Table of Contents
Welcome to BarMUN! Delegates, On behalf of the Boston University International Affairs Association, it is my honor to welcome you to the fourth annual Boston Area Model United Nations Conference. Over the past few years, BarMUN has distinguished itself as one of the premier crisis simulations on the circuit because of its unique take on full integration. At BarMUN, state agencies, non-governmental organizations and multinational corporations from all over the globe can interact with one another, just as they do in the real world. The life-like dynamism that results from this approach to crisis is the perennial essence of BarMUN. We are proud of this past success, but we have also adopted a number of substantive innovations for this year’s conference that we hope will further improve the BarMUN experience. For example, this is the first BarMUN with a definitive intellectual focus, and our simulation will seek to investigate the interplay between ideological and economic sources of conflict. Consequently, we are hosting a Coffee and Conversation hour for delegates to reflect on the simulated events of the weekend, have invited the Enough Project to speak about the turmoil in eastern Congo, and will be raising money with your help for Action Kivu’s development initiatives in the region. Of course, there is more to a conference than its substantive program, and BarMUN is therefore lucky to be located in the Hub of the Universe. Boston is one of the world’s greatest cities, with numerous restaurants, bars and clubs to keep you busy outside of committee (not to mention a long list of historical attractions). We have also chartered a harbor cruise for the Saturday event, so you will come to see the city from a vantage point available to few visitors. These are just some of the aspects that will make BarMUN unforgettable. There is so much more to discover, so I urge you to fully embrace the BarMUN experience. Our staff has been working tirelessly for the past year, but the conference’s success depends as always on the passionate engagement of the delegates. This handbook and the BarMUN websites should hopefully prove useful resources for you throughout the weekend, but do not hesitate to reach out to me or any other members of the Secretariat or staff. We are here to help you in any way we can. Best, Sam Leone Secretary-General BarMUN IV
Meet the Secretariat
Sam Leone Secretary-General
Alexandra Solomon ChargÊe d’Affaires
Aarthi Gunasekaran Chief Financial Officer
Oriana Zoghbi Harb Chief Crisis Coordinator
Maha Kamal Chief Operations Officer
Eric Kashdan Chief Crisis Coordinator
Colin Rosenow Chief Information Officer
BarMUN IV Schedule Thursday, October 20 6:00pm – 6:30pm 7:00pm – 10:00pm 10:15pm – 10:45pm
BarMUN Experience* Committee Session I Head Delegate Meeting
Friday, October 21 3:00pm – 6:00pm 6:00pm – 7:00pm 7:00pm – 10:00pm 10:15pm – 10:45pm 10:30pm – 1:00am 11:00pm – 1:00am
Committee Session II Dinner Break Committee Session III Head Delegate Meeting Social Events in Boston Head Delegate Social
Saturday, October 22 10:00am – 1:00pm 1:00pm – 3:00pm 3:00pm – 6:00pm 6:15pm – 6:45pm 10:00pm – 2:00am
Committee Session IV Committee Lunch Committee Session V Head Delegate Meeting BarMUN Social Event
Sunday, October 23 10:00am – 11:30pm 11:30am – 12:30pm 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Committee Session VI Coffee & Conversation Closing Ceremonies
*Featuring Special Guest Speaker Alexandra Hellmuth, of the Enough Project’s Raise Hope for Congo Campaign.
Award Guidelines Chairs, upon the advice of their vice chairs, crisis directors and crisis staffers, have final authority over all awards in their respective committees. Delegates with any questions about awards should first refer to their background guides, each of which contains committee-specific guidelines for how each chair will rank performances. Delegates with further questions or concerns are free to speak with their chairs directly on the subject. Once chairs have decided upon the awards in their particular committees, the Secretariat will calculate delegation awards according to the following criteria: •
A delegation will receive 2 points for each Honorable Mention, 3 points for each Outstanding Delegate, and 4 points for each Best Delegate. In the uncommon event that a chair feels a delegate is deserving of verbal commendation, that delegate will receive 1 point for his/ her delegation.
The two large and two small delegations with the highest ratio of points per delegate will receive Best and Outstanding Delegation awards respectively.
Large delegations are those whose size falls above the median of all participating delegations, while small delegations are those whose size falls above the median.
This year, for the first time, BarMUN is allowing participating delegates to request personalized feedback from their chairs. Feedback will come in the form of brief written reports that assesses the arc of a delegate’s performances throughout the conference. The Secretariat will release these reports to head delegates via email at some point after Closing Ceremonies on Sunday. Please note that this process is not automatic, and interested delegates must make a feedback request to their chairs no later than the start of committee session on Friday.
Conference Policies All delegates are expected to attend committee session on time and to remain in committee for the duration of the committee session. In the event that special leave is required, please discuss the matter with the chair of your committee. All special leaves for religious observances will be granted and will not count against the delegate during the determination of awards. Head Delegates are permitted to leave their committees at any point in time to attend to the needs of their delegation. Committee Rules and Confidentiality Each committee maintains its own set of rules. These rules will be distributed before the conference on the BarMUN website or will be available at the beginning of the first committee session. BarMUN intends to share confidential information with certain individuals and/or committees at this conference. Confidential information that is distributed during committee session should not be revealed to or be discussed with other delegates. However, it is the responsibility of delegates to adhere to a policy of confidentiality to ensure that classified information is not leaked or shared with individuals not privy to such information. Placards and Badges A $2 fee will be charged for the replacement of lost or defaced placards and badges. Badges are required for entrance to BarMUN social events. Dress Code Western business attire must be worn to all committee sessions. For men this consists of a dress shirt, coat, slacks, and tie. For women this includes a dress blouse and skirt or slacks. Dress shoes must be worn to committee sessions; neither sneakers nor jeans will be permitted. Conduct and BarMUN Social Delegates should remember at all times that they are guests of Boston University and that BarMUN represents the programs, clubs, and philosophies of the university. Any delegates, advisors, and visitors must obey the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the United States government, including the prohibition on the possession and consumption of alcohol by individuals under the age of 21. For delegates staying in a hotel, please be respectful to the other guests and refrain from letting noise carry beyond your room. Delegates are responsible for themselves and their dealings with any part of the hotel, including reservations, security, and all other services.
Mission Statement Substantive Mission:
The 1930’s was largely defined by ideological struggle, as imperialists, communists and fascists battled for supremacy. It was also a time of intense economic turmoil sparked by the onset of the Great Depression. The 21st century has seen its fair share of ideological clashes as well, with the advancement of international liberalism bumping up against statecapitalism, diverse religious faiths, and good old-fashioned nationalism. Likewise, the modern age is in a time of economic flux, characterized by a delicate financial system, population explosion, and the brutal reality of growing resource scarcity. The question must therefore be asked: Which of these realms—the ideological or the temporal, high principles or baser instincts, ideas or things—is the source of the intense conflict experienced in each period? In 1931, how much did the contemporaries care about their respective ideologies, and how much did they care about selfish interests, gaining resources through imperial conquest? In 2011, when push comes to shove, how much do we value human rights and democratic principles, and how much do we value economic growth even at the expense of human welfare? Most likely it is some combination of each, so which predominates and to what extent? Where does conflict come from? Why do we fight? These are difficult questions, but through its dynamic committee simulations, BarMUN IV will attempt to answer them.
Coffee and Conversation:
This mission guided our committee selection and continues to guide the development of our substantive program, so it would be a shame if our curiosity were not shared by the delegates. We will therefore be hosting a Coffee and Conversation hour at the end of committee on Sunday, where delegates are free to come and eat a light breakfast while choice staff members lead a discussion on the weekend’s substantive events. If they choose to attend, delegates will reflect on how crises unfolded on their individual tracks, analyze how events became integrated across committees, and whether it was ideological or economic motivations that informed delegates’ actions. Overall, we hope that this experiment in self-reflection will make BarMUN a more thoughtful conference and show that crisis is about more than explosions and assassinations.
Charity Parter
The Enough Project and Action Kivu
In order to further explore the ideological and economic causes of human conflict, BarMUN is partnering with an NGO for the first time in its history. The Enough Project, among the world’s most prominent advocacy organizations, is dedicated to ending genocide, crimes against humanity and oppressive poverty, and we are thrilled that will be participating in the conference. Specifically, Alexandra Hellmuth, of Enough’s Raise Hope for Congo Campaign, will speak at BarMUN Experience on the crisis in eastern Congo and the various motivations sustaining the turmoil. This case study is sure to spur a further discussion throughout the course of the weekend and will typify how the concepts underlying BarMUN’s simulation have real consequences for real people (cut-able). In addition, with Enough’s generous assistance, BarMUN will be selling candy grams during committee sessions in order to raise money for Action Kivu, a grassroots development organization that works in eastern Congo. Action Kivu provides skills and expertise to those affected by the conflict so that they can rebuild their lives on a sound economic footing. It does this through programs ranging from sewing workshops for aspiring seamstresses to education assistance for needy children. Funds raised at BarMUN will go toward completing construction on Peace Market, where entrepreneurs from around the region will be able to gather, sell their products and build a stronger community in the process. To learn more, go to and
Modern Committees
SinoHydro Corporation of Beijing
Crisis Director
Nidhi Goyal
Lian Lian Ma
Alexandru Ionescu
Vice Chair: Mayer Liang Crisis Staff: Dustin Vandenberg, Rodrigo Espinoza, Michelle Choi
Committee Rooms Thursday
CAS 221
Friday Session 1 Friday Session 2
CAS 213 CAS 213
CAS 424
CAS 424
Modern Committees
The French DGSE Co-Chair
Crisis Director
Allison Thomasseau
Jatnna Garcia
Katrina Trost
Crisis Staff: Tina Sarafian, Cassidy Bissell
Committee Rooms Thursday
CAS 237
Friday Session 1 Friday Session 2
CAS 229 CAS 229
CAS 425
CAS 425
Modern Committees
Omega Risk Solutions
Vice Chair
Crisis Director
Daniel Freehling
Maddie Rosenberger
Morgan Stein
Crisis Staff: Tori Smeglin, Esther Ohrt, Qingquan Hu
Committee Rooms Thursday
CAS 226
Friday Session 1 Friday Session 2
CAS 233 CAS 233
CAS 323B
CAS 323B
Modern Committees
The French DGSE Co-Chair
Crisis Director
Allison Thomasseau
Jatnna Garcia
Katrina Trost
Crisis Staff: Tina Sarafian, Cassidy Bissell
Committee Rooms Thursday
CAS 237
Friday Session 1 Friday Session 2
CAS 229 CAS 229
CAS 425
CAS 425
Modern Committees
The French DGSE
Crisis Director
Allison Thomasseau
Jatnna Garcia
Katrina Trost
Crisis Staff: Tina Sarafian, Cassidy Bissell
Committee Rooms Thursday
CAS 237
Friday Session 1 Friday Session 2
CAS 229 CAS 229
CAS 425
CAS 425
Modern Committees
The French DGSE Co-Chair
Crisis Director
Allison Thomasseau
Jatnna Garcia
Katrina Trost
Crisis Staff: Tina Sarafian, Cassidy Bissell
Committee Rooms Thursday
CAS 237
Friday Session 1 Friday Session 2
CAS 229 CAS 229
CAS 425
CAS 425
Modern Committees
The French DGSE
Crisis Director
Allison Thomasseau
Jatnna Garcia
Katrina Trost
Crisis Staff: Tina Sarafian, Cassidy Bissell
Committee Rooms Thursday
CAS 237
Friday Session 1 Friday Session 2
CAS 229 CAS 229
CAS 425
CAS 425
Historical Committees
The French DGSE
Crisis Director
Allison Thomasseau
Jatnna Garcia
Katrina Trost
Crisis Staff: Tina Sarafian, Cassidy Bissell
Committee Rooms Thursday
CAS 237
Friday Session 1 Friday Session 2
CAS 229 CAS 229
CAS 425
CAS 425
Historical Committees
The French DGSE Co-Chair
Crisis Director
Allison Thomasseau
Jatnna Garcia
Katrina Trost
Crisis Staff: Tina Sarafian, Cassidy Bissell
Committee Rooms Thursday
CAS 237
Friday Session 1 Friday Session 2
CAS 229 CAS 229
CAS 425
CAS 425
Historical Committees
The French DGSE
Crisis Director
Allison Thomasseau
Jatnna Garcia
Katrina Trost
Crisis Staff: Tina Sarafian, Cassidy Bissell
Committee Rooms Thursday
CAS 237
Friday Session 1 Friday Session 2
CAS 229 CAS 229
CAS 425
CAS 425
Historical Committees
The French DGSE Co-Chair
Crisis Director
Allison Thomasseau
Jatnna Garcia
Katrina Trost
Crisis Staff: Tina Sarafian, Cassidy Bissell
Committee Rooms Thursday
CAS 237
Friday Session 1 Friday Session 2
CAS 229 CAS 229
CAS 425
CAS 425
Historical Committees
The French DGSE
Crisis Director
Allison Thomasseau
Jatnna Garcia
Katrina Trost
Crisis Staff: Tina Sarafian, Cassidy Bissell
Committee Rooms Thursday
CAS 237
Friday Session 1 Friday Session 2
CAS 229 CAS 229
CAS 425
CAS 425
Crisis Integration BarMUN is a fully integrated crisis conference, meaning that all delegates on each track, even ones in different committees, can interact with each other. Through note passing and the occasional physical visit between committees, delegates are encouraged to talk to each other in an effort to gather intelligence, form alliances and play out rivalries. For example, this year SinoHydro executives will be free to write notes to the Turkish Cabinet, and the British Conservatives will be able to send representatives to meet with the Italian Grand Council. This process can happen in between individual delegates or among entire committees; it can happen in secret or with full disclosure; and it can happen with as much or as little intra-committee politicking as the participants prefer. The only certainty is that BarMUN’s full integration leads to the most dynamic crisis experience on the circuit.
Things to do in Boston Boston Common
America’s oldest park is a great place to experience Boston’s fall foliage.
Public Gardens
America’s oldest botanical garden is also a great place to experience the natural beauty of autumn in New England.
Newbury Street
This is one of the trendiest places in Boston to dine or shop.
Commonwealth Avenue Mall
Admire Back Bay’s Victorian brownstones.
North End
Sample a cannoli in Boston’s historic Italian neighborhood.
Faneuil Hall Marketplace
Just across Atlantic Avenue from the North End, Faneuil Hall has the greatest variety of eateries in the city.
South End
This neighborhood is quickly becoming one of Boston’s chief restaurant districts.
Fenway Park
See the home of the undisputed greatest baseball team in the world.
Freedom Trail
Experience the sites of the Revolution, from the Old State House and the Boston Massacre site, to Paul Revere’s House and Old North Church.
Copley Place
Enjoy the restaurants, bars and shops of one of Boston’s biggest malls before exploring Copley Square’s renowned book culture.
Prudential Center
Enjoy the restaurants, bars and shopping of Boston’s other large mall before taking an elevator to the top of the Pru.
Beacon Hill
This is the place to be if you like spending money.
10:00pm - 2:00am - Rowes Wharf in Downtown Boston The boat will launch promtly at 10:45pm, so all delegations must be present by this time at the latest in order to participate. 21+ to drink, 18+ to board. Please bring a valid photo ID with you. Entertainment will be provided by DJ duo Dice Motion, so get ready to get crazy! There will be shuttles to transport delegates to and from the event. The shuttles will go between The Midtown Hotel and Rowes Wharf. You may also take local transportation or the T to the event if you wish.
Acknowledgements The Secretariat would like to thank everyone who contributed to making BarMUN IV such a great success! We would like to thank our terrific staff for their tireless dedication to this conference. We would also like to thank you, the delegates, for your enthusiasm and participation. Without the contributions of the following, BarMUN IV would not be possible:
Boston University The BUIAA E-Board SAO and SABO Lufthansa The Department of International Relations Professor Joseph Wippl Our Families Our Friends Past BarMUN Secretariats and Staff
BarMUN IV is a program of the Boston University International Affairs Association - one of the largest and most active student organizations at BU. In addition to BarMUN, the IAA also hosts BosMUN, a high school Model UN conference in February, visiting lecturers, discussions, Global Village, and a host of other events. Find out more by visiting
Embrace the Chaos