7 minute read
Kuri Abadía Juan José, The Warehouse
Inspired By The Book “Goosebumps” Written By R. L. Stine
Written By Juan José Kuri Abadía
Five years ago, there was an incident in the warehouse near
Tweedle Hill Road, where there was a family consisted of a father, mother, and three children, two of whom were twins but with different genders. That family used to run an illegal business in the neighborhood and one day, they got into big trouble with their business associate but little did they know that those people were from Haiti and they practiced Voodoo. A few days later the family received a warning of a head of a goat full of blood in front of their house to which they preferred to ignore, days later, every member of the family was found dead in the warehouse and to this day the police have not been able to determine how those people died.
The weirdest part of the whole story, despite all the dreadful deaths, was the case of the second Dalenson twin, Daisy. She was missing. She disappeared off the face of the earth and was never found nor heard of again. Belatedly after, the case went cold in 2019. The killer, his reasons, and what he used to kill them was never found. Nevertheless, there were rumors that those people were killed by the satanic ghost from Haiti.
The only lead the authorities had was a single, red handkerchief that was found in the mother’s hand, and didn’t belong to any of the Dalenson’s, the tissue had tiny, stitched letters on it that said, very simply; “Pa radote avè m! warehouse” On this grounds; this is where the warehouse got its name, and this was only the beginning of the chilling warehouse’s history, and I had heard it around five hundred times, with all sorts of versions and exaggerations added. The rest of the warehouse’s history was possibly worse than the beginning of it, which is hard to believe when you first heard the story. For the longest time after the family was murdered, no one dared step foot in the warehouse, not until a real estate company bought it and fixed it for selling. Nevertheless, not a single one of the people who bought the warehouse came
out alright. People would kill themselves, kill their families, mysteriously disappear, or have to be dragged to a psychiatric hospital after living in the warehouse. No one used that warehouse in 5 years, because a new law in the state required for real estate agencies to tell their buyers the history of the houses, so no one wanted to buy it, because the past was so bloody and horrible.
One day like any other day, it was dreary outside and cloudy, Bernard and his two friends Michael and Felix were playing soccer outside, Bernard is the oldest of the group, he is thirteen years old and he is kind of the leader and a showman himself. Felix is a sports guy from a young age, he liked soccer and spending time with his friends. Michael, unlike his other two friends, was the type of person that loved to study and he read a lot, or just like people call it nowadays, a nerd. Even though he liked studying and dedicated a lot of time in doing so, he also liked occasionally going out with his friends, Felix and Bernard became friends very easily because they shared the same school and they lived in the same neighborhood.
One day like any other day, the three friends were playing soccer at night just passing the ball at each other but they did not take into account that they were playing close to the historical warehouse. Bernard wanted to throw it harder to show what he was capable of doing, hence, he did not care what Felix had told him before, “not to kick the ball so hard” Bernard refusing to listen to his friend, he kicked the ball with all his strength, and unfortunately, the ball went right into the warehouse nearby.
Michael asked; “Oh no, what are we going to do now”
“We have to get that ball,” Felix said fearfully, and he added; “my mom is going to kill me if we don’t”
“No way, that warehouse is so scary” Bernard responded nervously.
“You have to do it, it was your fault, I told you not to kick it that hard” Felix shouted at his friend Bernard.
“He is right Bernard, it is your fault,” Michael agreed with Felix.
“I said no, I won’t,” bernard said firmly.
Felix started to cry and said; “Please, I don’t want to be grounded forever”
“Okay fine, but only if you guys come with me” Bernard demanded.
“Ugh okay,” Felix responded.
“Fine, there is no other option so let’s go,” Michael said firmly.
After all of the boys agreed to enter together into the creepy warehouse, each one of them grabbed elements to use as weapons, in case they were attacked by something inside. Michael and Bernard took a large stick of wood they found near a tree, and Felix grabbed some stones from the street. As soon as they approached the warehouse, they started to feel a lot of fear.
“Let’s go back, guys,” said Michael, who was grabbing his stick extremely hard.
“No way, we’re already here!” said Felix, who wanted to have his ball back.
They went in through one of the windows that had been boarded up but had a big hole in it. It was pitch black, the inside felt like being in the stomach of a hungry dog, Bernard found a flashlight, so he turned it on, surprisedly it was still working, It looked as if someone had been there recently, so they proceeded to look around the place searching for Felix soccer ball, trembling with fear. The warehouse looked old and very worn out. The wallpaper was peeling, and the furniture was all broken and moved around. There was graffiti on the walls saying things like “warehouse Never Dies,” and
random names and “I Can Hear Them.” the kids were very scared. The warehouse itself didn’t look scary, but it felt like it was alive and there was something evil living there. Bernard said that he could see blood dripping from the walls, but he took a deep breath and bravely said. “Let’s do this quick, guys. I have a bad feeling about this.”
One hour passed and they still couldn’t find the ball, instead, the three of them started to feel something weird, suddenly every part of the warehouse was cold, they started to hear all the doors and cupboards of the warehouse banging, so the kids started to scream and trying to get out. Michael looked behind him, and the walls were oozing with blood. Then a dog appeared out of nowhere, but they realized that it wasn’t a regular dog, this one had red eyes, and it has saliva all over his mouth, it was starring at them with a very scary face, but then it disappears out of the thin air. The three of them were horrified and crying. After everyone was watching that creepy dog they realized Felix was gone. They started to hear some voices out of nowhere. They heard children screaming, a man laughing, and they started to scream for help.
“Somebody; Please help us!” the boys shouted repeatedly.
There were a lot of sounds coming from the inside of the warehouse, and miraculously a thirty-year-old man who was going back from work to his home heard all these sounds and screams from the kids pleading for help. He ran immediately to the warehouse to find out what was happening in there. When he entered the warehouse what he saw was just two kids screaming but for no reason, this man noticed the fear on their faces so he helped them out but once Bernard and Michael were outside, and they asked the man to help them find their missing friend, Felix.
“Go find Felix, please.” The boys begged the man to help them.
The man went back inside the warehouse to look for their missing friend; even though he did not fully understand what was happening or what the little boys were saying. When he entered back inside he searched everywhere but he couldn’t find anyone else in the warehouse until he opened one of the cupboards and found a human head covered with blood, it was of a kid approximately twelve years old. He went out immediately, breathing hard, he was still in shock but he preferred not to tell the kids what he had seen inside the warehouse.
The man called the police to investigate again that creepy warehouse but until today there are no answers to anything. The case is still open but the police do not know what to do because they are no solid evidence, nor explanations as to why people disappear or die inside that warehouse.
Bernard and Michael’s parents decided to move out of that neighborhood, as they were convinced that whatever killed Felix could someday go back and kill Bernard and Michael. And as for Felix’s parents, they are still grieving to this day, hoping that the police could honor his death by explaining what happened that day.