Colegio Nueva Granada|Middle School Program Guide|SY 2021 - 2022

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ISO 9001

Certificado No FC-5898-1

CNG Middle School Program Guide

CNG DIRECTOR: Dr. Eric H. Habegger



Ms. Ashley Barker

Mr. Billy Thomas



Ms. Clemencia Toro

Ms. Daniela Mora

Mr. Agustin Trujillo

Ms. Carolina Vargas

Ms. Samarie Rodríguez

Mr. Angel Vargas


CNG Middle School Program Guide

WHO WE ARE..................................................................... 6 MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDY PROGRAM AND KEY LINKS.................................................................. 7 COUNSELING...................................................................... 8 MIDDLE SCHOOL HONORS COURSE CATALOG............................................. ................ 8 ARTS - PERFORMING ................................................................................. 10 ARTS - VISUAL ............................................................................................ 10 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS (ELA) ........................................................... 11 MATH ............................................................................................................ 12 MSPR ............................................................................................................ 14 PHYSICAL EDUCATION, DANCE, HEALTH .............................................. 16 RELIGION .................................................................................................... 16 SCIENCE ...................................................................................................... 18 SOCIALES ................................................................................................... 19 SOCIAL STUDIES ....................................................................................... 21 ESPAÑOL .................................................................................................... 22 WORLD LANGUAGES ................................................................................ 24 TECHNOLOGY AND MEDIA ARTS ............................................................ 27

OTHER STUDENT-CENTERED PROGRAMS......................................................................... 28 ...................................................................................................


CLASSROOM WITHOUT WALLS (CWW) ................................................. 30 GIFTED AND TALENTED ............................................................................ 30 LEARNING CENTER SUPPORT .................................................................. 31 STUDENT EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ................................................... 32


WHO WE ARE SCHOOL MISSION CNG is a learning community commited to serving a diverse student population and preparing responsible global citizens through an accredited United States/Colombian college-preparatory program focused on motivating students to achieve their fullest individual potential for excellence.

WHO WE ARE CNG is a bilingual, bicultural, U.S. style college preparatory school that fulfills both Colombian governmental requirements and U.S. accred itation standards. In 1961 the School was accredited by The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and was also approved by the Colombian Ministry of Education to award the Bachillerato diploma. As of January of 2009 CNG’s ISO 9001 Quality Management system was officially approved by ICONTEC and the school was officially certified by this entity under ISO 9001 norms. After conducting an external accreditation review and evaluation in October 2016, AdvancED granted CNG another 5-year extension of accreditation for all academic programs. Since its foundation, CNG has grown to an enrollment of approximately 1700 students. Today the student population is: 38% Colombian, 15% U.S., 20% dual (Colombian and U.S.), 16% dual (Colombian and Other), 11% from other countries. Nearly all students go on to study in university with 49% going to the U.S., 36% staying in Colombia,

and 15% going to other countries. English is the official language of the School. Instruction is in English with the exception of Spanish classes and Colombian social studies. Students speak English on campus and teachers and secretaries address children in English at all times.

SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY We believe in creating an educational environment in which: • Every student is challenged to achieve his or her greatest potential in a system that promotes high academic performance. • Individual talents and interests are shared and developed through a broad offering of academic, artistic and athletic programs. • Students with special needs and learning difficulties receive support through the intervention of specialists and adaptation by the classroom teacher. • Students are happy and they experience the joy of learning. • Diversity of nationality, race, religion and ability is valued and utilized to enhance the educational experience. • A balance of local and import faculty emphisize an awareness, appreciation and integration of North American and Colombian cultures. • Universal moral values such as honesty, respect, responsibility and the golden rule “do unto others as you would have done unto you”, are taught through direct insstruction, example and experience.

CNG Middle School Program Guide

• While the school is not affiliated with any specific religion, it honors the religious orientation of its families and encourages participation of students in their respective religions. • Teachers, administrators, parents and students work together in their respetive roles to create a caring and open community based on mutual respect and common goals. • Students learn to be good citizens, serve others and respect the environment through personal involvement and experience.

MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDY PROGRAM Middle School is a time of important growth for students who are developing important habits, skills, knowledge and self-awareness. Our Middle School program strives to challenge students in new ways in order to help them take developmentally appropriate steps towards adulthood. All students participate in a Core Academics and Electives.l potential for excellence.

CORE ACADEMICS English, Math, Social Studies, Science, Espanol (spanish speaking students), Sociales de Colombia (Colombian students), Spanish as a New Language (Spanish language learners), Physical Education (Health, Dance, and P.E.).

ELECTIVES In alignment with the exploratory nature of Middle School, students have the opportunity to choose between classes within Fine Arts visual, music, drama, World Languages, Religion, Technology and Media Arts, Leadership, English, Science, History, Physical Education.

ADVISORY PERIOD All students will participate for 30 minute per day.


KEY CNG AND MS LINKS • • • • • • • • • • • • •

CNG Code of Honor Skyward Login CNG Assessment Handbook CNG Athletics Website Code of Conduct CWW Website Homework Philosophy Pre-arranged Absence Form Laptop Specs Life Skills Grading Scale Life Skills Grading Rubric Dress Code Guidelines Co-Curricular and Athletic Activities


COUNSELING COUNSELING DEPARTMENT In Middle School, counseling services focus on facilitating the many transitions our students go through when they enter Middle School, as well as helping the students and their families manage the emotional, psychological and physical changes that children experience during adolescence.

INDIVIDUAL STUDENT PLANNING We work together with students, parents, teachers and administrators to ensure that every student has the best possible school schedule and course of study throughout the three years of Middle School. We work to begin to prepare students for participation in higher education and the world of work.

INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING We are trained to help students with school related problems arising from academic, personal, social or family conflicts. Some common problems include adjustment to school, changing peer relationships, parent expectations and study habits. Confidentiality is always observed. Please make an appointment with the counselor whenever you need to do so. We do not provide therapy, but can refer to outside service providers.


Group Guidance Academic Follow-up Scheduling and Placement Service Responsive Services System Support Transition Support New Student Orientation

HONORS (FORMERLY PREAP) ADVANCED COURSEWORK The Middle School program offers advanced courses for students who are eager to press themselves with more cognitively complex curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Honors courses will better prepare students for AP courses at the high school level, but they are not a prerequisite for taking those courses. Acceptance into an Honors (H) course is contingent on demonstrating and maintaining high levels of performance across many indicators. Choosing not to apply this year does not prevent a student from applying the following year and being accepted this year does not guarantee a student will be accepted the following year. The following factors are used, holistically, for consideration of a student entering and continuing in each Honors course. During the school year, if any of these factors become a concern with a student enrolled in Honors, there is a process, including

CNG Middle School Program Guide

parent communication, by which he or she may be moved from Honors and placed into a regular course. Students demonstrating strengths in these factors during the year may also be considered for transfer into a specific Honors course. Transitioning mid-year has no impact on future Honors enrollment. • • • • • • • •

Academic grades Life skills grades MAP scores (English & Math) Student application essay Teacher Recommendations Honors entrance exams (where applicable) Student Interviews (as needed) Any Other Data Points

Honors courses will follow an adjusted grading scale; in simple terms, this means these courses will require greater effort and extended thinking from students in order to earn an equivalent grade. In recognition of this increased demand, an additional 0.3 “bump” will be applied to grades for all Honors courses at the end of each semester. The decision to apply for a Honors course or courses should be made carefully; families should discuss the time commitment and the mental commitment required by Honors courses while also considering all other school, extra-curricular, or personal commitments. Honors requires a application for ALL Honors courses a student is applying including:

• C ompleted application form including student and parent signature acknowledging understanding of the conditions related to Honors enrollment. • 1-page student essay responding to the prompt in the application. • See Honors application HERE.



on instrument technique, exploring basic rock band elements, music theory and songwriting. This could be your start as a member of CNG’s ensemble groups.



An introduction to theatre as a performing art. Students learn improvisational skills, explore comedy and drama through movement and vocal techniques for the stage. They will begin basic script analysis, scene work, and even get to write and direct drama. In this class students are up on their feet exploring and engaging with their peers in a safe and fun environment!

Prerequisite: beginning Ensemble/discussion with teacher Intermediate Ensemble is for students who are excited about playing in a rock/pop band. In this class students will play current rock and pop music at a beginner to intermediate level. Students will learn fundamentals of music, instrument technique, playing in an ensemble, and work to build confidence in their playing. Since students can take this class every year, the expectations for technique, leadership, and playing ability become higher.

ADVANCED DRAMA (SEMESTER) PREREQUISITE INTRO TO DRAMA Continue to enhance skills provided in Intro to Drama. Students move towards developing scene work in different styles and periods of theatre. Students will perform an array of theatre disciplines ranging from Shakespeare to modern improv comedy! BEGINNING ENSEMBLE (SEMESTER) GRADES 7 - 8 Beginning Ensemble (formerly known as PUG) is a course for students who are interested in learning how to play the piano, ukulele, or guitar, as well as those who have played one of these instruments for only a short while. In this class we will focus

Students are graded on a tiered level as they progress through the program. This course can be taken for a semester or a year. (This class is aimed at guitar, electric bass, piano, drums, voice, and but open to other musicians). CONCERT BAND (YEAR LONG) GRADES 6 - 8

Prerequisite: A band class or discussion with teacher This class is for band students who are more advanced players. In this class students will play more challenging music and focus on performing at a high level. We will study music theory, history, and composition. Students will rehearse in both large and small groups and perform a variety of music including pop, jazz, classical, or rock. Students who want to continue or learn to play: flute, saxophone,

CNG Middle School Program Guide

clarinet, trumpet, trombone, percussion, other symphonic band instruments, or string instruments such as violin or cello should sign-up for this class. Come ready to play, create, explore, and grow together in music. This class will perform many times throughout the year, have the opportunity to travel, and perform around Bogota. (Orchestra players are very welcome). SYMPHONIC BAND (YEAR LONG) GRADES 8 - 12

Prerequisite: Concert band or audition with teacher This is the most advanced symphony band we offer at CNG. Students in this class will perform at a professional level in contests and concerts. Students will learn about musicianship, history, culture, and composition. Students in this class will select the majority of the music they play, work in small groups, and perform throughout the year. Since students can take this class every year, the expectations for instrument technique, leadership, and playing ability become higher. Students are graded on a higher level as they progress through the program. This band will have the opportunity to travel and perform throughout the year. Come ready to play, create, explore, and grow together in music. (Orchestra players are very welcome). MS CHOIR (SEMESTER/YEAR LONG) GRADES 6 - 8 This class is for students who either already sing or want to start for the first time. Everyone can learn to sing and all are welcome! In this class we learn

about music reading, music vocabulary, listen to a variety of music, and perform. It is an exciting, energetic class that focuses on the fundamentals of music, the changing voice, and vocal technique while having fun singing together. Students will rehearse in large and small groups, and perform a variety of music including pop, a cappella, folk, world music, or rock. Come ready to sing, create, explore, and grow together in music. This class will perform one or two times throughout the semester.

ARTS - VISUAL STUDIO ART (SEMESTER- LEVELS 1, 2, 3) Art as a tier instruction based elective allows for students at every level to join class and learn. Students will create different projects. They will explore the elements of art: line, shape, color, value, form, texture and space. Some of the class units include drawing, amplifying, painting and sculpture. Students will be reinforcing concepts from other subjects in a creative way. As students complete projects throughout each semester, they will be exposed to more complex projects that will allow them to deepen their understanding of artistic techniques and dive into the principles of design: balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm and unity. Each semester students will have the opportunity to explore and use conventional objects in non conventional ways.




SIXTH GRADE ELA Grade 6 English Language Arts develops students’ abilities in the areas of vocabulary, speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The course exposes students to a wide variety of writing and reading genres. In Readers’ Workshop, students learn to choose books that are at their level, and learn comprehension strategies which transfer to all their content areas. Speaking and presentation skills are developed through presentation, group discussions, and conferring. Through the Writers’ Workshop, students develop their skills as craft writers. They gain tailored instruction in conventions, mechanics, grammar, and vocabulary. Students engage in the entire writing process, seeking genuine opportunities to publish. The Sixth Grade English course provides a well-rounded foundation for future study in the English Language Arts. Students are expected to read at home for a minimum of 20 minutes a night. SEVENTH GRADE ELA Grade 7 English Language Arts develops students’ abilities in the areas of vocabulary, speaking, listening, reading, and writing. In Readers’ Workshop, students learn to choose books that are at their level and learn comprehension strategies which transfer to all their content areas. Speaking and presentation skills are developed through presentation, group discussions, and conferring. Literary elements and devices will be explored across a wide variety of genres. Students will apply and use

new found skills to discuss different works in a critical and analytical manner. The Writers’ Workshop will be used as a vehicle for students to express their ideas, gather feedback, gain grammatical and conventional instruction, and publish their work for a variety of audiences. Students are expected to read at home for a minimum of 20 minutes a night. SEVENTH GRADE HONORS ELA Grade 7 Honors Language Arts develops students’ abilities in the areas of vocabulary, speaking, listening, reading, and writing. In Readers’ Workshop, students learn to choose books that are at their level and learn comprehension strategies which transfer to all their content areas. Through the Writers’ Workshop, students develop their skills as academic writers. They gain tailored instruction in conventions, mechanics, grammar, and vocabulary. Students engage in the entire writing process, seeking genuine opportunities to publish. Speaking and presentation skills may be developed through presentation, group discussions, and conferring. Literary elements and devices will be explored across a wide variety of genres. Students will apply and use new found skills to discuss different works in a critical and analytical manner. Students are expected to read at home for a minimum of 20 minutes a night. EIGHTH GRADE ELA Grade 8 English Language Arts continues to develop students’ abilities in the areas of vocabulary, speaking, listening, reading, and writing with an emphasis on developing independent reading

CNG Middle School Program Guide

and writing skills, using the Readers’ and Writers’ Workshop model. In Reading Workshop, students have access to a variety of texts and genres, and are provided with time to read and reflect. Students are expected to continue with independent reading throughout the year, including daily time outside of class at home. In addition to independent reading, students will participate in reading partnerships and book clubs to improve speaking and listening skills as well as comprehension. In the Writing Workshop students are provided with opportunities that will culminate in the products found in Common Core Standards – narrative, argument and informative texts. Vocabulary development and language mechanics will continue to be developed in all writing assignments and through independent and whole-class word study. Students are expected to read at home for a minimum of 20 minutes a night. EIGHTH GRADE HONORS ELA Grade 8 Honors English Language Arts continues to develop students’ abilities in the areas of vocabulary, speaking, listening, reading, and writing with an emphasis on analysis. Literary elements and devices will be explored across a wide variety of genres. Students are exposed to and hone the tools of communication and analysis through a workshop framework as well as a project based approach. In Reading Workshop, students have access to a variety of texts and genres, and are provided with time to read and reflect. Students are expected to continue with independent reading throughout the year, including daily time outside of class at home. In addition to independent reading, students will participate in whole class reading,

reading partnerships, and book clubs to improve speaking and listening skills as well as comprehension. The Writing Workshop will be used as a vehicle for students to express their ideas, gather feedback, gain grammatical and conventional instruction, and publish their work for a variety of audiences. In the Writing Workshop students are provided with writing opportunities that will culminate in the writing products found in Common Core Standards – narrative, argument, and informative texts. Students are expected to read at home for a minimum of 30 minutes a night. LEVELED LITERACY INTERVENTION LLI, ELECTIVE, (SEMESTER LONG COURSE) The Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) is an intensive, small-group, supplementary literacy intervention for students who find reading and writing difficult. The goal of LLI is to lift the literacy achievement of students who are not achieving gradelevel expectations in reading. The LLI program is designed to advance the literacy learning of students not meeting grade-level expectations in reading; deepenandexpandcomprehensionwithclosereading; increase reading volume by engaging students in large amounts of successful daily reading; increase student engagement with books that build knowledge; and to meet the needs of struggling readers. Students engage in daily discussions, writing activities, phonics lessons and various comprehension and fluency exercises to learn new literacy skills and to develop these existing skills. Depending on student need, one block of this class will replace an elective and two blocks will replace a core class.


CREATIVE WRITING (ELECTIVE, SEMESTER LONG COURSE) Creativity is a muscle that needs to be exercised to grow. In this creative writing course, students will flex their creativity as they use the writing process to explore a variety of genres that include poetry, short stories, screenplays, and journaling. Throughout the pandemic, English students used writing as a means to express themselves and process the world around them. This class builds on that strong foundation to help students develop their writing voice, their sense of themselves, and their creative platform.


HONORS MATH 6 Honors Math 6 develops and extends learning in the following domains from the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics: students will extend previous understanding of skills such as understanding ratio concepts, fluency with fractions, decimals, and negative numbers, numerical and algebraic expressions, one-step and two-step single variable equations and inequalities, measures of central tendency, and solving practical and mathematical problems involving area and volume. The course emphasizes students’ problemsolving skills and independent thinking, communicating their reasoning, and collaborating with study teams to build a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Students participating in this course are on a path to complete Honors Pre-Algebra 7 during seventh grade and Honors Algebra 1 during eighth grade.

MATH 6 Grade 6 Mathematics extends learning in the following domains from the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics: students will develop understanding of skills such as understanding ratio concepts, fluency with multi-digit numbers, fractions, and decimals, numerical and algebraic expressions, one-step single variable equations and inequalities, measures of central tendency, and solving practical and mathematical problems involving area and volume. The course emphasizes students’ problem-solving skills, communicating their reasoning, and collaborating with study teams to build a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Students participating in this course are on a path to complete Math 7 during seventh grade and Math 8 during eighth grade

MATH 7 Grade 7 Mathematics continues learning in the following domains from the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics: students will develop skills such as applying proportional relationships, fluency with rational numbers and multiple representations of portions, two-step and multi-step single variable equations and inequalities, determining probability, and solving practical and mathematical problems involving properties of geometric figures and area, surface area, and volume. The course emphasizes students’ problem-solving skills, communicating their reasoning, and collaborating with study teams to build a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Students participating in this course are on a path to complete Math 8 during eighth grade.

CNG Middle School Program Guide

HONORS PRE-ALGEBRA MATH 7 Pre-AP Pre-Algebra continues learning in the following domains from the grade 7 and grade 8 Common Core State Standards for Mathematics: Students will extend previous understanding of skills such as fluency with rational numbers; applying proportional relationships; solving complex linear equations and inequalities in one variable; using linear equations in two variables to represent, analyze, and solve problems; applying properties of exponents; determining probability of events; and solving practical and mathematical problems involving properties of geometric figures, the Pythagorean Theorem, and area, surface area, and volume. The course emphasizes students’ problem-solving skills and independent thinking, communicating their reasoning, and collaborating with study teams to build a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Students wanting to take this class have to complete a Honors application, essay and get a recommendation from their previous 6th grade math teacher. A pre-assessment may be needed to show suitable competence in mathematics. Students working at this level are on a path to complete Honors Algebra 1 in eighth grade. MATH 8 Grade 8 Mathematics continues learning in the following domains from the Common Core Standards for Mathematics: students will develop skills such as solving complex linear equations and inequalities in one variable; using linear equations and systems of linear equations to represent, analyze,

and solve problems as well as model bivariate data; identifying and using functions to represent relationships; applying properties of exponents; and applying the Pythagorean Theorem. The course emphasizes students’ problem-solving skills, communicating their reasoning, and collaborating with study teams to build a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Students participating in this course are on a path to complete PAP Algebra 1 or Honors Algebra 1 in ninth grade. HONORS ALGEBRA 1 Pre-AP Algebra I is a complete year of rigorous learning in the following domains from the High School Common Core State Standards for Mathematics: students will develop and extend skills such as solving complex linear, quadratic, and exponential equations and inequalities in one variable; identifying and interpreting key features of graphs of linear, absolute value, square root, exponential, and quadratic functions; using linear, exponential, and quadratic equations and systems of equations to represent, analyze, and solve problems as well as model bivariate data; applying properties of exponents; and solving problems involving arithmetic and geometric sequences. The course emphasizes students’ problem-solving skills and independent thinking, communicating their reasoning, and collaborating with study teams to build a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Students wanting to take this class have to complete a Honors application, essay and get a recommendation from their previous 7th grade math teacher.


A pre-assessment may be needed to show suitable competence in mathematics. Students working at this level are on a path to complete PAP Geometry or Honors Geometry in ninth grade. MATH SUPPORT CLASSES (ELECTIVE, YEAR LONG COURSE) GRADES 6 - 8 Math Support continues learning in the following domains from the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics: the number system, expressions and equations, functions, geometry, and statistics and probability. Math Support classes are offered to students within the Learning Center as well as students who are recommended by their math teachers for extra help in mathematical concepts. The math support class is tasked with several primary goals: removal of mathematical gaps for students, providing mini-lessons on upcoming math material, building student confidence in mathematics and eliminating student math misconceptions. This course is a fluid experience tailored to the students’ individual strengths and weaknesses within their grade level curriculum and it is a year-long course with exit criteria at the marking periods to prove student growth.

MSPR MIDDLE SCHOOL PUBLIC RELATIONS (ELECTIVE, SEMESTER LONG COURSE) Middle School Public Relations at CNG is a one-year course. The primary responsibilities of the leaders include communicating with the Student

Body and representing the Student Body, as well as the planning and production of all-school activities. In the process, we will explore ways to communicate in order to motivate, prioritize the needs of our community and construct a shared vision.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION, DANCE, HEALTH The goal of all Physical Education and Health courses is to develop active, healthy students who are capable of using gross and fine motor skills that provide opportunities for individual and group success. Students will engage in activities, challenges and learnings that are mentally and physically satisfying, challenging and socially sound. This interdisciplinary approach in Physical Education and Health focuses on team building and inclusion of group and individual challenges that develop effective decision making. In addition, participation enhances physical skills and self-esteem. In Physical Education, students will participate in both a number of team and individual sports and activities as well as individual fitness programs. The class activities for the sport portion of class will be directed at helping develop individual and team competence for that sport, as well as participating in competitive and cooperative play. The class activities for the personal fitness portion of the class will focus on student development of a life-long individual fitness plan. The manner in which students participate in sports and activities is a mirror for how they live in other areas of their lives. By definition Physical Education is the process of learning through the activities of the body.

CNG Middle School Program Guide

All Middle School students will take Physical Education. The course objectives are: • Students will develop and demonstrate skills in soccer, volleyball, softball, hockey, racket sports, dance, track & field, fitness, ultimate frisbee and basketball. • Students will learn and use different strategies in game situations. • Students will demonstrate knowledge of the games listed above (rules, skills, strategies). • Develop personal and social life skills. • Understand the importance of being intrinsically motivated and consistently bringing a good attitude and best effort to every aspect of their life. • Students will work towards developing a personal, lifelong fitness plan. • Students will demonstrate responsibility by following the class rules and the policies of Colegio Nueva Granada. • Students will come to enjoy participating in sport and using it as a way to maintain and improve fitness through their lifetime. HEALTH Students in Middle School are required to take Health in sixth, seventh and eighth grades. In 6th and 7th and 8th grades, Health is a one quarter class. The purpose of this class is to give the individuals elements that help them understand their stage of development and also give them tools to carry out a healthy lifestyle.


Health and Wellness Goals Growth and Development Nutrition Tobacco and Alcohol

TOPICS OF STUDY 7TH GRADE: • Successful Decisions and Goal • Diseases/Stress • Growth and Development/Reproductive system/Healthy Choices TOPICS OF STUDY 8TH GRADE: • • • • •

Infectious Diseases (STD’s) 7 Habits/Relationships Drugs and substance abuse E cigarettes Healthy Choices

DANCE Dance teaches students how to improve their physical, cognitive and social skills. It helps to improve stamina and creativity, as they learn to think in new ways. It also strengthens their communication and collaboration skills as they plan and work together with classmates developing personalised routines. As well as promoting the importance of movement to achieve more body awareness and overall health, enhanced development in these areas can help them with sports and other activities at school and in daily life. All middle school students will attend dance for one quarter according to their schedules.


The aim of the Dance class is to provide a safe place where students explore, express and communicate their ideas, feelings and thoughts through activities and challenges. By the end of the quarter, students will have a chance to get on stage and perform their final routine during a Middle School Assembly as the culmination of their learning in dance.

SPORT LEADERSHIP (ELECTIVE, SEMESTER LONG COURSE) Students will learn and develop their leadership skills through sport. This will involve designing, planning and delivering lessons to classmates, elementary school students and students from the Hogar.

TOPICS OF STUDY 6TH GRADE: • Cultural Background TOPICS OF STUDY 7TH GRADE: • Character and Core Values TOPICS OF STUDY 8TH GRADE: • Creation Process These will be taken in addition to required grade level physical education courses. FITNESS AND NUTRITION (ELECTIVE, SEMESTER LONG COURSE) Students will engage in a variety of fitness training methods and work towards building their own training program. We will also be discussing the link between nutrition and exercise by analysing current eating habits, and learning to plan and cook simple healthy meals.

FITNESS AND SELF-DEFENSE (ELECTIVE, SEMESTER LONG COURSE) Students will engage in a variety of fitness training methods and work towards building their own training program. In addition students will learn a variety of self defence techniques and improve their body control.

RELIGION RELIGION I (SEMESTER) Prerequisito contenidos de religión de quinto grado El objetivo de esta clase es desarrollar valores humanos y cristianos en nuestros estudiantes. Alentaremos a los estudiantes a conocer la doctrina católica para descubrir en ella y el la Sagrada Escritura los principios éticos y morales de la realización humana del los jóvenes, acción que tiene por finalidad la construcción de una mejor sociedad. Estos contenidos se concretizaran en proyectos sociales en favor de comunidades y personas de escasos recursos. Esta clase se enseña en español.

CNG Middle School Program Guide



Prerequisito Religion 1 El propósito de este curso es enseñar a los estudiantes a ser capaces de reconocer los problemas sociales de su comunidad y asumir la responsabilidad cristiana en soluciones que protejan la dignidad humana. En el desarrollo del programa los estudiantes enetenderan su compromiso por construir una sociedad ético moral desde los principios del Evangélico. Estos contenidos se concretizaran en proyectos sociales en favor de comunidades y personas de escasos recursos. Esta clase se enseña en español.

This course explores the great masters and select readings of the world’s major religions. Ancient religious traditions and their influence on history, art, culture, and society will be studied. The focus will be on seeking commonalities and how beliefs develop creativity, health, spirituality, and a sense of purpose.

RELIGION 3 (SEMESTER) Prerequisito Religión 2 El propósito de este curso es enseñar a los estudiantes a ser capaces de defender y promover el respeto por un valor fundamental como la VIDA, el regalo más importante dado por Dios. También proporciona formación ético-moral a los estudiantes para valorar a cada persona como un ser único desde el valor del respeto. El objetivo de esta clase de la construcción de una sociedad mejor se desarrollará a través de la misión de CNG, que enseña a los estudiantes a ser líderes que sirven al mundo hoy y mañana. Estos contenidos se concretizaran en proyectos sociales en favor de comunidades y personas de escasos recursos. Esta clase se enseña en español. Nota: el contenido de estos cursos corresponde al plan de estudios de educación religiosa propuesto por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia.

The content of these courses corresponds to the curriculum of Religious Education proposed by Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia. *Note: this class will be taught in Spanish. *International students may take this class as an Elective for a pass/fail grade.

SCIENCE SIXTH GRADE INTEGRATED SCIENCE Sixth grade students will explore the basics of forces and energy. They will learn key data collection methods using variables, as well as how to structure a scientific argument using claim, evidence, and reasoning. In the astronomy unit, students will investigate the universe and learn how to comprehend and use scale. Students will explore geological processes that shape our planet, as well as the rocks and minerals of Colombia that these processes create. Additionally, students will examine ecological cycles in the environment.


SEVENTH GRADE INTEGRATED SCIENCE Seventh grade students will begin the course by exploring the matter that makes up our world. They will model atoms and molecules, culminating in a research project analyzing the impact on society of various natural and synthetic materials. Students will investigate the relationship between energy and matter, using what they learn to complete an engineering design project. Students will investigate weather and climate to understand why Colombia has so many different regional climates. This will naturally transition into human impact on the climate, specifically in regards to climate change. Students will design a solution to a particular human impact problem of their choice. The year will conclude with exploring the structure and function of the smallest units of life--cells. Students will use microscopes to investigate the cells that make up the living things around them. EIGHTH GRADE INTEGRATED SCIENCE Eighth grade students will be introduced to the study of chemistry, physics, and biology through inquiry-based projects, investigations, experimentation, observation, and constant reflection of their own learning. They will be expected to scientifically argue their ideas through statements of claims, evidence and reasoning. In chemistry students will discover the behaviour of matter, properties of matter, basic structure of matter, the usefulness of the periodic table, basic bonding, and an introduction into chemical reactions.In physics,

students will discover the importance and impact of energy in their everyday lives. Topics include forces and interactions, types and forms of energy, waves, and electromagnetic radiation. Lastly, in biology, students will be introduced to the study of genetics as they study DNA, trait inheritance, and evolution by natural selection. HONORS EIGHTH GRADE INTEGRATED SCIENCE This course covers the same standards as Eight Grade Integrated Science, however students will dive more deeply into the themes, projects, and ideas. Interested students should demonstrate independent thinking, curiosity about the world, integrity and responsibility, willingness to accept a challenge, and a commitment to minimal summative resubmissions. SCIENCE SAVES THE WORLD (ELECTIVE, SEMESTER LONG COURSE) 7 -8 GRADE Are you interested in environmental science, climate change, waste management, pollution, energy, clean water and helping fellow humans and our planet at the same time? Then, this class is for you! In this course, you will be able to 1. Explain the interdisciplinary nature of the environmental science field of study. 2. Understand the basic causes of the major environmental problems and create solutions. 3. Apply environmental ethics to historical environmental policy decisions. 4. Compare the populations, lifestyle, and resources of developed and developing countries and how it affects the environment locally, and globally.

CNG Middle School Program Guide

SOCIALES SEXTO GRADO En Sexto Grado, el propósito de Estudios Colombianos es formar jóvenes íntegros que conozcan y promuevan el ser ciudadanos capaces de: analizar los elementos del Estado Colombiano, describir los componentes del relieve, la hidrografía y la biodiversidad, identificando la diversidad cultural y reflexionando sobre los principales problemas que enfrenta la población;con capacidad de establecer relaciones de causa-efecto entre los diferentes momentos históricos de Colombia. The purpose of this course is to support student’s development as caring citizens capable of understanding and analyzing important elements of Colombia, describing the components of the mountain chain, hydrography and biodiversity, identifying cultural diversity and reflecting on the main problems faced by the Colombian population, by establishing cause-effect relations with different historical moments. SÉPTIMO GRADO El programa de Estudios Colombianos en séptimo grado tiene el objetivo de fortalecer las habilidades de científico social de los estudiantes para poder, a través de la investigación, identificar los problemas sociales, económicos y políticos que afligen a nuestra Nación. Todo ello con el propósito entender las causas y consecuencias de los procesos históricos que se dieron durante los periodos de la prehistoria, descubrimiento, conquista y colonia; y cómo estos han repercutido en nuestro presente.

The purpose of this course is to strengthen student’s social scientist skills as for them to be able, through research, to identify the social, economic and political problems that afflict Colombia. All this, with the purpose of understanding the causes and consequences of the historical processes that occurred during the different time and how these have shaped the present. OCTAVO GRADO: El programa regular de Estudios Colombianos en Octavo Grado busca que los estudiantes reflexionen en torno a los orígenes de nuestro país como nación independiente y su desarrollo durante el siglo XIX, para poder compararlo con la actual situación del país en sus aspectos políticos, económicos, sociales y culturales. La asignatura promueve a través del estudio de la historia, la geografía, la economía y la cultura, desarrollar habilidades de investigación y de consulta e igualmente procesos de reflexión que los lleve a analizar los problemas coyunturales del país. Se busca así que tengan la capacidad de tener una memoria histórica con el fin de que cada uno asuma su compromiso en la construcción de una mejor Colombia. This regular course aims for students to reflect on the origins of our country as an independent nation and its development during the nineteenth century, in order to compare it with the country’s current situation in its political, economic, social and cultural aspects. Through the study of history, geography, economy and culture, the course promotes the development of research skills, as well as reflection processes that lead to being able to analyze current problematics in order to commit towards the construction of a better Colombia.


HONORS EIGHTH GRADE SOCIALES El programa de Honores de Estudios Colombianos busca que los estudiantes de grado 8 consulten, indaguen y profundicen en los orígenes de la nación colombiana y propongan soluciones a preguntas como: ¿cómo nació Colombia? ¿cuáles son nuestras raíces históricas? y más aún ¿cuál es mi aporte en la construcción de una mejor Colombia? Nos interesa profundizar en el desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento lógico como el análisis, la argumentación y proposición de alternativas de solución a problemáticas sociales al tiempo que vamos apoyando la formación de ciudadanos más comprometidos con el país y con el mundo. La lectura será un elemento fundamental en la clase, a partir de textos específicos hasta el periódico y el noticiero de cada día porque esperamos que los estudiantes estén al tanto de la realidad para poder así transformarla, desde sus posibilidades y cotidianidad. This Honors course aims for Eight Grade students to consult, inquire, and delve into the origins of the Colombian nation and therefore, be able to propose solutions and reflect on questions such as: What is the origin of the country, What are the historical roots? Furthermore, what is my contribution to building a better Colombia? We are interested in deepening the development of thinking skills such as analyzing, debating and proposing alternative solutions to social problems. Reading different types of texts is a requirement of the course, as for students to understand the current situation thus propose possible solutions. *International students with limited Spanish

language may take Colombian Sociales classes for a pass/fail grade, so they can learn about the country they are living in.

SOCIAL STUDIES SIXTH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES Students in sixth grade will begin to view the world from a more global perspective. Students will develop a strong foundation in social studies by looking at the political, economic, geographic, and social issues. Students examine the story of humankind across culture and time. They consider the essential questions that have shaped and continue to shape the human experience – questions of migration, resources, conflict, exchange of goods, and the environment. Students read and analyze sources and literature from various perspectives. In order to examine these essential questions and to develop reading, writing and speaking skills, students trace the roots of their family migration, explore ways individuals shape their societies, delve into the forces of world interaction, and analyze resource distribution in Colombia. End-of-unit activities allow students to transfer new knowledge and skills to real-life situations. Throughout the year, students will practice skills such as: map reading, interpreting primary and secondary sources, discussion and debate, interpreting charts and graphs, note-taking/ summarizing, determining cause and effect relationships, and informal and academic research. This course utilizes readings, primary source documents, documentaries/films, various internet sources, and interactive activities for instruction.

CNG Middle School Program Guide

SEVENTH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES Students in seventh grade will continue to view the world from a more global perspective. Throughout the year, students develop their reading, writing, thinking and speaking skills as they explore themes of human experience: change and continuity across time and place, human societies, conflict and resolution, justice and human rights, resources, and exchange. Students interact with the texts through reflection and analysis, personal response and discussion, and writing and speaking activities. Seventh Grade Social Studies provides numerous opportunities for students to make connections to the modern world, to the Asian region and to the local culture, to the student’s family and origins, and to the student’s own experiences. End-of-unit performance tasks allow students to transfer new knowledge and skills to real-life situations. Throughout the year, students will practice skills such as: map reading, interpreting primary and secondary sources, interpreting charts and graphs, note-taking/summarizing, determining cause and effect relationships, and informal and academic research. This course utilizes readings, textbooks, primary source documents, documentaries/films, various internet sources, and interactive activities for instruction. EIGHTH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES This course is a survey of the first half of United States history, covering the time periods from

Exploration through Reconstruction. Students will practice skills such as: map reading, interpreting primary sources, interpreting charts/ graphs, research, and writing. This course utilizes readings, textbooks, primary source documents, documentaries/films, various Internet sources, and interactive activities for instruction. The documentbased question model will be taught in this course in preparation for the high school curriculum. HONORS EIGHTH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES This course covers the same standards and benchmarks as the on-level US History course. It is designed as a building block to prepare for AP social studies courses that students will be eligible to begin taking in 10th grade. Students will practice asking good questions, gathering valuable information, determining the reliability of sources, analyzing documents and what they say about events in US history, and writing. One of the main goals of this course is to become independent learners. JUNIOR MODEL UNITED NATIONS (JMUN ELECTIVE, SEMESTER LONG COURSE) Junior Model United Nations (JMUN) is a way to connect to global situations around the world that include past, present and possible future events. The JMUN will help students learn the skills necessary to speak in public, gain confidence in their opinion and create a sense of community service. Based on research, students will be able to have the passion of being able to find the best agreement


between parties, committees or countries to solve world wide, or national matters. Using English and Spanish at the same time to develop bilingual skills will also aid on the educational growth for a better future. THE BLOODIEST CENTURY (ELECTIVE, SEMESTER LONG COURSE) We will study World Wars I and II, the Cold War, the struggles for human rights, economic depressions, poverty, the drug trade, genocide and international law, surreal art and skyscraper architecture, the Moon landings, mock trials, the fall of empires, pop culture dance, music and movies, existential philosophy, and terrorism. And maybe even...take a trip at the end of the year to Washington, D.C.! Note that enrolment priority is given to Grade 8 students. Together we will discover what you want to know about the bloodiest century in the history of humanity - the 20th century. Let’s have fun exploring momentous stories about epic times.

tipos de textos, géneros literarios, textos mentores de la literatura colombiana, latinoamericana y clásica. En el taller de lectura se fortalecen los hábitos, se trabaja en la interpretación de textos desarrollando el pensamiento y la lectura crítica. Algunos textos que forman parte de este taller son los mitológicos y los informativos de opinión, entre otros. La exposición de ideas acerca de la lectura es desarrollada a través de algunas técnicas de expresión oral como la mesa redonda. En el taller de escritura, nuestros estudiantes aprenden como describir, informar, presentar sobre un tema dado, siguiendo el proceso de escritura y el uso correcto del idioma (ortografía, gramática etc.) en distintos tipos de narrativas, proyectos de investigación, toma de notas, y en la redacción de textos informativos. El curriculo fortalece sus habilidades orales y auditivas, con actividades que les permiten expresar sus ideas en forma clara y coherente.



Los contenidos y actividades están alineados con los Derechos Básicos del Aprendizaje (DBA) propuestos por el MEN.

El programa de Español de grado séptimo ha sido diseñado para desarrollar pensamiento crítico, oralidad e investigación en los estudiantes a partir del conocimiento y manejo de estrategias de expresión oral como discusiones, debates y otras que les permitan reconocer, comprender y enfatizar diferentes puntos de vista sobre diversos temas. El currículo se centra especialmente en el trabajo con la literatura y diversos tipos de textos.

ESPAÑOL SEXTO GRADO El programa de Español de 6to grado continua desarrollando en los estudiantes habilidades de comunicación a través de la lectura, la escritura, el habla y la escucha. El currículo maneja diferentes

CNG Middle School Program Guide

En el taller de lectura se fortalecen los hábitos, se trabaja en la interpretación de textos desarrollando el pensamiento y la lectura crítica. Algunos tipos de textos que forman parte de este taller son los argumentativos, narrativos y líricos. La exposición de ideas acerca de la lectura es desarrollada a través de algunas técnicas de expresión oral como el debate. En el taller de escritura, nuestros estudiantes aprenden a responder a las necesidades de comunicación, como describir, informar, exponer sobre un tema dado siguiendo el proceso de escritura; que incluye la aplicación del conocimiento del uso correcto del idioma (Ortografía, Gramática etc.) en distintos tipos de narrativas de ficción, proyectos de investigación, toma de notas sobre lo que piensan y leen, y en la redacción de textos argumentativos.

El taller de lectura sigue fortaleciendo los hábitos lectores autónomos, especialmente los de lectura independiente en el aula de clase y en casa, al igual que la toma de notas sobre la lectura. Además de trabajar en la interpretación, también desarrolla la habilidad de inferir, para comprender la información explícita e implícita contenida en los textos, generando así pensamiento crítico. Algunos tipos de textos son los argumentativos, narrativos y líricos. Las técnicas de expresión oral como el debate, son desarrolladas teniendo como objetivo promover la oratoria. En el taller de escritura, los estudiantes aplican su conocimiento del uso correcto del idioma (Ortografía, Gramática etc) en distintos tipos de narrativas de ficción, proyectos de investigación, toma de notas sobre lo que piensan y leen, en la redacción de textos argumentativos, en la formulación de posibles soluciones y reflexiones.



El programa de honores, en el grado séptimo, busca desarrollar y consolidar habilidades argumentativas, analíticas (comparación, contraste) y de producción escrita, a través de diferentes estrategias que promuevan el desarrollo de las cuatro habilidades y las competencias para el siglo XXI. Otro de los objetivos de este programa es desarrollar en el estudiante la comprensión de diferentes tipos de textos (literario, informativo, argumentativo) a partir del reconocimiento de estructuras propias de cada, estilo y particularidades.

El programa de Español de octavo grado ha sido estructurado para asegurar que los estudiantes alcancen un nivel de eficiencia y autonomía en el uso y adquisición del idioma. A través de lecturas, discusiones, producción de textos, paneles de discusión e investigación, se busca desarrollar la interpretación, el pensamiento crítico, la oralidad y la metacognición. Nuestro modelo de taller fortalece las habilidades de lectura y escritura, fomenta el trabajo en equipo, la comunicación y la creatividad.


El propósito del taller de escritura es que los estudiantes, produzcan textos donde argumenten posturas sobre la realidad, expongan ideas sobre situaciones importantes de su vida (memorias, ensayos y crónicas) y apliquen el conocimiento del uso correcto del idioma (Ortografía, Gramática etc). El taller de lectura fortalece la lectura independiente al igual que la toma de notas sobre reflexiones y cuestionamientos que surgen en el proceso lector. También el currículo trabaja los niveles: literal, inferencial, crítico intertextual y las competencias: interpretativa, argumentativa y propositiva para fortalecer el pensamiento critico. la exposición de ideas a través del conocimiento y manejo de algunas técnicas de expresión oral como el panel de discusión. Algunos de las unidades de este taller son: Leyendo los clasicos, Cuento latinoamericano y textos de no ficción. ESPAÑOL HONORES OCTAVO GRADO El programa de español honores de octavo grado ha sido diseñado para asegurar que los estudiantes alcancen un nivel alto de trabajo independiente y eficiente en el uso y adquisición del idioma. A través de lecturas, discusiones, producción de textos, páneles de discusión e investigación, se busca desarrollar la interpretación, el pensamiento crítico, la oralidad y la metacognición. El modelo de taller fortalece las habilidades de lectura y escritura, fomenta el trabajo en equipo, la comunicación y la creatividad, herramientas básicas para la educación del siglo XXI.

Las unidades contemplan un trabajo profundo en el mundo literario, la escritura propositiva, la argumentación y la exploración de los medios de comunicación. El objetivo es que los estudiantes se aproximen a la literatura latinoamericana y universal, reflexionen sobre sus propias experiencias para escribir acerca de la visión del mundo, a través de la investigación en los diferentes medios de comunicación. En el taller de escritura los estudiantes aplican el conocimiento del uso correcto del idioma (Ortografía, Gramática etc.) en distintos escritos como memorias, ensayos y crónicas. El taller de lectura fortalece los hábitos autónomos al igual que la toma de notas sobre reflexiones que surgen en el proceso lector. El currículo trabaja en todos los niveles: literal, inferencial crítico intertextual y en las competencias interpretativa, argumentativa y propositiva para fortalecer el pensamiento critico, la exposición de ideas a través del conocimiento y manejo de técnicas de expresión oral como el panel de discusión. Algunos de las unidades de este taller son: Leyendo los clasicos, Cuento latinoamericano y textos de no ficción.

WORLD LANGUAGES BEGINNING FRENCH - LEVEL 1 (YEAR LONG COURSE) This course will cover the bases of the language. The program offers a wide range of activities (games, songs and cooking) that will allow you

CNG Middle School Program Guide

to communicate in French and to understand the culture. These activities are based on real situations and will give you the tools to communicate in class, introduce yourselves, describe and introduce others, ask for personal information, talk about your family and your daily routines, accept or reject proposals, express your enthusiasm or dissatisfaction, talk about your hobbies and leisure activities and learn about Francophone World (French-speaking countries). FRENCH - LEVEL 2 (YEAR LONG COURSE) Prerequisite: French level 1 or equivalent The program will allow you to continue the learning process that you started in Level 1. Topics include talking about your leisure activities, making plans for the weekend, going shopping (fashion and clothes), following recipes (cooking), describing your house and your school and going to a café or a restaurant. FRENCH LEVEL 3 (YEAR LONG COURSE) Prerequisite: French level 2 or equivalent The program will allow you to continue the learning process that you started in Levels 1 and 2. You will explore recreational reading and recognize French authors’ works. You will learn to describe your town and your city, locate places, talk on the telephone, describe past events (like trips, vacations or weekends). You also will talk about the holiday projects and weather forecasts.

MANDARIN 101 (SEMESTER) Mandarin 101 is a class designed for MS students who want a taste of the Chinese language and culture. The course offers students one semester of fun while learning Mandrain. Students will learn daily expressions, experience Chinese festival celebrations, and take field trips to local Chinese restaurants. By the end of the semester, students will be able to pass the Mandarin proficiency test YCT1 and get an official certificate from the Confucius Institute. MANDARIN LEVELS 1, 2, 3, 4 (YEAR LONG COURSES) Prerequisite for levels 2, 3, & 4: Mandarin experience CNG’s Middle School Mandarin Chinese program was designed following the standards from the “Youth Chinese Test” (YCT) and “HSK Test” (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi), which are official Chinese language proficiency test, directed at examining non-native student’s capability in applying Chinese language in their studies, personal life and work. In order to encourage students to learn the language and improve their skills, the Confucius Institute has applied the latest research methodology in foreign language testing to develop the new YCT test and syllabuses. CNG’s Confucius classroom follows these syllabuses’ guidelines and combines them with the assessment protocols established at CNG. Level 1 will cover over 150 characters; level 2 will cover up to 300 characters and level 3 up to 600 characters. By the end of each course the students will be prepared to take the YCT International Exam (level 1) or HSK.


This exam will allow students to obtain a Chinese language proficiency international certification and also the chance to win a scholarship for studying in China, if they decide to apply for one after graduating from high school. SPANISH AS A NEW LANGUAGE The Spanish as a New Language Program is designed to serve CNG students who have little or no experience communicating in Spanish and to help them learn about the Colombian culture. The program works on simultaneously developing skills in the four language areas: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Objectives: • T o understand spoken and written language, to communicate orally, and write compositions. • To understand cultural aspects of the language, with an emphasis on the Colombian culture. The students who qualify for this program are: • S tudents who have little or no experience communicating in Spanish and Children of native Spanish speakers who do not write or speak the language • The program has four levels. Students move from one level to the next when they fulfill the requirements at each level.

TECHNOLOGY AND MEDIA ARTS CODING WITH BLOCKS (ELECTIVE, SEMESTER LONG COURSE) Coding and programming are everywhere and have become a new universal language. Students explore how algorithms (simple instructions and commands) allow computers to accomplish specific tasks, from interactive mobile apps to basic AI. Through projects and experimentation, students will develop and propose new apps and software to impact our daily life. Why coding? Coding allows us to interact, capture data and resolve real-life problems and formulate new ways to think about the future. CODING WITH PROCESSING PYTHON (ELECTIVE, SEMESTER LONG COURSE) Prerequisite: Coding with Blocks Coding and programming are everywhere and have become a new universal language. Students explore how algorithms (simple instructions and commands) allow computers to accomplish specific tasks, from interactive mobile apps to basic AI. Through projects and experimentation, students will develop and propose new apps and software to impact our daily life. Why coding? Coding allows us to interact, capture data and resolve real-life

CNG Middle School Program Guide

problems and formulate new ways to think about the future. You will explore and learn Processing Python to develop interactive programs. Next, you’ll work on developing apps and software to impact our daily life.

allow people to play anytime and anywhere. In this class, YOU are going to design, develop, and code three mobile phone video games using the Godot Engine. Who knows, your game may become viral!



Why coding? Coding allows us to move things, resolve real life problems and formulate new ways to think about the future. You will explore and use coding for simple robotic movements and to program racing drones. Next, you’ll work on building new kinds of machines and robots to impact our daily life. Be on the cutting edge, have fun, and create the future!

Prerequisite: video game design Video games are hugely popular. Mobile games allow people to play anytime and anywhere. In this class, YOU are going to design, develop, and code a video game in Unity.. Who knows, your game may become viral! This course is a continuation of the skills learned in Video Games Design.

MEDIA ARTS In this course students will get to know the world of digital photography and video, studying and applying basic photo-composition elements, lighting techniques, and other pre-production, as well as video and image editing tools as postproduction as creative resources. By the end of the semester students will have created a Photography and video portfolio that answers to their personal interests. VIDEO GAMES DESIGN (ELECTIVE, SEMESTER LONG COURSE) Video games are hugely popular. Mobile games

OTHER STUDENTCENTERED PROGRAMS ADVISORY The Middle School Advisory Program is aligned to the CNG core values and addresses student personal and social development. Advisory groups consist of a teacher-advisor and between 8-12 students of the same grade level. Each group meets 30 minutes per day. This time has many diverse purposes, but the most important ones are maintaining helping students feel connected to at least one staff member and working through the numerous issues adolescents face each day.


ADVISORY PROGRAM DIMENSIONS ACADEMICS • P ersonal and academic goals • Learning organizational skills TEAM BUILDING • • • • • •

utual respect M Cooperation Healthy competition Appropriate social skills Planning grade level activities Participating in House activities

PERSONAL GROWTH • • • • • • • •

S elf-Esteem Safety issues Self-reflection Dealing with growth Substance abuse prevention Dealing with peer pressure Assertive communication Self-control improvement

ADVISOR ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITY Advisors serve as an adult student advocate for each student in their advisory class. Advisory teachers work with their advisory students to help with character development, interpersonal relationships, and personal issues.

CLASSROOM WITHOUT WALLS Classroom Without-Walls (CWW) is an experiential learning program intended to give students (K4-12) outside of the classroom learning opportunities. Students will be able to engage in educational field trips which take place in Bogota, its suburbs, the various regions of Colombia, and foreign countries. The three main goals of CWW are- challenging the student, building community, and discovering the culture and beauty of the region. At CNG we envision CWW as part of our formal curriculum, therefore all CNG students, from K4-12th grade, are encouraged to participate. All CWW trips have been aligned directly with the school’s curriculum and instructional programs. As a result we have developed specific learning targets and assessments.

GIFTED AND TALENTED INQUIRY DIFFERENTIATION ENRICHMENT ACCELERATION IDEA (ELECTIVE, SEMESTER LONG COURSE) IDEA Humanities is a course created for identified gifted students with a strength in the Verbal domain and designed to be curriculum differentiation beyond what may be traditionally offered in the mainstream *ELA/Social Studies* classroom. While students pursue topics of their interest, they will enhance their communication, critical thinking, and collaboration through

CNG Middle School Program Guide

individual and group projects. Students will develop their independent study and research competencies needed to be effective self-directed learners while aligning with the ELA/Social Studies standards. Students who qualify through our identification process are invited to select this course as an elective. IDEA STEM This course was created for the identified gifted student with a strength in the Quantitative domain and designed to be curriculum differentiation beyond what may be traditionally offered in the general *Science* classroom. While students pursue their individual interests and talents, they will enhance their creative, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving skills, and hone the independent study and research competencies needed to be effective self directed learners. This course is based on personal and shared interests of the participants which align with grade level standards related to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). Students who qualify through our identification process are invited to select this course as an elective

LEARNING CENTER SUPPORT CNG has a proven record of effective interventions for students K4-12 who have been identified with learning difficulties. In the Middle School, there are several programs to meet the individualized learning needs of our students. We

seek to implement research-based best practices to support all learners. Our support structures are dynamic and are adapted and adjusted to students’ developmental needs also. The services we provide are the following: SUSTAINED CO-TEACHING Co-taught classes available in core academic areas. In co-taught classrooms, two highly qualified and skilled teachers share the same classroom and collaborate with each other to maximize each student’s individual potential. In this model, both teachers are involved in the instructional planning, delivery, assessment, and monitoring of student achievement. This collaboration allows students to get the right level of support, accommodations, and enriched instruction they need to meet their fullest potential. CONSULTING - STRATEGIC COLLABORATION Building independence is an important goal for our students. Therefore, we are always looking for opportunities in which students can be successful in the general education classroom with reduced adult support. That is why we have classrooms in which strategic collaboration is offered. In this support model, students attend their regular class while learning Center teachers and regular education teachers work collaboratively in planning and creating differentiated learning opportunities that align with each student’s IEP. Additionally, co-teachers can be an active part of special units in order to support student learning and achievement.


LEARNING LAB Offered for students with identified learning needs. The primary objective is teaching students to use effective learning strategies that can help them be self-determined, active, and independent learners who advocate for their needs. Students get explicit instruction and practice on executive functioning skills, such as organization, goal setting, planning, strategizing, task initiation, attention, and management of time and space. Students who may need more time to practice, process or execute learning tasks can take advantage of this class for pre-teaching, re-teaching or more practice. PLACEMENT DECISIONS In Middle School, students are placed in co-taught class(es) and/or Learning Lab classes depending on their primary area of learning needs. We also strive to find opportunities for children to engage in classes with decreased adult support in order to promote independence. Learning Center teachers and the case manager will use data and student performance to find the right level of support for each individual.

STUDENT EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES STUDENT COUNCIL- STUCO (MEETS DURING ADVISORY) The middle school student council at CNG leads through service. It is an organization established to teach students the basic skills to become successful

leaders along with democracy. Members involved with the organization share their fellow students’ ideas with the faculty and administration. They also organize school-wide activities throughout the academic school year. Student council provides a voice for the students and a vehicle for them to share their thoughts and ideas with the faculty, staff, and administration. JUNIOR MODEL UNITED NATIONS (JMUN) CLUB (MEETS DURING ADVISORY) Junior Model United Nations is a student organization geared towards those who are interested in world issues, debate and being informed and learning about our global community. Students learn valuable skills that are transferable to many different subject areas. In simulations of the United Nations, participants have the opportunity to discuss and debate possible solutions to problems affecting countries around the world. Students also become familiar with the structure and organization of the United Nations. The mission of CNG´s JMUN Program is to provide CNG students with an international understanding of world events and to help them develop the art of peaceful negotiation among potential national and international leaders. CNG HOUSE SYSTEM The House system is a program rich in tradition at CNG. Students are assigned to one of four houses upon enrollment at CNG. Those Houses are; Eagles, Hawks, Falcons, and Ospreys.They remain

CNG Middle School Program Guide

in their “House” for their entire academic career and beyond. Many CNG students have parents that attended CNG.They have the privilege of being placed in the same House as their parents and siblings if they attend CNG. The goals of the House system are to provide students with experiences that allow them to explore themselves and discover new strengths and talents. The house system integrates teamwork and healthy competition among students supporting the CNG mission of educating the mind, strengthening their body and developing character. The House competition spans across the academic year. Students compete in various contests throughout the year including; Quiz Bowl, Math Quiz Bowl, Spanish Quiz Bowl, Family Sports Day, Spirit Week, March of the Hearts, Field Day, Talent Show, as well as multiple sports contests amongst the different houses. The House that claims the most points at the end of the school year wins and has their House engraved on the CNG House Cup. NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY NJHS is an organization that exists in most American schools. It recognizes and encourages academic achievement while also developing the ideals of character, service, citizenship and leadership, essential to citizens in a democracy. Selection to NJHS is a privilege, not a right. NJHS is more than just an honor roll. Although the first list of candidates for NJHS is obtained from the students’ academic performance, there is also a great emphasis in the other components of the selection process.

The selection criteria for the National Junior Honor Society is based upon the pillars of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, Citizenship, and Character. If students are interested to be part of NJHS, it is the student’s responsibility to complete the Student Activity Form and essay in order to be considered by the Grade Level Team for this honor. The Team will make their selection. After this selection process has taken place students and parents will be informed if they were selected and an induction ceremony will take place as recognition of being part of this selected group. The following indicators of the five pillars serve as a framework for selection rather than a checklist of items that must be fulfilled. CLUBS The Middle School teachers run a variety of after school clubs from outdoor club to gamers club to Brazilian jiu jitsu. Look for “club rush” at the beginning of the school year to pick a favorite or new activity. CO-CURRICULAR ATHLETICS Middle School is a great time to try a new sport and commitment, fair play and critical thinking are a part of our core values. Being a scholar-athlete is one of the most important roles at CNG; you represent your school in the classroom and on the court/field. Additionally, many of our students have the opportunity to represent CNG at the binational games each year.


GLOBAL ISSUES NETWORK (GIN) In Global Issues Network, students learn about sustainability and how to apply it to their school/ community through the design and execution of their GIN projects. Students go through three phases: 1) Research and understanding of global and local problems. 2) Identify a community partner to work with. 3) Design, plan, and execute a social, environ- mental, or economic project. Students who are committed to designing and carrying out a year-long GIN project may have the opportunity to present it at a regional GIN conference in Central or South America.


CNG - MIDDLE SCHOOL Tel: 2123511 Cel: 3164734270 / 3229491333 Email: Bogotá, Colombia

vision statement:

CNG Middle School Program Guide



Educating the mind, strengthening the body, and developing character for

leadership and service


in the world of today for a better tomorrow.


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