Cole Skin Care For Men
CleanSing FaCial PadS For Men
With MoiSturizer For all Skin tyPeS
FaCial toWeletteS With toner For Men
USED FOR Toner Relaxation
Oily Skin Breakouts
Shaving Dark Spots
MultiFunCtional 3-in-1 FoaMing CleanSer For Men USED FOR Ingrown Hairs
Oily Skin
Shaving bumps
oil Free hydrator MoiSture BalM For Men USED FOR
Eye Gel Treatment
Razor Burn
Post Shave Serum
Cole Skincare for Men is dedicated to providing men with effective products that deliver optimum results. Our goal is to introduce men to an easy to use skincare regimen. Cole skin care products for Men caters to the male physiological characteristic and the physiology of their skin. The dermaceutical-grade ingredients are formulated with fruit acids, enzymes, plant extracts, botanicals and serums to meet both the requirements and the need of our male clientele. The high concentrated formulation is multi-functional to serves many benefits to the skin with one step. Our State of the Art of products can be used alone or together as the Power Pack. 1590 Rosecrans Ave. Suite D146 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 +1 (844) 488 - 2653