WORDS FROM PAST CLIENTS “Lisa Johnson was just not any restate agent, she made you feel like family. A person that took you under her wing and guide step by step to the end. Lisa Johnson kept you informed of good and bad news but always made sure that before she hung up, I was still smiling and positive.Lisa Johnson, fought for me to the end. And even though I am all moved in, Lisa Johnson still texts and call to make sure I am okay.”
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Blanca M.
“Lisa Johnson is very knowledgeable and has the perfect personality. She did an amazing job in selling our home and in finding our replacement home. I would highly recommend Lisa Johnson to be your real estate agent.”
Sean K.
“Selling a home while living in another state was a challenge and then add Covid-19 to the mix! Lisa was everything you would want in a realtor. Professional, attentive, knowledgeable, experienced. She’s a gem!”
Jeanie R.
“Let me just say if I would have known how great and easy to deal with Lisa and her team was, I would have put my condo on the market earlier. Buying and Selling homes is a long and exhausting process especially with young kids and a full-time job. From beginning to end Lisa was there to help. She connected me with quality contractors and helped me get the most out of my property. Our house was sold and escrow closed in under 40 days from start of contract with her. I highly recommend Lisa and her team, they get the job done.”
Laura V.
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760.840.9381 | DRE# 01440543