Photo: Wilsom Dias/Agência Brasil / Wikipedia
Photo: Gage Skidmore / Wikipedia
TRANSITION? Donald Trump uses coronavirus pandemic to launch ‘silent war’ aimed at overthrow of Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro.
n Alan MacLeod
Coronavirus aid for regime change in Venezuela
he US State Department released what it called its “democratic transition framework for Venezuela” on March 31; a 13-point plan for the removal of Nicolas Maduro and a radical overhaul of the country’s political system. The principal and most fundamental change Washington proposes is to “restore all powers to the National Assembly”, the one branch of government the right-wing pro-US opposition coalition currently holds. This would
place the entire country under the control of political groups that have not won a general election in Venezuela since 1993. In point number three, the US also demands that “all foreign security forces depart immediately”. Here, they are presumably not speaking about the USlinked far-right Colombian death squads that have been known to penetrate the countries’ long and porous border, but about Cuban security advisors and medical personnel.
The United States is currently waging a silent war against the Caribbean island, pressuring countries to refuse its medical aid during the coronavirus pandemic. US-backed regimes in Brazil and Bolivia both expelled Cuban doctors from their countries upon coming to power, with Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro claiming that they were “costumed doctors” who were there to “create guerilla cells and indoctrinate people”. Brazil’s Health Ministry is now asking them to return even as its president continues to deny COVID-19 is a serious problem. According to the State Department’s transition plan, all political offices in Venezuela will be liquidated and their positions filled with people chosen by the National Assembly – ie the Venezuelan opposition. This includes the National Electoral Council, the Supreme Court, the Council of State and the presidency. The National Assembly has been in limbo ever since 2017 when the Supreme Court ruled it was in contempt of court. During the previous elections, a few new members of the National Assembly were tried for vote buying, but the institution refused to recognise the Supreme Court, instead demanding all power be given to it, hence the three-yearlong constitutional crisis. Only after the National Assembly has handpicked the new Council of State, which, in turn, chooses the president, will the US begin to lift sanctions, the State
ColdType | Mid-April 2020 |