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Sid Ogwin – He’s seen things we’ll never see! Close your eyes and try and walk from your front door to your back door without demolishing half of your house… Now try and imagine getting from your house in Lucerne Street, Aigburth to the 27 bus stop on Lodge Lane (0.8 mile according to Google maps) to catch the bus to Anfield every other week on your own with the absolute minimum of eyesight, and later completely blind! Well, this is exactly what Sid Ogwin did for many years during the late 50’s and early 60’s following his beloved Liverpool Football Club. He would then listen to the clicking of the Kop turnstiles to fight his way in, and rely on the goodwill and feedback of his fellow Kopites to see how the game was going. At the end of the game, he would go through it all again to get back to the Masonic on Lark Lane to have a couple of bottles of guinness, before going home. Sid did this for every single game at Anfield. Missing a game was simply out of the question, it was his life! Sid was born with

sight but due to a genetic condition he sadly started losing his sight around the age of ten, and had lost his sight completely by the age of 20. By this time he was already a fanatical Liverpool fan with his hero in the early years being Billy Liddell. Liverpool at this time were an average second division team and the poor relation of their neighbours across the park, Everton. Around 1965 Sid met Billy Stove. Billy would go on to be Sid’s life-long friend, hero, match going companion and commentator. Sid got his first Kop season ticket around 1966. He believes this was the first year you could get a season ticket on the Kop. Billy would accompany Sid to the match and commentate the game to him. Sometimes Sid would travel to the match on the back of Billy’s motorbike. They travelled home and away following their beloved reds. Sid was devastated to miss out on a ticket for Liverpool’s first FA Cup Final in 1965, but remembers doing the conga down London Road celebrating the victory that night. Sid said him and his mates sat on the wall of Ian Callaghan’s house into the early hours of the morning waiting to welcome him


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