Commencement Exercises - Graduation Ceremony - Class of 2021 / Program

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Commencement Exercises Graduation Ceremony Class of 2021 PROGRAM

June 6, 2021 High School Gymnasium


Graduation Ceremony Processional Master of Ceremonies

Graduating Class of 2021 “Pomp and Circumstance” by Elgar Sophia Mejía, Personera

National Anthems Jiin Kin, Manuela Murra, Alejandra Montaña Invocation Reverend Daniel Voll Recognition of Dr. Eric H. Habegger, Director Graduating Class Teacher Recognition Presented by Sophia Mejía, Class of 2021 Personera Special student awards

Presented by: Dr. Eric H. Habegger, Director Mr. Iván Velasco, High School Principal Mrs. Astrid Amador, Colombian Program Director Valedictorian Salutatorian Mejor Bachiller Director’s Award Best “ICFES Saber 11” Scores

Martha Ann “Mo” Spikes Scholarship Class of 1972

Presented by: Margarita Clavijo / Mr. Larry Cope

Senior Condor Award Presented by: Colin Lauman, PE and Co-Curricular Activities Coordinator Andrés Silva, Athletics Director

Thanksgiving Adolfo Vera confirmation of diplomas Mr. Iván Velasco, High School Principal awarding of diplomas Parents Class of 2021 benediction Gran Rabbi Alfredo Goldschmidt Recessional Triumphal March from “Aida” by Verdi

Graduates - class of 2021 Acero Pabón, Simón Afanador Sanz, Santiago Alonso, Mariana Aragón Castellanos, Isabela Arias Pérez, Verónica Baptiste Uribe, Lucas Baquero Peña, Paula Barrera Murcia, Juanita Barrero Ramshorn, Ilona Becerra Gómez, Alejandro Blanco Toro, Maya Bravo Lora, Gabriela Cabrales, Valentina Caicedo Duarte, Cristóbal Camacho Carvajalino, Julián Cárdenas García, Nicolás Carrizosa Rondón, Sara Castañeda Pérez, Pablo Cavelier, Michelle Ceballos Díaz, Valentina Cejudo Curiel, Daniela Cordovez López, José María Cortés Camacho, Luis Alejandro Cortés Maldonado, Nicole Elena Cure Casilimas, Simón De La Pava Jaramillo, Valentina De Lavallaz Frey, Mathew James Di Terlizzi Martínez, Pablo Díaz del Castillo Merino, Jorge Arturo Escallón Jimeno, Nicolás Faria Denali, Kaun Figueredo Delgado, Luz Gabriela Gallo Trosso, Alessandra Gamboa González, Mariana Garavito Manrique, Laura García Izquierdo, Daniel Garrett Logan, Christopher Gómez Crump, Esteban

Gómez Duarte, Silvana González Giraldo, Nicolás Grimberg Fishman, Tania Guzmán Rivera, María Hamburger Velásquez, Thomas Izquierdo Navarrete, Sabrina Jaramillo Fajardo, Sofía Jiménez Moreno, Lucía Jinich Kassin, Ariele Jinich Kassin, Ezra Jinich Kassin, Rafaela Kassin Jamri, Joel Keane Aidan, Riley Kim, Jiin Lafita Carulla, Arena Lafita Carulla, Lucas Lapania, Eugenia Largacha Gómez, Gabriela Leyva Farre, Mateo Linares Gutiérrez, Camilo Machado Boada, Emilia Marín Ruiz, Juan Manuel McCall, Maya Elise McEntee Suárez, Silvana Mcgibbon, Sinead Mejía Mcallister, Sophia Milbert Beltz, Christopher Montaña Lamus, Alejandra Beatriz Murra, Manuela Neher Borjas, Roberto Andrés Neissa Quintero, María José Nessim Goldschmidt, Mark Ortodo Irausquin, Meritxell Pardo Franky, Martina Pardo Saiz, Paula Park Jung, Hyun Pedraza Cortes, Andrés Felipe Pope, John Puente-Bonilla, Madeline Cristina Puyana Boggio, Alejandro

Quintero Villalobos, Sara Rabinovich Moreinis, Ariela Ramírez Bernal, Antonia Ramírez Villalobos, Santiago Rangel González, Daniela Regis Matheus, Nolasco Rengifo Orozco, Mateo Restrepo Pardo, Camila Rizvi, Marzia Zainab Rodríguez, Joaquín Rojas Ibargüen, María Consuelo Saab Fernández, Aline Marie Sáenz Caviedes, María Laura Samper Castellanos, Felipe Mauricio Sandoval Molina, Santiago Santiago Cardozo, Ignacio Andrés Santos, Lorenzo Sarmiento Londoño, Agustín Sasson Silberman, Sofía Spiwak Levy, Ada Story, James McKelvey Sutton Roiter, Mauricio Triana Vargas María Trujillo Ferreira, Santiago Ulloa, Alejandro Ulloa, Pablo Uribe Pinto, Andrés Uribe Pinto, María Guadalupe Uribe Tafur, Silvana Valencia Abello, Camila Vela Was, Nur Hine Velásquez Pacheco, Ana María Vicente, James Thomas Villaveces, Galofre Gabriel Vivas Caicedo, Diego Vivas Guerrero, Julián Andrés Zavala JR, Juan Carlos Zuluaga Ortiz, Lucía

CNG Graduation Sashes Personero Sophia Mejía Yellow Gold Sash Student Gallo Trosso, Alessandra; Grimberg Fishman, Tania; Guzmán Rivera, María; Jinich Council Kassin, Rafaela; Rengifo Orozco, Mateo; Sáenz Caviedes, María Laura Mint Green Sash National Honor Society Yellow Sash

Aragón Castellanos, Isabela; Barrero Ramshorn, Ilona; Camacho Carvajalino, Julián (Vice President); Castañeda Pérez, Pablo; Cortés Maldonado, Nicole Elena; Garavito Manrique, Laura; Grimberg Fishman, Tania; Guzmán Rivera, María; Murra, Manuela; Neissa Quintero, María José; Ortodo Irausquin, Meritxell; Pardo Franky, Martina (President); Park Jung, Hyun; Ramírez Bernal, Antonia (Secretary); Sáenz Caviedes, María Laura; Samper Castellanos, Felipe Mauricio; Vicente, James Thomas

Ambassadors Arias Pérez, Verónica; Barrero Ramshorn, Ilona; Cabrales, Valentina; Carrizosa Rondón, Grey Sash Sara; De La Pava Jaramillo, Valentina; Gamboa González, Mariana; Grimberg Fishman, Tania; Guzmán Rivera, María; Hamburger Velásquez, Thomas; Mejía Mcallister, Sophia; Murra, Manuela; Ortodo Irausquin, Meritxell; Pardo Franky, Martina; Pardo Saiz, Paula; Park Jung, Hyun; Ramírez Bernal, Antonia; Rizvi, Marzia Zainab; Sáenz Caviedes, María Laura; Samper Castellanos, Felipe Mauricio; Spiwak Levy, Ada; Velásquez Pacheco, Ana María; Villaveces, Galofre Gabriel; Zuluaga Ortiz, Lucía

Model United Nations Leadership Light Blue Sash AP Academy – Six or More AP Credits Green Sash

Aragón Castellanos, Isabela; Arias Pérez, Verónica; Barrero Ramshorn, Ilona; Cabrales, Valentina; Castañeda Pérez, Pablo; Cortés Maldonado, Nicole Elena; De La Pava Jaramillo, Valentina; Guzmán Rivera, María; Jaramillo Fajardo, Sofía; Jinich Kassin, Rafaela; Kim, Jiin; Lafita Carulla, Lucas; Machado Boada, Emilia; Murra, Manuela; Ortodo Irausquin, Meritxell; Pardo Saiz, Paula; Quintero Villalobos, Sara; Rabinovich Moreinis, Ariela; Rizvi, Marzia Zainab; Rojas Ibargüen, María Consuelo; Vela Was, Nur Hine Arias Perez, Verónica; Afanador Sanz, Santiago; Alonso, Mariana; Aragón Castellanos, Isabela; Baptiste Uribe, Lucas; Barrero Ramshorn, Ilona; Becerra Gómez, Alejandro; Blanco Toro, Maya; Bravo Lora, Gabriela; Cabrales, Valentina; Caicedo Duarte, Cristóbal; Camacho Carvajalino, Julián; Carrizosa Rondón, Sara; Castañeda Pérez, Pablo; Cavelier, Michelle; Ceballos Díaz, Valentina; Cejudo Curiel, Daniela; Cortés Camacho, Luis Alejandro; Cortés Maldonado, Nicole Elena; Cure Casilimas, Simón; De La Pava Jaramillo, Valentina; De Lavallaz Frey, Mathew James; Di Terlizzi Martínez, Pablo; Díaz del Castillo Merino, Jorge; Figueredo Delgado, Luz Gabriel; Gallo Trosso, Alessandra; Gamboa González, Mariana; Garavito Manrique, Laura; Gómez Duarte, Silvana; Grimberg Fishman, Tania; Guzmán Rivera, María; Hamburger Velásquez, Thomas; Izquierdo Navarrete, Sabrina; Jaramillo Fajardo, Sofía; Jiménez Moreno, Lucía; Jinich Kassin, Ariele; Jinich Kassin, Ezra; Jinich Kassin, Rafaela; Kim, Jiin; Lafita Carulla, Arena; Lafita Carulla, Lucas; Lapania, Eugenia; Linares Gutiérrez, Camilo; Machado Boada, Emilia; McCall, Maya Elise; McEntee Suárez, Silvana; Milbert Beltz, Christopher; Montaña Lamus, Alejandra Beatriz; Murra, Manuela; Neissa Quintero, María José; Nessim Goldschmidt, Mark; Ortodo Irausquin, Meritxell; Pardo Franky, Martina; Pardo Saiz, Paula; Park, Jung Hyun; Quintero Villalobos, Sara; Rabinovich Moreinis, Ariela; Ramírez Bernal, Antonia; Ramírez Villalobos, Santiago; Regis, Matheus Nolasco; Rengifo Orozco, Mateo; Rizvi, Marzia Zainab; Rodríguez, Joaquín; Saab Fernández, Aline Marie; Sáenz Caviedes, María Laura; Samper Castellanos, Felipe Mauricio; Sandoval Molina, Santiago; Santiago Cardozo, Ignacio Andrés; Sarmiento Londoño, Agustín; Spiwak Levy, Ada; Story, James McKelvey; Sutton Roiter, Mauricio; Uribe Tafur, Silvana; Valencia Abello, Camila; Vela Was, Nur Hine; Velásquez Pacheco, Ana María; Vivas Guerrero, Julián Andrés; Zuluaga Ortiz, Lucía

Community Aragón Castellanos, Isabela; Barrero Ramshorn, Ilona; Cortés Maldonado, Service Nicole Elena; Faria, Denali Kaun; Grimberg Fishman, Tania; Hamburger Dark Blue Sash Velásquez, Thomas; Kassin Jamri, Joel; Nessim Goldschmidt, Mark; Rabinovich Moreinis, Ariela; Sandoval Molina, Santiago; Sasson Silberman, Sofía

Heroes Afanador Sanz, Santiago; Carrizosa Rondón, Sara; Cavelier, Michelle; García Pink Sash Izquierdo, Daniel; Kim, Jiin; Lapania, Eugenia; Machado Boada, Emilia; McCall,

Maya Elise; McEntee Suárez, Silvana; Milbert Beltz, Christopher; Montaña Lamus, Alejandra Beatriz; Neissa Quintero, María José; Ramírez Villalobos, Santiago; Sáenz Caviedes, María Laura; Sandoval Molina, Santiago; Valencia Abello, Camila

Senior Awards for Graduation at CNG CNG is proud to recognize graduating students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement including. • Valedictorian is awarded to the student who holds the first place for cumulativegrade-point average for grades earned at CNG for a minimum of three full academic years. • Salutatorian is awarded to the student who holds the second place for cumulativegrade-point average for grades earned at CNG for a minimum of three full academic years. • Mejor Bachiller is awarded to the student who holds the highest cumulative-grade-point average for grades during the years of the Bachillerato program (grades 7-12) with no more than one year outside CNG. This student must be in the Colombian Bachillerato Diploma Candidate Program. • International Valedictorian is awarded the student who would be in running for the Valedictorian/Salutatorian; however, hasn’t been at CNG for three academic years. The student must hold one of the top four highest cumulativegrade-point averages for grades among the senior class. Grades must include those earned at CNG for a minimum of the senior academic year along with grades from other international/American schools. This student must be a High School Diploma Candidate only. This award may not be given every year. • Director’s Award is awarded to the student(s) who best exemplify the school’s vision/mission statement. Candidates are recommended from among the senior teachers with final recommendation being made to the Director by the Grade 12 team which includes the Principal, Associate Principal, Counselor(s), and teachers. • Condor Award honors the attributes of a senior student-athlete in four areas: community, classroom, character, and competition. The award is designed exclusively for a CNG senior who has made a significant contribution through athletic achievement and leadership in at least two years of UNCOLI and Binational competitions throughout their high school years, has served their community at least 40 hours and has above a 3.5 GPA. The award is managed by Department of Athletics and Co-Curricular Activities. Award winners are determined by a selection process that includes Physical Education teachers, coaches, and coordinators in each sport, as well as the Director of Athletics and Co-Curricular Activities. Honors will be determined at the end of the fourth quarter of senior year, with all four years of high school grades being applied. Students in the running for the above awards must have a record of excellent behavior with no issues of serious or grade infractions to the CNG Code of Honor. Should a student be in the running for more than one award, he/she will be honored with only one of these awards.

Himno Nacional de la República de Colombia Letra Música de

Rafael Nuñez Oreste Sindici

Oh, Gloria inmarcesible, Oh, júbilo inmortal En surcos de dolores El bien germina ya.

La humanidad entera Que entre cadenas gime Comprende las palabras Del que murió en la cruz.

Cesó la horrible noche, La libertad sublime Derrama las auroras De su invencible luz.

Oh, Gloria inmarcesible, Oh, júbilo inmortal En surcos de dolores El bien germina ya.

The Star-Spangled Banner Words by Music by

Oh, say, can you see By the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hailed At the twilight’s last gleaming. Whose broad stripes and bright stars, Through the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watched Were so gallantly streaming.

Francis Scott Key John Stanfford Smith

And the rocket’s red glare The bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night That our flag was still there. Oh, say, does that star-spangled Banner yet wave O’er land of the free and the home Of the brave.

Nueva Granada School Song By Arranged by

Oh sing to Nueva Granada, Shout till the rafters ring. Stand and sing our song once again, Let every loyal classmate sing. Oh sing to all the happy hours Shout to our carefree school days. Colegio Nueva Granada The school of our Hearts always To the school, To the books, To the games and the fun, That we had while there. To our pals, To our friends, To the teachers that Taught us all year.

E.A. Fenstad Maxwell Ecktein

To the school, To the books, To the games and the fun, That we had while there. To our pals, To our friends, To the teachers that Taught us all year. Oh sing to Nueva Granada, Shout till the rafters ring. Stand and sing our song once again, Let every loyal classmate sing. Oh sing to all the happy hours Shout to our carefree school days. Colegio Nueva Granada The school of our Hearts always

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