10 Tips for Looking Your Best on a Budget Looking great does not have to cost the earth and, just because your bank balance will not allow you to shop at Harvey Nichols, it does not mean your wardrobe has to be any less well off. There are plenty of ways to find cheap dresses and numerous ways to help your funds stretch further. All you need area few tips to point you in the right direction.
1. Shop Online Shopping online means that money spent on travel can be put towards clothes, and you do not even have to change out of your onesie to do it! The internet is definitely your friend when shopping on a budget and almost every website will offer cheap shoes and garments at reduced prices. Become a sale surfer and see what you can pick up in clearance sections. 2. Review your Wardrobe Learn what you have and know what you need. Keep a shopping list – this way you’ll spend money on what you really need rather that impulse buying. 3. Fashion over Style
Address: iKRUSH Ltd 86 Broad Street Glasgow, G40 2BA Email: customercare@ikrush.com Phone: 0844 335 6099. Website: www.ikrush.com
If something is going to out of style next year, do not buy it. Instead get yourself something that you can wear for the next four or five summers. The LBD is a prime example of fashion over style. If there is an on-trend piece that you cannot envision yourself without, buy it from somewhere affordable like IKRUSH.com rather than a designer store. 4. Plan Ahead Never shop around at the last minute, you’ll only put yourself under too much pressure to find an outfit and panic purchase. Always plan for important occasions. 5. Check the Labels Do not buy anything you need to dry clean – the bills will end up costing you more than the outfit itself. 6. Keep it Basic Buy separates in only three or four colours and keep these colours neutral – this way you will easily be able to mix and match. A useful little tip when choosing these colours is to make sure one matches your hair colour – dark colours for brunettes, light colours for blondes. Always make white a colour of choice too. 7. Accessorise The look of an outfit can be completely transformed with some cheap accessories, so consider investing less on garments and more on jewellery and clutch bags. 8. Buy a Little Black Dress Buying one dress that can be styled for every occasion will save you in fortune in the long run. 9. Stick with Solids Printed garments are not always easy to style, so stick with solid colours that work with different outfits without becoming boring. 10. Less is more Rather than going out and buying three t-shirts, buy one really nice one that you can wear over and over again.
Address: iKRUSH Ltd 86 Broad Street Glasgow, G40 2BA Email: customercare@ikrush.com Phone: 0844 335 6099. Website: www.ikrush.com