How You Can Maximise Your Solar Energy System Solar energy systems are the next big thing in green energy. They are being seen on homes all over the UK. It is an ideal way of powering panel heaters because they do not generate any greenhouse gas emissions. There is a right way and a wrong way to own and run a solar energy system, though. Many people make mistakes that cost them efficiency and savings. Here are a number of ways in which you can maximise your solar energy system. Visit our site to find out more!
Always Opt for a Professional Installation There are solar panel kits that you can install off your own back. You can climb up a ladder and do it yourself. We would not recommend this until you have had professional training, though. A professional installer will make sure no mistakes are made and the panels are installed in the best possible location. Placement Even a few inches can make a big difference to how much energy you generate. Solar panels should be positioned towards the sun at an angle. The goal is to expose them to the sunlight as long as possible. Since the sun is strongest during the middle of the day, a professional installer will look at where the sun will be, and accordingly where it will be best to place them. Calculate Wattage The wattage of your home is how much energy you use. Calculate it over the course of a month. This will help you to decide how many panels you need and how much energy you have to generate to make the savings you are looking for. Try to calculate your winter wattage. For the majority of people, this is when they need the energy the most. Insulate Your Home Always think about insulation inside your home. You need to help solar panels along by trapping heat inside. By limiting the amount of energy you use with your electric combi boiler, you are likely to generate more energy than you need. This is beneficial because you can sell any excess energy back to the National Grid for a fair market price.
Maintain the Panels Perform regular inspections on your solar panels and act immediately when something has gone wrong. You need to make sure your panels are always in the best condition they can be, otherwise it will take you longer to recoup the initial investment you made in your panels. Maintenance does not have to involve anything significant. It’s just a matter of visually inspecting them to ensure they are not covered in dust and checking to see if the green light is still on. If something has gone wrong beyond cleaning, do not be afraid to call a professional. Solar panels always have repairs covered by the warranty, so you will not have to pay a penny to solve any issues. Overall, maximising your solar energy system is about doing your research and turning the work over to the professionals. Yes, it will cost you more in the beginning, but your system will generate more energy and will become a bigger asset to your home.