Foreword by Edwin Melendez, Director
Rico is in a unique position as a beneficiary of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act, 1974), the law that structures federal natural disaster assistance for state and territories. As explained in this report, disaster support often requires multiple and special appropriations from Congress and the funding allocated for this purpose goes to a multiplicity of local and federal agencies that include Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and many others. Funding includes shortterm assistance, disaster recovery efforts, and multiple assistance programs to individuals, businesses and government agencies. A substantial portion of the initial assistance to states and localities is channeled through FEMA, but other agencies play a critical role for long-term recovery. uerto
Puerto Rico, like all other states and territories affected by natural disasters, competes for funding that has not been earmarked for specific jurisdictions. As explained in more detail in the report, qualifying for funding depends on numerous factors. In part this is a technical issue where jurisdictions have to demonstrate assessments of damages. In part it is a political issue where Congress must legislate inclusion of coverage of specific needs in regular or supplemental appropriations. Supplemental appropriations have been necessary for allocating earmarked disaster relief funds to state, local, and tribal governments. For these reasons, lobbying and advocacy efforts are complex, often involving FEMA, HUD, and other agency managers and staff participation in structuring program coverage for specific communities or mobilizing elected officials to support appropriations targeting specific programs or jurisdictions. This insider/outsider interplay requires collaborations among actors in different roles in the policy process and implicit or explicit coordination of strategies between various external stakeholders, in short, an advocacy coalition.
For discussion purposes, an advocacy coalition is a group of people that engage in the policy process with the goal of translating shared beliefs into action. In this case, we refer to a group of people seeking to support the rebuilding process in Puerto Rico through engagement and social action. Such a coalition, which in many respects already exists incipiently both on the island and in the diaspora, involves individuals and organizations from a variety of sectors, such as elected officials, local and federal agencies’ staff, interest group leaders, academics, researchers, and others. These stakeholders share a belief system, formally or informally coordinate advocacy activities, and develop communication vehicles to affect other collaborators strategies and influence public opinion. To the extent that stakeholders harmonize common goals and strategies, they can influence legislative action, policy implementation, and affect the policy process. Information sharing among stakeholders is critical for affecting expert and public opinion and the policy process successfully. Advocacy coalitions develop information hubs for sharing scientific knowledge, analysis of legislation and agencies guidelines governing policy implementation, and newsletters and other vehicles influencing public opinion. This report provides an overview of federal disaster relief policy, dissects the recovery process and the role of federal assistance, and discusses possible entry points for advocacy efforts. The impact of Hurricane Maria will be felt for decades, and long-term recovery and rebuilding efforts in Puerto Rico are expected to take years. In this report, the role federal funding plays in disaster relief efforts will be discussed, from congressional appropriation to final distribution to local governments and/or non-profits. As of today, supplemental appropriations for disaster relief add up to a total of $136.1 billion. Besides funding already earmarked, many of these funds can be further allocated to Puerto Rico relief efforts. Strong advocates are needed at various entry points in this recovery process: from the congressional level, where recovery funds are appropriated, to agencies that establish 3