How to Look Chic on the Cheap Just because you are suffering from a lack of funds does not mean you have to look anything less than trendy. Looking chic on a budget simply requires an eye for cheap clothing and a few useful fashion tips.
Always lookout for bargains When it comes to fashion, you rarely have to pay full price for anything. Second-hand shops and sale sections are your best friends and are full of wonderful items at a fraction of the price of the high-street stores. Get friendly with websites that have dedicated or regular clearance offers and sign up for newsletters so that you are first to know about any forthcoming sales.
Learn to Accessorise Accessories are what makes or breaks an outfit. Rather than spending all your money on clothing, invest in some accessories and experiment. With the right necklaces, bracelets and bags you could wear that little black dress seven days a week and no one will ever know.
Address: iKRUSH Ltd 86 Broad Street Glasgow, G40 2BA Email: Phone: 0844 335 6099. Website:
Use a Search Engine We all use search engines to find whatever we need online and Google is a brilliant tool in helping you get the look you want on the budget you have. A few choice keywords are all it takes – for example ‘cheap clothing’ or ‘cheap dresses’.
Mix and Match The clothing you already have might be all you need to create a chic look; you just probably don’t know it yet. Try mixing and matching different items to create new outfits. If you find yourself wearing a particular item too often, try layering it to draw attention away. For example, if you feel yourself relying on a particular top a lot, wear a scarf or cardigan so that it is unnoticeable.
Stock up on the basics If you want to get the most out of your wardrobe, you have to stock up on the basics. IKRUSH has numerous basic items and stocks a varied range of t-shirts, tank tops, skirts, jeans and dresses online, all at affordable prices. Basic items go with anything and everything, and can be worn again and again without falling out of fashion.
Go for Quality and Quantity When shopping on a budget the general rule it to go for quality over quantity; however, there is no reason why you cannot go for both. IKRUSH is one site that offers affordable clothing without sacrificing on materials and quality, and there is probably a few more out there too.
Address: iKRUSH Ltd 86 Broad Street Glasgow, G40 2BA Email: Phone: 0844 335 6099. Website: