CookingActivity 5B: Suspensions
Your name andAvatar picture:
Cole Marquard and luigi figurine
What is the name of the dish you cooked for this activity? Also insert photo of your finished dish!
Egyptian lentil soup
<insert photo of your dish. Make sure the photo has yourAvatar in it!!!>
What is its culinary region and recipe source?
Common dish in egypt
(4a) NorthernAfrica
Dish description and recipe:
<Describe the dish in one to two sentences. Provide the recipe that you actually followed.>
The dish is a blended thick lentil and other vegetable soup.
● 1tablespoonsunfloweroil
● ½cupslicedcarrots
● ½cupdicedtomato
● ⅓cupslicedyellowonion
● 2tablespoonsslicedgarlic
● 2tablespoonstomatopaste
● 1 ½teaspoonsgroundcumin
● 1 ½teaspoonssalt
● ½teaspoongroundpepper
● 2 ½cupsyelloworredlentils
● 9cupswater
Heatoilinalargepotovermediumheat.Addcarrots,tomato,onionandgarlic;cook, stirringoccasionally,untilthetomatohasbrokendownandisstartingtosticktothe bottomofthepan,4to5minutes.Stirintomatopaste,cumin,saltandpepper;cook, stirringfrequently,untilthetomatopasteisbrowned,1to2minutes.Addlentilsand water;bringtoaboiloverhighheat.Reduceheattomaintainasimmerandcook, stirringoccasionally,untilthelentilsaresoftandthesoupisthickened,about25 minutes.
Pureethesoupusinganimmersionblenderorinbatchesinaregularblenderuntil smooth
Which component of the dish is a suspension?
The Soup itself is the suspension
What is the continuous phase in your suspension?
The water and oil used in cooking
What is the particle phase in your suspension?
The blended/pureed vegetables
Leave a small sample (say, ¼ to ½ cup) of the suspension in a clear glass jar for 48 hours. Did the suspension separate or otherwise change? Why or why not? Include a picture of your suspension here!
Yeah some of the water separated from the rest mostly visible when turned as shown, some also seemed to leave the jar as I left it open for about 20 minutes after blending and it was hotter, possibly evaporating a decent amount .
Describe the textures and flavors of the suspension. What might you do differently next time to make the suspension better?
It was a smooth and sweet dish that surprised me with its nice and subtle flavor. I think in the future more spices and salt could lead to a better overall taste. To make the suspension better next time I might add some emulsifiers like mayo or dijon or longer blending times to make a better holding suspension.
Reminders after every CookingActivity:
(1) Please repost the photo of your dish along with the name of the dish to the appropriate channel on Discord (based on the Module)!
(2) Submit one Google Form Recipe Tracker for this Cooking Activity right now! (If you don’t submit one, then they won’t count towards your requirement of 2 recipes for each Culinary Region!). Here’s a link to the form: