1 minute read
Activity From Surrendered
I am not in control of others or outcomes.
You know that this is true, but sometimes, it’s helpful to have a short sentence to repeat as a reminder. Now, I’m going to invite you to take a tangible first step toward letting go and making a declaration of surrender to God. You can do this by filling in the blanks below:
My Declaration of Surrender
Dear God, I am tired of trying to fix/solve _________________________________________________.
In the past I have tried to ____________________________ _________________________________________________, and I have felt discouraged and defeated because this situation is out of my control.
But God, You can handle this situation. So today I surrender myself and my situation to You. Over the next few weeks of this study, I commit to learning what it means to walk in surrender. But for today, I declare that I am willing to let go of this situation and give it to You.
I surrender.
Signed: ___________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________________
Thank You, God, for being God. There are situations in my life that I cannot handle, and I am grateful that You can. So, as I’ve written in my declaration, I’m giving those situations over to You. Thank You for taking care of me and what I cannot control. In Jesus’ name. Amen.