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We’re proud to say that Coldwell Banker® affiliated agents and offices on their communities in incredibly positive ways Our charitable initiati and rewarding to get involved and make new connections in your neig


The CB Supports St. Jude campaign allows Coldwell Banker affiliated agents to make a donation for every home sale or purchase they complete to support the lifesaving mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital:® Finding cures. Saving children.® And in 2021, the Coldwell Banker brand was honored to receive the St. Jude New Partner Campaign of the Year Award. Since then, our CB Supports St. Jude partnership has gone on to far surpass its goals, donating more than $1.3 million to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital since the program’s inception in 2020.

Local Initiatives

It’s illustrative of the character of our network that Coldwell Banker affiliated agents and offices have countless additional causes that they choose to devote their time, energy and resources to support. Whether benefiting outstanding local organizations or larger nonprofits that make a big impact, together, our network has donated over $31 million*. It’s inspiring to see our network doing good in the world.

Homes For Dogs Project

It’s not just people who need a loving home. In 2015, we created the Homes for Dogs Project, facilitating pet adoption drives at Coldwell Banker affiliated offices nationwide. We’re proud to have inspired the adoption of tens of thousands of pets, with Homes for Dogs Project events also serving as fantastic networking and marketing occasions for affiliated agents and offices.

Business Boost Academy

Take a deep dive with our Training Director and Recruiting Director on the necessities of growing your business. During this two-day mastermind training, you will meet our support staff, get super familiar with transaction forms, practice CMAs and learn how to use and maximize our most important tools. Plus a lot of other fun stuff! These sessions are for all experience levels

Luxury Property Specialist Certification

This powerful and elite course provides the foundation for a successful career representing exceptional properties and an affluent clientele. It’s a remarkable opportunity to learn from top luxury specialists at the Coldwell Banker brand and superstar agents from across the industry. Certified Luxury Property Specialists sell properties with a $200,000 higher average sales price²

Sales And Business Coaching

We offer learning opportunities designed for individual and team-building success, provided by internal and external coaches who know our systems and programs

1.Listingstaken,closedunits,andclosedsalesvolume(collectively,the“Metrics”)weremeasuredduringthisstudy.Tocalculatetheresults,wetookasampleof4,000 independentsalesassociateswhohadbeenaffiliatedwiththeColdwellBanker®brandforatleastayearpriortothestudyandwhoparticipatedinCBULearningCenter learningclassesandactivitiesbetweenJan.2020-Dec.2021(the“SamplePool”)andenteredtheiractivitiesintoREScoreboard.Allsalesassociatesincludedinthestudy completedoneormorelearningclasses,eachrangingindurationfromaminimumof3-22hours.WemeasuredthemonthlyMetricsgeneratedbythesamplepoolduringthe 12monthspriortotheirtakinganyColdwellBankercoursesandthenmeasuredthemonthlyMetricsgeneratedduringthe12monthsaftertheenddateofeachaffiliated agent’sparticipationinthelearningcourses.Thiswasnotacontrolledstudy;correlationdoesnotequalcausation.Pastperformancedoesnotguaranteefutureresults.Market conditionsmayinfluenceresultsandthereisnoassuranceanyColdwellBanker-affiliatedsalesassociatewillachievethesameorsimilarresults.2.Basedon2022U.S.closed transactionsreportedbyColdwellBanker.Resultsnotguaranteed.LuxuryPropertySpecialistsmustbecommissionedrealestateagentswithaminimumofthreeluxuryhome salesandhavecompletedatrainingcourseco-producedwithColdwellBankerandtheInstituteforLuxuryHomeMarketing.

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