'Third A·nnual ~eeting of ·the •• Porto Rico Mission 1' Guayama, ~
·Porto ~icof
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of the San Juan N ewa .
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,J ournftl of P r oceed ings .
·. 17oy
Htuudlug Committee
Disciplinary Questl'ons
Report of t he Superintendent
Reports. of ~omm ltteel:! . .
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,.,. Thursda,y, .Feb. 25, 1904. The Thlr1l Annual :U tlng of the porto R4co Mlsl!lon conveltCu In the .\fethv•ll t Episcopal Church 11t Guayama, Py rto Rico , on Fl'ht·unry 25, 1!1().!, at !l it: m. ,.Bishop Eurl CrMonstou, IT. D., preslu lng. · Re ,·. C. W. Dree~. the uperln tendent of th Mll'!slon condueted t he rcll ~.;io ms •xercl • . · ·1 H y mn 18 of the. 'pan Ish Hymn.a.J (Amet·lca) was ~ung. prayer was"' offered, and parts of Chapters 11, 1 and 19 of St:tJohu :w re rena. Hymn 962 of the ·English Hymnal W l)JJ sung and then the Sacrament of the Lord ' upper was adm lnl j!tered by t he Blsbop, ns~:~lsted by . W. Drees and A. H. L a m.bet·t. 'Tills service close~1y singing In panlsl' the 24th hymn. · · 'l;'h Bishop asked Manuel Andujar, t he Secretary of last year'.s meeting, to call the roll. ~'he following a re the member . of ...this meeting, and whQ u n"wered to t heir names, except C. M. Griffith, Anter·o Vazquez, 'Jeo. Rtchltrdson, Manuel R.ernaudez, Primltlvo Jimenez a nd Vlctorlnno Gonzalez, wJ:lO were absent. • Roll o f AlemiJer.. ·: ·
C. W. Dr~s •. S. Amerlcu Conference. \ G. B. Benedict; Weste~n S. A. Conference: Ma nllel Andtijar, centra l Pa. onlerence. P eter Van Fleet, Rock I·tl ver C011ferehce. A. H. Lambert, New York Conlere.nce, Samuel Culpeper, Not:th India na. Conference. E . E. Wilson, W . tern ' . A. Conferetrce. Thomas Stevenson, Philadelphia Cout:erenc\l. A. H . Leo, Phlladelt;Jhlu. Conference, Geo, M. Fowles, New York ourerence.
Local Preachers :
_,...,. .
C. i\1. Griffith, .Tmlll Vazquez, Gena,ro Cotto, Enrique uervos.
Exhorters: >
Autero Va zquez. Crur. Vall~. Antonio Cuella r. Geo. ~lchardson . .Manuel Hernandez, P rlml tlvo Jimenez, Victor·iauo Gonzttlez, Andre~:~ A. Rodrll?uez, SalYador T orres.
r . '-.
On motion of · . W. Drees, Manuel
'filii: LORD'S
, Bro. and Mrl!. E. E. Wllso~ A. H. IA>o mul G. M. Fo 1cs, wer\' lnt'ro<luce<J t the meeting u.s they have com Into o~1r mi<IS\: n tleld urI{\ Annual Meetln . . · . BrM. Huffman i:wd ··Barrett, of th . Chm· -h a.n!l Br thren In brt"t of Pon e, were lntrouu ·ed and lnvlterl to sit within the lmr f the nlerence and tak part In the peclnl topic 1!4.> be diHCus etl. · Mr. Charles V. Payn .~of attano gn., Tetm., and. i\llHs Klnsle. ·. or Penuel rphanage at oamo, were also Introduced to the meeting.
\ On mot! n or . W . Drees mnu I ' ulpep r was el ~ted tntl~< · tical ~tary,; and on lOOt! on or E. E: Wilson, A. H. Leo w1H! elected onl r:ence Treasurer. . · Th flrst fonr seats were flx d as the bar or th Meeting. Mr. Toma. VIUoda, acting i\layor r Guaynmtt ~-a' then Introduced and h w learned the as.aernbly to this city In the name of this municipality, assuring us that they like the pn!a ·he1· who come to ~ople; and that they are r •ad~· 1 prea •h the Gospel and enlighten th to help us within heir splier In the advancement and prosecution or on work. The Bl11hop respond d by thanking th tty a uthority throu_gh ~Jr. Vllloda, forth lr courtesy llQd liberality saying that our presence h •re .IIi! forth best lnt(lrests· 'o f the people, tluit while " 'e nre not y t many In number; we hope to i!ee the time when e,·ery cit\· and ·"mage In the lsi nd ~viii. have an Evaup:ellcaJ burch, an(! thereby the duties of the g<;>v rnment will be east ' r ttnd the uurdenfl light r ; that w belle,- In free ho Is and free churchet~ . • '£he 1\ol hop-concluded 'llf extendln~ hls hand to Mr. Vlllodlt, nnd nil the,· cfltSp !l th lr hand!! su ld that this Is th kind Of union . we wa ut with the Stnte, unlon.Jn sympntby, not In Jaw. n motion of H , Lnmllert the ttours ·(or th session wer fix ed from 9 to 11.30 a. m., and 2.30 to up. m. · On motion of . W. Drees tbe fil'llt ball hour from 9 to 9.30 will be· for pray r and prnlse service, the Bishop to take charge or •appoint som one to lead. · . B. Benedict pre nted the following program, which on tl n Of tl~llUel ltlpeper WU!I{tdop~ d. n suggesti<Mi1of C. '• 'J;lr .;, tlie topics In the program will Ul' dl u In th -order they, ar In the program without speclul n1111lgn tlon r duys or hours. .
'l'hurscllty, FPuruary 25th, 9 A.M. Arlmlnlster !I under the clll'e!!tlon or Bishop Cranston.
. Thursdny, February ~th, 7.30 P. M. · - .· 'onference by Bb<hop Cmnston o\t_World-}VIde )IIsslons, with special referenc to the Orfent. Frida~·. FeiJruary 26th, 7,30 P. l"f. Onr MIRslon In Porto Rico: · Its 'm'otlvQ.and purpose, RH . A. H. Lamu rt, Pastor of Cava lry hurch, A~li.Jo, P. R.
Saturchty, February 2ith, 7.30 P. ::11. •ltev E. E. Wilson. Pastor of Ponce M. E. Church, pl:el!ldlng. SPECIAL THEMES. I ·
. --. . ',.., Will have con !deration during the regular se slons of the Annual
::\Jeetlng and will be Introduced by the memuers as follows; .
l ur IVork: It.~ rlifflculties lllld how oo meet tllcw. Discussion to he op ned by C. W. Dr~s and G. M . .Fqwles. · .l'touritain Et'ltnKeliRtic Work :
A Porto RICll.!l Ministry: Hnw to Se ure 'a.ud Tn1i11 it. uy A. H. Lamuert and M. Aml1'1ja,r.
Open d by T , Stevenson and 0. B. B •nedlct.
and ' ..Culpe-per.
How to pmmotc it. Oi>ened u; 0. Mt Fowles · ·
A Ml.•slon Prers fw· JJu rto Kicu.
A. H. Leo. ·
• Openet.l by M. Atultijar and
l¥omnn '.9 Home Mi88iun In Purtu Rivo.
Horton, McKinn •y ami
Rt•por·t8 by M'lsses
EdriCHtiOTJ, 1Vitl1 8JU!Cin lrefereuc • tu. PllrociJ/ul ScllooiH.
by G. B. Benedict aud
Gulp ' P r.
Mnrriagc u11d Dtvorc .. : Needed Legislutiml.
Lumuert and M. Aniltijar.
Opened by A. H.
Portn Rico 3//88/on und the Gcnerni C·wfen:w·e. , 'hall nre w;k org{lnftmtlon ms 11 11 .-Lrrnrut/ CrmferPIIVtJ ,., ,. JI/.~.~ion C.·nfcr ence duri11g tile comiTJK IJIIll.lirennium? Opened · by C. W. Drtoes and
.-/'!." CO~FER.~l>ICE
EIUlOl>l ;
" 'ed nesday, F uruary 24 h, 7.30 P. ~L ( R r~uel AndOJar, Pa tor of Trinity hurch, 'nn',Jun'n:
P, Vun Fleet.
7'11c Book Crmcern nnd .~JNIIIish P11blicutiu11 : .ll'emorfl1l Generlll Confere11ce. Op ne(l hy C. W. Drees and G. M. Fowles .
OPFf, '/AL .lfl.V ' TES
unday, Fe!Jrtmry ~. lOO·l. _ - Sermon, (SpnuiRh), 9 IL. m., Revd. '.r. teveu-;on, Uttmrl Sermon, (Engll~h), LO.ao n. m., Rev. Bishop E1trl rn.u stmi; . D. . nuda~· · •hool A~m.lversary, :~· p. m. Arlll"-'ll by B.lshop . ranston and MesHrs. Van Fleet. Culpeper, Fowle><, Leo antl Dret.'l!: Revel. E . R. Ben >diet p1 .<l<llng. rmon, (English .with Spunlsh Interpretation), i.:IO J). m .. lte1·. Bl!!liop 'r.anstou. · \ The ·Dieclpllnary Questions were the~ tn.k{'n up. Questl 'n FJi-st. Who are on trial h'l th~ First l'e!tl''! 'l'he mtmtl f Thomas tev nson was called. . . W. Urees staterl that B1·o. . 'tevenl!on b!td not yet tak n hiA exnmlnatlon. He wn>~. 1' comm nlled to his onference 1111 unl'!talned In bl;, ·harntter anti tho· roughly efficient In hi!! work, and that he be ad ntncerl to the 'el!nnrl .I'Wtr pro1•lded h J)!tsaes IliA x.ttmlnutlon;,. 1 9t!e~tlon ond Who are on ttial ln sturllef! of the ecoml yet\ I''! The llltm • of ltmu I_ ulpeper was.called. W. C. "Dr '!! repo1·tert tlmt . Bro. (,_"ttlpept"r had not yet taken hi!! eiamltln.tlon~ . . He WfL!< 1· ·ommenderl for orrllnatlon as Local Eld r, anrl for !Vlmls!ill)n in full connretlon, provided he pal!lses his . ~arnlnntlons. . . · u ~tionThtrc'l. \Vha.t m mhers· of onference are In stud I 'A of the Third ,vellr? Non ' . . 'QneAtlon Fourth. Wh~t 'm embers of onferimc areln s~mllcf< of the Fourth year? The nflme of G.eo. -B. Benerllct wn..« cnlleo-. HI>• hflra te"r pnl!serl. H e !!ttill rhttt owing- to the n1_nount nnrl· pr~~·Hur~ of work h •'had no tlmt> to pr ptu-e hlf! l!tudle . •. W , ·nree movetl that he lJe recoQlmentled to his onf renee, the Weflt m 'outh . Amerl 11. nfl being fitted nnrl thoroughly quu.lltie!l for thiK tlclrl ol Work In Porto ):tlcOi"m!l·.tJmt he be exC'u · d h·om his Fourth yettl' of tudl
Question ~In wa tn ken. Tile ·name or Peter Van Fleet wa,; CtLIIed. his character pa 8efl, 111111 1·earl the r port of hll'! work at Albonlto, tt new field which he 11'1..'! opened two months itgo, and n >w has 4.6 probationers In hiH list. . The name ·of A. H. La)llhcrt -wa-'~ called, his character ptLsAed. and he rei)Orted <111 his efrel).jt In Areclho. stfl,tln~ that be lut!l to content:!gaiUHt Romn.n'll!rn. !':lpiritmtllsm, and AntF·Amertcanlsm. 6. .· B nedlct· wus call d hiA chn.n ·te1· l)!tsS~d, anrl I'ei>orted statio also the xtent of his flelll ·ano chant t 'r of~tls work. Th'e name cl G. :M. Fowl s was cnllerl. hi>! clmrncter pa11sen, nnrl hC:reported on the stnt of the Am rlcn.n Congreg>tti<Jn In a.n .Juau, and the new linea of work he hall un1lertn.keu to Att·cngthen hi>< work. · · . . On :-UJOtlon f o. w. Dreef! the Bl~hop appplnte!l It Committee COili!IHtiDI-\' of A. El, Lambert. M. Amltijnr. anrl E. E . Wll><on for the t:xamtn.ati n of Local Preach e r~:~ u.nd Exhort ·r~. anti act also as a committee o.n qunliflcatlono<. .. · ·
I f'.......
Bro. '.r~t, returned missionary from Chl nu., _anrl member .of the " Western New York Conferlmce, 1v.as Introduced tn the Meeting. Bro. •raft spoke of the way In which they carry on mission work In hina. · ·G. \J3. Benedict read t he a~nouncements for the afternoon tLild evening, the Doxology In Spu.nlsh was su ng, anrl the session wtLf! adjourned at 11:45 by expiration of t ime, the BISI\OP" pro.1ounclng the benediction. AFTERNOON 8~810:-1. • -
The Meeting ~onvened at 2.30, the Btshop ln)he clmlr. P. VPn Fleet conducted the devotlonA.I exerl!lRe>!. Hymn 3;;1 h. the Spanish hymnal wns sung- ancl l).rayer 9ffered by the leader. The following topic wail then fllscussecl : cJ,,,. wrrrk : Its rJ/ffl.
culties and hri w to meet t hem.
-c. W.
DreeA nod G. M. Fo1vles presented· the subject In ten minutes speeches eru;h. · ' , · The discussion was open to three m\nnte remttrks In whl h A. H~ Lambert, G. B. Benedict, E. E. \VIlson, and Tmn., Steve1\I'!On participated. The Bl~hop clo8ed th rllscnsston with a fe\Y rem1trks; requestlnll.' also amuel Cu lpeper -to explain, afte1· adjournment, t he glst,__of the dlacusslon to 1ille uo.tlve brethren who do not understand Engllti11. H:ymn 85, (In Spanish), wtta sung, n.nrl the following topic wtttl tu.ken up for discussion: Mountain Evttu!fe/istic Work : NP.ed, 0{1· portrwity, :!lgency.
. T."be T)l me was pr 8ent,erl In ten 'minutes speeches each by. Thomas teveuson and G. B. Ben dlct. • . Opened tor geneJ·fiJ tliF!cua~;lon In thret' mlnntes f!.lJeeches the ful· lowing B1'jlthreu took part: :'ln.Jilllel 11l,peper, . W.. Dt·ees, .Tuaw Vazquez, Anrlres Rodriguez, .To E~tel-., A ntonlo • '11 ' ll rtr. A. H . Lnml>ert, _P ." V11n F leet. . · • TIP Pastor read 'the no t ice!;, anr1 on mt;tiou of A. H . lhtmberll t he meethtg adjournetl' at; 51>· m. G. M. F il\ le>! pronouncing tlw l.Jen•dlctlon. 'ECO D DI\Y. ·
F~·lda.v, Febrmw~· 26, 19<H.
'l'he Meeting convened at 9 a.m., the BIF!hop In the U h1~lr . • Rev. N. H. Huffman~ of the . B. Cl;urch lit Ponce, conrlucte<l /' the devotional ex.erciSil'-'· 'l.'he Spltnl~<h Hymn 20:; was s ung- ltnll Bro. Culpeper offered . prayer. :Sro. Huffmttn re1td portions of St. lame's Epl tie. H.Vmn 12 was sung anrl pra,ver was o!fer '< I h,,. !Jros. Stevenson and Sttlvarl or Rodrlgue7.. . The Journal was read and appr o'Cerl. / Qoesiton Nine wu.~ res umed. E. E. WIIRon\vak cnlleil , his clmril.cj;er passed, anu he reported on his l:!pftniRh wot·k In Ponue, where In less than a yeu.r's time helms b•gnn w ork thllrll lut8 fLI\enconraglng work, bo.t h In the clt,y and In t he Plftya. ·
:\Junut>l AU\lt'ljrtT wnK cnll•ol . hiR chnrncter !)R>:!~ cl. n.nd be mncl hi~ report f th • work In Trluf~~- hureh at. tUI Jul\n. , Thoma>! • tewmmn wnH cli.JINI, his charucter pas • r 'II!~ hiH report on th work In tuatl o.
' I und he ..\
· A. H. Leo wru1 calletl,_hl.s c.hnrncter paR fl, mHl l;e spok of his perft'nl'l-' In vlt<ltlnA' tlit' Amerfcun people In Pon e, flmlft1~ them '! .,.,,. conllnl , a tul In fltHllng 11. place 'to begin hi s n ·lceH In English.
t' .
Ht• nl~o ~poke of th • l'frt'!lhtl welcome extend d to hiD\ by th • oth •r Prott'Hhtnt ' hu rcllt't~ n.lread,,· stablished In POJ?Ce.
.·n nlll I CuiJ l'llt'r wrt'l en lied-; his •harncter ·pasl'! d , nnd he mn!le 11 r\'fHlrt or hl11 work In Vleques, both of the English ani\ of the ~'>t.'nlll~o~h, not! ·lug t h Rnu tant!RI progress made'lnst year In tha.t fll'\d . . . .
. W. l'l'f)ortt>ol for Puertu d Tierra, which had been untler P . \ 'nn Fll't't'" cnr·l' untlllm•t Dl'cember. H spoke of the d!JIIcultfeR ur tht• work tht>re mur of It~< de,·elopment; he n l so Rpoke . o f Ent·tquo · I 'nl'n ·o . who had I.Jtoton H•rppl~·lng that cougtegatfon·, ·ns tt (ntthful nnol ffd n~· fng- WOI'kt>r, who sincere charncwr nnd pure lifo lrnJirt'f:'"!'ll the Pt'lllJI wi t h rt>lo!f •tfor o ur work . Pt•ter Van Fll't't nl><o Hpoke or the pleasant experiences he h ad In 1 ~r•n.Juan In conn tlon \\' lth the work In Puerta de 'l'ferra ·ond In l'onn~tlon with Bruther uervos \vh os l oval ty to the work he 11l ao prnl~<t-'4.1.
The lJishop spoke or t he. s•ttlstaetlon he had In h enrlng theA l'l'f>orta whfell show the fidelity of all th workers, their hlgh cba r actl!r ttnd Intelligent pre ntatlon of th m. That Porto Rico will lte a\·ed Jiy this mlsl!'lon · II) c -operation wit h other mlssl onttr y
' HR. tl'l
On motion o f A. H. Leo, .th ·com mittee on t he tate of t he Witrk wus . lnstruc • I · to •rnbooly In their report our attitude In ft'g-rml to the pu hllc. s hooiR. . ·
Then tl eH w er r aol, ftnol w n.Oiourneol by expiration of t ime nt 11.:~). '!,'he .l,)oxlifogy_wus ~ung aria Brother Wilson p r onounced thl' l~enedlctlon. Al-'T~;](:o/O(~N
'l'he Bishop naked . w. Dreef! to tn ke the chitfr. Dro. LnmiJ n<lrlre~<~<ed Meeting In SpnniMb, Hpe~tklng of the 'O·OP •r ati on of the prenchli'rH with him In the clr ·ulntlon or the H •r jptures. H e n I so Rtate1l,. tliat fL few w eekF< ug-o the prleRt of Nn)l,'lll ho gtttheretl. to few Billies which harl htlen !!Oitl the.re nn!l ·hurnt them , ostenslvel,v to ~ure the peoplo to hecome ProtA•stnntl!. The BIRhop took the chair. .
n m••tlon o( ' . W. Dree~< t he Sec~try was requ e~ ted f:o write tn Bro. Lmnb exp re~Hi ng o11r apprecln Jon of the t•epreiPntntlve of
the· A. B. Ho ·l et~· In hi" no hie work 11n 1 thaV we offer him 011r hearty co.operntlon In the prosecution thereof. ,
The Bhd10p announcetl th • nam OF< on the fol~owlllJI.' Co mmlttl't'>~: l1 tt~te vf the.Work-l:. W.Oree~:~, A . H. Luml.Jert._.E. E . WIIHOII • G. B. Benccltct. · "' ·on omplfm ntary Re>~o lu~fon s-'l'homw 'teven~o n, Sltn1·lwl nip per, G. M. Fowles. / Returning to the or1ler of thiJ · cl!t~· the foll owing }OPIC wu>< tuk ~ up: elf Support: H ow to Prnwote it.
~1. Fowles and amu el Cul))epPl' cliRcURM_ed t he suhject In ten minu tes Rpeeches ach, tLtirl the rlfsc n~!! l o n con'tilmuJ!lln th1· •e mln~tte~< f!j)l't'Ches IJy 'rom teven11on, . ~- DreeH nn1l "'ome remarks lry'lilt' Bl!shop.
'l'h Topic: A M/s.~ lnn Pres.~ for Pnrtn llico , was t hen taken up; -and Introduced by ;'.1.nnuel i\ nrlt'tj!Lr nntl A. H. L eo. <'; W. Dree , A. Laml.Jert, n nrJ· the Bh.. h op spoko also on thl~ HUbjeot.
On m oti on or . W . ·Drees t he mee ting- ad joitruerl nt 4.45 p. rn . to com·ene next inornlng nt 9.ao Jnijtetul or ut 9.. Brother Fowltll'l fH'l!· u ou nced t he benedi ction, · '
--~--~ THIRD DA\:.
. ES810;'01.
The Meeting wn>~ called to tml •r at 2.:l0, . W. Dr Bro. Barrett, of Pone •, I d the <l •v.o tl onal ex •r· ·lseR.
In the chair. .
On motion' or Mauuel Anolt'rjnr th chair was asked to appoin t 11 ('ommfttee on ,!)tllPllm r y Re olutlona. The liiltop toek the chair. '
Th order or the day waR tak n. and th fol ~ wfn6 top ic was dl><cUFO iJ: A PoroJ Rl Jtn illlrJistry : How t o Se<> m:e nnd Truln it. The subjec w pre en ted lJ_y A . H. Ln.mbeth and · ~fttnuel A no f(tjrtr. Being theu openetl for cliR ·us~<f6n In three minutes !l fl ·hes tht> following Brethren Rpoke (!ln the l'!uoject: Tom tevenson, E . £. \\'lf~<on: Peter Van F leet, G . .B. B nefl ct, G. M. Fowles', . W. Drees, the Bf bop clo lnp; th dlscual!fon hy a f w remurk s. · n lhotl on or ' . W . Dree th o r der of th ciuy '\\\as suspended nnol theRe,·. J. \\'. LamiJ, Agent of th American !Jibl e oclety In J>urto lUco w~s fntro<luced to _the Meeting-. ·
. Sntm·rlu,y, February 27, 100-l. The Meeting convened Itt 10 a. m ., he Bishop In the chair. D evotional exercises ' ver conrlu<~ted by Bro. nfpeper, the 40:>th Hj,nn wo;~ sung, and pray r offer ed by Rev. ,J. W. Lamb, Qf t he .<\..B. ocf ty. The I arl er r end the t h chapter of t he Epistle to tll l' Romnns, und w e sang Hymn 002.
The Journal was reftd nnd npprovetl. 'rhe
structed to elfmlnnte fr om the Journal the remarks nn<l lllscnss fom• and r eeord only the actual tru.n actlonR of buslne~s. G. M. Fowles anrl Manuel An1H\jar w er e n.ppolnterl fL Commf ti;oc o nudlt the accounts o f th nperlntendent nf t he Ml;.l'!lon. The DJsclpllnary Questions w er e r esumed. ·. / Qt;estfon Five: Wh at Traveling Prencher R were orrlnfued Dea-· cons? '£hom as tev nson, b.v tile Phlhulelphfa 'onfei'O(ICe, under the MIS!IIonury rules.
/'-....... .\ ( .
Uu 'Rtlon ~I. : lVhn t Local rri>ncherl! IUtYo.l llcen rll ..llned Deal'OIIM ? None. dahi d Qul't<tlon Hen~n: \\'h1tt Trl~'r,cllug DPncons hav llce El•.lt•r.. '1 None. Om• tlot• t:lght : Whnt LOCI 1' Den •onR . ha v t:lt1cr.. '1 .Nonl'. · ' Uut>t~tlun Nine: \\" 1~,.. th chnrn ter or ch preacher xnmln 11? Yl'"· with the IIMUnl' nn~<wer. ihtl't<tlon 'l't•n: Htntl>~tlcnl .n !ports. The tatlstlcal retRry 1111•1 the Conft.'rt'lll' • TrcnMurcr rend thei r respective reports, which \Wrt• npprowtl 111111 o rtl r 11 to l.Je prlnt•d In th i\:Hnutes. 'Lon lllOtlon or .. \\'.Drees, n ommlttee on Apport! omenta on ~II ,..lonnr~; a ncl.( 'h nrclt'l<;x tcn~lon o llectl tJS WM nominated, co n,..,,..tlng- of G. B. B1•nedl·t, .\ . H. Lnm~r't, a nd Peter Vnn Fleet. UlHo'Mtloo 'fwelvc :' Whc1-e the next Annmtl i\J tlng s h.Rll he held ? · ht,·ltntlonR w '1 • rcceh·cc from 'frlnlty horeb In -{ln Jmt,n, nnd ('ah·nrY hurch, .\ rccllHl. Expecting to haY n. new chm:ch lu the In t~cr i>tnee It " ;n,.. rleclrlcd to lrolr1 It th •re, subj t to he (] ·h!lon or tht• :-:111 rlnten<l nt of the .\ll,.,.lon In Cltl!e the church Is not roody. ' '!'he ommlttt.-e i m Loc>ll Preucher.i and Exhorters, A. H. Laml~·r·t, · m.lnuan, rend Itt! r•vort. T he time .wn extenued. LOCAL I'HEACUEB8:
.Juan V!l:!quez; or Cam~1y . o•Herence, wa Cftll d, he reported nhout. his labor!!, the ren wal of hi s llcen ·e was o rd ered, und that he Ill' nclnw d to t he ecoml year ofstmlles, cond lt lon.ed ou 'pas;!lng nl o the stud! sIn whl·h he .wM d •tlclent-ln hJs firl!t year . · Enrique uervo~. from Pu •rt1~ 'd e Tl rra Q. . . , was call ed ,' hi s rc6•wt heard, th renewal of his li cence wns ordered a~1d tlmt he be 1111nlllceu to th :; on<! y ar of .foltudles. oennro otto,_or tnauo 0.. ., w1U! call d, he reported, hi s lltl;'nc was orc.lt•reu to . he 1'\!n wed and he was ad vane d ·to th &"tontl year or studies. Th following Brethren, after ueln • 11uly l'eCOlllm endecl by their Q. ('onferences, rcpre n •d b.r th lr Pnt!tor and th ' uperln tendent, 111111 glnng satlRfll to t~' llnRwers to th requlr•m nts of our Discipline. were lie need to preHch : Anton.lo. llellt!;,'i, from ..~ ~u 'S. Cruz Vl\)1~, from Ounyam•. . . ' n.l n.dor Torres, from uay1~n,1a. ,Jo~ Estela from Ar lbo. . Rflfa 1 Ltwtlr6u, fr om An..'CIIJo, was. also !-tTanted licence to prt•nch, he being absent, but properly rep nted. EXIIORTil:nS.
The\ foUowln Brethren l.Jelng properly recom ended , were ~mnt d llcen tls Exhorter~!: ( Felli Jim ne:ll, from tuaqo.
f. '
Prlmlth·o .Jimene'l, froq1 Areclbo. Andrea A. Roclrlgue'l, from Ponce. The following Exhorters h:ad their licences renewed, after being tir•)pe ly rccommend•d: Vlcto r·l ttno qonzale~, from Areclbo. Ma nuel H ernnnrlez, fro m Areclbo. Ant ' ro V m~q uez, from Areel bo. ·oco. Rlchttrdso n, from Pue rtt~ de rra. ,.r ~ht nn •l Rulz, from Ponce. .\1nnn I . agr •1o, fro m Ponce. " Domingo Roth·l~tu•z, !rom Ponce. ,... .On motion of C. \V. Dt·e s the Meeting adjpurned f\t 12.10,. to IIIL'tlt >tt a 1>. m., t he Blt~hop dismissi ng us with th'll bcnet;l lctlon.
Th ~feetlng convened at 3.10, the Bishop lu the chair. P. Van Fleet conducted the devotional exetclsea. 'fh Journal w as rettd, sllght.correcilona made Q.nd npprovchs ·orrecteu . · c. W. Dreea, the uperlntendent of t he Ml ion ren.d his Report: {See 'upet·ln tenrlent's Report). n motion of G. M. Fowles, t!he Comrttlttl->e on UomPih:pentnry R •aolu;tlontl was Instructed to ·em, hodv In their repo r·t so me expr F!8lo ns of our appreciation for o ur ~u('le•·lntendent In the faithful and lntelllgcnt clischtwge or his duties In our mlsslo~ field. 'l.'he R ports or' the wot·l<Cl'il ·or t he'-W. Hi. M:. S .• were received: Ml!,!s I!!abel H. Horton and M:lt~s Allee McJ{Inu •y sent t heir written r po1'ts or the .Wu.shington. Deacon s.~ Settlement a nd_the McKinley /Jn y elmo/ re pecth:ely. • t Mla[j Hanna Hegema n, In chn.rl{e of the ·oep. Robinson Orpluwnge, w as presen t and gav • a verbnl. rcport of t his Institution. The toplc: Education In relntlo'rl with t he Clmrch Schools, wnu thcn tnken np and cllacnsaecl liy G. B. Benedict. Thon111s Stevenson 1>; ·~en ted t he t'ollowlng 1-esolutlon which wns ltdopted : "Owing to the ln.ck of •rlucatlomtl faclll t le!! fo r two-thirds or the children or Porto Rico "t ltlt~ J\ilsslon rea j)ectfully memorializes the Ocneral onferencc, t hnt'lt mpo,ver the Freedma n's Aid and Southrn Educf\tlon oclety t'o extend ~ts work to this Island. "Tho Mission furth e•· r questa the W. H. M. . to consider the It vlat~blllty or estnl.JIIshlng hnrch chools In connection with our C mrchet! In Porto Rico." / 'l'h\1 topic on Mnrr1n!('e a.ncl Divorce was thell taken up and ells· cussed by A. H . Lambert a nu Manuel And()jar. . .· ' On motion of A. H. L1tmbert. a · ommlttee coni!IRtlng- of C. W. Orees, A. H . . Lambert, and Manuel Andt'ljar, was nominated to
dmw up a petition ··for th Legislature ~tnd the E)tec thte Council , "'l~,'·n~ by 1\11 th mlRslonarltlfl . In t he Ishtnd an(! mem rf! nf 01,1r . ~ongregtttlon, ItS king for the Jltodlficatlou of the lnw~ on marrbt!(l' · 1 · nnd .divorce. ~ · . . W. D~ presented the fqll(!Wlng r solutJon : · ·· • '· Rt>snlve•l f . : Ttlttt th Annual Mectln~ reapectfull,v memurla llze the •neral o nferencll requesting that Porto Rleo Ml~slon 1.Je ln clud~ In the list of Mls@lons or our church. "Re o lved Il. : Thttt th GeuernJ ofuerence· Js r quel!<ted to puR" an F;nubllug Act o.uth o rl zl ng t h orgu.n lzatlo u· of t he MI,..Hlon tu• H Ml slo n ouferen~ · at su•h tim during- the coml n~ .quadrennium a,. . th~-fourtl\s or the members of the Anmio.l Meeting •mw requ e.~t tht· . llll}e and the presiding Bishop mny concur. ·• n motion ,of P. Vnn F leet t h al>qve wt~ all opt d. The foll owing resolution was nlso presented by •. W . D1· , Hnrl adopted: · ·. . "Resolved : That In view of.t hc lncreas d numher of our Spn.nl f< h I'< J'K'aklng. mission 0 Ids and t he formation of n ~l eth otll t htll' ·h uf =1,).000 communicants with a proportl nately nmnl!r On>< holly of mini tert~. we respeCtfully petition the General onferenc • to Instruct the Book ommlttee nnd Agents or tbl! Methodi At Book ·concer.r. to assum the dltorlal charge, tlte Jnth llcntlo_n and clrcnln tloll' o r standnrd Methodist ~lterntnre, the lliAcipllnt!, hymnal. h ool;~< r t th courses or study, undny '·hool ll ternture ami r.Jquh•lte>< Jn tb Spanish Tltnp:~.u'tge." · · On' motfon of . W. Drees the ommlttee o n. tttte of t h Wu•·k is auth rlzed to present such ·memorials to t he Gen ral CoH fe.t·encl' a they may see tit. · /A. H:LQ.iubert pre nt:Pd n partlnl report on the . tate of tht• Work, which was ndoptctl. (See Report on t he 'tu.te of t he Worl; No.lJ. • Report No.2 ortfile Rnme mntt r p en ted by . W. Dn'(.-'8. wa1-1 ltdopted. with il uch mOllltH:ntlullH -na he mny St..,e tlt to make . (.' •e Report ·o. 2 on the tate of t he Wovk). Manu. l Andujar re1t<l t he ,report on th Publication F un.d , which wa.s adovted. (~ee Report). · 'On motion or . \V. Drees th Stlcretnry was Instructed to elite•· In o ur Journnl o ur t hanks a nd llJJpreclrttlon to t he Board of lnirch Extension forth IJOih'elp an<GC~opemtlou In bu_lldi!Jg ou r churche . To~unday'School n1ou. and to the Truct oclety of ou r burch, o r th lr llbera.llty In providing lly !,'1'auts for I!OIUC of 0111' Jlterat \ · ' On·motlon of C. W. Drees, after the rearllng and .app1·ovaf of the ournal, the usual resolutions. and the reltrllng of the appointments, the' Meeting stands ft!l jo urn d 111e dlt:. By expiration of time the M tlng· adj t!med at 5.30, with the . B !led I t{oll by th Bishop. .
Thl! ; mmlttec on Complimentary Resolutions read Its r eport whl h Wtts a do pted , (See lteport). The Journal w as read and approved. · 'l't;e Bishop addressed the'Meetlng, read the a.ppolntments, (see >tppollttm nts), pronounced the benediction, and the Meeting adJourned lillie die.
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Sunday Evening, Fellrnlny 28, 1904. _rmon tb Bishop called tlw M~tlng to o rde1·.
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We hereby certify t hat tl'\e foregoln~ Is a correct .report of the JH'o'l:eedlngs of the Third Annual Meetl~of thi}-Porto Rico Mission. Guuyariln, Porto Ri co, February 28, 19()4 . EARL C'RANSTON President. . MANUEL I NDOJ AU, Secretary.
W. Drees, G. M. ~owle!l, Ma nuel (\ndt\j~r.' DISCIPLINARY
1. 2.
5. 6. 7. 0. 10. 11. 7
).fl. 13.
Who 1tre on trl~lln studies or t he First year? None. \Vho · a re on trial on studies of t he Setond year? Thomas 'teVe!lSOn.* Who nre m e mbers or Conference IIN!tnd les of 1jhe Third year? nmuel Culpeper. • ~ · Wh o a~ mempers of Conference In studles of t he Fourth year '! Geo. B. Benedict. • 7" Wh1~ 'l';aveill'l g P~eachers lmve been o;da.lnerl Deacons? Thom as Stevenson. · What Local Preachens have llecn .o rda ined Deacons? None. What Traveling Deacons hnve l)een ordnlnefl Ehlers? None. What•Local Deacons ha ve been o rdained Elders? ·No_n e. • Was the charu~ter of each preacher exa mined? This w·aa strictly done ns ~ac h na me was called irt open session. Whn.t Ia the Statistical Report for this yea1·? (See Statlstlcul · Tables). What is tl1e nggre~a te of Benevolent Collections for this yeur by the 1'ren~:~urer's Heport? $252. · Where are the Preachers stationed ? I ee·A ppolntments) . \Vhe~ shall t he next Annual Meeting be held? In AI'Ci!ibo. *Conditioned on approv"l by his Conference.
remind us that we proRecute our work In a climate to whlcli mol!t ot uEf are unused aud wblch makef! necessnr.v tt wlau husbnnrlt•y of physical r eaou r ces.mtd cnreful study of collllltlon.; In nr1le1' to mnlnt~tlp uninterrupted efficiency In Rervlce. To the home of Brother 'teve~on has come a preclou~:~ IItle one, the secontl lmh • born Into our missionary circle, Gladys Constance. We hall with um.;.lxed plensure t he enl arp;ement or our company. Hrother tevenson and faml~~·e welcomer] ' to our htRt a.;semhl:lr. Th same Rtenmer which rought him hack upon hiR return !~om the Phlln.rlelphl n: ·onfcre• e wlu~re) ptii'Mtfant to our recommendation he WitH arlmlttert on trln l nn(! orrlnlned Deacon, urouA"bt to lll'! BrothtJr E. E. Wilson anrl fam+l.v who' with ripe experience In mlsslonar. servlre In hlle . n,nrl a A"OtJ!l working use of the Spun l ~:~h ll tn~tul~eJtt· onc·ll entere.!l upun t11elr work In Ponce. 'l'o the kln'r lllng of mlsf41ortary lnsplrutlon at the Phlliulelr)hln Convention, to th per.;nnal call suA"gelltcd, Iff!. Wll believe, by the Hplrlt of Him who hold!! tbe stars In HI>~ rlgltt hand, and to tt devout consttl•nttlmt of duty o11 a pi nne fnr 11 hove mot ;vea of etftf:Jh tn'terest, we owe the re pouse to the M~ice1lonlan cry of Porto Rfco on tQe pttrt of BrotherA A. H. Leo . !mel G. M. Fowlef! whoRe httnd~< are a.lrearly at the plow lmndlell turning up tht> f!~llow• grounll of our American commnnlth~s In Ponce and . an .rtmn. Coming to uR !rom nictropolltan pustorates In Phlln.rlelphlfl/ hnd New York City, not con! rrlng with flesh anrl ulood, their ml!~sage Is stlrr ln~o life dormant lt.<:~lvltles In tho twin capitals of our Island. ::)uch r einforcement has nmcle It poA>~IlJie to enter new fields, currying Into execution lonA" cherlsherl pbtns. D1·. Van F 'l eet, after more th•til wo year.;' .of faithful service to the American comm'unlty In • n Juan, wltti months f Initial u.ctlvlty In :Spmtlsh entng(lllzatlon hJ ·· Pt\er~t de. Tlert·a, has gouo forth bearing his lmndful of corn to sow In ' "tho top of the mountains" at Albonlto. Our Spanish ·work hns been lnauguntterl since our econd Annual Meeting In Ponce nnrlln Utuado: Our English ~:~pe tkhJg, work In .Sitn Juu.n IJl paralleled by that In Ponce. \ . •· W e have thus comple~rl our occu(mtion of our <;,entral qmulrllateral with ItA fonr rwg-1'" u.t Han Jualf, Areclhu, Poi)!:Ce •uul Guoymn(l; 1111!1 the extremltloR or itf< Ct'ntrat n.xla. Ett~t ana >Ve~<t, l1t Alllonlto anrl Utundo. 'l'hese, with om· . outpo~t on VlequeM lslnnd, lntllcute the ex tout of om· pcrMent field of operations. While thus welcoming reinforcement to otir missionary staff, w e ttcknowIM~;,-e with g rn.tltude to the great head of. the church the !net tlmt our prayer to tl te Lorrl o! the harv:est-that He should send forth labor rs Into his hrwvest Is tlnrllng Itt! nnswer. Du~iug the yenr BrotherR 'azquez, otto and Cmwvos whom we aent lorth af< licentiates nnrl supplies have continued In the work with lncren.Riilg efficiency. 'l'he Spirit of the Lord has seemed' to our hrethren In charge of tho several ch~ults to Indicate others f•·om th e midst of their congregations as called to the work. In acconlnnce with the provisions of our Dlsclplln several . of these have lleen mt\de exhprters and engaged more or less fully In the work nncl they will etlme b fore .vOtL for renewttl of licen e or for license as local preachers. We' luwe regarded as most Important to observe the ~~lao llfO'Irtslonfl of onr church order In Instituting n Porto Rican ministry In Its earl y stages. To discourage unauthorjzed nud Irresponsible Initiative on the part of lndlvlrlmtlfl Inclined to run before they are sent: to Insist upon thll prime qnalltreatlons of "gifts, grace' and usefulness;" to see to It ·thut cltndlrlatol:! slmn · be
{ALL 1 ' PORTO ~I 0).
J~Anu:s W . Dtn:•:R, (South America onlerence) Ruperln ~mlent . . l> . . . Bo.x 5.7, · nn J nan.,· ' :P. 0, AlbonJto- { ,P. Van Fleet, (Rock Rlwr) ...................... Aihonlto. enar<i o to, ( upply ) ..................... .._... , Areclbo-1 ~· H. Lambert, J e\V York) ......, ........... : ... Areclbo. · flfael Land rOn, (Su(lply) ......... : ................ ,. amuy-{ ~·H. Lambert, ( ew Yo,rk) ....... ....' ............ AJ'(!Ciho. Oil~ Et~tela { upply) .... .... ....... ............ ........ Hn t111o. \ ulebra I land-Que to be supplied. Guayaiua and I G. B. Benedict, (W: . A.!Ttet•ica) ........ .Uunyoma. Aguirre-) a.Jvador Torres ( 'upply)...... ..... ...... . , PatUias and J G. B. Benedict, (W. S. Amerlca) ...... : ... :.(;l nnvam 11 • .\lnuna.bo-1 ruz Van~. ( ' upply) .. ....... .. ..... ........ : .. : .. J?atilla~ . Ponce-Span. Work j E . E. Wllson, ( W .•. Am r. ).. ox 5;1, ·Pun ·e. l Andres A. Ho!lrii,.''Uez. ( ,' nppl,y J ,. ,, .. •· Eng. , A. H . Leo, (Phlhtllelpl)ia) .... , . , 8~1 .Juan: First Church-G. M. Fowles ( . Y.) .. Box!'ii, Rnu.Jnau. Puerta de Tlerra--Enrlqu uer\•oR, (Supply) 'l'rlnlty- j Mantic! Andt'ljar, (Cent. Po . ) .. .. . .. • 1 Anto.ulo ucllnr, ( upply) .......... . t;undo- J Tom teveb on, (Phllad lphlo ) .......... .. ..... tunrlo 1 Juan V!tzquez, ( · upply)..... .. ..................... , Vlcqu s I lanrl- J 'IUlluel ulpeper, (NorthlmllnnnL.Vfe(llle,.. _ 1 n to be supptn d, I Manuel.AndOjar.:...Edltor of "El D f nsor C'rtRtlnno!', · . 'V. Drees, ~· M. Fowles, · Munuel Andt'llt11'-Pttbllshln~ Com mittee.
the Methodist.
To tiiP Pi'f!Sidlnr: )bi bop ...."~'~ Jfembe'n. nf the Porto Rico Jlj/.<tsitm • Asi!!e'}!fl!ed In (be :Phlrd _:ArmrJH/ Meeting.' ·
TWJ\~~" now the third time I come to you with,. a revl w of ott I" work. \\ e meet near th clo e of the fourth year of ou r history nR a llsfjlon t r ecord progress achlev d and to take account of opportunity and responslblllty as they inYite us to'tbe future. Th fear juRtelo_slng has 'Ueen mark d by peculiar I.JI 'sing to • our barril f w rk ra. No serious llln ~s bm1 invn.fletl our homes. . The shadow has lifted from thCif:!e of Brotl1er.s Lamht!l'~ and WllRon · and, tlrQugb bereavement ·haA come. to SIRter ' Vnn Fleet In the death of h r f~tther, the blow was tempered LJy a kh provlrlence w~lch· permitted the dapghter to be at hi bedslrle. · ,· me caFI,es of 1 t mporary Indisposition nnd· · the de}ll tion of n J'VOUH •nergy
.· '.
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" w II retlortell or. among the tlrethreu" un1l d~J><Ig m~d ~Y th
ulfn~ f th local society to, which thcJ· lJ •Iongo; to •quh·e that . the~· .~turl,ar to show t.hen sei P!i ttpprpverl un to Gorl wnrkn:ien • · net>.(,) lug not to lJe n><hmue<l, rl~tth .r rlh·ldlng t he.W ortl · o t ruth ," w • regllrtl ltR conditions lnrlls~n~<n hie to t he creatl ~~ of o. genuln ly Cblrstlan t~n rl ¥e~horllst Porto Ulc~~ou ministry. • That Gorlli! rill lng up men mooting these cnnrlltlons In 'ulmoF<t nil ou r c h~tr~ote~< we n!gRrd u.s proof o f genn lne spiritual life In the horty of our '011\'('rtM.
ther proof>~ of thl'liiMt fact nre .not wautJng. As. ministers of th Lord we Hh(mld he unworthy or our catung did we not ·• t'ra.VItllln t~plrlt until hrlst lJe !oa·med " In o ur )~eople. AHowlng fo11 naturul partiality In jndgouwn t, like t hat of th parent wh Inclines to~ In the ch·lld of his l uv!l nil th• llnetunen ts of beau ty, nnd all the promise o f lntelllgtln ·e, 1uul 1tllowlng too f or undn tl severity or JuOgment. which w o uld ·be Impatient of sl o w rlevtJio.pem nt, I think we ml\y rejoicl.l In the proofs of growl I)~ splratuA.l llf In our peopl . Increasing knowl rlge of thl' t ru t li. ·high r conceptions of ChriRtin n lh·ing, O\'lrlen t l ove of t hll mettnR . of g race, more of Jo~· In Oorl aurl sRcrlflce for Christ's s~tk ll--'these ch ttractl'riMtlcs are growln~t In ou r people. We f I that t he wor:k of our 1n1nl ~ry In cttref nl, . >~ld nou s ln><tructltm In t he W ord of God an d In personal luflutlnce over t he peot>l tl. Is prtJpu.rlng the wny · for a . gluriQfts outpouring of the plrlt. · Our people nre g r owing. In t he coT~~clo u sness of church life and feI lowshlp t\!}!l ln . th • recogni tion ·q f t heir duty ta con t rllJute o f their substance for th support of th Gospel. During t h year our II t or probtttloner h ave lJeen In · nlmost ev r.v case cu.refully revised, , a con>!lder tLIJie number IIIL've ·been ad. mltted IJ!tO full coun ·tlon. s•mltl ca.~ of discipline hrwe o<!Currerl an~l a few o f·om· h ll ~;v 'l'>l luw gontl hence to llnter Into 'tiLe clear viHion of Gdrl. T he cluRe of t h • year 1\ndH In ou r fellr:hv·~:~ hlp , o r In th • relation of cn~j rllrl ntes theretur u.pproxlmately 1200 per ouR. · Other datlt of r~o-+~tatll!tlcal nato will n ppenr In the 1'\JJ.)Or ts o f ·the !!ever a J·ch!u·gel! u.nrl noocl not lJtl htlre reJ)l'. ttted. · · The outwnrtl contlltfor:t under · wl1lch we prosooute our' work contlnn practlco.hly unchftn'-"Crl. nrlea· the protecting folds of the fln~e we move forward on· a ll 11 ncH o.f nctiYit,y with t hat unreatrlcteu llberty which It~ the ll.'lory or our American hrli:itltLn Prote!ltant cl lllzation. W ' l'!tlll ' hnve the eur of the people anrl many prpofs n.tteflt t he fuct th{l,t ther H am o n~; .a ll cia !!CS of t he community In reaslng appn.>clti:'l'lon o lp chantet'er anti proml!!e of 6ur work Thtl Rzan chm-ch• ha.~ been aa·ou d to unrllsgillf•eu h ostili ty maul: feHterl I d ntlnclutoroy nnrl conmlnot.o r,\· preaching tlspecinlly In ever y tatlon whlch .our nrlv!l,ll e movem•ntsli!ad us to occupy. In tuado and Alboulio, In ~launabo and, p slbly, other p laces ou~ br\!thren h>tYtl hurl llluRtratlous of this. Jtevlvnl of nlmost olJsolet rellg l ouR fel:!tiwlls with cllstlnctly com mercia l an d social Jncltl entltl featureR, nnr]. with um cnatomed . pomp a nd ctlremony has . llel.'n a nbth r recourse of thuSI' who ~I n the presenc ·and progress uf ou r work n tlanger to t heir pretenderl supremn~y 'Over the · ])('tlple. '\. onst11 n t ei!pl on age ov r . ou r co ngregat~ns · , unday Schools and, i n n .Juno, <h·er the McKinley D ay & h 1, ~sltation by, nuns and the ln,·ocn• Inn or social re~•ttlo n s hlpS', t g ther wltb olfers.ln some eases of gl fts ln cl othing have been employed'to hiduce
' .'
adults to wlthdmw from OIH' congregations a nd chllrlren froin our . . · schoOls. All .t hea and other agen.cles employed lJy our friends, the enemy, t.h ave failed or their ultlmatl;) purp o>re a nd chilltly serye to lllustra.re the fnct that Rom!tnlsm hns n o strong- h nld upon t he a lleglttnce of the Porto Ric•tn people. T 'mpomry . decrease In attend ance upon church service ttnd Sunday i::!chool Is In m ost cases followed by speedy r eaction In our fav ~ . . - . As the resu lt or the nctl on .of some f our brethren th r ough the seculi.~r uewsp~tper~:~ a nrl the columns o our o-w n " D r.fl.lnsor rlstlano" the ~:~ottlturl e of t he pres~< IH rll tlnct l.v m or e- fttvora~le t o our cnuse. Atttteks upon Ul'! from thl~ snnrce have ceased exctlpt t hroug h "El Ideal at~ ll co ." o f .Pollee, tlia chief, It not the only ultra m ontlt ne .or,l{lln In the balttn<l, n.nrl t he tone even of t his member of th • bT'I.I.yl ng fraternity Is n ot an l oud nor HO"'f.r equently heard. 'l'he g r eat p overty o f large 'clnRHef! o f the p(lople, the lnacces · slblll ty of t htl develllng pl ttetlS of others, . the llmlttttlons felt b:V · ~~ tn ln ~ utll c le nt r eso urces, unsutable places of wort~hlp ' and oth(i!r conditions oppose rllfficultles to our work. but dtlsplte th~m all our work advances, souls a r e being savtld, Wtl lmve t he al:!surance of victory. Foil~ wing this gener al r tlvlew, om·. reftlre~:.~eF.I to s.veclfic 1\eJds must be brief. We g ln nc at t h em In t he order of ~heir opening '"hi t he co urse or Ottr hll:!tor y 11s a Ml!lf!lon. . AN J UAN, FmsT CHURCH :- This clmrge con t inued under the· r e of Dr. Van Fleet until the cl ose of thtl calendn r year , when t he l ong contemplated arl-aqgem tlnts for t h occupa ti on of an other fl.elrl ·In t l•e line 9f our mi ssion arlyance calle1l him to new service. Con- · g rega.tlons well mnlntA.InEIJiil., the un tl!ty ScllOOI attended by a b a utl ful company of chllclre'ii whose annual , Chrlsmlls festival wa n n ocnsslon of j oyous exJ.)ersslona ·o f Mfectlon for t'he pastor and his wife, the churc,h member ship lucr easetl. arrd .t ne . m ain connec-· tlonul coll ectio n>~ taken ILIIII lll tltt><ur ln ~ u~ to aJJPI)rtlonmentR, o r l.Jeyo•Hl, m ltl'k ed t he year 'H· work a nrl t he c ndltlon ·o f t he ciHtl'g"e upon t he advent em!Jjr In ,J,tn tma·,v of t he new J>llAtor. Brol:h ea· G. · l\I. Fowl.e , a.j:fpoln terl bi Bi>•h np An rll'tJ.Wil, \vas corrll n.lly r ecel vtltl the ftLi t hful m em ber s of ~h e co n~ rcg11,tio n a nd during t he work~< o f his ttetlve n ud ent htll:alastlc servlce.tLrlvance steps ha ve been tftk tln wlllch prollltse much for the future of thtl ch•tr j.!;e. The o trl clal boar d has heen r enewed ..and lncr etta d In number, n.n Epworth l engu e orgtmlzed, pl 11.ns nre a foot to system atize effortR to tlnllt<t personal n.ud. pecuniary coop ' r ati o n, an evening ser vice n~aln ·established, tmd m ea m·es taken to secure a m or e co mwoaiou!" pla.ce or w or ship. AN J UAN, TIUNTTY·:-+M. Anrlllj ar , p astor . Every hi terest of t his charg has heeu w ell maintained, rlel!plte m any advea·r;e circum . stances; while Brother Andlljnr· has carrlerl new burrlens In his etlj,clent conduct, nlmoRt unnld!'d, of our Mll!slou p aper anrl has r eeponderl to n ot a . few Incidental dem ands tl'pon hi s t lme nnd strength In the service or his brethren a nd In t he temporary a bsence .oflthe sul)<lrlntendent from August 18th' to November 26th.. P UERTA. DE TIERRA :-.P. Van Fleet, pas tor , assumed t hljj chttrgtl to l.tddltlon to Flrl!t Church, at the close of the last Annual Meetlra~e. with Brother Enrique Cuerv.os as· hi~:~ Msiatant, whining the affection of the people a nd putting speclnl service Into the SulHl ay
20 ,
l'hool. Thl' clo~ ·of tlte year hnt~ heen mai·kctl b.v te Into full connection of ·~ •ht<tS of nln pt'olmtloner>~ ltll ~:~I on of u numiJe•· of cnudillates fJH' chun·h t llowl!bfp.
·'.\ttE<'IIlO AXU 'AM v :-A. H. Lttmlim·t, p!~>:~tnr. ·\~ th the nRshrtunce of Broth •r Juan Va11que:o~, our tl,•·.-t Porto Rh•n.n IOCill pl't'acht'r,. re,s;:-uhtrly !>mpTo~•W H.IHI Brother .ros6 'ER.tclft H.Ud· otherR rentlertng vohmtar,\' .Renice the ceritrn l Rtatfon anfl se,·en outpoF~ts rtt Tnonmlt, Hn:to Viejo, Hnto Arriba, Pajull, A bra lfoudn. Camuy . 1md HatiUo luwe \K'l'u rcgulnrlv austulne<l. Othe?. point>< ha,· 1~t"en lu hlentnlly ,·l~lt tl nurl many II!Je I ad our br tbreo Into th hill country' · hi'~ the lo.Rt sheep or uncarecl for Hocks nwalt the r~hephetd's vol ~ am! care. Notwltbst1tudlnp; 'the division of the wprk by the •recti on of Utuuclo and Its tlepeutlencles Into lt eplt,. rale charp;e. Areclbo- nmuy will show a, g-ratifying- Increase In m •mbershfp. This fi Ttl reqnll'!'s atHl would amply Jnstlfy It!! dlvi· •don Into two 'mlsslnt~ary chnrge><,-n r mark equally appll nhte to th field next In order. . . GUAYAMA- AOUIRit~; ·PAIJ'IJ,LAi'l :-0. B. B •netllct,' .PI\Stl'l l', has found a h lpel'l\moilg- Ills own ·pl.'Ople in Bmth 'l' Cruz Vallli, amltL tlnfely proY!!IeJjce "t.'ut Into Ills fieltl other colnhorerR In the per ons -<lf Brotbe~ Rafnet , LandrOn nnrl ulvmhtr Torre!!, both fruita of th • tulnlstry or' Brother Lnmhet•t. Wi th au ·h · help ant! b.v ·indl!n,tlgonble Itinerating h,,. nlg"ht nml dny nud the h,oldlng of n la,rge num~r of meetings, Broth r Bt>necllct has tollowetl· up the somewh'a t lrreg,•lttr and d •sulto.ry ineetlnbrs of form r months by reg\1ltll'l~· malntuJnetl ><erYices at >ltiLWil hrfef pet·lotlll lh Arro,vo, • Las Gnl\!dmae, p, tillaR, A:lnm nbo, C' ntrnl Agull·re nml other· places, makirlg tlli o ne of the Jeflt dev •lu)>ctl nnrl hes.t served flehlf! In , tLII · our work. Broth '1' 1:3euecllct: httf! heen n . kind of unfvenmJ .mlnlste•· of ·pro\·ldence to the poor ni11l til' filet,:. U h httll not 1f1VeH ~lght to the btlnd .he has u.t least giYen clem-er vision of Gotlll· Wol'(l to nt?t ~~ r w ef his people, not only hy hi s fnithful pr•achlng but uy putting spectHcle~ nn It )l.'ood mun,v whtlRe sight cou ld not enable them otberwl.-• to I'Ciul the Book of 1 ook8. VtEQUES :~<.;;•wincl ·nlpep.e•·. pas to •·, Antonio Cuellar·, tti!Sistant.
Thl>~ charge lut>< ::lh0\\'11 lllJI>~t )l.'l'fJ:tlfylng develop n) nt In ' mem-
her'!hlp, splrltmtllt.v 1Uul the gora·e of g"fvlng. The central cou11;1' •gatlon haM on tgrown .lt>< .,trhtc or woi'Mhlp ancl J.tl' ·•atly neerli! IL lll'W ·hureb whl ·lr oug-ht to he ere -tetl 1Lt once. B•·oth •· ulpepe•·'s lwhl upon all l'111.>< •;. of the peupl ha>< l~n strengthened ant! no wentlon fonne<l n.guln>~t .him haR fli'ORp.ercd.
t T AI>O :-13rn'fiwr T. 'te t"nson, ·,vitb Brother.Genaro otto 118
ll><>'f!lt!~;-bn~ entered Into -thl>< til!hl null uotwlthsmndlnJ; pro.
that tht"ir Htny would '4 • hrtef, they holrl the fort with t~hout 'of , -lctmy In tl1eh· henrtf! 111111 on thC:"Ir ' llps. Til' early purcha of thl' tJroperty In wbl•h u. tlr... t flervice wn~ helcl April :!IJ~h and a mot fol'mal of)('nlng on h.lft~·· :!rll gave notice our hreth1'1'11 were tl1ere to Hta~·, BIHl stftyt•rl they luw . Lftri,'Ciy ntteutletl Introductory meeting><, enrl.v euthn!!laslll' followed h . r~:u.ctlon nnll • thll! by· oi.Jer, Htl'llily allhet-ent.'t' lmve ninrked the stagef! of the work. Broth r tev mmn'R rapid t}l'ogreHS In the htng.uage anrl .·ettrly u.c-' qtilred liblllty to >lpenk to t.lle people In their own ton111-ue hrwe more than doubled the eftrl,,· !ICOIJe of hiH work. 'l'he nelgjlhprhoorls have 1 •n Ylslted, Jn,,·n~'ft utcrecl, Mame~·eR · pro"'pcctetl. reh,ttlonshlps formed, r'~ feiiOWI!hf)J estitllllshed, juvenile Instruction yrose • phccl
cuter!, self-Fmpport Inaugurated. 'l'he year wits crowned by an· ltRI!t>mhly In the Municipal Court House to receive Bishop Cranston nnd hear his messlli,'C. tundo seemed moved by a common Impulse to manifest ltb interest and ma1iy gratifying expressions were J:teard. The ful\pre of that Mission Is assured·.
PONCE, PANisu W'onK :-E. E. Wilson, pastor~ arrived on the field early In April 1tnd after careful study of the city antl protestant ng·encles already . Itt w;ork there, ope~d a hall for service In the Pltl,Vtt, following this later by the luau 1ratlon of urban services in a hall llltuatetl on VIlla treet, and stll nter by a third preaching place on Comcrclo Street. Expe•·lence an1I the fruits gathered lmve Rhown that 'there Is room for Methodism In Ponce lVfthout crowtllng sl~:~ter chnrcheR .nor prQ!lelytln~ · from thea.. Fort.v·Reven pro· hn.tloners moved by tested conviction nnrl proved ftrlellty hHIIcnte the fu ·t thnt the Spirit still useR the Word to eonvlct, enlighten ttnd hrlng thtlsoul to Christ. · . PoNcE, ENOLII:!II ·WonK :-Brother A.-H. Leo came to liS In DeC rnber and If certain cor(ls will rlrn.w him from us a lltrle whl'le after -this meeting will close, he will come hack to ua t wice, and more, the mls~:~louary be haa shown himself to be. A persuasive voice, a compelling real , a Christ-like love urr. .ntrenfly gathering about him the American community of Ponce, with the promfstt_of t11e creation of a permanent churcll umler the lender hlp of' Brothl!r Leo and his lay helpers of the official board already organized . . AmONlTO :-P. Van Fleet, pastor, nlvnflor Torres, assistant.' This 1!1 our newest tatlon in the Spnfilsh work. '£he haste tJ •mltnded by ihe King's buslneds ancl the cles\rablllty o'f occupying. ·this. fleJtl before other agencies should foresl;l.tll n><, lerl to the transfer of Dr. Van Fleet to It less t han two month!i before this conference. A good hall s ·nred and flttel},up, first re lstnnce ovetcome, regnl~tr services established, 'tt 'rmcleu~ of p'ro1mtiQ,_net•R ,enrollee), the region. round about l'Xplored, show In spirit ¥tl fruita the work or a genuine Metltodls:t Itinerant. The new beb'innlng of ~ regula•· conference yea'r flrirls the. work on vnntage ground. '£he lssue'1-of the Cttmpalgn~s n9t doubtful. PROPER~''t. •
Our San Juan property, hM been gren.tly Improved by the lnt~o ductlon of sewerage ~~• d wA.ter conneetiol1s. The purolmse of tlJe tot centrally locatetl und eveJ;y. Wtt.Y Re81t: able, In A.recll>o, the entire CUiit having been provided for by special gifts, opens the wa .' · tm· tltl' erection of the mucl1 needed chu•·ch for which the Board of Chn'rc'h Extension has made a gran.t of $3,500 to be sn,pplementetl b.r certain gifts to an equlll amount, some of It already pledged. l'luus arc comtlete .and terms of contract practlclt\ly·!lettled. We hope our Areclbo church will soon be housed In lts'permnnent hqme. · ,.1 The building purchaser! In Utundo 'a!forrls pre ent u.ccommodn.· tlpn tot Church lllltl pttr>.~onage, but for both purposes requires repairs and enlargement for whoa execution we 1tre atudyhlg ways and means. . '
'£he successful prosecutiOIJ of our English work In San ,Juan and
OFFICIAL .liiNi'T.E of hoth our Eng-ll!<h and Pllnlsh lmr~'ll In Ponce de and the pro~l~<lon or ultulJie chut• ·h u commo<lntlon anrl we Itt'' ddressi)Jg oul'8(•he " ·lth the lin:thren hi cllltrl(e to thea enterprJ11es 1\\'e urtc• not forj::('t!ul tlmt milny of our cong-r·el(atlonA liil Rmall t phtCt'S ft-t•l 11 proportlom~tc m"d. ill our jurlgment we mtlM't study uut tJJII.'>< of hulldlug;R o.dap •(1 to 'u.ch j::ra<le:of •it.' ' • town, vlllnl(c 1411<1 rurnl nelghborhoorl. ·i nvolving a minimum ou.tluy ltnrt, wbll enlh•thtl( tlw fulleR possible co-op nttlon in the field , !tppcal to our 'hurcl1 Rocletll•s au<l lmllvlllual give r~:~ In th~ r:tlted Stnte!! · forth m.>ee arJ' fund>,~. ·
' \ Punnmnt to the A tlon of th l rt><t Annual ~leetlnj::. our pnhllsltlnA" 'on'lmltu.'C !Jej::ltn with the month of Ang-m<t th • month!,,· ~~~ue of "El Defensor CriRtlnno", under the · C!lltoriiLI ·hnrg• of llt·other AudOjar. Th(spa!X'r. has l n w •II t · •lve•l nnd IR ex rtlng ~~wide . lntlueuc . 1t Issue should b' rutule more frequ •nt lr] order to ml•t•t opportunely · ~he changing plms s of the curr ·nt sltm~tlon . or onr work. ·
· We ht ve I gued Itt :.!JOO copies a vnlu~thJe tnt ·t on' the F.ucharl~t tpn•pnr·t•fl by l3roth L!tmhert, and nnoth r hv the Hltlne pen on the hnt1lllt'Uiatc onceptlon o£ the Virgin Is in im~Hf!. Other leoflets, notlclll'. curds unci 'th 1\IInttt's ot om· Annual Meeting add to our list of pui.Jlicutlons. . A XfLlARY· AGEN 'IE . The Womnn's Hone . ~flsslonrtry Society continu es it13 valued work In the McKinley Fr Ach.ool in. 'an Juan, t he ttlement nntl \' t... ltntlou ·w rk in Pu •rta rl • Tierra ami the G. 0. Rohins'oJ:I· Hume m,ul ln!l-\tRtr.lnl, hop! In Kn.ntprce · un'd •r the dlt· tlon r·c,spectlvely of ::UifiH 'R ~1· Klnn •y, · Hot• ton an <I Heg-eman. · W' sl)ould lut il the enl:trJ.,"l'ment of the nctiYitlefl . of thl!! our auxllinry ·f:!oci •t.Y In the• enlnr~ott'll provJHI~n for tht' work air a1l,Y b,e gun ttnll particuhtrly In the estabii Hhnwnt~ eletnl•ntnr.v F.ICh olf:! ~~~tache<! to o ur principal AtntlonR. Th' nl'ell or pcrmnrll'Ht quarters for t he Home and lnuustrial .'chl)olln Km1turc i~ ii(>L'Ciflll~·.urg'nt. ·Tit Sundn,v 'drool ulou nnrl the Tract ~oct ty of our own 'burch, the Am r·tcun Blhle 'oclety anrl th .Am rican Tract oclety Itt ve contlnu d th •ir j.,"t!ll!'ronH CI,H )JJt'rntion dn.rlng the year, anti lle~~erve ou~ formal l'l'CO!;:'nltlon a _ n d ~atitude. ~-
t('nr',R work Iii rlon .· Let uR hot><• the Miister may tlntl In ve ~:~lnccre love to Him , fllld In .its execution som 'thing He
mn.'· tve used to promote th~· giorlouf! •le~lgn's of B Is kingdom. Anll J •t UR, dear broth rs niH! Mister.... addre~s · ourselves . to the enice we ml\y yet rend r to Him wl t.h a pur · devotion and an humble faith In and depend •nee upon His Holy. ph·lt. R spectfully submltt ~. Gu yama, P. R., February 27th, 19().1.
No. 1).
Th l Commlttee on the tttte of tl~e Work believes that our ~nlnla ters mttllt lm()reils strongly aucl repeatedly upon OJ.lr ·peopl e what hurch femb r·hip mef~nfl. Christiana first, Methodists after, and nothing el e. We ef{rn stly r eco rnm nrl that our· eople be taught thltt
thch· 'hu r ch 1tncl Pastor.
We eurneiltl~· r eco mmcn<,l that every clrcul~ pay this year Its currcn t expcn!l,'f.l. _,. W e r ecommend that 'clm·ing . the year clrllectlons b e taken up for t he Misslomu·y ~o ·iety, the American Bible S~ci •ty, the Church Ex.t . 'oc., and ' undll;j' 'chool antl TractEj. '. ' ·1 The followi11g ~tre the u.pportloruuenta for Ml slons ~tntl Churdh Exte11'8lou: MISSIONS. CHURCH EX~ENBION. Flr~:~t
Church, S. Jua n. ..... ............. :30. Areclbo ...... .... .. ,................. ... .. : ..... 10 Trlnt.t y, . Juan, .............. .... ........ 16 Guayama and Aguirre ................. 1;:; Vleques : ................................ .. .... , 10 .Ar:ro:r~ and Pntillaa.'............ ........ 2 Ponce, ( panish) ..... :.. .... .. .... .. ...... 5 do. (Eng.) ....... , ....................... 10 Puer·ta de 'l'iernt .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . · 6 Utuado ........ ... :....................... :.. .. ll ~ Cu.muy ...... :... : ..... , ........ :... ............. 6 1\launl!,_bo-................... ................. 2 Albduito ........................ : ........... .
10 10
12 li
3 5
10 6 6
4 5
(,HKPOH'l\. )<o. 2).
Your Comm ittee Auhmlt the follo\vlng:
It~ l1lJ
1i111st coritr·ihut • wl thin the limit~:~ or t heir mean!(' to the support of
\y . (\ (
The rcpres ntatiY s or t he i\1 thodist EpiRcopal Chureh fu the Island of Porto Rico , mo,·ed both by patriotic r:c;.;-anl for the good nam e of our co nutr.v a~ llfUW Involved in the welfare of th iH lslttn(l. nnd by an earne t cleRiru that om· •fforts In uehalf of the Porto Rlcnn people be not .unjnstlfiably hinderer! or cmi.Jnrrassed, r esp~ctfully Invite the · careful t~tt •ntfon or our countr ymen. 01111 p~tlcularly of those whose prerogative It IS · to determine tl1e policy of our government In tl:tlslsiauu, to th foil wing tlt.atem ut . ~d appell:l : . · Ftri<t: We note with grave concern that there exlstl'! ~n many . quarter a convict16n that tit civil ntlmi ui tnLtlon In Porto Rico concedes to the Roman Catholic ' hu•·ch as represeut~XJ by Itt:!
OPF JCIAJ, ,.lllN[-'THS,
{\ (
., .·
hi rnliCh.'' a pol'lltlon nn I luflu~>n whl ·It nre n ot adr lute under our merknn lnHtlu.rttonl! nor ttppr oved by the real ~· controlling ll{•nthnl'nt of t he Porto Hlcan people, 'l'h • hol!tlllty t he Romnn Cll'rp:~' to OUr ]IUb]IC SChool H,VIItl'Jn, tO th' Jaws •In tin~-~: tO Jnltf· , ,rln!n', And to thl' puhlic Cl'ill!'t('J'II'.II, even when cttnied to ·t ~ I •ngth of 01ien Infraction of those lltW<I null !l nunclatlon of them 1 sole- · nlehtl;\' llenlt with tUi toe po~o~e t he lawH to con temrt· Anrt'' \ uken th OU\'Ictlobl! o f th less lnRt r r'rcted cln l'!efil. us to the esl!entlal rl~htt'oUMiil'AA of our lawR nnrl hll'ltltutlons uml th lr su hstantln l compatlblllty wi t h tru . ' hriRtl ~tn lty. ' oncl : We tlnd that the oxmnple o f some In a u t ho'l-lty a nd the 1\ttltude of mnny engli,.,red In th clyll serv l ·, especln ll y In con· n tlon with our public s hooh!. l'let'mR to he •leternrl ne!l hv n. mh•tltk n vlew ns to the compntlbllltv .or public 'sen · lee In · Pcir·to · Rlc'~_wlth the open prof salon o r reitglom• faith nncl diRclmrge of . reiiA'!ous duty In the private sp here or a ·tlon. Thev seem to r •nr that loynlty to tl1 lr vows ns m mb r>J o r ou r P rote~tant chur ·heR would cloud their prospects or ndvanCt>ment or bring them Into fmtap:onlsm with th people or t h •lr p laces of reRlrl nee nurl ser·vtce. All n. resu lt, our churches are deprived or th co-o)K'rntl.on a nd l411P· port they are entltl d to e. pect, our Prote!ltnnt C hrlt~tlanlt~· Is •vii ~epok,fn of In cooseq u nee of the lnconsll'!tency of tho;<e ' ho 'nre f! UP· pollt'd to he Its a.rl her nt11, a mi t he pr •~:~u mptl o n ill thmwn agflin ~t du'r mitt>~loo work wi,wu It o ug h t to be' ho lly In !ttl favor. . . ThJ,rd : We espec1aU~· d piore the cour pursued hy many of our fellow cltl7.en~e In vlolatlon of the written and unwritten luw of 'abbnth oul!ermm:• by the prn:ctl • o r publl• sports aml the fixing or Rocial eng~llll'(ltll on the Lorrl's· .Day, resu lting ·tn the negl ·t of public worshlpttnd the weaRenlng of thos reliJ.('ious aml mora l rcRtrnlnt that nrc flOe nt lnl to the high ' t Inter sts or society. Thl' presence of the Amer icnn snloon nnrl t he prevn.len ·e o r d,rlnkinl-1' uHto mR In society nre lntrolluclng lntp Porto Uico a type ...or ln ebrjety htlrdl,r knowllii:~ fo rm r times. ln vlcw or t h •~<e lttctH 1wd of considerations '~hlch we 'm u st not n.tt4'mpt to >!tnte M length, we earnestly lmplor the civ il arlmlnls·tratlon of Por o Rl·o to pur·H ue a ruly American policy In nil mntt r~-~ relnthJJ.I' o tlie tntu11 of the churches uurl er ou r . Jaws, nn<l 1u th mnlntcnance o f our ptibllc hoot s~·s~m tree from all seetarlllll lnterf renee, nR w ell a11 In the execution of the laws with· out f t\r o r ltwor al(ninRt those wh o In the name of religion becom vloUttors or the same. . · · W call upon the press a n1l puhllc of Porto Rico a nd t lui United tate to mnk It IJialn that no prlviJ ges o r benefits not ot la w nor c mpat.lble wlt,l\1 our J lnstltutioni! s hall be grllllted to tbe Roma~ 'h b. , . . . We peal to nil Americans to discou ntenance the desecrntl n f t he o rd 's n ay nnd t he corrup tlng Influence nf ' the saloon and s lnl d_rl nklug customR. . ·We all'ectlonntely urge up u all hrlstlan people to act und r a cl p sense or cluty to the highest l!lte~ ts of Porto Rico, 'to consistently maJntnln tire public, ns well as private, pro f slon of their · faith, anrl to g h·e their rlecld >cl nnd colll'ltant t~ npport and co. operation to the work of th lr respective chu'rches. .·
PlTBLICATION F ND. In our Jnst Annual Meetjng a Committee on Pub]Jcatlon, consisting of ha rleH W. Drees P eter Van Fleet, nnrl Manuel AurlOjltr was appointed forth 'purpose of Issuing a Spunhh periodical as o rg1tn of our MIRsion In Puerto-Rico. The lat<t named on the Comm'ittee~vas also appointed Editor or said periodical. . Alter making ltll the neces ary arrangement~'~, w e t!!Sued the first num ber of " El Defensor Christiano", (which means•" The Christian D fencler") from the preRs of " The a~Juan News" arid with Publication Office at No. 1 Sol treet, San nan, P . R., on August1, .J003. "El Defensor Cril'ltlano" ls a mo· 1iy paper containing four pages 10 x 12 Inches, full length, a nd 8. 10 Inches of reading matter, printed with Long Primer type. Its s uh crlptlonprlce ls'tllty centa a year. . " · In order to wldel.v clr ulate our paper we pnld th!J:d class postage during the first five months. Bel!ides seltll\ng p~tekages to our pastors lo r rllstrtbutlou and for eanvnaslng their territories, we sent copies dlrectty. at least of two Iss ues, to every M11.yor ttnd Co miC~· man : every member of ' ·hoot Bon.rd , RoAd upervlsors, Judges f all tbe ourts, Members o r the Legislature and or the Executl e Council ; to all the emplo.v,ees of the v~trlous department8 of the In· sulnr 'Govemment, to ev ry teacher In the public schools; to n otaries, consuls, and prominent persons whQSe names we knew or ' ere Indicated to ns. We al o sent the paper to the office!\ of ot,ber publications In the I sland n nd to forei g n countries whose Eviii\gelical periodicals a re published In the panlsh language, most of the h1st clnss having established excha nge with "El Defensor (Jrlstlano". We sent also the paper t0 the Public Libraries and Reading Rooms In this . Islnnd, and .tQ our 'rheological Seminaries In the,t1nlted States. · Through the eHortS or our Pnstors. and some Pastors also or our s ister den ominations, we r er;elved a good number or aubscrlp· tlons, more tlmn we h1trl a nticipated, nea'l<ly 350. Hcmce, on Decem• l1er 14 we applied · lor second class prlviJ\oges at the Post Office In San Juan, which In due t ime w as g'ran tecl. • The ~uml>er of coplel! printer! a nd dlstr:iuuted rlurlng ih flrst six montlis were 16,050. The expenses or arne w ere its foll ow s : Cost of printing ...... .'.. ......... : ........ .'..... ..... ................. $132.26 P a l'ci for postage ........ :.... .......... .................. .... ..... .. 91.71 Blank receipts am! circulars ..,.. ... ...... .. .................... 10.50 · Incidentals.... .............. .... .. .. .......... ......... .......... ...... .06 Totn l ... : ... ....... : ...... ... , ..... $242,52 'rhes.e expenses w er e covered .ln the following m a nner:
Received from s ubscription to t he paper. , ..... .. ....... $ 69.71 Rec lved from t he Truct ocl ty or our hnrch ...... 172. 1
To~tl .. .. ....... : .............. ~. $.242.52
"P.l Th?fen~or r<\><tlnno' ' wn w •II l'l'<' •lvt•tl , both \w tl1e Pr!'~S nnd tht• puhlle. tlllll till' A"Outl It lmf< nll'('atly accompl 'hed In thlfl I~lnml for tht• Cllll~' of Prote><tnntlsm I>< l!e,\;onu our •ttku < tion. •· 'l'h t• hohhl!'l''l, nncompromlsir¢', ~·et chnritltble ttttltude {)f "El l>Pit•m•or ri~<titlll"'' towa1·tl~ H ma;,h;~m hal' not failed to b rhl'{lctor In tht• Jl-':''. t'IH attltiH.\t• •!f the . public JJI' '!tl'l i~l Pvrto Hlco, -.,yhi h niUlll>'t w1thont t•xn•pthn IH not onlY. fri n(!ly toUR. \Jut In ~~· mtlft th.l with Prott•>~ltplti>~UI. . \'t.'ry dlff •rent from whit It wttM only two ,\'Pil l'>< UA"O· In the goo01l rt'<'t•ptitlllm·<.·orllCCl to our pap -r b,v th p'uhllc pr i!H, tiH'rt• wnH 1111 \''o;t·t•ptlon. ""it eoultlnot b • othehvls In "El Id •ttl ('nt••lil'o', II wt•t•ki,l'. whil'h I~< the official orgnnnnd -ot;ly publlc;H.tion .or t lit' Homa11 nth lie Chureh In l'orto Rico. · ~101'(' tlupl two eolunn1s w 'I'(' filled In thnt pap r ugninf!t "El J>pf.•n><or Crh•tln10" and l'rotc~<tnntism In gen rnl, without stnti ngout• rt•n~:~on 0 1· <ll•tlnltt• nrgunwut. · \\'hnt mn><t Rtirrell tlw bile or the RomiHh paper wns· ttl' rwmr ur our pnl!llcntiou, ·' The hriHtinn Def mler''. 'l'hey Rn,,l . that w • huno no right to u the mum' rl!ri8tiun . ·• Let them c~l It" they "rltl•. "the Lnth •run, tn C'uh·an 'Rt or l>luin~llan Dl'fem.IC'l'• ~ut I t th'l'm not stain with lll'ir lUthy drivel the moRt holv name of hriRt with ,.t10m th Prote!<tanta or ulltwcts, Including the Methoclh;t' 1.111\'l' n<?thlng to do''. · · . ' '!'her al A"M·e warning that no ntholiccould r ad or ub. crib • to onr publication, '\X'ing a Protestant paver. . . · We dld not fllll:lwer their rotLring or xplosion w1.th a similar o n hUt In fi veD•' t\lfterent tOJ C, Wl' A'IW(' tht'lll t1 )till CIU' full~• pt•epm't'<l tm•l .rmttn.ble tor •mo,·e their flth·recl up bi)e; ami we ol1~red them tu t't'JICil.t the II oR' until th(olr Rtomac.h ·was clcanHed 1U1cl ..theft· viRI<Jin clccrlficfl flO ti)Jl.t tlw,v coultl ~ee a Protc~<tnnt paper called "Tl'tt' hrlstlnn l}(ofend~r h without giving them an~· lwlt\1 ache. 'rhe trentm nto prov •d eff('Ct\ve, for in Rubs quent Issues "E I l<l<'tll 'at611 •o", entll£.Crl In to Home llii!(:U~Rions with "E l J:>efenF!ot· t'rl>ttiltno", without Ui!ln~ HU ·h vile .Pitl'letH. . Thus the work which our paper !1:1 doing, IR not onlv hi the tntt•J'\ t or th )Jetho!li>lt EpiR ·opal hul'('b, but in tile lntet"est or Evnt~"'.'lical 'hri><tinnit,v In thill Islnnrl; nnll without ego.tlsm or Jll'l'MUmptlon w' firmly l! •llcv • that the I'alltrlt' or p rf!on of any El'n llgcll •a.lllcnomlnation who introcluc 'F! "El Defensor rtfitlnno;' in hlr< c n •reA"ntJon ami community will. l!e repaid a hunllreufold. We soli It the pr'll.\·ert~ nnrl 11rneflt CO·OJ eratlon or Pastors and Jlt•npll' 1~.(.-n'l•lenin~'th' Aphero of thl!l Hilent Chril!tfan preacher by ·rll>J':g ami A' •t-ting 1 opla to I!U\JRCri to lt. · \\"(> reeomm ntl t-hat "El D fen ~r 'ri>~tlano" h publl hell semi month! from ,Juh• next. . CHA . W. DH.EE , l :lmlnuan•.
.\IAN EL A...'\D JAR,
i.-Resolved: That w e extent\ our h nrtieRt nnn.nlmou!l tlmnkR to ou~ b •loved Bi~<hop, Rev. E. CmnHton, D. D. , for the moRt thorough mnnnet' in whkh h · ·buR lnteret~t rl himHall in the ganeml coutlitlonR nnd iudlv idunl neerlll or th variour:s chllrge~ of our .\liH· sion. Also we !leHire to record our A"rntlturle to Bi hOI> CntnRton for his genial hrotherli nesH, his inspiring nne\ invlsz:ortlting sermon, nntl for hiR mtwv uttm·ancef! hoth pu~llc nntl prlvt~tiJ wblch have stlmuifttecl otir zen I, and helper\ the ftl.l h or our membl•rtl. - . '2.-Resolvell: 'l'lmt we r ecord our' -nllmite(J.. snti>~fatlon In t he guirllng or the spiritual anrl temporal needtl or Port;o Rico, to our highly etltl merl mulsz:encrnily belov r1 Hupt. Rc . . W . D eeR, D. n . W • ucknnwll'<IA"e by thlii re>~olutlon our gren..li. rll•llt or love to him fo r his c lHtolesll activities, wise cou n~ els, ana htrge hearterl R,vmpnthi H with ' us in ail tlhe pro1liemR anti perpl(•xltlc'>l of our Mil!· sionitt•y work. W e de ply r·~ret to hmru from· our Rupcrintenllcnt'FI r •pdrt that this mltY be the tlo e of hiH dit· ·t n.dtninltltratlon of ·the wori< of this ~.llsi!I'On. If tmch, in th order· of Provi,l•nce, oe' 1)h Clli!C, feel it incumbent upon ns. to exp r el:!s 01!r F!i ncerest se•ltim n~ o n,billing afltlction nntl lm·e to both Dr. & MrH.,.DJ' •s. Wl• ~ rhc!lt. pray that sho uld they be cnilctl !rom UH, It will be only to r•celve: LP sz:•·•at r co nfill•nce of our entire .Church, ancJ ·tJmt Dr. D1·c' !lhall lmv ' put Into hi s •mds that highe1· a nti more r e!lponsible work for which he· I~, in Olll' esthnt~tlon, so fully quu.llfied. ;....,. 3.-Resolv •<1 ': That the heAt thanks of the Mis ion be nccor!led to Brother B nedict u.ntl his eatimal!le wife fur t he welcome thuy have g iven nfl to this hetwtifui Church, wncl th •i r h ospitable home, anc\ .nlso to t hoije I cal fri ends by .w)1os • liberality we have .h •en · u.blo to h11v so 11greenble n, visi t to Guayam a. 4.-ReFiolved: Tluit we grat fully acknowledge the help nnrl c -operation· or the unday School nion and Tt'HCt oclet,v, for t h iJ' g-ilt>< of Rupplles whi h have help•tl Uf!CflllSi<l l'ltbi.Y In our worlc \V • cordinll.l' r ' · mm nd our 1J•·eth1·•n11.> use t hCi-l'·errectlve mcnns or 1wgm ntlng- t heir pr 'lt· hlng anti ten.ch1n g. _ G.-Hesol v tl: 1'httt w :A"ive o m· Ain· -r e!!t t hanl;s to 1lh 'Am • rican BhJic ' Ho ·lep· ~.:url as~nre th' .:o ·lc'ty, through Its wo1·thy ng-ent Broth •r J. \V. Lumu. or a continuan ·e or ou r most active pmctlcal intere~;t to nmintnin and .cxten(\ its po ihiliticl! for se•·vice nnd Flucce i.lln Porto Hico. . W e r ecomend that aU ou r past01 eJHlcavom during t hi s year to r1 ise a su hscrlptlon on ever y chu.rge for the funds of tho 'o· clety. 6.-R Roll· d: 'l~hat w • gratefnll.v acku ow led).l'e t he helpful service>< of the W H. M. . 1tnrl truHt It ' mn.v lie in t heir JJOW •r o gr ntly ext •nd their w\;rk and hi •HH •<1 Influence to many or t he town~:~ of tbl1:1 land. 'I'. '!'EVE ,'ON. C/111 I1'11/I.UI. )
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Church Amer. ~her ., · Exten - S. School Tract · Bible "Benevo- Episcopal 0 Church.js:'schooll Total. sion. Union. Society. ·Society. -lences. Fund.• Z 3 1 1 1 . 3 3 28 1 1 2 1:> 1 2 3-! 34 12 2 2 2 .. :3 2 13 1 1 4 30 13 2 1 t li 3 2 5 . a· 2 2 1 11 7. . 1 18 8 2. • - 2 2 / 3 5 .. 2 2 5 2'2 3 25 5 1 . 1 18 9 . - . 11 10 -J...__ _ _ _