WeareSOexcitedtohaveyoupartoftheCBBGallatinteam! Thisisyour onboardingbook,whichhasinformation,websiteandtoolsandsomeadditional notesthatwehopewillbeveryhelpfultoyou!Ifyouhaveanytrouble,letusknow andwewillworktogetitfixed I'vealsoincludedouronboardingchecklist, department&officecontactinformation,LevelUpCoachingAppinstructions(details below),andinstructionsonobtainingaccesstoourUrbanofficeviatheKeypad
ThankyouforsendingusaheadshotandbiosowecanintroduceyoutoourCBB familyandgettoknowyoualittlebetter!
Yourindividualprintercodewillbe571842 Thiswillworkforanyofthemainprinters atALLourofficelocations
IhavealsoaddedyoutoourGoogleGroups-thisisforwhenwesendanemailtoall agentsorjusttoyourspecificoffice Sometimes,thesetendtogotospam Ifyou lookinyourinboxorspam,youshouldseewhereIaddedyouto"BestinBlue"(all agents)andthe"Gallatin"(officegroup) Makesurethesearemovedtoyourinboxso youaresuretonotmissoutonanyemailsthatmightgoout!Don'tworry,wewon't spamyoueveryminuteandyoushouldnotreceiveanyspamemails!
You must join your local board within 7 days. Ask your Principal Broker what your options are for boards to join.
Once you Join your board you will become a member of the local association, Tennessee Association of Realtors (TAR) and National Association of Realtors (NAR)
A NRDS Number will be created and assigned to you at that point Once you receive that number you will want to create an account at TNrealtors com
>Click on “Member Login”
>Click “Register”
After the above is complete you will be able to access your transaction forms. You have to take a “New Member Orientation” and a “Code of Ethics” class within 90 days of confirmation of membership.
*Check with your local board for any other requirements
Send Eva Cantrell your headshot and bio as soon as possible Please send these items to cbbonboarding@gmail com
As a new Coldwell Banker Barnes agent you will receive 100 business cards and a name badge free of charge. You can place your order through the Marketing Shop (page 27) . The Marketing director will create proofs of the items before for you to approve before the order is placed. Click here to access the Marketing Shop
You should order the following as soon as possible: Business Cards
Name Badge
Personalized Rider (at least 1)
One Yard Sign (at least 1) (check with your front desk manager for sign stock as these are kept in stock at each office)
Your front desk manager will provide you with a key that allows access to every office except for Urban and Brentwood For Brentwood Office there is a exterior door that stays unlocked, there is lockbox on the door which has a key that you can access the office with Lockbox Code:1906 For instruction on how to access the Urban office, click here
Office Wifi
Coldwell Banker
Barnes Facebook
Besuretofollowourcompanysocialmedia pagesaswellasouragentonlypages!
Coldwell Banker
Barnes Instagram
Agent State of Mind
Facebook Page
Besuretojoinouragentonlygrouptostayuptodateon companyannouncements,achievements,trainings,CEclass andmore!
CBB Listings
Facebook Page
Besuretojoinouragentonlygrouptoadvertiseyourlistings, comingsoons,andfindhelpifneededforopenhouses!
The CBB Agent Playbook serves as a digital guide to introduce you to all things related to Coldwell Banker and Coldwell Banker Barnes This interactive playbook includes a Table of Contents that allows you to navigate directly to specific pages or sections, along with links to products, tools, training materials, schedules, and more!
As you explore the Cbb Agent Playbook, you'll uncover a wealth of resources designed to empower you in your journey with Coldwell Banker Barnes. From essential training materials to in-depth insights on industry trends, this interactive guide is your go-to companion for everything related to Coldwell Banker Barnes Whether you're looking to enhance your skills, stay updated on the latest products and tools, the playbook is here to support you every step of the way Dive in, discover, and elevate your real estate expertise with the CBB Agent Playbook!
TheCBBAgentPlaybookservesasyour digitalguidetoallColdwellBankerBarnes toolsandresources Itincludescontact details,partnerinformation,programs, trainings,tools,andmuchmore!Needto knowwheresomethingisorhowtoaccessit? CheckyourPlaybook!
Access the Playbook using the link below Be sure to favorite this link in your browser for easy access! cbbagentplaybook com
When selecting a vendor from the directory, you can rest assured that they come highly recommended by our knowledgeable agents Each vendor and contractor listed has been carefully evaluated to ensure they meet our high standards of quality and professionalism. Whether you or your client needs assistance with home repairs, renovations, landscaping, or any other service, the Vendor Directory is your go-to resource for trusted professionals. Save time and stress by choosing from our curated list of vendors, knowing that you are in good hands with Coldwell Banker Barnes
TheVendorDirectoryservesasyouronline guideforallColdwellBankerBarnes vendorsandcontractors Ouragents recommendtheseserviceproviders,who undergothoroughreviewsbyourteam
Access the Vendor Directory using the link below Be sure to favorite this link in your browser for easy access! Click here, to access the Vendor Directory
TheMarketingShopistheplacetoorder yourphysicalmarketingmaterials!Weoffer avarietyofproductstoenhanceyour brand,includingbusinesscards,name badges,riders,customriders,yardsigns, andemailsignatures
To begin, place an order on our Marketing Shop website. After receiving your order, our Marketing Director will design proofs of your requested items to ensure they meet your expectations and are accurate before finalizing the order
Click here to access the Marketing Shop or use the URL cbbmarketing info
Click here for the Coldwell Banker Barnes brand identity standards guide.
Click here for the Coldwell Banker brand identity standards guide
Click here to access Coldwell Banker Barnes logos
Uncertain if your website or marketing material meets compliance standards? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Our Marketing Director will review it and suggest any necessary adjustments to ensure your marketing aligns with brand guidelines.
Send an image of your design to cbbmarketing1906@gmail com and our Marketing Director will get back to you with any needed adjustments so you can be confident that your marketing follows brand guidelines. Please allow 2-3 business days for compliance reviews.
Click here for the Coldwell Banker Barnes brand identity standards guide.
Click here for the Coldwell Banker brand identity standards guide.
Click here to access Coldwell Banker Barnes logos.
David Barnes | Owner & CEO
Tom Pierce | President & COO
Robin Allen | SVP, Agent Services, Business Development
Michelle Jenkins | Training Director
(615) 533-6449 (615) 465-3665 (615) 465-3656
Pete Papadelis | Director of Coaching, Recruiting and Accountability (615) 553-0169 (615) 398-0169
davidbarnes0403@gmail com tom.pierce@coldwellbanker.com robin.allen@coldwellbanker.com
michellemjenkins27@gmail.com tnrealtorpete@gmail com
Alec Abbott | Marketing Director (615) 818-3272 cbbmarketing1906@gmail.com
Becky Stanko | Relocation Manager Corporate, Partner Program, Affinity Referral (615) 585-4362 beckys@realtracs com
Ronda Richardson | Transaction Coordinator
Michelle McKnight | Transaction Coordinator (615) 465-3624 (615) 538-3240 cbtransaction1@gmail com cbtransaction2@gmail com
Tracy Brumley | VP, Financial Officer
Beth Boling | Accounting Manager (615) 465-3654 (615) 972-4545
tracyhbrumley@gmail.com cbbarnesacctg@gmail.com
Eva Cantrell | Onboarding Manager (615) 452-0040 cbbonboarding@gmail com
BRENTWOOD | 1600 Westgate Cir Ste 100 Brentwood,TN 37027
Craig Johnson | Principal Broker
Leanna Baker | Front Desk Manager (615) 428-2842 (615) 465-3700
GALLATIN | 923 C Nashville Pike Gallatin,TN 37066
Cindi Malone | Principal Broker
Eva Cantrell | Front Desk Manager (615) 491-3842 (615) 452-0040
JACKSON | 327 N Parkway Jackson,TN 38305
Larry Willard | Principal Broker
Jennifer Casey | Front Desk Manager (731) 467-1478 (731) 668-1777
MT. JULIET | 2600 N Mt. Juliet Rd Mt. Juliet,TN 37122
Michelle Jenkins | Principal Broker
Vicky Kearney | Front Desk Manager (615) 533-0169 (615) 758-0488
MURFREESBORO | 1980 Old Fort Pkwy Murfreesboro,TN 37129
Valencia Phillips | Principal Broker
Chris Matthews | Front Desk Manager (615) 995-6147 (615) 893-1130
wcraigjohnsonjr@gmail com cbbarnesfranklin@gmail.com
cindi.malone@gmail.com cbbarnesgallatin@gmail.com
larry.a.willard@gmail.com cbbarnesjackson@gmail.com
michellemjenkins27@gmail com vickyk@realtracs com
vpinre@gmail com cbmurfreesboro@gmail com
Location Not Staffed
HARDING | 392 Harding Place Nashville,TN 37211 (615) 465-3700
URBAN | 767 Alloway St Ste 101 Nashville,TN 37203
Location Not Staffed
Pete Papadelis | Principal Broker
Leanna Baker | Front Desk Manager (615) 398-0169 (615) 465-3700
tnrealtorpete@gmail.com cbbarnesfranklin@gmail.com
OptumTitleisapartnershipbetweenColdwellBanker BarnesandLimestoneTitlewhichwasformedto providewhitegloveservicetotheagentsofCBB.Ithas thebackboneofa60+employeetitlecompanybutthe frontendofaboutiqueteamhandselectedtoprovide thehighestlevelofcustomerservicepossible Through ourpartnershipwecanofferremoteclosingsinall50 stateswiththeabilitytofundsamedayinmost instances.
Optum Title, has a widespread presence across multiple Coldwell Banker Barnes office locations. If you have questions or require assistance, don't hesitate to reach out using the information below:
580 FRANKLIN RD #203 FRANKLIN, TN 37069 (615) 730-7955
asmalley@limestone-title com
580 Franklin Rd #203 Franklin, TN 37069 (615) 730-7955
bbaker@limestone-title com
580 Franklin Rd #203 Franklin, TN 37069 (615) 730-7955
dwebber@limestone-title com
Closing Agency: Limestone Title | David Webber | (615)-730-7955
Title Policy to be issued by Optum Title
Meetourmortgagepartner,CMGHomeLoans! CMGHomeLoansiscurrentlylicensedinall50 states,includingtheDistrictofColumbia,and holdsfederalagencylendingapprovalswithHUD, VA,RHS,GNMA,FNMAandFHLMC.Throughout themortgagebankingandhousingmarkets,CMG HomeLoansiswidelyknownforresponsible lendingpractices,industryandconsumer advocacy,productinnovation,andoperational efficiency
CMG has an office presence in almost all of the Coldwell Banker Barnes locations. CMG is able to establish a strong relationship with our Coldwell Banker Barnes agents and provide them with the mortgage support their clients may need
Reach out to your office loan officer to learn more about how they can help your clients!
Kevin Long | Area Sales Manager
Nicolas Membrillo | Senior Loan Officer
Cindy Brown | Senior Loan Officer
Greg Burlison | Loan Officer
Jonathan Bell | Loan Officer
Lauri Hodges | Loan Officer
Karen Milligan | Loan Officer
Jackson Mt Juliet Murfreesboro
(615) 496-8400
(615) 364-3193
(615) 405-8913
(615) 584-0695
(901) 570-6328
(615) 948-5944
(615) 430-4346
klong@cmgfi com
nmembrillo@cmghomeloans com cindyb@cmgfi com
gburlison@cmgfi com
jbell@cmghomeloans com lhodges@cmgfi com
The Business Boost Academy (BBA) serves as a valuable resource for agents looking to kickstart their real estate careers and get acquainted with essential tools, programs, and procedures No cost to agent (part of the Coldwell Banker Value Package) Outside of CBB this cost ranges up to $600+ for a 2-day training session.
*It is strongly encouraged for all new Coldwell Banker Barnes agents to attend the BBA.
These sessions are for all experience levels. In fact, we highly encourage seasoned agents to come!
TakeadeepdivewithourTrainingDirector andDirectorofCoaching,Recruitingand Accountabilityonthenecessitiesof growingyourbusiness Duringthistwo-day mastermindtraining,youwillmeetour supportstaff,getsuperfamiliarwith transactionforms,practiceCMAsandlearn howtouseandmaximizeourmost importanttools Plusalotofotherfunstuff! Wearesoexcitedtoboostyourbusiness tothenextlevel
Contact your front desk manager or our Training Director and Director of Coaching, Recruiting and Accountability for upcoming dates and registration for the Business Boost Academy (BBA)
Click here to access RealTracs or use the url listed below. realtracs.com
USERNAME&PASSWORDwillbeemailto youfromRealTracs
RealTRACS 615-385-0777
Realtracsoffersvirtualandin-person classes,LogintoRealtracs,click“Help”, “SignUpForAClass”
Realtracshostquarterlytrainingsexclusive forCBB
Realtracsisdedicatedtoprovidingour userswiththebestpossibleexperience whenitcomestoMLS Realtracs understandtheimportanceofhaving accesstoaccurateandup-to-date information,andarecommittedtoensuring thatourservicesmeettheneedsofusers
Clickhere, tofollowset-upintructionsfor SentriKeyREoryouwillneedtodownload theSentriKeyREappandthencall RealTracsandhavethemestablishthe connectionbetweenyourRealTracs accountandtheSentriKeyRE
Youcanpurchaselockboxesonlineat Realtracscom
Youcanalsopurchaselockboxesthrough yourlocalassociation
RealTracs Basics
RealTracs Advanced
>Click “Help”
>Click “Sign up for a Class”
youcankeepyourfocuson esstrainingvideosinone ation,stayup-to-datewith diacontent,trackpersonal dmuchmore!
Youcansearchfortheappinyourapp storebyusingtheterms“LevelUp Coaching” Afterdownloadingtheapp, useusetheprovidedlogininformation toaccessLevelUP”
Important:ForiPhoneusers,whenyou signin,youMUSTclickthelinkatthe bottomofthefrontpagethatsays “Alreadyamember”
ForAndroidusers,youwillnothaveto takethisstep
USERNAME: John@ColdwellBankerNashvillecom
Once you have access to LevelUp and you are logged in. Please watch the “LevelUp Tutorial”.
>Click “Training”
>Click “Level Up”
>Watch “Level Up Tutorial”
ansactionDeskistheplatformwhereyou mpleteallcontractformsandgatherenaturesfrombothbuyersandsellers
Transaction Desk streamlines the process of handling contract forms and obtaining electronic signatures from all parties involved in a transaction. This platform serves as a centralized hub for managing all necessary documentation efficiently and securely By utilizing Transaction Desk, real estate professionals can ensure a smooth and organized transaction process, enhancing communication and transparency among all parties. It simplifies the paperwork involved in real estate transactions, making it easier for agents to focus on providing excellent service to their clients
Visit TNrealtors.com to access >Click “Members” >Click “Transaction Desk”
From Realtracs:
>Hover over “My Listings”
>Click “Transaction Desk”
Click here for training on Transaction Desk
CBDeskistheColdwellBankerintranet thathousesallinformationpertainingtothe ColdwellBankerbrandandallowsquick accesstoCBtoolsandresources,suchas HomeSpotterBoost,MarketingCenterand ProspectSquare.
Tohelpfamiliarizeyourselfwiththe Deskplatform,youcanrefertothe DeskFAQandQuickStartGuide All appshaveatileonthehomepage You canchangetheorderoftheappsby draggingthemsothatyourmost frequentlyusedare atthetop Ifyoudon’tseethetilefor aparticularapponyourhomepage, clickon“showall”atthebottomofthe page Theleft-handnavigationbarhas quicklinkstoitemspertainingtothe brand,thecompany,marketing, awardsandeducation Don’tseewhat you’relookingfor?Usethesearchbar atthetopofthepagetofindnews, contentandotherinformationbytopic orkeywords,orclickonthequestion markinthecircleintheupperrightof thehomepagetoaccesstheHelp Center
Gotomycbdeskcom Don’tknowyour password?Gototheloginpageandclick “forgotpassword”underthesign-in button Theformatofyourusernameis firstnamelastname@coldwellbanker com Note:Thisisnotanactiveemailaddress; itisforloginpurposesonly
USERNAME&PASSWORDwillbeemailed toyoufromColdwellBanker
The goal of the Coldwell Banker Learning Center is to empower real estate professionals to grow their businesses, exceed their goals and live exceptional lives by offering worldclass coaching, education and support Along with courses geared for both new and experienced agents, CBU includes a recap of Gen Blue courses, a scripts library and a tracker for viewing your current, upcoming and completed courses
To get started take the “New Agent Pathway” classes. Click here to access.
ThelinktoCBULearningCentercanbe foundonthehomepageofCBDesk Ifyou don’tseetheCBULearningCentertileon yourhomepage,clickon“showall”atthe bottom
Outlist | Outlast
Business Planning
Buyer Strategies
Converting with Confidence
Lead Gen
Pricing Strategies
Breaking into the Luxury Market
Once a transaction is closed in Skyslope, a Testimonial Tree review survey is emailed to the client on your behalf
Only positive reviews are selected, presenting you in the most favorable light possible Moxi Website: Testimonial has the capabilities to communicate with your Moxi website When you receive a testimonial it is automatically populates into agents Moxi websites
TestimonialTreestreamlinestheprocessof collectinggenuinetestimonialsfrom satisfiedcustomersandautomatically sharingtheirexperiencesonlinetoattract newbusiness WithTestimonialTree,it's easyforcustomerstoleavereviewsby sendingthemtestimonialandsurvey requeststhroughemailortext.
Youshouldreceivea“Welcome”email fromTestimonialTree Ifyoudonot, PleasereachouttoRobinAllenformore informationaboutTestimonialTree
VisityourLevelUpApp, Tap“Training”>“TestimonialTree”
SkySlopeisastate-of-the-arttransaction managementplatformusedbyColdwell BankerBarnes Skyslopemanagesour transactionfilesandactsasadigitalfiling cabinet Inorderforyourclosingstobe processedallrequireddocumentsmustbe uploadedintoyourSkyslopechecklist If youareusingaTransactionCoordinator theymanagealloftheaboverequirements onyourbehalf.
SkyslopeDigiSign:Setupandsend documentsforsignature effortlessly(atnoadditionalcost)
TestimonialTree:Ensureyour clientsemailaddressiscorrectin Skyslope Wesendouttestimonial requestsonyourbehalfafterevery closing,Skyslopeislinkedand communicateswithTestimonial Tree
2-10ComplimentarySellerHome WarrantyCoverage:Onceyour listingisuploadedintoSkyslopewe automaticallyenrollyoursellers into2-10'scomplimentarySeller HomeWarrantyCoverage
SkySlopeofferstrainingeveryweek Clickheretoaccessliveandrecorded trainingsessions
VisityourLevelUpApp, Tap“Training”>“Skyslope”
AddpropertyanddocumentstoSkySlope BeprimarypointofcontactfortheLender,Title CompanyandCo-opingAgent,emailcopyofthe contractwithletterofintroduction Checkinwiththem weeklyorasoftenasneeded
Besecondarypointofcontacttotheclient,send introductoryemailwithcontractdeadlinedatesand transactioncoordinatorscontactinformation
Scheduleinspectionsandinformallpartiesofthe date/time
Ordertermiteinspectiontobeperformedsimultaneously withthehomeinspectionifpossible,ifapplicable
Obtainutilitycompanyinfoforpropertyandsharewith client/otheragent
Keepagentinformedofallupdates,changesor complicationsastheyarise
ColdwellBankerispleasedtoofferouragents thetransactioncoordinatorprogramtoassistyou inprovidingsuperiorservicetoyourclientsand tolessentheburdenofmanagingthe transaction Thisprogramwillbeidealfornew andexistingagents
Clickhere,formoreinformationonthe TransactionCoordinatorProgram
Ronda Richardson
Michelle McKnight
Make sure all required Transaction documents are uploaded into SkySlope
Upon closing, please provide your front desk manager with the commission check, including the $299 CBB Broker fee, a filled-out Closing Info Sheet (found in Transaction Desk), and signed ALTA and property disclosure forms from the Buyer/Seller if necessary.
Our closings are handled at 1 pm to ensure prompt processing and fund delivery by our Accounting department. Any closings received after 1 pm will be processed the next business day Tracy Brumley, our VP of Accounting, efficiently manages all closings upon submission
Tracy Brumley | VP, Financial Officer
Beth Boling | Accounting Manager
(615) 465-3654 (615) 972-4545
tracyhbrumley@gmail com cbbarnesacctg@gmail com
WhenOpCityhasaninterested consumerontheline,theysendalead alertviaSMSorapppushnotification toagentswhomightbeagoodmatch toworkwiththatclient Agents competeforthelead,andthefirst agenttoclaimtheleadalertwill receiveaphonecallfroma RealtorcomRepandbelivetransferredtospeaktotheclient
YousitbackandletOpCitydotheheavy lifting!OpCitycontactsonlineleads immediatelyaftertheirinquiryandscreen themforintenttobuy,pricepoint,location, andmore,weedingoutthewindow shoppersandonlypassingalongthe motivatedbuyersandsellerleads.
Please reach out to the Relocation Manager, Becky Stanko, for more information
YouDONOThavetobeonthe relocationteamtosendOutgoing Referrals AllOutgoingReferrals mustbesentthroughthe relocationdepartment
Anywherenetworkincludes ColdwellBanker,C-21,ERA, BHGRE,Sotheby'sandCorcoran Wewillalwayschoosethebest companytofityourreferral
ThestandardOutgoingReferralfee sentinthenetworkis35% CB Barnesretains21%andyouwill receive90%ofthat!
Byreferringclientstotrustedprofessionals outsideofyourlicensedarea,youcan providethemwiththesupporttheyneed whilealsoearningacommission.Wehavea widerangeofexcellentagentsthatwe knowwilltakegreatcareofyourclients Thisisespeciallyusefulifyouhaveclients whohaverelocatedorarelookingfor servicesoutsideofyourareaofexpertise
Send any client info to our Incoming & Outgoing Referral Coordinator, Becky Stanko.
OurMonthlyTrainingCalendarissentout atthebeginningofeachmonth,providing youwiththeopportunitytoplanaheadand attendanysessionsthatsparkyour interest Thecalendaroffersarangeof options,including1-on-1coachingwith Pete,openofficehourswithMichelle, MarketingBreakdowns,freshtraining content,andmore!
OurTrainingCalendarisan intelligentcalendarwithinteractive links Attendingthesetraining sessionsandmeetingscanhelpyou improveyourskillsandknowledge, ultimatelyleadingtobetter performanceinyourrole.Checkout ourMonthlyTrainingCalendarand signupforthesessionsthatinterest you!
Calendars are emailed out every month by the Training Director The Training Director also uploads all events and trainings into the Level Up App calendar
Reach out to Michelle Jenkins for more information on any scheduled trainings or the training calendar
OurMarketingDirectorunderstandsthe importanceofconsistentlyproducing qualitycontent,stayingup-to-datewith thelatestmarketingtrendsaswellas knowinghowtouseyourmarketing tools
Curated by our Marketing Director, our monthly Marketing Breakdowns provide social media post prompts, content, as well as tutorial videos to aid in your marketing efforts.
Click here to access Marketing Breakdown
Marketing Breakdowns are email out by the Marketing Director.
The created content is uploaded to the LevelUp app for you under “Say & Share”, “Social Media”.
Tutorials are housed in two places, LevelUp and our CBB YouTube channel. In the LevelUp App these tutorials are in the “Marketing Breakdown” folder under the “Training” section In Youtube they can be found under our company channel’s playlists, click here to access our CBB Youtube channel
Yourofficialcontinuingeducationtracking system Connectwithyourlicensingboard, manageyourrenewalrequirements,and reachcompliance
Every 2 years your license will be up for renewal You will be required to take 16 hours of Continuing Education courses (CE)
During each 2 year cycle you will be required to complete a 6 hour “CORE” class and starting in 2025 “Fair Housing” as well.
Every 3 years, you will be required to take the “Code of Ethics” class.
To check your hours visit cebroker.com, there is a free version available that you can register for.
Ninja Selling By
Larry Kendall
The Go-Giver
By Bob Burg and John David Mann
The Slight Edge by
Jeff Olson
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Dr Carol Dwek
The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins
Massive Agent Podcast Real Estate Rockstars
Brandon Mulrenin - youtube.com/@BrandonMulrenin
Tom Ferry - youtube com/@TomFerry
Greg Luther Coaching - youtube com/@GregLutherCoaching RIS Media - youtube com/@RISMediaWebinars