2011 Annual Report

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Letter from Carol If you’ve been a resident of Houston for some time, I’m sure it pains you as much as me to see the hundreds of thousands of trees that have perished from the recent drought across Texas, threatening our air quality and wildlife habitats. A tree’s chance of survival depends on the type of soil and its condition before a drought hits. When our trees and vegetation don’t have the ingredients needed to thrive and grow, including a strong foundation (root system), quality VRLO DQG QRXULVKPHQW WKH\ FDQ¡W SURGXFH WKH EHQHĂ€WV WR society that they otherwise could. It’s the same with our children. Without a strong early foundation and consistent, quality cultivation before the rigors of schooling and life begin, children’s abilities to develop and reach their full potential are compromised.

We are pleased to share this annual report with you to highlight what’s possible when we succeed in getting it right at the very beginning of our children’s educational journeys. Because of the support of so many caring individuals like you, we are able to equip thousands of \RXQJ FKLOGUHQ HDFK \HDU WR ZDON LQWR WKHLU ÀUVW GD\ RI kindergarten on track and prepared to excel throughout life. Thank you for helping us make brighter futures possible for young Houstonians!

Carol Shattuck President and CEO Collaborative for Children

7KDW¡V ZKHUH RXU ZRUN ZLWK WKH PRVW LQĂ XHQWLDO DGXOWV in young children’s lives comes in. By building parent knowledge, helping parents select child care, and providing extensive training and resources to early childhood professionals across our community, we ensure that young children receive a strong “root systemâ€? to help them reach the fullest heights of their potential later in life.

Our training and mentoring programs empower early childhood educators to provide hands-on early learning opportunities in the classroom, which are essential to helping young children prepare for school. Training topics include curriculum development, math and science skill-building, and language and literacy development strategies, among many others. 2

comments from clients Early childhood educators are saying... “Collaborative for Children has been our life support. With limited funds, there are so many things we would not have been able to accomplish without the support of Collaborative for Children. Our teachers and classrooms have been WUDQVIRUPHG 2XU FKLOGUHQ ZLOO GHĂ€QLWHO\ EH VFKRRO UHDG\ Âľ – Director participating in 2011 child care quality improvement project

“Collaborative for Children’s impact on early childhood education as a whole is truly appreciated and we hope for its continued success in striving (pushing) for quality in early childhood centers and homes. Children, families, centers, homes, caregivers, teachers and directors look up to this agency for guidance. Thank you for your work.� – Teacher participating in 2011 training and coaching program

parents are saying... “You have been more than helpful. More like a lifesaver. [Your child care referral service] truly made the process of daycare selection easier. Thank you!� – 2011 child care resource and referral client

“This [parenting] series has been right on time for me! So many times recently I KDYH QRWLFHG KRZ , DP UHĂ HFWLQJ RQ DQG ZDWFKLQJ ZKDW , VD\ DQG GR ZLWK P\ girls. Yesterday I stopped and apologized to them for having a hard face, and my daughter said, ‘Mommy you’re changing!’ . . . You’ve been a blessing at this time, and I thank you!â€? – 2011 parenting class participant

community leaders are saying... ´:H UHO\ RQ LQSXW IURP DGYRFDWHV OLNH \RX WR DVVLVW XV LQ Ă€QGLQJ D EDODQFH between the health and safety of children and the affordability, availability and quality of child care for working families.â€? – Michele Adams, Assistant Commissioner Child Care Licensing, Texas Department of Family and Protective Services


our mission Collaborative for Children is committed to building a strong foundation for young children to succeed in school and life.

addressing the need in 2011 LAST YEAR IN TEXAS, NEARLY $450 MILLION WAS SPENT ON 1ST, 2ND AND 3RD GRADERS REPEATING A GRADE BECAUSE THEY WERE UNPREPARED. In 2011, our investments helped build stronger educational foundations for 70,000 young children, preparing them to arrive at WKHLU ÀUVW GD\ RI NLQGHUJDUWHQ RQ WUDFN SELECTING CHILD CARE IS TOUGH. We helped over 19,000 families evaluate their child care options and make wellinformed choices.

In 2011, 96% of our parenting class participants reported using different/improved parenting techniques as a result of the strategies they learned, and 95% reported improved relationships with their children.

PARENTING IS ONE OF LIFE’S MOST CHALLENGING JOBS, YET FEW TRAIN FOR IT. We strengthened parenting knowledge and skills for over 900 parents through our parenting classes and home visitation services. TEXAS HAS EXTREMELY LOW STANDARDS TO BECOME A CHILD CARE WORKER. We trained and/or coached 6,300 early childhood educators and provided 1,300 scholarships for them to continue their HGXFDWLRQ LQ WKH ÀHOG RI HDUO\ FKLOGKRRG


We served 220 child care programs in 2011 through our intensive quality improvement projects that provide training, coaching in the classroom, leadership development, scholarships, and classroom resources to dramatically increase the quality of care offered to young children.

laying the foundation building parent knowledge and strong families

2011 results Number of parents served through our phone-based and online child care referral service that helps parents evaluate child care options and make well-informed decisions.

Stories of success

Number of parents served through our interactive parenting classes and home visitation services that cover topics such as discipline, communication, and setting boundaries. impact of parenting classes

Laurie Richards was newly separated from the father of her oneyear-old and three-year-old daughters when she enrolled in a sixweek parenting class with us in the fall of 2011. Frustrated and discouraged by her situation, she felt in her heart that she was not setting a good example for her girls and was teaching them to respond to challenges with anger and yelling. Through our parenting support services, Laurie received HQFRXUDJHPHQW DQG VSHFLĂ€F VWUDWHJLHV WR WU\ ZLWK KHU FKLOGUHQ She left each class with hands-on skills to help her adjust her H[SHFWDWLRQV RI KHU FKLOGUHQ WR Ă€W WKHLU GHYHORSPHQWDO VWDJHV which helped her build stronger family dynamics and a sense of security and stability for her girls at home. “The parenting education series and the teacher, Ms. Bradford, have changed my life as a parent,â€? Laurie says.

85% Percentage of participants who UHSRUWHG EHLQJ PXFK PRUH FRQĂ€GHQW LQ their parenting skills. 96% Percentage of participants who reported using different/improved parenting techniques as a a result of our classes. 95% Percentage of participants who reported improved relationships with their children since participating. impact of home visitation

82% Percentage of participants who demonstrated an increase in knowledge of child development and parenting skills.


cultivating strong roots improving the quality of early education programs

2011 results Early childhood educators trained and/or coached. Scholarships given to help educators continue their training in early childhood. Educators who completed the 120 clock hours required to receive their Child Development Associate credential. Educational resource and equipment grants WR RXWĂ€ W FODVVURRPV LQ QHHG RI PDWHULDOV

stories of success 7KH GD\ /DVKXQGD 5RELQVRQ Ă€ UVW PHW &ROODERUDWLYH IRU &KLOGUHQ VKH ZDV discouraged and frustrated with her job as a child care teacher. ´, UHPHPEHU P\ Ă€ UVW WUDLQLQJ ZLWK &ROODERUDWLYH IRU &KLOGUHQ DQG , ZDV LQ WHDUV because I didn’t want to be there and I no longer wanted to work in the child care industry,â€? she says.

Transforming Classrooms For child care programs participating in our intensive quality improvement projects, external evaluations using the nationally-recognized Environment Rating Scales show dramatic improvements in child care quality. Our intensive projects offer programs and educators an array of training, leadership development, in-class coaching, scholarships, and classroom resources to boost the quality of care offered to young children. Our College Bound from Birth program offers these intensive services to participating early childhood centers in the Sunnyside neighborhood in south Houston. This program is just one example of the impact we are making in early childhood classrooms through our intensive quality improvement work throughout Greater Houston.

Evaluation Results for College Bound from Birth Pre-K Classrooms* 57%

0% Inadequate

“I don’t think I would be where I am today if Collaborative for Children didn’t believe in me, encourage me, and inspire me to do whatever I put my mind to doing,� Lashunda says. 6




%XW DIWHU WKH À UVW IHZ WUDLQLQJ VHVVLRQV /DVKXQGD IHOW LQVSLUDWLRQ DQG PRWLYDWLRQ like never before and committed to completing a critical new goal: obtaining her Child Development Associate credential. Through the process, Lashunda rediscovered her passion for early childhood education and took the next step of enrolling in our scholarship assistance program to return to college and further her career. Today, she only has 13 hours remaining to complete her Associate’s degree. Her long-term goal is to eventually open her own child care program.



0% Inadequate

29% Minimal



*Inadequate classrooms have no or SRRU PDWHULDOV LQVXIÀ FLHQW VSDFH inappropriate or no interaction between teachers and children, and risks for children’s health and safety. Good to excellent classrooms have excellent materials, ample space, personalized care, and consistently positive interaction between teachers and children.

Beginning in November 2009 and concluding in June of 2011, we received a one-time federal stimulus grant of $9.6 million from the Gulf Coast Workforce BoardWorkforce Solutions to improve the quality of early childhood programs in our region. Through this grant, we touched the lives of 74,862 children, 31,557 families and 8,200 early childhood educators. ‡ HGXFDWRUV UHFHLYHG WUDLQLQJ DQG FRDFKLQJ ‡ VFKRODUVKLSV SURYLGHG ‡ HTXLSPHQW JUDQWV SURYLGHG ‡ HGXFDWRUV FRPSOHWHG WKHLU FORFN KRXUV WRZDUG their Child Development Associate credential ‡ SDUHQWLQJ VHVVLRQV SURYLGHG

College Bound

Trend Line – Teacher Education

# of Programs with Teachers Rated “Excellent�

results of federal stimulus funding

1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

49% (891 programs) 31% (564 programs)

July 2009

July 2010 Child Care

September 2011 PreK

This graph demonstrates how our investments of stimulus funding increased the training of early childhood educators in our region. We measured this impact through our QualiFind database, which tracks teacher education in early childhood classrooms in our 13-county region. To rank “excellent� a program’s lead teachers must have a Child Development Associate credential or higher, or 25% of lead teachers must have an Associate or B.A. degree in Early Childhood Education.

from Birth

neighborhood transformation brandon has some big dreams. +H ZDQWV WR EH D UDFH FDU GULYHU DQG D SROLFH RIĂ€ FHU ZKHQ KH JURZV XS +LV mom, Roshalette Pickens, says affectionately that Brandon wants to be anything that will let him “go fast.â€? $W Ă€ YH \HDUV ROG %UDQGRQ LV DOUHDG\ D JLIWHG VWXGHQW ZKR VWDUWHG KLV NLQGHUJDUWHQ MRXUQH\ LQ 6HSWHPEHU RI DIWHU participating in our College Bound from Birth program during his Pre-K years. Roshalette found out about College Bound in 2010 at an open house at Walker’s Day Care in the Sunnyside neighborhood, where Brandon and his sister were enrolled in child care. 7KURXJK &ROOHJH %RXQG :DONHU¡V 'D\ &DUH LV EHQHĂ€ WWLQJ IURP OHDGHUVKLS GHYHORSPHQW WHDFKHU WUDLQLQJ LQ FODVV FRDFKLQJ DQG classroom equipment, along with parenting education classes and healthcare access resources offered on site. Roshalette says she witnessed a dramatic transformation at Walker’s — teachers were trying new strategies and encouraging children to experience learning in brand new ways. Brandon’s sister, who previously wouldn’t talk, blossomed and strengthened her communication skills because of the encouragement and care she received. Brandon experienced a new excitement for learning that helped give him a solid foundation for school, says his mom. Now, Brandon is thriving in kindergarten and doing exceptionally well in math according to his teachers. “College Bound goes into neighborhoods with limited resources recognizing that all children have gifts,â€? says Roshalette. “It’s such a blessing to have resources to make those gifts come alive. It instills the attitude at a young age that our kids can reach for the stars no matter where they come from.â€?

We launched the College Bound from Birth program in 2008 in the Sunnyside neighborhood to prepare children to arrive at school on track and on grade level in reading and math by grade three. Scan the QR code on the right to view an informative video about the College Bound from Birth model and its neighborhood-based approach.


sowing seeds of success educating key influencers to build a community of support

2011 results PUBLIC POLICY

Through advocacy efforts with our partners* during the 82nd Legislative Session, we helped increase the state’s minimum training requirement to become a child care worker from 8 to 24 hours of pre-service training.



ASCENDE volunteers ASCENDE Charitable Trust volunteers gathered on June 25, 2011, to paint the Building Blocks Child Care Center in Highlands, Texas, to help create brighter, more engaging surroundings for young learners. Sixty children, from infants through age 13, are served by the center, which partners with us to strengthen the critical educational foundations young children need to prepare for school and a lifetime of success.

Families reached through our participation in 30 community events, including the Houston Zoo Boo and the Houston Children’s Festival.

*Partners include One Voice Texas, the Greater Houston Partnership and the Texas Early Childhood Education Coalition.

spectra energy volunteers On April 30, 2011, volunteers from Spectra Energy participated in a second volunteer project with us, this time to paint the D’Unique Learning Center in Houston. The team was so inspired that they organized a follow-up project to make curtains, quilts and crib sheets for the children in care at the program. “It was a joy to me to be able to help and I truly hope that the children, teachers and parents enjoy the curtains and colorful blankets, and that the added beauty and color they bring to each of the rooms will be a source of inspiration to everyone. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to be of assistance.” – LaNessa Patrick, Spectra Energy


Statement of Financial Position (as of December 31, 2011 and 2010) $ FRPSOHWH FRS\ RI À QDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV DXGLWHG E\ %OD]HN 9HWWHUOLQJ LV DYDLODEOH XSRQ UHTXHVW IURP Collaborative for Children or online at www.CollabForChildren.org.






Pledges and accounts receivable



Furniture and equipment–net





Total assets








Investments, cash and cash equivalents

Prepaid expenses

Accounts payable and accrued expenses Other liabilities


Deferred income



Total liabilities









Temporarily restricted



Total net assets





Total liabilities and net assets

Statement of Financial Activities REVENUE





United Way Service Contracts



Program Income



Special Events











Family Engagement



Community Engagement



Management and General












Other Total revenue EXPENSES Educator Engagement

Total expenses Excess revenues over expenses Change in net assets

Management and General Fundraising

5% 12%


Program Allocations Educator Engagement


Government Contracts

Program Service

(as of December 31, 2011 and 2010)



Expense Allocations

Community Engagement* Family Engagement

18% 27%


,QFOXGHV &ROOHJH %RXQG IURP %LUWK community activities and public policy work.

*The year-to-year variances in Change in Net Assets result from the application of GAAP revenue recognition rules to multi-year grant funding. Included in the Change in Net Assets of ($1,384,920) for 2011 were $1,321,000 of expenses covered by PXOWL \HDU JUDQW UHYHQXH UHFRJQL]HG DQG LQFOXGHG LQ WKH &KDQJH LQ 1HW $VVHWV RI


funders Under the direction of our Fund Development Chair Stephen Kaufman, we raised more than $2,196,787 in 2011 from individuals, foundations and corporations committed to improving the quality of early childhood education for Houston’s young children.

Major Gifts We appreciate the extraordinary generosity of our 2011 supporters who together made $1,876,126 in major investments in our programs to build parent knowledge, improve child care environments, and fuel community awareness and action. President's Circle - $100,000+ The Brown Foundation, Inc. The Hogg Foundation for Mental Health Houston Endowment Inc. Benefactor - $25,000-$99,999 Bank of America Charitable Foundation The Eleanor and Frank Freed Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kean M.D. Anderson Foundation The Samuels Foundation The Simmons Foundation St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities

Leader - $10,000-$24,999 ASCENDE Charitable Trust Mike Calvert Toyota The Clayton Fund, Inc. The Enrico & Sandra di Portanova Charitable Foundation The Frees Foundation JPMorgan Chase Foundation Ann & Stephen Kaufman Foundation Mithoff Family Charitable Foundation The Powell Foundation

Patron - $5,000-$9,999 Ruth and Ted Bauer Family Foundation Fluor Foundation Gainer, Donnelly & Desroches, LLP MACEIL Family Foundation Montgomery County United Way Spectra Energy Corporation Associate - $2,500-$4,999 ExxonMobil Corporation

Friend - $1,000-$2,499 BBVA Compass Harris County Medical Society Fund Supporter - up to $999 BP America Houston Rockets Kroger Food Stores Marathon Oil Company 2IÀFH 'HSRW Randalls Good Neighbor Program

Circle of Friends We recognize the outstanding support of individuals who give through our Circle of Friends giving society, a community of professionals, parents, educators and other leaders committed to preparing young children for success. Chaired by Suzanne Sklar McCarthy, Circle of Friends welcomed more than 100 members and raised $60,490 in 2011. Patron - $5,000-$9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beckelman Mr. Brandon Clarke Associate - $2,500-$4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Ables Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Burk Ms. Stephanie Rudd Mr. and Mrs. Vic Samuels Friend - $1,000-$2,499 Mr. and Mrs. Dan F. Boyles, Sr. Ms. Janice Character Mr. Noel Garza Ms. Suzanne Hinds Ms. Wendy Lance Mr. and Mrs. John Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Price Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sandweiss Mr. Clinton Warren Supporter - up to $999 Ms. Joyce Adams


Ms. Olympia Ammon Ms. Adalia Astanov Ms. Kim Augenstein Dr. Charles Begley and Ms. Laurie McGill Ms. Naomi Black Mr. and Mrs. Michael Blankenship Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blanton, Sr. Ms. Julie Boone Mr. and Mrs. Dan F. Boyles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Travis Brashear Ms. Vivian Brockmann Ms. Ruth Brodsky Ms. Cindi Burton 'U DQG 0UV :LOOLDP &DPÀHOG Ms. Nancy Clausey Mr. Paul Clote The Honorable Ellen Cohen Dr. Juanita Copley Mr. and Mrs. David Corban Ms. Cindy Creeden Ms. Jennifer Cunningham Ms. Amy Taylor Ellis Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Farley

Mr. and Mrs. David Finn Ms. Sue Foglietta Mr. Philip Fraissinet Ms. Revona Gatlin-Davis Mr. Navid Ghedami Mr. Glenn Godkin Mr. Richard Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Noel Graubart Mrs. Julie Harris Ms. Gloria Herman Mr. Harlan Hooks Mr. Jason Hopkins Mr. Kenneth Janda Mr. and Mrs. Mick Klein Mr. Marshall Lang Ms. Anna Leal Ms. Cathy Liesman Ms. Ann Livaudais Ms. Amy Markwort Dr. and Mrs. James McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Alan McClure Ms. Renea Menzies Ms. Miriam Meyers

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Meyn Mr. George Mitchell Mr. Henry Noey, Jr. Ms. Imogen Papadopoulos Ms. Paige Parker Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Parven Mr. and Mrs. William Pierpont Ms. Jessica Pugil Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rabinow Mr. Allan Rodewald Mr. and Mrs. David Saletan Ms. Carol Shattuck Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sklar Mr. and Mrs. Alan Smith Mr. James Smuthers, Jr. Ms. Paige Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Guray Tulek Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Vail Ms. Harriet Wasserstrum Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weingarten

Circle of Friends Chair Suzanne Sklar McCarthy and Collaborative for Children Board Member Amy Ellis KRVWHG WKH ÀUVW &LUFOH RI )ULHQGV $UWLVW 6KRZFDVH Mixer and Fundraiser on April 16, 2011. Artists Renea Menzies and Navid Ghedami donated a portion of art sales proceeds to Collaborative for Children.

Achieving Dreams Together Annual Luncheon On September 13, 2011, Event Co-chairs Glenna and Bill Pierpont welcomed more than 420 guests to our Achieving Dreams Together luncheon, where we honored the Greater Houston Partnership with the Maconda Brown O’Connor Spirit of Collaboration award. The event, held at Hilton Americas in downtown Houston, was our most successful event in our 24-year history and raised a record-setting $260,171. Benefactor - $25,000-$99,999 H-E-B Grocery Company LP Wells Fargo Leader - $10,000-$24,999 Datacert, Inc. Wanda Law James Trust Marathon Oil Company Robert R. and Kay M. Onstead Foundation Patron - $5,000-$9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Drew Alexander ASCENDE Charitable Trust The Brown Foundation, Inc. Bank of America CenterPoint Energy ExxonMobil Corporation JPMorgan Chase Kaplan Early Learning Company Ann & Stephen Kaufman Foundation Lakeshore Learning The Methodist Hospital System Mithoff Family Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William Pierpont Towers Watson Associate - $2,500-$4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Ables Dr. and Mrs. Robert Austin The Honorable Sarah Davis Mr. and Mrs. Shawn A.J. Gross Mr. and Mrs. Milt Hempel Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kellner Legacy Community Health Services Mr. and Mrs. Drew Lynch Dr. and Mrs. James McCarthy Mr. Trey Snider Spectra Energy Corporation Texas Children’s Hospital Thompson & Horton LLP 9DOHUR 5HÀQLQJ &R Friend - $1,000-$2,499 The Stanford and Joan Alexander Foundation

Glenna and Bill Pierpoint 2011 Event Co-chairs

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blanton, Jr. Mrs. Julie Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Gary Crum Dr. Roger Eichhorn Harriet and Joe Foster Foundation The Robert and Janice McNair Foundation Mrs. Nancy Powell Moore Mr. and Mrs. Randall Onstead Mr. and Mrs. G. Edward Powell R360 Environmental Solutions Inc. Ms. Beth Robertson The Samuels Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Marc Shapiro Silver Eagle Distributors Dr. Jeff Starke and Dr. Joan Shook Sterling and Associates Supporter - up to $999 Access Sciences Corporation Dr. Kay Albrecht Amegy Bank of Texas AndrisinAbbey Ms. Anna Babin Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bacile Barbara Jordan CDC Mr. Steve Barnhill Ms. Deborah Bataillon Ms. Jane Bavineau Dr. Charles Begley and Ms. Laurie McGill Ms. Barbara Bends Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blanton, Sr. Blazek & Vetterling, LLP Ms. Chree Boydstun Mr. and Mrs. Dan F. Boyles, Jr. Mr. and Murray Brasseux Mr. and Mrs. Chris Brown Ms. Julie Bullmer Ms. Catherine Campbell Dr. Barbara Carlson Ms. Judy Carnahan-Webb Center for Houston’s Future Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cherry ChildBuilders

The Honorable Garnet Coleman Crescent Real Estate Equities Ms. Ann Crider Dr. Ralph Culler Ms. Sandy Dahlke Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Davis Dice Foundation Ms. Anna Dragsbaek Family Services of Greater Houston Mr. and Mrs. Mike Feinberg Ms. Caroline Finkelstein Foundation Strategies, Inc. Ms. Melanie Frank Frost Bank Ms. Hollie Fulghum Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gauen Mrs. Kathy Gibson Gilbreath Communications, Inc. Greater Houston Community Foundation 0U DQG 0UV 'RQDOG *ULIÀWK Ms. Jana Gunter Dr. Cheryl Hardin Harris County Department of Education Ms. Joy Harrison Ms. Katy Hays Ms. Suzanne Hinds Dr. and Mrs. Robert Houston Houston Community College Houston Endowment Inc. Dr. Rebecca Huss-Keeler Mr. Kenneth Janda Ms. Dianne Johnson Mrs. Burdine Johnson Dr. Jamil Joyner Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kashou The Kayser Foundation Joe Levit Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Todd Litton Local Initiatives Support Corp. Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Long Ms. Jani Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lord Ms. Marian Mankin Mr. and Mrs. Alan McClure Ms. Sandra McElligott

Kindergarteners from Kandy Stripe Academy greet guests as they arrive.

Mr. H.P. Melcher Ms. Amy Melton Mr. and Mrs. Ray Meyn Dr. Darla Miller Dr. and Mrs. Meredith Morgan Mr. Jeff Nash Ms. Leah Nash Neighborhood Centers Inc. 2IÀFH 'HSRW Ms. Elizabeth Olivares-Reed Ms. Julie Oliver Ms. Ramona Ortiz Ms. Imogen Papadopoulos PepsiCo Mr. and Mrs. Gary Petersen Ms. Pam Phillips Dr. and Mrs. H.P. Pierpont Mrs. Ann Pierpont Mrs. Janet Pozmantier Ms. Regina Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rosenberg Mrs. Kathleen Rowland Ms. Stephanie Rudd Ms. Pam Sailors Ms. Claire Scoggin Ms. Cindy Seffair Ms. Carol Shattuck Ms. Shirley Shockley Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Siegel Smith Graham & Co. Ms. Elizabeth Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith Mr. and Mrs. Ross Staine, Jr. Ms. Jo Stevenson Mr. Juan Torres University of St. Thomas Ms. Lori Vetters Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wareing Mr. Jason Whittington Mr. Herman Wilson, Jr. YMCA of Greater Houston Young Learners School Zuber Insurance Agency, Inc

Janice Character, our 2011 Board Chair, presents the Maconda Brown O’Connor Spirit of Collaboration award to the Greater Houston Partnership. Patrick Oxford, past Board Chair of the Greater Houston Partnership, acceps the award.


board of directors 2011

senior staff members

Executive Committee

Board Members

Ms. Janice E. Character Board Chair ExxonMobil Corporation

Dr. Robert Austin Texas Children’s Pediatric Associates, Cullen

Mr. Dan F. Boyles, Jr. Co-Vice Chair of Strategic Planning NAI Houston

Mr. Philip D. Fraissinet Thompson & Horton LLP

Ms. Amy Taylor Ellis, CCP Vice Chair of Human Resources Consultant Mr. Stephen M. Kaufman Vice Chair of Fund Development Fulcrum Partners LLC Mrs. Pamela K. Onstead Vice Chair of Nominating Co-Vice Chair of Strategic Planning Community Volunteer Ms. Stephanie Rudd Vice Chair of Finance CBC Bancorp LLC Mr. Juan Torres Board Vice Chair Vice Chair of Audit Chair of Strategic Planning &HUWLĂ€HG 3XEOLF $FFRXQWDQW

Mr. Glenn Godkin Wells Fargo Mr. Shawn A. J. Gross SAJG Investments, Inc. Mr. Harlan Hooks H-E-B Houston Division Ms. Suzanne McCarthy Community Volunteer Ms. Virginia L. Mithoff Mithoff Family Charitable Foundation Ms. Nancy Powell Moore The Powell Foundation Dr. Barbara G. Samuels University of Houston Clear Lake

Ms. Carol Shattuck President and CEO Mr. Jerry McGreer VP of Administration and CFO Mr. Sul Ross VP of Programs and Collaboration Development Ms. Wendy Coats &KLHI 'HYHORSPHQW 2IĂ€FHU Ms. Andrea Francis AVP of Family Engagement Ms. Leslie Gerber AVP of Community Engagement Ms. Grace Hill &KLHI &RPPXQLFDWLRQV 2IĂ€FHU Ms. Gail McClung AVP of Human Resources Ms. Sharon Spillman AVP of Provider Engagement

Mr. Clinton Warren JPMorgan Chase

Collaborative for Children LV D F QRQ SURĂ€W RUJDQL]DWLRQ GHGLFDWHG WR EXLOGLQJ D VWURQJ HGXFDWLRQDO IRXQGDWLRQ IRU \RXQJ FKLOGUHQ to succeed in school and life. We achieve our mission by working with families, early childhood educators and FRPPXQLW\ OHDGHUVÂłWKH SHRSOH ZKR PRVW LQĂ XHQFH D FKLOG¡V TXDOLW\ RI OLIH %\ EXLOGLQJ SDUHQW NQRZOHGJH KHOSLQJ SDUHQWV Ă€QG TXDOLW\ FKLOG FDUH LPSURYLQJ HDUO\ OHDUQLQJ HQYLURQPHQWV DQG GULYLQJ FRPPXQLW\ DZDUHQHVV and action, we ensure that our youngest citizens receive the foundation they need today for a brighter tomorrow.

Help us continue to grow!  Tell one new person about us this year.  Send us a note of how involvement with us has touched your life. ª &RQVLGHU D ÀUVW WLPH ÀQDQFLDO JLIW RU DQ LQFUHDVH LQ \RXU VXSSRUW Collaborative for Children 3800 Buffalo Speedway, Suite 300, Houston, TX 77098 Web: www.CollabForChildren.org Phone: 713.600.1100 E-mail: info@CollabForChilden.org

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