Photos: Kevin Bubriski / From Our Voices, Our Streets, Published by powerHouse Books /
November 2001: Arlington, Vermont.
March 19, 2008: Anti-War demonstration, Washington, DC
n Kevin Bubriski
Taking it to the streets Photographer captures a decade of protest in Main Street America
I Our streets, Our Voices American Protests, wo11-2011 Kevin Bubriski powerHouse Books US $50 / Can $66
t’s strange the difference a week makes. When the e-mailman dumped a copy of Kevin Bubriski’s Our Streets, Our Voices into my inbox, my first thought was that it was a betterthan-usual collection of photographs of street demonstrations – an eye-catching portrait of localised American history, but of no special significance. A week later, the world entered Lockdown and we were all under house arrest. Suddenly, Our Streets moved into the category of nostalgia, a fierce reminder of a
26 ColdType | Mid-April 2020 |
world that used to be, one in which we were allowed to stand up (even if we always seemed to end up on the losing side) for our rights to protest the harsh and unjust. Who would have thought that it would take so few days for society to shed all those rights we have taken for granted for generations? “
he street has always been the ultimate public venue for political and cultural expression”, says the anonymous writer of a media release from powerHouse, the book’s