2 minute read
Monument toppling and colonial crimes
into the Black Lives Matter often possibly psychopathic protests, while Britain conindividuals – although many tinues to be up to its neck in of them were, judging by imperialist crimes which are their actions. Captain Cook largely unprotested. didn't slice off the limbs of
Lives don't seem to matrecalcitrant natives in the ter in Yemen, for example, antipodes because he loved where plague and famine the sight of blood (though he of biblical proportions are might well have) but because exacerbated by British- and he was about the business of American- enabled attacks conquest and empire. And that have killed hundreds of empire is about the business thousands of people. Not in of business. Britain concenturies gone by, but now. quered much of the world not
Arab lives in Syria haven't to hand out bibles but to loot mattered to more than a everything they could carry handful of people in Britain – including, in the form of throughout nearly a decade slavery, the very people of the of explicit military, political, invaded lands themselves. financial and propaganda support to fanatic hordes seeking to destroy the secuImperialism is ineluctably a lar Arab republic. development of our capitalist
When black people hung model, the need for captive like strange fruit from Libmarkets and cheap (preferyan trees following the UK/ ably free) sources of labour, US/French invasion of the basic commodities and raw country and the sodomising materials. with a bayonet of its leader, BEFORE THE FALL: Statue of slave trader Edward ColIt was not the British liberals like Hillary Clinton ston in Bristol. The statue was thrown into the city’s working class who benefitted and David Cameron laughed harbour during recent protests. from the British Empire – not – literally, in Clinton's case. the wage-slaves of the slavperialism in previous centuries ers. The colonised peoples and
Itranslated into a determination the slaves all had the same enen Britain, where around 60,000 to end the default British position my, which fed on the blood, sweat excess deaths were reported by of interfering in every part of and tears of us all. The enemy is the Office of National Statistics the world – up to and including at home. Not in the 17th-century, and the Financial Times over just actual invasion – that would be but now. CT a few months in 2020, a hugely a good thing of course, however disproportionate number of those unlikely. George Gallowaywas a member of deaths were suffered by BAME Unlikely because the British the British Parliament for nearly citizens. Those black lives don't crimes of the past didn't happen 30 years. He presents TV and seem to have mattered much. Not because the criminals were Britradio shows (including on RT). enough to protest about, at least. ish. They didn’t happen because He is a film-maker, writer and a
Were disgust – entirely justithe criminals were, psychologirenowned orator. Follow him on fied – at the crimes of British imcally speaking, sociopathic and Twitter @georgegalloway
Photo: Simon Cobb / Wikimedia