9 minute read

Echeverry Tafúr Andrés Juan, Relentless Wishes


Written by Andrés Juan Echeverry Tafur


The new generation empowers everyone with their global campaign of teaching people that the greatest value of human life is dedication, they motivate us to have dreams and follow our hearts. Although, Life is not easy and far from being perfect, finding happiness is a right that we are all born with. This short story that I am going to tell you, will teach you the lesson of persistence. A wise man once said that; sometimes a break from your routine is the very thing you need, and here is where the story begins.

One day like any other regular days of his last year of high school, Cameron a very smart 19-year-old guy who liked to read a lot of books. He was wandering around at school during recess when he met his two friends Mason and James, A few months ago, they had been trying to figure out what career, they were going to be pursuing at the university. Cameron and Mason had already decided what they were going to do after high school, But James had always avoided this conversation because he had doubts and he didn’t know what he was going to study at the University, So when Cameron brought this topic to discuss it with his friends again, James immediately changed the topic.

From an early age, Cameron had a strong opinion towards life, he used to say that life was very short and unfair and that he wanted to be his own boss. Unlike his friend Mason who wanted to study entrepreneurship abroad from a country that could give him the methods and facilities that he needed to become a successful entrepreneur. On the other hand, James was quite the opposite of both of them as he was utterly afraid of graduation and his life after high school, he felt that he wasn’t prepared enough to face the college life and he didn’t know what to study. James had a very rough past, he lost his parents in a car accident when he was only 12 years old. since then, he lost the meaning of life, and most of the time he

didn’t care much about taking important decisions about his life. And sadly, In that moment of his life, nothing motivated him. Nevertheless; despite their differences, the three of them were very close friends.

The time raced by, and the graduation date arrived, a day that was meant to bring joy in their heart but also Joylessly; the day when they were going to say Goodbye to each other. James didn’t sleep well that night, he had a nightmare derived to his fears and thoughts about the university. He was the first to wake up, and he decided to prepare himself well for his big day as he didn’t want to arrive late for the ceremony graduation. Cameron had promised to drive him and Mason to the school but Cameron had to pick up James first.

Both friends made it to the ceremony on time, there were so many people, family, friends, teachers, everyone looking neat and smiling, except James, the ceremony went along beautifully, But James couldn’t understand why some of his classmates were emotionally happy about the ceremony. Finally; the three young friends received their diplomas and were officially high school graduates.

Once the graduation was over; now they needed to make the most important decision of their lives, about what and where they should study. Cameron wanted to study in Berlin and Mason in Ibiza. James was still confounded about what to do next because he didn’t know what to study. But since he was little he had always shown passion towards music, and his friends used to tell him that he had many abilities in music production. At that moment, he remembered that a friend of his family had advised him to follow up with music and learn more about it. Amid his doubts and confusions, He finally thought about moving to Seattle to learn about music but he wanted his friends to join him, so he said;

“I know that both of you have already made up your mind

about studying in Europe, But would you be interested in joining me in Seattle to start a new life?” James said Calmly.

This request caught his friends by surprise because they never thought that James wanted to leave his country; they were all pleased by the idea of studying at the same place, Cameron didn’t have any problem, but Mason needed more time to think because his parents had already organized his trip to Ibiza, but later on that day, he was able to convince his parents to send him to Seattle instead along with his friends.

A few weeks later, It was a cold night when they arrived in Seattle, they rented a small apartment for the three of them which was little but comfortable, and they were all ready to begin a new chapter of their lives, little did they know that it was going to change their lives forever.

The three friends started to look for a job to support their housing expenses, Mason as he had always wanted to become an entrepreneur, he convinced his friends to take part in his idea of organizing events and parties, Although this thought wasn’t as easier as he portrayed it in his thoughts. The boys tried to make it happen, but they didn’t have all the requirements, as they didn’t have any of the required means of organizing an event in Seattle which were, a permit, enough capital, and marketing connections in Seattle.

They tried to contact local music businesses to find a partnership but they had no luck. One day the three of them were having dinner at the apartment. Cameron was angry about the situation they were living in and he said;

“I’m tired of being here, we have tried everything to get a job but we haven’t found one, I am tired of trying. sorry pals but I can’t do this anymore, I would rather go back to my country, I appreciate our relationship but now it is time to go our separate ways.”

Mason and James didn’t know what to say, but they knew

that Cameron was right, so they respected his decision, the next day Cameron flew back home to follow his dream of starting a small business. The threshold relationship started to break down, Mason and James weren’t in good terms, James started to pick up some daily job to earn some income and Mason kept looking for a real job and at night James dedicated his time in writing songs which were something he knew, he was good at.

One day; Mason was at one of the local stores, buying groceries, where he noticed an announcement that said: “We are looking for musicians composers and people with the abilities to organize music events”. Mason took a picture of the notice and he rushed back home immediately and he told James about the signpost he saw at the market, they called the number that night and a person responded on the line, who later identified himself as Carlos, the artist manager of a famous rapper at the time, named “Z Lee OG.” and that he needed some help with his album.

James was very excited to hear this news, and after a long discussion on the phone, the manager asked them to send him their catalog and music through email, and that he would later call them back if he finds them interesting, James and Mason were equally excited and nervous at the same time.

At 11:00 pm they received a call from the manager, who gave them the best news that they had been accepted for the Job and that Z Lee wanted to see them in the morning, the manager sent them the address that night. They hung up the phone and started to scream, they were both overjoyed that they couldn’t wait until the next day to arrive.

They woke up very early that day, they couldn’t believe that they had gotten a Job, they both loved and they felt like luck was finally on their side. they arrived at the address, they had been given on the phone at exactly 08:00 am and Mason said;

“We are here to meet Mr. Carlos and Mr. Z-Lee OG.”

The security allowed them to enter the residence, and he told them; they were waiting for them.

The meeting started, they were still nervous, but they needed to control themselves, then Carlos broke the silence; “I’m going, to be honest with you guys, Z-Lee loved the work you emailed me last night and I’m going to give you this opportunity to be a part of this album, you seem like you know about music and events and I love your energy. so, your job begins tonight, We have a party tonight and you will be the managers and DJ of the party, this is your shot to show us what you are capable of doing.” Carlos said.

The agreement was done, and both parts were equally excited and happy to work together. they shook hands and everything started, the day was long, James and Mason started to prepare the show, they were looking for the direction of the place, James was on the phone talking to the radio presenters in town, promoting the events, Mason, on the other hand, he was looking for the best place in town to hold the event. Belatedly after, they had everything they needed and they decided to name the event; “Jupiter is not for everyone” and to their surprise, So many people attended the events, prettiest girls in town, great quality music, Good food and drinks for everyone, Z-Lee said that it was the best party he ever had.

James and Mason were touched by those words, the feelings of happiness and freedom rushed in their veins and they started to drop tears of joys as they remembered everything they had to go through to get where they are right now, they both dropped tears of Joy. When James lost his parents he thought that he had lost happiness forever, his only taste of happiness came through the threshold relationship he had with his friends, Cameron and Mason and when it started to break, he felt like he had no reason to live again, but that night

James learned that Happiness is a right that any human being deserves to claim and have. Nowadays; James and Mason are well-known respected music advocates all over the country, they own different night clubs and they the biggest events planner all over the united states of America.

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