We're Going on... Tales

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TALES BY Year 3 – morning

Original Title: We’re going on… tales by Year 3 - Morning Published in 2019 by Colégio ECCOS Copyright © 2019 Colégio ECCOS Rua Bariloche. 91 - Jardim América São José dos Campos - SP - Brazil Editorial Coordination: Clayton Rodrigo Santos and Luiz Gabriel Xavier Editorial Assistant: Luiz Gabriel Xavier and Kátia Castro Corrections: Clayton Rodrigo, Kátia Castro and Luiz Gabriel Xavier Revision: Kátia Castro Diagramming: Clayton Rodrigo Santos and Luiz Gabriel Xavier www.colegioeccos.com.br All rights reserved Edition 2019

We want to thank the authors Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury for the story “We’re going on a bear hunt” because we liked it and it inspired us to write our own stories. We thank the misters for helping with the story. We want to thank our family for the support and for giving us education and love. One challenge we had was doing a group work because everybody needs to agree with the group; it was also difficult to write correctly, but we had success in the end! You can’t go over it, You can’t go under it, Oh no! You’ve got to go through it! Year 3 - Morning

Presentation This is the process we went through during this year’s Young Writer Project. The first step for it was the choice of the book, and what better story than a classic about adventuring and observation? Thus, we chose “We’re going on a bear hunt”, by Michael Rosen. Our second priority was to make the children familiarize themselves with the book, and we did so by rehearsing a play with songs and rhymes. This play, as some of you might remember, was presented a couple of months ago to you, and I bet you can remember how well our students were performing! Third step was a bit more complicated, because we had to take it back to the book so we could start thinking about different versions of the story; that is when the third graders really raised the bar. They created amazing versions of this one adventure to fit their preferences, some talking about things they thought were cute, some appealing to the cool side of the story and others were even comedians in their writing. This step also required us, teachers, to intervene a little bit, by helping with a few grammatical structures that they wanted to use but were not yet familiar with them, since those were topics for the years to come. After revising the story a few times, what we could call step 3.5 was set in motion, with the kids typing their stories onto the computer, allowing them an opportunity to double check their stories for grammatical mistakes and for the content itself. Fourth was the illustration step, and our little artists really excelled at this challenge, as you all can see throughout this book; their drawings were fantastic and brought to life the tales that they wrote. As such, since they poured their little hearts on this book, we hope you can dive in and share with them these amazing adventure tales; we hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading this book! Mister Clayton and Mister Luiz

Summary: 1. We’re going on a pig hunt……………………….……………….…….


by Larissa Miho Otsuji, Letícia Tonon Seo and Maria Clara Batista A. A. Torres

2. We’re going on a Fandangos hunt………………………………......


by Henrique Bertazza Ponte, Henrique de Souza Carneiro and Samuel Marsi Oliveira

3. We’re going on a Solgaleo hunt………………………………………


by Leonardo B. F. Nehrasius and Luan Bahia Caldas

4. We’re going on a treasure hunt………………………………………… by João Paulo Simões Miranda and Rafaela de Aquino Emerik


5. We’re going on a sheep hunt………………………………………..


by Ana Luísa Rennó Paduan and Laila Hatagami Amim

6. We’re going on a vampire hunt……………………………………..


by Elis Fonseca Aredes Oliveira and Manuela Nomoto de Alencar Mendonça

7. We’re going on animals………………………………………………. by Bianca Ferraz Santos and Manuela Silva Campos Lobo


We’re going on a pig hunt Written by Larissa Miho Otsuji, Letícia Tonon Seo and Maria Clara Batista A. A. Torres

We’re going on a pig hunt We’re going to catch a small one What a beautiful day We’re not scared. Uh-uh! Leaves! Orange red leaves We can’t go over it. We can’t go under it. Oh-no! We’ve got to go jumping! Schrash! Schrash! Schrash!

We’re going on a pig hunt We’re going to catch a small one What a beautiful day! We’re not scared. 7

Uh-uh a forest A big dark forest We can’t go over it We can’t go under it Oh-no! We’ve got to go jumping! Pim pom Pim pom Pim pom

We’re going on a pig hunt We’re going to catch a small one What a beautiful day! We’re not scared. Uh-uh a farm With a lot of straws We can’t go over it We can’t go under it Oh-no! We’ve got to go jumping! Pim pom Swishy swashy! Pim pom We’re going on a pig hunt We’re going to catch a small one What beautiful day! We’re not scared Uh-uh! Mud! Thick oozy mud 8

We can’t go over it We can’t go under it Oh-no! We’ve got to go jumping! Pim pom Squelch squerch Pim pom

What’s that? It’s a pig!!!! Ooooh! He’s so cute! I want to catch him!!! The end


We’re going on a Fandangos hunt Written by Henrique Bertazza Ponte, Henrique de Souza Carneiro and Samuel Marsi Oliveira

We’re going on Fandangos hunt We’re going to catch a big one What a beautiful day! We’re are so hungry

We’re going on Fandangos hunt We’re going to catch a big one What a beautiful day! We’re are so hungry

Uh-uh! Ruffles! Big long Ruffles

Uh-uh! Baconzitos! A big crunchy Baconzitos

We can’t go over it We can’t go under it Oh-no! We have to go through it

We can’t go over it We can’t go under it Oh-no! We have to go through it

Crash scrash Crash scrash Crash scrash

Crosh Schonch Crosh Schonch Crosh Schonch


We’re going on Fandangos hunt We’re going to catch a big one What a beautiful day! We’re are so hungry

Scratch Scratch Scratch Scratch Scratch Scratch

Uh-uh! Cheetos! A big yellow Cheetos

We’re going on Fandangos hunt We’re going to catch a big one What a beautiful day! We’re are so hungry

We can’t go over it We can’t go under it Oh-no! We have to go through it

There is the big Fandangos! Let’s eat it! Chomp chomp chomp Chomp chomp chomp Chomp chomp chomp We ate a big Fandangos We found a big one What a beautiful day! We’re not hungry anymore! The end 11

We’re going on a Solgaleo hunt Written by Leonardo B. F. Nehrasius and Luan Bahia Caldas

We’re going on a Solgaleo hunt We’re going to catch a big one What a beautiful day! We’re not scared

We’re going on a Solgaleo hunt We’re going to catch a big one What a beautiful day! We’re not scared

Uh-Uh! A Mew! A strong cute Mew

Uh-uh! Mewtwo! A big purple mewtwo

We can’t catch Mew We can’t run from him Oh-no! We need to battle

We can’t catch Mewtwo We can’t run from him Oh-no! We need to battle

Pikachu fight! Use electro ball! Pika pika chuuuuuu! Zzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzz The battle finished!

Raichu, electroball! Zzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzz The battle finished


We’re going on a Solgaleo hunt We’re going to catch a big one What a beautiful day! We’re not scared Uh-uh! Necrozma! A big dark Necrozma We can’t catch Necrozma We can’t run from him Oh-no! We need to battle Charizard, fire blast Foooosh Foooosh Foooosh

Uh-uh! Lunala! A big strong Lunala We can’t catch Lunala We can’t run from her Oh-no! We need to battle Mega Charizard, fire blast! Foooooooooosh Foooooooooosh Foooooooooosh The battle finished Oh Solgaleo! We captured!

The battle finished We’re going on a Solgaleo hunt We’re going to catch a big one What a beautiful day We’re not scared 13

Run back to Lunala Mega chalizard fire blast! Foooooooooosh Foooooooooosh Foooooooooosh The battle finished Run back to the Necrozma Charizard fire dragon Foooosh Foooosh Foooosh The battle finished Run back to Raichu Electro ball Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz The battle finished Run back to Mew Pikachu electro dragon Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz The battle finished We caught the Solgaleo! We caught the Solgaleo! The end


We’re going on a treasure hunt Written by João Paulo Simões Miranda and Rafaela de Aquino Emerik

We’re going on a treasure hunt We’re going to find a big surprise What a beautiful day! We’re so excited

We’re going on a treasure hunt We’re going to find a big surprise What a beautiful day! We’re so excited

Uh-uh! Quicksand! Big quicksand We can’t go through it We can’t go under it Oh yes! We have to go over it! Yeeeeeh! Yeeeeeh! Yeeeeeh!

Uh-uh! A fire! A scary hot fire We can’t go through it We can’t go under it Oh yes! We have to go over it 15

Humpf humph! Trá trá trá! Creack crack! We’re going on a treasure hunt We’re going to find a big surprise What a beautiful day! We’re so excited

We’re going on a treasure hunt We’re going to find a big surprise What a beautiful day! We’re so excited Uh-uh! Water current! A big water current We can’t go swimming

What is it? It’s the key for the treasure Take the key Trick Track Trick track

We can’t go jumping Oh-no! We have to take a boat

Shhhhhh Hoooooo Shhhhhh 16

We’re going on a treasure hunt We’re going to find a big surprise What a beautiful We’re so excited

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaah One more time

What’s this? Let’s dig here

We’re going on a treasure hunt We’re going to find a big surprise What a beautiful We’re so excited

Hump Hump Hump Hump Hump Hump

The end

A treasure Let’s use the key Clack Clack Clack Clack Clack Clack Oh It’s a box of Lego And Rollerblades


We’re going on a sheep hunt Written by Ana Luísa Rennó Paduan and Laila Hatagami Amim

We’re going on a sheep hunt We’re going to catch a fluffy one What an incredible day! We’re not scared Uh-Uh! A wall A big and high wall We can’t go under it We can’t go through it Oh-no! We’ve got to go climbing Spreck Spreck Spreck Spreck Spreck Spreck We’re going on a sheep hunt We’re going to catch a fluffy one What an incredible day! We’re not scared

Uh-uh! An ocean A deep cold ocean We can’t go walking We can’t go running Oh-no! We’ve got to go swimming Swesh swash Swesh swash Swesh swash 18

We’re going on a sheep hunt We’re going to catch a fluffy one What an incredible day! We’re not scared Uh-uh! An island A huge and beautiful island We can’t go swimming We can’t go running Oh-no! We’ve got to go walking

Tip toe Tip toe Tip toe We’re going on a sheep hunt We’re going to catch a fluffy one What an incredible day! We’re not scared Uh-uh! A mountain A cold and scary mountain We can’t go walking We can’t go swimming Oh-no! We’ve got to go running


Uuuuuuuuuuh! Uuuuuuuuuuh!

Guess what? We have a fluffy sheep now

What’s that? It’s a fluffy sheep Let’s catch it

We have a fluffy sheep It is a beautiful one What an incredible day We are so happy!

Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh! The end It’s so cute.


We’re going on a vampire hunt Written by Elis Fonseca Aredes Oliveira and Manuela Nomoto de Alencar Mendonça

We’re going on a vampire hunt We’re going to catch a small one What a terrible night! We are so scared!

We’re going on a vampire hunt We’re going to catch a small one What a terrible night1 We are so scared!

Uh-uh! A forest A big dark forest We can’t go running We can’t go swimming Oh-no! We’ve got to go walking Stumble trip Stumble trip Stumble trip

Uh-uh! A river A river with fish We can’t go walking We can’t go running Oh-no! We’ve got to go swimming! 21

Splash splosh! Splash splosh! Splash splosh! We’re going on a vampire hunt We’re going to catch a small one What a terrible night! We are so scared! Uh-uh! A Pantanal A terrible Pantanal We can’t go swimming We can’t go walking Oh-no!

We’re going on a vampire hunt We’re going to catch a small one What a terrible night! We are so scared! Uh-uh! A cave A narrow dark cave We can’t go over it We can’t go under it Oh-no! We’ve got to go though it Tip Top Tip Top Tip Top

We’ve got to take a boat Swish Swash! Swish Swash! Swish swash!


A VAMPIRE!!! Go back to the house Tip Top! Tip Top! Tip Top! Swish Swashy! Swish Swashy! Swish Swashy!

Splash splosh! Splash splosh! Splash splosh! Stumble trip! Stumble trip! Stumble trip! Oh, yes! It was only a nightmare! The end


We’re going on animals hunt Written by Bianca Ferraz Santos and Manuela Silva Campos Lobo

We’re going on animals hunt We’re going to catch all of them What a beautiful afternoon! We’re not scared Uh-uh! A river A river with a lot of crocodiles We can’t go under it We can’t go through it Oh-no!

Plack Plock Plack Plock Plack Plock

We’ve got to go on it, on the crocodile.


Oh no, dad. One crocodile caught my leg

We’ve got to go over it in the horse and the foal

But he is a baby “Dad, may I take this crocodile with me?”

Tope Toip

“Yes, daughter.”

Tope Toip Tope Toip

We’re going on animals hunt We’re going to catch all of them

“Oh-no, dad. One foal caught my hair”

What a beautiful afternoon!

“Dad, may I take this foal with me?”

We’re not scared

“Yes, daughter.”

Uh-uh! A farm

We’re going on animals hunt

A farm with a lot of horses and foals

We’re going to catch all of them

We can’t go under it

What a beautiful afternoon!

We can’t go through it

We’re not scared Uh-uh! A tall grass


With a tigers 25

We can’t go under it

We’re not scared

We can’t go through it Oh-no!

Uh-uh! A cave

We’ve got to go over it.

A cave with bears

Shish Shasy Shish Shasy Shish Shasy “Oh-no, Dad! One tiger caught my arm, but it’s a baby.” “Dad, may I take this baby tiger with me?” “Yes, daughter.” We’re going on animals hunt

We can’t go over it

We’re going to catch all of them

We can’t go through it.

What a beautiful afternoon! 26

Oh-no! We’ve got to go under it in the bears.

Oh-no! We’ve got to go running

Tip Top Tip Top Tip Top

Go back to the cave Tip Top…

“Dad, one bear caught my feet.”

Go back to the tall grass

“Dad, may I….” “YES DAUGHTER”

Swish Shasy… Go back to the farm

Uh-uh, dad!

Tope Toip


Go back to the river

A crocodile, a foal, a tiger, a bear.

Plack Plock Go back to the house….

We can’t go under it We can’t go through it We can’t go over it. 27

Oh! But it was only a dream! We’re not going to hunt animals We’re not going to catch all of them What a beautiful night! We were dreaming The end


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