English Laboratory Sindy Rodríguez srodriguez@colegioaltamira.cl
Parts of a car English Word rearview mirror windshield windshield wipers headlights hood bumper
Definition you look in this to see what's behind the car you look through this glass to see out of the car these move rain off the windshield
Tyre license plate Horn steering wheel Engine Clutch brake pedal stick shift
you use this to help you see the street at night this wide metal piece covers the engine this protects the car's front & back if you hit something Hoop of rubber that covers the Wheel of a car sign with 3 letters & 3 numbers to identify a car you hit this to make a loud noise to warn others you use this to control the car's direction this is the heart of the car a pedal used with a stick shift to change gears you step on this to make the car stop a manual or standard car has this to change gears
extra space in the back of a car for holding things
Spanish Espejo retrovisor Parabrisas Limpia parabrisas faros/luces Capó Parachoques Neumático Patente Bocina Volante Motor Embrague Freno Palanca de cambios Maletero
English Laboratory Sindy Rodríguez srodriguez@colegioaltamira.cl
Parts of a car
English Word rearview mirror windshield windshield wipers headlights hood bumper
Definition you look in this to see what's behind the car you look through this glass to see out of the car these move rain off the windshield
Tyre license plate horn steering wheel engine clutch brake pedal stick shift
you use this to help you see the street at night this wide metal piece covers the engine this protects the car's front & back if you hit something Hoop of rubber that covers the Wheel of a car sign with 3 letters & 3 numbers to identify a car you hit this to make a loud noise to warn others you use this to control the car's direction this is the heart of the car a pedal used with a stick shift to change gears you step on this to make the car stop a manual or standard car has this to change gears
extra space in the back of a car for holding things
Spanish Espejo retrovisor Parabrisas Limpia parabrisas faros/luces Capó Parachoques Neumático Patente Bocina Volante Motor Embrague Freno Palanca de cambios Maletero