3 minute read

Is the next election too important for the people?

n Ph il ip kraske Is the next election too important for the people?

Have the people of America prepped for their vote? Have they read up the issues and know what’s afloat? Have they read Chris Hedges and know fascists loom, Awaiting deep crisis to lower the boom? Do they know how Washington pushes towards war? Or are they all pork prices and patriot lore?


Does outright murder alter their voting plans, A murder abroad global law strictly bans? Do Iowans vote from their fear of ghost terror, And think that killing a foreigner’s no error? Or does Bernie’s great hair weigh strong on their scale, Against Bloomberg’s ads well-designed to close sale?

Maybe they’ll shock us in debate Q and A, And ask about something that’s not curds and whey: “You say Putin’s a creep for Crimea-grabbing, And instead should do what? Sit there gripe-gabbing? He did what he had to, as anyone would: It was that or Nato in his neighbourhood.”

But I doubt the voters have much global vision, I doubt they have any but local ambition, In Iowa or anywhere else for that matter, Just cliche’d opinions from Fox and Friends chatter. Oh, everyone yearns for the Goddess of Change, Just not too much or fast, now isn’t that strange?

Hence Honest Joe Biden is leading the pack, A sign that everyone would like Barack back, Him and Michelle and those ballyhoo days, When you watched stocks climbing from your backyard chaise, Global warming but simmered, life would go on, Banks had learned lessons, no one thought of Iran.

It brings to mind people who voted for Trump, MAGA nostalgia for what’s left of the rump, But little or no thought for what ahead lies: The in-your-face splat of financial cream pies, The worse falling behind of folks who work hard, More soldiers and spooks splitting up rising lard.

It’s a pity other countries can’t vote on our prez, Unfazed, unchecked by what the MSM says, For when you consider the woods not the trees, The true path of peace can be seen with fair ease, Nobody would vote with nostalgia in mind, Or choose on the basis of the price of pork rind. CT

Philip Kraske is an American author who lives in Madrid, Spain. His latest novel is 11/19 and the Terrorist Who Loved Bonsai Trees (Encompass Editions) . His website is www.philipkraske.com.

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