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Firelight NEW Road Trip
Publisher Cokesbury Cokesbury
Description Road trips are a great way to build strong relationships and create indelible memories. But there’s only one road trip that brings rewards that will last a lifetime! Embark on an exciting journey with Cokesbury’s new VBS for 2025, Road Trip! On the Go with God. It’s based on Joshua 1:9 (CEB): “The LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Kids will discover God’s presence everywhere and explore new places, make new friends, and experience God’s goodness.
Bible Stories Abraham and Sarah Follow God (Genesis 12:1-9); The Israelites Take the Scenic Route (Exodus 13:17-12); Mary & Elizabeth’s Family Reunion (Luke 1:39-56); Jesus Visits Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10); On the Road with Paul (Acts 18:1-11)
Age Levels Preschool–Older Elementary (Grade 6)
Starter Kit
Music in Kit
9781791033620. Ultimate Starter Kit (includes Digital Content): $249.99.
9781791033637. Digital Asset Kit: $199.99.
Camp Firelight is a unique VBS program that invites children on a summer camp adventure complete with stories, music, drama, storytelling, games, arts and crafts, science, and even snacks. Campers are accompanied by Counselor Sam and Lumen “Lu” the lighting bug who help them face new challenges. By exploring timeless Bible stories about Old and New Testament characters, Campers will learn that they, too, can learn to trust God, face their fears, and go on to do great things in God’s name.
God Goes with Jacob (Genesis 28:10-22); Ruth Chooses to Go (Ruth 1); Young Jesus Shares Wisdom (Luke 2:41-52); Jesus Calms the Storm (Mark 4:35-41); The Good News Sparks Joy (Acts 8:26-40).
Preschool–Older Elementary (Grade 6)
9781791029418. Ultimate Starter Kit (includes Digital Content): $249.99.
9781791029425. Digital Asset Kit: $199.99.

One Room VBS
One Room VBS
One Room VBS can be done with as few as two leaders and in just one room and is for ages 5–12. Each of the 5 sessions include Activities, Bible Story, Science, Active Learning Option, Recreation, Crafts, and Music. One Room VBS curriculum is easy for churches to customize! The One Room VBS Kit has all you need to begin your VBS!
Complete Music CD in Ultimate Starter Kit includes 10 songs as well as instrumental tracks and PowerPoint slides with lyrics for projection. Also available separately as a download.
Video/ Multimedia Components Bible Adventure Video DVD/CD-ROM, Music Video DVD (download as well), Decorating and Publicity download content, Digital Content Download Card.
Student Music Student Take-Home Music CD, Package of 6 with download link. (Sold separately, not included in the kit.)
Student Books All-Ages Reproducible Fun Pages
Preschool/Kindergarten Student Book, Younger Elementary Student Book (grades 1-2), Older Elementary Student Book (grades 3-6)
Leader Books Director Guide, Bible Storyteller, Preschool/Kindergarten Leader, Craft Leader, Music Leader, Science Leader, Assemby Leader, Recreation Leader, Reflection Time Leader
Decorating Helps
Decorating Guide, Decorating Pack, Decorating Murals, Wall Background, Decorating Mobiles, Poster Pack, Character and Small Promotional Posters, Logo Posters, Theme and Outdoor Banners, Stickers, Clings, Tablecloth, Signs & Publicity Pack, Poster Pack, Drawstring Bag, Travel Tote Craft, Crafts, Bead Bracelet, Iron-on Transfers, String Flags, T-shirts, Name Tags.
Complete Music CD in Ultimate Starter Kit includes 10 songs as well as instrumental tracks and PowerPoint slides with lyrics for projection.
Bible Adventure Video DVD/CD-ROM, Music Video DVD, Decorating Publicity download content, Digital Content Download Card.
Student Take-Home Music CD, Package of 6. (Sold separately, not included in the kit.)
Preschool/Kindergarten Student Book, Younger Elementary Student Book (grades 1-2), Older Elementary Student Book (grades 3-6).
Director Guide, Bible Storyteller, Preschool/Kindergarten Leader, Craft Leader, Music Leader, Science Leader, Assembly Leader, Recreation Leader, and Reflection Time Leader.
Decorating Guide, Decorating Murals, Decorating Mobiles, Poster Pack, Character and Large Logo Posters, Theme and Outdoor Banners, Stickers, Tablecloth, Activity Center Signs, Drawstring Bag, Bucket Hat, Crafts, Bead Bracelet, Iron-on Transfers, String Flags, Journal, T-Shirts.
Various Bible stories based on themes. www.cokesburyvbs. com/theme/one-room-vbs.
Ages 5–12
EACH $89.99
9781791036621. Road Trip One Room VBS Kit. 9781791033644. Road Trip One Room VBS Digital Kit Download.
9781791029432. Camp Firelight One Room VBS Digital Kit Download.
9781791027551. Hero Hotline One Room VBS Digital Kit. 9781791024598. Food Truck Party One Room VBS Digital Kit Download.
9781791000073. Knights of North Castle One Room VBS Kit. 9781791024581. Discovery on Adventure Island One Room VBS Digital Kit Download.
Complete Music CDs include all VBS program songs with vocals and accompaniment tracks, along with PowerPoint files of lyrics for each song.
Each kit includes Bible Adventure and Trivia Videos for each of the 5 stories included in the program.
While supplies last, purchase Student Take-Home CDs, Student Music Download Cards, or tracks can be downloaded from Apple Music or Amazon Music.
Younger Elementary Reproducible Fun Pages (grades 1–3), Older Elementary Reproducible Fun Pages (grades 4–6).
Camp Firelight Elementary One Room VBS Leader Guide; Hero Hotline One Room VBS, Food Truck Party Elementary/One Room VBS Leader Guide; Discovery on Adventure Island One Room VBS Leader Guide; Knights of North Castle One Room VBS Leader Guide.
For all: Small Promotional Poster.
Other Notes Other resources: Scout the Dog Puppet, Scripture Treasure Lanyard.
Access to FREE online registration for your church (CokesburyVBS.com). Free support materials. cokesburyvbs.com/theme/one-room-vbs.

Publisher Shine/APG
Description Let waves of wonder wash over you as you get out into God’s creation this summer at VBS! Be inspired by the beauty and majesty of what God has made. At Waves of Wonder VBS, children will explore Scriptures in which God provides water for plants and animals. They will visit the wilderness and miraculously receive water from a rock. They will take a boat ride with Jesus and weather a wavy storm, and even imagine a new heaven and a new earth where all are invited to receive life-giving water. Through worship and drama, Bible study, art and science explorations, and active games, children will deepen their understanding of the importance of water and be invited to join God in caring for this precious natural resource.
Bible Stories Making Waves (Genesis 1:1-2:3); Rushing Water (Psalm 104:513); Wilderness Waves (Exodus 17:1-7); Waves on the Sea (Mark 4:35-41); River of Life (Revelation 22:1-5, 16-17).
Age Levels Early Childhood (ages 4 to 5 / grades K-5)

Reconciling Ministries Network
An inclusive VBS curriculum that that will help kids celebrate their identity as God’s beloved creations just as they are! Daily exploration includes exploring the stories of a variety of First and Second Testament characters. Daily themes will be explored through storytelling, structured play, crafts, and music. Through scripted lessons and extension activities, students will practice sharing, asking questions, using their voice, finding community, and speaking up for others. Everyone has a song to sing and a gift to bring! Spend time in the community garden as we celebrate our own identities, practice building community, and discover our own unique voice! Includes a Youth (grades 6-12) and Adult track curriculum as well!
Jesus Appears to Thomas (John 20:24-29); Bartimaeus Receives His Sight (Mark 10:46-52); Jesus Feeds 5,000 (John 6:1-15); The Widow’s Oil )2 Kings 4:1-7); Naaman is Healed of Leprosy (2 Kings 5:1-14)
Kindergarten–Grade 1, Grades 2–3, Grades 4–5, Youth, Adult

Music in Kit Music & Resource USB drive contains PowerPoint slides for song lyrics and worship, drama scripts, downloadable teaching aids pages for every activity area, logos, letter to families, and more.
Six songs (including “ JUST Like Me,” “I Have Something To Say,” and “All My People.” Chart sheets Video/ Multimedia Components
Volunteer Training & Vocabulary Videos Student Music
Leader Books Director Guide, Early Childhood Leader Guide, Worship and Drama Leader Guide, Seaside Station Guide (Games), Bible Beach Station Guide (Activities), Creators Coast Station Guide (Science and Art Activities)
Decorating Helps Packed with ideas for decorations, mission projects, snacks, etc. Included in the Director Guide: Set of Bible Memory and Decorative Posters (for Bible Beach Station, Seaside Games Station, Creators Coast Station, and Early Childhood).
Facilitator Guide
(Includes Storytelling/Scripted Bible Lessons, Created/ Craft Station, Play/Recreation Station, Daily Snack Ritual, Opening & Closing daily scripts, Youth Track curriculum, Adult Track curriculum, Facilitation Guides, Media kit , Resource suggestions)

Cokesbury Kids Big Faith is an exciting new quarterly curriculum from the creators of Celebrate Wonder, Deep Blue, Food Truck Party VBS, and more. Big Faith will continue the faith formation tradition that you know, love, and trust from Cokesbury Kids. Big Faith helps children discover, develop, and practice their faith in a trusted community.

Cokesbury Kids Big Faith curriculum honors children as naturally curious and spiritual beings who have an innate sense of God’s presence. It has been designed for two age levels: ages 3–6 and 7–12.

Big Faith helps children discover how their faith can grow to become an integral part of their everyday lives. Within each session, children will be introduced to a faith concept; explore a Bible story together through storytelling and video; participate in age-appropriate, hands-on activities; and reflect on and share what they have learned with one another.