Three reasons issues are as important as style

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Three Reasons Issues Are As Important As Style We are all familiar with the stereotypical woman who has an entire wardrobe full of shoes. However, it's that element of truth that makes such stereotypes something we can laugh at. Truth be told, shoes are a vital part of style regardless of the season or occasion. It's unfortunate, but many women neglect footwear because they view it as an afterthought. That's a mistake for the fashion conscious woman. Your shoes are just as important to your overall look as any other part of your ensemble. Simply put, you need to pay attention to footwear. There are three important reasons for doing so.

Fashion from the Bottom Up It has been said that the first thing people notice about you is your face. That may be true when it comes to meeting for the first time. Nevertheless, once familiarity sets in to a point where your style can be analysed, some designers say it all begins with the shoes. In other words, people look at your feet and then work their way up. Whether or not that happens in every case, there's no denying that a pair of misplaced shoes will throw everything off. If your shoes don't work well with that new party dress or the hot pants and top you've chosen, it can ruin everything. People do give serious consideration to your footwear choices.

Comfort and Self-Confidence A big part of women's fashion that we tend to forget about is the idea of self-confidence. Yet we know that a self-confident woman can make just about anything look good – within reason. So footwear choices need to be made in light of that. Especially in the area of comfort. If a woman is uncomfortable in a pair of shoes, she finds it more difficult to carry herself gracefully and with confidence. If a pair of shoes is actually painful to wear, things quickly get worse from there. Your choice of footwear should not only look good with the rest of your ensemble, it should also be comfortable enough to allow you to carry yourself with grace and self-confidence.

Address: iKRUSH Ltd 86 Broad Street Glasgow, G40 2BA Email: Phone: 0844 335 6099. Website:

Details Are Not Lost

Lastly, your choice of footwear is not lost on casual observers in terms of the details. What do we mean by this? We mean that people will look at your shoes and draw conclusions about who you are and what your fashion choices are based on. For example, if someone easily spots a pair of cheap shoes paired with a designer dress, they might be given the impression that you don't really care about your overall look. If you are wearing a pair of heels in an environment more suited to flats, people might get the impression that you do not pay attention. The details of your shoes are important. For full selection of shoes that are right for any occasion and look, don't hesitate to visit our site. You'll find everything you need to ensure your footwear always says the right things about you and your style.

Address: iKRUSH Ltd 86 Broad Street Glasgow, G40 2BA Email: Phone: 0844 335 6099. Website:

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