Hitchhiker's Guide eBook

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Hitchiker’s Guide to Bogota

Presented by the class of 2029

Photo by Mariana Aparicio and Lorenza De Valenzuela

Hitchiker’s Guide to Bogota

We live in an era of change. Everyday we witness the modernization of our city. How can we slow down and see beyond the high rises and shopping malls and find the amazing hidden treasures that celebrate the traditions and cultures in Bogota?

The Year 7 students went on a quest answer the question: How can we create a travel resource that helps people appreciate the local culture and live their best Bogota lives? These impressive submissions were selected to be featured in this print book. We hope you use this book to explore our fascinating host city and live your best Bogota life!

Photo by Catalina Mena

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Restaurants

Chapter 2: Coffee Shops

Chapter 3: Shopping

Chapter 4: Expieriences

Photo by Daniel

Chapter 1 R t t

-Karlheinz heberley-Owner
Location: Centro comercial Colina Location: Barrio El Polo E-mail: karl.Heberle@pacific.com.co Number: +57 318 51171746 Insagram: pacific.seafood Karlheinz Heberly is the proud owner of Pacific Seafood. He started this business due to his love for seafood and his passion in the restaurant industry and open his own restaurant and market.
Crema Langostino Sanduche de Cangrejo Ensalada salmón ahumado Sanduche salmón ahumado
mission & goal seafood pruducts in the market
Cocktail langostino Arroz mariscos
bring seafood to another level, to make seafood more accessible...I wanted to raise the bar”
-Emma Gaitan

Pacific sea food



From a distance, the iconic Pacific Seafood logo stood out, drawing customers in like sailors wearing orange attire at sea. Upon entering with my mother, we were promptly served by Andres, who explained the menu. I indulged in fried plantain with shrimp, savoring the exquisite flavors. We then ordered smoked salmon, admiring the wood-themed decor, designed to create a cozy atmosphere. Karlheinz later explained the significance of wood in maritime history. The freshness of the salmon surpassed my expectations, reflecting Pacific Seafood's commitment to quality. As a Colombian company, Pacific Seafood contributes to Bogotá's culinary scene, making it a top destination in South America. It's one of my favorite restaurants, and I encourage readers to experience it firsthand for exceptional seafood and a memorable dining experience.

The interview, and the hospitality of Karlheinz Heberly

Once I sent my invitation to meet with the owner of Pacific Seafood and have an interview, Karlheinz Heberly promptly responded, expressing gratitude for my interest and inviting me to his home. Upon arrival, he warmly welcomed me and engaged in a pleasant discussion about the project, showing great intrigue. Our interview proceeded smoothly, with Karlheinz answering my questions professionally. He shared insights into his passion for seafood, his entrepreneurial journey influenced by his father, and the challenges of transitioning from corporate life to business ownership. Karlheinz also highlighted Pacific Seafood's commitment to high-quality products and its pride in serving both local and international clientele. Although Karlhienz attempts to source his fish mostly within the resources Colombia provides, some fish culinary sold at the restaurant is brought from international waters. Throughout, he underscored the importance of hospitality and expressed gratitude for my interest in his restaurant.


The professionalism of both places was great, and exceeded the standards. Testigo was amazing, it had typical Colombian plates, but added to some of them a bit of their own and unique touch. The prices were great in relationship with the quality, and overall the restaurant was nice, clean, and always ready for new clients. The food arrived quickly with a great presentation, temperature and taste. We were well attended, and they gave us great things to talk about while sharing our experience.

On the other hand we have el Pasaje Rivas, it's a great market, the sellers were outside their stores trying to interact with the clients walking in the marketplace. It is a great place to go if you want to purchase souvenirs, or objects that are going to remind you of your trip to Colombia. This marketplace was the 1st official mall founded in Bogotá, it started in 1893 made by the philanthropist Luis G. Rivas. Its open from 9am - 6pm, Monday through Saturday and only from 10am - 3pm on Sundays.

GerónimoBarberi, MatíasCano,and NicholasCala.


Instagram: Testigobgt +57 313 8353390

Address: Cra. 9a #10-31, Bogotá

It's recommended to use an app like Google Maps to get there because it is a relatively hidden place that is hard to find.

38.000 $

Testigo hours: Testigo hours: Tuesday12–5PM Tuesday12–5PM Wednesday12–5PM Wednesday12–5PM Thursday12–5PM Thursday12–5PM Friday12–5PM Friday12–5PM Saturday12–5PM Saturday12–5PM Sunday12–5PM Sunday12–5PM Monday12–5PM Monday12–5PM


19.000 $



e marketplace was in hidden in the middle of an alleyway, We ed through a small metal door, and the beauty of this place was aled. Searching through the market, my eye caught a little red se leading to a restaurant upstairs, called Testigo. Each step of the ircase brought a new smell, and sensation to my body, each step ht a new feeling to my mind and a new expectation of the place. we walked in, we knew it was special. I felt a comforting feeling, ce was cozy, it had dim lighting and the fire of the kitchen gave it forting temperature. Waiting for our food, my eyes caught all the nt colors the other clients plates beamed, showing us the way the e connected to our colorful culture and country. Each plate was l, and unique, giving you a different perception of the food found in this spot.

eating here, we went downstairs to the market, El Pasaje Rivas. It ery nice, it had all kind of little stores where native people would and showcase objects and souvenirs from all around Colombia.

e's a great variety of things you can get, it starts from little native d items, like special varieties of coffees and candies, to art and handicrafts from all around the country. In general, it's a very good place to go in the central part of Bogotá especially for tourists because all that zone really shows you the essence of its history, its food, etc. I hope that you are able to go and live this beautiful experience.

H I T C H - H I K E R S G U I D E : B O G O T Á 2 0 2 4

El Chato is a restaurant located in Bogotá, Colombia, whose main objective is to embrace Colombian culture in a culinary way. Inspired by Colombian flavors, Clavijo, the chef, periodically explores the country in search of new products to include on El Chato's menu. Taking seasonality into account, he creates delicious dishes that highlight Colombian ingredients by applying global techniques, a tribute to the producers he works with, and to the Colombian culture. As of 2023, this restaurant entered the world's top 50 at number 33 and became the second best in South America, yet it remains a hidden gem for most, as it is not one of the most important tourist destinations in Bogota.

Contact Info

@elchato rest https://elchato.co/

“’Every ingredient always carries a myriad of possibilities“‘ 100% colombian
Matias Cano, Geronimo Barberi, Nicholas Cala, Luisa Sanchez

It was 5 in the afternoon, Álvaro Clavijo, the chef behind El Chato, was waiting for us on the second floor. We slowly entered a new world. A quick look revealed hundreds of Colombian ingredients, surrounding us, a true and very impressive gastronomic laboratory, accompanied by the delicious aroma from the new kitchen, which was to be inaugurated that same week. After a brief and very interesting talk with the chef, a variety of dishes arrived at our table, made with 100% Colombian ingredients, cared for in every detail, very well served, and appetizing to the eye, but even more so to the mouth. A truly delicious and strange combination that provokes our palate. So familiar and so new at the same time, it was a really wonderful experience, leaving a life-lasting impression that no one should miss when visiting Colombia. This hidden gem in Bogotá is sure to impress those searching for a bit of an authentic and experimental taste of Colombian culture.

Squid and bondiola empanadas with jabugo chili

The first dish we tried was a delicious plate of empanadas. Although they weren't our typical empanadas, they were excellent, with a nice crunchy texture and a delicious flavor inside. The spice was also very good but at the same time unusual and creative.

Tuna beef wellington with radicchio and figs salad

Our main dish was a tuna Wellington from artisanal fishing from our pacific coast with a salad on the side. This Tuna Wellington has a very peculiar flavor that is not for everyone since the tuna meat is almost raw inside, in my experience you should try it. On the other hand, the salad had a nice contrast as the figs were sweet while the radicchio was a little bitter, making it a great garnish.

Lulo, pineapple and corn ice cream with orange ganache

Our dessert was a delicious mixture of ice creams with a delicious orange ganache. This dessert was very good with a lot of different flavors and texture packed into one dish creating a burst of flavors inside your mouth after eating it. The best ice cream in my personal opinion was the one made out of lulo that had just the right touch of sweet and sour.

In the heart of Pasaje Rivas, a colorful street full of art, culture, and tradition lies Testigo, a restaurant that showcases and celebrates Colombian cuisine's rich diversity. The schedule is exclusively for lunch from 12 PM to 5 PM daily. Also, if we talk about money, prices are accessible and reasonable, including generous food portions. It’s important to mention its discreet location on the second floor of Pasaje Rivas, so it’s recommended to use location apps and plan your visit to ensure smooth navigation. If you’re looking to live the real Colombian experience, this is the right place to go and get a good taste of our magical culture.



INSTAGRAM @testigobgta PHONE NUMBER 313 8353390 excelent, vibrant& magical. TRIPADVISOR (REVIEWS)


EnteringtheredstaircaseofTestigo,Iwasimmediately intriguedandexcitedbythetemptingaromaofmyfavorite Colombiandishes.Therestaurantgaveoutastrikingly welcomingvibe.Itwasamemorableexperiencewitnessingthe chefspreparingthedeliciousmealsoverfirewoodassoonaswe cameinside.Theservicewasimpressivelyprompt,withallof ourfoodarrivinginlessthan10minutes.Colombianmusic echoedacrossthewholefloor,complementingthedarkdesign oftherestaurantandcreatingagreatenvironment.Thefood didn’tdisappoint,offeringawidevarietyofflavors,textures, andingredients.Isavoredthebalanceofsaucesthatmixed perfectlywiththefood,creatingadelightfulcontrastofflavors. ThecheeseinthePapaChorreadaandtheFrijolesmeltedinmy mouth,bringingbackmemoriesofthefirsttimesItastedthese traditionaldishesandfellinlovewiththem.Then,asweleftthe restaurant,wewerecaptivatedbythebeautyofPasajeRivas, decoratedwithColombianartwork,crafts,anditemsthat coloredthewholeplacewithvividcolorsandbroughtthestreet tolife.Artisansshowcasedtheircreativitythroughhandcrafted itemsfromalloverthecountry,addingtothevibrant atmosphere.TestigoandPasajeRivasmakeaunique combinationthatprovidesanunforgettableglimpseinto Colombianculture,resultinginatrulyfascinatingexperience.

Walking into this beautiful and chic coffee shop, the welcoming charm draws your attention to the thoughtful design. After speaking with the owners of Tropicalia, we can see that they have a wholesome story of how they decided this was what they wanted to do with their life and that they have a huge purpose. The truth is that none of them knew anything about coffee. In fact, Paola had majored in psychology and about two semesters in she realized that it wasn’t something she enjoyed. José and Paola had been very close friends for a long time. When they graduated, they didn’t know what to do with their lives. Until this one time, they were meeting over a cup of coffee and found their calling.

Apart from making an incredibly drop-dead gorgeous restaurant filled with nice and welcoming people; they have a huge purpose. And this is to encourage everyone to drink Colombian coffee. You might think that there is not much of a difference between Colombian and Brazilian coffee. And that is actually exactly what my group and I thought at first. However, José and Paola taught us that every single coffee grain that their team picks up is taken one by one. In the other hand, Brazilian coffee are taken with a machine. This doesn't seem like a big deal until you realize that since the machine doesn't check if the grains of ripe or not, it just grabs all of them at once. Although this might look like a more efficient way of doing it. If the coffee grain is still green the coffee will taste sour or even bitter while ripe grains will taste sweet.

Laura Jimeno

Red Bourbon

Yaqueline Hernandez

La Plata Huila

Recyclable Packaging

This is a very special coffee, inspired by the hard work of female farmers that don’t get as much recognition as male workers. One of the main goals of Tropicalia is not only to promote Colombian coffee, but also to help the farming families. In this case, it was Yaqueline Hernandez who's love and dedication to coffee inspired Tropicalia to make a coffee that represents not only her, but thousands of working women around the world.

After about 4 decades, Wilmer Calderón took on the responsibility of taking care of his families farm and continuing the legacy. Over the years, it has turned into a huge part of his family. This coffee is not only a symbol of Wilmer's family but also a reflection of his hard work and admiration for coffee and hard working people.

Recyclable Packaging

Contact information: +57 322 680 2553
Pitalito Huila Wilmer Calderón Pink Bourbon
$65.000 $60.000
Laura Jimeno
Prudencia is a hidden jewel offering a memorable dining experience with a spacious environment and exceptional staff. B e a u t i f u l l y p r e s e n t e d m e a l Quality gourmet food Amaziing hidden gem Prudencia A BEAUTIFUL AND UN I Q U E R E S T AURANT EXPERIENCEC h o o s e t h e b r o w n d o o r O w n e r s : M a r i o a n d M e g a n Address: Carrera 2 Nº 11-34 Wednesday to Sunday from 12:00 - 4:00 pm Contact information: prudenciarestaurante@gmail.com Or call (57) 601 394 1678 Walk-ins are acceptable but reservations are preferred. (PIcture taken by restraunt website)





At first glance, this restaurant may seem ordinary as I talked to the owners I realized that there are so many hidden and beautiful details. The smoker and grills are designed by the restaurants chef. When you get something grilled it was cooked on a grill that was authentically designed using fire creating different textures and tastes. Everything in this restaurant is cooked in a wood fire. This cooking method gives a natural, fresh taste as if you came from a lush forest. Everything from the vanilla to the sauces are made in-house with fresh ingredients such as mustard, which never comes from your average supper market. All the tables in this restaurant are handcrafted by a Colombian family next door. Even the building has historical importance and has been in Colombia's history for over 100 years. Now even more special with variations like recycled pipelines as columns.

Walking into the restaurant you are greeted with a comforting environment and light colors filling the restaurant with a warm feeling. Smokey crisp smells of freshly cooked goods flow everywhere and the skylight rains down sun rays making the restaurant look as if it is from a scenic painting. As my first meal came to me I fell in love with the freshly cooked mix of house-made ingredients and rich earthy refreshing flavors like citrus or a dash of fresh spices from the garden. The whole experience leaves you wanting to feel that warm, cozy environment again. When I think of restaurants I realize it is not only about food but the story, hard work, and the feeling you get being welcomed just back into Prudencia.

Quality gourmet food Amaziing hidden gem

Ternera Parilla

Carlos JuiloSantaMaria

Carlos Julio Santa Maria was the oldest of 10 kids. Because of this, it meant that he had to help out the most around the house with the cooking and cleaning. When he was a teen, he didn’t appreciate education and began to slack off in school. But when he became an adult, he quickly realized that he needed something to do for work. Since he didn’t learn anything from school, he couldn’t find any jobs. So he decided to take everything he learned from his parents, especially his mom, and take all the skills that he learned growing up to create a business. The journey was not easy, and he had many struggles in the beginning. He was not always successful, in fact, during covid he lost his home for a little while but eventually they became successful

T O U S +(54 1) 2250541 3007970577 -RAPPI W E B S I T E A N D S O C I A L S www.laterneraparrilla.com nsta and Facebook: @LA TERNERAPARILLA ADDRESS BOGOTÁ D.C., CRA 50 # 71 A - 67 TALK TO US Tel. (+54 1) 2250541 3007970577 WEBSITE AND SOCIALS www.laterneraparrilla.com Facebook and insta: @LA_TERNERAPARILLA
Logo Logo NUTRITION Of there food is made fresh everyday and has all natural seasonings and ingredients. 100%
Open MondayFriday: 11:00-5:30 Open SaturdaySunday: 11:00-6:00

FromthemomentIwalkedinthedoorofTerneraParilla,Iwasimmediately greetedwithopenarmsbyMr.Carlosandhisgrandson.Therestaurantitself wasawelcomingplacethatfeltveryinvitingtoeveryone.Mr.Carlosandhis grandsonwereverywillingtotalktomeevenwiththelanguagebarrier,andI feltitwasveryinterestingtohearabouttheirstory,whichaddedtothe overallcharmoftheplace.Mr.Carlos’sstories.OnethingInoticedaboutthe peoplewhoworktherewasthattheyallseemedtobeunited,creatinga familialatmosphere.EveryoneImetattheLaTerneraParrillawaswarmand friendlyandseemedtoenjoyworkingthere.Whenwewerefinallyreadyto eat,Iwaspleasantlysurprisedbytheirquickserviceandattentiontodetail.

Whenthefoodcameout,Iwasamazedathowtheymadesuchsimple, traditionaldishesintosomethingsointricateandhearty.Thefoodwas aromaticandIwasamazedthatallthedishesweremadefreshevery dayandthemeat,whichwasflavorfulandtender,wasonlyseasoned withsalt.Theproportionsweregenerousandhadacertainwowfactor whenitcameout.Inconclusion,Ibelievethatthemostimpressivethings aboutthisrestaurantisitshomeyvibe,friendlyemployeesandhow theyelevatesuchasimplemealintosomethingmuchmore.Iwould definetlygotheretoeatagain.

El Bandido is a bistro located on Calle 79, they are focused on providing a good community in their restaurant.


+57 Calle 79b #7-12

As I walked into the door of El Bandido, I had no idea what I was about to experience. The smell of food wafted into the area and the smell was unbelievable. I sat down at an empty table and looked around at the bustling restaurant. The waiter came and took my order which was a hamburger and a mojito without alcohol. When the food came it was steaming hot. When it cooled down a bit, I took my first bite. The hamburger was so juicy. My mouth watered as I kept eating. It was truly an amazing meal and I will definitely go back.

After all these delights of gastronomy, are you wondering about some facts of “El Gato Gris”? If you are, read the next 5 fun facts about this establishment.

The direction of this : Cl. 12b #Carrera 1A, La Candelaria, Bogotá.

The second interesting fact is that the house where the restaurant is located is 280 years old, and it still has culture from that time, like some trunks and some structures.

The third fun fact is that it is located in a very recognized place, “La Fuente De Quevedo.” This place is also a very culturally important place.

The fourth fact is that it has live music that makes everyone feel comfortable and in a perfect environment. The highest price is “90mil Colombian pesos” (30 US dollars) and this dish is for four people. The schedules are good for everyone since from Sunday to Sunday it's open from 8 am to 2 am.

After all these interesting facts, what are you waiting for?

If you are wondering about a delicious old and typical Colombian restaurant where cultural displacement is shown throughout our history, I have your answer! You should visit “Gato Gris”, a 280-year-old establishment.

I entered the prestige place that every food lover likes, I was fascinated by the old but very friendly structure that the restaurant offered to its customers. The smell made my mouth water. I also noticed, 280-year-old artifacts, as the establishment promised. Old things like trunks, the “Roble” stairs, the ceilings, and the walls with different figures. I finally sat in a comfortable colonial chair, I focused on the music that, for my preferences, was perfect, 70s classic music that made the place environmental for every age and also made me feel at home.

After I sat in the rustic “Roble” wooden chair, the friendly waitress invited me to see the menu. It was almost impossible to choose a dish since there was a large and delicious variety of food. I finally decided on the “Ajiaco” which is a thick soup with rice to accompany it, and on the “Gato Paisa” a new and better version of the “Badeja Paisa”, inside this dish there was a crunchy “Chicharon”, smoothie rice, “Frijol”, and Avocado. Then empanada as an entry, everything arrived at my rustic table almost immediately. The empanadas, flavor was incredible; it had a smoothie texture inside it with some delicious flavors. The coco and natural lemonades; were delicious, a perfect balance of sugar, water, and sourness.

Discover a forgotten part of Colombian culture in the restaurant Innato in Bogotá!

-Location: Zona G, Cl. #5-34

Opening Hours: Every day 12 PM to 10 PM

Do you think that potatoes only come in one color, and that fast food can only be processed? Well, come to Innato, and your views will change!

-Music: Innato has all kinds of music, ranging from rock to salsa! This makes your experience be a lot more memorable instead of just sitting in silence while you eat your meal.

-Service Speed: You will never have to wait a very long time to get your food, as the meals normally arrive after about 20 minutes! Even if you are very hungry, they will always give you potato chips while you wait!

-Atmosphere: Innato offers a warm, cozy environment for its customers! Although the entrance is always open, you still manage to feel as if you were fully indoors!

-Food: The food in Innato is always good. It’s all freshly made, and 90% Colombian. You can even see the staff cook it while you wait!

-Story: Innato is a restaurant created in 2020 by Oscar Gonzales, known for working with different kinds of potatoes native to Colombia. Innato, although it sells fast food, has its Colombian twists. For example, the bread is made out of Colombian potatoes. Also, there are no french fries, since they have been replaced with potato chips made with different varieties of native potatoes!


The second that my friend and I walked into Innato, we could feel Athe warmth of the small place envelop us. It felt as if there wasn’t even an open door leading to the street. We sat down at one of the bars in the small restaurant, and after a few minutes we decided to get the “Imposible” burger and the “Choripan Zángano,” and to drink, we ordered some delicious Kola Roman. As we sat in the restaurant, we looked at the screen that showed some of the food that was being sold, and we were surprised to find things like ants. While we were waiting for our food, they gave us some potato chips. However, these weren’t the normal, processed kind. These were all-natural and made from different kinds of potatoes that are native to Colombia. After about 20 minutes of waiting, the food arrived. With that, we split each dish in half and tried them both. The flavors filled our mouths as we eagerly ate our food. The perfect mix of ingredients tasted like heaven to our palates, and soon we had finished eating. With that, we left the small restaurant, thinking about how we hadn’t only eaten normal fast food, but experienced a small, unknown part of Colombia.

Enter one of Bogotas biggest secrets where the future meets the past. This amazing restaurant is not only with really good food but a mansion holding the history behind this house. Not only can you see this house's past but it's thrilling to think of what will happen in the future. It shows the Colombian culture of the traditional furniture and the food mixed together.

When seeing the long wooden staircase and the chandelier hanging on the roof at the beginning of the house, it will make you want to explore and see what is hiding behind these walls.

Located in Ac. 85 #7-74, Localidad de Chapinero, Bogotá, Cundinamarca.

Open at 10:30 from monday to saturday, sundays at 5:30

Real name “mansion Plana”

Many different types of dishes

Built in 1947

Harold Miguel Planas the original owner gave it to the medical club who built a restaurant there Calm outdoor seating area

There is a medical club inside the house

Open for all tourist all around the house except for some areas

Amazing food with sos many different dishes to try from Old colombian decoration all over the house

Divided into three spaces: Medical club, restaurant, tourist area.

I came across a big house built with red bricks and an old design called the fabbrica. When I entered the house I saw old furniture that made me feel like I traveled back in time. I entered and saw a long wooden staircase and a big chandelier in the roof of the house.That house had a history of an old italian man who used to live there and then gave it to a medical club who turned it into a restaurant. When I went into the backyard where I could barely hear the honking cars from outside, all I heard were the birds chirping and the wind blowing leaves. I felt the air through my hands as I walked to the table. When I ate the food there it melted in my mouth, and The food was so good it made me feel like I have never eaten anything like it before. As I walked out of the restaurant I put my hand on the wall and walked out feeling the old walls. I looked at the entrance and the big design of the house. I was glad I came to this amazing restaurant and tasted great food.

Haveyoueverwantedtostopandrestyourfeetin thecity,andhaveaquickmeal?ThenInnatoisfor you!

I ordered the Choripan Zangano and La Imposible

The food tasted amazing, with tiny hints of sweet or spicy in every bite. The Choripan Zango was a hot dog style food, with delicious potato bread, lettuce, and avocados, all going along with a juicy, slightly spicy sausage. Along with that, the La Imposible was a savory hamburger with potato bread, tiny fried onions, cheese, and tangy orange-yellow sauce.

I entered the cozy small restaurant. With only about eight seats and a narrow build. It was warm and somewhat like a deck in your backyard. The smells of meats and bread would be all around you as you sat and waited for the juicy burgers or delicious other foods. It's honestly the best place to eat a quick, and filling meal and I would recommend it to anyone. With the cozy style, amazing food, and pleasant workers, it makes the best place to eat and relax.

Its a small shop on Cl. 71 #5-34, with a small entrance, few seats, and a welcoming environment. The owners, Oscar and Claudia, both have high hopes for the shop, hoping it will one day be a popular place to eat, and have a few restaurants around Bogota. Oscar’s reason for opening the shop was to share the colombian culture in a fun, delicious way, incorporating the colombian potatoes as sides and main dish. For example, La Impossible, a tasty burger with a potato bread bun, juicy patty, small deep fried onions, cheese, and tasty sauce. About 99% of the ingredients in all the food is colombian.

Prices are a medium amount, with la impossible at 33.000 mill pesos. You can expect a reasonable amount for the price and mount of work the employees put in to make the food. I hope with all this information on this small restaurant, youll want to try all the amazing items on Innato’s menu!

It was a long journey, we finally arrived. Two big doors greeted us at the entrance, and as we entered the restaurant we smell the delicious food made in the charcoal stove, the bright colors glaze my eyes and the colorfulness of this place amazes me. We learned a lot about this place Restaurante Colombia, everyone was welcoming, and the service was amazing, when we were walking around we saw some people eating a ‘‘Picada/Fritanga,’’ which we thought looked delicious. In that dish there is pork rind, ‘‘chorizo, longaniza,’’ meat and chicken but the one thing that caught my eye was ‘‘envuelto de mazorca,’’ which is a corn dish from Colombia, I saw it and tried a piece and as it touched my mouth my taste sense was upgraded, it was a little sweet, but it was at a perfect point so it didn't fill you up with flavors. This was easily the best thing in the ‘‘picada.’’ The waiting time was no more than 10 minutes and everything was fresh, and the cuisine was on point. When we left, the two big doors that were greeting us one hour ago were now saying goodbye and comeback soon.

Restaurante Colombia, a place you’ll never forget.

Restaurante Colombia is a family restaurant with many different dish options to choose from. This restaurant is perfect if you want to try Colombian food. All the dishes are from El Altiplano Cundiboyacense. One of the dishes you should try is the ‘‘Fritanga/picada’’ All the ingredients are from Colombia, either grown meat in Colombia or crops people cultivate in the country. It has pork rind, ‘‘chorizo,’’ longaniza, meat and chicken. It also has a lot of creole potatoes, which are a delight to try in this dish. The restaurant also has a kids' menu since this is a family restaurant. One of the dishes is pechuga de pollo a la plancha. Though this dish is not originated in Colombia the restaurant has developed a technique to make it their way, making it a Colombian dish.

These are all the reasons why everyone who wants to try out authentic Colombian food should come to Restaurante Colombia.

Come to the restaurant Friday - Sunday and Holidays: 11:30 a.m. - 06:00 p.m. All prices listed on the website of Restaurante Colombia.

I entered “Restaurante Colombia” and I was greeted by 2 waiters, Diana and Juan. I felt so welcomed. I felt like I was in my own home. The restaurant was decorated and had vibrant colors of yellow, blue, and red which represent the flag of Colombia. I looked over the many options of Colombian traditional food, which were over 30, and the picada caught my eye. Service was incredible with the food arriving in less than 15 minutes. The first thing I ate was the “chicharron”. I dipped it in the bright green guac and put it in my mouth. Before I could even take a bite, the combination of perfectly cooked chicharon and guacamole soothed my sense of smell. I took a bite and the “chicharon” was outstanding, unmatched, and completely unforgettable. I ate a “chicharron” at another restaurant and said “This will be forever the best chicharron” but Restaurante Colombia, and their divine “chicharron”, have proven me wrong. Truly, an unforgettable experience. I highly recommend it!!!!

Restaurante Colombia, the place where Colombian culture is at its purest. Where the yellow, blue, and red meet. A menu with many traditional Colombian dishes, is sure to soothe your hunger! All the dishes are from El Altiplano Cundiboyacense. Restaurante Colombia is the perfect place to try some traditional Colombian food. A very good dish to try is the “fritanga” all of its ingredients are colombian and some of the food the fritanga is a mixture of “chicharrón” “Papa Criolla” “Costilla de cerdo” “Longaniza” “Envuelto de maiz” “chunchullo” and “Platano maduro” there is also a kids menu which has dishes like “pechuga a la plancha” or “carne a la plancha” Restaurante Colombia also has many drinking options like Lemonades, Natural juices and tea. What about desserts? Well once you are done with your delicious meal, there are a lot of typical Colombian desserts to choose from! For example “Mora de almibar” which is blackberry covered with blackberry syrup paste. Pure Colombian and delicious. Restaurante Colombia is the best restaurant to eat and have a good time with your family. Restaurante Colombia is open Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 11:30 AM to 6:00 PM. Located at Cajicá - Chía # 23 21, Chía, Cundinamarca. Have fun!

Do you know of one of the best restaurants in Bogotá?

“La Herencia” . Just from the outside, you can see how beautiful it is. The different shades of blue in the house are just soothing. The green bushes and pines outside make the place captivating to the family environment.

The food was incredible, I ordered a hot chocolate, and the waiting time was low, it was only 3 minutes and the smell of the drink was one of the best I have ever smelt. The hot chocolate was sooo good, although it was very hot but good. The second thing I ordered was an “arepa de huevo''. It was very good. I ordered it with a soft egg and meat. It was very good, the best part was when you cut it because it was too hot and the egg just came out. Also, the dough is very good. It was extremely crunchy, definitely one of the best” arepa de huevos " . Try it and you will fall in love.

Overall, the place was excellent. I think that the thing that I loved most about the place was the food, especially the “Arepa de huevo”. Everything was perfect. The egg, the meat, the dough, everything was flawless in my opinion. If you ask me, “La Herencia” is one of the best restaurants in town and not only for me, you can ask my father and sister and many other people and I am 110% sure they will agree with me. They also have the best “Santafereño” Hot Chocolate, the best one in my opinion.


Have you ever wanted a restaurant near Carrera 9 no.69A-26? Well guess what you are in luck, right in that address is the best restaurant in Bogotá

La Herencia. `



They have the best” Bandeja Paisa”. It's the best, it's cheap

Costs 47 thousand and can feed 3 people. For example, The “Arepa de Huevo” only 7 thousand pesos. The “Santafereño” Hot Chocolate costs 7,500 thousand pesos


The username stangea2023 mentioned “Me and my wife from Brooklyn NY. We were in a short holiday in Bogota. We were looking for a local Colombian restaurant. La Herencia was recommended. by the concierge. This restaurant is excellent, clean, delicious, great foods and best sangria. Manager Mr Mario took his time to chat with us about the best coffee in Colombia. And made us feel like his guest”

You may think because it is cheap it must be bad, If you think that let me tell you are very wrong the food there is delicious they have one of the best traditional foods in the country the “Bandeja paisa” the” Arepa de huevo” “Santafereño” Hot Chocolate and many more delicious plates to try from. That is what happiness looks like.

La Perseverance

plaza called la Preserveransia is located in downtown Bogotá, where you can find food and markets. The place consists of a long open space with a small kitchen lining the side and in the middle. The food is amazing, and there are many options to pick from. I recommend a place called “El Rancho de Lili,” a small restaurant serving Colombian dishes. The place is pretty full and busy, but if you come at the right time, it won't be as busy. One of the most traditional foods is the Ajiaco which I love. It is a soup withe ckiacin, corn and potatoes. The plaza smells from different places and spots of food to the sound of the cooks making food. When you are done eating, you can visit the market that is out, and you can buy yourself something or some groceries, this place is kinda dirty, but you can have a tune of fun. When I was visiting the place, most of the people were very nice, and some were welcoming. Just don't let them take advantage of you.

thing to thing to thing to know know know

1. The restaurant is called El Rancho de Lili, which is located inside the plaza

2. the plaza has been open since 1940

3. The menu includes “pork bone, beef steak, fish Widower, Tray paisa, napolitana breast, fish wine sauce, garlic or marine trout, shrimp and seafood rice, and coconut milk catfish”

4. The address of the plaza is 40, Cra. 5 #30 A. 3192751576 phone number for ordering

5. Opening hours, every day at 7 AM to 5 PM

As I entered the Miriam Camhi cafe, “I could smell the napoleons of arequipe coming right out of the oven, the delicious arepas with cheese, and the fresh coffee.” I felt the traditions flowing through the air and familiar smells. As I went up the stairs, I could see the photos of the prizes and diplomas she won.

The owner is a culinary legend who revolutionized the pastry industry. I saw a kitchen with a sign: “Bake the world into a better place.” I could feel the difference from the other pastries I had been to. However, this is where you can feel a sociable environment with freshly made deserts to make you feel optimistic; I could feel the Colombian flavors such as arequipe and other fruits in my mouth. It was a beautiful experience to live.

Miriam Camhi's family business began in the 80s. It is one of the most popular pastries in Bogotá. Miriam Camhi is a place that integrates day-to-day food with Colombian culture by making dishes like El Napoleon of arequipe, an extraordinary dish. The owner of this place is Jewish, and she has been incorporating her culture with Colombian food in recipes that started over 250 years ago. The owner disclosed a little about her culture and how she got to this point. Fun fact: they made desserts for other restaurants in Bogotá. They have different options you can enjoy. There are regular options with the normal amount of sugar, but you can also find vegan and gluten-free options; “it also incorporates less sugar into the products, giving you a safer and healthier approach”. “Remember, if you want to experiment in Bogotá, it is in Calle 77 and closes at 6:00 pm.”

My experience at “El Kiosko”

Staring at the window, I saw a place that looked like a little restaurant. When we arrived, I remembered my dad telling me, “We are here”. At that moment, the nerves spread to my body. I was really nervous if something went wrong in my interview. I got out of the car and entered the place called “El Kiosko” , where I found a beautiful surprise. “Empanadas”,” Buñuelos”, “Arepas”, “Postre Tres Leches”, “Natilla”, ”Colombian hit juices” , and many other Colombian typical foods, all in front of me. A large list of Colombian typical dishes and other special dishes all together in that one large red list. The place was full of people talking about the delicious food they were eating, this convinced my parents and me to order some “Pan de Quesos” and some “Buñuelos” . When we arrived at the cashier, they were two young, really kind men, and they treated us really well. Then, we only waited like 5 minutes, and they called out my dad’s name for him to get the food. When my dad arrived with the plate to the table, we each tried the food at the same time and got totally in love with that delicious sweet flavor of the food. After trying the food, we totally understood why the place was crowded. In conclusion, go to “El Kiosko” it's an incredible Colombian-typical-foods-restaurant that not many people know about. But for foreigners that come to Bogotá for the first time and have already gone to the most popular restaurants like “Crêpes & Waffles” or any other restaurant like that, I totally recommend them to visit “El Kiosko” . In “El Kiosko” , you don’t only try delicious Colombian typical foods, but you taste and feel in a place where Colombia’s cultural heritage is everywhere.

“El Kiosko” is a beautiful Colombian restaurant located Cra. 15a # 120 - 14, Bogotá. That not many people talk about, but its delicious food intends to continue with traditional food because they sell “Empanadas”, “Buñuelos”, “Arepa de Huevo”, “Mazorca”, “Changua”, “Caldo de costilla”, “Calentado”, and many other typical Colombian delicious dishes. The story of el Kiosko starts in a little Kiosko in front of Buitrago’s family house.

The founded in 1989 when Mrs. Buitrago brought the recipes from la calera to Bogotá and convinced herself to make the restaurant. Products include: “Arepa blanca” COP$3.500, “Arepa de huevo” COP$7.000, “Caldo de costilla” COP$16.000, “Changua” COP$13.500, “Ajiaco” COP$25.000, “Arroz especial” COP$28.000, “Pechuga a la plancha” COP$30.000, “Pandeyuca” COP$5.000, “Buñuelos” $1.000, “Arroz de leche” COP$9.500, “Merengue” COP$2.500, “San Jeronimo” COP$9.000.

To finalize, I want you to know about the amazing prices you could see, “El Kiosko” has compared to other restaurants. One example is “Muy buñuelo, muy relleno”, this business sells each “Buñuelo” with “Natilla” for COP$4.000, this means that for one “Buñuelo” they would cost COP$1.000 more than in “El Kiosko”. Always remember the best place that contains Colombia typical food with some of the best prices and with a wonderful history and atmosphere of this country is “El Kiosko”.

Las Margaritas — the best culinary experience you will ever have!!

Las Margaritas is a restaurant located in the suburb of ‘Chapinero’, in the street 62 No 7-77, in the city of Bogotá, Colombia.

It is especially famous for its ‘Empanadas’ , a one of a kind representation of a traditional Colombian dish.

Las Margaritas has been in the same location for 5 generations. It was founded in 1902, which means that it is 122 years old. The current owner is Julio Rios, who inherited the place from his parents.

The menu offers a wide variety of Bogotá foods, like ‘Ajiaco’ and ‘Empanadas’ . The ‘Empanadas’ in the restaurant are a great representation of traditional Colombian food. The restaurant structure used to have coal stoves to cook on, and the animals were kept in the house.

The restaurant opens during the entire week, including weekends and holidays. Great place to go to if you’re looking for a place to eat lunch or dinner.

Las Margaritas

Last Sunday, I went to a restaurant called ‘Las Margaritas’. As soon as I stepped in, the smell of ‘Empanadas’ filled me with joy. The place is famous for its ‘Empanadas’ because they are made with a special dough. The sounds in the kitchen could be heard from my table. The music coming from the speakers was pleasant, not too loud. When I got my ‘Empanadas’ , I could hear them sizzling, and it made my mouth water. As soon as I took a bite of it, the outside crunched, and it was as if I had stepped into a new world. I could taste the meat in the inside and the corn in the outside. I suddenly started to notice all the little details in the restaurant. The tapestry on the wall, the newspapers put up with frames, the chatter in the background. The flavor was the thing that impacted me the most: the outside tasted different from anything I had ever tasted before, and the meat inside had a perfect texture and flavor as well. The experience of tasting these ‘Empanadas’ for the first time was one of the best experiences I have ever had.

Magolita Las Ojonas

One rainy Monday morning, my family and I took off towards a restaurant that my father had once visited looking for an adventure. We walked into a restaurant that looked old but warm with a sign that read “ Magolita Las Ojonas” We walked into the small door and stood there amazed at the smells of the guiso cooking in the kitchen in the center of the restaurant. we admired the big entrance with pictures of colombian people, liquor and coffee, and a glass display filled to the brim with pastries and baked goods like “Hojaldres” and “Arepas”. While I was surveying the interior, my driver called over a waiter that sat us down and took our order. Even with the great amount of tables and chairs in the restaurant, there was only a small group of people apart from us. We sat down and waited, as we saw how they prepared our dish in the kitchen. After a while, we were served a big delicious plate full of “Sobrebarriga”, with a side of “yucca” and “papa criolla”. the plate was delicious, with a taste of salt, pepper, and the famed colombian “Guiso”. the meat was very tender, and it fell apart as I pushed my fork into it. We devoured it like a pack of dogs and paid for our meal, we got coffee and waited for the rain to go away, and as the storm settled, we left feeling full and satisfied.

Las Ojonas

The restaurant, Las Ojonas, located on Cra. 27a #24-12 is a family business passed down by generation, that serves mainly typical and traditional Colombian food from older times, around the 1950’s to now.

Started by Magola Torres in 1946, some of the items on their menu have been there since the year it was founded. Examples include, “tamales”, “cocido” and “mazamorra chiquita”. Before the creation of her business, Magola Torres toured her town in Boyaca, to collect traditional recipes from all around the county to bring all to one place and share, hence her restaurant.

Afterwards, she moved to Bogota and started the restaurant for her daughter, Margot Torres. Since Las Ojonas works to represent antique Bogotá, they have a very simple and antique style. With many old artifacts from the 1900’s like payphones, antique cash registers, and black and white paintings, you can see how important heritage really is to them.

After the passing of Magola, the restaurant was passed down to Margot, who is now the current owner.

The story behind the name “Las Ojonas” has a meaning of family behind it. When Magola founded the restaurant, she did so with her sisters who had big eyes that ran through the family. So when people were going to go eat at Las Ojonas, they would say “That place with the ladies with big eyes.”

The explicit heritage of the restaurant along with good food and a modern feel as well, certainly makes Las Ojonas a hidden gem.

Las Ojonas

Have you ever tried pig feet? Pig feet are in fact one of the most vintage meals on the “Las Ojonas” menu.

“Las Ojonas” is a family business that I went to, a couple weeks after 2024. Immediately as I walked in, I sensed that this occupation oozed “heritage.” Surprisingly, you would have been able to hear crickets chirp if they weren’t playing traditional Colombian music “Cumbia” .

Despite the lack of people, the servers and employees welcomed us like we were family. From the kitchen I could smell antique delicacies like tamales for example. You could see the antiquity of the restaurant with certain artifacts they have around their space. There are old payphones from the 1900’s that left my mother very surprised. One of the most antique looking artifacts was their very old cash register around the back of the building. When our colorful meals arrived, there were some that I had never even heard of before like the “Envuelto” , or el hueso de marrano. My mother loved her old style “Ajiaco” . The “Bagre Frito” that I had was chewy yet flavorful, like it was prepared very carefully without being too fishy. Afterwards, they treated us to ice cream that I later found out they don’t normally serve.

It's amazing how old style Colombian culture is, in terms of the food and the atmosphere. Las Ojonas was a very pleasant experience not just because of their menu, but because of their friendly environment as well.


DiscoverthelovedtraditionalCundiboyacensefamily foodinRestauranteDoñaElvira!

Foodorigin:ThefoodisCundiboyacense,fromaregion locatedintheEasternCordilleraoftheColombianAndres.

Service:“Themostimportantthingintherestaurantisto hearthecommentsofsatisfactionfromourcustomers whentheyleaveforlunch,averygoodindicatorofthe warmthandpassionwithwhichwework.”(Frominterview onFeb.12,2024,EmmaCarvajal(Administrator), translated)

Longhistory:Therestaurantwasfoundedin1934,andthe owneristhethirdgenerationofthefamilyrightnow. Lovedfoodfrommanygenerations:Therestaurant maintaineditstraditionalandauthenticstylefromthe beginning,highlightingandexaltingCundiboyacensefood.




MymomandIvisitedarestaurantcalled“DoñaElvira”onFebruary11thto discoverthetraditionalCundiboyacensefamilyfood,fromaregioninColombia.

Wetalkedwithoneofthefriendlywaitersaboutthepopulardishesbefore enteringtherestaurant. Thenweenteredthecomfortableatmosphereoftherestaurant,scentedwiththe richaromaofgarlicandchorizo,whichwaftedinfromthekitchen.Inside,theyhad manysmallsectionswithdifferentthemes,thenanotherwaiterguidedustoa littletablewithbeautifulnaturepaintingsonthewall.Itjustfeltlikewewerein natureandthewarmcolorofthelightmadethespacefeelmorecomfortable.As weseated,thewaiterhandedusthemenulistedwithmanytraditionalColombian dishes.Weorderedthedishesherecommended,“TortadeMenudo”and“Callos

DoñaElvira” .

Thefoodwasservedquicklyinaround5minutes,andTortadeMenudowas servedwithfriedyuca,andCallosDoñaElvirawithriceandslicedavocados,and wecouldn’twaittoeat.Thecombinationofthecolddrinkandthewarmdishwas perfect.

Thisisanoldtraditionalfamilyrestaurantthatisthethirdgenerationrightnow, thoughthemajormenuhasnotbeenchangedfromthebeginning:thatshouldbe oneofthereasonswhytherestaurantisbeinglovedbyallthegenerations.

Photo by Mariana Aparicio and Lorenza De Valenzuela Photo by Maria and Sofia



Café San Alberto

Café San Alberto has many shops in Colombia and in Bogotá too. In Bogotá there is one in Usaquen, one in el centro, and one in el Museo de Oro.

What makes Café San Alberto standout?

Café San Alberto guarantees a quality and true Colombian coffee. When tourists come to Colombia, one of the first things they want to do is to try the most traditional and awarded coffee . When people look for the exclusive Colombian coffee they look for one that is based off of one coffee farm rather than a whole region or country.

Daniel Yaipen


Apart from coffee Cafe San Alberto also has bakery in their shops so you can eat accompanied by the coffee. There are also coffee products like a lip balm, soap, candles and chocolate. There is also coffee bags and a type of coffee with sparkling water.

https://www.instagram.com/cafe san alberto/

Café San Alberto

Buenavista, Quindío

Café San Alberto is based off of just one coffee farm. In the coffee industry, everyone is trying to limit themselves to just one coffee farm.

Hidden treasure

Although it is an awarded coffee, Café San Alberto is a hidden treasure because it has one of the best coffee in Colombia and many people don't know it. Many tourists want to know what the best coffee in Colombia is, and they look for the best they go to Café San Alberto other than Juan Valdez that is really popular instead tourists look for the best.



t A d d coffee in Colombia


When you walk in Café San Alberto you instantly smell the coffee, you see the coffee farm theme with plants all around and coffee machines that are making noises that make you want to try the coffee. The coffee is prepared a different way than the one you see every day.

Once you enter Café San Alberto, you feel like you were teleported to the Eje cafetero, the smell of coffee, the coffee machines, the plants all around the café, the story behind everything, the awards. The cafe felt modern and traditional.

Juan Pablo and his brother are the owners of Café San Alberto. The original owners were the grandparents that did a coffee farm to remember their son that died in a plane crash. They did the coffee farm right where the son died. Their idea to enter the coffee industry was to make a good and quality coffee. Through the 2000s, they were struggling until they got an award of one of the best coffees in the world.

Family Story


Lohas Beans is a specialty coffee exporting company, competition coffees that are presented with baristas all over the world. The best competition coffees come from Huila. The place is a house that was transformed into the office. You can get there by car, bus, motorcycle, walking, or any other source of transportation that is elegible for you.

This location is mostly a office, to buy the coffee you need to go to the online coffee shop to get their coffees and some of the elements they use to make the coffee at home. In some occasions they have done some small fairs to buy and try their coffee in person at the office.

(57) 315 682 3248

Lohas Beans "Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability"
B. Corp-Since2014
Juan Pablo Campos Founder & General Manager
Cra. 7a #69-99, Bogotá Contact Information
info@lohasbeans.com HCS Regionals
Camila Morera Supply Manager
Completition Lots
Scan this to check out the online coffee shop!
Scan this to dig deeper in the bussiness info! Carolina Campos Chiaradia

Interview Video



When you enter you can smell the coffees aromas which give you a comforting and safe feeling. The whole place smells of different coffees that went through different processes. We tried “Un placer diario” which is from Tolima. When we tasted, the coffee white chocolate stood out, and it was one of the main flavors that we could perceive. Each coffee has its own scent that makes you feel different. One of their other coffees, which is TABI has more of a bitter taste, unlike “Un placer diario.” During the interview, Juan Pablo taught me that every business has its values, purposes, and dreams. Camila and Vanessa knew what they were doing and had good experience. Everybody was very polite and welcoming. They were extremely devoted to helping us and taking time away from their work to let us interview them. The house has a red door that is very eye catching, on the inside every person has their own work space. The office is very organized, which makes it very clear how the business is very put together and how they have systems for their daily work. The laboratory which is where they make their coffees and have their cuppings is a professional area where the machines are visible to show the process. This gives a transparent image to the company and how they really make their coffee, which is natural without any preservatives. This coffee is from Colombian roots and ground, Colombia is extremely well known for its exquisite coffee and Lohas Beans proves that this statement is true. Overall, this is an amazing company that not only has very tasty and delicious coffees, but it is very well organized, and it is most definitely worth the trip to Colombia to get to know this company and possibly get to visit one of their fairs.

Pictures taken from online shop
Un placer diario - Tolima Un Momento Intenso - Tabi
Carolina Campos Chiaradia

Cafe Tropico Tequendama Valentina Aparicio

Order the coffee through the business Instagram page, or by his number +57 311 5974917

Step 1

Kernels get picked from the 9 thousand plants

Step 2

The seed gets removed and left to ferment from 18-22 hours

Step 3

The coffee is cleansed through water 3-4 times to create “cafe suave ”

Step 4

Coffee is taken to dry in the sun 15–20 days when it is stirred with a spoon

Step 5

You take the coffee to get toasted at medium heat, and then packed into about 300 bags

Process of creating coffee

“I work with Mr. Israel, 62 years old, and he is the driving force and heart of the project. He is the expert.”
-Julian De Narvaez


Making coffee is an art. Julian and Don Israel Veltran are masters at it. The moment you open a freshly made bag of coffee, the scent that wafts off and hits your nose is just pure heaven. Being able to smell that and knowing that in a few seconds you are going to be drinking it is one of the most satisfying feelings one could have early in the morning. With family over some breakfast, with sweets and friends after dinner, and for a boost of energy, this coffee fulfills all of that and more. Either grounded or in grains, this coffee is one of the greatest in the region, with precise attention to detail and the achievement of perfection.

A long time ago, a terrible disease hit the earth. This sickness didn't affect humans, it affected something even more important: coffee. The disease was called “broca” and “rolla” and impacted the coffee industry. This lowered the coffee prices incredibly until, finally, Julian's grandparents had to abandon the coffee business and their coffee plantation. A few centuries later, COVID-19 impacted everyone, including, in this case, a graphic design teacher. Julian decided it was time to go back to the old coffee plantation and revive what his grandparents had started long ago, reencountering the Colombian culture and restoring his ancestors pride.

Don't you find something pleasing about the logo? Julian (the owner and creator of this coffee) used to be a graphic design teacher. The bird is a native species and used to create nests on the roof where the coffee was drying, becoming the symbol of the project. This bird was drawn digitally and went through many processes and ideas before becoming what it is today. This is the symbol of more than a business. It's a symbol of passion and hard work, things which without, the project wouldn't have developed as wwell and ended being what it is today.

Valentina Aparicio


“Lifestyle of health and sustainability”


Since 2014


Lohas Beans is a specialty coffee exporting brand, that works with exporters to show their unique touch of Colombian coffee to the whole world. They don't have any set locations, except in Japan with a partnered coffee shop.



Entering the laboratory, we could smell the rich aromas of the best coffee beans in the country. We tried the “Un placer Dario de Tolima” coffee. Standing by the side of the professionals, their knowledge was outstanding and visible. The coffee we tried was prepared with love and by people who love their job. The coffee looked, soft with a great taste, with exact flavor points noticing the time and effort they put into the making. While interviewing Juan Pablo, as we kept asking questions, I realized that exporting coffee beans and coffee products is difficult. While Lohas Beans location is not a store, at times they run events that are open to the public, and you also can recognize this amazing place by looking at their online coffee shop. I 100% recommend checking out their website and their contact information.

Photos of coffee bags taken from online shop Camila Arango









MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY: 9:00 A.M., 11:00 A.M., 1:00 P.M. AND 3:00 P.M. ENGLISH: 11:00 A.M.




How can a few beans and a simple drink tell so much about a country’s cultural heritage over hundreds of years? This is what makes Divino Café Especial a one of a kind hidden treasure full of history and perseverance of our identities as Colombians. DV Café’s owner, Leandro Galindo is part of a three generations coffee producers which left us in good hands. Since the second we entered the cozy house full of delightful aromas, we could experience a sense of belonging and joy as we studied the different types of coffee and the techniques and utensils thoroughly.

Asking thoughtful questions to Daniel, the “barista” (coffee expert and taster), who we had the pleasure to meet, we learned about the process involved in their coffee. The life of the coffee begins in the Huila department then they travel for consumption to the shop, as well as to other countries where Colombian coffee is greatly appreciated. The taste of delicious coffee filled my mouth and surprised me in a very positive way that filled my heart with joy.

Not only the coffee was special, but the employees where friendly and the atmosphere was extraordinary. What’s more, it is such a special place that the large majority of customers are foreigners. Even though it is located at Bogota’s downtown, access in and out was easy and we felt safe.

In conclusion, I highly recommend visiting Divino Café Especial, a unique, small and customer-focused business. Definitely a place that is always worth visiting.




Live the amazing experience of the best quality coffee in Bogotá, learn about coffee making, and enjoy delightful desserts. All of this and more in Divino Café Especial!

Having organized coffee experiences that you will not forget. Available at any hour in either spanish or english.

And please, don't leave without the sweat taste of our desserts, you will not regret it!

in Carrera 2 #12d24, bringing the best coffee from all over Colombia right into your palate. For more information, please don't doubt of calling us, at +573173810597

M a d e b y : M a t e o P é n d o l a B l o t t e

Divino Café E


Divino café especial is an amazing café, sharing a clean 5-star review on TripAdvisor, this place has lots to offer. This place, categorizes for its incredible quality in coffee and its ancestral ways of making it, will leave you with a great impression. Colombia is a country mostly known for its super quality on coffee and their cultural heritage, that has been passing thought generations upon your palate, Divino cafe especial will make you feel all the effort and knowledge of Colombians and coffeee. It’s located at:

Carrera 2 #120-24,

This place has an excellent quality in their personal, having mostly masters and people who know about coffee. Making the experience, an exceptional one, which will make you masters at coffee, and, what a better place for learning about coffee than Colombia? Well, Divino café especial offers you the best experience. Talking more about the tour, the experience is a 10/10. Firstly, they will give you to try super quality coffees and they will blow your mind. The aromas deliberated by the just-brewed coffee are wonderful. On the tour, they will give you to try 6 different coffees brewed in many ancestral ways. They will teach you the process and the history of the coffee you are drinking. The flavor and residual flavor that your mouth will experience will make you return or buy a bag of coffee. Also, their personnel are amazing and knowledgeable people. We were attended by Daniel, an expert in coffee making, from the seed to the cup. And believe me when I tell you, that he will ensure you become a master. And you can’t leave without trying their pastry shop. If you think the coffee is good, their desserts will astonish you. I would personally recommend you their vanilla, caramel sauce cake. Its sweetness and aroma will impress you. So, what are you waiting for? So please, give yourself a treat, and try the Divino Café experience now!

For more info about our experience


view this QR
by: Mateo Péndola Blotte

Luma coffee is a coffee brand that produces a special coffee it sells locally, and the prices are the ones shown in the picture below

23,50 mill for 250 grams of ground coffee 35,800 mill for 500 grams of ground coffee and 39,800 mill pesos for 500 grams of the coffee grain deliveries are 8,000 mill but for orders with a value of 1000.00 pesos deliveries are free

Coffee are considered special for 2 reasons, a certification of origin which Luma has because of the coffee's place of origin but most importantly they have a cup profile where a barista rates the brands cup of coffee and gives it a rating in multiple aspects and gives them an overall score and if your coffee archives a score higher than 80 it is considered special. Luma has overall score of 84.75 so it is a special coffee and it has notes of sweetness fruit and nuts.

https://www.instagram.com/luma_cafedeorigen? igsh=MTFydjh6M29nMXJhaA== link to the company´s Instagram page ( you can order your coffee through here ) The farm where they produce coffee is called la rinconada, and it is located in la mesa in Cundinamarca luma´s cup profile Luma´s phone number: 3212875771 (you can also order your coffee through here) by matias z

Questions I asked Carlos: how is your brand called Where did the idea to start your buissnes sprout from? why did you choose to plant coffee and not something else?

What are the prices of your coffee? How does the coffee production process work?

Carlos Is Luma´s founder and owner

Luma´s packaging and coffee plants

(all images taken from Luma´s instagram)

When I talked to Carlos he gave me a lot of information he seemed super knowledgeable in this area, and he answered all of my questions with great detail. He even sent me a sample of the coffee and I tasted it, and it was absolutely amazing it was extremely tasty, and it had lots of different flavor notes it felt sweet fruity and citric. He also helped me with the pictures and even took the time to explain the coffee producing process to me. Through this buissnes Carlos wants to share the amazing Colombian culture and the wonderful taste of this county's coffee

matias z

+57 322 5112476

Zona G Calle 85

Calle 70A # 5 - 37

Libertario is a coffee roasting and farming enterprise, that focuses on selling specialty Colombian coffee. Specialty coffee is coffee that is tracked its whole life, and has its own unique taste. Their coffee beans come from farms in the Colombian departments, Quindío, Tolíma, and Huila.

Libertario was born in 2015 when a group of coffee lovers decided to open a coffee farm called La Palma y el Tucán.

Carrera 13 # 85 - 13

Zona G coffee shop images

Calle 122

Calle 122 # 17A - 56

Competition Coffee Grounds Coffee Ground Trilogy Espresso Latte Espresso Iced Latte Sofía Arce Restrepo
Most sold products:

+57 322 5112476

Libertario perfectly embodies the warm and welcoming characteristics you would expect. The coffee shops are small, yet they open their arms to the hundreds of possibilities available to prepare their flavorful coffee options. The smells enveloped us as we walked into the modern environment, and while we walked in, a certain wave was felt, and I instantly felt the small business charm. Manuel, the expert that guided us through the experience, agreed to answer some questions we had for him, and we sat down to chat. We talked about Libertario’s values and what they represent, as well as some important facts, such as where they source their ingredients from. We were then showed what a daily routine in Libertario usually looks like. They start by opening the shop and preparing all the machines for a long day of work, and then they start toasting and grinding the beans they use perfectly.

We ordered the Espresso Latte, their most sold product, and the taste made us feel heavenly. To say it easily, Libertario’s vibe is impeccable, and very profesional, their coffee is delicious as their beans are toasted to perfection, to enhance the flavor profiles, and the people are very kind. I hope very much to visit Libertario again, and purchase their competition ground coffee, which they won best barista of the year a few years ago, to continue representing Colombian coffee culture.

Sofía Arce Restrepo

Iced rose Chai

Limón-mandarino lemonade

Açai bowl

Hot chocolate


Fresh pasta

Trout bowl

Tropicalia Movement

Phone number: 322 680 2553 Email: ventas@tropicaliacoffee.com

The Tropicalia movement is an innovative solution to help local Colombian coffee farmers. Colombian coffee beans are picked one by one, making the coffee delicious. Tropicalia found a way to sell the coffee for what it was worth, making sure the farmer’s effort was recognized. Cl. 81a #8-23, Bogotá

Monday: 7:00 AM- 9:00 PM Tuesday-Friday: 7:00 AM8:00 PM Saturday: 8:00 AM-8:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM-7:00PM Contact information

Opening and Closing Hours

Elena Sanchez

When we walked into Tropicalia Café, the soft cream color on the walls and the soft caramel and coffee smell created a welcoming feeling. Immediately I saw that it is a great place for remote working, with a whole section dedicated to online working. The layout was incredibly organized with a minimalistic modern feeling. The staff led us through a taircase up to a charming room with a few offices. The owners, José and Paola, p to come out and greeted us with a heart-warming smile. We started the interv earning about the owner's story. They started as college students finding a way t business and after going through multiple options they came up with coffee. The traveled across Colombia, visiting coffee farms and learning more about Colom culture. When they came back, they decided to mix the complexity of foreign culture and Colombian culture to create their invention. This way we were able complex coffees like bourbon, macchiato, cappuccino, and late with the delicious hand-picked Colombian coffee beans.

After the interview, we decided to try some of the food. We took some recommen the owners gave to us, the brownie, oatmeal, açai bowl, and lemonade. We ended off with some beautiful mugs, gifted to us by the owners. I would recommend Tr not only for the amazing food and coffee, but also because the owners had toward Colombian culture, which later tur customers.

María Cardenas

Privilegio, is a coffee dedicated to Wilmer Calderon, a coffee picker. who has a farm with his family in Guacallo.

Tropico, which is a coffee dedicated towards young coffee pickers un farms, who don’t get much recognition.

Esencia, which means essence in spanish, is a coffee dedicated towards women who pick coffee in Colombia. When we asked th owners why this cause, they answered “When you think of someone with a coffee farm, I’m sure you think of a man. What people don’t see is how many women work in these farms, maybe even more than men!”.

tropicaliacoffee.com dishes�� location�� instagram
avocado toast, BTL toast variety of dishes + tea + coffee
81 a # 8-23, Bogotá, Colombia
, link , video ��
three coffee types, each with purpose☕ Florencia Mendoza

Tropicalia: The Message

Tropicalia offers a message that tries to help and raise awareness for Colombian Coffee roasting, all over to world, big machines are used to cultivate coffee, here in Colombia, it is quite opposite. Due to Colombia's mountainlike coffee terrain, no machines can be used, so. it is all picked by hand. This means that there is less pay for way more work. What Tropicalia offers is hand-picked coffee from Colombia's most unknown coffee farms, and instead of the coffee being shipped to America and roasted there, which then gives less pay to the farm owners, Tropicalia roasts their coffee right there in their quaint coffee shop, and sells it and ships it there to all over the world.

Florencia Mendoza

My Experience

As we walked pass the open doors o Tropiclia, we instantly felt welcomed, our noses flooding with a warm embrace of coffee, caramel and vanilla. As I looked at the people sitting at different work spots with their computers, I infered it was a good place to relax work, as all the plants and couches offered a relaxing feeling that would help one concentrate on assignments. The polite staff lead us up a spiral staircase that led us to a room filled with couches surrounded by coffee bags. The owners where waiting for us there, where they greeted us and jumped right into the interview. They told us that they had just gotten out of college, wondering which business to start, then they decided on coffee. Due to this choice, they traveled Colombia and learnt the most about its coffee based origin, after doing so much research they decided which coffees to sell in their restaurant and founded Tropicalia after the pandemic. After the interview, based on the owners recommendations, we feasted on all sorts of foods and rinks. After leaving Tropicalia, I had a different sense of pride for the coffee in this country, and knew I would be coming back.

In the end, Tropicalia does so much to support their Colombian origin. This starts from enforcing Colombian coffee picking, and in the way, giving Colombian coffee picking more respect and more value. The three coffee types help people who are underestimated in coffee picking, and they gave them, much more power, value, and make their coffee more famous. Tropicalia shows tons of Colombian culture by all their aspects, and the owners inspiration to is very incredible, in the end, people should con to this coffee shop in Bogotá in this city of gentrification and multiculturalism, to escape to a real Colombian-inspired setting, and also, it is delicious.

When visiting Café Libertario it is key to try their famous ‘competition coffee’

With the fragrance and aroma of wild blackberries and flavors of raspberries, white chocolate, and red tea. Residual jasmine, malic acidity, and silky medium body, it has won various competitions, hence the name.


Their mission: Educate people on specialty coffee, people can learn about what they are consuming, where it comes from, and who cultivated it, instead of just drinking the coffee for the sake of it.

3% of their sales are allocated to the transformation of coffee crops towards regenerative agriculture that restores biodiversity, soil health and the resilience of farming families.

hand-picked’ -Manuel +57 322 511 2476 @libertariocoffee
grain is
María Cárdenas

Libertario has everything you would expect in a coffee shop, yet there is something to it, something you can’t quite that completely differentiates it from the others. Just like their coffee, which might seem just a traditional one, b reality, embracing the Colombian culture and takes it to another level.

I walk through the street and approach Libertario, one glance and I can already feel its charm getting to me. The w terrace is enveloped in LED lights which give off a warm light. The entire place has a feeling of serenity. There is m flowing in from hidden speakers, and small round tables where people sit sipping their coffees and engaged in smal or studying and working, and the waiters quietly bustle through with coffees and pastries. I take a sit as the swee bitter aroma of coffee wafts over me. Manuel, the manager, joins us quickly and talks us through the process of m their coffee. How every individual grain is hand-picked, and which regions it comes from, which consists of Huila, T and Quindio. Then the coffee is shipped to their locations and goes through a process of preparing for it to be up Libertario’s standards He also talks about Libertario’s principles and the message they wish to communicate, whic mselves about what they are drinking, to know where it comes from, who cultivated it, etc. He daily routine, which involves arriving at the café before sunrise to be able to grind and toas the oncoming day. Towards the end of the interview, I was able to fully appreciate how muc ffort is put into the shop each day so that we can enjoy a truly well-made coffee.

I then order their best-selling coffee, which is none other than Cappuccino,

As I sit back and relax while waiting for the coffee, I watch the baristas preparing them. They draw intricate designs like hearts and flowers that swirl on the coffee with the milk. They pour a variety of different liquids into cups with a variety of shapes, and I see as it is filtered, and the final result is a perfect, scalding hot cup of coffee with a delicious fragrance that spreads through the room.

In less than 10 minutes, a cup is placed in front of me.

One sip of the Cappuccino, and it is like being transported to another world, it has rich espresso, velvety steamed milk, and creamy foam. The espresso, brewed to perfection, offers a bold flavor complemented by the sweetness of the milk.

Topped with frothy foam, it's both visually appealing and indulgent. With each sip, I experience a harmony of flavors and textures.

All in all, it was an incredible experience, and I completely recommend this extraordinary place. With its inviting atmosphere and calm ambiance, it is the perfect place to concentrate on work and studies or to just relax, whilst having an extremely high-quality coffee with a lot of variety. To add to this, the customer service was friendly and attentive, always taking care of my needs. I hope to be able to visit it again and repeat this experience.

María Cárdenas


Last week I went to paradise, “Magnifique” is awesome. I went to this Restaurant with my friend, and we enjoyed a delicious “Waffle with Colombian Banana from Choco, with Nutella” with a juicy orange juice. This delicious food had a magnifique flavor just as its name. We were so excited because “Magnifique” had some comfortable sofas that were beautifully decorated. The vitrine of breads and cakes were as if you were looking a sunset in Madrid. The smell of the cakes and of the chocolate were sweet. The polite and kindness Colombian attitude and service of “Magnifique” cafeteria were amazing, the delicious food arrived as fast as a ray. “Magnifique” bathrooms smelled nice, and they were pretty. The slow and good jazz music was incredible, people started singing and eating with a smile on their face while enjoying their food. In “Magnifique” Bar, there were beautiful decoration with Colombian artworks and some stylish lamps. “Magnifique” restaurant is from France and since it is from there, their menu includes all the traditional French food. In my opinion, the baguette bread is the thing that they sell the most because they use a recipe from ancient France. If you smell that bread instantly, you will eat it. It was crunchy and so tasty. When you go to “Magnifique” it's like living in Paris, the city with the best world food. Enjoy this piece of France treasure in Colombia “Magnifique” a wonderful place to go.


“Magnifique” is an amazing French restaurant in Bogotá. It is a place to go with your friends to spend time and enjoy some delicious French food. They offer delicious waffles, breads, cakes, and desserts. It has different locals, but the main one is near (Parque El Nogal) located in Calle 81 #9–95.

Magnifique’s percentages of people spending time in the restaurant is about 1.5 an hour, with is a high percentage. “Magnifique” opening hour are from 7am to 8 pm so you can enjoy it all the day.

“Magnifique” chefs prepare the best French food of Colombia.

“Magnifique” offers a splendid variety of traditional dishes, including fresh, natural and premium quality Colombian ingredients, that make each recipe even better. These are some recommended featured Colombian ingredient plates: Bowl de fruta fresca featuring freshly selected seasonal Colombian fruits, Bowl de Açaí featuring Amazonic Açaí, Banana from el Chocó and Blueberries from Guasca. Avocado and Egg toast, featuring fresh seasonal Colombian avocados. Waffle “Magnifique”, with freshly selected Colombian fruits. And finally, an adaptation of Boeuf Bourguignon, including Colombian beef, vegetables, and mushrooms. Visit “Magnifique” soon!

On a Thursday afternoon, a friend and I went on a visit to a coffee business that is not widely known, yet utilized by many big companies and markets. Known as "Olam". It is not a shop, but a building called Citibank. Stepping inside the place, my surroundings were full of different people going in and out of the building or just doing their job. Both of us made our way to the elevator's, going to the 8th floor. That place was packed with people working, sections to store the coffee that they produce. The sound was silence as no one spoke, only people working in their own offices.

In the tour given by the vice president, the walls were filled with portraits, it was a well detailed picture of the map of Colombia showing exactly where the coffee specifically comes from. There were rooms storing the coffee that they produce. The strong smell of coffee beans filled the atmosphere, many types of coffee beans from the main regions of: Antioquia, Nariño, Huila, Cauca, Manizales, Armenia. Each coffee had its own type of smell, taste, touch. The coffee beans had their own way making the actual coffee. More famous companies being involved with their business, demonstrating how they can process/export the coffee to even get other shops to use their product.

Company of Olam is located in the building of Citibank.

Olam Agro Colombiano S.A.S Carrera 9A No 90-02, Oficina 807 I Bogotá I Colombia | 110221.

Opening time: 8am, closing time: 5-6pm.

A business of producing Colombian coffee and exporting to their clients with the help of professional farmers in different regions from the country: Antioquia, Nariño, Cauca, Manizales, Armenia, Huila, main coffee areas.

Big business/markets using their product: Starbucks, Tostao, Dunkin’ Donuts, Oma, Lavazza etc.

Each person working there has their own job, and each of them will explain what they do to provide for the business.

Vice president in charge of getting the coffee beans transported to the office of Olam. Helps make the trips to different territories in the country to work and discuss with the farmers, and will help with introducing the place.

The farmers helping are around older than 50 years old, but have more experience than anyone for extracting the coffee. The company makes sure to give credits to them.

Two really conservative cultures that were merged into one place in the middle of Bogotá. “Pacifico Bonsai” is the place that goes against the cultural stated standards and creates an experience. It gives everyone a chance to understand what is done in Colombian coffee farms as well as other native singers showing their skills. As I entered “Pacifico Bonsai” the smell of fresh coffee and happiness instantly surprised me with the magic and tasteful smell. I could see the staff spreading their love to us. Not only that, but I was flabbergasted, I felt like I was in the “Encanto” house. I could see all the Colombian culture including the coffee, trees, and I could also see some startup singers performing with their voices that were a treat for my ears. After entering, I was located at a small but beautiful table and got the menu. It was wonderful. It had delightful dishes that just with thinking about them my mouth would start to water. I got one “Americano” that now it is something that it turned into my daily treat. It had a taste that was just different; it would warm my hands and heart. Since the first sip,something inside of me snapped. “I knew this was love at first sip”. After tasting it for a few seconds, I got mesmerized with the most tasty coffee. It would bring me back to when I was young and tried coffee for the first time with my grandma. It was the same sensation, the sensation of finding out about liquid and drinkable gold. It was the exact same feeling.

Pacifico Bonsai

The hidden treasure

Pacifico Bonsai

“Pacifico Bonsai” is a coffee and bonsai shop that merges two cultures into one place. The store is located at Calle. 115 #48-35. It is a store managed and owned by a young person called Daniel. This store was created because of his passion for coffee and bonsai. It was opened during a pandemic, so at first it was even less known, but after it has been gaining popularity among the community.

“Pacifico Bonsai” has the mission to be able to connect Colombia with Japan with its incredible coffee and plants. The coffee is directly bought from the farmers, who make it to ensure that it is good quality and to be available to ensure that the people that work hard on the farms will be granted a fair price for their product. The same happens with the trees. They are 1 to 1 with the people that plant the trees. They also encourage startup artists to go and sing at their restaurant. Sometimes they create a setup where people can come in and show their skills, sometimes they sing vallenato, other times salsa, champeta, and cumbia. They really like singing this type of music because it represents our culture. The coffee is also from ancient farms that have been conserving their way of making coffee since a long time ago.

This place is perfect for entertaining you during a boring afternoon.

They give classes about Colombian plants and trees.

Classes about how to handle trees and bonsai

Classes but also Colombian coffee types

Classes of tasting

Yoga, painting and others

Tropicalia coffee is located on Cl. 81a #823, Bogotá It has only been open for two years.

Tropicalia Coffee buys from three different coffee farms: Antioquia, Huila, and Santander. The prices are good for the quality of the products ($$)

The shareholder of Tropicalia Coffee owns a farm called Caravela; they are green coffee producers

Tropicalia Coffee makes its bags out of “empaques de fique”

Tropicalia Coffee is open from 7 am-8 pm

Did you know that big companies like Juan Valdez coffee are not the best way to try local Colombian coffee? Big companies usually export their best coffee beans and sell the worse coffee beans here, in Colombia. The best way to try Colombian coffee is through small businesses like “Tropicalia Coffee”. As I sat down I saw the pastry counter on my right. The smell of freshly baked pastries made me wanna pop one in my mouth. At the end of the counter you can see the big, white, shiny coffee machine. When fresh coffee beans are blended, the rich coffee smell spreads throughout the restaurant like a burning fire. When I tried the coffee, I described the rich, creamy texture, as well as the light almond flavor, and how it makes you feel right at home, in front of the fire, with the ones you love most. When I sat down I noticed the warm color palette. The oranges and browns take you right to the tropics. And when I got my food it looked so delightful, it was Instagram worthy. The “Croissant de almendra'' was the best croissant I have ever tasted, it was like a beautiful and delicious almond explosion. The flaky texture on the outside complemented the warm and chewy inside. I felt instantly delighted. Decorated with colorful flowers, strawberries, blueberries, and grilled peaches, the “bowl de yogur griego'' was mouth watering. It was like a flavorful fruity explosion in my mouth. In conclusion, tropicalia coffee is the best local coffee shop I have ever been to.

Arbol del Cacao

A place called “Arbol del Cacao” is the new best place for chocolate/coffee in Colombia. This shop started in 2017, their mission is to change the stereotype of farmers that used to grow illegal substances in Colombia. Their farms are located in Santander, Colombia.

Though these farms aren't theirs but their workers' farms. They sell chocolate, coffee, pollen, honey, and chocolate energy bars without sugar and machinery, their machinery has to be bought online, and their machinery is the most sold product in their business. Their bars of chocolate have from 37% cacao to 81% cacao.

The more cacao the chocolate bars have the healthier they are. There is this type of bonbon that caught my attention, it was called “Around the World” because it has bonbon flavors from different countries of the world. They have coffee from Colombia and coffee from the United States. They also sell teddy bears and stuffed animals but they don't make the stuffed animals, a provider sends them. The owner says that “The two best products in her opinion are the snack bars, which are healthy energy bars, and the bonbons”. Go to Arbol del Cacao now on Avenida Chile's second floor.

Avenida Chile 8 am - 9 pm on weekdays and weekends from 8 am - 9 pm

Arbol del Cacao

I was going to Avenida Chile’s Mall with my nanny, it was close to my house so it only took like 10 to 15 minutes to get there. When I got there I learned they sold more things apart from chocolate like pollen, honey, machinery, coffee, and stuffed animals, but the stuffed animals weren't created by their company but provided by another company. Later on, I interviewed the owner of the company, her name is Veronica Linares, she started this company with her husband in 2017. When I was in Arbol del Cacao I bought one of the chocolates that was 37% cacao.

To be honest, as soon as I opened the package I was impressed by the designs on the chocolate, the designs were like coffee beans, I got a happy feeling because coffee beans are really important in Colombia, because in Colombia coffee beans are part of Colombian culture, one of the things that Colombia is known for and makes is coffee. When I tried it I felt a sour but also sugary flavor, as I took my first bite and it was one of the best chocolates in the world, the chocolate melted in my mouth a couple of seconds after the first bite. It tasted sour at first, but then I started imagining myself in Santander, a nice cool chocolate on a hot summer day. Then the flavor started fading and changing to a sugary flavor. I was so happy to have bought and chosen Arbol del Cacao because it reminded me of the time I was in Santander. This year in CWW we went to Santander, there was a lot of coffee, and the designs of the chocolate bar also reminded me of Santander, the designs looked similar to some farms I saw in Santander.



Step into a corner of Paris in Bogotá with Magnifique, a charming and elegant restaurant in the vivid and cheerful Colombian capital. As you enter, you smell the culinary delights, fresh pastries, desserts, soft French music, and the elegant environment which transports you directly to the elegant streets of Paris, like “les Champs-Élysées”.

As you step in, you immediately notice the warm and elegant atmosphere, being greeted by French like waitstaff. The interior is decorated with French styled art, Cuisine books, and other decorative items that set a comfortable and elegant experience. Magnifiques menu offers a variety of French traditional dishes, made with specially selected Colombian ingredients, offering traditional dishes such as Boeuf Bourguignon and Ratatouille. The service is impeccable, the waitstaff asks for any dietary preferences, making sure the clientele is always satisfied. As the culinary experience comes to an end, memories are created, featuring the welcoming atmosphere, and the Parisian feeling mixed with the Colombian energy, happiness, vividness, and exquisite plates served with fresh Colombian ingredients such as Maracuya, mango, bananas, and other fruits and vegetables that ensure the best quality and flavor varieties of the exquisite dishes served


Perceive the exquisite flavors of French cuisine, with freshly selected premium quality Colombian ingredients in Bogotá at Magnifique founded in France in 1862, offering a variety of authentic French food, with a Colombian touch, each bite transporting you to the culinary capital. Every dish at Magnifique is carefully crafte with effort, precision and passion by the talented Chefs. From Classic French delicacies to innovative dishes including locally sourced ingredients, the dishes create the perfect culinary experience. With an impeccable service, it's difficult to find any possible comparison. With culinary experts as the master heads, every dish a piece of art. Visit Magnifique in El Nogal - Calle 81 #9-85, Rosales - Calle 70 #6-22

San Patricio - Calle 109 #18-23, and Usaquén - Calle 119B #5-51. Recommended an Colombian ingredients featured dishes: Bowl de Açaí with amazónica açaí and seaso fruits, Maracuyá Soda with Colombian Maracuyá and Mineral fizzy water from siembra, a Colombian natural water source. Avocado Toast with saracen wheat base bread ad Colombian avocado, Huevos Estrellados with Colombian Potatoes, Frenc toast with seasonal fruits, Fresh Fruit Bowl with seasonal fruits, Carrot Cake with Colombian Carrot, Tartaleta de Maracuyá with Colombian Maracuya, Batido de Aça with Colombian bananas and amazónic açaí, Bowl de Yogurt Griego and Fruit with fresh seasonal fruits, Spinach Omelet with Colombian Spinach, Tostada Vegana wit fresh vegetables, Arepa de Yuca with Colombian Yuca, Parfait with fresh seasonal fruit and others.

Have you ever heard of a coffee tour? But not just any coffee tour, a Colombian coffee tour called, ”Flavors of Bogota.” Flavors of Bogota was created in the year 2018 by coffee educator Karen Attman who is involved in the coffee industry and wants to spread coffee education. Karen Attman is from the US while her husband, Peter Corredor, is from Colombia. They both love coffee, food, and a growing restaurant in Bogota. On this coffee tour, you will learn,” how Colombians drink coffee, coffee history in Colombia, who grows coffee in Colombia, how to understand the flavors inside coffee, how coffee has impacted local cultures, how coffee changes lives, why coffee is important to the present and the future of Colombia, and how we can help purchase the right kind of coffee.”- Flavors of Bogota. The tour takes you to 3 walkable distance cafes that will each tell you a little bit about Colombian coffee and culture. The cost for each person is 20.95-35.95 USD. The owner, Karen Attman, said,” With the coffee industry, coffee growers here in Colombia, one thing that we see is the younger generations are no longer interested in farming. They leave the farms and head to cities, and there's many things involved with that.” Karen Attman said that many coffee farmers are leaving due to new technology. In this tour, they explain all of that to you, through coffee.

A few weeks ago, my family and I went on a coffee tour with the name, ” Flavors of Bogota” . When arriving at the meeting point at Cafe 18, the smell of the coffee came trickling out the door. While sitting down in the cool, outdoor seating area, the tour guide walked up the ramp with papers, pens, and booklets. Once everyone introduced themselves, the tour guide gave everyone the materials they would need to start the tour. As our server came up to our table, I saw a weird tissue-like cup that I couldn’t identify, as well as a handful of coffee beans, and hot water. The server set up a cup and put the tissue-like filter on top of it. Then, hot water came spilling out of the other metal cup into the cup, causing bubbles to form on top. As we continued to take notes at every, small, coffee store, we tried different coffees made in a way I had never seen before. Each had a different story. To me, every coffee tasted bitter, and hot. Others on the tour enjoyed and drank the coffee served with its dark, brown, hot features. Cafe 18 with coffee beans from Cauca, Cafe Cultor with coffee beans from Magdalena, and Colo with their coffee beans from Quindio. They all made their coffee with patience, skill, and Colombian culture.

On a Thursday afternoon, a friend and I went on a visit to a coffee business that is not widely known, yet utilized by many big companies and markets. Known as "Olam". It is not a shop, but a building called Citibank. Stepping inside the place, my surroundings were full of different people going in and out of the building or just doing their job. Both of us made our way to the elevator's, going to the 8th floor. That place was packed with people working, sections to store the coffee that they produce. The sound was silence as no one spoke, only people working in their own offices.

In the tour given by the vice president, the walls were filled with portraits, it was a well detailed picture of the map of Colombia showing exactly where the coffee specifically comes from. There were rooms storing the coffee that they produce. The strong smell of coffee beans filled the atmosphere, many types of coffee beans from the main regions of: Antioquia, Nariño, Huila, Cauca, Manizales, Armenia. Each coffee had its own type of smell, taste, touch. The coffee beans had their own way making the actual coffee. More famous companies being involved with their business, demonstrating how they can process/export the coffee to even get other shops to use their product.

Company of Olam is located in the building of Citibank.

Olam Agro Colombiano S.A.S Carrera 9A No 90-02, Oficina 807 I Bogotá I Colombia | 110221.

Opening time: 8am, closing time: 5-6pm.

A business of producing Colombian coffee and exporting to their clients with the help of professional farmers in different regions from the country: Antioquia, Nariño, Cauca, Manizales, Armenia, Huila, main coffee areas.

Big business/markets using their product: Starbucks, Tostao, Dunkin’ Donuts, Oma, Lavazza etc.

Each person working there has their own job, and each of them will explain what they do to provide for the business.

Vice president in charge of getting the coffee beans transported to the office of Olam. Helps make the trips to different territories in the country to work and discuss with the farmers, and will help with introducing the place.

The farmers helping are around older than 50 years old, but have more experience than anyone for extracting the coffee. The company makes sure to give credits to them.

Two really conservative cultures that were merged into one place in the middle of Bogotá. “Pacifico Bonsai” is the place that goes against the cultural stated standards and creates an experience. It gives everyone a chance to understand what is done in Colombian coffee farms as well as other native singers showing their skills. As I entered “Pacifico Bonsai” the smell of fresh coffee and happiness instantly surprised me with the magic and tasteful smell. I could see the staff spreading their love to us. Not only that, but I was flabbergasted, I felt like I was in the “Encanto” house. I could see all the Colombian culture including the coffee, trees, and I could also see some startup singers performing with their voices that were a treat for my ears. After entering, I was located at a small but beautiful table and got the menu. It was wonderful. It had delightful dishes that just with thinking about them my mouth would start to water. I got one “Americano” that now it is something that it turned into my daily treat. It had a taste that was just different; it would warm my hands and heart. Since the first sip,something inside of me snapped. “I knew this was love at first sip”. After tasting it for a few seconds, I got mesmerized with the most tasty coffee. It would bring me back to when I was young and tried coffee for the first time with my grandma. It was the same sensation, the sensation of finding out about liquid and drinkable gold. It was the exact same feeling.

Pacifico Bonsai

The hidden treasure

Pacifico Bonsai

“Pacifico Bonsai” is a coffee and bonsai shop that merges two cultures into one place. The store is located at Calle. 115 #48-35. It is a store managed and owned by a young person called Daniel. This store was created because of his passion for coffee and bonsai. It was opened during a pandemic, so at first it was even less known, but after it has been gaining popularity among the community.

“Pacifico Bonsai” has the mission to be able to connect Colombia with Japan with its incredible coffee and plants. The coffee is directly bought from the farmers, who make it to ensure that it is good quality and to be available to ensure that the people that work hard on the farms will be granted a fair price for their product. The same happens with the trees. They are 1 to 1 with the people that plant the trees. They also encourage startup artists to go and sing at their restaurant. Sometimes they create a setup where people can come in and show their skills, sometimes they sing vallenato, other times salsa, champeta, and cumbia. They really like singing this type of music because it represents our culture. The coffee is also from ancient farms that have been conserving their way of making coffee since a long time ago.

This place is perfect for entertaining you during a boring afternoon.

They give classes about Colombian plants and trees.

Classes about how to handle trees and bonsai

Classes but also Colombian coffee types

Classes of tasting

Yoga, painting and others

Tropicalia coffee is located on Cl. 81a #823, Bogotá It has only been open for two years.

Tropicalia Coffee buys from three different coffee farms: Antioquia, Huila, and Santander. The prices are good for the quality of the products ($$)

The shareholder of Tropicalia Coffee owns a farm called Caravela; they are green coffee producers

Tropicalia Coffee makes its bags out of “empaques de fique”

Tropicalia Coffee is open from 7 am-8 pm

Did you know that big companies like Juan Valdez coffee are not the best way to try local Colombian coffee? Big companies usually export their best coffee beans and sell the worse coffee beans here, in Colombia. The best way to try Colombian coffee is through small businesses like “Tropicalia Coffee”. As I sat down I saw the pastry counter on my right. The smell of freshly baked pastries made me wanna pop one in my mouth. At the end of the counter you can see the big, white, shiny coffee machine. When fresh coffee beans are blended, the rich coffee smell spreads throughout the restaurant like a burning fire. When I tried the coffee, I described the rich, creamy texture, as well as the light almond flavor, and how it makes you feel right at home, in front of the fire, with the ones you love most. When I sat down I noticed the warm color palette. The oranges and browns take you right to the tropics. And when I got my food it looked so delightful, it was Instagram worthy. The “Croissant de almendra'' was the best croissant I have ever tasted, it was like a beautiful and delicious almond explosion. The flaky texture on the outside complemented the warm and chewy inside. I felt instantly delighted. Decorated with colorful flowers, strawberries, blueberries, and grilled peaches, the “bowl de yogur griego'' was mouth watering. It was like a flavorful fruity explosion in my mouth. In conclusion, tropicalia coffee is the best local coffee shop I have ever been to.

Arbol del Cacao

A place called “Arbol del Cacao” is the new best place for chocolate/coffee in Colombia. This shop started in 2017, their mission is to change the stereotype of farmers that used to grow illegal substances in Colombia. Their farms are located in Santander, Colombia.

Though these farms aren't theirs but their workers' farms. They sell chocolate, coffee, pollen, honey, and chocolate energy bars without sugar and machinery, their machinery has to be bought online, and their machinery is the most sold product in their business. Their bars of chocolate have from 37% cacao to 81% cacao.

The more cacao the chocolate bars have the healthier they are. There is this type of bonbon that caught my attention, it was called “Around the World” because it has bonbon flavors from different countries of the world. They have coffee from Colombia and coffee from the United States. They also sell teddy bears and stuffed animals but they don't make the stuffed animals, a provider sends them. The owner says that “The two best products in her opinion are the snack bars, which are healthy energy bars, and the bonbons”. Go to Arbol del Cacao now on Avenida Chile's second floor.

Avenida Chile 8 am - 9 pm on weekdays and weekends from 8 am - 9 pm

Arbol del Cacao

I was going to Avenida Chile’s Mall with my nanny, it was close to my house so it only took like 10 to 15 minutes to get there. When I got there I learned they sold more things apart from chocolate like pollen, honey, machinery, coffee, and stuffed animals, but the stuffed animals weren't created by their company but provided by another company. Later on, I interviewed the owner of the company, her name is Veronica Linares, she started this company with her husband in 2017. When I was in Arbol del Cacao I bought one of the chocolates that was 37% cacao.

To be honest, as soon as I opened the package I was impressed by the designs on the chocolate, the designs were like coffee beans, I got a happy feeling because coffee beans are really important in Colombia, because in Colombia coffee beans are part of Colombian culture, one of the things that Colombia is known for and makes is coffee. When I tried it I felt a sour but also sugary flavor, as I took my first bite and it was one of the best chocolates in the world, the chocolate melted in my mouth a couple of seconds after the first bite. It tasted sour at first, but then I started imagining myself in Santander, a nice cool chocolate on a hot summer day. Then the flavor started fading and changing to a sugary flavor. I was so happy to have bought and chosen Arbol del Cacao because it reminded me of the time I was in Santander. This year in CWW we went to Santander, there was a lot of coffee, and the designs of the chocolate bar also reminded me of Santander, the designs looked similar to some farms I saw in Santander.



Step into a corner of Paris in Bogotá with Magnifique, a charming and elegant restaurant in the vivid and cheerful Colombian capital. As you enter, you smell the culinary delights, fresh pastries, desserts, soft French music, and the elegant environment which transports you directly to the elegant streets of Paris, like “les Champs-Élysées”.

As you step in, you immediately notice the warm and elegant atmosphere, being greeted by French like waitstaff. The interior is decorated with French styled art, Cuisine books, and other decorative items that set a comfortable and elegant experience. Magnifiques menu offers a variety of French traditional dishes, made with specially selected Colombian ingredients, offering traditional dishes such as Boeuf Bourguignon and Ratatouille. The service is impeccable, the waitstaff asks for any dietary preferences, making sure the clientele is always satisfied. As the culinary experience comes to an end, memories are created, featuring the welcoming atmosphere, and the Parisian feeling mixed with the Colombian energy, happiness, vividness, and exquisite plates served with fresh Colombian ingredients such as Maracuya, mango, bananas, and other fruits and vegetables that ensure the best quality and flavor varieties of the exquisite dishes served


Perceive the exquisite flavors of French cuisine, with freshly selected premium quality Colombian ingredients in Bogotá at Magnifique founded in France in 1862, offering a variety of authentic French food, with a Colombian touch, each bite transporting you to the culinary capital. Every dish at Magnifique is carefully crafte with effort, precision and passion by the talented Chefs. From Classic French delicacies to innovative dishes including locally sourced ingredients, the dishes create the perfect culinary experience. With an impeccable service, it's difficult to find any possible comparison. With culinary experts as the master heads, every dish a piece of art. Visit Magnifique in El Nogal - Calle 81 #9-85, Rosales - Calle 70 #6-22

San Patricio - Calle 109 #18-23, and Usaquén - Calle 119B #5-51. Recommended an Colombian ingredients featured dishes: Bowl de Açaí with amazónica açaí and seaso fruits, Maracuyá Soda with Colombian Maracuyá and Mineral fizzy water from siembra, a Colombian natural water source. Avocado Toast with saracen wheat base bread ad Colombian avocado, Huevos Estrellados with Colombian Potatoes, Frenc toast with seasonal fruits, Fresh Fruit Bowl with seasonal fruits, Carrot Cake with Colombian Carrot, Tartaleta de Maracuyá with Colombian Maracuya, Batido de Aça with Colombian bananas and amazónic açaí, Bowl de Yogurt Griego and Fruit with fresh seasonal fruits, Spinach Omelet with Colombian Spinach, Tostada Vegana wit fresh vegetables, Arepa de Yuca with Colombian Yuca, Parfait with fresh seasonal fruit and others.

Have you ever heard of a coffee tour? But not just any coffee tour, a Colombian coffee tour called, ”Flavors of Bogota.” Flavors of Bogota was created in the year 2018 by coffee educator Karen Attman who is involved in the coffee industry and wants to spread coffee education. Karen Attman is from the US while her husband, Peter Corredor, is from Colombia. They both love coffee, food, and a growing restaurant in Bogota. On this coffee tour, you will learn,” how Colombians drink coffee, coffee history in Colombia, who grows coffee in Colombia, how to understand the flavors inside coffee, how coffee has impacted local cultures, how coffee changes lives, why coffee is important to the present and the future of Colombia, and how we can help purchase the right kind of coffee.”- Flavors of Bogota. The tour takes you to 3 walkable distance cafes that will each tell you a little bit about Colombian coffee and culture. The cost for each person is 20.95-35.95 USD. The owner, Karen Attman, said,” With the coffee industry, coffee growers here in Colombia, one thing that we see is the younger generations are no longer interested in farming. They leave the farms and head to cities, and there's many things involved with that.” Karen Attman said that many coffee farmers are leaving due to new technology. In this tour, they explain all of that to you, through coffee.

A few weeks ago, my family and I went on a coffee tour with the name, ” Flavors of Bogota” . When arriving at the meeting point at Cafe 18, the smell of the coffee came trickling out the door. While sitting down in the cool, outdoor seating area, the tour guide walked up the ramp with papers, pens, and booklets. Once everyone introduced themselves, the tour guide gave everyone the materials they would need to start the tour. As our server came up to our table, I saw a weird tissue-like cup that I couldn’t identify, as well as a handful of coffee beans, and hot water. The server set up a cup and put the tissue-like filter on top of it. Then, hot water came spilling out of the other metal cup into the cup, causing bubbles to form on top. As we continued to take notes at every, small, coffee store, we tried different coffees made in a way I had never seen before. Each had a different story. To me, every coffee tasted bitter, and hot. Others on the tour enjoyed and drank the coffee served with its dark, brown, hot features. Cafe 18 with coffee beans from Cauca, Cafe Cultor with coffee beans from Magdalena, and Colo with their coffee beans from Quindio. They all made their coffee with patience, skill, and Colombian culture.

Photo by Hadley

Shopping Chapter 3

uto de Cacao, Estacion Artesanal, Menguante Lighting, Verduras Caramelo, Mercado de las pulgas, Cabricueros, Bosa York

La Rosa Negra

Isabel Granados

Ambardae, Usaquén Website: https://frutodecacao.com Address: Cl. 119b #5-86, Usaquén Instagram: @frutodecacao Facebook: Fruto de cacao Phone number: 321 325 44 72 Revealing Infusion Chocolate Chocolate with Chai

Walking through the Usaquén street fair might be chaotic since there are a lot of people screaming and pushing other people gently, some people stroll slow and some people stride which makes it a really weird walking experience. But not for us. My friend Jiyoon, my mom and I were walking through the fair calmly, until we see this famous small museum that supports little business such as clothing, food,jewelry and healthcare. As soon as we entered, the warm light from the museum was pleasant and after a few moments we found an shop that stood out from all of the other, Fruto de cacao. We were greeted by Brandon Guzmán, an employee and friend of the creator of this shop. He instantly greeted us and explained all about the chocolates. He then gave us some chocolates to try, these chocolates were exceedingly appetizing and rich in flavour. Every single chocolate has it’s own unique and outstanding seasoning. All of the chocolates had a fun illustration that matched with content of the chocolate showing the identity of the materials it was made with and the identity of the people that drew the illustration.

Brandon Guzmán was very nice to us and he explained a lot about this small business, here is the interview: Isa: How do you think this business might have an impact on the Colombian culture?

Brandon: OK, in terms of that, we help a lot because it is not only based on promoting a Colombian market, but we also look for a kind of identity and flavor, let's say. In the boxes we try to represent different parts or the same diversity that Colombia has.

In the boxes we try to present different parts of the product. Let's say, there is a flavor that is specific, that seeks to represent the Colombian coast, so they have a palanquera and this is more like a flavor that can be common worldwide, but it represents a lot the bogotanos because it is of cloves and cinnamon and they have the bogotano influence.

Isa: Are there people who help you with this business like for the illustrations?

Brandon: Yes, in fact, we also look for, that is, as cases of colleague, with illustrators and designers so that it is enhanced, that is, also with the knowledge of them, let's say, the one who mentioned the palenquera, Natalia Corvino, who is a designer, did it.

Jiyoon: How do you think this business might potentially influence the people that come here?

Brandon: if they are foreigners, they learn much more about flavors or, as such, about Colombian agriculture, so we talk about that. Right here in Colombia, or so to speak, it is like they learn to value the diversity and potential that we ourselves have.

Afterwards we thanked Brandon and bought ourselves some flavorful chocolates

An Artisan Hidden Treasure

Juan sells all type of artisanal and artistic hand made goods from our native country and from the indigenous. He sells all types of Wayuu, Araucan tribe bags, bracelets

4.8/5 an amazing place with great variety, representing our Colombian Patrimony. I enjoyed my time in this incredible hidden treasure, with all the art and variety.

A really good way to get to our treasure is on the ciclovia, with your bicycles, or walking it is a nice way to also get to know Bogotá, and you can get a work out, and spend nice time with family to..

Ellis David Forero

Starting an entrepreneur being his own boss a lot less physically and mentally draining. He also loves his work and has great passion.


Artissan Treasure

Can you believe that by the sense of smell

Can you believe that by the sense of smell valuing art, we can feel, smell, hear and have a taste of valuing we can feel, smell, hear have a taste of Colombia? On my time in this amazing treasure, heading towards it was an unforgettable experience. In Colombia? On my time in this amazing treasure, heading towards it was an unforgettable experience. In the outskirts of the flea market, all of the trees and nature surrounding it. The big avenue and all of the outskirts of the flea market, all of the trees and surrounding it. The big and all of the cyclists and runners in the ciclovía. The big buildings which gave it an artistic and modern sighting. the and runners in the ciclovía. The big buildings which gave it an artistic and modern sighting. The sun, a bright star, which covered the whole city in its bright rays, with the mix of a windy weather. The sun, bright star, which covered the whole city in its bright rays, with the mix of a windy weather. The moment I arrived the sounds of the amazing people expanding the happiness and culture in their The moment I arrived the sounds of the amazing people expanding the happiness culture in their sells. Then I got that feeling of interest and amaze on the products these people were selling. I knew Then I got that feeling of interest and amaze on the products these people were I knew for sure, that just like I did, there was at least a chosen, unique and special thing for every type of for sure, that just like I did, there was at least a chosen, unique and special for every type of person who came here, it would definitely catch their interests. Few places like this exist. Places in person who came here, it catch their interests. Few places like this Places in which variety wont have an end. The vibes art. Fabric, paint, clay and most importantly culture. Made which variety wont have end. The vibes art. Fabric, paint, clay and most importantly culture. Made me re-think the hard work they had to pass through .This is what made me so proud, happy and sure of me re-think the hard work they had to pass through .This is what me so happy and sure of how every cent I would be spending was representing, all of the days dedicated to knitting, the hard how every cent I would spending was representing, all of the days dedicated to knitting, the hard work and love put into it. Years of harvesting from our unique native lands from different regions, to work and love put into it. Years of harvesting from our unique native lands from different regions, to have the exact processes of what makes this outstanding result. All of these settings where the ones have the exact processes of what makes this outstanding result. All of these settings where the ones that made me really appreciate, feel a nostalgic and melancholic emotion I had not felt in a long time. that made me really appreciate, feel a nostalgic and melancholic emotion I had not felt in a long time. And more than buying this amazing products, as said before, the setting, energy and culture we can And more than buying this amazing products, as before, the setting, energy and culture we can sense is what make this experience so underrated and what makes Bogota so amazing! sense is what make this experience underrated and what makes Bogota amazing!

Fruto de CacaoFruto de CacaoFruto de Cacao

Phone: 321 325 44 72

FrutodeCacao,a Colombianbusinessthat sellsartisanalchocolate, madeoflocal ingredients.

Instagram: frutodecacao

Facebook: frutodecacao

Website: https://frutodecacao.com

Address: Cl. 119b # 5 - 86, Usaquén, Bogotá, Cundinamarca

Revealing Infusion Chocolate bar Salpicon Chocolate ContactInformation
Ambardae, Usaquen Jiyoon Lee

A few weeks back, me and my parter Isabel Caballero were walking through Usaquén, the sweet scent of the morning air filling our lungs. We walked past many shops and businesses that caught our eyes, such as traditional Colombian bags weaved by hand by the elderly and candies and food that filled the air with a pleasant sweetness, but we eventually walked inside of a small building named Ambardae, where they had displays of local businesses and industries from Colombia. They sold things such as bracelets and accesories, but one business that caught our eye was ‘Fruto de Cacao’, where they had a set up of chocolates with a variety of flavors. We were greeted by Brandon Guzman, who helped us in answering some of the questions we had prepared for him. He gave us a quick explanation about the business and the purpose of it, answering our questions thoroughly as Isa translated questions into Spanish for me and also asked questions.

Here’s a brief translation of how some of the

questions in t

Isa: How do you think this business might have an impact on the Colomb Brandon: OK, in terms of that, we help a lot because it is not only Colombian market, but we also look for a kind of identity and flavor, let's to represent different parts or the same diversity that Colombia has. present different parts of the product. Let's say, there is a flavor that i represent the Colombian coast, so they have a palanquera and this is mo be common worldwide, but it represents a lot the bogotanos becau cinnamon and they have the bogotano influence.

Isa: Are there people who help you with this business like for the illustrations?

Brandon: Yes, in fact, we also look for, that is, as cases of colleague, with illustrators and designers so that it is enhanced, that is, also with the knowledge of them, let's say, the one who mentioned the palinquera, Natalia Corvino, who is a designer, did it.

Jiyoon: How do you think this business might potentially influence the people that come here?

Brandon: if they are foreigners, they learn much more about flavors or, as such, about Colombian agriculture, so we talk about that. Right here in Colombia, or so to speak, it is like they learn to value the diversity and potential that we ourselves have.

With Brandon’s interview, we can learn that this business represents the culture of Colombia with its local ingredients, the diversity of flavors originating from the country, and the representation of the regions and cultivations, crops, etc.


I went to “Don Sujeto”, the Colombian hat shop, on the 11th of February. When I first got into the place, it felt cozy and warm. The people were welcoming us. I could see lots of hats in good quality and with good materials. He was in a hard situation when he was living in New York during the pandemic. Life after the pandemic was unclear, so he thought that he should return to Colombia, his home country, and started this hat shop. The shop is called Don Sujeto because online, he was called Sujeto. And the Don came from a word in Spanish which is a way to respect a person. I could see how thoughtful he is by listening to the story of his life. I could also tell how much he cares of his hats, and how he think a good hat for a person is not only about a good material, but also how big their head is, and how tall their face is. He said that his shop is very Colombian cultural, because all the things they sell are Colombian traditional hats. You can pay 20,000 pesos, and then they will put a simple symbol that you want to put on. But the cost depends on how hard it is to draw the logo. I think that this shop is related with Colombian culture because they sell Colombian hats.

Don Sujeto

“Don Sujeto” is located in Cra. 13 #93 - 11, Bogotá. They sell Colombian traditional hats. There were a lot of type of hats. Traditional old-fashioned hats, to a modern hat with Colombian heritage. The shop is called “Don Sujeto”, because he was called ‘Sujeto” in the social media. It means Man. And, “Don” means nobility in Spanish.

This is also a way to respect a person.

The owner decided to make this shop because when they were living in New York City, the pandemic happened and decided to go back to Colombian and make Colombian hats as his father use our customers happy. He wants every customer to leave his store with a ir identity more b o give their cust


In the depths of Bogota, you can find the sense of a hidden ocean. As you walk in you can smell the salt of the sea, caress the seashells, you feel as if you are in a ost paradise. “Agua Maria'' makes you feel that every time you try one of their swimsuits, Agua Maria is a one-of-a-kind clothing brand, you might be asking yourself, what makes Agua Maria different from the other bathing suit stores? Well, “Agua Maria'' uses Colombian designs and Colombian textiles to produce their bathing suits, not only this but their designs are completely based on the Colombian landscape and culture, every region has a collection based on their; flora, auna, weather, colors, and every other thing you could find in the region. Agua Maria is a one-of-a-kind store because not only does it use Colombia as its principal nspiration but it also makes sure it makes less impact on the ecosystem, using recycled materials to create their bathing suits, so that when they are “thrown away”. A positive aspect:

“UV which causes the sun's rays to bounce and in turn generate a feeling of freshness when doing outdoor activities.” -Agua Maria

This shows us that Agua Maria is a unique brand, it is nearly impossible to find another brand in Colombia that has all of these benefits. Agua Maria started as a small business in 2017 now it is one of the most recognized brands. Be part of the 26% of the world with a unique piece of a unique country.

Did you know Colombia is the second country in the world with the most biodiversity in Flora and Fauna? When I went to Agua Maria I could see they knew how to use that for their business. Every collection is based in one of the Colombian regions; Pacific, Amazonian, and Caribbean, among others. I could see every design had a process to mark a place or an animal, some of the designs included Colombia's most important animals, like the spectacled bear, sloths, macaws, jellyfish, and many other animals that call Colombia their home, flowers like the orchids which is Colombia's national flower or a culture. Imagine yourself swimming in the Pacific Ocean with jellyfish while wearing a swim suit in one of these places; Saudi Arabia, United States, Europe, and many others. Agua Maria is one of the few bathing suit stores that provides you with not only a bathing suit that will allow you to always carry a part of Colombia with you but also with a unique design, you can only find Agua Maria in Bogota and Cartagena, and collections come and go throughout the year. Agua Maria started as a small business in 2017 now it is one of the most recognized brands in Colombia. 5 years later this company continues to succeed, and gues what, I have one too.

Aguamaria Aguamaria Aguamaria

Colombia is one of the 12 countries in the world that has 2 oceans, and an island called San Andrés, which is a very beloved attraction to Colombians. The second most famous reason to visit Colombia is because of their 300 beaches cast in the pacific and Caribbean coasts. As you can imagine this country has a lot of representation, Aguamaria, a swimsuit brand, has a piece for everyone of any gender, color, size and age, representing specific places in Colombia. Aguamaria, is 100% Colombian and made from recycled materials obtained from the companies discarded felts, Its Premium materials and fabrics, carefully selected to last. All the supplies are environmentally friendly without losing quality.

Mar Negro


It's perfect for families and friends and is recommended by members from the CNG community. It has UV protection and exports mainly to the Caribbean and South America, but also ships to places like Saudi Arabia, US, Europe and more. Aguamaria is an all-inclusive shop which allows mothers and other women of age to enjoy the warm sun next to the crashing waves of the beaches while having comfortable swimwear. Fathers can match with their son and daughters, providing unique fits and easy to find sizes of multiple designs which represents Colombia's fauna, like Litoral, Which includes a baby blue print with COlombias national flower, Orquidia. Tropical, includes a colerfull print with detailed seashells of all colors and types including skits tops bottomans and more foral clothes.. Most of their swimwear is reversible, and very affordable. The seashells in the tropical coleccion are representative of the sheels inside walls of sand where the waves crash. They are important to the natural ecosystem like birds and can somtimes attacsh to plantom. Coatel communities tend to fish up these shels in order to sell them to tourists, this is a very crucial part of their job and always peeks the tourstis intresset. Litoral is the most sold collection and you can often see it in the vitrines. In colombia, you can find multiple varieties f th orquidia, his is why its the national flower and why Litoral represents the colombian culture so much. All the swimsuits have different styles for everyone and are perfect for your next trip to Colombia.

Mar Rojo

Imagine quitting your job to take a chance at your dream career, being your own boss, having more time with your kids and being able to be as creative as you want. But suddenly a harsh pandemic hits and now you're stuck at home and business is slow. This was the case for Maria Clara Mejia. She quit her job in 2017 to start an all inclusive swimsuit shop. Opun entering the store my partner and I were greeted by Maria Clara which was very welcoming and started telling us her story. Each design she showed us made us imagine what it would be like if we were on a beach under the warm sun. One colleccion, Litorial is inspired by the Colombias national flower. Seeing the design I felt in a calm forest surrounded by this beautiful flower. She explained how during the quarantine business was very slow, and the only customers she was getting were from Puerto Rico. Even then it was hard supporting her family. When the streets of Colombia were back up and people could travel to farms and resorts, orders started to pile up. She told us her inspiration for her designs surrounds Colombia's culture, like the pompoms in the litoral collection. She surrounded her powerful ideas with Colombia's fauna. For example the collection Tropical, includes all the seashells that are most commonly found in the beach or her collection, it made me and my partner feel a powerful coneccion with these seashells. Personally, my favorite collection, Indico, stands out because of the powerful colors and the beautiful design showing blue jellyfish makes you mentally be in a clear beach with white sand and surrounded by the ones you love. The best part is how each design fits every gender, body type and age. Now me and my family can enjoy the beach together with the mismatched collection. So when are you getting your swimsuit? I already have one.


Litoreal Indico

Mar rojo
¡Acompáñanos a celebrar nuestro amor por las tradiciones ancestrales!
In English, it translates to “Join us to celebrate our love for ancestral traditions

This is what “Estacion Artesanal” is, a store of Colombia artesanias inspired by the U.K. train station. There is an Estacion Artesanal store near my house (Cra. 15 #122-09, Bogotá). We’re close friends with the owner, and I decided to explore his Colombian Artesanias shop. Rodolfo Gooding, the store owner, received me warmly and welcomed me into his shop. Later, Rodolfo told me that his great-grandfather inspired him to create the shop as he brought the train to Bogotá. The shop is also perfect for coffee, making you feel as if you were inside a train with your suitcases on top

I noticed the various types of Colombian artesanias, each sorted and placed into four different wagons. The first artesanias were made of wood and decorated with “Corte laser.” In the second wagon, pre-Columbian jewelry. The third wagon contains artesanias like the “Sombrero volteado.” The sombrero volteado is typical of the Caribbean coast of Colombia, specifically of the savannahs of the Colombian departments of Córdoba, Sucre and Bolívar, and one of the main pieces of craftsmanship in Colombia. The owner demonstrated the “sombrero volteado” by folding it, putting it in his pocket, and taking it out again in perfect condition; I was impressed by the stretchy fiber. As we walked to the fourth wagon, my eye caught a very colorful section; the owner told me that those were the “Pitiligo canoes”; the rafts transport fruit, fish, and flowers along the river. As we walked to a new section, the owner wants to help the artesanos. They want to gain their trust to give and sell their product. In conclusion, throughout this interview, I realized that the owner truly loves the artesanos, not only in their artesanias, they worry about how they will survive without selling any unique products and generally admire their work.

1. 3. 4. 2.

“Estación Artesanal" a local Colombian shop, filled with artesanías nationwide

Where: Cra. 15 #122-09, Bogotá

Hours: M-S -9am -7pm. ¡Come in!


Tawa the new unknown material that just a few artesanos know how to work! Also know for its resistant as the “vegetable ivory”, the Tawa comes out of a fruit, and they let it dry for two years, until it get as hard as ivory. When you talk about Tawa the imagiantion is the limit! You can get everything from jewelry or minichess-figures. Buy it now it’s a hidden treasure!

Our motto:

At Estación Artesanal, staff ensure customers understand the products' history and Colombian cultural roots. The owner finds joy in selling to foreigners, appreciating their genuine interest and care for the crafts. Crafts come from different regions in Colombia, such as Boyacá, Sucre, Vaupés, Chocó, and Nariño.

At Estación Artesanal, we honor and respect the work of Colombian artisans by offering fair prices


Yes! As awesome as it sounds, from Cajica to your house you can get miniatures stoves. To make it work, just put a little bit of incense underneath, and when the smoke comes out, it looks like somebody is cooking. This is the perfect gift for your little one!


Totumo is a versatile, durable, and ecofriendly fruit shell

Put your imagination to the test as Totumo can be used to make incredible crafts. Look at the beautiful basket mimicking a chicken so you can put your eggs, fruits or just use it for decorating your kitchen

Tropical Hass

Tropical Hass is a business created by Juan Alberto Gonzalez, a CNG alumni, seven years ago. This business sells Avocados to exporters, who then sell them internationally or locally. His business has been booming and it has been going for seven years

By Gregorio Zarate

Juan's business has 600 thousand trees with a median age of Juan's business has 600 thousand trees with a median age of 5 years. He produces 40 kilos of avocados every year and 5 years. He produces 40 kilos of avocados every year and has 30 hectares planted and is planting 30 more. Juan only has 30 hectares planted and is planting 30 more. Juan only sells his avocados to 2 exporters who send it to markets sells his avocados to 2 exporters who send it to markets here in Bogota here in Bogota or overseas or overseas

Montana fruits (Click
this link)

Tropical Hass

Tropical Hass is a business created by Juan Alberto Gonzalez, a CNG alumni, seven years ago. Before he started this business, he worked at an office at the 83. He didn't know a thing about agriculture. He started this business because there was a boom in the consumption of Hass avocados. He had a farm that was inherited from his great-grandpa and was specially made to grow avocados, so he took his chance. He told us that the main component of his success was perseverance. He had to face the struggles of climate change and the la niña phenomenon. He had to face heavy rains where most of his crops were destroyed. His business helps the Colombian culture by prompting agriculture and giving jobs to the people who live In the country. While you can't buy his delicious avocados directly from him, he exports to several businesses in Bogota, and you will likely find his avocados in local shops. Bogota, and you will likely find his avocados in local shops.





Iwould100%recomendgoingandcheckingoutthereart work.Notonlyisitdropdeadgorgeusbutitsamazingfor addingaspecialdetailtoyourhome.Itconnectsyouwith Colombianculture.Byaddingonesmalllamptoyourhouse, youarehelpinganartistacheivetheirdream.Notonlythatbut everyartworkfromthereismadewithcolombianmaterials, anditaddsawarmsensation,andmakesyourhousemore modern.



When arriving at Juan David’s place of work, his gallery, I was immediately amazed at all the different types of art they had. It felt like I was in a different planet, I was speechless. Everything was so organized and so modern, it felt like the future. Upon talking to Juan David and his coworkers, we found out about how they make their sculptures, which blew me away even more. They take pieces of nature, like rocks, and wood, to create art pieces and then show it to the world.

Although all the sculptures have a similar feel, they are all special in their own way. Each one has its own pattern, color, and style, which makes his art work unique. Each work of art has its own story and even just looking at it, you get an astonishing feel, as if you were travelling into the piece, like diving into its backstory, as if you were the one making it, and creating all the patterns by hand, you see a side of the art that you never would have imagined. Just by going to the gallery I learned so much, I learned that even simple materials like stone, can be turned into stunning pieces of a collection, how every little pattern makes a difference, and how much work is put into making each one of these beautiful sculptures. The company, is pretty new compared to the rest of the art galleries in Bogotá, but it definitely did not disappoint me. Although being new, all the people who work in this company have a lot of experience, for example, one of Juan David’s coworker, Greg, decorated Shaquille O’Neil, and Tiger Wood’s house, when he told us that, my jaw dropped, i was in utter shock, such talent can make beautiful pieces, and can create a whole gallery.

While being in the gallery, we got a small tour of the place. On each floor there was a main piece. On the first floor, there was a fountain, which made the modern, and empty space feel more cozy. On the top floor there was a ceiling light shaped like the moon, which caused the warm tone of yellow and orange to spread across the room, giving the entire house a warm feeling, and a welcoming sensation. Overall, being inside this gallery, and having the opportunity to experience pure imagination, talent, and hard work, was definitely something I would recommend, especially if you enjoy art, and design. There are not enough words to describe how breathtaking the experience is.

QR for website QR for video



Contact info and popular websites:

Link for contact in the website. Instagram:

What do you find:

Different meaningful art pieces.

Stone art pieces.

Chamba ceramic art pieces

Metal art pieces.

Creative art pieces.

Menguante Lighting A

unique experience


Shop/visit online, or visit here: CRA 10 # 93b-25. Bogotá, DC.

How would spaces turn out to be with this lighting? (INSP):

100% Colombian material in all pieces.

Type of design:

Combined design between architecture and general design. (In lights)

“Extract the Colombian DNA to the world”

“Innovated tradition”

Menguante website.
Menguante website. Menguante website. Menguante website.


How could Colombia possibly be displayed and represented by a single lighting art piece around the globe?

Would anyone be capable of doing this and demonstrating our country's beauty and creativity, and showing not everything around us is copied and pasted, with zero originality?

Juan David Ocampo is the headmaster of the exemplary and exceptional business Menguante Lighting, where pure art works are originated and developed. Has yet represented our community with his mind-blowing lighting art pieces.

A slight feeling of an anxious impatience of getting to know this business was instantly created in myself since the beginning of our project. Which then led us no option except to recreate the amazing experience of having these types of lights at home (an exposition of his lights in a house).

Warm, comfortable, environmentalist, sweet and chill were 5 conditions present at all times, in all surroundings of the house who included any type of light from Menguante.

When we got introduced to this rare exposition everything seemed perfect, the inside looked like an unknown paradise, where only if you were selected you would be allowed to visit. Each single corner and inch of the house were noticeable, anywhere you looked, anywhere you could find these amazing art works. Paintings, frames, general decoration and else… would be replaced by any type of light from this business on the exposition. In our experience, we did not only get to explore and see an inspiration of a home with a big part of Menguante on it, but we also got to interview Juan David, which helped many of our questions and thoughts get solved (interview is in the side, presented as a QR code).

During the interview, we could ask him questions such as “Are your art pieces completely unique”? Or even, “Why are all, or the majority of your material products (lights) made with Colombian material? ” For whose response was, 1: He said that one of the most important factors for success of his company was having unique designs, that's why all the lights created are considered as an art work or piece, because they are not common, have a backstory and are something you probably never seen. And 2, he answered that he works with all the possible Colombian material that would make a great piece, especially to export the Colombian DNA to the entire world and get our culture to be recognized by this lighting items.

Now, generally Menguante lighting is currently an online store where everything is easier for the team to manage, but there are still expositions and inclusively a place to go, see or buy the lights in person! Talking about the team, Menguante lighting is not only a solo business, instead there are some company partners, such as Greg and Gerardo who have different roles that benefit all the company, by being great leaders and helping create a new art or inclusively a method. In this distinctive store there can not be a rating less than 5 stars, I believe this and know my point is correct for the reasons said before. Coming to conclusion, Menguante lighting is not a shopping place to buy whatever you buy in a common store, there you buy what's called real and unique art.

Link for video:

Isabel Granados

Ambardae, Usaquén Website: https://frutodecacao.com Address: Cl. 119b #5-86, Usaquén Instagram: @frutodecacao Facebook: Fruto de cacao Phone number: 321 325 44 72 Revealing Infusion Chocolate Chocolate with Chai

Walking through the Usaquén street fair might be chaotic since there are a lot of people screaming and pushing other people gently, some people stroll slow and some people stride which makes it a really weird walking experience. But not for us. My friend Jiyoon, my mom and I were walking through the fair calmly, until we see this famous small museum that supports little business such as clothing, food,jewelry and healthcare. As soon as we entered, the warm light from the museum was pleasant and after a few moments we found an shop that stood out from all of the other, Fruto de cacao. We were greeted by Brandon Guzmán, an employee and friend of the creator of this shop. He instantly greeted us and explained all about the chocolates. He then gave us some chocolates to try, these chocolates were exceedingly appetizing and rich in flavour. Every single chocolate has it’s own unique and outstanding seasoning. All of the chocolates had a fun illustration that matched with content of the chocolate showing the identity of the materials it was made with and the identity of the people that drew the illustration.

Brandon Guzmán was very nice to us and he explained a lot about this small business, here is the interview: Isa: How do you think this business might have an impact on the Colombian culture?

Brandon: OK, in terms of that, we help a lot because it is not only based on promoting a Colombian market, but we also look for a kind of identity and flavor, let's say. In the boxes we try to represent different parts or the same diversity that Colombia has.

In the boxes we try to present different parts of the product. Let's say, there is a flavor that is specific, that seeks to represent the Colombian coast, so they have a palanquera and this is more like a flavor that can be common worldwide, but it represents a lot the bogotanos because it is of cloves and cinnamon and they have the bogotano influence.

Isa: Are there people who help you with this business like for the illustrations?

Brandon: Yes, in fact, we also look for, that is, as cases of colleague, with illustrators and designers so that it is enhanced, that is, also with the knowledge of them, let's say, the one who mentioned the palenquera, Natalia Corvino, who is a designer, did it.

Jiyoon: How do you think this business might potentially influence the people that come here?

Brandon: if they are foreigners, they learn much more about flavors or, as such, about Colombian agriculture, so we talk about that. Right here in Colombia, or so to speak, it is like they learn to value the diversity and potential that we ourselves have.

Afterwards we thanked Brandon and bought ourselves some flavorful chocolates

An Artisan Hidden Treasure

Juan sells all type of artisanal and artistic hand made goods from our native country and from the indigenous. He sells all types of Wayuu, Araucan tribe bags, bracelets

4.8/5 an amazing place with great variety, representing our Colombian Patrimony. I enjoyed my time in this incredible hidden treasure, with all the art and variety.

A really good way to get to our treasure is on the ciclovia, with your bicycles, or walking it is a nice way to also get to know Bogotá, and you can get a work out, and spend nice time with family to..

Ellis David Forero

Starting an entrepreneur being his own boss a lot less physically and mentally draining. He also loves his work and has great passion.


Artissan Treasure

Can you believe that by the sense of smell

Can you believe that by the sense of smell valuing art, we can feel, smell, hear and have a taste of valuing we can feel, smell, hear have a taste of Colombia? On my time in this amazing treasure, heading towards it was an unforgettable experience. In Colombia? On my time in this amazing treasure, heading towards it was an unforgettable experience. In the outskirts of the flea market, all of the trees and nature surrounding it. The big avenue and all of the outskirts of the flea market, all of the trees and surrounding it. The big and all of the cyclists and runners in the ciclovía. The big buildings which gave it an artistic and modern sighting. the and runners in the ciclovía. The big buildings which gave it an artistic and modern sighting. The sun, a bright star, which covered the whole city in its bright rays, with the mix of a windy weather. The sun, bright star, which covered the whole city in its bright rays, with the mix of a windy weather. The moment I arrived the sounds of the amazing people expanding the happiness and culture in their The moment I arrived the sounds of the amazing people expanding the happiness culture in their sells. Then I got that feeling of interest and amaze on the products these people were selling. I knew Then I got that feeling of interest and amaze on the products these people were I knew for sure, that just like I did, there was at least a chosen, unique and special thing for every type of for sure, that just like I did, there was at least a chosen, unique and special for every type of person who came here, it would definitely catch their interests. Few places like this exist. Places in person who came here, it catch their interests. Few places like this Places in which variety wont have an end. The vibes art. Fabric, paint, clay and most importantly culture. Made which variety wont have end. The vibes art. Fabric, paint, clay and most importantly culture. Made me re-think the hard work they had to pass through .This is what made me so proud, happy and sure of me re-think the hard work they had to pass through .This is what me so happy and sure of how every cent I would be spending was representing, all of the days dedicated to knitting, the hard how every cent I would spending was representing, all of the days dedicated to knitting, the hard work and love put into it. Years of harvesting from our unique native lands from different regions, to work and love put into it. Years of harvesting from our unique native lands from different regions, to have the exact processes of what makes this outstanding result. All of these settings where the ones have the exact processes of what makes this outstanding result. All of these settings where the ones that made me really appreciate, feel a nostalgic and melancholic emotion I had not felt in a long time. that made me really appreciate, feel a nostalgic and melancholic emotion I had not felt in a long time. And more than buying this amazing products, as said before, the setting, energy and culture we can And more than buying this amazing products, as before, the setting, energy and culture we can sense is what make this experience so underrated and what makes Bogota so amazing! sense is what make this experience underrated and what makes Bogota amazing!

Fruto de CacaoFruto de CacaoFruto de Cacao

Phone: 321 325 44 72

FrutodeCacao,a Colombianbusinessthat sellsartisanalchocolate, madeoflocal ingredients.

Instagram: frutodecacao

Facebook: frutodecacao

Website: https://frutodecacao.com

Address: Cl. 119b # 5 - 86, Usaquén, Bogotá, Cundinamarca

Revealing Infusion Chocolate bar Salpicon Chocolate ContactInformation
Ambardae, Usaquen Jiyoon Lee

A few weeks back, me and my parter Isabel Caballero were walking through Usaquén, the sweet scent of the morning air filling our lungs. We walked past many shops and businesses that caught our eyes, such as traditional Colombian bags weaved by hand by the elderly and candies and food that filled the air with a pleasant sweetness, but we eventually walked inside of a small building named Ambardae, where they had displays of local businesses and industries from Colombia. They sold things such as bracelets and accesories, but one business that caught our eye was ‘Fruto de Cacao’, where they had a set up of chocolates with a variety of flavors. We were greeted by Brandon Guzman, who helped us in answering some of the questions we had prepared for him. He gave us a quick explanation about the business and the purpose of it, answering our questions thoroughly as Isa translated questions into Spanish for me and also asked questions.

Here’s a brief translation of how some of the

questions in t

Isa: How do you think this business might have an impact on the Colomb Brandon: OK, in terms of that, we help a lot because it is not only Colombian market, but we also look for a kind of identity and flavor, let's to represent different parts or the same diversity that Colombia has. present different parts of the product. Let's say, there is a flavor that i represent the Colombian coast, so they have a palanquera and this is mo be common worldwide, but it represents a lot the bogotanos becau cinnamon and they have the bogotano influence.

Isa: Are there people who help you with this business like for the illustrations?

Brandon: Yes, in fact, we also look for, that is, as cases of colleague, with illustrators and designers so that it is enhanced, that is, also with the knowledge of them, let's say, the one who mentioned the palinquera, Natalia Corvino, who is a designer, did it.

Jiyoon: How do you think this business might potentially influence the people that come here?

Brandon: if they are foreigners, they learn much more about flavors or, as such, about Colombian agriculture, so we talk about that. Right here in Colombia, or so to speak, it is like they learn to value the diversity and potential that we ourselves have.

With Brandon’s interview, we can learn that this business represents the culture of Colombia with its local ingredients, the diversity of flavors originating from the country, and the representation of the regions and cultivations, crops, etc.

Tropical Hass

Tropical Hass is a business created by Juan Alberto Gonzalez, a CNG alumni, seven years ago. This business sells Avocados to exporters, who then sell them internationally or locally. His business has been booming and it has been going for seven years

By Gregorio Zarate

Juan's business has 600 thousand trees with a median age of Juan's business has 600 thousand trees with a median age of 5 years. He produces 40 kilos of avocados every year and 5 years. He produces 40 kilos of avocados every year and has 30 hectares planted and is planting 30 more. Juan only has 30 hectares planted and is planting 30 more. Juan only sells his avocados to 2 exporters who send it to markets sells his avocados to 2 exporters who send it to markets here in Bogota here in Bogota or overseas or overseas

Montana fruits (Click
this link)

Tropical Hass

Tropical Hass is a business created by Juan Alberto Gonzalez, a CNG alumni, seven years ago. Before he started this business, he worked at an office at the 83. He didn't know a thing about agriculture. He started this business because there was a boom in the consumption of Hass avocados. He had a farm that was inherited from his great-grandpa and was specially made to grow avocados, so he took his chance. He told us that the main component of his success was perseverance. He had to face the struggles of climate change and the la niña phenomenon. He had to face heavy rains where most of his crops were destroyed. His business helps the Colombian culture by prompting agriculture and giving jobs to the people who live In the country. While you can't buy his delicious avocados directly from him, he exports to several businesses in Bogota, and you will likely find his avocados in local shops. Bogota, and you will likely find his avocados in local shops.





Iwould100%recomendgoingandcheckingoutthereart work.Notonlyisitdropdeadgorgeusbutitsamazingfor addingaspecialdetailtoyourhome.Itconnectsyouwith Colombianculture.Byaddingonesmalllamptoyourhouse, youarehelpinganartistacheivetheirdream.Notonlythatbut everyartworkfromthereismadewithcolombianmaterials, anditaddsawarmsensation,andmakesyourhousemore modern.



When arriving at Juan David’s place of work, his gallery, I was immediately amazed at all the different types of art they had. It felt like I was in a different planet, I was speechless. Everything was so organized and so modern, it felt like the future. Upon talking to Juan David and his coworkers, we found out about how they make their sculptures, which blew me away even more. They take pieces of nature, like rocks, and wood, to create art pieces and then show it to the world.

Although all the sculptures have a similar feel, they are all special in their own way. Each one has its own pattern, color, and style, which makes his art work unique. Each work of art has its own story and even just looking at it, you get an astonishing feel, as if you were travelling into the piece, like diving into its backstory, as if you were the one making it, and creating all the patterns by hand, you see a side of the art that you never would have imagined. Just by going to the gallery I learned so much, I learned that even simple materials like stone, can be turned into stunning pieces of a collection, how every little pattern makes a difference, and how much work is put into making each one of these beautiful sculptures. The company, is pretty new compared to the rest of the art galleries in Bogotá, but it definitely did not disappoint me. Although being new, all the people who work in this company have a lot of experience, for example, one of Juan David’s coworker, Greg, decorated Shaquille O’Neil, and Tiger Wood’s house, when he told us that, my jaw dropped, i was in utter shock, such talent can make beautiful pieces, and can create a whole gallery.

While being in the gallery, we got a small tour of the place. On each floor there was a main piece. On the first floor, there was a fountain, which made the modern, and empty space feel more cozy. On the top floor there was a ceiling light shaped like the moon, which caused the warm tone of yellow and orange to spread across the room, giving the entire house a warm feeling, and a welcoming sensation. Overall, being inside this gallery, and having the opportunity to experience pure imagination, talent, and hard work, was definitely something I would recommend, especially if you enjoy art, and design. There are not enough words to describe how breathtaking the experience is.

QR for website QR for video



Contact info and popular websites:

Link for contact in the website. Instagram:

What do you find:

Different meaningful art pieces.

Stone art pieces.

Chamba ceramic art pieces

Metal art pieces.

Creative art pieces.

Menguante Lighting A

unique experience


Shop/visit online, or visit here: CRA 10 # 93b-25. Bogotá, DC.

How would spaces turn out to be with this lighting? (INSP):

100% Colombian material in all pieces.

Type of design:

Combined design between architecture and general design. (In lights)

“Extract the Colombian DNA to the world”

“Innovated tradition”

Menguante website.
Menguante website. Menguante website. Menguante website.


How could Colombia possibly be displayed and represented by a single lighting art piece around the globe?

Would anyone be capable of doing this and demonstrating our country's beauty and creativity, and showing not everything around us is copied and pasted, with zero originality?

Juan David Ocampo is the headmaster of the exemplary and exceptional business Menguante Lighting, where pure art works are originated and developed. Has yet represented our community with his mind-blowing lighting art pieces.

A slight feeling of an anxious impatience of getting to know this business was instantly created in myself since the beginning of our project. Which then led us no option except to recreate the amazing experience of having these types of lights at home (an exposition of his lights in a house).

Warm, comfortable, environmentalist, sweet and chill were 5 conditions present at all times, in all surroundings of the house who included any type of light from Menguante.

When we got introduced to this rare exposition everything seemed perfect, the inside looked like an unknown paradise, where only if you were selected you would be allowed to visit. Each single corner and inch of the house were noticeable, anywhere you looked, anywhere you could find these amazing art works. Paintings, frames, general decoration and else… would be replaced by any type of light from this business on the exposition. In our experience, we did not only get to explore and see an inspiration of a home with a big part of Menguante on it, but we also got to interview Juan David, which helped many of our questions and thoughts get solved (interview is in the side, presented as a QR code).

During the interview, we could ask him questions such as “Are your art pieces completely unique”? Or even, “Why are all, or the majority of your material products (lights) made with Colombian material? ” For whose response was, 1: He said that one of the most important factors for success of his company was having unique designs, that's why all the lights created are considered as an art work or piece, because they are not common, have a backstory and are something you probably never seen. And 2, he answered that he works with all the possible Colombian material that would make a great piece, especially to export the Colombian DNA to the entire world and get our culture to be recognized by this lighting items.

Now, generally Menguante lighting is currently an online store where everything is easier for the team to manage, but there are still expositions and inclusively a place to go, see or buy the lights in person! Talking about the team, Menguante lighting is not only a solo business, instead there are some company partners, such as Greg and Gerardo who have different roles that benefit all the company, by being great leaders and helping create a new art or inclusively a method. In this distinctive store there can not be a rating less than 5 stars, I believe this and know my point is correct for the reasons said before. Coming to conclusion, Menguante lighting is not a shopping place to buy whatever you buy in a common store, there you buy what's called real and unique art.

Link for video:


Av. Cdad.de Lima #25-04,Bogotá

Inside Paloquemao Market

Verduras el Caramelo e and Emiliano Casas 375 02 71,Galpon 1

Buisness Summary

A Colombian-run business

All fresh produce Large variety of vegetables and fruits Colombian-grown fruits and vegetables the owners are Jose and Emiliano and they work there.

Vegetables and fruits in bulk or individually. They sell yuca, potatoes, carrots, squash, papaya, tree tomatoes, etc., all sourced from Colombia.

What they sell Greatdeals! Onebagofvegetables -just $6mil All my fruits come from different parts of Colombia, so you can get the best of everything.


Casas -

+57 (313)
236 5329 Jose V. Casas -
(320) 345 0484
Verdurasel Caramelo

Verduras el Caramelo

The colors. They were the first thing I saw as we entered the heart and soul of the Colombian fruit farmers, the Paloquemao Fruit Market. I saw the rainbow as we marched down the aisles of the market. We walked to a secluded stand and immediately the kind and friendly owner explained to us all he knew about the produce he had for sale and where in Colombia he had gotten all of his fruits and vegetables. The owner then handed us a tree tomato to taste. It is one of many Colombian fruits I had never tried before. The rich flavors exploded in my mouth, filled with just the right amount of sweetness and bitterness. It was the most perfect combination. This secluded stand, hidden from view in one of the corners of the market, had such an array of different fruits and vegetables, with unique textures and smells, that it held my gaze for a very long time. This tiny stand proudly exhibits the different flavors and colors of Colombia, representing this lively and colorful country through its wonderful fruits and vegetables.


I went to “Don Sujeto”, the Colombian hat shop, on the 11th of February. When I first got into the place, it felt cozy and warm. The people were welcoming us. I could see lots of hats in good quality and with good materials. He was in a hard situation when he was living in New York during the pandemic. Life after the pandemic was unclear, so he thought that he should return to Colombia, his home country, and started this hat shop. The shop is called Don Sujeto because online, he was called Sujeto. And the Don came from a word in Spanish which is a way to respect a person. I could see how thoughtful he is by listening to the story of his life. I could also tell how much he cares of his hats, and how he think a good hat for a person is not only about a good material, but also how big their head is, and how tall their face is. He said that his shop is very Colombian cultural, because all the things they sell are Colombian traditional hats. You can pay 20,000 pesos, and then they will put a simple symbol that you want to put on. But the cost depends on how hard it is to draw the logo. I think that this shop is related with Colombian culture because they sell Colombian hats.

Don Sujeto

“Don Sujeto” is located in Cra. 13 #93 - 11, Bogotá. They sell Colombian traditional hats. There were a lot of type of hats. Traditional old-fashioned hats, to a modern hat with Colombian heritage. The shop is called “Don Sujeto”, because he was called ‘Sujeto” in the social media. It means Man. And, “Don” means nobility in Spanish.

This is also a way to respect a person.

The owner decided to make this shop because when they were living in New York City, the pandemic happened and decided to go back to Colombian and make Colombian hats as his father use our customers happy. He wants every customer to leave his store with a ir identity more b o give their cust


In the depths of Bogota, you can find the sense of a hidden ocean. As you walk in you can smell the salt of the sea, caress the seashells, you feel as if you are in a ost paradise. “Agua Maria'' makes you feel that every time you try one of their swimsuits, Agua Maria is a one-of-a-kind clothing brand, you might be asking yourself, what makes Agua Maria different from the other bathing suit stores? Well, “Agua Maria'' uses Colombian designs and Colombian textiles to produce their bathing suits, not only this but their designs are completely based on the Colombian landscape and culture, every region has a collection based on their; flora, auna, weather, colors, and every other thing you could find in the region. Agua Maria is a one-of-a-kind store because not only does it use Colombia as its principal nspiration but it also makes sure it makes less impact on the ecosystem, using recycled materials to create their bathing suits, so that when they are “thrown away”. A positive aspect:

“UV which causes the sun's rays to bounce and in turn generate a feeling of freshness when doing outdoor activities.” -Agua Maria

This shows us that Agua Maria is a unique brand, it is nearly impossible to find another brand in Colombia that has all of these benefits. Agua Maria started as a small business in 2017 now it is one of the most recognized brands. Be part of the 26% of the world with a unique piece of a unique country.

Did you know Colombia is the second country in the world with the most biodiversity in Flora and Fauna? When I went to Agua Maria I could see they knew how to use that for their business. Every collection is based in one of the Colombian regions; Pacific, Amazonian, and Caribbean, among others. I could see every design had a process to mark a place or an animal, some of the designs included Colombia's most important animals, like the spectacled bear, sloths, macaws, jellyfish, and many other animals that call Colombia their home, flowers like the orchids which is Colombia's national flower or a culture. Imagine yourself swimming in the Pacific Ocean with jellyfish while wearing a swim suit in one of these places; Saudi Arabia, United States, Europe, and many others. Agua Maria is one of the few bathing suit stores that provides you with not only a bathing suit that will allow you to always carry a part of Colombia with you but also with a unique design, you can only find Agua Maria in Bogota and Cartagena, and collections come and go throughout the year. Agua Maria started as a small business in 2017 now it is one of the most recognized brands in Colombia. 5 years later this company continues to succeed, and gues what, I have one too.

Aguamaria Aguamaria Aguamaria

Colombia is one of the 12 countries in the world that has 2 oceans, and an island called San Andrés, which is a very beloved attraction to Colombians. The second most famous reason to visit Colombia is because of their 300 beaches cast in the pacific and Caribbean coasts. As you can imagine this country has a lot of representation, Aguamaria, a swimsuit brand, has a piece for everyone of any gender, color, size and age, representing specific places in Colombia. Aguamaria, is 100% Colombian and made from recycled materials obtained from the companies discarded felts, Its Premium materials and fabrics, carefully selected to last. All the supplies are environmentally friendly without losing quality.

Mar Negro


It's perfect for families and friends and is recommended by members from the CNG community. It has UV protection and exports mainly to the Caribbean and South America, but also ships to places like Saudi Arabia, US, Europe and more. Aguamaria is an all-inclusive shop which allows mothers and other women of age to enjoy the warm sun next to the crashing waves of the beaches while having comfortable swimwear. Fathers can match with their son and daughters, providing unique fits and easy to find sizes of multiple designs which represents Colombia's fauna, like Litoral, Which includes a baby blue print with COlombias national flower, Orquidia. Tropical, includes a colerfull print with detailed seashells of all colors and types including skits tops bottomans and more foral clothes.. Most of their swimwear is reversible, and very affordable. The seashells in the tropical coleccion are representative of the sheels inside walls of sand where the waves crash. They are important to the natural ecosystem like birds and can somtimes attacsh to plantom. Coatel communities tend to fish up these shels in order to sell them to tourists, this is a very crucial part of their job and always peeks the tourstis intresset. Litoral is the most sold collection and you can often see it in the vitrines. In colombia, you can find multiple varieties f th orquidia, his is why its the national flower and why Litoral represents the colombian culture so much. All the swimsuits have different styles for everyone and are perfect for your next trip to Colombia.

Mar Rojo

Imagine quitting your job to take a chance at your dream career, being your own boss, having more time with your kids and being able to be as creative as you want. But suddenly a harsh pandemic hits and now you're stuck at home and business is slow. This was the case for Maria Clara Mejia. She quit her job in 2017 to start an all inclusive swimsuit shop. Opun entering the store my partner and I were greeted by Maria Clara which was very welcoming and started telling us her story. Each design she showed us made us imagine what it would be like if we were on a beach under the warm sun. One colleccion, Litorial is inspired by the Colombias national flower. Seeing the design I felt in a calm forest surrounded by this beautiful flower. She explained how during the quarantine business was very slow, and the only customers she was getting were from Puerto Rico. Even then it was hard supporting her family. When the streets of Colombia were back up and people could travel to farms and resorts, orders started to pile up. She told us her inspiration for her designs surrounds Colombia's culture, like the pompoms in the litoral collection. She surrounded her powerful ideas with Colombia's fauna. For example the collection Tropical, includes all the seashells that are most commonly found in the beach or her collection, it made me and my partner feel a powerful coneccion with these seashells. Personally, my favorite collection, Indico, stands out because of the powerful colors and the beautiful design showing blue jellyfish makes you mentally be in a clear beach with white sand and surrounded by the ones you love. The best part is how each design fits every gender, body type and age. Now me and my family can enjoy the beach together with the mismatched collection. So when are you getting your swimsuit? I already have one.


Litoreal Indico

Mar rojo
¡Acompáñanos a celebrar nuestro amor por las tradiciones ancestrales!
In English, it translates to “Join us to celebrate our love for ancestral traditions

This is what “Estacion Artesanal” is, a store of Colombia artesanias inspired by the U.K. train station. There is an Estacion Artesanal store near my house (Cra. 15 #122-09, Bogotá). We’re close friends with the owner, and I decided to explore his Colombian Artesanias shop. Rodolfo Gooding, the store owner, received me warmly and welcomed me into his shop. Later, Rodolfo told me that his great-grandfather inspired him to create the shop as he brought the train to Bogotá. The shop is also perfect for coffee, making you feel as if you were inside a train with your suitcases on top

I noticed the various types of Colombian artesanias, each sorted and placed into four different wagons. The first artesanias were made of wood and decorated with “Corte laser.” In the second wagon, pre-Columbian jewelry. The third wagon contains artesanias like the “Sombrero volteado.” The sombrero volteado is typical of the Caribbean coast of Colombia, specifically of the savannahs of the Colombian departments of Córdoba, Sucre and Bolívar, and one of the main pieces of craftsmanship in Colombia. The owner demonstrated the “sombrero volteado” by folding it, putting it in his pocket, and taking it out again in perfect condition; I was impressed by the stretchy fiber. As we walked to the fourth wagon, my eye caught a very colorful section; the owner told me that those were the “Pitiligo canoes”; the rafts transport fruit, fish, and flowers along the river. As we walked to a new section, the owner wants to help the artesanos. They want to gain their trust to give and sell their product. In conclusion, throughout this interview, I realized that the owner truly loves the artesanos, not only in their artesanias, they worry about how they will survive without selling any unique products and generally admire their work.

1. 3. 4. 2.

“Estación Artesanal" a local Colombian shop, filled with artesanías nationwide

Where: Cra. 15 #122-09, Bogotá

Hours: M-S -9am -7pm. ¡Come in!


Tawa the new unknown material that just a few artesanos know how to work! Also know for its resistant as the “vegetable ivory”, the Tawa comes out of a fruit, and they let it dry for two years, until it get as hard as ivory. When you talk about Tawa the imagiantion is the limit! You can get everything from jewelry or minichess-figures. Buy it now it’s a hidden treasure!

Our motto:

At Estación Artesanal, staff ensure customers understand the products' history and Colombian cultural roots. The owner finds joy in selling to foreigners, appreciating their genuine interest and care for the crafts. Crafts come from different regions in Colombia, such as Boyacá, Sucre, Vaupés, Chocó, and Nariño.

At Estación Artesanal, we honor and respect the work of Colombian artisans by offering fair prices


Yes! As awesome as it sounds, from Cajica to your house you can get miniatures stoves. To make it work, just put a little bit of incense underneath, and when the smoke comes out, it looks like somebody is cooking. This is the perfect gift for your little one!


Totumo is a versatile, durable, and ecofriendly fruit shell

Put your imagination to the test as Totumo can be used to make incredible crafts. Look at the beautiful basket mimicking a chicken so you can put your eggs, fruits or just use it for decorating your kitchen

Photo by Jack and Alejandro

Chapter 4: Experiences

NC design house, Cinema Paraíso,

Ocre Art Gallery, National

Reservation La Serrena, Museo de Arte Moderno


This museum is a national treasure in Bogotá, It’s near the park Simon Bolivar, and it’s an 128year-old museum who focuses on the national polices artifacts and history. It’s located in Calle 9 No. 9-27, and its purpose is for to show what the police has done for us Colombians. To go on a tour, its number is 5159677–5159679, and it’s open from 9 AM to 4 PM. It has 5 floors filled to the brim with police artifacts and history. It’s a not very well-known museum but it’s fun to go to.






The police, they’re a big part of Bogotá, and at this museum I found incredible things. This place looked old, and I could sense the history in the walls. There was a classical and rustic feel. Wherever I looked, I could find history and art, this really seemed like an unbelievable place to learn about the police of Colombia. There were things like cars, which showed the first versions of a police car in Colombia. The 4 floors were something I was not expecting, each of them were filled to the brim with historical artifacts. When I saw these artifacts, a lot of my questions about the police in Bogotá were answered. For example, How did they manage to take prisoners to prisons? Or what were some outfits they used to wear? All of this was answered here in this place. I recommend going here, there are a lot of things to discover, and a lot of things to find out about the police here in Bogotá. This place feels old, but gold. All this history and it’s passed up by people, and the police here in Bogotá. In conclusion, the police in Bogotá has been very helpful to this city and has been a very important part of history in Bogotá, and they helped in the past, and still do to this day, and without them, this city would be a mess.

WhatsApp +57 317 8553548

Fruit Tour at Paloquemao Food Market with Maria Caró

Main tour guide

Maria Jose Caro

Come prepared to eat a lot of food

If You find something you really like, I recommend buying it before you leave because it can be hard to find them else where.

Be ready to take lots of pictures and take notes of the fruit you really like.

TripAdvisor Owen Vickery

We entered a small rose market that had the beautiful aroma that smelled like if we were in the middle of the world's largest rose field, with hundreds of different colors of roses. We then decided to eat one of the most delightful traditional foods in Colombia, pandebono, served with Avena juice, to cleanse our pallets for the flavorful fruit that we would eat soon. When we headed inside, I immediately got lost in the beauty of the market. When we arrived at our final destination, we were able to try several varieties of fruit that were heartwarming delicious, and to our surprise we were taught a bunch about the fruit. My favorite part was when they decided to teach us many ways to prepare each fruit so that they looked spectacular. She told us where the fruit came from, the different fruit families, and gave us tips on where to buy the fruit and how much you should be paying for it. A very beautiful thing about this tour is that she will happily give it in English or Spanish, or both. Be careful not to get lost. I really recommend this tour because it gives you lots of options because you don't need to eat all the fruit and at the very end everything that you dont eat gets recycled..

Owen Vickery

CRA. 5 # 26A – 70










c D e s i g n

(Photo credit: AXXIS Architecture magazine)

A family’s past... A sparking initiative...

This house, crafted and owned by the Rodríguez family in the 1930s, was designed as a multifaceted complex to house multiple families. With four stories, it includes various apartments, including a duplex, and three patios. Throughout its existence, it has been a witness to diverse life stories, from family interactions to serving as a student residence, accumulating a rich history of memories and anecdotes.

Originally known as the Rodríguez Building, currently known as the Blue House, this architectural patrimony was closed for approximately eight years, invaded by pigeons and filth. However, the structure was recovered by National Heritage; it became a private house bought by the director of NC Art, Estefania Nemes. She saw the potential and had the idea to preserve the building and convert it into a walk-through exhibit, focused on design.

Getting it done...

The NC Design House, a testament to Colombia's culture and traditions, reopened for public viewing on November 18, 2023.

Despite a complete renovation of the interior, the building's original floors and structure, including chimneys, walls, and rooftops, were preserved, showcasing the house's mission to preserve its crumbling structure and heritage.

(Photo credit: AXXIS Architecture magazine)

Design Background:

The NC Design House features 10 rooms remodeled to showcase Colombian heritage and traditions. The beautiful background unifies each room's purposeful design, creating a nexus between the past and present. The goal is to create a relation with the viewer, showcasing the art of living beyond inhabiting. Each artist approaches this concept differently, transforming each room into a unique story of interaction with the world and heritage, preserving the feeling of Colombia through the design process. .

Light: a concept:

The design house in Colombia exemplifies a concept of light, linking history and present. Some designers use candlelight illusions in modern scenes, while others use windows to create masterpieces from nature's light. Some use light as a character, like a lamp embracing a person's prescence, others using is as a form of art in itself.

NC Design House collaborates with renowned Colombian artists, including interior designers, sculptors, painters, weavers, and architects. Their designs, both emotional and sensitive, reflect the country's character. Our personal guide, Julian Moreno, provided a detailed explanation of each room's design concept, highlighting the purpose of the artist's work. The artists use traditional techniques and materials in modern furniture, showcasing Colombia through emotional and visual connections with the viewer.

. . .


A look inside the house:

Stepping into each room of this extraordinary abode felt like a journey through the depths of design itself. This house is centered around the prosepect of design as a whole, the art of living. Fostering the idea of romantiscing the spaces in which we inhabit. Everything is there for a reason, and that is to soothe our eyes, relax our conscious and let the meaning of home, truly embody its spirit.

Each room, intricately designed with care and purpose, seemed to pulse with a life of its own—a living, breathing testament of the power of design through connection. You found yourself transported to a realm beyond mere comprehension. While this might have felt as if it had no connection to Colombian culture, the history of the place was the most transcending of it all. The physical space bore little resemblance to the traditional architecture of Colombia, with its modern design and meticulously placed furniture. Yet, beneath the surface, lay a history as rich and vibrant as our land itself—a history that transcended mere walls and floors. Each piece dilligently sculpted by our Colombian artisans. A single glance in any direction revealed a Colombians life's work – their memories, their spirit. Whether it's the study where you recall your father's stern face as he worked, or the man cave where you felt most at home, most relaxed, each room is a window to your past. Here, you can gauge how far you've come and how much remains to be done.

What is NC Design House Colombia?

Design House Colombia operates as an interactive museum, immersing visitors in the world of interior design. Through carefully curated exhibits, 10 Colombian Designer created and showcased a room that combines the intersection of design, emotion, and daily living. Visitors explore spaces that reflect diverse beliefs, aspirations, and lifestyles, fostering a deeper understanding of the emotional impact of design.


Contact Info:

+57 314 3349046

Tiket Purchasing: Click Here

Reservation La National Reservation La Serrana Serrana

“Natures paradise found in a forest.”

Location: Km 5 Via Patios La Calera, Bogota

What To Wear:

Hiking pants

Long sleave shirt

Rain jacket

Hiking shoes Flees





Granola bar

Insulated thermos

A sandwich Sun screen

The overarching mission is to foster an understanding of the indispensable role that Bogotá's natural environment plays in supporting the city's ecosystem.

Non - profit organization: They dedicate the funds generated from entry fees and guide contributions to the preservation and upkeep of the reservation.

Basic Info:
Photo La Serrana
is a National Forest Reservation located in the eastern outskirts of Bogotá.
They pride themselves on offering a variety of services designed to enrich visitors' experiences, such as bilingual guides and a selection of hiking trails suitable for all skill levels.
Trail #1 Jack Winer


The moment I stepped out of La Serrana’s van, my lungs filled with crisp air dispensed by the oldest trees in Cerros Orientales; probably as old as Simon Bolivar, the liberator of Colombia from the British colonies. Instantly upon arrival, we were greeted by the bilingual guide who would be taking us through our hike, as well as the owner of the organization, my dear friend Laura. I refilled my water bottle and tied my shoelaces, then proceeded to start the intermediate climb. With no hesitation, I didn’t hide the fact that I was about to sweat like I never had before, though the high elevation indicated that the temperatures were soon going to drop. We stopped at a pleasant looking rock to give us a break from the boiling sun. Making good use of the time, I hydrated properly and ate a healthy granola bar made with Colombian nuts. We then continued the hike until my hiking companions couldn’t walk without refueling themselves with food. Each of us had a delightful premade sandwich, which marked a clear difference in performance. About two and a half hours in, we started heading back, approaching difficult downhills that almost made me give up. We persisted and finalized the hike; our minds were fulfilled by the peace and landscapes offered by the forest and the city, while our lungs were grateful for respiring air of such quality. Overall, I would rate this experience an 11/10, the way these trees are able to preserve so much Colombian history and culture is something special.

A l p i n e a l l u r e A l p i n e a l l u r e

Jack Winer

Entering El MAMBO was like entering a completely different world. Outside was the city full of rushing people and cars, people talking, and loud car noises. Inside the museum, it was quiet and warm. Unlike most museums the line to buy tickets was short, and the tickets were affordable making the museum accessible to more people. El MAMBO museum was a completely different experience than other museums. It has a relaxed atmosphere, and has various interactive pieces and activities, making the visit even more enjoyable.


There is a parking lot behind the museum, and it is just a short walk to the entrance. Just outside the museum, there is a small amphitheater with beautiful glass-stained arches full of color and patterns. Inside the museum, there was a beautiful display of creative and colorful sculptures. Inside the museum, you can see all kinds of pieces, not only can you see them, but you can also hear and in some cases feel the art. The museum has a kind of pull that when you see something, you just want to keep looking and wandering around to see what is next and all the interesting pieces that the museum has to offer.

Overall it can be said that visiting El MAMBO museum is like traveling to an entirely different world, full of creative pieces that can be viewed using almost all the 5 senses and made with unbelievable details and techniques. In addition, the museum has a large display of Colombian artists like Alejandro Obregón, Fernando Botero, Carlos Jacanamijoy, Arisa Boit, and many more.

Alejandro Obregón Carlos Jacanamijoy Maripaz Jaramillo

Marta Traba was an upper-class Argentinian living in Colombia with her husband, she was an art critic and also taught lessons on some of the first TV in Colombia about modern art she had political connections as well as some with other artists. As her passion for modern art grew, she decided to open El Museo de ARTE Moderno, most known as El MAMBO.

Museo de Arte Moderno

problem that affected the museum. But since 2016 under Claudia Hakim's direction, the museum's visitors have doubled, and the exhibitions have become stronger and better. El MAMBO was founded on paper by decree in 1955 and after 8 years they had their first display in downtown. Their first exhibit was a Spanish Artist called Juan Antonio Roda, El MAMBO showed graves and paintings that he made and after this exhibition, the museum received great recognition

The museum has always focused on supporting new artists as well as old ones Marta Traba helped young rising artists like Fernando Botero, Alejandro Obregón, Beatriz Gonzalez, and many others. Like before, El MAMBO has been focused on supporting artists, and they have a strong display that has pieces from artists like Rene Madrid, Francis Beicon, Pablo Picasso, Leonora Harrison, and Rafael. Soto, and many more.

Pablo Picasso
F e r n a n d o B o t e r o
Giuseppe Stampone


Imagine entering a magical garden where in front of you there is a little house with many stories hanging from walls, different journeys shown in art works, some of the departed, others about society problems, about a variety of different stories, where as soon as you enter you feel in a total different place. Now imagine that this magical place is real, because it is, 3 weeks ago I went to this magical place called “Nueveochenta.” It is an art gallery that gives the privilege to young artists to show us Colombian culture. The main exposition in this gallery is “Maleza” I did not see the artworks, but in the interview carlos urtado explained to us about it. It is an exposition that develops floral culture in Colombia. This exposition shows flowers and plants and paints pictures of the floral part of Colombia. Carlos Hurtado is the director of this art gallery, he showed us some artworks around the gallery. There are different expositions in “Nueveochenta” one of them is “Sin Tu Luz vivo triste” This exposition represents the sadness and the suffering that loosing someone brings us, this is representing the fight against sadness, anger, and frustration a departed one has brought to us.



“Nueveochenta”youmightbeasking.Well,“Nueveochenta”is anartgallerylocatedin“Diagonal68#12–42Bogotá, Colombia.”Thisartgalleryisperfectforpeopleofallagesthat loveart.Itisalittlehousethatpromotesyoungartistswho mostartgalleriesdon'tacceptbecausetheyareyoung,so “Neveochenta”wascreatedwiththeideaofgivingyoung artistsachancetoshowtheirartworks.Whenyouarrivetothe entrance,youcanseealittlehousebesidesthebuildingfullof plantsandflowers.Thepeoplewhoworktheregreetyouwith kindnessandintegrity,theyofferyousomethingtodrinkor eatandletyouinside.Assoonasyouenterthegalleryyoucan seethedifferentfindsof,artworkandhowtheartistshave verydifferentstylesbutyetyoutheretheymakeitall combinelikeapuzzle.“Nueveochenta”isownedbyCarlos Hurtado,thisartgalleryshowedmealotabouthowartcan connecttoliterature,andalsotellusaboutculturein Colombia.Wecanseehowtheseartworkscanconnectto literaturebecausetheartistsallpaintstoriesthroughtheir artworksshowingusastoryinsideapicture,soallofthose interestedinartandsculpturesIhighlyrecommend



The Kandil dance group offers you an experience of old traditional dance and music. The African style of music that is performed, was brought to Colombia when the Spanish had brought slaves. This is why cumbia music mostly contains African beats, but It also has a mixture of European and American indigenous beats. Cumbia dance and music was invented in the 17th century, and has been Kandil dance group's most popular performance. This dance group finds it important to show this underappreciated dance culture, which is why they have their own local dance academy called Bembe Dance Academy. Their goal is to teach people traditional dances, discipline them, and teach them about the Colombian dance culture. Bembe is located in Calle 53 N° 25 – 35 on the third floor. The manager stated that “Visitors are welcome to join the group during rehearsals and the hours are Monday and Wednesday from 7:00am to 9:00pm.”

The Kandil dance group also has performances during dance festivals, and dance competitions such as, Fontibon dance festival, or All Dance Colombia competitions and for the people who aren't interested in going to festivals or competitions, they also perform for private family events.

Kandil is a company with many wonderful dancers performing the Cumbia. The traditional dance is Cumbia which is an awesome dance. The women wore long flowy skirts that were reddish and had a checker pattern and the men wore something like a tux. It was white with a scarf and looked fancy. The woman wore a flower-ish skirt which was nice and it was fun to watch. There was music that sounded like there were drums but it sounded much deeper and cooler. When you saw them you felt amazed and it was just perfect. You felt like it took loads of time to practice and it looked and sounded perfect.

The company of Kandil is about an old culture in Colombia, and it cool to watch it felt like a story about Colombia if you imagine hard enough it all makes sense and they dance w b tif l d it ld h t k long time to practice which made it more in

K a n d i l i s a c o m p a n y w i t h m a n y w o n d e r f u l d a n c e r s p e r f o r m i n g t h e C u m b i a T h e t r

I never thought I would be able to see traditional Colombian dance. As you watch the performance, the african “drums” bang , the “flutes” toot, the “maracas” shake, the “guacharacas” rattle and the “accordions” play. As I listen, all I can do is picture myself on the beach, in the Caribbean listening to salsa, merengue, and vallenato. Then suddenly, I was mesmerized by the three layered long, flowing red dresses with a white checkered pattern and clear white floral edges. I watched as the dresses swept through the stage, reminding me of birds swaying in the air or waves crashing down . While I took in the performance, I nodded my head and tapped my feet to the African and European beats.

How can I go to Tejo 76?

The Phone number to go to tejo 76 is 3336420736

The andres of tejo 76 is Carrera 24 # 76-56

Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday they are open from 2pm until 10:30Pm, Thursday and Friday they open more erlay they open from 11 am until 11 pm and on Saturday and on Sunday they open at 10:30 Am until 11Pm.

You need to reserve the cancha

The most reserved is the 12 m cancha

The tejos are cleaned when you finnish play

I was curious about tejo, Colombia's national sport. Tejo is one of the classic sports that is national of Colombia, Tejo has a long history in the region of Santander, where people of the santandereanas have lived for a long time. The traditions and the sport have been improved and now have been more commercial than cultural.

When I walked into Club Tejo 76,the first thing I noticed was their beautiful painting walls with that traditional color of the Colombian flag.Then when I was entering into the club I felt like in the metro of Medellin it was crowded with people of all ages and realy noise with popular music.I was hearing the reggaeton that was feeling to speakers in my ears. I heard the explosion that somebody have made I heard him choud “MECHA!” with that excitement that you feel when you win something. I could smell the smoke from the mecha as the gunpowder exploded. Just then, a waitress passed by me with a big plate of “Picada”, a mix of the three types of meat plus others : chicken, beef and pork. I decided to try it myself, which was the best decision that I have ever made,because it was juicy and tender. My impression on tejo 76 was the best experience that I have ever had, the adrenaline that I experienced blowing Mechas was the best part and the food makes the best combination.

Nueveochenta Art Gallery provides all the contemporary art you need to see in Bogota. From artists from all over Colombia and some from Latin America. It is located in Dg. 68 #1242, Bogotá. Right next to some flower markets. It is full of any art you need. Its expositions have different artists every two to three months. Right now there is an Aldo Chaparro exposition. It is an antique home fully modernized inside. It is full of mostly contemporary art. And some art pieces are made by young and new artists that are looking for support in their careers. Everything you love in one place. With welcoming staff that will offer you anything you require. The owner, Carlos Hurtado, is a really nice and formal person. There at the gallery you can buy artworks, you can study or read the artworks or even go just for fun. Everyone is welcome, so if you are a contemporary art lover, that is your place to go. And even if you want to get to know art better, that is your place.

Big old, rustic sign stating the name: Nueveochenta. I was intrigued to know what was inside. The first step inside was like stepping into a new world full of art. Each room full of contemporary art had its special details that made it unique in some sort of way. Everything just came into place, it was a place where you could express yourself through art. The way you could differently read each art piece from your own perspective. The smell of new, of magical. I just do not know how to explain it. I hear the sound of nature outside on that big patio full of sculptures. It was so full of art that I felt I could almost taste the paint. It was another world, where you could find Aldo Chaparro artworks with different shapes and even more artists. Not only that, but it is a one-of-a-kind place. Everywhere you walked through, there would be art and more art. The staff was really friendly, which was key too.

All you need to know about la cabaña of Alpina

La Cabaña of Alpina is located in Carrera. 5 #5-65 in Sopo, Colombia. It opens from 8 AM TO 6 PM and is about 50 minutes from Bogotá. La Cabaña is a single-mark product market where you can buy any product from Alpina—the Colombian food enterprise with innumerable food products of all sizes and flavors. Arequipa is the most traditional food they sell, according to the manager.

This food market has a restaurant that serves pizza and hot dogs many others, many parks for kids to play, they have printed big images with works, so small kids can draw whatever they want. If you want to taste some of the best products I would recommend Avena, Alpin, Arequipe, or Bonyurt. They have about 150 meters of grass, with tables and trees to play sports like football. There's a tent where they do all types of games for kids and adults. These games can be anything On Father's Day they put Tejo which is a Colombian sport where you throw a metallic disc that you try to hit a “papeleta” that is exploited if you hit it against the Tejo board. If you would like to have fun with your family, I would recommend the tent. In this place, you can play with your parents siblings, or children of anyone. Contact Alejandro Villa la Cabaña’s director or call the Cabaña’s number for any doubts you can also enter la Cabaña’s website https://alpina.com/tiendasalpina/la-cabana-alpina

La Cabaña of Alpina

My heart beats like a drum. Everyone was very anxious, “La Cabaña!” I felt the taste of all the food in the air, meanwhile, we were entering the shop. It was huge, and there were all kinds of products. Arequipe is a mix of cooked sugar and milk that comes in small and big packages. I got many things that were needed in my house also with lots of snacks, as we went to the cash register I was trying to pull myself together I wanted to eat the Arequipe! They sold pizzas and hot dogs, I ate the “Arequipe”, it was perfect it was very dense, and the sweet flavor stayed in my mouth. I drank oatmeal, personally, I think Alpina makes the best oatmeal in the world. When the pizza got, we saw it was squared which made everyone's mouth water, while the cheese spread like strings of nutritious dairy products. It tasted as crunchy as popcorn, my mouth was having a feast! It felt like a party in my mouth. In the tent, there were kid's games on one side where my sister, aunt, and cousin went into a ball pool or relay races. And on the other side, there was Tejo. We stayed to play while we bet 20 million pesos each. In the end, my uncle won, it was late, and we all were tired we had so much fun. We all were happy!!! Like a child at the end of the day.

Phone number: +57 322 8702001 Gmail: gerencia@museocasagrau. com

I walked into the museum and could hear the rain fall on the ceiling. As we entered the rooms, I listened to the classic calm music and the people painting inside another room. It felt like an old historic house. I understood this place was like a home for the people who worked there, the start of cultural displacement. As I saw each painting, I could see the brush strokes and the fingerprints—every room filled with a bit of detail that would capture somebody's eye. I saw life-like dolls and old pictures of his family and trips. Enrique Grau took his culture and home very seriously.

I paced around a bit and noticed all the million little details in his vases and sculptures. I saw a vast goddess sculpture in the middle of the room. It was called the “Angel of Cartagena.” Even though Enrique Grau wasn’t from Cartagena, he always went there and felt it was where he belonged. This museum helped me notice how Colombian culture helped bring people together, and helped people feel like they belong. I walked into a burgundy red room, with a vast diner, and a Victorian water fountain on the outside, catching raindrops.

I stood there for a while, hearing the raindrops and the wood creak as I stepped on it. When I was about to enter the last room, our tour was over, and I had to take a quick peek at all the bright-colored paintings and animal models. I didn’t want to leave yet; there was much more to discover. I walked out with a feeling of amazement. Furthermore, I thought this small house would deceive me, but it did much more.

17 million artists in the whole world , some of them help us see another perspective of Colombian culture. Enrique Grau helped light up Bogotá with his creativity, and helped all the surrounding others.

As many say: “Art conveys thoughts, ideas, and emotions that words cannot express.” Enrique’s paintings had no words in them, but a whole story behind them. Art helps many people release stress, and be more mindful. This is why museums are highly recommended for everyone. Enrique’s house is immediately eye-catching, with yellow walls on the outside. Some of which have visited the museum say: “Ideal place to visit and admire the works of Master Enrique Grau, the staff provides excellent service to guide those who wish to visit the House Museum.” Enrique Grau died on April 1, 2004. Even though he might have left many years ago, his art and stories are still with us.

It is placed in Cl. 94 #7-48, Localizado de Chapinero, Bogotá, Cundinamarca.

It is open from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. On Saturdays, they are open from 10 am to 2 pm, and on Sundays they are closed.

Do you want to know why it's closed that day? Hurry up and visit Museo casa Grau to find out!

I entered the museum, and an assistant awaited my arrival, so we started the interview in the living room or at the table, to which I responded to the table. After the issue was resolved, we continued the “Museo Grau” tour; we were shown the prehispanic artifacts stored in the museum, we took pictures and listened to the assistant speaking to Enrique Grau, a renowned Colombian artist known for his vibrant depictions of Afro-Colombian culture. A leading figure in Latin American art, his paintings and sculptures explored themes of nature, social issues, and identity, leaving a lasting impact on the art world and how he lived here before he left it to the company and permitted the owners to turn it into a museum. While walking to the second floor and entering the rooms where he slept, it creeped me out since there were so many dolls, but one thing that hooked me was the key to the city. After seeing the Rooms with artwork of himself and his wife, We went back downstairs, where Juan Restrepo, the guy we were interviewing, was waiting for us. We shook hands, sat down, and started the interview. I asked some questions about the museum's history, which he told me about how the house was bult in 1984 before the mastro Enrique grau moved with his wife and had a space in which he kept all his artworks and how he left it to the museum for people to see his work . After the interview, we walked out and were told to visit again soon.

Museo Grau opened in 1984, and it is located on Calle. 94 #7-48, Localidad de Chapinero, before being converted into a museum, it was the house of Enrique Grau, a famous Painter born on December 18, 1920, and died on April 1, 2004. Enrique Grau was well-known for his contributions to Latin American art. The artwork in Museo Grau constantly changes to show his different Eriques Graus paintings and sculptures. Originally from Panama, he relocated to Colombia, where he was a founding member of the creative movement known as "La Cueva." Grau's paintings frequently included vivid colors and indigenous motifs to convey the rich cultural legacy of Colombia. He became well-known worldwide for his figurative paintings, including sculptures and portraits. Grau had a long and successful career in the art world, winning several accolades and having his paintings shown all over the world. His legacy lives on as a representation of Colombia's cultural identity and artistic brilliance.

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