English Laboratory Sindy Rodríguez srodriguez@colegioaltamira.cl
Name: _______________________________________ Grade:__________ Date:______________ Shift happens 2009 WATCH THE VIDEO AND TAKE NOTES 1.How many babies are born in India?________in USA? __________in China?__________ 2.How many graduated people live in GB?______in US?________In China?________ 3. What percentage of educated Indians speak English? ________________________ 4. What conclusions can be taken? _______________________________________________________________________________ 5.What percentage of workers have been with their current employers? And how long have they stayed? ______________________________________________________________________________ 6.How many jobs will today’s learners have had by their 38th birthday ? ____ 7.How many hours of TV have today’s 21-olds watched?___ 8.How many hours of video gameshave they played? _______ 9.How many hours on the phone have they talked?________ 10. How many e-mails have they sent/received?_________ 11.How long did it take for the radio to have reached its market audience?_____ 12,And TV? ________And the Internet?___________ 13.Today new courses: New Media, Organic Agriculture, E-___________,Nanotechnology and Homeland security. 14. What will young people study 10 years from now? ________________________________________ 15.How many Internet devices were there in 1984? ____ and In 1992?_____In 2006?______ 16. When was the first commercial text sent? In ____________ 17. What about the general public? When did the majority of people start using the Net? _____ 18. When was E-Bay founded? ____________________________________________________________ 19. How many people sign up daily “My Space?______________________________________________ 20. If “My Spacewere a country, how big would it be?________________________________________ 21.How many words are there in the English language nowadays? Why? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 22.What happens in developing countries? _______________________________________________________________
English Laboratory Sindy RodrĂguez srodriguez@colegioaltamira.cl
23. What are developed countries going to do to help them? _______________________________________________________________________________________
English Laboratory Sindy Rodríguez srodriguez@colegioaltamira.cl
ENVIRONMENT WEBQUEST Recycling http://www.recycling-guide.org.uk/facts.html 1) How many tonnes of waste were produced in 2003-2004 by British households ? _____________________________________________________________________ 2) How many were recycled ? _______________________________________________ 3) Fill in this chart A recycled… tin glass bottle plastic bottle
Would save enough energy to power…
Which percentage of a vehicle can be recycled ? __________________________________________________ How many glass bottles are used in the UK each year ? _____________________________________________ Which percent of glass is recycable ? ___________________________________________________________ How many tonnes of paper and cardboard are used each year in the UK ? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _ How many kilos of paper does a person use in the UK ? ____________________________________________ How many trees does it take to 1 ton of newspaper ? _______________________________________________ How many plastic bottles are used per day ? ______________________________________________________ How long can plastic take to decompose ? _______________________________________________________ http://www.recycling-guide.org.uk/rrr.html 4) What are the 3 R’s ? ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
English Laboratory Sindy Rodríguez srodriguez@colegioaltamira.cl
5) What’s in a British house’s bin ? Content Organic Paper Construction Plastics Metal Other Glass
http://www.recyclenow.com/why_recycling_matters/recycling_symbols.html 6) What do these recycling symbols mean ?
The Earth Hour http://assets.wwf.org.uk/downloads/earth_hour_toolkit_1.pdf 7) When will the WWF’s earth hour take place ? ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 8) What does it consist of ? _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 9) How many people participated in 2008? ___________________________________________________ 10) Where can we sign up for the WWF’s earth hour ? ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
English Laboratory Sindy RodrĂguez srodriguez@colegioaltamira.cl
Renewable energies http://www.depweb.state.pa.us/justforkids/cwp/view.asp?a=3&q=472538 11) What do we call a renewable energy ? _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 12) How do we call a renewable energy obtained from : - the sun ? _________________________________________ - the wind ? _________________________________________ - the water ? _________________________________________ - springs ? _________________________________________ - waste, animal manure‌ ? _________________________________________ http://www.depweb.state.pa.us/justforkids/cwp/view.asp?a=3&q=472545 13) What is a non renewable energy ? ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 14) What non renewable energies do you know ? _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________