5 minute read

Death benefit after retirement- - - 24-24 a

the valué of any maintenance or other sirrilar


(j) Effective date shall nnean the date of approval of tliis Resolution when benefit payrrents under the plan shall becotre payable and all other provisions

hereof shall be in full forcé and effect.

(k) System shall mean the L'niversity of Puerto ráco

Retirerr.ent System.

(1) Service shall mean employment by the (Jniversity as an employee for salary or compensation, or service otherwise creditable as herein provided.

(m) Trastee shall mean the Superior Educational Cound of the University of Puerto Rico.

(n) Total service shall mean prior service and membership service.

(o) Military service shall mean service during war in the United States army, navy, marines, or coast guard, or in any women's auxiliary thereof, as the result

of enlistment or induction.

(p) Actuarial equivalent shall mean an annuity or benefit of equal valué to the accurrulated contributions, annuity, Or benefit, when computed apon the basis

of the actuarial tables in use by the system.

iq) Regular interest shall be such rate as shall be fixed by the retirement board, provided that for the first five years of operación of the system the rate shall be three per cent per annum compounded annually.

(r) Fiscal year shall mean the fiscal year of the Rni-


(s) The masculine pronoun, wherever used, shall include the feminine pronoun.


Section 5. The foRowing employees of the Rniversity shall be menibers of the system:_

(a) Any person, regardless of age, who, on the effective date is an employee and a member of the pensión and retirement system in operation by the Rniversity under a resolution adopted on February 21,


(b) Any person, regardless of age, who, on the effective date is an employee but is not a member of the pensión and retirement system in operation by the Rniversity under a resolution adopted on February 21, 1945, who has waived membership in any other pensión plan m.aintained by the Government as provided under Act No. 232, approved May 12, 1945.

(c) Any person becoming an employee after the effective date who is under age 55 upon entry into the service of the Rniversity, whose membership shall begiii upon completion of six months of service, provided such person waives membership, if necessary, in any other pensión plan maintained by the Government as provided under Act No. 232, ap proved May 12, 1945.

Any person described in paragraphs (a) or (b) above, who shall be on an approved leave of absence on the effective date, formilitary service or other cause, shall be entitled to member ship as though he were in active service on such date, pro vided he has complied with the conditions therein prescribed, and service credit shall be granted to such person on the same basis as an employee in active service on the effective date.

SectioH 6- Exclusions from Membership. The following employees shall not be ir.embers of the system:

(a) Casual or part-time employees. (b) Persona whose services are compensated on a fee or hourly basis. (o) Employees covered by other pensión fundamaintained by the government who do not waive membership

therein as herein provided.

The retirement board shall determine who are employees and entitled to membership within the meaning of this Reso-



Section 7. Prior Service. Each present employee shall

receive credit for all service rendered the University or the government prior to the operative date, subject to such restrictions as herein provided, and as provided in Section 16 A of the Act of the University of Puerto Rico. No credit shall be given for service compensated on a fee or hourly basis.

Each member will receive as prior service full creait for service rendered the Government prior to June 30, 1949, and the University prior to January 1, 1945, without making any contribution therefor. Such member will also be entitled to credit for service rendered the University during the period from January 1, 1945 to June 30, 1949, but the allowance of

such latter credit to a member not covered on the operative date by the retirement system superseded by this resolution

shall be conditioned upon his making a contribution to the system equal in rate to that made by the other em;ployees for such period, based upon his earnings during that time, including interest at the rate of 3% per annum from July 1, 1949 to

the date of payment.

Each member entitled to prior service credit shall file with the board, on a foim prescribed by the board and under such

rules as it may adopt, a detailed stateirent of all such prior

service for which the rrember claims credit. Such claini for prior service shall be verified by the board as soon as practi cable after the filing thereof. Upon such verification, the board shall cause to be issued a statement of prior service, certifying to the member the length of prior service for which credit has been granted.Such statement shall be final and conclusive for the purpose s of this systemas to such service,except for the correction of error, provided that any member may, within one year from the date of original issuance of such certifícate, request the board to modify or correct such prior service certi fícate. Such certifícate shall become nuil and void upon the death of a member, and shall be cancelled automatically upon receipt by a member of a refund of his contributions. Such certifícate may be reinstated only under the conditions prescribed under the provisions hereof.

Section 8. Membership Service. Each member shall also receive credit as membership service for all service rendered the University on and after the operativo date but the allowance of such credit to a member not covered by the retirement system superseded by this resolution shall be conditioned upon his making a contribution to the system equal in rate to that made by the other employees for the period from July 1, 1949 to the effective date, based upon his earnings during that time, including interest at the rate of 3% per annum from^ July 1, 1949 to the date of payment. No credit shall be given for service compensated on a fee or hourly tiasis.

Section 9. Military Service. Prior service credit shall be granted for such time as any member shall have been in the

service of the armed forces of the pnited States after September 23, 1940, having entered such service as an employee, provided such member shall reenter or shall have reentered service of the University within a period of six months from

the date of termination of such service. Membership service credit shall be allowed for such time as a member shall have

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