2 minute read
Mediation in Contemporary art, Workshop by Rosario Arellano
Rosario Arellano, a graduate in Art Theory and History from the University of Chile with a Master’s degree in Art Education in Social and Cultural Institutions from the Complutense University of Madrid and a doctorate in Art Education from the same university, conducted a workshop for mediators at the Regional Library of Antofagasta from September 30 to October 1, related to the execution and understanding of Eric Conrad’s work Mooring.
About twenty people attended the theoretical and conceptual aspects of the work of mediation as a place for dialog and resignification of art problems, directly related to the contexts of their involvement and development. They focused on how to mediate, assuming there is no one single or exclusive formula. In the process, the personal assessments and perspectives of each one of the critical and reflective agents who assume the role of artistic or cultural mediation inevitably end up permeating the process. Therefore, it became essential to recognize these elements and consider the different audiences and their traits in order to identify the distinctive clues of the potential mediations,
Where did the oversized with the greatest possible passion, creativity and flexibility. underwear in the Regional Library come from?
Rosario’s workshop focused on the work of Eric Conrad, creating a mediation model designed for children with some fun and playful questions to arouse the curiosity of girls, boys and young people, such as: Where did the oversized underwear in the Regional Library come from? Is it possible that there is someone big enough to wear it? Did a giant perhaps misplace it? Rosario told us that her experience as a teacher was very enriching. The participants were highly motivated by the practice of mediation, even though not all of them had previous experience in this field.