehab due to recent back surgery. Mary Anne Pate Erter is not quite ready to retire. She remains faithful to teaching Mathematics and Jack is also still practicing Law. Her grandchildren, Lily and Charley reside in Boston where their Mom, Caroline, does research in a lab at Harvard. Her son Jay has now joined an oncology practice in Tennessee and will marry his fiancé, Noelle, later this fall. Judy Brown Pigg wanted to pass along that both Emily Pittman Hudson and Margaret Bland Cooper have had their mothers pass away recently. Susan Reichard Allred has been recuperating from rotator cuff surgery which developed into a frozen shoulder, meaning for her a long recovery period. She even referred to the expression about “You know what they say about getting older.” Lauren and Thomson, her grandchildren, live in Connecticut, so trips for visits take place several times a year. Nancy Strahn Hall continues to be busy as a volunteer with the National Park Service and as a

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consultant with an ecumenical resource office. Her family recently gathered in Georgia to celebrate her Mom’s 95th Birthday. Walking and reading on her new Kindle occupies her time, as well as taking a beekeeping course. Her sons are both working hard, Will is a librarian with the N Y Public Library and John teaches history at the Windsor School. Weller is in fine health, will be 70 this summer and still lectures Nancy on history and theology every chance he gets. Betsy Walker Chambers is enjoying doing research on the history surrounding her ancestors. She belongs to the Charleston Chapter of the SC Genealogy Society (SGCS) and will be attending the National Conference in Charleston. She is hoping her research will eventually lead to a book about her great grandmother. I am retiring (again) and this time I really mean it! It’s goodbye to the school calendar, and hello to spending time with family and friends whenever I please. Volunteer work sounds grand, especially when I will be able to pick and choose, when and where. So, I know that I will remain busy, but in a new way. It is my hope that each and every one of you are now finding the time in your life to connect with everyone you care for. So, fellow Cokernuts, stay in touch with one another and with Coker College. Joni Ladinig Abernathy


April Garnier Poitras

1903 Surrey Oaks Court Arlington TX 76006 817-274-5633 | ajpoitras@sbcglobal.net

Leigh Anne Farnell

Post Office Box 685 Boothbay, ME 04537-0685 207-633-3676 | lafjpn@roadrunner.com


Jane Brown Riechmann

have jobs that separate them during the week. A true test of “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” Jessie is looking forward to another year or two of school guidance. Bebe, better known to us Cokernuts as Judi Cooper (or just Cooper) Camak and her husband Banks welcomed their second grandson, Samuel “Hayes” Camak. Judie relishes being a grandmother and this joy gives balance to her stressful job which has a mission ‘to take care of people’s nest eggs with exceptional service and nonnegotiable integrity.’ What a job in today’s economy! Dr. Sawyer, no not George, but Gayle Buckheister Sawyer, finds her work so rewarding. Her job involves working with current and veteran state Teachers of the Year. She says these teachers have taught her so much about teachers, schools and teachers as people. I’ll bet they enjoy working with Gayle as much as she does with them! Gayle also enjoys working with the Winthrop University NetSCOPE Teacher Quality Partnership Grant that is redesigning teacher education which has changed greatly since many of us were student teachers. Myra Cato Coffey reports that their March trip to Holden Beach was quite a success. Myra was joined by Nell Cutts Daniels, Lucy Maxwell, and Connie White Boleman plus Linda Rhyne ’71 and Peggy Franklin for lots of laughs and relaxation. As for me, Jane Brown Riechmann, my husband Mark and I are taking our sons and daughter-in-law on an Alaskan cruise in May. Needless to say, we are looking forward to the trip. News was a tad scant this time but that’s expected with my short notice! Hopefully your summer will be safe and joyful and there will be much news for the next Commentary—my deadline to have our news to Coker College will be October 15, 2011. Oh, and don’t forget THE PLAN. It’s April as I write this so we are now at $100 each! It’s so easy when you just tuck away $10 per month. Jane Brown Riechmann Coker Class of ’70

2970 St. Johns Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32205 904-384-8650 | stjohnsjane@bellsouth.net

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First Row (left to right): Wendy Lamm Leonard, Marguerite Assey, Susan Bartenstein Necci, Elizabeth Cockfield Bushardt Second Row (left to right): Priscilla Perry Arnold, Margaret Barrett Murphy Sadler, Linda Rhyne , Betty Young Sullivan


Sarah Jo Wood Safrit

Post Office Box 388 Beaufort, NC 28516 252-728-3213 | leonards@mail.clis.com

Mary “Sister” Wham Thomas

205 Water View Drive Columbia, SC 29212 803-781-3294 home | 803-240-2896 cell thombpa@bellsouth.net Class co-rep needed


Jane Clyburn

1002 Starcliff Drive Lugoff, SC 29078 803-438-5638 | jane@ctp-cpa.com Dear Classmates: Not much news this time because it was a very short notice on when it was due… I apologize. But, you don’t have to wait for me to send a reminder…just send that news as you have it… Carol Turner Atkinson writes: All is well with us. Since the last communication we added a new member to our family - Archer - a 55 lb. bundle of joy. Archer is now a 1 year old golden retriever and keeping us busy. He is a love and a handsome boy. Mike & I continue to work on the renovations of our house in the NC Mountains. We hope to spend significant time there this year. I can work from there and escape the heat & humidity of Hartsville. Anne Greene Mountford writes: My wish finally came true in that I have finally returned to SC and am retired and living at the beach (Georgetown). It is paradise!!!!!! And, to make it even better, I now get to see Frankie Cauley Earnst, Karen Young Blackman and Debbie Lowder Ehlers a lot!!!! We go back and forth from here to Charleston. My daughter is getting married here on the beach in late September which makes it a destination wedding for everyone except us. I volunteer with a first grade and have gotten involved with an early childhood group as well as the group trying to get a charter Montessori school started here. I love every minute of my life. Beth Stuart Dana writes: My husband, Eric and I just returned from a wonderful trip to Europe. Since it was a special birthday for me in March, we decided to go to Paris where we spent 4 wonderful days. Next we embarked on a river cruise down the Seine River, with picturesque stops at Vernon, Rouen, Giverny and Monet’s home and gardens and ultimately Normandy to visit the beaches of Omaha, Utah and Pont du Hoc. It was truly an enchanting vacation. We cruised back to Paris and rode the Euro star to London and toured there for 5 days. Spending a day at Normandy was very emotional and moving, but it was a highlight of our trip. The memorial is just beautiful and all the remains from WWII still move me to this day. I would highly recommend it to anyone who loves World War history. For our wedding anniversary, we leave in May for Tuscany with 14 other people, (8 couples total) where we are renting a villa for a week. Then we will visit Rome, Florence, Siena and stay a few days in Venice. Can’t wait to taste all the wine in Tuscany… Becky Reynolds writes: I just returned from a trip to Ireland. I went with my sister Chris and my brother and his wife – Julian and Martha. It was a fun trip and we had great weather! What’s next? I wish I knew…. It sounds like everyone has had some wonderful trips… as for me… I made it to North Myrtle Beach in February with a group of “young ladies” from my high school class. We had a ball. We stayed up late,



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Classmates, I trust that those of you who have email for whom I have a current address, have already read the news that I had sent originally to the Commentary in January 2011. Therefore, it is not being reprinted. If, by chance, you missed that news and wish to read it, please call me (904-384-8650) or email if you really have email but I don’t yet have your email address, and I will be glad to mail/email it to you. With that explanation, here’s what news I was able to gather with only a six day notice! Beverly Armstrong McLaughlin is a true warrior fighting hard against her cancer. The latest CaringBridge update (4/12/11) from Mac, Beverly’s angel of a husband, stated that “things seem to be going good now that her arm is fixed.” Beverly and Mac were looking forward to a trip to their farm where Beverly would enjoy a visit from her brother and his wife as well as her sister. Jessie Markley Lee sends news that their older daughter, Annie, has begun her last two years of a BS in Nursing at USC Upstate which she loves. Annie was in a terrible automobile accident in late March that occurred due to a blown tire at the intersection of I-85 and I-26 at 4 PM on a Friday! Who could think of a worse set of coordinates? Jessie says she knows the good Lord and her Guardian Angel sister were looking after Annie. Jessie’s other daughter Caroline and her husband Will



got up early and talked and talked… I went to Edisto in September with my daughter, son-in-law and two grandchildren. I’m also going to be a grandmother again in October. This baby will join a brother, Ryan, and a sister, Logan. Ryan will be 6 in July and Logan was 3 in January. Ryan wants a brother this time… Please keep me informed of your news. I can be reached by email, snail-mail or phone. I look forward to hearing from you…so keep that news coming… Jane


Pat Newman

P.O. Box 357833 Gainesville, FL 32635-7833 678-849-5308 | pnewman224@yahoo.com


Rose Patrick Smith


1801 Stannard Trail Raleigh, NC 27612 919-789-4829 | dsmithII@nc.rr.com Happy New Year! As I write this column on 1/1/11, the rain is washing away the remains of a White Christmas! On Christmas Eve, we ( Dabney, Tessa… our 1-year-old Tibetan terrier… and I) made our way from Raleigh to the mountain house in Cashiers and then were unable to get “down the mountain” for the family Christmas at my sister’s home in Greer. We were disappointed to miss all the festivities but, boy, were we in a winter wonderland! It has been a beautiful, peaceful, and restful way to end the year. Season’s Greetings to all of you from Miriam Anderson…another “Miriam Original”, Carlotta Johnson Wiggins….great family collage, Carolyn McMillian Dunn, Reveley Wilson Thomy….nice picture of the family, Phillip Bowen, Denise Johnson Baker, Mary Jo Thompson Stemple, Patricia Wingate, Betsy Mauldin McCray….beautiful snow photograph, Priscilla Corriher Weaver, Kathy “Earle” O’Briant Binkley, Diane Roden Dinneny, Deborah Scarboro Snyder and Carol (Hatton) and Sonny Kinney. In retirement, Reveley Wilson Thomy teaches an autistic 10-year-old boy at home but finds time to volunteer in grandson Daniel’s classroom. Daniel (6), brother Ryan (20 months), Heather and Wil live right around the corner from Reveley and Greg. Mary Alice has a November wedding on the calendar! John is in Columbia and in search of a job in media arts. Reveley stays in touch with Coker friends via Facebook and encourages all of us to get an account. Kathy “Earle” O’Briant Binkley ran into Reveley at the Southern Christmas Show in Charlotte! Kathy has an early 2011 lunch date in the works with Debbie Scarboro Snyder, Priscilla Corriher Weaver, and Betsy Mauldin McCray. Kathy and Bob are awaiting the arrival of a second grandchild! Debbie Scarboro Snyder hopes that by the next issue of the COMMENTARY she can report that the kitchen renovation is complete. Hannah continues to brave the weather in Boone. Kathi Pleasant Luther plans to teach until 2013. She and Chuck look forward to the arrival of a granddaughter in January. Grandson Noah is now two years old. Congratulations to Kathy (Swygert) and Paul Speights on the birth two grandchildren: Charlotte Ellis Speights, daughter of Abigail and Paul was born in September and was then followed by Sawyer Matthew Speights, son of Chelsea and Dustin

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in December. Both sons work with Kathy and Paul in their business, Ross Marine. The twins, Katie and Susan are doing well. Katie is a banquet supervisor at Biltmore and loves the mountains of Asheville. Susan teaches 4th grade at First Baptist Church in Charleston and coaches volleyball. Mary Morris Beshears and husband James recently moved and relocated their greenhouse business. Mary writes, “I work with our youth group at church and they asked me how long it had been since I played basketball. It really shocked me when I started counting the years! I am thankful for where God has placed me but I am even more thankful that I no longer have to play basketball!” The Christmas season is always intense for church music director Linn Brummer Pedelty. In addition to her “regular” duties she recently served as the pianist for a recital featuring Tony-award winning baritone, Eugene Brancoveanu and award winning soprano, Crystal McDaniel when they performed in Shelby. Shaylin D. Pedelty, ’09, teaches in 3 and 4-year-olds in Omaha and plans to marry in July. Matthew, a recent college graduate, hopes to teach and eventually go to graduate school. He continues to study vocal performance and has sold several musical arrangements for acapella ensembles. Seth is a junior in high school and serves on the Youth Advisory Council with Shelby City Parks and Recreation. In October, Linn and Kirk celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary by joining the “Y”! Ruthie (Henderson) and Brad Mobley enjoyed Christmas at home with Katie. Surprisingly, the snow followed Katie from VA to Hartsville! Brad lost his mother on October 9, 2010. We extend our sympathy to him and his family. Sarah Creech Vick’s girls are both in Raleigh. Allie works with Bank of America and Suz is in school and serves as a College Ambassador. Go Pack! Diane Roden Dinneny and family were so anxious to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando that they went in August! Not a good idea, according to Diane! In December, Kate completed her Masters at Rutgers and is now seeking a library science/technology position. Megan attends school in Boston and plans to follow in Diane’s footsteps as a graphic designer. She’ll spend spring semester abroad at Goldsmiths College, University of London. Diane and Owen plan to visit her in March when they travel to Ireland for a family wedding. I’m sorry to report that John Simpson of Monroe, NC passed away on September 2, 2010. He is survived by his wife, Linda, two daughters and six grandchildren. We extend our sympathy to John’s family. I’m also sorry to report that Bonnie Yon lost her mother, Etta Yon, on December 27, 2010. Mrs. Yon lived in Anderson. We extend our sympathy to Bonnie and her family. Liz “Brown” Glenn Marvin teaches at Westside High School in Anderson and reports that things are right on target with the yearbook deadlines! Daughter Brandy, an artist, and her husband left Portland, OR and now reside in Manchester, NH. Floy Henry Fanning is in her 35th year of teaching and Rick is now retired. Floy enjoys exercising at the “Y” and last spring completed the swimming portion of the Lake Murray Triathlon. What an accomplishment! Jennifer is a college junior in Greenwood and Kimberly is a senior at Chapin High School. Wishing you all the best in 2011! Rose

First Row (left to right): Elsie Coker Ameen, Marilyn Bishop Blackwell Second Row (left to right): Mike Yelton, Susan Robinson Huntley, Marty Boyd Jacquette, Marrilyn Mros Belotti, Mike Shisko


Marilyn Mros Belotti

1118 Inverness Lane Hanahan, SC 29410 | Drb90@att.net


Jane McCrackin Suchy

1011 Poplar Street Marion, SC 29571 843-423-1989 | suchysuchy@aol.com


Vicki Smith Chaplin

839 Bethlehem Road Hartsville, SC 29550 843-332-5998 | Chaplins4@aol.com

Dr. Daniel Moses

Post Office Box 2403 Jacksonville, FL 32203 904-777-8179 | dan1204@bellsouth.net


Debbie Schultz McLaren

20184 Foothill Terrace Ashburn, MD 20147 703-726-1190 | writerdeb11@aol.com


Lee H. Hickman

703 Beaty Street Conway, SC 29526 843-248-3925 | lhickman@sccoast.net

Susan D. Weathersbee

137 West Home Avenue Hartsville, SC 29550-4123 843-383-4692 CIRCEmyTW14/Sunbeam@hotmail.com


Barbara A. Britton ’82

6716 St. Julian Way Fayetteville, NC 28314 910-860-7650 | 877-820-9147- toll-free jmb1jmb2@aol.com (put Coker in subject line)

W W W. C O K E R . E D U



325 Moss Avenue Port Orange, FL 32127-6136 386-760-6430 | ddshouse@yahoo.com

183 Royal Oaks Lane Lexington, SC 29072 803-926-8410 | ppeagler@columbiastaffing.com

Debra Holt Zsembik


Glenn Douglas Bridges

55 Managhan Drive, Apt 306 Hardeeville, SC 29927 843-208-3272 | daddydolphin@hargray.com


Donna Craig

801 Longbow Road Charlotte, NC 28211 704-365-6763 | djcraig@bellsouth.net

Michelle Wiscovitch King

400 Gandy Drive Hartsville, SC 29550 843-857-0084 | michaelbking@bellsouth.net


Electa Anderson Small

204 Lantana Circle Georgetown, SC 29440-7278 803-348-6748 | andee33@aol.com

Tracie Johnson Paschal

1111 West Roseneath Road Florence SC 29501-5745 raciePL@aol.com


Susan Sweatt Robey

1 Cobblestone Court Columbia, SC 29229 803-699-6620 | susansrobey@earthlink.net

Teresa “Trigger” Martin

133 Tall Oaks Drive Irmo, SC 29063 803-749-3922 Home | 803-318-1413 Mobile triggermartin@aol.com


Cynthia Lee Hylton

14405 Woodswalk Court Midlothian, VA 23112-2412 804-639-2814 | Cindy.L.Hylton@pmusa.com

Phyllis Atkinson Palmieri 1819 New Market Road Hartsville, SC 29550-9303


Lisa Bryant McDowell

Millicent Chewning Macchione

3011 Stone Bridge Trail Conyers, GA 30094 770-388-0067 | Millicentmacchione@yahoo.com

W W W. C O K E R . E D U

Meg Quilty Liebe

803 Washington Avenue Palmyra, NJ 08065 856-303-1090


Amy Gibson

6 Corby Court Columbia, SC 29229 803-462-9851 | Algibson90@bellsouth.net

Harbor. My career is very fulfilling and I practice law in downtown Baltimore and have the opportunity to represent victims of domestic violence at Circuit Court. It is very humbling and rewarding. “ Last summer, I went to Miami with my Coker roommate, Mary Lahr Carson Cain. It was a wonderful trip! Mary Lahr is in North Carolina and is the mother of two smart and fun children, Emma and Carson. The whole family came up to Baltimore last Spring to see the sites. It was a load of fun! My email is suebeebailey@yahoo.com. You can find Mary Lahr on Facebook. Keep in touch, would love to hear from our Coker friends. Have a fabulous day, Suzanne Bailey


Angela Hodges Taylor

Kathy Harsh Cunningham

6004 Highmarket Street Georgetown, SC 29440 843-527-0530 | khc1224@aol.com Dear Classmates, I hope this newsletter finds you all well. It has been a busy year in the Cunningham household with my son, Ben, starting high school but I’m happy to report so far so good! It’s hard to believe I am the mother of a 14 year old but even harder is to believe that we graduated TWENTY-ONE years ago! If you have not been back to Coker, you really should make an effort to do so. They have made some wonderful new additions to the campus as well as renovating some of the older buildings. A great time to make your visit would be Homecoming this year which is the weekend of September 30th-October 1st, 2011.....you never know who you might see! In the meantime, if you have any news you’d like to share with our class please email Amy Gibson or I. We would love to hear from you and catch up on what’s going on in your world. Take care and hope to see you in October! Kathy Harsh Cunningham


Class co-rep needed


Jennifer Spray Blankenship

2977 Dance Drive Hartsville, SC 29550 843-332-9835 | blankcamp@aol.com

Viola DeDe Lawrence



Heather McConnell Buckelew

1606 Duckhorn St NW Concord, NC 28027 704 786-1857 | nj2sc2nc@ctc.net

Sam J. Fryer III

1610 Southwood Court Florence, SC 29505-3195 843-629-8372 | S_Fryer@fsd1.org


Karol Lowery


Helen Mason Allen

1823 Misty Vale Road Charlotte, NC 28214 704-391-0931 | We3allens@bellsouth.net Helenm.allen@cms.k12.nc.us

Class co-rep needed


Alison Elizabeth Wood


Kelly S. Jenkins

2400 Pine Haven Street Beaufort, SC 29902-6042 425-338-9760

Fredie James Williams

Regina Bacote Donithan

17341 Hartsville Ruby Road Hartsville, SC 29550 843-335-5850 | rbacote518@hotmail.com

P.O. Box 2734 Evans, GA 30809-2734 fredie.williams@gmail.com Hello class of 1992. It’s been awhile since hearing from any of our classmates. Well that changed when Suzanne sent us an update, which is listed below. As for me, I am still working as an Administrator at a Junior College in Georgia and teaching Computer Science courses. Our youngest child, a daughter, will be 13 years old in May 2011. She has decided that she wants to play basketball thus; we stay pretty busy getting her to practices and games. I look forward to hearing from some of you soon. You can write however; email is preferred. Suzanne wrote: “I still reside in Baltimore, Maryland in the historic Fells Point area by the Baltimore


Ashley M. Pruett

apruett76@yahoo.com Mirah White Welday and her husband, Kurt Welday, are stationed at Misawa Air Force Base in Japan. She sent this email on March 15, 2011: Family and friends, Just wanted to touch base with what has happened in the past couple of days. Kurt and I are together again in Misawa. I am so thankful we are together but it is bittersweet as I think of all of the Japanese people who are still searching for loved ones. Which leads me to



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9 Alison Way Columbia, SC 29229 803-699-7924 | mcdowellx5@aol.com

Pennie Cathey Peagler


my praise report. My friend Mariko Isonuma (she was mentioned in my previous letter...she’s the one who was still searching for family and whose family’s properties in Sendai were destroyed). Well, her last family member has been accounted for! She is in a shelter but she is alive and healthy. I am so relieved for Mariko and her family. Kurt and I are volunteering this Sunday with the Red Cross. Not sure if we’ll be working in Misawa or going to another city, but we were told to wear old clothes and to bring work gloves and shovels. We’re prepared for some very dirty, heavy work but are ready to get out there and help our Japanese neighbors. We have already donated blankets and pillows and a large box of winter clothes that have already started making their way south to the more badly hit areas. I know the news is heavily covering the nuclear situation but please know we are ok here in Misawa. We are over 200 miles from the plants in trouble and the winds are blowing out to sea and away from the island. The US government has recommended evacuations for those within a 50 mile radius of the plants and we are well beyond that. The military has been offering us updates regularly on the situation and we are confident that they are telling us all the can and they will tell us if we need to evacuate. And finally, yes, the US government is allowing for voluntary departures for military and government dependents in Japan but there is no information yet on how or when this would occur. This is primarily for the people living in three areas near Tokyo but they’re opening it up to all of Japan. But, no, I do not plan on leaving. Kurt and I have talked and we share the same opinion on this. There are numerous reasons for our decision: 1) As mentioned above, the nuclear threat is not in our area so that is not a risk. We are monitoring the situation and listening to the updates from the base leadership. 2) This will cost the government a lot of needless expense and I don’t think now is the time to cost them more money when I am not at risk. 3) Kurt and I strongly feel our home is where we are together and we’re going to support one another during this time. We know base life will be a little more inconvenient now...we will be on limited power, water consumption, fuel consumption, and limits on certain items at the commissary...but these are not reasons to leave. 4) I just don’t feel like now is the time to leave Japan. What little bit Kurt and I can do to help in the recovery is all we can offer and we want to do that. If the situation changes and base requires evacuations (which we don’t think will happen) then we will reevaluate our decision. So, this is our current situation. Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support. Love, Mirah


Shonda Miles Knotts 925 Lynch Road Coward, SC 29530 843-210-3346 Shonda.Knotts@PalmettoGBA.com

Dean S. Legge

808 South Poplar Avenue Andrews, SC 29510-3032 843-264-9398 | dean@dawgpost.com Rebecca Lynn Teal

Sheila Brodie Trapp Post Office Box 967 Hartsville, SC 29551


Keelea R. LeJeune

3121 Torres Avenue Pensacola, FL 32503 850-393-6861 Keelea.LeJeune@covenanthospice.org




I have not heard from any of the class of ’05, so here is my personal news. Curtis ’02 and I have been busy as always, but more tired now that are also running after an 18 month old! Victoria is growing like crazy. She is now running around the house, telling us to watch movies, and picking up new words every day. Curtis has been having a great year teaching in Leeds, AL. He now has a 3A State Championship ring for helping with Varsity Football and two individual State Wrestling Champions from his Varsity wrestling team. I have upwards of twenty private voice and piano students, and I am still teaching ballet, tap, jazz, and clogging. My new favorite thing is that I’ve started singing for ballroom dances one Friday a month! Performing again brings back so many memories of Coker. We hope you are all blessed this summer and hope to hear good news in the winter— my deadline to turn in class news to Coker is October 15, 2011. Jessica Lloyd


200 Cedar Branch Road Loris, SC 29569-5834 843-756-4469 jenmarie_john315@yahoo.com

Blayke Epley Turrubiartes

Jennifer Jackson

1847 Arnold Drive Charlotte, NC 28205 704-535-1504 | bpepley@yahoo.com

Class co-rep needed

Stephanie Carwile Parker

55 Villa Road, Apt 347 Greenville, SC 29615 864-235-6563 | kriscazz@yahoo.com

Post Office Box 299 Panola TX 75685 Stepahnierodeo@aol.com


Emily Marovich Tupper

1100 Esplanade # 10 Redondo Beach, CA 90277 emilymarovich@yahoo.com

Wes Daniels

907 Hannah Avenue Hartsville, SC 29550 843-616-2485 | wdaniels@coker.edu


Julia Cox Kokemor

1003 East Home Avenue Hartsville, SC 29550-3409 SelenaCobras20@hotmail.com

1241 Old Oak Road Birmingham, AL 35235 205-853-5871 | smilerainmaker@aol.com


572 East McIver Road Florence, SC 29506 843-667-0502 | Ravenrose3@aol.com

Selena Davis


Jessica Brill Lloyd

Roslynn D. Elom

12787 Highway 90 Kenner, LA 70070 504-466-3096 | jucarcox@hotmail.com

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Kristin Caswell

Nikki Daniell Johnson

843-669-1083 | 843-857-3812 nikkidaniell@gmail.com

Ladrica R Jones-Christain

1407 D Willow Trace Drive Florence, SC 29501-6279 843-667-3400 | ladricaj@hotmail.com


Veronica Gallo Bambery

502 Cashua Street Darlington, SC 29532 veronicagallo@hotmail.com

Shereza Mazyck Middleton 420 Royer Road Bishopville, SC 29010 Smiddleton26@adelphia.net

W W W. C O K E R . E D U

The Office of Institutional Advancement would like to thank the friends, alumni, faculty, staff, foundations and corporations who gave so generously to Coker College this year. Your support allowed us to surpass last year’s fund raising total by 29 percent, and exceed the goal for the vitally important Annual Scholarship Fund which directly helps so many Coker College students.

MEMORIAL S The following memorials were received from February 1, 2011 through June 30, 2011

W W W. C O K E R . E D U

Glenn and Jean Gainey Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Galloway, Jr. Richard and Ann Gettys Raymond Harris Hartsville Community Center Building Association Trent and Anna Hill Gus and Joan Snoddy Hoffmeyer Den and Allison Latham Selma Stogner LeHardy Katherine McCall Barbara and Kyle Mims Clark and Tudy Newsom Augusta “Pat” Smith Margie Connell Stuckey Lois C. Suggs Rev. and Mrs. David Surrett Charles, Dexter, James and Robert Vaughan George and Lib Watkins Frances Mitchum Webb Faye S. Yarborough Ruth Ludlam McClam Thomas A. O’Neal, Jr. Adele Hubbard Williams Ann Ludlam Winfield John and Laura Winfield Harry McDonald Rev. and Mrs. David Surrett Anne Merck McDowell Beth Humphries McCutchen Robert Earl “Red” McElveen Sarah Sampson Bell Charlena Hunt Chewning Pat Chapman Huff Betty Jean Lee Hunsinger Mitzi DuPre Matthews Jean Fore McDaniel Mickey McDowell Jerome McKenzie Frances Fowler Williams Jennie Smith McLeod Anne Conder Seavy Marion Messier Lila Fannie White Watson Aldrin Morales Miranda Dr. and Mrs. John “Mac” Williams Anna Fann Timmons Mitchum Pat Chapman Huff Alex Mocson Dr. Cathleen Cuppett Karen Powell Moody Betty Jean Hunsinger Mary Moore Cheryl Wingert James “Jamie” Murdock Andy and Vicki Eaddy Ronnie Oates Elsie Coker Ameen Sylvia Parks Price Joyce Medlin Eaton Mrs. Boykin Rhame Edith Floride Reynolds

Dave Rogers Charlena Hunt Chewning Patrick Sawyer Mary Edmunds Reed Kelley Segars Goode Mobley George Anna Chambers Setzer Barbara Joyce Chambers Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Schuler Patricia Shuler Noble Callie McCuen Simpson Charlena Hunt Chewning Virgil Smith Louise Atkins Cleveland Sarah Baker Speights Linda Crews Pearson Louetta Coker Strickland Elsie Coker Ameen Glenda Millen Terrell Gus and Joan Snoddy Hoffmeyer Pat Chapman Huff Mary Jane Jacobs Veneklasen Anne Ellis Neely Lawrence Warwick Pat Chapman Huff Betty Jean Hunsinger Matthew Wendell J. Lamar and Lucy Singletary Caldwell Jack and Francene Bachman Richard and Michal Millen Baird Andy and Vicki Eaddy George James Wilds III David and Divver Allen Merle Davis Baxley Charlie and Joan Coker Drs. Richard and Gail Culyer Annie Rue Denny Mary Ester Denny Andy and Vicki Eaddy Florence Little Theatre Mary Sutton Heald Gus and Joan Snoddy Hoffmeyer Pat Chapman Huff Ed and Tru Lawton Roy and Margaret McCall Augusta “Pat” Smith Jim and Mary Lathan Steele William and Olive Timberlake Charles Vaughan Dexter Vaughan James Vaughan Leslie Vaughan Robert Vaughan Joan H. Williams Charlena Hunt Chewning Pat Chapman Huff Dr. Kenneth Wilmot Frances Warlick Van der Vate Sue Woodham Howard and Pat H. Dampier Will Woodham Howard and Pat H. Dampier




Deborah Austin Augusta “Pat” Smith Billie Kisane Barclay Jack Barclay Patricia Fisher Williams Don Barclay Jane Woodward Truett Jeffrey Daniel Beasley Linda Watkins Kelly Shirley Caldwell Becken Al Becken Mike Belotti Marilyn Mros Belotti Virginia Walker Bland Walter and Beth DuBose Cottingham Harold Bolden Andy and Vicki Eaddy Jim and Mary Lathan Steele Margaret Duc Braid Patricia Braid Collins Regina Brown Augusta “Pat” Smith Reginald C. Brown, Jr. Howard and Pat H. Dampier Jane Woodward Truett Sharon Elmore Case Carol Ann Elmore Deceased Classmates Class of 1951 Betty Rose Reeves Gardner Adelaide Shumate Clayton Jo Ann Clayton Leist Mildred Abbott Currier Suzanne Currier Soderberg Dr. James D. Daniels Dan and Sheila Schmotzer Matthew Shores Dr. Elizabeth Davidson Karen Johnson Conway Bertha Maye Drose McCaskill Lillie Laverne Easterling Ed and Jo Ann McDonald Land Isabel Larue Smith Jane Creighton Turpin Rhonda Pippen Faucette Elsie Coker Ameen Emsley Freeman Mary Kay Hennecy Dr. John French Dr. Will D. Carswell Jane Andrews Funderburkk Becky Sparrow Dot Gaskins Pat Chapman Huff Barbara Bailey Goodson Tom and Blaire Goodson Penn A. Gregg Richard and Michal Millen Baird

Millicent “Cindy” Hampton Sarah Frances Wells James Harter Myra Grayson Nuttall Sue Hawes Dr. and Mrs. John “Mac” Williams Jean Herring Dr. Jeanne F.Cook Ruth Alexander Work Hesley Barbara Nexsen Lansche Donna Hill Sarah Sampson Bell Charlena Hunt Chewning Pat Chapman Huff Betty Jean Hunsinger Mitzi DuPre Matthews Jean Fore McDaniel Mickey McDowell David Hinson Augusta “Pat” Smith Bertha May Harris Holley Betty Padgett Black Randolph W. Hope Rebecca Hope Conrad Igleheart Connie Igleheart Brock Natalie West Birdson Johnanson Bet Birdsong Matthews Harriet B. Jones Betty Jean Hunsinger William Joslin Richard and Michal Millen Baird Lemyra Ward Kellahan Marcena Kellahan Tisdale Joy Keyserling Anne Ellis Neely Eugenia Lewis Ronald Addis Dr. Berry Litsey, Jr. Dr. Will D. Carswell Bobby Lucas Augusta “Pat” Smith Jean Ludlam Marvin and Ruth Ludlam McClam Budd Matthews Frances Worley Bond Mary Kay Rickenbaker Virginia Lee Matthews Charlena Hunt Chewning Billy and Tammy Rodgers Mitchell W. Reaves McCall Adult Men’s (Mitch Olinger) Class of West Hartsville Baptist Church Richard and Michal Millen Baird Mrs. C. W. Bright J. Lamar and Lucy Singletary Caldwell Doris F. Capps Jo Ann Bell Clark Charlie and Joan Coker Howard and Pat H. Dampier Alvin and Betty DeWitt Kirk and Jane Dunlap Andy and Vicki Eaddy

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Algernon Sydney Sullivan Scholarship The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation Alice & Virgil Smith Piano Scholarship Augusta G. “Pat” Smith Ann Ludlam Winfield ‘44 Endowed Scholarship Ann Ludlam Winfield Ann Matthews Bragdon Endowed Scholarship Dr. Ann Matthews Bragdon Anna White Hill Endowed Choral Scholarship Trent and Anna Hill Anne Lamb Matthews Endowed Scholarship Dr. Anne Lamb Matthews Christine and Brent Weaver Endowed Scholarship Brent and Christine Weeks Weaver Class of 1953 Endowed Scholarsship Frances Worley Bond Betty Mobley Bynum Walter and Beth DuBose Cottingham Pat Chapman Huff Mitzi DuPre Matthews Edward D. “Mickey” McDowell Class of 1956 Endowed Scholarship Shep Porter Wallace Class of 1959 Endowed Scholarship PatriciaFisher Williams Class of 1963 Endowed Scholarship Belinda Duckworth Copeland Edith Floride Reynolds

Nancy McConnell Wilhelm Kay Elder Williams Class of 1964 Endowed Scholarship Ann Dobson Hammond Becky G. Sparrow Diana Cobb Nall Endowed Social Work Scholarship Dr. Jeanne F. Cook Becky G. Sparrow Jean Virgin Dr. Lois R Gibson Book Endowment Dick and Sylvia McLamb Puffer Cheryl L. Wingert Frank Bush Endowed Scholarship Ronald P. Addis Michael K. Daley LaFon C. Dees Kyle Saverance Rev. and Mrs. David C. Surrett Gilbert and Faye Coan Endowed Scholarship Gilbert and Faye W. Coan Jacqueline Everington Jacobs Endowed Scholarship Jacqueline Everington Jacobs Jane Andrews Funderburk Endoweed Scholarship Becky G. Sparrow Jean Ludlam ‘51 Endowed Scholarship Ruth Ludlam McClam Tricia McClam Joanne Moody Zobel Endowed Scholarship Joanne Moody Zobel Joseph Rubinstein Endowed Education Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. David W. Blackmon Drs. Richard and Gail Culyer Mae B. Dines Nancy P. Dunn Dr. Edward S. Ebert II Dr. and Mrs. Fred Edinger

Shannon S. Flowers Deena Epps Fogle Cindy E. Griggs Jean R. Grosser and Larry Merriman Kyle and Susan Henderson Pamela K. Holden Megan M. Holmes James E. Holsenback Mal J. Hyman Edgar and Nan Lawton Darlene M. Maxwell Dick and Sylvia McLamb Puffer Mary R. Ridgeway Kyle Saverance Dave and Brenda Schmotzer Jim and Mary Lathan Steele Charles and Betty Young Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. Howard W. Tucker Cheryl L. Wingert Dr. Ze Shang Kiwanis Scholarship Kiwanis Club of Hartsville Lavaughn Robinson McCall Endowed Music Scholarship Lois Hatfield Anderson C W. Bright Robert and Doris B. Capps Mr. and Mrs. Alvin DeWitt Kirk and Jane Dunlap Glenn and Jean Gainey Ruth Galloway Ann A. Gettys Hartsville Community Center Building Commission Mary J. Holland J. B. and Nettie Kilpatrick Allison L. Latham Selma Stogner LeHardy

Kathy McCall Harry and Barbara E. Mims Mr. and Mrs. Clark Newsom Mitchell Olinger Margie Connell Stuckey Lois C. Suggs Charles, Dexter, James and Robert Vaughan Faye S. Yarborough Malcolm C. & Jacqueline E. McLeod Doubles Endowed Scholarship David and Kaye P. Crook Marvis Wiggins Henry Endowed Scholarship Pat and Marvis J. Henry Nancy Barrineau Endowed Sholarship Teressa Thompson Harrington Nan Carter Howard Tammy Rogers Mitchell Nickey Brumbaugh Endowed Art Scholarship Elizabeth Robertson Coughlin Patricia Fisher Williams Randolph W. Hope Endowed Scholarship Rebecca Hope Rubinstein-Buchler Endowed Scholarship for International Study Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Rubinstein Ruth Ludlam McClam ‘46 Endowed Scholarship Thomas A. O’Neal, Jr. Ann Ludlam Winfield John and Laura Winfield Sparrow Scholars Program Susan M. Frank The Darlington County School Disctrict Endowed Education Scholarship Dave and Denny Woodall Neilson


Geraldine Edwards Giles ’48 in the death of her husband Richard Giles on August 18, 2006.

Nancy Thornhill Bolden ’62 in the death of her husband Harold Bolden ’86 EV on March 23, 2011.

Bonnie Yon ’70 in the death of her mother Etta Yon on December 27, 2010.

Connie Lee Freeman ’50 in the death of her husband J.E. Freeman on January 19, 2011.

Dr. Nancy V. Bland ’63 and Margaret B. Cooper ’68 in the death of their mother Virginia Walker Bland ’37 on March 3, 2011.

Janice Bullard ’90 in the death of her mother Mary Bullard on February 2, 2011.

The following gifts for Scholarships and Endowments were made from February 1, 2011 through June 30, 2011

Information received January 26, 2011 through June 30, 2011 Miriam Blackwell Myers ’41 in the death of her sister Martha Martin Windham ’43 on April 19, 2011.

Betty Sue Watkins Wilkie ’50 in the deaths of her husband A.B. Wilkie on June 24, 2011 and her son David Wilkie.

Norma Mathis Pate ’41 and Jo Mathis Pinner ’46 in the death of their brother Fred L. Mathis on June 3, 2011.

Martha Ann Anderson Blackwell ’53 in the death of her sister-in-law Martha Martin Windham ’43 on April 19, 2011.

Edna Earle Johnson Bryan ’45 in the death of her husband Dr. G.M. Bryan, Sr. on September 29, 2010.

Daphen Yarborough Edge ’53 and Martha Yarborough Truluck ’58 in the death of their sister Donna Yarborough Hill on April 23, 2011.

Dorothy Greene Chisholm ’45 in the death of her husband John W. Chisholm on March 10, 2010. Margaret Scott Smith McCann ’45 in the death of her husband Charlie McCann on December 13, 2010.


Norma DuRant Pollitt ’45 in the death of her husband Norman P. Pollitt on December 27, 2002.

Joyce Barton Toole ’54 in the death of her husband Charlie Toole on September 19, 2010. Joyce Collins Warwick ’54 in the death of her husband John Lawrence Warwick, Jr. on March 31, 2011.

Michal Millen Baird ’46 in the death of her sister Glenda Millen Terrell on June 13, 2011.

Donna Davis Freeman ’58 in the death of her husband Emsley “Tunnie” Freeman on February 15, 2011.



Information received January 26, 2011 through June 30, 2011

Information received July 21, 2010 through January 26, 2011


Congratulations to Elaine ’58 and Frank Hays ’60 on the birth of twin grandsons on February 10, 2010. Congratulations to Louise Atkinson Cleveland ’60 on the birth of granddaughter Sawyer Isabel Cleveland on May 24, 2010.

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Lorena Cook James ’64 in the death of her aunt Glenda Millen Terrell on June 13, 2011.

Kathy T. Cox ’94, Karen Park ’98 and Brenda Tallon Bradshaw ’00 in the death of their grandmother Mary Bullard on February 2, 2011.

Judith Hesley Toney ’68 in the death of her mother Ruth Hesley on June 10, 2011.

Holly Hall Becker ’00 in the death of her aunt Peggy Hall Small on June 16 2011.

Mary E. Reed ’70 in the death of her aunt Virginia Walker Bland ’37 on March 3, 2011.

Andrea Dubsky ’00 in the death of her brother Danyl Joseph Dubslky on March 26, 2011.

Linda M.Helms Hesley ’71 in the death of her mother-in-law Ruth Hesley on June 10, 2011.

Mary H. Geries ’06 in the death of her father Russell Geries on June 14, 2011.

Bet Birdsong Matthews ’72 in the death of her mother Natalie West Birdsong Johanson on May 20, 2011.

Melissa D. Norton ’07 EV in the death of her son Brayeton “Cody” Norton on February 22, 2011.

Judy Boyd Ammons ’74 in the death of her husband Michael Ammons on March 1, 2011.

Ellen C. Beach ’09 in the death of her father Louil Preston Beach on April 28, 2011.

Rebecca Howle Benson ’74 in the death of her brother Thomas F. Howle on February 18, 2011.

Congratulations to Ray Vance ’70 on the birth of twin grandsons Thomas Carter Vance & Robert Miles Vance on January 7, 2011.

Congratulations to Collin ’04 and Sussane Watts Liggett ’02 on the birth of twin daughters Hudson and Wylie on March 10, 2011.

Congratulations to Kathi Pleasant Luther ’75 on the birth of granddaughter Adeline Kennedy Luther on January 24, 2011.

Congratulations to Brandon ’04 and Jen Crocker Roberts ’05 on the birth of son Jace Granis Roberts on April 20, 2011.

Congratulations to Trevor & Rachel Young Rhodes ’97 on the birth of son Pierce Boyd Thorne Rhodes on March 28, 2011.


Congratulations to Tara Trotter Neiger ’00 and Chris on the birth of son Levi Christopher Neiger on February 24, 2011.

W W W. C O K E R . E D U

HONOR ARIUMS The following honorariums were given from February 1, 2011 through June 30, 2011 Priscilla Perry Arnold Elizabeth Cockfield Bushardt Marguerite Assey Christina Glover Wallerstein Merle Davis Baxley Hon. J. Michael Baxley Dewey and Miriam “Tiggie” Hooks Benefield Marjorie Hooks Bethea Dr. David Blackmon Dr. Will D. Carwsell Professor Deborah Bloodworth Dr. Will D. Carwsell Frank Bush Ronald Addis Mr. and Mrs. LaFon Dees Rev. and Mrs. David Surrett Elizabeth Cockfield Bushardt Dr. Priscilla Perry Arnold Wayne Byrd Pat Chapman Huff Peggy Calder Ronald Addis Campus Life Staff Jon Driggers Dr. Mac Chapman Pat Chapman Huff Class of 1951 Mary Johnson Bowie Class of 1961 Hannelore Wiedmann Wilson Class of 1962 Ida Pace Storrs Class of 1963 Nancy Warren Clarke Class of 2011 Dick and Sylvia Puffer Loyalty Members of the Class of 1962 Molly Thomas Birchler Nina Cox Collier Anne Conder Seavy

IN MEMORIAM Information received January 26, 2011 through June 30, 2011 Ernestine Mungo Stogner ’32 Harriet Elizabeth Perkins Brown ’33 Lou Frances Coleman Lide ’33 Helen Jones LeCroy ’36 Virginia Walker Bland ’37 Nona Crane Cothran ’39 Edna W. Hayes ’40 Louise Bultman Davies ’41 Dorris Seidenspinner Gray ’42 Martha Blackwell Windham ’43 Mildred G. Benson ’44 May Brinkley Jones ’44 Vivian Parnell Meekins ’44 Ruth Ludlam McClam ’46

Patricia Braid Collins Dr. Priscilla Perry Arnold Karen Johnson Conway Anne Conder Seavy Dr. Jeanne Cook Christie Happ Kaye Crook Ed and Tru Lawton Wes Daniels Susanne and Collin Liggett Emily Tupper Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm C. Doubles David and Kaye Crook Dr. Malcolm C. Doubles, Jr. Dr. Will D. Carwsell Vicki Eaddy Emily Tupper Dr. Edward Ebert Dr. Will D. Carwsell Nancy Edinger Dr. Will D. Carwsell Susan and Kyle Henderson The Education Department Deena Epps Fogle Professor Carolyn Evatt Christie Happ Dr. Peter Fichte Dr. Will D. Carwsell Hoyland Lowery Fisher Allene Stuckey Reep Rachel Collier Flowers Anne Conder Seavy J. K. Floyd Joyce Floyd Shaw Dr. Lois R. Gibson Dr. Will D. Carwsell Cheryl Wingert Christie Happ on her graduation Pat Dampier Ellen Mason Harris Jen Crocker Roberts Pat Chapman Huff Beth DuBose Cottingham Jacqueline Everington Jacobs on her 88th Birthday Harold Jacobs

Barbara Kirkley Kelley Ronald Addis Jeannette Long Kelly Anne Conder Seavy Hudson Annabelle Liggett Claire Hudson Gaskins Wylie Grace Liggett Claire Hudson Gaskins Dr. Patricia G. Lincoln Hank Alewine Dr. Paula Bailey Heather McConnell Buckelew Dr. Will D. Carwsell David and Kaye Crook Howard and Pat Dampier Kyle and Dr. Susan Daniels Henderson Dr. and Mrs. Jim Lemke Jim and Mary Lathan Steele Dr. Jun Matsuo Jeff Maddox Dr. Darlene Maxwell Caroline Julia Dixon P.L. “Roy” McCall Trent and Anna Hill Beverly Arnstrong McLaughlin Jane May Gable Professor Shirley McClerklin-Motley Christie Happ Lynn Oates Elsie Coker Ameen Mayor Mel Pennington X YZ Seniors Club of St. Luke United Methodist Church Professor Richard Puffer Alex Kornfeld Jennifer Rhodes Dr. Cathleen Cuppett Linda Rhyne Dr. Priscilla Perry Arnold Dr. Joseph Rubinstein Dr. Will D. Carwsell Drs. Richard and Gail Culyer Howard and Pat Dampier Mae Blanche Dines Nancy P. Dunn Fred and Nancy Edinger

Shannon Quick Flowers Deena Epps Fogle Cindy Griggs Jean Grosser and Larry Merriman Susan and Kyle Henderson Pamela Kaye Holden Darlene Maxwell Dick and Sylvia Puffer David and Brenda Lyon Schmotzer Jim and Mary Lathan Steele Charles and Betty Young Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. Howard Tucker Cheryl Wingert Dr. Ze Zhang Sarah Jo Wood Safrit Dr. Priscilla Perry Arnold Christina Glover Wallerstein Dr. Deane Shaffer Dr. Will D. Carwsell Bud Smith Edna Johnson Bryan Social Work Faculty and Students Dr. Jeanne F. Cook Mary Lathan Steele on her Retirement Howard and Pat Dampier Christie Happ Dee Pierce Ida Pace Storrs Frances Segars Kelley Dr. Richard Swallow Dr. Will D. Carwsell Elaine Nicholson Townsend Anne Conder Seavy Jane Truett Ronald Addis Robert, Nancy and Lara Wyatt Dr. Will D. Carwsell

Natalie West Birdsong Johanson ’47 Mary I. Brooks Halterman ’49 Robert Wallace Lawson ’50 Betty Sue Watkins Wilkie ’50 Mary E. “Betty” Brown Law ’51 Virginia Lee Poston Matthews ’53 Patricia Ann Heustess Griffin ’58 Col. Larry Anthony Kelly, Jr. ’60 Laura Robinson Miles ’77 Harold Bolden ’86 EV Sue Taylor Woodham ’89 Karen Powell Moody ’04 EV Elizabeth “Beth” Sansbury Gainey ’11


K almia Gardens

The following gave gifts of books or media to the Charles W. and Joan S. Coker Library-Information Technology Center from February 1, 2011 through June 30, 2011

Information received February 1, 2011 through June 30, 2011

Alexa Bartel Dr. Cathleen Cuppett Dr. Edwin Isley Dr. Shawn Lay Dr. Jun Matsuo Steven Miller Professor Dick Puffer

DONATIONS Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Holley

MEMORIAMS Mr. Bill Jolin Bill and Olive Timberlake Dr. and Mrs. Howard Tucker Ms. Anne L. Ziegler Mr. Don McCall Mrs. Kathy McCall


W W W. C O K E R . E D U



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W W W. C O K E R . E D U

Murphy Finishes Third at National Championship, Named DII PING Fir st Te am All-Americ an

Ne w Board of Trustee Member s

Re - Elec ted Board of Trustee Member s

Cl ass of 2013

Cl ass of 2012

Electa Anderson Small Owner of Anderson Company, Alumni

Caitlin Driscoll Student

Cl ass of 2015

Dr. Cathy Cuppett Professor of Spanish, Faculty

Cl ass of 2015 Harry Moran Retired Executive Vice President of Sonoco, Coker Foundation indy Hartley C Senior Vice President of Sonoco, At Large

Dr. Jane Norwood Retired Appalachian State University Professor, Alumni

Donald Amaral Retired Healthcare CEO, At Large


Coker sophomore Jake Murphy from Hamilton, N.J., was named a Division II PING First Team AllAmerican by the Golf Coaches Association of America on May 18 following his third place finish at the 2011 NCAA Division II Men’s Golf National Championship in Muscle Shoals, Ala. Murphy’s third place finish is the highest finish at the National Championship by any Coker golfer in school history. He shot an even par 72 in the third and final round of stroke play, putting him at three-under-par for the tournament (213). Just one stroke off the leader, Kyle Souza (-4, 212) of Chico State, Murphy and four other golfers all tied for the third, while Daniel Young of Lynn University placed second after losing a three-hole playoff with Souza. Along with Murphy, seven other players were named to the Division II PING First Team All-Americans: Abilene Christian University’s Cyril Bouniol and Alex Carpenter, Lynn University’s Ricardo Gouveia and Jose Joia, Cal State Monterey Bay’s John Jackson, Chico State’s Souza and Barry University’s Daniel Stapff.

Parkinson Appointed Coker College Provost

Dr. Tracy Parkinson has been appointed to serve as Provost of Coker College effective July 1. Parkinson comes to Coker from King College in Bristol, Tenn., where he served as the dean of the faculty and associate vice president for academic affairs since 1999. As Provost, Parkinson will be responsible for the planning, development, coordination, review and administration of Coker’s academic programs. “I could not be more pleased to have been selected,” said Parkinson. “It was going to take an exceptional opportunity for me to leave a place I love, but I think I’ve found something special at Coker and in the Hartsville community.” Parkinson replaces Provost Patricia Lincoln, dean of the faculty and professor of biology, who retired after 28 years of service to the college.



Thomas Ewart Senior Vice President & Chief Banking Officer - First Reliance Bank, At Large

Save the Date | Sept. 30 - Oct. 2 W W W. COKER . EDU



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He a lth & W ellness

That double fudge brownie ice cre am sure is temp ting.

G - La zer Zumba. Sound fun?

But so are the benefits of healthy living. After all, who wouldn’t want to look better, feel better and sleep better? In an effort to combat South Carolina’s obesity and diabetes rates, which are some of the highest in the nation, Coker College has begun incorporating more physical wellness programming into all dimensions of campus life. Throughout the year, the College hosted free health screenings, trigger-point massages and two blood drives. Speakers from Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center, the Center for Health & Wellness, Darlington Health Services, Healthy Living of Darlington County and the YMCA presented about various health topics, including diabetes, fat content, fitness, healthy living, nutrition, portion sizes and salt in the diet. Additional efforts include promoting intramurals, offering healthy alternatives in the dining hall and developing personalized nutrition plans.

Coker’s intramurals membership increased to 322 students in the spring semester and grows weekly by about 6 new members when classes are in session. The programs accommodate a wide range of interests and skill levels, so there is something for just about everyone. And if there isn’t? Students can start something new. “I started an intramural swim team for Coker,” said Samantha Fletcher, a junior art major from Pompton Lakes, N.J. “My goal for the swim program has been to give people who have a desire to swim the ability to do so.” And Kaitlynn Jessup, a sophomore physical education and sports studies major from Hampton, Va., has loved Zumba since she was 12. After becoming a licensed instructor, she decided to offer classes at Coker. Over 150 students attended G-Lazer Zumba, a Coker-original Zumba event that added lasers and glow-in-the-dark accessories to the already exciting dancefitness program that incorporates international music into a fast-paced workout. “To me, the most important things are helping people achieve their weight loss goals, having fun for an hour straight and getting in a good workout,” Jessup said.

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Can you cut out the doughnuts?

Smoothies, more fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grain breads, non-fat yogurt and the best salad bar in the Pee Dee. The COBRAFIT dining option provides the College community with healthy alternatives. Nutritional information is displayed at every station in the dining hall to encourage healthier decisions. Mary-Margaret Porter, Coker’s Food Service Director, reported that many faculty and staff members now choose to have lunch in the dining hall. “Everyone has been extremely receptive to the revamping of the salad bar,” she said. “Our spread is pretty impressive. People have told me it’s one of the best salad bars in the area.’”

Personalized nutrition plans for students promote weight loss through healthy eating and activity. “The best thing about my plan was that it catered to my personal needs,” said Christina Nealey ’11 of Gorham, Maine, who developed a nutrition plan last semester with Brandon Fain, Coker’s Director of Intramurals and Wellness. During the early stages of the plan development, Nealey kept a food journal of everything she ate and wore a heart monitor to track caloric expenditure and daily heart rate through rest, exercise, class and sleep. After seven days, Nealey and Fain analyzed the food intake record and heart monitor results and planned accordingly. Weekly meetings followed, and Nealey was responsible for monitoring each day to reach her goals, with the assistance of a strong support system. “I lost seven pounds the first week,” Nealey said. “I hope students continue to take advantage of the great advice and support available at Coker.”

WEB E X TR A S For more about how Coker College is COMBATING UNHEALTHY TRENDS, visit: youtube.com/cokercollege

So, What’s Nex t? While smoothies are a delicious and healthy alternative to ice cream, only so much can be done without enhanced facilities. “A new wellness center at Coker will be a cornerstone in the redefinition of Cobra athletics, as well as health and wellness across the entire campus,” said Lynn Griffin, the College’s athletics director.


Students, faculty and staff will be able to utilize the new multidimensional facility, as it will house classrooms, fitness and weight rooms, offices, study areas and a new gymnasium. To help Coker continue improving the health of the community, please consider giving a gift in support of the new wellness center today.



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What’s ne w in the Susanne G. Lin ville Dining Hall?


RE t i ri n g Facu lt y


Dr. Patricia Lincoln Dr. Patricia Lincoln was hired as a visiting assistant professor of biology at Coker College in 1983. Nearly three decades later, she cannot imagine a career spent anywhere else. “What an enormous joy it has been to work at Coker College every one of these 28 years,” said Lincoln. Dr. Lincoln is one of the rare people you meet who can tell you at least something about virtually any topic. Her former students are not shy to express the impact she had on their lives, both in and out of the classroom. “Her wisdom, experience and passion are immediately evident when she starts explaining a concept to you. By the time she’s done explaining, you’re not only more knowledgeable, but you are also left hoping that one day you’ll manage to have a brain even half as full as hers,” said former student Whitney Wallet ‘11. Of course, knowledge does not come without hard work. Dr. Lincoln constantly challenged students to push their limits. Her tough questions have even been known to cause a few tears during seminars and research presentations. But there’s solid reasoning behind her approach. Students leave

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more capable and confident than before. Students don’t always recognize their strengths, but Dr. Lincoln won’t stop pushing until they finally realize the potential in themselves that is so evident to her. The effect of Dr. Lincoln’s involvement in Jessica Windborn’s academic career is clear. Now a graduate student at The Ohio State University, Windborn credits Lincoln for setting her on her current path. “Her classes inspired me to pursue science, and her character inspired me to be a better person,” she said. “I feel very lucky and blessed to have met her.” Lincoln, who retired at the end of June, holds a Ph.D. in biology from the University of California at Santa Cruz and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Kalamazoo College in Michigan. Her effectiveness in the classroom has been recognized by Coker students who selected her Master Professor, by the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education who named her a Distinguished Professor, and by the South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities, which honored her with its prestigious Excellence in Teaching Award. Among numerous roles at Coker, she has served as chair of the faculty senate and on Coker’s board of trustees. She also directed much of the preparation and operation of Coker’s Quality Enhancement Plan. More recently, Lincoln led in the development of the institution’s new strategic plan, which will inform Coker’s direction through 2015. Lincoln gave the final Last Lecture of the College’s first-ever Last Lecture Series in April. In front of an audience filled with colleagues, friends and family, she reflected on her career at Coker and the many people who have made it rich and satisfying. “I have felt genuinely privileged to be able to have such rewarding, soul-enriching relationships with my students, faculty and staff, and the various administrators I have both served and serve with, as well as the many other friends of the College I have had the pleasure of working with,” said Lincoln. “All of your depth of dedication leaves me with no doubt that the shining future that is now so clearly ahead of Coker College will be realized.”

Debor ah I. BLOODWORTH Associate Professor of Theater Deborah I. Bloodworth joined the faculty of Coker College in 1974. In addition to her teaching responsibilities, she directed main stage shows each year at the College and appeared in several productions. She served on numerous College committees as Coordinator of the Theater Program and as Chair of the Department of Dance, Music and Theater. Nationally, she served as an adjudicator for the American Association of Community Theater in 2003.

Dr. Russell R. HAMBY Professor of Sociology Russell R. Hamby joined the faculty of Coker College in 1982, serving as director of institutional research from 1987 to 1996. During his tenure at Coker, Hamby also directed Coker’s Spanish-American Studies Center, served as chair of Faculty Senate and received numerous research awards and grants. Hamby has published widely on a variety of topics including gender roles and behaviors in small groups, leisure activity in retirement and labor issues in Latin American countries.

Dr. Joseph H. RUBINSTEIN Professor of Education Joseph H. Rubinstein joined the Coker College faculty in 1984, where his principal duties included teaching prospective elementary school teachers how to teach mathematics. He was chairperson of the education department at Coker for 15 years. Rubinstein is also one of three co-authors of “Real Science,” an elementary school science program published in 1999 by the SRA Division of McGraw-Hill. Please consider giving a gift to the endowed scholarship established in honor of Dr. Rubinstein to provide scholarship support for future educators studying at Coker.




When Ashley Zearfoss graduated from Coker College, she left with more than just a degree. The biology and chemistry double major had developed a structured work ethic, an understanding of basic laboratory procedures and, perhaps most importantly, a passion for her work. “When I start working on a project, I just can’t tear myself away,” said the Chesterfield, S.C., native. “I never want to leave the lab.” Since graduating in 2008, Ashley has completed a research assistantship in North Carolina State University’s Department of Plant Pathology, earned a master’s degree from NC State and started working toward a Ph.D. in Clemson University’s Department of Genetics and Biochemistry. “Most graduate programs have small class sizes that force students to interact with professors and with each other,” Ashley said. “I was well prepared for this because I had already experienced it at Coker.” At Coker, Ashley excelled in the research laboratory under the direction of Dr. Joseph Flaherty, Associate Professor of Biology. “Ashley was keenly aware of not only the immediate returns of personal achievement, but of the lasting impact she could exert both on her peers and the greater scientific community,” he said. W W W. COKER . EDU

DISCOVER THE IMPACT Matthew Ferguson excelled at Coker College and beyond. Without assistance from the Annual Scholarship Fund, he might never have had the chance. After graduating, Matthew spent a year in Indonesia teaching English, studying the education system and facilitating professional development for teachers as a Fulbright Scholar before becoming a Curriculum Coordinator and English teacher at Darlington High School. The 2006 Coker alumnus earned a master’s degree from Lesley University in 2010 and is currently attending the Charlotte School of Law. “As a Fulbright Scholar, I worked with students from some very prestigious schools. After about a week, I realized my education was on par with theirs. In some ways, mine was more comprehensive.”



WEB E X TR A S To discover the impact of your gifts, visit: coker.edu/giving-opportunities/ annual-scholarship-fund/ discover-the-impact.html



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To view Ashley’s video plus many more, visit: youtube.com/cokercollege

The work she completed at Coker provided important data for multiple grant proposals that were later funded. Ashley’s honors project served as the platform for the Fungal Genomics Initiative at Coker, funded by National Science Foundation. Discoveries from this project will be published in scientific journals with participating Coker students, including Ashley, as co-authors. Ashley presented findings from her research projects at numerous conferences, including the South Carolina Academy of Science’s annual meeting in Clemson, S.C., and the American Phytopathological Society’s annual meeting in San Diego, Calif. “Undergraduate students that have the opportunity to perform such high quality research feel inspired to do great work each time they walk into their lab,” Ashley said. “In turn, they are driven to set high goals and make important contributions.” One of Ashley’s goals is to develop an understanding of the biochemical relationship between pathogen and host in an effort to control disease in plants, humans or animals. Another one of her goals is to become a professor at a college similar in size to Coker, where she will be able to perform research with undergraduates and teach biology at all levels. “I thank Coker for providing me with the tools I need to go far in my field and in life,” she said.


Coker SIFE

A ro o k i e t e a m t o b e r ec ko n e d wi with

At the regional SIFE competition in New York City on April 7, Coker College’s Students In Free Enterprise team





Champion and Regional Rookie of the


Year. Then, as the only rookie team in the regional competition to advance to the national competition, they traveled to the SIFE National Exposition in Minneapolis where they placed in the top 60 of the nation and won Rookie of the Year on May 12. But before they did any of that, the team wrote a successful proposal for a $50,000 grant to support initiatives to help local businesses; carefully developed and implemented plans for the six projects they supported in Hartsville this year; and perfected their award-winning, 24-minute multimedia presentation. They were also funded by generous private support that totaled more than $30,000. “While we are a new organization to Coker, we’re clearly off to an amazing start,” said Neil Sickendick, who directs Coker’s SIFE program. The students earned an award of $1,000 at the regional competition and a $750 award at the National Exposition, which will be re-invested in Coker’s local programs next year. This year’s projects included Kalmia Gardens, a downtown business incubator; Get Fit, a healthy living program that worked with second grade students; SAT Prep, a program to help college-bound high school students prepare for college admissions examinations; Finance 199, a financial literacy course for both evening and day students at Coker; and a

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credit score counseling program for Habitat for Humanity’s homeowners. “I could not be more proud of Coker’s team,” said Coker College President Robert Wyatt. “Not only have they exceeded the expectations of our campus community and of the generous individuals who provided the resources to launch our nascent program, they exceeded their own expectations. It’s in moments like these when students truly begin to realize the capacity they have to make a positive difference for others.” Six students served on the presentation team: Christopher Dixon, Caleb Dunlop, Noah Lascell, Ashley Meador, Timothy Strickland and Amanda Warner. Additional team members are Lindsey Allen, Timothy Barrett, Adam Bedard, Jessica Covington, Cody Ellison, Qaadir Hicks, Diego Polo, Tyler Senecal, James Sweeney, Vatrick Thompson and Juan Vallejo. They were assisted by advisors Brianna Douglas and Sickendick. “As a team, we know we are doing great things,” Warner said, “but actually going to the competition and sharing it with everyone really solidified the feeling of accomplishment. It has inspired us to continue our hard work and do even better projects in the future.” SIFE USA is the oldest and largest of the 39 SIFE

country operations and with more than 4,000 students, faculty and executives in attendance, the SIFE National Exposition represents the largest gathering of SIFE network members anywhere in the world. Connecting generations of leaders to create a better world, SIFE is an international business and higher education network that works to improve lives, strengthen communities and develop socially responsible business leaders. Every country that operates a SIFE program is eligible to organize a national competition for the teams in their country. The National Champion team from each country is invited to compete at the SIFE World Cup, which this year will be held Oct. 3–5 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

WEB E X TR A S To view this video plus many more, visit: youtube.com/cokercollege BECOME A SUBSCRIBER OF OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL!


PUL SE Introduces Ne w Curriculum and Opens Door s at Yale Univ er sit y

[L e f t t o Ri g h t] State Superintendent of Education Mick Zais, Coker College President Robert Wyatt, Darlington County School District Superintendent Rainey Knight, South Carolina Governors School for Science and Mathematics President Murray Brockman, Sonoco Chairman and CEO Harris E. DeLoach, Jr.

[L e f t t o Ri g h t - Fac e s S h o w n] Hartsville City Manager Natalie M. Zeigler and South Carolina State Senator Gerald Malloy.


the four area elementary schools—Thornwell School of the Arts, Washington Street Elementary, West Hartsville Elementary and Southside Early Childhood Center—who are using the Comer School Development Program had the opportunity to travel to Yale University in New Haven, Conn. There, they will focused on reviewing the contextual analysis reports, cross-site collaboration and transitions. During the July 25-26 Comer 101 training, school teams of teachers, administrators, other school staff and parents learned how to implement the Comer Process by learning about the three teams: the School Planning and Management Team, the Student and Staff Support Team and the Parent Team, as well as the guiding principles of consensus, collaboration and no-fault problem solving. The training was interactive and designed to give participating teachers opportunities to share best and promising practices, build cross-site relationships and more. The team also visited three Comer schools in the New Haven area, met with Dr. James P. Comer, founder of Yale University’s Child Study Center Comer School Development Program, and Comer principals and facilitators. “We are looking forward to the training sessions with the four Hartsville schools. I believe this is the beginning of a great partnership, which will result in positive changes for the children, parents and school employees,” said Camille Cooper, the director of Learning, Teaching and Development and School Development Program lecturer in the Child Study Center at Comer.

WEB E X TR A S To view this video plus many more, visit: youtube.com/cokercollege BECOME A SUBSCRIBER OF OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL!



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[L e f t t o Ri g h t] State Superintendent of Education Mick Zais, Sonoco Chairman and CEO Harris E. DeLoach, Jr. and Coker College President Robert Wyatt.

Beginning this fall, high school students in the Hartsville area will have the opportunity to combine courses offered at Coker College, Hartsville High School and the Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics (GSSM). Through PULSE (Partners for Unparalleled Local Scholastic Excellence), students will have access to courses offered at the International Baccalaureate (IB) level, Advanced Placement (AP) level, Honors level and fine art classes at the college level. This new curriculum will be comprised of rigorous math, science, foreign language and fine art courses. Some of the courses being offered through the PULSE program include calculus-based physics, organic chemistry, Mandarin Chinese, various applied music and dance courses and an introduction to computer graphics. Primary funding for the PULSE program comes from a $5 million grant made over five years from Sonoco. Acceptance into the program may be determined in part by the student’s transcripts, letters of recommendation, and/or testing or auditions. Parents and students interested in PULSE courses should contact the PULSE coordinator at the school where the courses are offered. Courses will be scheduled during regular school hours with accommodations whenever possible. All students enrolled in Hartsville High School are eligible to apply for the PULSE program. “As we move from planning the PULSE initiative to the nuts and bolts of its implementation, I’m excited to see the broad selection of Coker College courses in the arts—dance, music, theater and art—that will be available to talented Hartsville students,” said Coker College President Dr. Robert Wyatt. “By welcoming these young people to campus, we know that we will enrich not only their educations, but the experiences of Coker’s full-time students as well,” Wyatt said. This June, faculty and staff members of Coker’s education department and teachers representing



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Co m m e n c e m e n t Coker College celebrated its 103rd Spring Commencement on May 14, 2011, in the Courtyard at Davidson Hall.

President Robert Wyatt presented

diplomas to 159 graduates and conferred a Doctor of Humane Letters on this year’s keynote speaker, Marian Wright Edelman, president and founder of the

Mi c h a l Mi l l e n Bai r d ‘46, Awa r d W i n n e r

coker.edu | cokercobras.com

Associate Professor of Communication Dick Puffer received the Master Professor Award. Michal Millen Baird ‘46 and Sydney Greenwalt received the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award in recognition of exemplary character and service. Roderick James Bryant, Brandi Cowick Nichols and Whitney Danielle Wallett were recognized as first honor graduates, members of the Class of 2011 who had earned the highest academic cumulative grade point average. All three had achieved a cumulative GPA of 4.0.

The Alumni Cup was awarded to Hannah Elizabeth Beard, Roderick James Bryant, James Patrick Flynn, Brandi Cowick Nichols and Whitney Danielle Wallett. The Alumni Cup is awarded by the Coker College Alumni Association to the five members of the graduating class who have earned the highest academic averages for their junior and senior years.

WEB E X TR A S To view this video plus many more, visit: youtube.com/cokercollege BECOME A SUBSCRIBER OF OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL!

S y d n e y G r e e n wa lt, Awa r d W i n n e r

Children’s Defense Fund.

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