CNG Emergency Reaction Plan Roll Out for Faculty and Staff
October 2022
Emergency Reaction Plan Spiral • These are located right by the door in every classroom and office on campus. • There is a poster in the same location that indicates one of two Meeting Points should an evacuation be necessary. • Elementary School Field (below the admin bldg.) • High School Soccer Field (up by where buses depart) • There should be an Emergency Reaction Spiral in your classroom attached to a clipboard and a red/green plasticized card. • If not, please let us know immediately.
Emergency Reaction Plan
QR Code • This QR code is a new strategy for easy access and timely updates to the Emergency Reaction Plan • The QR takes you to the Emergency Reaction Plan LibGuide which contains the following: • • Digital Emergency Reaction Plan • Evacuation Maps • Roll Out Slides • This QR code will distributed throughout campus
TWO Meeting Points
Two Meeting Points
• The plan for having two meeting points is to gather as many PS & ES classes in one location and MS & HS classes in another.
• Each teacher is assigned a place in the Meeting Point MAP where his/her classroom is located for Stage One.
• For Stage Two we only move the teachers and students who are not from the primary meeting point (ES Field for PS & ES; HS Soccer Field for MS & HS)
• If you are not in your classroom at the time of an Evacuation, you should go to the Meeting Point indicated from that space.
• For example if you are a HS teacher and have your class in the Theater, you will take your class to Meeting Point Two (ES Field) and go to OTHERS.
• Or if you are a PS class in the HS Gym, you will take your class to Meeting Point One (HS Soccer Field).
Meeting Point
Point 2E WN
• Throughout the year, when schedule changes are made, these class lists will be reprinted and put in your mailbox. Please replace them on the clipboard for easy access. • Additionally, the clipboard should have a MAP of the meeting point to which your classroom has been assigned. • All ES/PS classroom evacuate to Meeting Point TWO (Elementary Field) • Most MS/HS classrooms evacuate to Meeting Point ONE (High School Soccer Field)
Emergency Reaction Plan Spiral • Exceptions are the MS/HS classes in the Theater which evacuate to Meeting Point TWO (Elementary Field) NOTE: MS classes in the E Building evacuate to Meeting Point ONE • Administration building evacuates to Meeting Point TWO. • Please take some time to review the SPIRAL – it is in English and Spanish – and addresses the Emergency Plan for many different emergencies. • Should an EVACUATION be necessary, please take your cell phone, the Emergency Reaction Spiral, clipboard, and red/green card with you and your students to the Meeting Point.
• LOCKDOWN SIREN • EVACUATION SIREN Upcoming Emergency Drills • We will have an EMERGENCY DRILL with all students, faculty, and staff in October 26 at 9:20 AM. • The Emergency Drill will have LOCKDOWN and EVACUATION
Emergency Reaction Plan Spiral Highlights
For the LOCK DOWN –1. The following directions must be followed by all FACULTY & STAFF. 2. When you hear the LOCKDOWN siren and/or the announcement over the intercom please do the following: 3. Please look out of your classroom to see if there are any students or school personnel in the hall or outside spaces and urge them into your classroom. 4. Lock your door, close all curtains/blinds/etc. to cover windows.
Emergency Reaction Plan Spiral Highlights
For the LOCK DOWN –1. Place yourself and all the students into a corner of the room that will ensure the least amount of exposure to the windows and door. 2. Ensure students stay STILL and SILENT for the duration of the LOCK DOWN. 3. Wait for INSTRUCTIONS. 4. When the EVACUATION SIREN rings or announcement is made over the intercom, escort your class to the correct Meeting Point.
Emergency Reaction Plan Spiral Highlights • For an EVACUATION –• When the EVACUATION SIREN rings or announcement is made over the intercom, do the following: • Stop all activities at once. • Remain calm and collected. • Instruct students to remain calm and silent as well as to follow your directions. • Have in hand your cell phone and the Emergency Reaction Spiral/clipboard/card. TAKE ATTENDANCE. • Please ensure all members of your classroom depart ahead of you with you at the back of the line.
Plan Spiral Highlights • For an EVACUATION –• Remind students to be silent during the EVACUATION. • They should also remain together as a group in single file. • Bags and backpacks should be left behind. • Please leave your door unlocked. • Direct the evacuation of your students to appropriate Meeting Point following the designated emergency route. • Be sure to use common sense if a change in route is necessary. • Students must NEVER be left alone without adult supervision.
Emergency Reaction Plan Spiral Highlights
EVACUATION (continued) –
• Please follow the map to the Meeting Point as quickly and quietly as possible, remaining with your students.
• At the Meeting Point, ensure you are in your assigned position and all students who were in the class with you are accounted for.
students on the ground and stand in front of your group.
• If ALL students are PRESENT, hold up the GREEN plasticized card so the Team Leader, Principal, or Director can see it easily.
• If a student if MISSING, hold up the RED plasticized card so the Team Leader, Principal, or Director can see it easily.
For an
Emergency Reaction Plan Spiral Highlights
an EVACUATION (continued)
• Please note that if a student was ABSENT from school/your class, you do not need to hold up the RED card.
• However, if a student left your class to go to the bathroom, EVL, or other location, and he/she doesn’t find you at the Meeting Point, you should hold up the RED card.
• Keep students as quiet as possible for the duration of the
all directions given by the Principal/Director in charge.
Emergency Reaction
Spiral Highlights
in their
• For an EVACUATION (continued) –• For MS/HS, the decision may be made to
to STAGE TWO. In this case, all adults stay
and all students move to their ADVISORY
• In STAGE TWO, all MS/HS classes/students/teachers
Meeting Point Two will go up to Meeting Point One. • In STAGE TWO, all PS/ES classes/students/teacher
Meeting Point One will go down to Meeting Point Two and meet their homeroom teacher. • Attendance will be confirmed for both Meeting Points a second time.
Emergency Reaction Plan Additional CNG Employees Go to Meeting Point ONE if you are part of: • Facilities - CNG and Serdan, • Bus Drivers and Bus Monitors, • Food and Beverage Staff, • Copy Center Personnel Go to Meeting Point TWO if you are part of: • Nurses • CWW, Condor, Athletics Office • Administration Building Visitors go to the closest Meeting Point. If you have a visitor on campus, please escort him/her to your Meeting Point.
Emergency Reaction Plan Leaders
1. Follow the instructions given via the Intercom System. 2. Take your meeting point list, cell phone, megaphone and radio and evacuate to your assigned Meeting Point. 3. At the meeting point a. Use the Sub Leaders to ensure silence and order and to check with each teacher/group leader holding a RED sign. b. Ask the Sub Leaders to make a list of all missing persons. c. Also, ask the Sub Leaders to make a list of all who are at the Meeting Point who belong to the other one. d. Once finished, inform via radio the list of missing persons. 4. Wait for instructions.
Emergency Reaction Plan Spiral Highlights
Given that earthquakes have different levels of intensity, we will only evacuate when the
that we need to.
follow the same steps as for an
class to the appropriate Meeting Point.
Please place yourself and your students under desks
tables protecting your head.
Wait for the shaking to stop.
Evaluate the situation.
Emergency Response Team determines
Emergency Reaction Plan Spiral Highlights
• Occasionally, CNG is in danger of thunder and lightning storms. In this case, we have had major damage to electronics.
• There are lightning rods on all CNG buildings, however, when a storm approaches, we need to alert all members of our community who are outside to enter a building, classroom, or office.
• We also advise you to not use any electronics in an open space during an electrical storm.
• Never move under a tree.
Emergency Reaction Plan If you have any questions or pertinent points to ensure a smoother Emergency Reaction Plan, please don’t hesitate to send an email to: Monique Duchamp Liliana Borrero Javier Suárez Juan David Vásquez We are here to help.