Juan Gris, as a Spanish painter, artist, illustrator, was among the leaders of the cubist movement in the early 20th century. He studied mechanical drawing at the Escuela de Artes y Manufacturas in Madrid from 1902 to 1904. And then he studied painting with the academic artist Jose Maria Carbonero. He is heavily influenced by the painting of Picasso. He needs an one storey studio in order to let him work and exhibit then sell his paintings. The size of studio will be ideally accomodating 30-50 visitors to discuss and sell his work. This studio will have the function that he can paint and then exhibit his painting, as well as wash his painting equipements after. He needs his studio to be located within 1 mile of the Arnolfini Gallery in Bristol (which is a quite busy environment) so he can visit Arnolfini more easily, however, he expects to work in a isolated environment that could help him thinking rationally.
HAOLIN WANG PORTFOLIO 2016 - for Atkin Global summer Intership
A working studio for Juan Gris
SITE Queen Square
St Mary Redcliffe
Why this site?
This site is comparatively quiet, isolated place within 1 mile of the Arnolfini Gallery
Industrial atmosphere within the site context which could help Gris’ mechanical drawing rational thinking process. The Redcliffe bridge was a huge mechanical bascule bridge that could shift in plane which might have benefit for Gris’ drawing habit.
Plan Juan Gris’ Studio and exhibition space
1 Juan Gris painting studio 2 Gallery space (re-using existing bridge control room) 3 Studio entrance 4 Entrance seat 5 Entrance coat hang 6 Paint Store 7 Large canvas shelves 8 Reference materials 9 Sink 10 WC for Juan Gris
External perspective shows the industrial atmosphere at urban scale
Internal perspective
CLANDON PARK AND CLANDON PARK HOUSE Clandon park is an 18th-century Graded one listed Palladian mansion in West Clandon. It has got a important historical significance. It was belonging to the Onslow family until 1956 before National Trust owned it. However, in spring 2015, the Clandon Park house turned into an ‘empty shell’ caused by fire. NATIONAL TRUST AND ITS EXPECTATION FOR CLANDON PARK HOUSE The National Trust, a organisation dedicated to preserving the cultural heritage of a particular geographic region, has provided a new restoration proposal for Clandon park house open for public. They expect Clandon Park House could become an good example of protecting hertage, encourge more people spending time in heritage.
CLANDON PARK RESTORATION - Treat the ruined house as a mounument
CONCEPT CLANDON PARK HOUSE as a mounument in the centre of circulation
This approach firstly helps with circulate around the old building, and secondly it remains the front facade of the building which remains the identity of the old house.
Internal perspective shows the old ruin have been used as a place for garden, and the new corridor have been added for people’s circluation
This model shows the internal atmosphere of the permanent gallery in relation to each other at different floor levels, as well as the relationship between old high street with internal spaces in the museum
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This circulation diagram shows how my concept have been applied, which is encourage people who stucked with past moving on from past to modern time.
Due to Bath is a historical city that has lots of people who stucked with past, my concept is to use the museum as a media that could help people who stuck with past to look forward. This museum re-establish the identity of the old Roman city wall to re-emphasis the history, however, a modern building is hiden behind this historical building that visitors will visit in the end.
High street revitalization. The new parterres will help to link shops on the left handside and the Guildhull Market on the right handside.
Improvements to pedestrain access from Argyle street and North Parade Bridge
Revitalization of the discarded mechanical slice gate to act as another walkable bridge helping to connect two side of the river Avon Potential outdoor seatings in front of the Grand Parade
Orange grove was originally an open space for public use in 1571. In this proposal, this area is going to reopen for public. It will be mainly used for outdoor event space for artist performance and festivals. It tries to bring back the street vitality and lively atmosphere again. It is the old part of the journey.
The new Museum Cultural square is seen as a new extension for my old and new journey in the new museum. This square is designed as a link between new musuem, Victoria Art gallery, Holbourn Museum. It is designed to bring more street vitality from the other side of the river towards Holbourn Museum. It is the new part of the journey