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Location: Little Falls, NY

Size: 280' length


Typology: Pedestrian Bridge Supervisor: Eric Bunge

Little Falls Connector is a pedestrian bridge landscape architecture project that connects the Empire State Trail to the town of Little Falls.

The bridge uses steel beams and columns to span the long distance. It connects to the functioning, and historic, Lock 17 and serves to reinvigorate the community.

The visualizations were completed for the 100% SD stage and were used as a tool throughout the iterative design of the bridge.

The physical model was created out of basswood, chipboard, and fabric. It was used for both design and presentation purposes.

Seating is offered at the connection to the Empire State Trail while a stair provides entry to Lock 17 from the path below.

The physical model was simultaneously created and altered as the design of the connector was adjusted. When structural members changed size, so did the corresponding pieces on the model. It was used as a tool to inform the design of the project.

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