Top Tips for Heating Your Garden Office
Your garden office is the one place where you can get away and relax. It is completely isolated from the rest of your home. During the winter months, you are going to have to think about how you’re going to heat this office. There are four walls that heat can escape through and a roof that needs to trap air inside. Without an efficient electric heating solution, you are going to find yourself spending a fortune on heating your office. Click here to find out more about heating your garden office.
Insulate First You have three major areas where heat can escape your office. It can go through the walls, the windows, and the roof. Of these three, the biggest concerns are the walls and the roof. Only about 10% of heat will escape through the windows. Always think about how you are going to insulate your garden office.
You should have some roof insulation and insulation in your walls, assuming you have a wall cavity. One thing you need to consider is the cost of it all compared to the savings. You can compare savings on your heating bills made by insulating your office through a number of calculators available online.
Direction of the Sun Think about the geographical position of your office. This should be done prior to the building work. If you want to keep your heating off as much
as you possibly can, it makes sense to have your office pointing towards where the sun is at the hottest part of the day. Even during the winter, this will provide a lot of heat that can make turning your interior heaters on unnecessary.
Effective Thermostat Control Anyone using electric and vertical radiators should aim to have as much control as possible over their heating. Most modern radiators come with a basic thermostat that allows you to set it at a specific temperature. It is also worthwhile purchasing a timer, so the heater turns off automatically after a specific period.
By having more control over your thermostat, you are making sure that you do not inadvertently expend more heat than needed. Talk to your heating provider about better ways to control your heating. There are all sorts of advanced tools available these days.
Use Your Garden Office at Certain Times If you are serious about saving, you can make some serious savings by changing your schedule. Use your garden office during the warmest parts of the day. This will reduce the need to fire up your heaters during colder evenings. Of course, this is not practical for everyone, but it is always an option.
Turn the Heating Down The best option for saving money is to turn your thermostat and radiators down. This is the simplest option available to you. Even decreasing your average temperature by a couple of degrees can save hundreds of pounds over the course of a couple of years. Turn the heating down slightly and put on a jumper instead. It is the easiest way to save money quickly with a minimal amount of effort.
Electric Heating Supplies are the specialists in electric heating and vertical radiators. They have outfitted thousands of garden offices with the right kit over the years.