Your Highlands. Nicole webber (1)

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HIGHLANDS Na Gaidhealtachd

WINTER SAFETY: Tips and advice from the outdoor experts.

An taobh a-staigh BBC ALBA The inside of BBC ALBA

JODIE MANN: Her success and advice to young artists. ACTIVE OUTDOOR PURSUITS. : Ann Am Pairc Nationata A’ Mhonadh Ruaidh


Content Page 1: Front page Page 2:content Page 3: Run Page4-7 Jodie Mann Page 8-9 BBC Page 10-11 Outdoor safety. Page: 12-13 Fireworks NICOLE WEBBER




The Highlands has some of the most beautiful scenery in the world. It makes it the perfect place to go running. Visit http://www. runningthehighlands. com/ for more.



PHOTO Photographer and make-up artist Jodie Mann on the next big steps....


“I want to grab people’s attention, bring high-fashion and contempory art into the HIGHLANDS”

OGRAPHY Jodie uses her Highland surroundings to create concepts and is very story driven. Her favourite shoot has been “Bean Nighe” a concept based around the story of Highland banshee. The character in the photograph washes the clothes of men who will soon die. The photos can also be viewed on www.jodiemannphotography. 5

“The Cold Light Collection introduced me to so many creatives, so many models and so many different themes.”

Jodie Mann’s “Cold Light” Collection was a big success this summer. Featuring in the Aruche gallery in Edinburgh the Highland photographer and make-up artist has gone from strength to strength. In her studio in Grantown-on-Spey Jodie gives some advice to young people trying to get into the creative industries.

Jodie: “If there was anything that has made me a better photographer or artist it is client communication, research and planning. Being able to communicate with not just the client but the models and your team.”

“You need to make sure that wh best it could possibly be.” 6

“ “If you want to create something thats really unique and the best quality you can then don’t skimp out on things, don’t settle for that’s alright that will do. You need to make sure that what you are doing is going to be the best it could possibly be.”

So what’s next for Jodie? Jodie Mann is trying to keep her next project “under wraps”. She said: “Its for a gallery, two new images and a completely new concept stemming from an old highland song.” Jodie’s most recent projects have featured some of her sister’s editing. Jocusta Mann has a BA in digital art. The sister plan to continue working together.

hat you are doing is going to be the 7

Mun cuairt le BBC ALBA

Out and about with BBC ALBA 8

Chaidh sinn gu Ulapul air an ciad latha. An t-Eilean duth an darna latha airson a’ bruighinn ri daoine ann a coimhearsnachd mu dheidhinn proiseact ur. We went to Ulapool on the first day and the Black Isle on the second. We were out in the community talking to people about a new cycling project.

Tha na luchd-obraich aig BBC Alba gle traing a suibheil mun cuairt. Bha e uile gle inntineach.

Tha BBC Alba gle cudromach airson a canan Gaidhlig. Bidh daoine bho mun cuairt Alba a’ faighinn naidheachd agus fiosrachaidh bho programman mar An La.

BBC Alba is very important to the Gaelic language. People all over Scotland get their news and imformation the channels programmes such as the news.

Chaidh mi a-muigh le BBC Alba airson a’ faicinn an taobh eile feadhainn de na programman.

I went out with BBC Alba to see the other side of some of the programmes.

The journalists at BBC Alba work very hard and have to tracel a lot. It was all very interesting.



Safety the Cairn Natio park

The Cairngorm National Park can be a dangerous place to work and play. Outdoor instructors spend years training to be able to take clients down the rivers and up the mountain. The CairnGorm Mountains claim the lives of a few climbers every year with one ice climber already this season. Last year 5 people died while mountaineering without enough guides.

Tips for staying safe this winter. Guides and training.

Research how much training is required to undertake your task safely. Speak to guides about safety and if unsure hire an instructor to take you for the first time at least. Use a reputible company and look into beginners courses.


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This means everything from choosing appropriate maps, suitable clothing and checking the weather. First Aid is very important and training will help with your confidence.

Deaths could be avoided in the outdoors every year if people undertook more training and took less risks. Mountain Rescues and air ambulances take up vital resources.

Don’t take unnecessary risks.

If you are unsure STOP. Find somewhere safe, retreat or stop the activity. If a trip takes longer than expected darkness can fall and you can become stranded.


This Hogmanay Think Highland

This Hogmanay come to the Highlands for stunning fireworks displays and firelit marches. From manic Inverness to quieter Newtonmore there is so much to do and see this festive season.



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