Jura Giga X7bean to cup coffee machine PDF Brochure

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GIGA X7 Professional

Technical overview JURA standards Variable brewing unit, from 5 g to 16 g Intelligent Pre-Brew Aroma System (I.P.B.A.S.©) Powder recognition for second, ground coffee Power hot water system (3 temperature levels) approx. 0,5 l/min. Cappuccino frother Height-adjustable coffee spout Energy Save Mode (E.S.M.©)


Technische Übersicht

Electrically adjustableJURA-Standards ceramic disc grinders (5 levels) 2 Variable Brüheinheit von 5 bis 16 g CLARIS filter cartridgeIntelligent Pre-Brew Aroma System (I.P.B.A.S.©) Pulvererkennung für zweiten, gemahlenen Kaffee 2 High-performance pump, 15 bar Thermoblock heatingHeißwasserfunktion system 2 Cappuccino-Düse

Integrated rinsing, cleaning and Höhenverstellbarer Kaffeeauslauf descaling programme Energiesparmodus (Energy Save Mode, E.S.M.©) Adjustable water hardness Mehrstufiges Hochleistungs-Kegelmahlwerk Zero-Energy Switch orFilterpatrone power switch CLARIS Hochleistungspumpe, 15 bar Swiss made Thermoblock-Heizsystem

Specific benefits Integriertes Spül-, Reinigungs- und Entkalkungsprogramm Latte macchiato at the touch of aeinstellbar button Wasserhärte Caffè latte at the touch of a button Zero-Energy Switch bzw. Netzschalter Swissofmade Cappuccino at the touch a button

1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2

Electrically adjustable cappuccino frother with fine foam technologySpezifische Vorzüge Latte macchiato auf Knopfdruck Indicator light for bean container Cappuccino auf Knopfdruck A la carte bean selection TFT-Farbdisplay Aroma preservation cover Intelligentes Vorheizen Intelligent preheatingIntegriertes Zubehörfach TÜV-Zertifikat für anwenderfreundliches Integrated storage compartment Benutzerhandbuch TÜV certificate for user-friendly user manual

Art. 68978 – 201104 spiceadvertising – JURA behält sich das Recht vor, Daten anzupassen.

Art. 70408 – 201110 – JURA reserves the right to change technical data.


Einstellungen und Programmiermöglichkeiten

Settings and programming options programmierbar Kaffeewassermenge Programmable amount of water Kaffeewassermenge pro Zubereitung einstellbar Amount of water canKaffeestärke be adjustedprogrammierbar for each preparation Programmable coffeeKaffeestärke strength pro Zubereitung einstellbar 5 levels Brühtemperatur programmierbar Coffee strength can be adjusted for each preparation Heißwassertemperatur programmierbar Programmable brewing temperature 3 levels Klartext-/Grafikdisplay Programmable hot water 3 levels Rotarytemperature Switch TFT colour display Aktive Bohnenüberwachung Überwachte Restwasserschale Rotary Switch

Design and materials Alu Frame Design© 3 mm aluminium front Venti Ports Height-adjustable dual spout (cappuccino /coffee) Width-adjustable dual spout Height-adjustable hot-water spout Amber cup illumination White cup illumination Design und Materialien Magnetic splash guard behind dual spout Höhenverstellbarer Kaffeeauslauf Sound design Breitenverstellbarer Kaffeeauslauf Höhenverstellbarer Cappuccinoauslauf Tassenbeleuchtung weiß Accessories Tassenbeleuchtung amber Cup warmer Sound Design Compressor Cooler Pro AccountingZubehör system Coffee grounds disposal set Edelstahl-Isoliermilchbehälter 0,6 l Drip drain Tassenwärmer set Coolequipment Control Coffee to Go

70 – 159 mm 20 – 50 mm 69 – 165 mm

65 – 111 mm 20 – 50 mm 110 – 153 mm

optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional

In Zahlen

In figuresFüllmenge Wassertank 2,1 l Water tankKaffeesatzbehälter capacity (Portionen) ca.516l Bohnenbehälter Aromaschutzdeckel 250 Coffee grounds containermit(servings) approx. 40g Kabellänge 1,1 m Bean containers with aroma preservation cover 2 xca. 650 g Spannung 230 V AC Cable length approx. 1.2 m Leistung 1450 W Voltage 220 – 240 V AC Energieverbrauch 12 Wh Power 2300 W Energieverbrauch mit E.S.M.© ca. 5 Wh Energy consumption 30 Wh Stand-by-Leistung ≤ 0,1 W Gewicht 10,9 kg Energy consumption with E.S.M. 1 © 12 Wh Maße (B x H xwith T) E.S.M. 2© 23,8 x 34,2 x 43,3 cm Energy consumption 15 Wh Prüfungen <_ 0,5 W Stand-by power Artikelnummer / Farbe 13560 Brillantsilber Weight 18.2 kg Dimensions (W x H x D) 37 x 56.5 x 49.7 cm Checks 5 Stufen Article number 13585 2 Stufen 3 Stufen

Integriertes Cappuccino-Spül- und Switch-on and switch-off times can be specified for Reinigungsprogramm each day of the week Pflegestatusanzeige Active bean monitoring Monitored drip tray Maintenance status display

JURA – If you love coffee

GIGA X7 Professional Diversity in self-service 2 professional ceramic disc grinders

The simple operating concept and the wide range of specialities, from ristretto to latte macchiato at the touch of a button, make the powerful GIGA X7 Profes­ sional the perfect coffee solution for delicious speciality coffees for customers, guests or employees. It always cut a fantastic figure, even when you’re pushed for time, because it can prepare two specialities – even speciality coffees with milk – at the same time. 2 professional ceramic disc grinders To extract the aromas from the coffee and channel them into the cup, the fresh, roasted coffee beans are first of all carefully ground. Two high-performance grinders made from a virtually wear-free technical ceramic guarantee quick, precise, even and consistent grinding. Because it is not possible to manually

Variable dual spout with 2 coffee spouts and 2 milk spouts

adjust the consistency of grind during the short grinding process, the GIGA’s electronically controlled motors are responsible for this. Variable dual spout with 2 coffee spouts and 2 milk spouts The dual spout, a masterpiece of modern engineering, dispenses the liquid into the cup or glass and can be smoothly height-adjusted (between 70 mm and 159 mm) and width adjusted (between 20 mm and 50 mm). The cappuccino frother even features an adjustable air intake, controlled by a geared stepper motor. When you make a latte macchiato, the machine automatically dispen­ ses hot milk followed by milk foam into the glass. Twice the power for the perfect results A classic favourite is once again enjoying increasing popularity and has become an insiders’ tip in many parts of the world: the caffè latte. It may sound

Twice the power for the perfect results

simple, but in reality it’s something of a technical challenge, because its secret lies in the optimum blending of milk and coffee during preparation. The only way to achieve this is for the milk and coffee to flow into the cup at the same time. This is made possible by the use of two pumps, two flowmeters and two separate heating systems. GIGA Value Protection (for specific markets) GIGA customers can now enjoy an exclusive, new service concept that is fully


in line with JURA’s high quality standard. The ‘comprehensive service package’

Value Protection

will retain their value, for 25 months or 45 000 preparations. This includes, for

guarantees the performance of the professional coffee machines and that they example, two inspections after 9 and 18 months.* *

GIGA Value Protection

can vary per market

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