Contact Nov/Dec 2017

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NOV / DEC 2017





Richard Digard considers whether complacency could be costing the islands opportunities

With retail facing challenging times, we hear how the Chambers of Commerce plan to support the industry

We look forward to what 2018 might bring for businesses and consumers

Contact is wholly owned by the Guernsey Chamber of Commerce

Local legal services in Guernsey and Jersey Business and commercial law Competition law Dispute resolution Employment law O shore relocations Personal and family law Planning and environment law Property and construction law Regulatory law Trusts Advisory Group Wills, probate and estate planning


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Back at our desks Martyn Dorey

President Guernsey Chamber of Commerce

The widely-acknowledged ‘lurch to the left’ in local politics, as described by Specsavers’ Doug Perkins, highlights to Guernsey Chamber (as the island’s biggest employer organisation) the interplay between business and state. Confidence, as he made clear, is a fundamental requirement for business to do well. This makes the unveiling of the harbour redevelopment plan a welcome indicator of the island’s optimism about the future. Guernsey has historically developed around its harbour. Whilst we all have transport links at the forefront of our minds, it is worth remembering that the sea, and the ability it gave us to trade with other countries, was probably the biggest single factor in putting the island on the map. This provided an economy which facilitated huge development, by any standard, on a level which has not been seen since. A state/private partnership to upgrade this area and deliver worldclass facilities is precisely what we need at a time when the economy has been flat for some time. The recent data conference highlighted the opportunity for Guernsey to become a world leader in data and cyber security. With Guernsey’s new electronic census, the island is well placed to use this ‘big data’ to make accurate, relevant decisions which will support business growth. Chamber of Commerce works hard to highlight the concerns of all businesses in the island, ranging from small one-man firms to some of Guernsey’s largest employers. There are many challenging issues – the adoption of the new Population and Housing Law is a major adjustment (and is an area we are actively engaging with the States on) and the education debate affects the majority of people here. Guernsey Chamber has a history stretching back to the early 1800s and was formed by visionary, progressive business people who were confident that it could offer something special. We are always mindful of those founding views and are keen to see the ‘shift to the left’ rebalanced by focused action and engagement to ensure the island is a great environment in which to work and live.

Eliot Lincoln

President Jersey Chamber of Commerce

2017 has been an eventful and successful year for Jersey Chamber of Commerce. We continue our regular committee meetings, considering and responding to a vast number of issues that affect Jersey businesses. We have held briefing sessions on the forthcoming GDPR, held meetings with ministers, politicians and senior civil servants and delivered our monthly lunches with a wide variety of relevant speakers. None of this would be possible without our honorary committee members and our executive, so a big thanks to everyone who helps Chamber continue to provide value to our members. Jersey’s march towards being a digital jurisdiction continues (albeit slowly) with our new parking app, heralding a welcome alternative to our antiquated scratch card system. It’s time to press the button on the whole island and ensure that our electric and eco-permit car-parkers are covered. We were delighted to work closely with the States’ Education department in delivering the first of many events focused on bringing commerce and education closer together. October saw our first youth event, with 80 sixth form students in the Royal Court, asking industry leaders to present on the value of their sector to Jersey. Unfortunately, though, our tax system receives another proposed sticking plaster, this time in the form of a retail tax. It is time for a complete review as zero-10 is clearly not fit for purpose. Chamber is in favour of the commercial sector paying its way, but the last few attempts to bring in additional taxes and charges are not balanced. The liquid waste tax focuses only on commerce and unfairly penalises our hospitality industries; JIL is focused on land owners, but will drive prices up for the property management and construction industries and will slow down development; and the proposed retail tax seems to cover an arbitrary number of large retail businesses. With looming significant change on the horizon in the form of Brexit, GDPR and whatever political changes our own general election in May might bring, there is plenty for Jersey’s commercial sector to be doing. A bit of longer term certainty in taxes and charges would be welcome.


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Contact is produced six times a year by Collaborate Communications Ltd.


To receive Contact magazine call Julie Todd on 01534 858514 or email Contact is published by Collaborate Communications Ltd. Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. Any reproduction without permission is prohibited. Contact contains editorial content from external contributors which does not necessarily reflect the views of the publishers. Contact does not accept or respond to unsolicited manuscripts and photographs. The publishers do not accept responsibility for errors in advertisements or third party offers.

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Guernsey Chamber of Commerce Suite 1 16 Glategny Esplanade St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 1WN Tel: 01481 727 483 Jersey Chamber of Commerce Chamber House 25 Pier Road St Helier Jersey JE2 4XW Tel: 01534 724 536


NEWS & EVENTS 05 Shopping for success We take an in-depth look at the retail industry and the Chambers’ work to support it. 16 Guernsey Chamber news The latest news from the Guernsey Chamber of Commerce and its plans for the rest of 2017. 22 Viewpoint Richard Digard considers whether the islands are doing enough to encourage businesses to thrive. 24 Jersey Chamber news Meet the chair of the HR committee and find out about Jersey Chamber’s lobbying work and events.

Shopping for success 05

45 CI PR forum Can PR be automated? We follow the discussion at the recent CI PR forum in Guernsey.

PEOPLE 32 Zena Whiteley Smith & Williamson’s Zena Whiteley talks us through her experience of being a woman in business. 59 Michael Strachan As IAM celebrates its 30th anniversary, we meet the company’s founder to hear about his fascinating career.

Viewpoint 22

Michael Strachan 59

86 Jo Le Poidevin Executive director of the Lloyds Bank Foundation, Jo Le Poidevin tells us about their charitable work in the islands.

CONTRIBUTORS Richard Digard Trish Grover Mark Oliphant Tamara Timothy

Writer Writer Writer Writer

Chris George Mark Guille JR Photography Tom White

Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer

CI PR Forum 45



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Shopping for success With the relentless growth of internet shopping alongside the well-documented issues of staffing, lack of parking and high rental costs, the retail industry in the Channel Islands faces challenges like never before. In this issue, Contact takes an in-depth look at the sector and the actions the Chambers of Commerce across the islands are taking to support it.



Ian Burdekin, Guernsey Chamber of Commerce

The branch manager at Waitrose in Guernsey, Ian Burdekin heads up the retail sub-group of the Guernsey Chamber of Commerce. He admits that the sector is facing real challenges. ‘I think there is real disruption in the industry at the moment. Consumer habits are changing and people are shopping in a different way. Customers have more choice as to how they shop than ever before. But I think those challenges can be opportunities and we, as a sector, need to unlock those.’ Ian’s counterpart in Jersey, Mark Cox, chairs the retail and supply committee. As the chief operating officer of The Channel Islands Co-operative Society, he has a wealth of experience in Jersey retail. He believes the issues in that island are similar: ‘Overall we are fortunate in Jersey. Although the retail market faces the same challenges as any high street in the UK, you only have to walk through St Helier to realise that we punch well above our weight. There is still demand to be in the High Street here.’ But he admits it’s not all positive: ‘We are facing the same decline in footfall that UK


Customers have more choice as to how they shop than ever before. But I think those challenges can be opportunities and we, as a sector, need to unlock those. high streets are experiencing, and like them that’s due to the impact of the internet.’ In Jersey, unlike Guernsey, footfall is monitored through a camera in central St Helier. Town centre manager, Daphne East, sees the results weekly and says there are clear changes: ‘We have seen a decline year on year in the footfall in St Helier. With only one camera, the numbers do have their limitations – but they’re very useful for planning and for analysing the impact a particular event has had, such as a carpark closure. We know from the camera that 1pm on a Friday is the busiest time in St Helier, which is always useful for planning activities.’ The most recent available figures in Jersey and Guernsey show a drop in the relative value of the retail industry*; but it’s still a major contributor to both economies, employing thousands and generating millions. For both Chambers, it is vital that contribution is recognised and supported.

In Guernsey, Ian admits that historically Chamber hasn’t focused on retail as much as it could have done. But he’s determined to provide a lot more support for the industry and promote Chamber’s engagement with it. He said: ‘We’re looking to give this a real push at the start of next year and it will be a priority for us. We want to encourage retailers to get involved with Chamber and we’re going to provide ways for them to do so. We are planning to run some insight seminars to give retailers the opportunity to look at the trends and challenges and how they can respond to those.’ Ian has been in post for a year, and says he’s concentrated during that time on building up relationships with government. He said: ‘I think that’s where the responsibility of Chamber should lie. If the States don’t involve us as a stakeholder from the very beginning then we can’t represent our industries as policies are formulated. I


think we can make the biggest difference if we are engaged at that level in ensuring that our interests are considered.’ At the Jersey Chamber of Commerce it is a similar story. Mark believes that their role should also be a lobbying one: ‘We need to make sure that retail gets the support it deserves from government. Lobbying ensures that the States understands issues from a retail point of view and considers our needs when formulating policy. We are pushing for more attention to be paid to retail. The 2006 retail strategy hasn’t been touched since it was updated in 2010. But we’re a dynamic, constantly changing sector and it is important for the island’s economic growth that we are supported.’ In Guernsey an updated retail strategy is also on the wishlist for the Chamber of Commerce. But while there’s plenty of common ground, the issues do also vary between the islands. GST and de minimus levels are still high on the agenda for Jersey retailers, while recent population management changes have

been a real concern for many Guernsey businesses. For both Chambers, however, they are areas that they can get involved with at government level to ensure that retailers’ voices and interests are heard. But if the Chambers of Commerce are helping influence policy, who should be responsible for the practical support that the businesses require? In both islands, the answer seems to be the same as independent retail groups have recently sprung up to fill that gap. Starting out with a £100,000 States grant, the Jersey Retail Association plans to work closely with the Chamber of Commerce. For Daphne, the group has plenty of potential: ‘We have lots of plans. We’ll be sending out industry surveys every year so that we really understand the key issues that retailers are facing. We’ve also been in discussions with the British Retail Consortium so we’re hoping to utilise their resources as well.’ In Guernsey, the equivalent industry group isn’t as formalised, but it’s hoping to be as effective. Independent retailer Natalie

Daphne East, Jersey town centre manager

Maides owns the Benetton store in St Peter Port. She’s been heavily involved with setting up an independent retail forum in the island. For her, it was important that retailers had more of a voice: ‘We don’t have enough presence at the moment. As an industry, retail moves very quickly – the customer experience constantly needs to be improved. The problem is that the States doesn’t move at the same pace.

If the offering is right, it will work. You have to be customer-led and offer what people want to buy. At the same time, you have to offer excellent customer service. I see retailing almost as an entertainment industry, I want customers in my shop to enjoy themselves.

Independent retailer Chantal Gosselin at her shop Rococo



Making your customer feel important is vital. There should be a friendly welcome as soon as they enter the store, and you should ensure you build up a client contact list so you can stay in touch with your customers.

We need to have a greater voice and work more in partnership with government.’ Both Ian and Mark are clear that the model of independent retail groups working alongside Chamber is the best one for the islands. Mark said: ‘The retail groups have great initiatives that they are in the best position to drive forward. Chamber should be operating at a more strategic level and that is where we will concentrating our attention.’ While Chamber is keen to support the industry in general, individual retailers are aware that they need to provide a service islanders want if they are to succeed as businesses. For independent Jersey retailer Chantal Gosselin, that comes down to the very basics of retail: ‘If the offering is right, it will work. You have to be customer-led and offer what people want to buy. At the same time, you have to offer excellent customer service. I see retailing almost as an entertainment industry, I want customers in my shop to enjoy themselves. That’s what will make them want to come back.’ That focus on customer service is one that’s repeated by many people in the industry. It’s something Guernsey retailer Vaughan Davies knows plenty about, having won

Vaughan Davies receiving his Sure Guernsey Customer Service Award

a Sure Customer Service Award himself earlier this year. He opened his record store, Vinyl Vaughan’s, as a charity pop-up that was only due to be open for a month at the end of 2016. A year later it’s still going strong as a viable commercial business. For Vaughan, that success has come about due to his focus on social media and his website along with making sure he’s selling what people want to buy. He said: ‘I often hear of shops saying that cruise passengers don’t buy from them; however, I’ve been helped immensely by the cruise ship trade. My advice to other retailers would be to think carefully about what you’re selling.’ He added: ‘Making your customer feel important is vital. There should be a friendly welcome as soon as they enter the store, and you should ensure you build up a client contact list so you can stay in touch with your customers. I also think it’s crucial to think about the opening hours that suit your customers – maybe try opening at 10am and closing at 6pm to catch the after work footfall or take advantage of useful Sunday openings and late shopping evenings.’

successful in the islands as long as they listen to customers. For the Chamber of Commerce, that supply of information is something they can assist with. Ian explained his plans: ‘Retailers need better information and we are certainly in a position to help provide that. If we can find out what consumers really want from the retail industry then we can feed that back to the business owners. We’ve historically surveyed Chamber members in these kind of areas, but I think we could widen that so that retailers get a good sense of what customers are saying.’ For the retailers, anything that helps them to succeed in challenging circumstances will be welcomed. They’re clear that a thriving retail industry doesn’t just benefit them, but makes the islands more attractive places to live and to visit – and that’s something everyone should be supporting. ■

Like Natalie and Chantal, Vaughan is optimistic that the right retailers can be

*GDA and GVA statistics available on and 9

Award for Jersey police headquarters Jersey’s new police headquarters won the Benest & Syvret project of the year over £5million prize at this year’s Jersey Construction Council awards. It’s one of the biggest and most significant developments to have been constructed in the island in recent years, and posed a number of challenges that were recognised by the judges. With restricted access, located on a busy main artery route and delivering a highly complex multi-functional building, a number of significant challenges faced the construction and design teams to provide a high quality and state of the art building, but with a collaborative approach between all parties this ensured the project was completed ahead of programme and within budget.

The annual event was attended by more than 300 people with 11 awards presented to individuals and organisations connected with a wide range of projects undertaken over the past 12 months. Alongside the police headquarters, winners included De Gruchy’s department store, who won a prize for its refurbishment, and Camerons who picked up the Comprop business of the year over 10 employees . The business award was part of a very successful night for Camerons as two of their employees were personally recognised. Matthew Poole won the Highlands College star of the future award while the Rowney Sharman industry achiever of the year was awarded to Luc Richard. ■

Calligo acquires IT services of Fusion Calligo has purchased the IT services division of Guernseybased business Fusion Systems. Calligo said the agreement is part of its growth strategy and gives it a stronger local presence in Guernsey, enabling it to provide higher levels of service to local clients. Calligo already operates a large cloud infrastructure hosted in Guernsey and Jersey. This provides a full range of services


to worldwide clients as well as supporting a broad range of Channel Islands’ businesses. All existing Fusion IT Services contracts will continue under the agreement, ensuring that their IT services clients continue to receive full support from local staff, along with new access to the extended capabilities and information security standards that Calligo offers as a global cloud provider. Fusion’s Fintech software division, which develops and supports software for the offshore financial services industry under the Flyingboat brand, is not part

of the acquisition and will continue to be run by the team remaining with Fusion and led by Alan Rowe. Julian Box, Calligo’s chief executive officer, said: ‘We’re delighted to acquire the IT services division of Fusion Systems as part of our successful growth strategy. We are already well-established in Guernsey and this acquisition will allow us to provide higher levels of service to our clients there and give them more regular access to our expertise.’ ■


First health technology summit Digital Jersey has hosted the island’s first health technology summit, which was attended by more than 200 people. Islanders were given the opportunity to listen to, and interact with, some of the leading pioneers and advocates of integrated health technology. The summit took place over two events with two keynote speakers at both.

Those who have made a significant contribution to the built environment are being invited to make their submissions to the Guernsey Design Awards 2018. Projects will be judged by a panel including sponsors Norman Piette, the States of Guernsey Planning Service and the Guernsey Society of Architects (GSA). The categories for this year’s awards will be Small Projects (up to £250,000), Residential New Build (£250,000+), Residential Renovation /Extension (£250,000+), Non-residential (£250,000+), Heritage and the popular People’s Choice award.

Nominations open for Guernsey Design Awards

Judges will look at the overall quality of design, use of materials, the relationship to setting, sustainability and adherence to the client brief. The winner of the People’s Choice category will be chosen

Adèle Perrot has been announced as the new chair of the Guernsey branch of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP).

STEP up for Adèle

Adèle, a business development manager for Butterfield Trust (Guernsey) Limited, has previously served on the committee of the island’s STEP branch as company secretary. She has taken on the role of chair from Alasdair McLaren, a client services director with First Names Group in Guernsey.

Attendees learned first-hand about some of the world’s most successful technology change programmes and what role the digital industry can play in the future of health and care systems. Tony Moretta, CEO of Digital Jersey, said: ‘The aim is for Jersey to have a digitally world class health and care system that uses technology everywhere to improve every aspect of care, and be an island where innovation in integrated health care flourishes. It is important that we learn from experts of this calibre as we begin to implement our own strategy.’ ■

by the general public from a shortlist of entrants compiled by the judges. Mitch Sneddon, president of the GSA, said: ‘The quality of the entries submitted in 2015 was exceptional and truly reflected the diversity of excellent design and construction skills that exist across the Bailiwick. I have no doubt that we will get to view projects of an equally high standard and look forward to seeing the projects submitted.’ Entries are limited to projects in the Bailiwick of Guernsey and in areas where planning applications have been submitted to the States of Guernsey Environment Department. Projects must have been completed between the 1 September 2015 and 1 November 2017. The closing date for entries is 24 November 2017. ■

Adèle said: ‘As a branch, we’re committed to continuing professional development within the financial services sector. With more than 800 members in Guernsey, we have a great pool of local talent and I’m looking forward to helping support their ongoing development for the benefit of individuals, clients and the wider island community.’ ■



Recruitment firm Situations has launched a Guernsey salary guide on its website.

Guernsey salary guide launched

The guide covers a wide range of job sectors in both the finance and commercial industries at levels from trainee up to managing director. It also includes full details of standard benefits packages being offered, as well as current temp pay rates and a link to Guernsey RPI for ease of reference. All of the salary bandings and benefit lists provided are reviewed twice annually to ensure they are entirely up to date.

The founder of This is EPIC has benefited from a free place provided by the GTA University Centre on the Institute of Directors Introductory Certificate in Board Readiness.

Charity directors have GTA support

Louise Smith was chosen by the Guernsey Community Foundation to attend the course. It included a two day workshop focussing on the key issues that boardrooms face today. Louise said: ‘Having been a director of This is EPIC for a number of years, many of the decisions that had been made had been

Melissa Campbell, director, said: ‘We are frequently asked by our client companies to provide benchmark salaries for their new and existing staff and advice on current market pay rates. We regularly advise clients of salary scales over the phone, by email and at meetings, where we can also provide a bespoke salary benchmarking service for their entire workforce. We decided to make life much easier for our clients by launching a definitive online Guernsey salary guide.’ ■

on a reactive basis, but this course has helped to provide a better understanding of management tools that can be useful in helping us to develop the future strategy for This is EPIC. The charity is growing and developing rapidly and it is key for me to be able to make educated decisions that will affect its future both on Guernsey and with our international projects.’ Louise was the second person to be awarded a charitable place on the course following GSPCA manager Steve Byrne’s completion of it earlier this year. ■

Fruitful future for Orchard Two members of the management team at Guernsey communications agency Orchard PR have taken over the business. Brooke Kenyon and Chris Chilton have acquired the company from founders Steve and Lois Falla. Brooke will now take on the role of client services director while Chris will be operations director. Steve will remain involved in the business as executive consultant. Steve said: ‘Lois and I know that this transaction will sustain Orchard’s passion, energy and focus to enable it to build


on 21 years of success and continue to thrive in the future. It is rewarding that two of the ‘Orchard family’ have enthusiastically taken this step and it’s the right way forward for our well-established portfolio of clients and our talented staff.’ Brooke added: ‘Orchard is a fantastic business with a great track record. Chris and I are excited about this opportunity and we are looking forward to working alongside our brilliant team to produce high quality and creative work for our clients, developing new and dynamic ways for them to communicate with their key audiences.’ ■


Guernsey has been named the best non-EU domicile at the European & UK Captive Awards.

Captive insurance expertise recognised

Guernsey was named non-EU captive domicile of the year ahead of five other shortlisted jurisdictions: Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Delaware, Isle of Man and the State of Vermont. The award was collected on behalf of the industry by Ian Morris of BWCI. In announcing the winner the judging panel, which comprised of insurance and captive management professionals, said they were impressed by Guernsey’s

commitment to innovation in alternative risk financing, highlighting the recent formation of Dom Re IC, a Guernsey incorporated cell company issuing digitised notes on a private blockchain. Guernsey Finance chief executive Dominic Wheatley said: ‘I am delighted that Guernsey has received this award. It is recognition of the significant developments which we have seen within Guernsey’s captive insurance sector during the past 12 months. Innovation remains at the heart of our global insurance offering and is something we will look to build on further as we head into 2018.’ ■

Waves takes off The Channel Islands’ new on demand air taxi service has launched its passenger and freight service with a ‘friends and family’ soft launch. Waves recently received its Air Operator’s Certificate and is using the soft launch to check every stage of its operation from booking and onboarding to flying and disembarking. CEO Nick Magliocchetti said: ‘This is a new approach to air travel and we want to ensure that every element exceeds not only our clients’ expectations but also our own. A soft launch using friends and family, who understand what we are trying to achieve

and how we intend to do that, allows us to test everything in the smallest possible detail.’ Cazenove Capital was the first company to use Waves when its team travelled from Guernsey to Jersey for an investment seminar. CEO Julian Winser said: ‘Having the option of booking flights at times which are convenient for us, reduced check in times and up to date communication in the

ABN AMRO is encouraging its Guernsey employees to avoid short car journeys into Town by taking an electric bike instead. The Dutch bank has provided two electric bikes as a quicker, easier and more environmentally friendly alternative to a car journey.

On your electric bike

The branded bikes will be charged in the bank’s garage and will be available on a first come, first served basis for all business-related travel. Helmets have also been provided.

event of delays has many benefits for any business. Cazenove is delighted that we are the first company to be using Waves and based on our experience, we’re looking forward to being regular customers.’ Waves will officially begin operating from 6 November 2017. ■

Chief executive, Pim van den Heuvel, said: ‘Our Admiral Park office is fabulous with some of the best views in the island but every day our team goes into the centre of town for meetings. We were concerned at the impact of so many car journeys on the environment. We are a Dutch bank and it is quite common in Holland for our employees to use bikes to get around and so we decided to do the same. We are hoping that we can reduce our corporate mileage and inspire other companies to do the same.’ ■



Logicalis is launching Jersey’s first cyber academy and apprenticeship programme to train young islanders to become cyber security experts.

Cyber academy and apprentice scheme

The Logicalis Cyber Academy and Apprenticeship Pathway is a four-year training programme teaching students and school leavers the necessary skills to work in cyber security. Apprentices will gain industry-recognised qualifications, and work with Logicalis consultants to develop expertise in specific areas of IT security. Paul Johnson, security operations manager, said: ‘Our immediate aim is to grow our own talent, helping bring on young people with the right skills to work in cyber security and managed IT services.

However, our wider aim is to create a highly skilled generation of young islanders who can go out and work anywhere in the Channel Islands or beyond.’ During the first two years of the programme, apprentices will work alongside professionals across Logicalis – building up expertise in firewalls, networking, penetration testing (pen tests), and administrative roles. Logicalis will then work with the apprentice to create a bespoke programme for the last two years helping them follow their chosen pathway. Logicalis is also working with schools, introducing pupils to IT security as a career option, and with charities such as the Jersey Employment Trust (JET) which help people get back into work. ■

Customer service rewarded Jersey’s business community saw excellent customer service celebrated at the Sure Customer Service Awards 2017. The team at LibertyBus won the best team and best business category and were judged the overall winner for 2017. They were chosen by the panel of judges because of the huge amount of excellent feedback the company received. More than 10,000 nominations were received via voting boxes and online voting for islanders who had shown enthusiasm and excellence when providing customer service.

The 11 award categories also included recognition for the best individual employee, public sector employee and volunteer. Charlotte Dunsterville, chief customer officer at Sure, said: ‘We are proud to be a part of rewarding those who go above and beyond in the name of good

customer service. The calibre of the nominations demonstrates that Jersey is a community that is motivated to provide the best service possible. Judging so many nominations made the job very difficult but some very admirable finalists and winners were chosen; congratulations to everyone who was nominated.’ ■

Join Chamber today the voice of local business Cazenove Capital is a leading provider of wealth management services to private clients, family trusts and charities. H17018_chamber of commerce pan island magazine_banner_guernsey_v3.indd 1

Business support; networking events; business advice; business events; liaison with States departments; new interactive website. @GuernseyChamber

GuernseyChamber 10/08/2017 12:16

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New Housing Law changes answered at Chamber seminar Concerns surrounding changes to the housing law prompted Guernsey Chamber Hana Plsek to organise a seminar at which islanders could ask experts for their help and guidance in relation to how the new legislation affects business and employees. The event, which was free to members thanks to sponsorship from BWCI, and £20 for nonmembers, was attended by Minister Mary Lowe and led by Hana Plsek of Collas Crill. Hana heads up Chamber’s sub group dealing with housing and population.

She is aware of concerns from members about the replacement of the Housing Control of Occupation Law with the Population Management Law, coupled with changes to the Open Market Register. ‘The changes have brought some uncertainty to islanders and we thought that a Lunch & Learn session on this topical issue would be a good way of highlighting that Chamber is here to support business and individuals through this transition,’ she said. Chamber has created a cross-functional team and is working with the States to gain a greater understanding of the law. As part of that, Chamber has sent out a short survey to all of its membership asking for feedback about the new legislation and any issues arising from it.

The queries include confusion as to how to gain a permit for a position not on the circulated list and how to move staff from a five year permit to an eight year permit. The seminar was the second in a series of free-to-member events organised by Chamber. Head of business development Kay Leslie said the series will continue through the autumn and spring and will offer free advice on a range of topics. ‘Other topics planned include advice for small and medium businesses on how to apply for funding for business expansion and how to improve CSR. We are also planning to include a slot for a free Christmas party for members because networking is all part of our focus,’ she said. ■

November Chamber Lunch Fiona Le Poidevin, head of the International Stock Exchange, will give November Chamber lunch Fiona Le Poidevin attendees a unique perspective on the organisation’s work and her knowledge of a broad range of linked initiatives and connections. She was recently an active member of the panel at the Institute of Directors’ annual seminar and put forward views on transport, infrastructure and the way ahead for Guernsey. The International Stock Exchange saw a 45% jump in listings in the first six months of this


year, to 2,411 listed entities, during which period it also opened an Isle of Man office and rebranded. TISE said the total value of all its listed securities increased by £6bn, or 1.7%, to reach £399bn at the end of June. Also in the first six months of this year, TISE gained its first Isle of Man-based company, IQE Securities Sponsor Services, and was formally recognised by Germany’s financial services regulator, BaFin, which means that German mutual funds may now invest into TISE-listed securities. ‘Companies are interested in the exchange’s offering, which sits outside the European Union, because this enables it to provide a regulatory regime which is robust but also

proportionate to the needs of our issuers. This has proved particularly important, for instance, in the case of high yield bonds,’ said Fiona.■

CHAMBER LUNCH DETAILS Date: Monday 20 November Time: 12:00-14:00 Place: Old Government House Hotel Price: £22.50 members / £27.50 non-members Book: Visit


The serious potential security risk presented by the innocuous-looking wifi printer grabbed attendees’ full attention at a recent Chamber cyber security seminar.

Unexpected gateway through your security A slice of the film pie

Visiting experts brought to the island by sponsors PBS Group explained in detail the ways in which printers can provide unwelcome access through a company’s security network. More than 50 people attended the light lunch and advice event held at the Digital Greenhouse. It was the first in a series of free-to-members sponsored events, which are also open to nonChamber members for £20 per head.

PBS Managing Director Alan Medcalf said the sponsors were delighted to team up with Guernsey Chamber to bring to people’s attention a very real threat to their businesses. ■

A strong response to business opportunities around the new Guernsey film is being welcomed by the Chamber of Commerce.

book, published by Random House, sold 7.5 million copies in 37 territories and was a New York Times bestseller. The film by acclaimed director Mike Newell is expected to come out around Easter.

Around 100 businesses completed Chamber’s survey aimed at finding out whether companies want to know more about the potential surrounding the production and whether they would be keen to be involved in specially created marketing. A progress meeting has now been arranged to bring together all interested parties. Chamber president Martyn Dorey said he is delighted with the survey results so far and hopes that more corporates will take part in the run-up to the film’s expected release next year.

Lily James

Chamber’s director, John O’Neill, said the organisation was delighted with the take-up and hopes that future events, which include lending for small business and enhancing green credentials, will also prove popular.

‘We are acting as the conduit for local corporates and other organisations to ensure that we really put the island on the world map and capitalise on the opportunities this major production could bring,’ he said. The Studio Canal film, based on Mary Ann Shaffer’s book, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, has been shot and is now in post production. The

‘If the Guernsey film has anything like the impact of the book, it could prove hugely popular. We have a unique opportunity with this to highlight the island on the global stage. That could bring substantial benefits for Guernsey businesses. I would encourage local organisations to consider contributing to marketing funds to allow the island to capitalise on this unusual opportunity,’ said the Chamber president. He added that Guernsey Chamber was ‘a natural’ avenue to bring together all interested parties. ‘We have the island’s wellbeing at our core, both in terms of business success and general awareness of the island as a destination for relaxation,’ he said. Film pundits are predicting success for the film, based on the crew’s previous successes and the strength of the cast. It stars Lily James as Juliet, a journalist involved in The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, and is set during the Occupation. ■ 17


Arty Party A hugely successful Art for Guernsey event has helped to cement the initiative’s strong position in the community. Organiser and Art for Guernsey founder David Ummels was delighted with the response. He and his family have immersed themselves in island life since their arrival in Guernsey. In addition to the art initiative, David plays an active role as a council member for Guernsey Chamber. He is full of praise for the way of life offered here and established Art for Guernsey to bring together his relationships in the art world with schools and the island’s creative sector. ‘The initiative is very much about creating an opportunity for islanders to discover high quality art for free,’ he said. The unusually high turnout for his recent event at the Market Buildings, which showcased Olivia Kemp’s stunning creations, confirmed the level of interest in Art for Guernsey. Proceeds from any of the exhibitions organised by David will be donated to local charities. He is also keen to use Art of Guernsey as a platform to enable high level artists to actively engage with the social life of the island, visiting schools, retirement homes and hospitals, in addition to having public displays.

One recent addition to the organisation’s efforts was to include a display area at Guernsey harbour so that visitors and locals can enjoy viewing selected art. David pointed out that the island has a lot to offer in terms of lifestyle and quality of life. ‘I very much enjoy watching my children and wife being happy and I believe that Guernsey deserves some credit for that,’ said the Belgian entrepreneur. He has lived and worked around the world but believes Guernsey outshines many places with its ‘special’ atmosphere. Anyone interested in finding out more about Art for Guernsey can view its Facebook page or website: ■

The unusually high turnout for his recent event at the Market Buildings, which showcased Olivia Kemp’s stunning creations, confirmed the level of interest in Art for Guernsey.



Disability – there is no us and them A call to ‘think differently about disability’ and banish the ‘walking on eggshells’ caution which tends to surround any general workplace discussions about the topic, has come from the Guernsey Disability Alliance through its We All Matter Eh? campaign. ‘Let’s talk about it. I know from first-hand experience that there are too many instances of people feeling extremely nervous about raising the subject at all. They are not sure what language to use and they are terrified of being politically incorrect. Let’s get beyond that and see how easily we can include disabled people in our everyday lives,’ said GDA spokesperson Karen Blanchford. The call to ‘think differently’ is an initiative which sounds straightforward – enabling disabled people to take a full and active role in island life – but which has a mountain to climb in terms of changing perception and understanding, let alone the legalities. The biggest barrier is attitude. Most of the time people aren’t deliberately negative or unhelpful. It’s simply lack of awareness and understanding, combined with a natural reluctance to do things differently. Disability just isn’t something people think about much or know about. ‘It would be disingenuous not to admit that there is a long way to go. Part of the problem is that business people in particular are wary

about having a discussion about it, perhaps because it can seem a fairly loaded subject. The reality is that any preoccupation with trying to use totally PC language needs to be put into perspective if it prevents open debate on what we are trying to achieve. Just start talking and begin by accepting that disabled people are individuals who just want to be part of our everyday lives – and there are a lot of us here.’ The GDA’s We All Matter campaign has made impressive inroads into highlighting different types of issues among Guernsey’s 13,000 disabled people and the ‘Think differently’ campaign aims to build on that by drawing attention to the diversity of problems. ‘Disability ranges from physical conditions through mental health to visual and hearing impairments and learning difficulties, plus much more. We all know someone – probably more than one person – who has an impairment or health condition.’ Karen and her team of volunteers have produced a substantial amount of information on websites, in brochures and on social media. The latest efforts have seen the development of change cards which deal with specific issues faced by disabled people. ‘We are getting these sponsored, from as little as £500, and are keen to make the range really extensive as a way of providing people with a snapshot about how to address particular scenarios relating to disabled people.’ The new campaign has been triggered by the UN Day of Persons With Disabilities on 3 December. ‘We started to identify what is being done and can be incorporated

into this global day. As a registered charity and voluntary organisation, it provides us with a great platform to engage even more with the community and to highlight ways in which people can also fundraise and support our efforts,’ said Karen. She sees disability as just one part of a much broader conversation needed here about equality and rights. ‘We need to fill the gap. On a personal level, I am surprised that the island has very limited rights legislation. We need to steer things towards change. The biggest single difference that islanders can make is to stop seeing disabled people as different to themselves. ‘We all want to meet our friends, go shopping, eat out, play sport, work and travel. In other words, to take a full and active part in our island community.’ Karen becomes a bit exasperated when stereotype preconceptions are applied. ‘Disabled people are not all in wheelchairs and out of work, far from it. We know that plenty of people care and want to be supportive. Let’s have a conversation about it and Think Differently About Disability to bring about greater inclusion.’ ■

Topics included in Change Cards, available to download at Accessible tourism Improve disability awareness with free disability awareness training Make the employment process easier for disabled people Become more dementia friendly Become aware of hidden disabilities Accessible building and design These are updated each week with new sectors




A division of the UK-based Alexander Daniels Professional Recruitment Group, Alexander Daniels Offshore specialises in the placement of professionals in Guernsey, Jersey, London and Luxembourg. We also support individuals looking to relocate back to the UK or to other countries. Our team of consultants possess extensive experience of working in this market and they can offer a very bespoke, tailored and proactive service.

ASR provides a wide range of asbestosrelated services including premises surveys and asbestos removal.


Recruiting at all levels, our key areas of expertise include: Fund Administration, Trust Administration, Finance & Accountancy, Risk & Compliance and Company Secretarial. Contact: Andy Partlow Tel: 01481 729340 Email: Website:

Contact: Paul Knight Tel: 07839 205611 Email: Website:

We can offer customers assistance in many different areas including consultancy, asbestos management surveys, asbestos refurbishment surveys, asbestos demolition surveys and independent air monitoring and sampling. The team at ASR is on hand and happy to talk to potential clients.

Opened in 2017, Vinyl Vaughan’s Record Boutique is Guernsey’s only independent record store.


It has been some six years since the demise of Number Nineteen and with the increase in interest for the vinyl format over the past two years, Vaughan believed an alternative record buying experience like this was needed locally.

One customer described it as, “cool, it’s just like waking up in 1983”, which sums the business up. “A musical journey in every groove.” Contact: Vaughan Davies Tel: 07781 124828 Email: Website:

Join Chamber today the voice of local business

Business support; networking events; business advice; business events; liaison with States departments; new interactive website.




The Way Ahead for Sark In an age of struggling economies, particularly small economies that rely on one major source to survive, there comes a need for all of those involved to be pro-active, creative, innovative and positive. Sark’s Chamber of Commerce explains how it believes tourism should be supported. The Chamber of Commerce has, along with many other stakeholders in the island, proposed a direct sailing of a passenger ferry from France to Sark. Currently the proposal is for that sailing to take place between Dielette and La Maseline, Sark. There has been an interest shown in operating this route by the service provider Manche Isles, currently sailing to Sark via Jersey and direct to Guernsey. If such a service was to be undertaken, then some form of border control would be required as Sark is not currently a designated ‘Port of Entry’ into the Channel Islands. In order to justify the provision of that facility, we need to look at the current state of Sark’s visitor numbers and examine the potential benefits of increasing our footfall by opening up our borders to a direct service with France. We are currently experiencing numbers in the region of 50,000 directly from Guernsey via Sark Shipping, and 10,000 from Manche Isles indirectly, from Granville via Jersey. Of this 60,000, the vast majority of passengers are day-trippers. Whilst they are valuable to

our visitor economy, the only way we can repay the investment made by our service industry providers (hotels, self-catering, bed and breakfast establishments and campsites alike) is to generate more longer-term visits.

The direct effect on collection of taxes, increased freight requirements and the provision of services would go a long way to transforming our current stagnating economy. With numbers from the current main source of visiting tourists, Guernsey, now at an apparent plateau, the possibility of a further 10,000 visitors from France would hugely influence the economy of Sark. The direct effect on collection of taxes, increased freight requirements and the provision of services would go a long way to transforming our current stagnating economy. The drip down through the economy as a whole would benefit all stakeholders and would more than justify the cost of the provision of border control. Given the projected number of 10,000 extra staying visitors to Sark, we can confidently say that two sailings per week initially would, over a period of 25 weeks, sustain that number. Staying for an average of three nights, they would potentially put in excess of £2.5m. through our economy for accommodation, £2.2m. for purchasing food and drink and an estimated £600,000 spread through direct tax collection and all of the other amenities available.

Our currently under-used bed space will more than cover the projected increase in numbers. Chief Pleas is currently baulking at the proposition for border control, mostly on the grounds of perceived cost to provide the service. What we need to establish firstly is what level of cover of border control would be necessary? As we are initially only proposing one or perhaps two sailings from France per week, then a trimmed down presence only being on duty on the days of sailing might be sufficient to satisfy controls. Discussion with Guernsey Border Agency would enable us to determine what would, and would not be acceptable. If the cost of provision alone is the only stumbling block to getting this proposal off the ground, then we would suggest that Chief Pleas has already had a bona fide offer to underwrite some of the initial costs in order to facilitate border control on Sark. This offer comes in the form of provision of office facilities. Accommodation for the ‘duty officer’ would also be provided. That would leave Sark bearing only the cost of seasonal salaries, which we contend would quickly be balanced out by increased revenue and taxes collected. If we are to make the best of a very real and tangible opportunity to develop Sark’s tourism industry and subsequently its economy, then we must take this proposal forward with a positive ‘can do’ attitude and rediscover the golden years of tourism on Sark. ■



VIEWPOINT as seen by Richard Digard

The cost of complacency Concerns about Jersey’s so-called Tesco Tax and a blast from Specsavers boss Doug Perkins have all raised questions about how badly these islands want to succeed and encourage business. But there’s another problem, says Richard Digard: complacency How commercially friendly are these islands? A short time ago, it would have been laughable even to ask. Everyone knows the Channel Islands are open for business and remain a great location for entrepreneurs, companies and individuals. Don’t they? Or do they? ‘States lurch to the left will wreck economy’ was the dramatic headline in Guernsey, and a warning from none other than the chair of Specsavers, local resident Doug Perkins. He’s not alone. Just days after his intervention, business leaders in Jersey were pointing out the damage that could be caused by a so-called ‘Tesco Tax’ on larger retailers as the island’s zero-10 corporation tax provisions are amended. Jersey’s Chamber of Commerce Retail and Supply chair Mark Cox complained of the constant drip-feed of business levies, charges and taxes and how that could impact on competitiveness. However, let’s concentrate on the Specsavers comments


as they are perhaps more dispassionate than those from business leaders actively trading in the islands.

Latest figures show the group had revenues well in excess of £2bn in 2016/17; employed 31,000; grew its income by an impressive 6.6%; and sold 425m contact lenses. In case you’re not familiar with the success story that Mr Perkins and wife Dame Mary piloted from their adopted home, here are some numbers. Latest figures show the group had revenues well in excess of £2bn in 2016/17; employed 31,000; grew its income by an impressive 6.6%; and sold 425m contact lenses. The essence of Mr Perkins’ concerns was that left-of-centre politicians are putting up more and more obstacles to business.

Combined with excessive government spending and policies seemingly intent on destroying business confidence, the island risked spiralling into permanent decline. There was a lot more, but the thrust was that unless deputies wake up to economic reality, they will deter the very businesses that provide the wealth underpinning public services. Those fears are clearly shared by many in Jersey, although that island has for the last few years been held up as a model of how Guernsey should invest to get out of its fiscal deficit and go for growth. Coincidentally, this magazine took a detailed look last issue at the extensive steps both islands take to attract new business and the successes each has had in doing so. Which makes the Specsavers’ intervention all the more disturbing – perhaps what politicians do and say on island has more impact on forming external opinion than expensive and targeted promotional activities. A worrying thought if so.

F EAT URE Specsavers is so big and so global that it is largely unaffected by Channel Island affairs. So for him to make such a stronglyworded attack on Guernsey’s political process, things must appear very bad indeed. Additionally, Mr Perkins commenting like this is pretty rare. Specsavers is so big and so global that it is largely unaffected by Channel Island affairs. So for him to make such a strongly-worded attack on Guernsey’s political process, things must appear very bad indeed. The implication is that if the Perkins were looking to start Specsavers today, they wouldn’t do so from Guernsey. Now, that’s bad enough. But suppose they tried to come to the islands today with a great idea, one that was equally disruptive to the established order but in the financial services arena rather than the optical sector? How welcome would either island make them feel? And, to meet the increasingly onerous regulatory and compliance regimes, how much capital would they need to launch? I’ve been given various figures, but they’re all in the hundreds of thousands, and one financial veteran said simply: ‘we don’t want one- or two-man start-ups any more’. Not because we don’t need them or don’t wish to provide a base from which that small operation can expand, but simply because the obstacles to business are now so significant. Government, for all that both States are trying to reform and modernise, is still monolithic. Regulation remains very much a ‘take it or leave it’ affair without any serious debate on what sort of risk appetite the islands actually have as distinct from what the regulators decide is appropriate. But perhaps the more significant disconnect that Doug Perkins was pointing out is that between wealth creators and legislators in the Assemblies. Time was, those in the States

ran the agricultural, horticultural or mercantile operations that funded public services and, as the saying goes, knew the value of a pound. Fast forward to when financial services became king and that all changed. I don’t say it shouldn’t have done so – both States are now far more representative – but that understanding of having to earn something before spending it has, to a large extent, been lost. More than a generation of effortless prosperity has created a public service and a political class for whom income is something that can be taken for granted.

At risk of appearing cynical, if a deputy’s primary focus is to get (re) elected, can they afford to run counter to public suspicion – perhaps even hostility – of the pursuit of profit? The picture is slightly blurred between the islands as social policy dominates in Guernsey while in Jersey the dynamic is to rubbish everything the Council of Ministers attempts. In either case, however, the priority has to be re-engaging individuals with the essentiality of a strong economy, plus the needs of business. Realistically, that’s a tall order given the distrust there now is of ‘bankers and fat cats’ and, after years of slow or nil wage growth, the whole political process. And politicians too, come to that. At risk of appearing cynical, if a deputy’s primary focus is to get (re)elected, can they afford to run counter to public suspicion – perhaps even hostility – of the pursuit of profit? If I’m right that Doug and Mary Perkins were questioning the suitability of Guernsey today as a welcoming home for a fledgling Specsavers, what of the future for the company when they retire? While that might not be in jeopardy, both islands have indigenous businesses they rely on heavily and which form part of the underpinning financial services ecosystem.

In both Guernsey and Jersey’s case, that’s particularly some of the law firms that have grown from family firms to significant operations in multiple territories but are still headquartered here and make a significant contribution to GDP in the islands. But are those island bases retained for historic reasons or as prime locations for multijurisdictional businesses? And what happens to them when the current principals decide to draw their pensions and younger partners with weaker island connections take over? Be a political leader in either island and look at the latest business confidence surveys and I’m not sure I’d be sleeping that easily. The Jersey data was presented as more positive than that from Guernsey, but neither set was robust and costs and profitability were all also under pressure. None of this should be taken as suggesting the islands are bad places to work and live. They aren’t, and remain business-focused and very much open to new talent and ideas. But the point remains that when someone of the calibre of Doug Perkins warns that political ambition risks destroying the attractiveness of the island as a business location, we ought to take note. Guernsey’s Policy and Resources and Committee for Economic Development says it will listen and its promised green paper in December should set out how the island is committed to remaining open for business. But that report, of course, has to be endorsed by the Assembly. States members don’t like being told they’re wrong, misguided or pursuing the wrong policies, so I won’t. Instead, we should note that complacency is a bigger threat to these islands than even Brexit. So if I was a politician reading the critical comments, I’d be asking this: What has our Assembly done, and what should it be doing, to encourage entrepreneurs and make these islands a more attractive venue for business? We’re running out of time to do so. ■



Executive Council Profile Lorna Pestana

Chair, HR committee I’m probably one of the newest committee members of Chamber, having only joined recently and been fast tracked to chair of the HR committee. This role was ‘handed down’ to me by Kelly Flageul and it’s a challenge I’m more than happy to accept. My experience in HR spans over 25 years. Having arrived in Jersey from Scotland in the early 1990s, I joined a local hotel and worked my way up from personnel assistant to eventually holding the position of personnel director. Since then I have been operating at a senior HR level in a commercial organisation across the Channel Islands, and most recently joined Law At Work as the fifth director/shareholder.

My successes over those three years include a year on year increase in local membership of CIPD and the introduction of the CIPD Awards (honouring outstanding achievement in the field of people management and development in Jersey)


My experience as chair of the local CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development) for three years from 2012 to 2015 has stood me in good stead to lead the HR committee at the Jersey Chamber of Commerce. My successes over those three years include a year on year increase in local membership of CIPD and the introduction of the CIPD Awards (honouring outstanding achievement in the field of people management and development in Jersey). In addition, the committee was recognised by the Institute for the impact we made locally to the HR profession by presenting us with their PACE (Purpose, Agility, Collaboration and Expertise) award.

Chamber has been the voice of reason when it comes to challenging the thinking and actions of our politicians and most importantly Chamber represents all industries active in Jersey My experience of Chamber has been mainly on the other side, as a bystander rather than an active member. However, I have for a long time kept abreast of the activities of Chamber, particularly around policy development and the work they have done to influence the introduction and development of employment and discrimination legislation. Chamber has been the voice of reason when it comes to challenging the thinking and actions of

our politicians. Most importantly Chamber represents all industries active in Jersey, giving them a voice at times of continued change as employment practices evolve. This year I am particularly proud to play an active part in Chamber as as we look to celebrate our 250th anniversary next year as the oldest English-speaking Chamber of Commerce. Chamber is also reaching out to our next generation of society by creating an interest group, Chamber Connection, specifically for 18 for 18 to 34 year olds . The development and introduction of further discrimination legislation in the form of disability will also see a group of our society being better represented than ever before. As Chamber continues to go from strength to strength my personal aim is to fulfil the expectations of our members through the presentation of employment issues that affect every business in the island. ■




Employment Forum propose £7.50 minimum wage from 1 April 2018

The Jersey Chamber of Commerce welcomes the annual minimum wage review by the Employment Forum. It is absolutely right that the minimum hourly rate is regularly reviewed in order to ensure that an appropriate rate is set at one that takes account of a number of contributing economic factors including factors such as the Retail Price Index (RPI). In light of the Employment Forum recommending a 4.5% increase (from £7.18 to £7.50 per hour), a rate that far exceeds that of inflation of 2.9%, the Chamber of Commerce is nervous regarding the consequences this significant increase will have. Eliot Lincoln, president of the Jersey Chamber of Commerce said: ‘Any increase in the minimum wage will, of course, have an effect on businesses, especially for small and medium sized organisations within the hospitality, agriculture and retail sectors. Yes, the minimum wage needs to keep up with inflation but not exceed it to the extent


The 2018 Jersey budget is neither surprising nor inspiring for commerce. As predicted, impot duties on alcohol continue to rise, which the Treasury continues to justify for health-related projects. Despite Chamber asking the Treasury Minister, at last year’s budget presentation, for evidence of exactly how the impot money was directly impacting health-related concerns, Chamber and its members continue to wait for an evidenced breakdown to justify these annual increases.

that could force companies out of business and in turn increase unemployment.’ The Chamber of Commerce took part in the recent Employment Forum consultation process. At the session, Chamber referenced the results of a minimum wage survey, which they carried out with members last year. One question asked how many members employ staff on Jersey’s minimum wage. 80% of those who responded said none. For some time, Chamber has urged government to carry out thorough research regarding the number of people in Jersey actually earning minimum wage. These evidence based statistics, along with RPI, should then be a contributing factor as to how the Employment Forum reaches their recommended rate. A rate higher than RPI will likely have its own inflationary effects. Effects that could increase off-island outsourcing of services and increase the price of local goods, which when passed on to the end Jersey consumer could encourage greater off-island shopping. ■

The proposed new retail tax may for some of our members be welcome news in terms of providing a more level tax playing field. However, greater tax on profitability could also reduce investment in training, premises and products. Vice-president of the Jersey Chamber of Commerce, and chair of the Retail & Supply Committee, Mark Cox, said: ‘It is important that commerce makes a fair contribution towards the island and the 25



introduction of this tax appears to provide a degree of continuity for all retailers with a presence in Jersey. However, throughout 2017 there has been a constant drip feeding of business levies, charges and taxes. The budget is proposing this new retail tax, along with the widening definition of financial services, in order to capture more companies that pay the 10% rate. All of these measures are ultimately pointing towards the need for a thorough review of the island’s tax system. ‘Jersey must have a tax regime that it is both fair and fit for purpose. Along with the Jersey Infrastructure Levy and the proposed liquid and solid waste charges, this new retail tax is another tax on business. Chamber is concerned that once a precedent is set with the retail sector, the States will then look to roll out this type of tax across all sectors

of commerce, which would go some way to eroding the current tax structure.’ Chamber is encouraged that the Treasury appears to be broadly balancing the books. However, the fall in the value of the pound, expensive operating costs and additional company taxes are contributing factors that will make business owners think twice about the future viability of their companies here in Jersey. Our members and commerce as a whole are looking to government for business-friendly and innovative policies, that encourage growth and ultimately secure the future prosperity of Jersey. Quick wins and a constant erosion of the island’s existing tax policy, are not the way to achieve this. ■

JERSEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, 2017 CHARITY OF CHOICE - LIONS CLUB This Centennial Year for Lions Club International has been a busy one for the Jersey Club. Our fundraising activities have gone from strength to strength – the Lions’ Swimarathon of course, but also racing pedal cars, hosting concerts and, new this year, launching sales of “Lions Collectibles”. It’s wonderful how much someone will pay for an old copy of The Beano!

We continue to provide holidays for Jersey disabled people at Maison des Landes, and thereby a week’s respite for their devoted carers.

Our activities remain broad and community-based. We continue to provide holidays for Jersey disabled people at Maison des Landes, and thereby a week’s respite for their devoted carers. The Swimarathon benefited many local children’s charities. We have continued to deliver Christmas hampers and Easter fruit and flowers, and supported the development of a sensory garden at The Willows, a daycare centre for the elderly. Much else besides! This year, we have also benefitted from being Chamber’s charity of choice. We shouldn’t have been surprised that our attendance at lunches has prompted numerous conversations with prospective members, with representatives of other community service organisations, and with corporate representatives, but our expectations have certainly been exceeded. We are already planning for 2018, with an emphasis on ‘Caring for the Carers’, as demonstrated by our beneficiaries for the next Swimarathon. If the staff of Chamber members are organising Christmas raffles and are considering worthy causes, how about the Lions Club of Jersey this year? That would be a wonderful end to this special year of support by Chamber for our Club, whose mission is captured in just two words. We serve. ■



Funding our future: Budget 2018 builds on our Financial Plan 2016-19

Event sponsor:


Wine Sponsor:

Dunell’s Premier Wines

Speaker: Treasury and Resources Minister, Senator Alan Maclean

Coffee Sponsor:

Cooper & Co Jersey


Wednesday 8 November 2017

Venue: The Pomme D’Or Timings: 12:30-14:30

November lunch Jersey needs a Gen-Z strategy and retail and fashion tourism is the answer! Speaker: Dr Tessa Hartmann CBE Date:

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Venue: The Royal Yacht Timings: 12:30-14:30

DECEMber lunch

Overview For our December Chamber Lunch, we are delighted to be joined by guest speaker Dr Tessa Hartmann, who will outline the opportunities available to Jersey if it undertakes a strategy that is focused on targeting the Gen-Z demographic via retail and event tourism.

DATES FOR 2018 CHAMBER LUNCHES 17 January 21 February 14 March

Pomme D’Or The Royal Yacht Radisson

11 July 12 September 10 October

Radisson The Royal Yacht Radisson

The Royal Yacht

14 November

Pomme D’Or

15 May

Pomme D’Or

12 December

The Royal Yacht


Event sponsor:

Catherine Best

Wine Sponsor:

Dunell’s Premier Wines

Coffee Sponsor:

Cooper & Co Jersey

Chamber Lunch 2017 Sponsors

18 April

13 June

Dr Hartmann believes that Jersey needs to change the conversation from ‘finance to fashion’, to further the island’s growth and capitalise on the significant revenue streams in this sector. She argues investment in these areas could have promising results in generating jobs and enhancing economic diversification and would allow us to rebrand the island and be more competitive in global tourism and beyond.

Throughout 2017, and for many previous Chamber lunches, we have been privileged to benefit from the ongoing sponsorship of two very active and engaged Chamber members. Our guests have been able to enjoy excellent wines from Dunell’s Premier Wines and freshly brewed coffee from Cooper & Co Jersey, all adding to the unique and special Chamber lunch atmosphere. We couldn’t do it without their support and would like to say a very big thank you for their support and involvement with Chamber this year.


J E R SE Y N E W M E M B E R S Galaxy Computer Brokers Ltd is an IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) business, which provides an environmentally conscious solution for the disposal of IT equipment in the Channel Islands.


By disposing of obsolete or unwanted IT equipment in a safe and ecologicallyresponsible manner, Galaxy can advocate sustainability for its clients, which is attained by reusing or recycling 100% of the equipment it handles. The company also provides an on-site data destruction service in Jersey and Guernsey to mitigate the risk of data loss.

ACF Consulting Services (CI) is an independent management consulting business founded by Alex Fearn, who has over 28 years’ experience in international financial services including business leadership at board level.


This is supplemented with six years’ board level experience with The Channel Islands Co-operative Society. Alex’s small business is set up to focus on his expertise in cross border wealth management, the leadership

I.D.ology, is a concept by Ginny Moss, offering a retail, concierge, interior decoration and project management service for home and office interiors for busy families and professionals.


With a range of luxury fabrics, wallpapers, lighting, bespoke rugs and furnishings constantly updated with the latest trends, our aim is to ensure customers receive an individual, tailored service. Visit website: where you can:

A respected IT reseller for over 20 years, Galaxy supplies new and refurbished equipment and offers value back from redundant equipment when possible. This continuous approach has resulted in Galaxy’s achievement of the ISO 14001 Standard, underpinning Galaxy’s efforts to protect the local environment at every stage of the hardware lifecycle. Email: Tel: 01534 509007 Website:

of change and also how technology and digital can help enable change, business development and efficiency. He aims to provide guidance and add value to growing and successful businesses and to help diversify and grow the island economy. Facebook: acfconsultingsvcs Website:

• read advice on colour, pattern, texture and more; • purchase products including the latest in Scandinavian lighting; • arrange for delivery of sample fabrics and papers; and • request a meeting to discuss room decor and re-design. General enquiries: 07797 810763 Website: email:

• view the latest collections;


Insight Limited is a new professional services firm, built on the driving purpose of helping businesses to grow by implementing “Great Ideas about People that Work”. Our work is founded on principles from the fields of psychology, law, management and business experience. In practical terms we provide a range of employment related services, including outsourcing, consulting projects and HR-


as-a-Service. We also deliver performance improvement work at individual and collective level. Our CI clients span all sectors and sizes. We have a core team which includes Simon Nash LLB, FCIPD; David Hanby, MPNLP; and Alison Le Masurier ACA, MCIPD; as well as a wider group of specialists whom we draw upon for specific assignments. Website: Email:



Integritas Wealth Partners has been established to provide bespoke wealth solutions to individuals, families, trustees and businesses in Jersey. In order to provide the highest quality service to its clients, Integritas has aligned its business with St. James’s Place International, and has access to investment solutions through an exclusive arrangement in Jersey, which would normally only be available through members

The voluntary and community sector is thriving in Jersey - in 2016 £80m. flowed in to the sector.


of the St. James’s Place Partnership. Integritas has also adopted cutting-edge technology and tools to deliver clear, secure and portable information to its clients. The combination of offering global reaching and market leading solutions, with the required independence to tailor solutions using local expertise, provides the strength and flexibility required in this everchanging industry. Website:

General enquiries:

With over 500 charities and NPOs on the island delivering vital services, we’re here to drive best practice, build capacity, champion effective philanthropy and increase access to resources (financial and other) so that they can make the biggest difference they can.

Website: Email:

The Jersey Chamber of Commerce is the largest business membership forum in Jersey, representing businesses of all sizes.

Become a Chamber Of Commerce Member Member benefits: - Access to the most effective business networking community in the island, with regular networking events attended by more than 4,000 senior business people annually - Discounted Chamber Event tickets - ‘New Member’ promotion in Contact Magazine - Weekly communications, with links to the latest government reports & consultations that affect business - Dedicated Member email address, to raise individual business concerns - Business listing on the Chamber website - Reduced rates on business services including obtaining Certificates of Origin & Letters of Credit - Member to Member discount offers - Reduced rate meeting room hire

For more information on membership please contact the Chamber Executive Team. 01534 724 536 |


Raising a glass to Chamber… We are very proud to support the Chamber of Commerce lunches with regular wine sponsorship. We have been supporting Chamber for more than 10 years and we hope that all the attendees have enjoyed the various wines offered and will continue to do so.

Dunell’s Premier Wines is an awardwinning independent, family-owned business located in Jersey that has been trading for over 118 years. We have three shops based in Beaumont, St Helier and Gorey as well as a full e-commerce website offering free island-wide delivery. We pride ourselves on our extensive range of over 1,600 wines (plus a further 400 trade only wines) from all over the world,

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Challenge Awards. In 2017, we retained the title of Regional Wine Merchant for South and South East of England. We offer numerous services ranging from 16 bottle wine tasting machines in all three shops, food and wine dinners, specialised masterclasses, private and corporate networking events, to our temperature controlled, secure wine storage facility as well as our ever popular Riedel loan glass service. ■


The beauty of business

Cooper & Co. is a longstanding supporter of the Jersey Chamber of Commerce. Owner David Warr explained why he believes island businesses should be involved with the organisation.

I was recently invited to talk at an event. The title of the discussion was quite esoteric: ‘What makes a business beautiful?’ As I reflected upon those words, it dawned that it was a more complex question than I first thought. In fact, it’s possibly the first question most individuals in business should ask. On one hand you have the aesthetic of beauty and on the other the pragmatism of business. The numbers matter, but you can’t achieve them unless you have customers who are prepared to purchase

your product or service. In an increasingly competitive world what is your USP? In business we talk a lot about stakeholders. They range from investors to customers. I think businesses should increasingly think about citizenship, their place in the community. Citizenship is not simply about the local, it’s about the global. This leads on to our longstanding membership of Chamber. With so many small businesses on Jersey, the ability for each to get their voice heard

is extraordinarily difficult. Chamber’s independence from government and its wealth of experience means it has the ability to influence political decision makers in a way that is impossible for individual small businesses. The Jersey Chamber of Commerce is only as strong as its membership. The bigger the membership the better it can act on its behalf. We should all be stakeholders in Chamber. ■

Cooper & Co are proud Coffee sponsors of Chamber of Commerce lunch events. Email: Tel: 733352 Web:

Zena Whiteley, client service manager at Smith & Williamson

Zena is a client service manager working in investment management at Smith & Williamson in Jersey. She is responsible for co-ordinating the firm’s resources for their clients by liaising with everyone from investment managers to compliance. She says she prides herself on building strong client relationships. Give us an overview of your career to date, and any particular highlights. I joined Smith & Williamson two years ago after a 30 year career in the corporate banking and wealth management industry, primarily in Jersey. Latterly, I was working as a relationship banker for Jersey-based high net worth individuals in a major banking group.

In your experience, does the glass ceiling still exist? I believe asset management is still a very male dominated industry. That said, I have seen the number of women investment managers in Jersey steadily increase in recent years. International Women’s Day is now a key global annual event with the purpose of celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. This serves as a reminder for women of all ages that glass ceilings are meant to be broken. What do you think about the issue of female ‘quotas’ in the boardroom?

A particular highlight for me is holding the position of vice president of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (CISI) Jersey branch committee, a professional body providing continued professional development opportunities and networking events for the CISI Jersey members.

Business leaders, whatever their gender, must take responsibility for building an effective talent pipeline and make it a commercial priority to proactively identity, develop and promote leaders of any gender. It is not unusual to companies to have female ‘quotas’ in boardrooms, however people should be considered for promotion on the basis of merit, rather than gender.

What goals or ambitions are you still hoping to achieve?

Do you think you’ve faced any gender issues in your career so far?

It was my goal to work in the investment management industry; however the decision to move from the security of working for the same employer for 29 years was massive. I am glad I made the move as it was the right decision for me. Smith & Williamson is growing as a business and I am keen to play my part in its continued success.

In the early years of my career diversity was not a subject that was ever discussed. I am aware that there are some issues but have not felt directly affected by it. Who are your role models? My parents are my role models; they have had such a positive influence on my life. They have always had strong work ethics, as well as being both loyal and honest. At one

stage my mum had three children under the age of four yet she has always worked. She is now aged 68 and my dad is aged 72 and they are both still in employment. What is the most important thing you’ve learned during your career? I worked for the same organisation for 29 years. It was important to me to expose myself to different parts of the business to gain experience, so I set myself a goal to move roles within the organisation. This has made me a much more rounded individual. I studied for the Investment Management Certificate aged 40 and then aged 46 I changed my career after 29 years in banking and moved into investment management. So a key message from me would be that it’s never too late to change direction and start over again. I stand for hard work. Attitude is as important as aptitude. Never stop learning, and never write yourself off, it gives you courage. The more knowledgeable you are, the more comfortable you feel. How is your work/life balance? I am a full-time mum and a full-time employee so it is important to me to strike that balance. I have this at Smith & Williamson, they encourage a healthy work life balance. What three words would you use to describe yourself? Energetic, diligent, highly-personable.

I stand for hard work. Attitude is as important as aptitude. Never stop learning, and never write yourself off, it gives you courage. The more knowledgeable you are, the more comfortable you feel.






Sure has appointed Niamh Ó Maoláin as head of customer strategy and operations.

Nick Carpentier has joined Barclays as a corporate investment specialist.

David Riley has been appointed to Robus Group Limited as a risk consultant.

The new role is a promotion for Niamh, who has been involved in running Sure’s customer satisfaction surveys since last year. She will now be responsible for Sure’s Guernsey-based customer support centre.

In his new role Nick is part of a crossjurisdictional investment team specialising in offshore clients such as trust companies, trading companies, captive insurance companies, and wealth vehicles.

He has 24 years’ experience in the Guernsey insurance industry and will utilise this experience to lead on the setting up of the first fully independent longevity swap incorporated cell company for Robus.

Sure’s chief customer officer Charlotte Dunsterville said:

Simon Phillips, Barclays country manager, said:

CEO of Robus Group Richard Le Tocq said:

‘Our investment proposition offers a wide range of investment options for our corporate clients including custody, advisory and discretionary services. Nick brings a high level of investment experience which will really benefit our clients.’

‘David’s insurance career track record speaks for itself. He brings to Robus a deep understanding of the processes and practicalities of longevity swaps which will be an asset to the growth and development of this new area of business for us.’


‘Sure welcomes feedback from customers and actively uses it to shape the way the business operates. Niamh has extensive knowledge of the customer service sector and we are already seeing the benefit of her insights and management of customers’ feedback.’



Babbé LLP has announced that Rajah Abusrewil has become a partner in the firm.

Andrew Courtney has been promoted internally to the newly created group chief operating officer role at Ravenscroft.

Rajah has spent over 12 years in private practice as a solicitor in a leading West End law firm in London, as a barrister and attorney in Bermuda, and in the Cayman Islands. She joined Babbé in November 2015. Head of Trusts and Pensions Nicholas Donnithorne said: ‘This is a strategic promotion rewarding the achievements of Rajah and her future potential with the firm. Rajah is refreshing to work with and has the same vision for developing the firm and ability to carry that vision through to completion.’





GARY LE PAGE, NICKY WALSH, STEPH VIDAMOUR AND FIONA TRUSTUM First Names Group has promoted four of its staff members.

He has worked at the company since 2014 and will be responsible for all non-client facing activities across the group.

Gary Le Page and Nicky Walsh are senior managers while Steph Vidamour and Fiona Trustum are senior administrators.

Group managing director Mark Bousfield said:

Managing director in Guernsey David Preston said:

‘Andrew is ideally suited to this role as he has a great understanding of what our clients want and how best to deliver this. He is passionate about encouraging a culture that allows our staff to develop and realise their ambitions while being mindful of the strategy set by the board.’

‘First Names Group is a business which has been built with our people very much at the core of everything we do. We have a unique company culture that is central to our success.’ Photo left to right: Steph Vidamour, Gary Le Page, Fiona Trustum and Nicky Walsh

Carey Group has recently made five senior appointments. Chris Le Page has been promoted to client director, Nikolett Mezei to senior client relationship manager, Leasa Callaway to associate client director, Stuart Simon to head of client accounting and Danielle Harrison to compliance manager. Managing director Jim Gilligan said: ‘Congratulations to each member of the team. I look forward to the new energy they will bring to our management team and to our clients.’


Photo left to right: Stuart Simon, Danielle Harrison, Leasa Callaway, Nikolett Mezeim and Chris Le Page





Garenne Construction Group has welcomed three new directors to its main board.

Three of Collas Crill’s Guernsey trainees have qualified as English solicitors.

Geomarine Guernsey managing director Tom Whitmore, managing director of Camerons in Jersey Simon Silbernagl, and managing director of Sterling Services and Garenne Natural Stone (UK) Chris Bell will all take on board responsibilities.

Gregory will now join the trust and fiduciary team, Emma is an associate within the dispute resolution team and Ben has qualified into the commercial department.

Garenne Group chairman Andy Hall said: ‘Simon, Chris and Tom bring exceptional strength and depth from across the group and their experience will be a major boost to our board.’ Photo left to right: Tom Whitmore, Andy Hall, Chris Bell and Simon Silbernagl

Sean Cheong, group training partner, said: ‘We are delighted with these successes. They reaffirm our commitment to investment in training ambitious and talented people.’ Photo left to right: Gregory Haddow, Emma Taylor and Ben Le Page









Marina Burr has been appointed as head of customer experience at Waves.

Fiduciary company Imperium Trust Company Limited has appointed Jodi Langlois as a trust manager.

Bedell Cristin has appointed Lee Osborne as a senior associate.

She moves to Waves after three years as dealer manager at Airtel-Vodafone in Guernsey and takes on a new role dedicated to customer experience and satisfaction. Head of PR and marketing Emy De La Mare said: ‘Marina has spent more than 14 years in people-facing roles and knows first-hand how customer experience is integral to a company’s success. She will be an invaluable member of the team as we get ready to start our passenger flights and as we grow the company with more aircraft and new routes.’

In her new role Jodi will be responsible for developing and managing client relationships as well as dealing with professional intermediaries based both in London and other international finance centres. Director David Gilmour said: ‘This is a new management position within the company to support our growing client base. Jodi has experience in both managing client relationships as well as staff management and I am sure that she will be a valuable addition.’

Lee advises on a broad range of corporate, commercial and banking matters including investment funds and private equity, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, cross border transactions and corporate re-structuring. Managing partner Kate Ovenden commented: ‘We welcome Lee to the Guernsey practice. Bedell Cristin offers a complete solution in matters requiring Guernsey, Jersey and BVI legal advice. Lee’s experience in corporate, banking and investment funds adds further to the depth of expertise we can offer our clients.’ |

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Life in


Life in Finance is an annual work placement scheme designed to give local Year 12 students the chance to experience life in the finance industry.

36 Students



26 Firms

An industry with a bright future

Rewarding and exciting careers

Jersey’s finance industry has over the years succeeded in cementing its position as a forward-thinking jurisdiction, working with a network of firms that are active in markets around the world, from the Americas and Europe, to Africa and Asia.

The days of a career in finance being all about numbers, spreadsheets, accounts and maths are well and truly over.

As a result, a career in Jersey’s finance industry has become an increasingly attractive option, offering those who work in it a huge amount of opportunity to broaden their horizons, make a positive difference to the island and work with some fantastic people. The 13,000 individuals working in the finance industry have an immense pride when it comes to their contribution to island life, with the industry itself having a positive effect thanks to the jobs and revenues it creates. The industry is also at the heart of the community, contributing a significant amount of tax to the economy and spending almost £1million per day of the year on local goods and services. Staff also get involved in countless local associations, volunteer groups and charities, so that the wider community can benefit. For young islanders, this is all good news. Not only is Jersey’s finance industry vital to the island’s ongoing prosperity, it also remains an attractive option for local students focused on their own futures. In fact, over the past five years, more than 1,500 school leavers and graduates have found employment in all areas of the finance industry in Jersey and, with more and more firms looking for fresh talent to help take their businesses to the next level, there has never been a better time to explore a career in finance.

The reality is that modern finance is really all about people, relationships and making a difference. The make-up of Jersey’s finance industry means that there are a wide range of roles on offer across a variety of sectors, and there is plenty of flexibility when it comes to moving into new areas. It’s a cliché, but it remains a fact that there is no such thing as a typical day in the life of a finance industry professional. Roles are so diverse that working in the industry may mean helping to manage a real-life issue for an individual or family, handling the complex affairs of a major global brand, helping local customers with their financial needs, or advising wealthy individuals elsewhere in the world on their investments. Meanwhile, there are a whole range of complementary roles within the industry too, whether it’s marketing, public relations, IT, design, human resources or business development. The scope of opportunities in the finance industry is broad, but they all form part of a vibrant network of professionals offering some truly rewarding and exciting career experiences.

Learning has always been at the core of the Life in Finance programme, and this year was no different. Working with local students clearly shows us that we have a lot of local talent who are ambitious for the future. The 36 A-Level students from five different schools taking part in the scheme this year once again learnt a great deal about the variety of roles available within the industry and gained a valuable insight into what the industry is all about and how it can benefit the wider community. Life in Finance is a really special initiative designed to help students progress from school to the professional workplace, support them in learning new skills, and develop their existing talents. Geoff Cook, CEO, Jersey Finance

At the same time, though, the scheme also continues to give the many firms offering placements to those students some real food for thought about the value our young people can add to the industry and, in turn, the island itself. The firms taking part are genuinely embracing the creativity and enthusiasm our young people can offer, and that’s absolutely vital. It means that young people can look to the future with more certainty around their career options, and that firms can focus on the talent that is already available locally. All that bodes well for our future as an industry and as an island community.


Life in

Finance An insight from students and firms

Jersey Finance Maria

Maria provided excellent marketing support to our team for a week this summer. She undertook a variety of tasks such as research, creative development, data analysis and copywriting and gave us invaluable insights into a young person’s view of the finance industry. She also provided some inspirational ideas for our education programme. Her work was delivered with speed, accuracy and was always of the highest quality. She is an absolute asset to her school and an excellent example of the mutual value of our Life in Finance programme.

Zedra Trust Company (Jersey) Limited


“I enjoyed every part of my work experience which was very enjoyable and I learnt a lot. I feel that I have a much better understanding of a professional working environment now through my placement and have made some connections for the future. The Life in Finance scheme was very organised and all the information given was helpful and relevant. I would definitely recommend it, as it was very helpful in the lead up to my work experience, making me feel more confident when going to the placement.”

Paige Paige was outstanding during her placement. She was eager to learn, attentive, helpful and a pleasure to work with and was very quick at picking up the varied tasks she received. By the end of her placement, it felt like she was a permanent member of the team. We were impressed with her willingness to get involved with any task available, the way in which she would offer help and her overall work ethic for someone without any past office experience. Paige’s performance during her placement was excellent and I feel she would be an asset to any business in the future, whatever career path she chooses.

Maria - “I enjoyed the variety of tasks and have gained an insight into the world of work, specifically a job within the finance industry. I’ve also learnt to copywrite, conduct research and write reports, as well as being aware of how to conduct myself in a work place setting. I would recommend Life in Finance to others who want to gain an insight into business or finance areas. It is a great opportunity to gain experience and prepare you for your future career, but also because it helps build up your knowledge of how a business runs.”

Paige - “I enjoyed working with the accounts team seeing as that would be an area I would possibly like to go into. I also enjoyed working with the junior team members within each team because they gave me advice which was incredibly helpful, seeing as the they themselves were just slightly older than myself.

Hawksford Emily

Emily worked for one week within the Talent Management team and one week in our Corporate Trust team. She was engaged, asked questions and was hands on with getting involved in day-to-day work. Both teams have spoken to her and said if she wanted paid holiday work whilst studying, that we would be delighted to have her. Once again, Hawksford has been very impressed by the student we chose and we look forward to taking part again next year.

I took part in this opportunity because I wanted to gain a true understanding of the industry and the businesses roles within that industry. I feel as though I have improved my confidence and I hope this will show in the next experience I take part in. The scheme was run well by Jersey Finance.”

Emily - “I enjoyed meeting the staff, completing and learning new tasks and the different roles they have at Hawksford. I enjoyed every minute of it - no day was the same. I feel that I have achieved an understanding of the different roles in Hawksford and have learnt a range of new skills. I also feel that it has definitely helped me decide what career I am looking to pursue.

Barclays Wealth Skye

Skye was a pleasure to have during her week with Barclays. She spent a week across the different teams and areas of the business and seemed to really enjoy her time. We found her mature, engaging and well-presented. The feedback from the team was positive and she seemed to grow in confidence as the week progressed. Skye gave us useful feedback in her week which we will use for future students. Skye - “I most enjoyed meeting new people and finding out what it is about banking that interests them enough to pursue a career in it. My knowledge of banking itself was minimal before beginning the placement, so I feel I have gained a better understanding of how each department works together in order for Barclays to be successful. The Life in Finance forms were easy to complete and the ‘Meet and Greet’ event was set out well.”

PraxisIFM Trust Limited

I think the Life in Finance scheme was really good and well organised. I would definitely recommend the scheme to others.”


Lauren was polite, punctual and asked relevant questions. She spent a day in each department to gain an overview of working in finance. Lauren particularly enjoyed the ‘private clients’ area. Lauren - “I enjoyed getting to meet people from different departments and seeing the different roles. From the placement, I have a better idea of what each role involves and have made links to the business for future work next year. I think the Life in Finance scheme was done really well and is a great opportunity for young people to get some experience and a feel for finance and what the environment is like. It is really well put together and is beneficial to young people who aren’t exactly sure what they want to do.”


“On my placement, I enjoyed gaining knowledge of what I want to do in the future and advice from professionals. I have a deeper insight into the finance industry and the workings of a large organisation. I would recommend the Life in Finance scheme, as it makes work experience with large organisations more accessible.”

Participating schools/colleges

Participating companies

Beaulieu Convent School, De La Salle College, Hautlieu School, Highlands College, Victoria College

Alter Domus (Jersey) Limited, Aqua Group, Barclays Wealth, BNP Paribas Group, Cannacord Genuity Wealth (International) Limited, Capita Asset Services, First Names Group, Goldmoney, Hawksford, Highvern, Intertrust Group, Ipes (Jersey) Limited, Jersey International Business School, Jersey Finance, JTC Group, KPMG Channel Islands Limited, Lloyds Bank International Limited, Mourant Ozannes, Ogier, PraxisIFM Trust Limited, PwC, RSM Channel Islands, Saltgate, TISE, Whitmill Trust Company Limited, Zedra Trust Company (Jersey) Limited

Ogier Alison

Whitmill Trust Company Limited

BNP Paribas Carter

Nick Alison was very helpful and eager to take on work. The team felt that she was interested in the work she was given and was quick to ask questions to better understand the process. She was also attentive at court and generally pleasant to have in the department.

We found Carter to be a very personable young man, who appeared interested in Compliance, asking relevant questions where appropriate. He showed willingness to listen to what can sometimes be a rather dry subject. We would very much welcome Carter back to the bank in the future!

Nick spent two days with compliance and seemed very interested in the work that we do. He arrived on time, was smart, polite and attentive and it was easy to forget how young he was, given his maturity in the office. He was attentive and enquiring as a trainee, and showed a genuine interest and comprehension with a high level of engagement. The Life in Finance scheme worked well with a good selection of candidates to choose from at the Meet and Greet event.

Alison - “On my placement at Ogier, I enjoyed going to court, sorting and scanning files and the site visit to a client’s property. I can now understand how a law firm works and how legal procedures are carried out by this type of organisation. I think that the Life in Finance scheme was very well organised and would recommend it, as even if you do not want to go into finance, it still gives the experience of an office environment.”

Luke spent time shadowing various departments within the wider Private Equity team, and was a pleasure to have for the two week placement. He was instantly friendly and confident, whilst also enthusiastic about the different departments. We would encourage Luke to apply for future roles within the bank and welcome him with open arms!

Nick - “At Whitmill, I enjoyed learning about compliance and how Jersey business is regulated. I have gained a very good understanding of the finance industry and how trust companies work. The Life in Finance scheme is a very good opportunity to get an idea of how Jersey’s finance industry works.”

Carter - “I enjoyed learning more about the inside workings of a business, especially getting a great insight into the world of investment banking and the many different roles, from compliance to relationship managers. I have also gained new skills that will help me decide what I would like to do as a career in the future. I think the Life in Finance scheme is a great opportunity to explore the realms of business and it gave me an opportunity that would have otherwise not been open to me.”

Mourant Ozannes Fiona & Bethany


Mourant Ozannes has been delighted to take part in the Life in Finance scheme for the past four years.

“I enjoyed my time at work placement and the type of work I was asked to do was interesting. I feel that I have gained a better understanding of the industry and the roles within it.

The firm is committed to supporting bright young talent in Jersey by offering valuable insight into a variety of areas within our business. This year our students had an opportunity to work within different departments including Human Resources, Business Development & Marketing, Finance and Corporate Services where they worked with industry professionals on a variety of different tasks. The feedback from both the students and the employees who worked with them has been very positive and we trust that the experience they gained during their placements will assist them with their future career decisions. Fiona - “The constant willingness to help from my colleagues at Mourant Ozannes and the welcoming environment made me really feel like part of the team. I have gained further knowledge into the roles of HR and gained an insight into the recruitment process. The Life in Finance ‘speed dating’ Meet and Greet event made the process seem a lot less daunting and allowed me the opportunity to meet individuals and businesses in a pressure-free environment.” Bethany - “I found the Life in Finance scheme very useful, as it provided me with an idea of what to expect and how to present myself in a work environment. From speaking to other colleagues, I have learnt how to pursue a career in finance without having to leave the Island, and also how to go through the interview stages to get into similar jobs. I would recommend Life in Finance to others, as it provided me with a real-life insight into what it is really like, day-to-day, in finance it is very interesting and it can help with what route you wish to take into your future.”


Catherine - “I really enjoyed being in the office environment and learning new skills, and also learning about the company and how it operates and functions. I feel like I have become more confident in interacting and communicating with new people, I also feel like I have become comfortable in an office environment and I feel like it has helped me in my decision for future employment/education. I would recommend the Life in Finance scheme to others, as I feel like everyone would benefit from doing it.”

I would recommend the Life in Finance scheme to others, as I found it to be a useful and informative experience and have learnt a lot about what working in finance is actually like.”


“I thoroughly enjoyed my week’s work experience. Throughout this week, I enhanced my skills and furthered my knowledge in all different areas of finance. Although all tasks were enjoyable, working with the accountancy team with tasks such as book-keeping were the tasks I enjoyed the most and has also helped me in deciding that accountancy is the career path I would like to go down when I finish school. I feel like I have achieved and developed a range of skills throughout my placement such as communicative, numerical and analytical skills. I would highly recommend the Life in Finance scheme to others.”


“I have enjoyed all aspects of my work experience, both in terms of the relationship management, as well as the finance and dealing side of the company. It was also great to speak with some employees and receive advice and guidance as to what they feel would be best for me post A-levels, having already experienced it. I would definitely recommend the Life in Finance scheme to anyone wanting a career in finance, as I think that it is a great way of making connections and engaging with people who are already working within the industry, who can help and guide you through what you could do in order to become successful.”

RSM Channel Islands Callum

Callum entered into the spirit of the work experience programme with enthusiasm and expressed interest in the various aspects of the job he was shown, asking lots of questions. The Life in Finance scheme was well-organised. We particularly liked the ability for firms and students to meet at the ‘speed-dating’ Meet and Greet event and make their selections on an informed basis. Callum - “I enjoyed covering the three main aspects of RSM which are audit, taxation and accounting. I particularly enjoyed the accounting area, as this is the main area that I am most interested in and would like to pursue as a career. I feel that I have gained an in-depth insight in accountancy, which will benefit me in relation to the accountancy unit I am covering at Highlands.”

Moore Management Limited Jessica

Moore Management was delighted to welcome Jessica to the team and give her an insight into the world of fund administration services. We recognise the importance of spotting talent early and are happy to support this initiative which gives us an opportunity to engage with young local people and understand their aspirations. During her time with us, we wanted to give Jessica as much exposure as possible to the different areas within the industry, so each day she sat with a different business or support team including accounting, administration, risk, compliance, application support, new client on boarding and HR. Jessica’s proactive approach and intelligent questions impressed all she interacted with, from directors and managers, to fund administrators. Jessica - “I really enjoyed being part of a team and received a great insight into the different roles and how a team works together for their clients. The Life in Finance scheme made things less daunting. I would definitely recommend it, as it gives you the opportunity to speak with employers from different firms. Even if you are not sure about working in finance, it is a great experience and makes your CV stand out.”

It’s not all about maths! The variety of roles available is immense and it’s not just for those with an interest in maths or number crunching. Employers are looking for individuals at graduate or school leaver level that have enthusiasm and can show that they are hardworking and willing to learn. As far as interviews are concerned, employers will be impressed if you have taken the time and effort to do a bit of research on the industry and the company itself. Doing so will not only demonstrate that you are keen and have a genuine interest in the role, but it will also help you stand out from the competition.

Work for finance, work for Jersey

International opportunities

Remember, you don’t need to have a comprehensive understanding of the finance industry when applying for a job. One of the great strengths of the industry is the time that firms invest in training their employees. Many firms have structured training programmes, provide mentors and offer generous study leave to those working towards their professional qualifications.

Roles to suit all ages and skills

Meet new people and learn new skills

Exciting career prospects and opportunities

How to get ahead If you are interested in a career in finance, there are a wide range of useful resources to help you, including:

Studying for a relevant qualification on island Both Highlands College and the Jersey International Business School offer a Foundation Degree in financial services; a course that combines classroom study with actual work experience.

Careers Jersey’s Advance Plus This offers both placement experience and job training.

Jersey Finance’s Life in Finance scheme As outlined here, this increasingly popular initiative provides Year 12 students with a snapshot of what it’s like to work for an organisationin the finance sector. Visit our website at to find out more.

Alongside new qualifications, there are other ways of improving your chances of securing your first job in the finance industry. For example: • Companies often publicly announce when they are expanding and this can be a trigger to write to them before they begin their recruitment process. • Apply for temporary or entry level work in the holidays, which will enhance your skills and improve the quality of your CV. • Why not join a professional organisation or volunteer to take part in community projects? This may provide you with opportunities to network with those who may already be working within the industry. Just remember, being proactive, well-organised and having a good attitude will always help you go far. Good luck!

Interested in taking part in Life in Finance 2018? Amari Hernandez and Joshua Bisson are Jersey Finance’s education ambassadors and will be visiting sixth form colleges around the island this autumn to give Year 12 students more information about a career in finance and the Life in Finance 2018 scheme.

Look out for our Life in Finance presentation at your school this autumn. The scheme is open to current Year 12 students who have an interest in finding out more about a career in finance. Remember there’s something for everyone in the finance industry. To find out more, visit: or contact Amari at

Amari Hernandez

Joshua Bisson

Marketing Assistant

Marketing Officer


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HSBC has appointed Jonathan Langan as chief financial officer for the bank in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.

SANNE has announced the senior appointment of Oliver Morris to the role of head of private equity – EMEA.

Jersey Finance has appointed Lisa Springate as head of technical.

Jonathan joined the HSBC group in 2006 in London. He has been in Jersey for four years with his most recent role being head of business finance for Channel Islands and Isle of Man.

Oliver’s primary focus will be to refine and drive the strategic direction, management and delivery of SANNE’s EMEA private equity business.

Jonathan said:

SANNE’s managing director, Alternative Assets – EMEA, Martin Schnaier said:

Geoff Cook, chief executive of Jersey Finance, commented: ‘Lisa brings with her a wealth of technical, legal, marketing and managerial experience and we are delighted to welcome her to the Jersey Finance team. She has a broad, rounded knowledge of the regulatory environment within which Jersey’s finance industry operates.’


‘We are delighted to have Oliver join the senior management team at SANNE. Having someone of his calibre and expertise join us will further strengthen our existing private equity offering, and enable us to deliver on our strategic business objectives.’



‘Strong financial governance is the cornerstone of successful and sustainable businesses and I look forward to helping the bank continue to grow and meet its strategic targets.’

Lisa joins from Bedell Cristin’s Jersey office, where she has been a key part of the commercial litigation team for more than 17 years and a partner for nine years.




Ipes has announced the appointment of Gary Ayres as a senior manager in its Jersey office.

Hawksford has appointed Darren Kelland as global head of private client.

Victoria Grogan has joined Ogier in Jersey as counsel and probate manager.

Gary is responsible for the management and development of the Jersey client delivery teams and the associated client portfolios and relationships. He moves from PwC Jersey where he managed a portfolio of private equity clients across Europe and was the lead senior manager on the largest private equity audit in the Channel Islands.

A chartered accountant, Darren’s new role will involve leading and further developing the strategic direction of the private client division. He will be responsible for a team based across Jersey and Asia.

She is an international will and probate specialist with more than 10 years’ experience in offshore practice. Victoria will play a key role in developing an integrated wills and probate service.

Ipes CEO Chris Merry said: ‘Gary brings a wealth of experience and technical knowledge from his time with PwC, I’m sure he will be a great asset to our team.’

Darren said:

Head of Ogier’s local legal services, Jonathan Hughes, said:

‘As wealth continues to be created across the globe, clients become bigger, with more complex requirements. They are looking for us to simplify their lives. Jersey will continue to play a key role in servicing the requirements of those individuals.’

‘Victoria is highly respected in the industry for her expertise and dynamism, and we look forward to her applying her skills at Ogier as she plays a pivotal role in ensuring our probate services join up with our offerings across our service lines.’






Matthew Seymour has joined Seymour Hotels of Jersey as group operations co-ordinator.

Law At Work (LAW) has appointed Duncan de Gruchy as an associate director.

Yvonne Taylor has joined Vantage Wealth as a wealth manager.

Matthew is the fifth generation of the Seymour family to join the company, whose chairman is his grandfather, Robin Seymour.

Duncan joins LAW following a career working in HR management, including producing and developing Channel Island and Isle of Man pay surveys.

She will providing advice to both private and corporate clients. Yvonne is an experienced financial advisor who has worked in the sector in both the UK and Jersey for more than 30 years.

Duncan said:

CEO Richard Packman commented:

‘I’m delighted to be joining such a respected and knowledgeable team and it’s exciting to be using my skills and experience to develop a new range of products and services, including remuneration surveys. For businesses to remain competitive, it is important that they have access to reliable and up to date information.’

‘We identified an opening for a quality financial advisory business in the island, and are fortunate to have recruited some of the best qualified and experienced individuals to advise our clients. Yvonne will be a valuable addition to the team.’

Matthew said:


‘I’m hugely proud of my family’s hospitality heritage and following in the footsteps of the generations before me is something I have always aspired to. I’m looking forward to supporting the dedicated staff and management who currently work for the group and to developing the business with them for many years to come.’








Amy Gurm has been appointed as advisory associate director for KPMG in the Channel Islands.

Barclays has appointed Jo Alford to manage the Barclays Eagle Lab at Jersey library.

Michael Newton has been appointed as head of fund services in Jersey for Crestbridge.

She is a regulatory and risk expert on secondment from KPMG in Toronto and brings with her a wealth of experience in international regulatory and risk services.

Jo will ensure that it is a fully functional and supportive space for collaboration and creativity for all co-workers, members and visitors. She has previously worked in Barclays’ mortgages team and on secondment to Dubai.

Executive director Robert Kirkby said:

Managing director Paul Savery said:

He joins the independent fund, trust and corporate services provider with a remit to develop the firm’s international funds proposition. Michael has over 20 years’ experience in fund administration and in providing high quality services to multijurisdictional fund investment structures.

‘I am delighted to welcome Amy to the Channel Islands’ team. It’s a great pleasure to provide a stimulating career option for her as well as introducing new ideas and skills to our local team and ultimately, of course, our clients.’

‘Jo is experienced, engaged and enthusiastic. These are essential qualities for the person tasked with developing this Eagle Lab as a community resource. It’s a great environment for high potential and high-growth businesses that want to scale up.’

CEO of Crestbridge, Graeme McArthur, said: ‘Michael brings considerable knowledge and an impressive skill set to our fund services team, which will be invaluable as we continue to grow our funds business.’


Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are already influencing the public relations (PR) profession, an audience of Channel Island professionals has heard. Speaking at the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) Channel Island PR Forum 2017, founder and managing director of social media agency Escherman, Andrew Bruce Smith outlined the tools that are automating PR functions and are available now. ‘Tools already exist to manage media relations, content creation, measurement and content curation to name just some disciplines,’ he said. ‘The future of PR lies in practitioners focusing on the areas that are least likely to be affected by AI and automation. This is relationship work in its broadest sense.’ The forum, entitled ‘PR 2022: Future Communications’, was held at the

Digital Greenhouse in Guernsey on Wednesday 20 September. As well as Andrew Bruce Smith, Tara Cunningham, director of IslandSky, and Nicola Rossi, head of external affairs at Vodafone Group Enterprise, both presented at the forum. They were joined for the concluding panel session by David Phillips, university professor and consultant specialising in AI. The panel was moderated by Iain Beresford, chief business development and marketing officer at Collas Crill. He said: ‘One of the key take-away points from the forum was the PR professional’s place at the board room table – but what is it that professionals have to do to justify this position?

‘Gaining credibility requires a sound knowledge of the organisations you work with, their stakeholders and operations as well as a thorough understanding of financials and how they are influenced. For the PR professional it’s about perpetual reputation management driven by an understanding of where the risks lie and, conversely, how they can be managed and mitigated to generate opportunities and make effective decisions that tangibly add value to an organisation. ‘Demonstrating this can be a challenge but, by embracing big data, analytics and AI, the PR professional can stand apart in the boardroom. AI will be an essential PR tool to influence decision-making and stakeholders by identifying risks and enhancing opportunities. In this



The world is changing at a rapid rate and today has reinforced that the PR profession is not immune to the pace or scale of change. context, PR will not merely be a tactical exercise but will be regarded as a valuable, indeed vital strategic role necessary for the good governance of any board.’

Brooke Kenyon CIPR committee member and managing director - client services, Orchard PR

As well as AI and automation, the forum examined the role of PR as a strategic management function, explored how PR can have more of an influence on boards and outlined a case study of how Vodafone’s corporate division structures its communications campaigns.

‘A sentiment from Tara Cunningham was on PR as a management function. Here the key to acting ethically is to understand the business you are working with. PR professionals must be allowed and encouraged to ask questions of experts and to keep asking them. To do a PR job well, to advise about strategy, its consequences and the impact of business decisions, we need first and foremost to understand it.’

Chair of the Channel Islands Group of the CIPR, Mark Oliphant, said: ‘The world is changing at a rapid rate and today has reinforced that the PR profession is not immune to the pace or scale of change. ‘How we do our jobs will undoubtedly change in the next five years but what will remain the same are the values that the CIPR aspire to: honest, ethical storytelling that communicates clearly with key stakeholders. ‘Indeed, we need to continue to evolve our training and skills programmes to ensure that we are developing as individuals and as a profession in order to remain not just relevant but valued in a way which can assist – at a senior level – with providing strategic direction to an organisation.’ Around 40 delegates attended the forum including two students, from the Grammar School and Sixth Form Centre and The Ladies’ College, who were invited as guests of event sponsor Orchard PR. ‘The afternoon was hugely valuable as a professional development opportunity in itself and our group will continue to try and provide such opportunities locally to practitioners who are CIPR members and non-members based in the Channel Islands,’ said Mark. ■


‘I was reassured that, whilst many elements of the PR role are susceptible to radical change over the coming decades – with reliance on AI and ever changing media industry – some key qualities a PR professional will need won’t change.

NATASHA EGRé vice chair of CIPR Channel Islands and director of public Relations, The Refinery ‘We chose some ambitious topics. The speakers and animated discussions that followed did not disappoint. ‘It was vital to debate the meaning of strategic public relations and its importance as a senior management discipline. It was clear that numerous companies still do not understand public relations and are therefore missing out on the fundamental impact it can have on the bottom line. As vice chair of CIPR Channel Islands, I am going to be taking this forward - we have work to do to ensure the profession gets the respect it deserves and that companies have access to this expertise at board level. ‘Andrew Bruce Smith captivated all delegates with his presentation on how the communications role is being changed by technology. A true digital guru, he shared numerous advancements and platforms with the audience, encouraging further participation from the industry in order to grow our influence on the sector. His following panel discussion with David Phillips highlighted a number of issues around automation, analytics and augmented reality. The fact that they didn’t always agree made the panel all the more engaging! ‘The Channel Island PR Forum is becoming an important fixture in the annual business calendar. The expertise of the speakers, combined with the credibility of the hosting organisation, is proving to be a powerful partnership providing local communications practitioners with access to high-level learning and debate.’

Nichole Culverwell CIPR committee member and director, Black Vanilla ‘Discussions at the forum underlined the need for the PR profession to continue to educate business leaders about the strategic management role which public relations can perform in an organisation. The potential for automated services should free up our time, allowing experienced practitioners to focus on providing that kind of counsel to the board or senior executives. ‘However we need to consider how we can develop our junior talent who will not be able to cut their teeth on some of the PR practices that in the future will be increasingly automated. As a profession, we will need to collaborate more to answer that question and harness the potential of technology in public relations.’

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Cooking up communications strategies

Why would a communications consultancy employ a full-time chef? The team at Liquid explains their approach to business… and why they employ a chef (and it’s not to cook them lunch).

Employing a full time chef isn’t something that’s usual for a company focused on PR, design and marketing, but it makes perfect sense for Liquid. David Colcombe, who trained at The Dorchester, is a former operations director and executive chef for a restaurant group with a £16.5 million turnover. He joined Liquid as consultant chef director and his commercial acumen, management skills and culinary flair give the business a unique perspective, helping his Liquid colleagues to deliver exciting, creative opportunities for their clients. Take the work they do for one of their major clients, the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers. The Federation supplies 72% of the world’s output of maple syrup. Liquid is responsible for developing and delivering its UK communications strategy. ‘In order to deliver on the strategy, we identified a need to create a clever marketing tool, which could be used to engage with new audiences among consumers, the catering industry and the cookery education sector. We decided to produce a cookbook, showcasing the versatility of Canadian maple syrup, a concept that the federation loved,’ said Lisa Downes, Liquid’s PR director in the Channel Islands. ‘Chef Colcombe developed a series of dishes and our team of designers, writers, food stylists and photographers then developed the end product, which has become a very powerful marketing tool – helping us to get the attention

of and open conversations with key influencers across the UK,’ she added.

Such activity delivers tangible results, allowing clients to achieve, and surpass, business objectives. ‘It can take a year to produce a cookbook like “Pure Maple Magic” but our team delivered this ambitious project in just 12 weeks. It is a great example of how our team works together,’ added Chef Colcombe. ‘Such activity delivers tangible results, allowing clients to achieve, and surpass, business objectives. The federation celebrated year-on-year sales growth of 12% (against a 5% target) in the UK for 2016 after we helped them to achieve a 36% increase in exports to the UK in 2015.’ So why did a chef who is a member of the Royal Academy of Culinary Arts and the British Culinary Federation, as well as an Honorary Fellow and visiting professor at University College Birmingham want to join a communications consultancy? ‘I was first introduced to Liquid when they asked me to create a recipe for a high-energy bun for the Great Birmingham Run. When the team then approached me to do some recipe development for their food clients I thought it was a great opportunity to use my skills and experience in a new environment. Liquid’s clients loved the content the team was able to produce based on my recipes and my role quickly developed into a full-time position developing recipes, delivering food festival master classes, lunches for chefs and media at Michelin

star restaurants and at the embassies of our international clients and cooking at VIP dinners in different continents. I am now part of the account management teams and have regular contact with our clients and input into their communications strategies. It is certainly a far cry from my days running kitchens or cooking at the G8 Summit, but I love the challenge and the balance between kitchen time and client time.’

We love working with clients who fascinate us, and who have great stories to tell. Liquid boasts a talent pool of PR professionals, designers, copywriters and marketers across their offices in Guernsey, Jersey and Birmingham and their base in central London. Fundamentally they describe themselves as problem-solvers, working seamlessly with in-house teams to deliver results and return on investment. Liquid also specialises in crisis communications because if there is one thing a business can expect, it is the unexpected. Glen Smith, Liquid’s creative director, summarised their approach, ‘We love working with clients who fascinate us, and who have great stories to tell. We see it as part of our role to unlock these stories and tell them in the most compelling way possible, and to engage not only with the biggest audience, but the right one.’ ■



Is PR a management discipline?

The need to communicate honestly, with integrity and across an ever-increasing range and shape of channels means that businesses need to focus more effectively on the way they engage with the public. Orchard PR managing director (operations) Chris Chilton argues that in this environment it is important that businesses see PR as a management discipline and give communications the focus they require. Is public relations a management discipline? The short answer is yes but the wider question is whether public relations is perceived as a management discipline? That requires a much longer explanation. Communicating is the single most important element in ensuring your clients/ customer base, your employees, your peer businesses and the general public understand who you are, what you stand for, what you do and how you do it. Businesses often say they understand that communications must run alongside all strategic business decisions. However when engaged in a big deal, a significant acquisition, building a new service or product or just generally getting on with the day job, it is often communication that is forgotten or only considered after the fact. A good example is issues management. As we have seen recently in the airline industry with the situations involving Ryanair and Monarch, having a clear, strategic thought out communications plan (that has been discussed and agreed at the most senior levels with the help of communications specialists) is vital. We could argue forever as to whether either airline got it right, or even partially right, but to not have a strategy around how to communicate, when and with whom would be the worst of all scenarios.

We work hard to assert that public relations is a management discipline.


As PR professionals we are increasingly insisting that our consultants have a seat at the “top table”. This is more than an ego exercise. We work hard to assert that public relations is a management discipline; we demonstrate the value to organisational success and it is right that we take a seat with the decision-makers.

Increasingly CEOs are recognising the benefits of communications professionals that can “see around corners”. For those who have battled for the legitimacy of public relations as a management function, issues management can deliver the immediate insight at board level as to its importance. Increasingly CEOs are recognising the benefits of communications professionals that can “see around corners”. This doesn’t mean that we are clairvoyant, but that we are better placed to anticipate how different audiences will react to different events, messages and channels. We find, as with many things, that what can have the most impact on a business’s operation is what they don’t know they don’t know (to kind of quote Donald

Rumsfeld). It comes as a revelation to many businesses to see communications specialists at work, bringing their skills to bear and helping businesses understand their place in the world and how others perceive them. PR professionals can look at what a business truly needs to communicate and devise PR campaigns, create bespoke communications strategies, train businesses in how to effectively communicate and use blogs, video, traditional media and social media to capture a more powerful voice. PR involves planning, implementation, strategic control and analysis - but this is significantly more effective when done in close quarters with the business decision-makers. Our industry is working through several approaches to ensure our reputation is widely seen as a community of ethical, knowledgeable, experienced and professional communicators - through education of practitioners to communicating more effectively with our clients and the wider public. Certainly the PCRA’s censure of Bell Pottinger goes a long way to showing the world that the industry will not tolerate malpractice. In the Channel Islands, where the degrees of separation are, arguably, much closer, we are making headway. We have the highest percentage of Chartered PR Practitioners of all the UK regions and this recognition of PR’s professional rigour is helping business leaders understand that taking communications advice as they are building a business strategy is a key step towards its success. ■

Orchard is a specialist communications and public relations agency




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Issues Management

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For the right reaction, you need

the right chemistry Have you got the perfect formula? Public relations helps to create a powerful reaction between an organisation and its audience. Creativity grounded in strategic planning is where the alchemy starts. We’ll help you find the right formula and create tailor-made campaigns to improve your business’s reputation, relationships and reach.


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Campaign Success: When Strategy and Creativity Collide Nichole Culverwell, director at Black Vanilla, explains how implementing a successful PR campaign requires much more than just a good idea.

A great PR campaign is a marriage of creative thinking and strategy. Brilliant ideas are the fuel that drives a campaign but creativity will go nowhere fast without careful research and planning, and the insights that are distilled from these processes. Aside from setting clear objectives, there is one common starting point for any PR strategy, whether large or small, proactive or crisis driven, and that is the audience. Who you want to target, what messages you need to deliver, how the audience is best reached and who influences them are questions we ask ourselves every day.

It is easy to rush into the tactics, to get creative and to jump to conclusions but, as Benjamin Franklin supposedly once said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”

‘how’ and ‘why’ of their business. This kind of work relies on collaboration and a supportive environment; trust is critical to a productive client/agency relationship.

We don’t want to lose our creativity in our increasingly data-driven industry, but research and sector knowledge will reveal the audience insights that lead us to creativity with purpose.

Think about public relations in terms of collision theory: creativity, which is grounded in strategy, provides the catalyst to create the right reaction between an organisation and its audience.

There are some simple planning steps we always take with our clients. Creating a set of audience personas is invaluable and something that we do in a collaborative client workshop, along with key message development and stakeholder mapping.

Public relations is the business of reputation and relationships. Increasingly, consumers are demanding that the companies that they buy from or work for share their personal values. Campaign strategy examines the desired outcomes in the context of the audience - their behaviours, what influences them and the channels through which they are receptive to information. Public relations is the business of reputation and relationships. Increasingly, consumers are demanding that the companies that they buy from or work for share their personal values. So understanding your audience, really getting under their skin and living life through their eyes, is critical. Understanding their behaviours, knowing what messages will have the most resonance and understanding who influences them are therefore vital first steps in campaign design.

Taking time to gather these insights means we get to know our clients’ businesses, what makes them tick, their ambitions and challenges. We can also advise on corporate responsibility and how the organisation can weave the kind of social and community impact that their audience cares about into the fabric of their operations. The long-term advantage to reputation is incalculable.

The third stage in the PR planning process is stakeholder mapping, asking who has influence and power over your organisation’s goal. From those questions, the creative tactics to communicate, engage and create the desired response can be developed. Think about public relations in terms of collision theory: creativity, which is grounded in strategy, provides the catalyst to create the right reaction between an organisation and its audience. As is so often the case, getting the chemistry right is the key to success. ■

Key message development is another critical part of a planning workshop. We need to channel and tailor messages to our clients’ different audiences. Message development shines a spotlight on what the organisation does and to whom that matters. That can be daunting, and sometimes clients struggle with the ‘what’,



It’s working so I must be doing it right, right? As digital marketing steadily encroaches on more traditional methods, Jo Jalowiec, digital marketing director at Betley Whitehorne Image, discusses how analysing your digital spend can result in savings. Today, many companies use digital channels to market their business. This spend may now be more than traditional print advertising or other marketing channels, but is it working as effectively as it could? We know that investing in online advertising, social media and digital assets really works, and we also know that the majority of businesses aren’t seeing the full benefits of this, even if they believe they are. The sales and leads are coming through so things must be working. But are they? How do you know your website is working hard enough for you? What are your SEO, PPC, social media and display advertising goals?

your business objectives. It will also allow you to benchmark yourselves against your competitors - and who doesn’t like to know how they’re doing against the competition? The digital analyst’s advice is not subjective – it’s irrefutable data evidence that you can use with confidence to shape your company’s online presence. As one of the only agencies in the Channel Islands to offer digital data analysis, we can help you understand your data and recommend actions which will increase sales, improve conversion rates, or let you know when is the right time to remarket. You want your potential consumers to come on the journey with you, not ask to get off at the first stop because you’ve alienated them through an untargeted and ill-informed marketing approach.

Having a digital presence means you’re able, like never before, to measure and respond to what you’re doing in ways that are simply not possible with traditional offline marketing. If you don’t know the answers, then the money you’re paying for your online presence could be wasted. Having a digital presence means you’re able, like never before, to measure and respond to what you’re doing in ways that are simply not possible with traditional offline marketing. With a set of easy to understand dashboards set up and populated with your key metrics by a digital analyst expert, you’ll be able to look at the health of your business on a daily basis and make real-time marketing decisions that should result in an almost immediate improvement on


clients we’ve worked with, we’ve shown them this not to be the case - simply by switching off their Facebook advertising for a week. Small changes can result in big improvements, as well as cost savings.

For instance – if the stats show us that the behaviour of your visitors is different on handheld and desktop devices, it might not be good enough to just have a responsive website. Digital technology moves fast - you should have a mobile first environment which displays and orders relevant content to the right people at the right time on the right device. Without digital data analysis you’d be none the wiser. Data analysis will show you where most of your sales, leads or traffic are coming from. You might have assumed it’s all from social media activity but with several

An agency designing and producing websites without a digital data analyst is a bit like a bookshop only selling picture books – they might look pretty but what’s the story behind the pictures? The words give you the context and true meaning. At BWI we’re not just building websites that look great; we’re building digital strategies to help businesses convert sales and generate leads. With costeffective and strategic digital marketing sometimes less achieves more. ■ Guernsey. Jersey.

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Taking a business to market

In today’s competitive world, marketing is an essential part of any business. Julie Littlemore of The Marketing Bureau explains that whatever the size of the business, the concept stays the same as it is a comprehensive function concerned with every aspect of a product or company.

Marketing must clearly articulate what your business does well and what sets it apart from its competition; you need to determine what capabilities, products and services make it extraordinary and what gives your business an edge over its competitors. The essence of marketing is to understand your customers’ needs and develop a plan that surrounds those needs. Marketing is one of the most important aspects of growing your business, and is an investment that will pay for itself over and over again, yet it is often misunderstood or neglected due to a lack of time, resources or knowledge of its potential.

A strong brand has a clear focus, is consistent, incorporates strong emotional messages and is able to grab and keep people’s attention. Marketing is often misunderstood as it encompasses so much more - everything from company culture and branding, communication and ethics, reputation and positioning as well as market research, price points and distribution. New business and product development, to advertising and promotion. Marketing is a comprehensive function and is concerned with every aspect of a product or service. A strong brand has a clear focus, is consistent, incorporates strong emotional messages and is able to grab and keep people’s attention. It does

this through strong design, creative copywriting and smart campaigns. If a company’s branding is right, it will inspire interest, engage curiosity and build on a business reputation and image.

Direct marketing, social media and promotional activities are all marketing tools as well as a wealth of advertising formats such as outdoor media sites, publications and newspapers, TV and radio.

With a myriad of media opportunities to choose from, marketing strategies can be quite diverse and it can take considerable expertise and effort to develop a sound marketing strategy capable of delivering market awareness, sales leads and loyalty. Clever, creative and flexible marketing strategies can unlock huge potential for your business. In light of the importance marketing holds for the success of any business, the wide array of options available, and the expertise required, it is well worth employing a professional marketing agency to help you implement and devise a tailored marketing strategy to give you a competitive edge.

Promote your strengths and strengthen your weaknesses.

More companies have realised that marketing plays an important part in business planning in order to maintain existing levels of turnover and increase productivity aiming towards further success. Decide on your target market, research your competitors and gain a competitive advantage. It is key to your marketing plan that you choose the right media for your business or product. There are many forms but not all are right for your business, so ensure whatever you choose that you are targeting your potential clients and customers. Choosing the correct media mix to portray the desired message is paramount and campaigns must be thoroughly planned then reviewed and measured for effectiveness.

Sponsorship is an ideal way for products or services to receive marketfocused benefits for the purpose of gaining a competitive advantage in the marketplace and strengthening your corporate social responsibility. Once you have completed your initial powerful launch into the market, you need to maintain consistency of exposure to determine future development. Companies have made significant errors by stopping exposure as their business is thriving. The reason why there has been an increase in business is due to marketing planning and stopping exposure in the marketplace creates an edge for your competitors. Consistency is key to maintaining levels of business by continuing exposure even by reducing marketing budgets. Successful marketing strategies will take your business further than any other single resource, because you’ll be focused on your own success and finding solutions for your customers. ■



FINVENTION 2017: WHERE ENTREPRENEURS CONNECT WITH POTENTIAL COLLABORATORS Two world-class keynote speakers; 20+ “pitchers”; international and Channel Islands sponsors and over 100 delegates – FinVention 2017 is a high energy, fast-paced interactive forum on Wednesday 15 November 2017 at St James, St Peter Port, Guernsey. Ryan Radloff, principal of CoinShares, is the first keynote speaker and will be talking on ‘The Rise of Cryptocurrency’. The digital age is here, more and more consumers are turning to digital means for purchasing everything from clothes to real estate. How long before physical currency is no longer the dominant means? In his address, Ryan will explain why the next 18 months will usher in the age of bitcoin for both consumers

and investors; and why its place in a modern portfolio cannot be ignored. Ryan has been quoted on professional bitcoin by the likes of Forbes, TheStreet and Prior to entering the world of bitcoin, Ryan served as managing director at two FinTech companies focused on corporate FX and financial statement analytics for U.S. Corporations. To open the afternoon session, Alastair Lukies CBE will give his keynote address to FinVention 2017. Alastair is a UK businessman and entrepreneur best known as a pioneer and champion for the UK’s global FinTech industry. He founded Monitise in 2003. Three years later, Monitise was recognised as a ‘Technology

Pioneer’ by the World Economic Forum and in June 2007, Alastair led the company’s demerger from Morse and listing on the LSE’s AIM market. During his time as CEO, Monitise grew to a market cap of $2 billion, employing 1500 staff on four continents. In January 2014, Alastair was first appointed as a Business Ambassador to the Prime Minister for the financial services industry by the UK Government, and today acts as the sole Business Ambassador for FinTech. He was named non-executive chairman of FinTech industry body, Innovate Finance, at its launch in August 2014 and fulfilled his term until June 2017. Alastair was awarded a CBE for services to mobile banking and charity in June 2014, and was named Entrepreneur of the Year at the 2011 Growing Business Awards. ■


FinVention is an annual interactive one-day forum showcasing ``the best of breed`` innovative products and services in the FinTech, digital and start-up sectors. FINVENTION IS AN EVENT THAT: Provides a platform for start-up industry players to showcase their innovative products and services. Continues to create and stimulate potential investment opportunities and further develops links between business and government.

THE POWER OF FINVENTION IS: Connecting entrepreneurs with potential collaborators. Demonstrating inventive ideas to secure interest and constructive feedback. Attracting first and second-stage investment.

WHAT TO EXPECT: The FinVention Show Stage will feature fast-paced presentations from the industry’s most successful players alongside some of the most exciting start-ups. A keynote speaker who will push the boundaries of conventional and unconventional wisdom. An interactive floor layout where exhibitors, delegates and presenters will come together in one interactive, high energy event. The opportunity to have face-to-face conversations with the originators of financial and digital technological products that are changing the way business is done on a global platform.


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IAM Advisory is marking its 30-year anniversary this year. Contact spoke to Michael Strachan, the company’s managing director, to find out more about the journey that led him to set the business up three decades ago.

Michael, in his own words, began his investment career on Bondi Beach. As a young man travelling around the world, he found himself running the cocktail bar at the Sydney Opera House, earning tips which were burning a hole in his pocket. So he took himself off to the Sydney Stock Exchange, opened an account and invested in mining stocks. Initially his investment seemed to be paying off until one savage weekend he lost the lot, and that was how his investment career began. Michael’s next foray into the moneymaking arena took him to the Amazon jungle where he tried his hand at panning for gold. Much harder work than he had anticipated, he realised this wasn’t the road to future wealth and prosperity and so returned to the UK and secured a position with the Guardian Royal Exchange. ‘Unusually, international insurance companies in the mid-70s, were obliged to invest all around the world rather than being effectively restricted to UK investments, as was the case for most managers, due to the sterling crisis.

‘Few people had even heard of the country let alone ADIA and much to my surprise, my application was successful. I fear most regarded it as career death. Abu Dhabi then consisted of three roads with the Arabian Sea on one side and desert on the other. It was rather a culture shock arriving in the desert, with a stretch Mercedes to meet me and no customs formalities, but what an amazing experience it turned out to be. ‘Sheik Zayed had decided he wanted his money to be run from Abu Dhabi. Conventional wisdom at the time was that you needed to be based in London or New York and certainly it was impossible to do it from the desert. Our team proved the ruler right and the rest of the industry wrong. It was a time of high oil prices and we had enormous inflows.

In fact on my first day, clad in the traditional pinstripe, I was asked to put a baby camel into the back of a truck before I went to work.

‘We were investing in more than 60 countries which was exciting and because of my so-called Latin American experience I was looking after Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, amongst other markets. This was a great learning opportunity in international investment when available opportunities in this area were limited.’

‘Confronted with the practical challenge of investing from Abu Dhabi with limited resources, our approach was to employ a large number of fund managers spread internationally, whilst developing local management expertise. We were the largest employer of fund managers in the world and, as I recall, for one major Swiss bank we represented 50% of its total AUM.’

Michael then responded to a job advertisement for a post with the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, on its formation.

After three years in Abu Dhabi, Sultan Qaboos in Oman decided to set up a similar fund and Michael was once more on the move.

‘This was a different experience altogether. In fact on my first day, clad in the traditional pinstripe, I was asked to put a baby camel into the back of a truck before I went to work. On a more serious note, the Sultan had recently taken over the country and educating the population was important. ‘His goal was to employ locals as far as possible. It was a difficult situation - how do you organise a fund management team with high school education and bring them up to the level and knowledge base you need? It was imperative the plan succeeded as, unlike Abu Dhabi, Oman had a large population and limited oil supplies.’ Michael’s experience and the working models he established in the Middle East, formed the genesis of the business he created in Guernsey. ‘I believed that the general principle of what I had been doing – running large sums of money using fund managers intelligently and making the development and training of local people part of the whole training process – could apply to other countries, to trusts, to charities, HNWIs and indeed to anyone responsible for running investment portfolios.’ Michael set about researching where he might establish his own business. He visited various IFCs - London, Dublin, Edinburgh – considering their regulatory environments, lifestyle, and legislative framework and concluded that Guernsey was the most attractive location.


OUR NETWORK CONNECTS YOU TO THE WORLD. IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES. With an extensive global network, you could make things happen wherever you’re looking to take your business. At HSBC, we have experienced teams on the ground in over 50 countries, where 90% of the world’s trade and capital flows originate.* This means we have both the expertise and connections that could help your business grow in today’s most important markets. Jersey: To find out more, please call James Parker, Head of Corporate Banking in Jersey, on: 606794** Guernsey: To find out more, please call Sally Spencer, Head of Corporate Banking in Guernsey, on: 717964**

*Source: HSBC network analysis, Global Insight (2015) and United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (2014). **Lines are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Your call may be monitored and/or recorded for training and security purposes. Issued by HSBC Bank plc, registered in England and Wales number 14259. Registered office 8 Canada Square, London, E14 5HQ. HSBC Bank plc Jersey Branch is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission for Banking, General Insurance Mediation and Investment Business. HSBC Bank plc Guernsey branch is licensed by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission for Banking, Insurance and Investment Business. In the Isle of Man HSBC Bank plc is licensed by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority. © HSBC Bank plc 2017. All Rights Reserved. 170614/MA/194

I N T E RVIE W ‘I found the island to be tremendously welcoming and supportive. Regulation here was developing but wholly appropriate to the business environment at the time. I was told originally that, given our role, I needn’t be regulated, a position that has now changed. Our function is increasingly central to the role of the trustee given their fiduciary responsibility. Experience has suggested that in many ways the managers or funds you use, their mandates and how you combine them make a more important contribution to controlling risk and ensuring acceptable returns than the underlying managers themselves.’ IAM continued to develop and grow. The States of Guernsey has been a client for over 10 years. ‘We help the States run a highly effective operation which is ‘lean and mean’ in terms of civil servant involvement within an extremely efficient structure. ‘We report to a States Committee, made up of three politicians who have delegated discretion. This short chain of decisionmaking and the calibre of the politicians have proved to be the basis of a real unsung success story. Performance has been good with trailing year figures peaking over 18% earlier this year. Over time the funds have been built up from around £1 billion to over £2 billion through cautious investment strategies providing important additional cover for the States’ liabilities. There are significant advantages from IAM Advisory being resident on the island.’ Something that Michael is particularly proud of is the fact that the States employs local fund managers. ‘The island promotes itself as a centre of excellence for fund management and therefore we should have confidence in using local managers where appropriate and where they can show they have the ability to match the returns of offisland equivalents. We have developed

a programme that includes a rigorous selection, mandating, monitoring and control process for local managers which has had a successful start.’ As well as its London office, IAM’s Jersey operation opened nearly five years ago as the company develops more of a panisland presence. Things have changed significantly since the company was set up 30 years ago as Michael explained: ‘The environment has changed dramatically, particularly with regard to regulation. In the investment sector, I believe that regulation has developed appropriately to meet the needs of the community, particularly in our function, in a way that reduces the risks of litigation and increases the levels of professionalism. But there comes a point where regulation can become excessive and it’s essential that the industry works in tandem with the regulator to avoid pricing ourselves out of the market. ‘Gone are the days when you can rely on a quarterly fact sheet. We have always taken a holistic view – ensuring the risk strategy adopted is appropriate to the client’s needs; consideration being given to a client’s whole situation, asset and liability position. The service offered is bespoke to the individual client or institution. We also consider the appropriateness of the individual fund managers or funds, using innovative software to review their performance and risk. It is essential that there is a continuous review of a client’s risk profile as these change. Risk is not a static concept.’ IAM Advisory has a single revenue stream from providing advice on the management of client assets. Michael believes that diversification into other related activities would create conflicts of interest. ‘We want to share our knowledge base and experience with clients and develop their own capability in the investment field. This reflects directly on my experience in Oman and Abu Dhabi where we were literally

taking people from the hills and training them to become investment managers.’ Finding local people to join the business is a challenge however and Michael admits that finding individuals of sufficient calibre keen to be trained in this specialist sector is not easy. ‘We have to address the skills gap and look at different ways of training people. We must create a culture of innovation on the island with regard to financial services, which is after all the industry where many of our core skills are found.’ IAM Advisory has 20 staff and the organisation continues to grow. Michael is confident about the Channel Islands’ future but believes there needs to be a significant gear change over the next few years with both islands developing and executing new ideas. ‘Blockchain is a good example,’ he said. ‘We must develop the island into a centre of excellence but this won’t happen by accident. It needs wholesale commitment from government. The islands’ history reflects an ability to adapt and we are on the cusp of another period of change. We must evolve to survive and the process must start now.’ ■



Sustainable Investing

Living ethically can extend beyond consumer choices to investment portfolios. Jason Robilliard, investment manager at ABN AMRO, explains that investing in the future can be a sound financial decision.

Carbon neutral real estate, fair trade chocolate and child-labour free fashion. We are becoming increasingly more discerning as a society and demanding sustainable alternatives in many areas of our lives. This trend is also beginning to play a role in the choices we make regarding our investment portfolios. The idea that sustainable investment is a serious alternative to traditional investment portfolios is gaining traction and ABN AMRO NV is determined to be at the forefront of this movement. Financial returns still play a major role in rating investment performance, but the impact on people and the planet is equally prioritised. Historically investing in a socially responsible manner was almost a guarantee of poor investment returns but at ABN AMRO we believe that this no longer has to be the case.

The ecological impact of our actions may one day literally drown us, and to avoid such disasters in our future we must adjust our behaviour today. The United Nations has estimated that by the year 2030, the global population will have passed the eight billion mark. The extra mouths to feed and homes to build will put serious additional strain on our environment as CO2 emissions increase and finite supplies of natural resources grow thin. In addition, current supply chains still present social issues such as

poor working conditions. The ecological impact of our actions may one day literally drown us, and to avoid such disasters in our future we must adjust our behaviour today. That also applies to the way we invest.

Ultimately each pound, euro or dollar invested has a direct or indirect impact on people and the planet. When investing sustainably, we look beyond the expected financial returns versus the risks. Special attention is paid to the environment, social and governance (ESG) impact of a company or product. Ultimately each pound, euro or dollar invested has a direct or indirect impact on people and the planet. By way of an example, a sustainable investment fund will not invest in a company, which is implicated with the violation of human rights. Indeed by giving companies, funds and other investment products a rating we can provide insight into the sustainability of the investment. That rating is commonly based on ESG criteria.

We believe that if financial institutions follow such a policy and consciously choose where to invest we can indirectly influence the activities of the organisations involved. If a company is structurally involved in polluting or unethical practices banks and brokers can choose not to recommend them to clients and to exclude them from managed investment portfolios. This will eventually reflect in the share price of these companies and hopefully force change for the better. This principle also applies in reverse and companies that do uphold their responsibility towards people and the planet will ultimately benefit from the support they will receive from investors. From a financial perspective, a sustainable investment is not necessarily less profitable than a traditional one. So even if returns are your primary focus, there is no real reason to abstain from investing in this way. Indeed the careful decisions made by companies with a long-term focus could actually be an indicator of future success. Good management makes for a healthy company, which also reduces the odds of incidents that could lead to loss of reputation and financial damage. Sustainable investment offerings are on the rise, and at ABN AMRO we now offer a full range of investment services incorporating our sustainable mandates which sit alongside our traditional investment capabilities. â–



Global trade revival – how to profit? Nick Carpentier, corporate investment specialist at Barclays in Guernsey, looks beyond the islands to consider whether global trade can benefit local investors.

Figure 1 Korean exports point towards a pick-up in regional trade 40

year-on-year growth, 3mma (%)


Global trade suffers from an image problem. The significant but indirect benefits can be hard to perceive directly – consumers may simply not realise the extent to which they sell to, and buy from, overseas. On the flip side, its costs are concentrated and arguably far more observable – cheap imports have hit American manufacturers, particularly in the Midwestern rustbelt and the South. This, alongside the inexorable march of technology, has decimated American (and other developed world) manufacturing jobs in the last decade in particular. Meanwhile, it is a widely held view that globalisation has widened the pay gap in the last few decades.

us with decent coincident insight into the health of global trade (Figure 1). Much of this increasingly apparent export pep is linked to semiconductor demand, more specifically memory chips where Korea remains dominant. Continuing demand for memory devices and servers should bode well for output growth in wider emerging Asia, initially from upstream tech manufacturers, but eventually trickling downstream to manufacturers of lower value-added components and assembly companies.

The undeniable benefits of an increasingly interlinked global economy have apparently accrued only to the top 1% and the absolute poor in emerging markets, leaving the rest of us stranded in the 1990s.

Is there a problem?

Investment conclusion

Recent papers examining the expansion of international trade and investment in the post-war period not only find huge gains for the whole economy, but that these gains have actually disproportionately flowed to lower income households.

We would do well to remember that modern competition is no longer country versus country as popularly described, but more between the multinational operators of global value chains – companies – using the various and differing advantages that countries offer to maximise profits. This simple understanding is helpful as we try to piece together the current cyclical pick-up in global trade and perhaps point to some ways for investors to benefit. The most obvious beneficiary is our continuing tactical overweight to Emerging Markets Equities – in particular our preference for the more technology-heavy indices in Asia, such as Korea and Taiwan.

Cyclical pick-up In spite of the still-wet ink on global trade’s obituary, it has experienced a cyclical rebound over the past few months. As one of the first of the major trade hubs to release export data, Korea provides

10 0 -10 -20 Korea real exports

-30 2007





Source: Datastream

Figure 2 Korean capital expenditure and semi-conductor exports year-on-year growth (%)


year-on-year growth (%) 110




70 50

From a sector perspective, the ongoing strength in semiconductor trade represents another strut to our positive call on the US technology sector, which continues to enjoy cyclical and secular tailwinds, while remaining reasonably priced in our view. ■



-10 -30 -50 2001









Korea CFCF - machinery and equipment (lhs) Korea exports - semi-conductors (rhs) Source: Datastream

Figure 3 Semi-conductor exports and EM Asia earnings 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 2002








Global semi-conductor sales (3mma) MSCI Asia ex-Japan 12m forward EPS Source: Datastream

Figure 4 IT and cyclicals make up a large part of EM Asia equities 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Weight (%) Telecom Utilities Energy Healthcare Materials Cons. stapl Industrials Cons. disc Financaials IT MSCI Korea Source: Datastream


EM Asia real exports



More broadly, the continuing strength in global business confidence bodes well for a wider pick-up in investment around the world, something the still-rising strength in Taiwanese machinery exports speaks of. Meanwhile, the all-important US consumer looks set to continue to provide a strong source of final demand for the world to sell to.

This makes intuitive sense. Trade has significantly lowered the cost of manufactured goods and processed foods, which tend to account for a larger share of spending by poorer consumers. On the other hand, trade has had a much weaker impact on the cost of services, where richer consumers spend proportionally more of their incomes.


MSCI Taiwan

A world of investment and banking expertise. Here on these shores. With a locally based investment specialist and industry sector expertise, we can offer you a tailored investment solution, alongside global corporate banking. All giving you a clearer picture of your finances. And wherever your investment needs take you, we know the lie of the land. To find out how our solution could work for you, call our local experts. Jersey: 01534 813418. Guernsey: 01481 755491.

Please remember the value of investments can go down as well as up and you may get back less than your original investment. Barclays offers wealth and investment products and services to its clients through Barclays Bank PLC and its subsidiary companies. Barclays Bank PLC is registered in England and authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Registered Number: 1026167. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP. Barclays Bank PLC, Guernsey Branch is licensed by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission under the Banking Supervision (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 1994, as amended, and the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 1987, as amended. Barclays Bank PLC, Guernsey Branch has its principal place of business at Le Marchant House, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3BE. Barclays Bank PLC, Jersey Branch is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission. Barclays Bank PLC, Jersey Branch is regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission under the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 1987, as amended. Barclays Bank PLC, Jersey Branch has its principal business address in Jersey at 13 Library Place, St Helier, Jersey JE4 8NE, Channel Islands. August 2017. BD05997.

A fresh approach A transparent wealth management service, with a simple fee structure, built around your best interests. How refreshing is that?

Dan McAlister, CEO, LGT Vestra Jersey +44 (0)1534 786 417

LGT Vestra (Jersey) Limited is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission in the conduct of Investment Business under the Financial Services (Jersey) Law 1998, as amended. Investors should be aware that past performance is not an indication of future performance and the value of investments and the income derived from them may fluctuate and you may not receive back the amount you originally invested.


Taking it personally

From suits to investments, bespoke is often best. Dan McAlister, managing director of LGT Vestra in Jersey, explains that for the modern investor, a more personal service can mean better results.

The term bespoke means the concept of having something specifically crafted to serve your personal needs or desires. It’s long been seen as being a benefit or improvement to a product or service. Today, this could be a bespoke suit from the tailors of Savile Row or a custom-made car. In centuries past, the aristocracy or gentry commissioned artists and furniture makers to provide individual goods to evidence their wealth and standing. Irrespective of the period or requirement, there has always been an advantage associated with something that is bespoke. The world of bespoke multi-asset investing since the financial crisis of 2008 has changed significantly. Investment managers have moved away from the almost binary choice of equities and bonds to a much more multi-dimensional approach including ethical mandates, absolute return or risk managed portfolios in order to provide the required returns for their investors. Furthermore, growing geopolitical risk and increased global nationalist and populist sentiment means that change and the speed of change warrants the need for a diversified and bespoke portfolio.

This is a fundamental part of the wealth management process, preparing clients for change and helping them deal with and thrive throughout change in a way that is tailored to their personal circumstances.

Navigating change, financial or otherwise, becomes easier after clearly assessing goals, understanding the full implications of the change that is happening, including its precedents and patterns, and ensuring decisions are made on the basis of these and the resources available. This is a fundamental part of the wealth management process, preparing clients for change and helping them deal with and thrive throughout change in a way that is tailored to their personal circumstances.

It is paramount to avoid being driven by change and positioning portfolios in favour of a particular outcome. It is important to establish a strategy to maximise the potential for success, utilising all available resources, including tax efficient, diversified strategies and alternative investments, to meet long-term objectives, with sufficient flexibility to take advantage of short-term tactical opportunities.

As witnessed during Brexit, many investors would have experienced sharp corrections after incorrectly positioning their portfolios for the widely anticipated ‘remain’ vote. Macro trends are very difficult to predict with any real precision, couple this with a rise in political risk and it becomes more challenging. Making major asset allocation decisions or positioning a portfolio based solely on an anticipated outcome of a particular event is an extremely risky investment strategy. As witnessed during Brexit, many investors would have experienced sharp corrections after incorrectly positioning their portfolios for the widely anticipated ‘remain’ vote.

At LGT Vestra, our investment philosophy has always been to put the client first and promote impartiality, transparency and respect for the client. LGT Vestra is one of the few global wealth management firms in private ownership. Founded in 2008, we are a UK-based partnership between LGT, wholly owned by the Princely Family of Liechtenstein, and the executive partners of LGT Vestra. Our private ownership ensures a long-term outlook and financial stability, which together with a shared vision, creates the essence of our business. ■



Knowledge is power

Whether you’re an individual investor or an advisor, it’s helpful to know how your investments compare to others. Jonathan Gamble, director at ARC in Guernsey, explains how a new tool can give you more information about your investments.

Big data has become big business as firms have sought to rise to the challenges and opportunities presented by the increasing volume, velocity and variety of data flooding. As users of social media will know, companies are using ever more sophisticated methods of tracking a person’s digital footprint and presenting targeted marketing opportunities. But big data does not only present opportunities for companies, it provides guidance for consumers. Over the last decade ARC has been dipping its toes into the stream of big data as it relates to the world of investment management with the systematic collection and classification of portfolio performance outcomes for private clients. Whether an investor with a modest pension plan or a member of the ultra-high net worth community, when discussing your investment affairs with your investment manager or independent financial adviser, being able to compare your outcomes with those typically experienced by others with similar circumstances is helpful.

through a new tool, based on simplicity of use and relevance of output. QuickCheck is free to use and available at By providing just four pieces of information (start date, end date, performance and average estimated exposure to equities), QuickCheck reviews your portfolio performance outcome versus a peer group selected from over 150,000 private client portfolios. This free and simple to use analytical tool is designed for use by individuals, private clients, investment advisers, trustees and other parties who are working under a fiduciary duty. ARC’s group managing director, Graham Harrison, said: ‘The ability to perform a health check on either your own or your client’s portfolio should be a swift and easy process, and the goal of QuickCheck is to be the starting point for this process. The tool is designed to offer either immediate peace of mind, or to highlight that a more detailed analysis might be required.’

...the interface has been designed to be intuitive and, aside from being free to use, no login or registration process is required Simply put, if you know your investment performance return and over what period it relates, along with how much equity investment was typically in the portfolio over the period, you are in the position to perform a QuickCheck. The level of inputs required have been kept to an absolute minimum, the interface has been designed to be intuitive and, aside from being free to use, no login or registration process is required. In the words of Gordon Gekko in the iconic 1987 film Wall Street: ‘The most valuable commodity I know of is information.’ 30 years on, ARC believes that’s still the case. ■

Certainly the impact of systematic poor performance of your investments can be serious: inadequate provision for retirement; being unable to meet the cost of medical care or children’s education; or being unable to sustain your desired standard of living. Investment outcomes have a personal reality. To address the dearth of publicly available information on portfolio outcomes, ARC has sought to harness big data and make available the results


Visit to perform a ‘QuickCheck’ on your investment portfolio.

ARC launches Performance QuickCheck

No login or registration required Level of input kept to a minimum Intuitive online interface Downloadable single-page report Free to use

QuickCheck is available through ARC was founded in 1995 and provides investment consulting, research and reporting services to private clients, family offices, trustees, charities and professional advisers. Asset Risk Consultants Limited is authorised to carry on investment business by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission, under the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1987, as amended ("the POI Law").

For more information on our services please contact us on: +44 (0) 1481 817777 or LONDON | GUERNSEY | JERSEY

LAUN C H EVE NT from Neon’s UK business units, many making their first ever visit to Guernsey. Nigel kicked off proceedings with a short speech thanking all those present for making Neon Sapphire such a success. ‘A business is nothing without the support of its brokers and clients,’ he commented, adding that he was looking forward to taking the next steps in Neon Sapphire’s journey as part of the Neon group, with its international presence and knowledge being of ‘great value’ to Neon Sapphire moving forward.

INSURER SHINES BRIGHT Established in late 2013 by Nigel Brand, Sapphire Underwriters became Neon Sapphire in July 2017 following its acquisition by Neon, a specialist Lloyd’s of London insurer, itself owned by Great American Insurance Group, part of American Financial Group (NYSE: AFG). Operating from offices in London and Bermuda, Neon underwrites a diverse range of property, specialty, casualty and marine risks on a direct and reinsurance basis. Neon believes in an innovative approach to risk solutions, proactively creating bespoke coverage for clients and preparing packaged products where appropriate. A respected underwriter from the London market of many years, Nigel first relocated from London to Guernsey with a vision to set up a dedicated specialty underwriting operation, primarily focused on providing unique, bespoke insurance solutions to regulated businesses located within an offshore jurisdiction. After four years of successful operations in Guernsey, Nigel quickly accepted Neon’s offer to take the business to the next level, offering the opportunity to align local knowledge with Neon’s expertise, reach and products. Now able to call on the additional specialist


resources of the wider Neon group, Neon Sapphire’s depth and breadth of solution-focused products and services for brokers and clients is stronger than ever. For the official unveiling of the new brand, a launch party at Pier 17 on Albert Pier was the order of the day to celebrate the next stage of Neon Sapphire’s evolution. Attendees came from Neon, including group chief executive Martin Reith, and a wide variety of clients and brokers from across Guernsey, Jersey and the UK. Also present were various underwriting heads

Martin followed on from Nigel, welcoming Neon Sapphire to the fold and reinforcing the message that they greatly looked forward to assisting with the next stages of Neon Sapphire’s growth. Regulated by the GFSC, Neon Sapphire’s proposition is built around local knowledge combined with international experience, and Nigel set it up to provide a vibrant local presence with a refreshing approach to problem solving that has broker and client relationships at its core. Also introduced at the launch was Samantha Dias. Samantha is joining Neon Sapphire as senior underwriter, bringing over 20 years’ experience in underwriting professional and financial lines business with a variety of Lloyd’s Syndicates to the role. ■

Left to right: Nigel Brand, Ian West and Martin Reith

Your local global underwriter. Neon Sapphire is a speciality underwriting practice based in Guernsey. We apply clarity and professional insight to manage complex risks and provide brokers with tailored solutions in Professional, Financial and Cyber lines. •

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We service customers located in the UK and offshore jurisdictions - get in touch to find out more. Neon Sapphire Underwriting Limited, PO Box 193, Lefebvre Place, Lefebvre Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 3LU T: +44 (0) 1481 720223 E:

Neon Sapphire is a trading style of Neon Sapphire Underwriting Limited, a company which is licensed by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission under registration number 2263844


Don’t let it go to waste

The pace of technological change often sees businesses and individuals disposing of redundant IT equipment. Galaxy Computers’ managing director Stuart Moseley explains how to do so responsibly.

It’s hard to imagine the world now without computer equipment. From the boom of the 1980s and over the 20 years that followed, the everevolving electronic revolution has seen more and more technology enter our homes, our businesses and our pockets - resulting in vast electronic waste. Since the turn of the 21st century, businesses and consumers have paid more attention to the impact of e-waste on the environment when it reaches the end of its lifecycle. Here are some staggering facts for you: • 20 to 50 million metric tonnes of e-waste are disposed of worldwide every year. • According to the US Environmental Protection Agency only 12.5% of worldwide e-waste is recycled. • In 2016 alone, Jersey handled 1,036 tonnes of e-waste*.

Data Security

Environmental impact

This phrase has been the hot topic of 2017. It’s important for businesses to make every effort to avoid data breaches for legal and compliance reasons. However, redundant equipment that is destined for recycling, or even charitable donations, will still contain highly sensitive information. The most secure method for data destruction is to appoint a professional company who specialise in the destruction of electronic data storage media.

Businesses have a responsibility to consider the environmental factors when purchasing, whilst fulfilling business needs. The same can be said when disposal is required. As the end user in the supply chain, there is a responsibility as a consumer to consider the ways in which we can all minimise waste generation. Appointing an ITAD company with a zero to landfill target, such as Galaxy, demonstrates demonstrates a commitment to conserving natural resources.

Financial benefits

Find an ITAD partner that is right for your business.

Businesses are regularly faced with the costs of managing their IT assets. The technology industry moves fast, and older hardware may no longer serve a purpose. However, this does not mean it’s of no use. Some equipment may be eligible for re-sale rather than recycling. This is a way to re-coup potential losses and an ITAD company such as Galaxy can advise and potentially offer to offset these items against your disposal costs.

Galaxy Computer Brokers was established in 1995 and operates as the Channel Islands’ only dedicated ITAD vendor. We are an award winning company dedicated to promoting sustainability for our clients. This approach had resulted in our achievement of the ISO14001 Environmental Management, ISO9001 Quality Management and BS EN15713 Secure Destruction standards. Galaxy provides IT asset recovery, on-site data destruction and WEEE registered recycling. ■

As the demand and awareness of this problem has increased, IT asset disposition services (ITAD) have advanced to meet the growing needs of enterprise. But what is an ITAD service? In short, an ITAD business specialises in disposing of redundant IT equipment in a safe and environmentally friendly manner. So how does a business benefit from a responsible approach to IT disposal?

*Source: statistics


The evoluion of the computer

Secure Data Destruction and Hardware Recycling Services in Guernsey & Jersey.

With over 23 years experience, our specialist team operate to the highest International Compliance Standards using state-of-the-art shredding and degaussing techniques. We also provide advice and support to businesses about the risks associated with data loss and cost effective ways to avoid them.

For further information please contact: Registered Guernsey Address

Registered Jersey Address

Galaxy Computer Brokers Ltd Bulwer House, Bulwer Avenue St Sampson’s, Guernsey GY2 4LQ

Galaxy Computer Brokers Ltd Reclamation House, La Rue Grellier Rue des Pres Trading Estate, St. Saviour, Jersey JE2 7QS

Phone: 01481 242412 Email:

Phone: 01534 509007 Email: Galaxy Computer Brokers Ltd is part of the Guernsey Recycling Group




The Dawn of New Technology

From Pokémon Go to driverless vehicles, our physical reality is becoming ever more influenced by the virtual world. Andy Delaney, senior consultant with C5, explores the future of technology. Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) are umbrella terms used to explain the blending of the physical and digital worlds through a smart device. While the terms are often used interchangeably, there are fundamental differences.

at text in one language and the app will augment the view, translating it to another language. The beauty of most AR is that it is often used and accepted as part of our everyday lives, without need for explanation. This has allowed the tech to flourish.

AR integrates the physical and digital worlds, using digital information to enhance a real-world view. AR can be as simple as displaying text messages or numeric information. On a larger scale, it can even be used to bring fictional characters to the real world. Think Pokémon Go.

MR is a much newer concept that should see significant growth in the future. It is an integral component to driverless vehicles. The tracking and sensors are powered by MR, blending digital information with the physical world while incorporating Artificial Intelligence to allow for real-time decision making. After years of trials in the US, in 2017, the governments of the UK, Japan, Australia and the Netherlands approved autonomous car trials. This decision could transform the automotive industry and the way we travel in the future.

MR takes the concept to the next level by creating a new environment where physical and digital objects co-exist, allowing for interaction with, and manipulation of, both physical and virtual environments. AR concepts are probably older than you think. In the late 90s, ESPN introduced the ‘1st & 10’ yellow line for viewers to see play progression in American football. The yellow line is overlaid onto the live television broadcast via specialised cameras, augmenting the viewers’ experience. The Google Translate app utilises AR to translate 100 languages in real time. You simply point your smart device camera 74

This said, could AR and MR be in a ‘hype bubble’ or do they have a tangible place in our future? Blue chip businesses, including Facebook, Microsoft, Google and Apple, appear to believe the latter and have invested $3.5 billion in research and development in the areas of AR and MR over the past two years alone. Industries have been, and will continue to be, transformed by AR and MR-enabled

headsets. For example, healthcare workers can use AR to view critical data fed whilst working in difficult clinical environments. Construction workers can harness AR to access step-by-step augmented guides for construction equipment. MR headsets can be used to map the walls of your home so you can try out new colour combinations using virtual paint tools or play virtual chess on your real-world table top. All of this is currently possible. These technologies are not just limited to large tech organisations though. IKEA has developed its own AR app, IKEA Place, which integrates the smart device camera with IKEA’s catalogue, allowing users to overlay virtual objects onto the physical world. This gives customers the ability to see how IKEA furniture may sit in their home, improving the shopping experience. Tech enthusiasts like myself see AR and MR as the next step towards creating positive transformational change in all aspects of our lives, whether this is in the classroom, workplace or at home. It will be fascinating to see the direction tech innovators take as they continue to push the boundaries of these emerging technologies. ■

WH AT ’ S N EX T FO R 2018 ?


The technological revolution is set to continue in 2018. Jason Connolly, business development director at Next Generation IT, sets out the threats and opportunities facing local companies.

2018 may pose challenges familiar to Game of Thrones fans. Trump is relying on a wall to keep his country safe, but has overlooked the threat from the north (Korea) from the air and he may need to enter into alliances with old enemies (China and Russia) to deal with this new threat. The British PM is caught up in a power struggle to retain her crown, but has bungled the threat from across the narrow sea, putting her in a precarious position; losing the support of the common people while interlopers vie for power. No-one seems to have married their sister yet, but there’s still time! For business, the threats and opportunities may be less fantastical – but do focus on adaptability and security.


We’re implementing more advanced threat detection and prevention systems to provide a much more proactive approach to preventing, detecting and reporting data loss. We’ve recently appointed an information security officer, while more businesses are considering migrating to hosted services in 2018 where best practices are ‘baked in’.

Big Data & Artificial Intelligence Technology capability doubles under Moore’s law, meaning larger leaps forward each year. The internet’s estimated size is 11.6 Zettabytes (11,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes) but its growth will accelerate. With luck, local telcos will recognise this trend and significantly increase bandwidth. Fibre to every business and property would be a real benefit.

The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation takes effect on 25 May 2018 and will be an overwhelming focus for many businesses. Organisations will need to invest time and money in systems to meet its requirements, including ‘the right to be forgotten’, ‘the right to access’, ‘privacy by design’, ‘breach notification’, ‘data portability’ and ‘data protection officers’. We’re investing heavily to ensure our hosted services are compliant and to help clients can provide gap analysis, compliance audits and a data protection officer.

2018 will be a big year for artificial intelligence. Most mobile phones will ship with AI chips next year. Combining AI with big data will generate more business opportunities, including robotic process automation, roboadvisors, virtual agents, decision management and cryptocurrencies. Machine learning is increasingly important for IT security systems in spotting sophisticated hacking and phishing attempts. In addition, many local organisations are connecting with high value clients and partners through online reporting, web portals and collaboration.

Focus on Security

Cloud Computing

Security challenges are increasing with many local organisations succumbing to ransomware attacks in 2017. Interestingly, local business and the regulator are being proactive and view cyber security as a competitive advantage.

An increasing pace of change is inevitable, but businesses that invest in technology can bring their ideas to fruition faster, disrupt markets and gain market share. However, technology change is expensive and traditional fixed capacity onsite IT systems

cannot adapt rapidly or cost-effectively. Cloud computing provides affordable access to flexible IT infrastructure that grows with a business, driving digital transformation. The islands benefit from their offshore location in close proximity to London and Europe. The ability to keep data in this jurisdiction is key to security and performance, and is why Next Generation IT has built an extensive offshore cloud spanning both the Sure and JT data centres.

Mobility 5G rollouts will begin in 2018, providing gigabit connectivity via the mobile network. Increasing battery life driven by improvements in nanotechnology will lead to ever sleeker and portable devices. Mobile technology and increasing bandwidth allow business to employ and retain top talent globally. Technology will continue to blur the work/home boundary by enabling people to connect to their systems from any device anywhere. Smartwatches, glasses and clothing are creating opportunities around mobile payments and security. The Internet of Things (IoT) will take off in 2018 as Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, Amazon and Google focus on home automation.

Digital transformation The key to survival isn’t to kill the proverbial White Walkers from Games of Thrones, but to transform technology and company culture rapidly, building an agile business model that takes advantage of new growth opportunities. ■


W HAT ’S N EX T FOR 20 1 8?

Security is the Priority

As the pace of technological development increases, businesses are becoming more aware of the risks. They are prioritising security in the year ahead according to Vince De La Mare, head of sales Guernsey at Sure.

There has never been a period in human history that has delivered technological progress at such as speed as the era we’re living through now. The Cloud, Virtual Reality, Blockchain, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are just a few of the digital technologies that have either broken through into the mainstream or are on the cusp of doing so. In some respects, the rate of technological development is awe-inspiring but on the ground, the state of constant change creates a challenge for businesses as they seek to keep their data secure. Turning to trusted partners As they look to address the security challenge in the months and years ahead, I believe we’ll see companies increasing their use of technology advisers to ensure their data and systems are secure from cyber-attacks. Rather than trying to navigate the technological world alone, it makes sense that companies turn to trusted partners whose everyday focus is on understanding technology and how it can be used in a safe and secure environment. The professional services team at Sure has been brought together precisely to meet this need. As experts in network security, they’re already trusted by hundreds of organisations throughout the Channel Islands. Large and small businesses turn to our teams to provide evidence-based analyses of their current situations before then mapping the different ways forward that will help them achieve the technological security they need.


Our professional services team includes highly qualified security experts who design unique communications solutions for organisations of all sizes throughout the islands, and because their work is interdisciplinary they make use of all of the capabilities and expertise available at Sure.

The global growth in cybercrime is well documented and has caused many business leaders to take a closer look at their cyber defences. Email security is crucial Alongside the use of trusted technology partners, 2018 will see Channel Islands’ businesses looking for services that close existing gaps in their online security. The global growth in cybercrime is well documented and has caused many business leaders to take a closer look at their cyber defences. Less talked about but no less a risk, is the growing regulatory environment, which is forcing firms to adopt a more stringent approach to the security of their data, as can be seen with the EU’s new GDPR data protection law. Email is an area of great concern to companies because it is the most commonly used gateway for cyber-attacks. Recognising the importance of email security, Sure works in partnership with Mimecast Offshore, a cloud-based email security solution that operates from servers housed in Sure’s secure Jersey and Guernsey-based data centres. As an offshore solution it

takes jurisdiction into account, which is particularly important for the archiving and storage of financial services sector emails. Importantly, Mimecast has developed its flagship service, Targeted Threat Protection (TTP), to ensure that businesses have two layers of protection, one of which is technology-based and the other being the firm’s own staff. Cloud-based email needs protection too TTP uses technologies such as link re-writing and attachment sandboxing to prevent phishing attacks. These both ensure that emails are checked for safety before a user is able to put the company network in danger. To secure networks against whaling, which is a form of attack in which the attacker uses email to impersonate a senior member of the company’s staff, Mimecast has developed a new security layer called Impersonate Protect which analyses a number of variables within emails and highlights those that show signs of being an impersonation. As Mimecast is 100% focused on email security, it has risen to the top of its field and is considered a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Information Archiving. The fact that Mimecast is cloud-based means those companies that use it, benefit from the enormous expertise at Mimecast’s disposal, giving Channel Island businesses the very best in email protection whilst using the minimum of in-house resources. ■

WH AT ’ S N EX T FO R 2018 ?

Opportunities outside the islands

As 2018 approaches, Ogier’s Guernsey practice partner Marcus Leese argues that the island needs to look outside itself to prosper.

The principal factors that will determine Guernsey’s success or failure in 2018 are not to be found within the island, they’re everywhere else. The most important thing that we as a community can do to influence that success or failure will be to resist the temptation to look inwards, and instead focus our energies on the opportunities to be found in the outside world. That outward focus includes the way that we approach trade, the way that we approach regulation, and how our island fits into the global backdrop. Of course, no editorial is complete these days without reference to the deathless portmanteau Brexit - but it’s not the only (or even the most important) development that should occupy our attention. It’s worth remembering, Guernsey was outside of the EU before the Brexit referendum - and at the end of the process, we still will be.

It is also true that a very large proportion of the nations outside the EU are growing (and their citizens becoming wealthier) at a considerably faster rate than any of the EU member states. It is of course true that the EU is a sophisticated, wealthy and developed market of some 600 million people with whom we have long-standing links. But it is equally true that the rest of the world includes some 6.4 billion

people, and that many of them live in sophisticated, wealthy and developed markets. It is also true that a very large proportion of the nations outside the EU are growing (and their citizens becoming wealthier) at a considerably faster rate than any of the EU member states. It is not just trade that should motivate us to look outwards, but also the development of the regulation of the industries in which we do business. Regulation in financial services has taken an increasingly international aspect and 2018 will be the first full year of operation of three good examples of this trend - the international Common Reporting Standard for tax affairs, the new UK public register of persons with significant control and the regime for registration of beneficial ownership information relating to corporate entities, and the UK’s register of trusts. None of these matters arise from domestic Guernsey law, yet each has a very significant impact on all aspects of our financial services industry and by extension our wider economy. There is little doubt that 2018 will see further examples of this major and growing trend – domestic laws of other nations quite intentionally drafted so as to influence activities beyond their own shores. Guernsey will inevitably be affected.

All of the signs point to 2018 being another year of disruption and uncertainty around the world.

Finally, we should think about the broader perspective. All of the signs point to 2018 being another year of disruption and uncertainty around the world – quite aside from the Brexit negotiations, there’s debate about the future of the EU and its internal policies (including the taxation of financial transactions and of on-line transactions); the US administration remains unpredictable but is pressing forward with major policy changes; while North Korea appears to be increasingly volatile. Political, social, religious and/or military instability continues to be evident in numerous countries and regions around the world. It is at times such as these that places such as Guernsey – which offer the world certainty and security based upon political stability, the rule of law, respect for property rights, compliance with international norms, and absence of corruption – will stand out. The qualities that we offer in this regard are likely to be as relevant, necessary and attractive as ever in the world of 2018. Of course it is always tempting to look inwards. There are domestic questions that are genuinely important and relevant and will continue to trouble us in 2018 whether it be the model of education delivery or domestic budget priorities. But if Guernsey’s success or failure in 2018 depends on anything, it will be on resisting the temptation to dwell too much on those issues, and to focus instead on the opportunities that the outside world presents. ■


W HAT ’S N EX T FOR 20 1 8?

A world of opportunity

As 2017 draws to a close and islanders look back on sunnier days spent holidaying at home or abroad, Amanda Eulenkamp of Travel Solutions, predicts our 2018 travel plans.

Traditionally, TV adverts used to start on Boxing Day, enticing holidaymakers to part with their deposit for their forthcoming summer holiday. There are still plenty of adverts for holidays, but these now encompass short breaks, city breaks, cruises, as well as ‘flop and drop’ as it’s known in the trade, i.e. the relaxing beach holiday. World events inevitably affect where we are going to go, whether that be natural disasters such as hurricane Irma that hit the Caribbean in 2017, or the shooting in Las Vegas, at the time of writing committed by a man with no political agenda. We have also seen the ongoing effects of political instability and terrorism in countries such as Turkey and Egypt contribute to the collapse of the UK’s fifth biggest airline, Monarch, and the largest peacetime repatriation of UK citizens since the Second World War. The collapse of Monarch also begs the question ‘will the way holidays are booked in 2018 change?’ Those who booked package holidays have been protected by ATOL, although it is worth noting that ATOL doesn’t just protect a traditional package holiday, but can also protect a tailor-made holiday when all the elements are booked as a ‘package’. Those who booked their flights direct with Monarch and paid over £100 per flight with their credit card are also protected, but for the flight element only. If they booked accommodation separately, there is absolutely no guarantee that their accommodation will be refunded. And those that paid by debit card face an even greater challenge.


Adventure holidays are also increasing, particularly among the so-called silver surfers – a generation for whom the gap year was virtually unheard of. So, is it all doom and gloom in the travel industry? Absolutely not – yes, it’s been tough, but there is plenty to be optimistic about. Cruising continues to grow – from short, two or three night ‘taster cruises’ through to round the world trips, there is something for everyone. Multi-generational holidays are on the increase, and cruising is perfectly suited for this. Most people will choose a cruise based on the itinerary, but with new ships such as Royal Caribbean’s Harmony of the Seas, the ship itself is becoming the destination, not the itinerary. River cruising has also grown exponentially over the last few years, and the scope has expanded so much from the traditional European cruise. The Mekong, for example, has proved exceptionally popular and continues to be in forward bookings for 2018. Adventure holidays are also increasing, particularly among the so-called silver surfers – a generation for whom the gap year was virtually unheard of, and who are now discovering the time, and the money, to do something a little out of the ordinary for their holiday. Japan is becoming a lot more popular, and Canada continues to sell well, which we’re expecting to continue in 2018. South Africa is picking up again, as is the Indian Ocean – boosted no doubt by British Airways’ announcement of a twice-weekly

flight (starting March 24th 2018) direct from Heathrow Terminal 5 to the Seychelles, making British Airways the only airline offering a non-stop service from the UK. On the business travel front, business travellers are still travelling, still valuing the face to face meeting. However, with almost relentless news of terror attacks, hurricanes and political unrest, companies are taking their responsibilities very seriously, and we are seeing a huge increase in companies using the latest travel technology (through their travel management company) to track their staff.

The TravelSolutions system allows a company to instantly locate and message their staff based on flight and hotel information stored in the booking. It even allows two-way communication and, if the panic button is pressed, allows the company to zero in by GPS location to the actual realtime location enabling emergency response. TravelSolutions are adapting the use of this system for holiday travellers too so that they can be assured of real time response to any situation, be it natural or man-made. For centuries, man has explored our world – let’s continue in 2018. ■

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Take a deep breath …

The former MS therapy centre, Jersey’s Oxygen Therapy Centre offers support to islanders suffering from a wide range of chronic conditions including MS, fibromyalgia, neurological conditions, cancer and sports injuries. Tori Ducker of the charity explains how they can help … The main therapy provided by the Oxygen Therapy Centre is High Dose Oxygen Therapy (HDOT). HDOT involves spending an hour in a low-pressure barochamber at up to twice normal atmospheric pressure, and breathing pure oxygen via a mask. We understand that it can seem scary to be shut in a chamber, but the benefits are substantial. By being in the chamber, and under the additional pressure, your body is able to absorb a higher amount of oxygen for the duration of the session. With that additional oxygen, your body is able to repair cells and reduce inflammation, which allows the alleviation of symptoms.

It is important not to think of this therapy as a magic bullet. Unfortunately, as chronic conditions take a long time to develop, they also do not go away overnight, so a longterm view has to be taken. However, those that stick with it see some very good results. We have experienced many examples of success from HDOT. These include a child with cerebral palsy gaining back the use of a limb that hadn’t been functioning; people with fibromyalgia being in significantly less pain and on less medication; and people being weeks ahead in their recovery time after major operations. In one example, we have been seeing a little girl who suffered from epileptic

A breath of fresh air.

seizures at the Oxygen Therapy Centre. After several intensive groups of sessions, her latest EEG shows a normal result, and she has not had a seizure for over a year. Even our centre manager, who has MS, has seen visible improvement in her lesions on her latest MRI, and the only thing she can put it down to is her continued HDOT. The charity provides HDOT, complementary therapies, accessible exercise sessions, laughter yoga, meditation, cyclo-ssage and dropin support. The centre is completely self-referral, so you can come along any Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday 9-4.30 and see what we can do to help. ■

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Using High Dose Oxygen Therapy and complementary therapies to support people with a range of conditions. Including: MS, Fibromyalgia, Other Neurological Conditions, Cancer and Sports Injuries.

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Why not pop into your local Chamber of Commerce office and pick some up!


40 Moore Stephens Jersey employees took part in Cancer Research’s Run4Men

Shaun Rankin judges Santander International’s bake-off competition for Jersey Hospice Care

Saffery Rotary walk raises £85,430 for 28 Guernsey charities in its 20th year

HSBC staff volunteer for Jersey Mencap’s pond project in Rozel

State Street island walk raises more than £100,000 for 16 Jersey charities

Collas Crill in Jersey supports Silkworth Lodge with its CSR programme

Skipton Swimarathon raises more than £55,000 for Guernsey causes

Butterfield Group’s community action day helps clean Havelet

Hawksford supports Jersey Legacy Week with a cup of tea for islanders

Five local charities benefit from Guernsey’s B4-8 club

Guernsey PA Connect partners with Guernsey Mind as its chosen charity

The Channel Islands Co-operative Society has funded environmental projects through the sale of carrier bags

Brooks Macdonald staff complete London to Belgium charity cycling challenge


Not just the right thing to do Becoming a dementia friendly organisation or business is not just a socially responsible step – it can also benefit the bottom line. Wayne Bulpitt of Dementia Friendly Guernsey explains that whether you are a large retailer, a leisure centre or an advocate, there is a clear economic case for supporting people with dementia to use your services or facilities. This does not mean having to prioritise dementia over other conditions or disabilities. When a business gets it right for people with dementia, it gets it right for everyone. There are significant risks in not taking action, particularly around staff retention and neglecting the needs of clients or customers, which can result in lost revenue.

Improved customer service: increased knowledge and awareness of dementia will make staff more comfortable when dealing with all customers. They will have a greater understanding of potential scenarios and as a result will be able to provide better customer service and reduce the number of complaints or similar issues.

A diagnosis of dementia does not mean that it is not possible to live well. Many people with dementia continue to drive, socialise and hold down satisfying jobs. Even as dementia progresses, people can lead active, healthy lives, carry on with their hobbies and enjoy loving friendships and relationships.

Business benefits of becoming a dementia friendly business Competitive advantage: research shows that 83% of people with memory problems have switched their shopping habits to places that are more accessible. Becoming dementia friendly will enable businesses to retain existing customers and attract new ones.

Enhanced brand reputation: becoming dementia friendly will help businesses demonstrate that they are socially responsible and that they value their customers.

Someone with dementia may forget an appointment or tell you the same joke twice, but their condition does not stop them from doing the things that matter most.

Future-proofing: it is estimated that by 2021 there will be over 1,400 people with dementia in Guernsey with working carers increasing to support this. By making changes now, businesses will be anticipating a growing need from customers and staff.

According to the Alzheimers Society, households affected by dementia have £16,800 per year of disposable income, with an estimated 1,400 individuals living with dementia by 2020, that’s a market of £24m. and likely to grow. Giving great financial incentive, as well as knowing that it is the right thing to do for your business, staff, customers and the wider community. ■

Increased revenue: there are over 1,200 people with dementia in Guernsey. As a leader in dementia friendly practices, businesses will retain and build on existing custom, both from people living with the condition and from their carers, family and friends.

And just imagine the benefit for the whole island if we can be the first community to be truly dementia friendly, from tourism to improving the lives of those living with dementia, their families and their carers.

Easier than you may think: some top tips Raise awareness of dementia Encourage your employees to become dementia friends by attending a free 60-minute awareness session, or have one of your staff become a champion after a day’s training to lead the development of your own dementia friends strategy. Start conversations about dementia Talk about dementia with your employees and customers.. As increasing numbers


of people under 65 develop dementia every year, this could include members of your staff. We have practical tips to support people with dementia in the workplace too. Make your organisation accessible Ensure any signage is clear and people can find what they want easily. Think about whether your services could be adapted for people in their own homes.

Connect with other businesses in the community Register with and join our growing network of like-minded organisations and businesses sharing good practice.

Dementia awareness for businesses Dementia Friendly Guernsey wants to encourage as many people as possible to attend a local dementia awareness session. Businesses and individuals can sign up to the 1 hour session to support people living with dementia. To find out more visit the website. UPCOMING FREE AWARENESS SESSIONS Fri 3rd November 10.30 - 11.30am Tues 14th November 6:30 - 8:00pm Tues 21st November 6:30 - 8:00pm Thurs 30th November 6:30 - 8:00pm Sessions are held at Les Cotils Reading Room. To reserve your space or to arrange a tailored session for your business please get in touch.

“People with dementia cannot be rushed. They need time and they need patience, which is why awareness is so vital.” Penny’s husband Eddie has been diagnosed with early onset dementia.

Find out more... T: 01481 245121 E:


Founding a community The Lloyds Bank Foundation in the Channel Islands has a remit to support charitable organisations helping disadvantaged and disabled people play a fuller part in the community. Last year alone that resulted in grants worth more than £700,000. Contact met executive director, Jo Le Poidevin, to find out how they help. The four Lloyds Banking Group Foundations were established in England and Jo Le Poidevin Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands more than 30 years ago. While the local charity may be the smallest of the group, it’s certainly had a big impact in the islands. Since 1985 it has donated around £16 million to local good causes.

the role was a big draw. As executive director she is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Channel Islands’ Foundation and reports to the board of trustees.

While that’s an impressively large amount, it obviously doesn’t meet all the demand. ‘We’re very oversubscribed. We are receiving requests in recent years for five times the value of funding we can give out. I think it’s due to a combination of increasing demand on charities’ services and charities being constrained from expanding due to limited financial and staff resources.’

We can make a grant of between £5,000 and £100,000 for up to three years, and that can make a huge difference to a charity’s stability and ability to forward plan

With a background of more than 18 years in the charitable sector in the UK, when Jo was looking to move back to Guernsey


‘I tend to meet with charities to discuss their ideas before they submit an application. If I don’t feel they are going to be eligible I don’t want them to waste their valuable time going through the process. For those I do think come within our scope I can guide and advise them on submitting the best application possible.’

The Lloyds Bank Foundation does have certain requirements that applicants have to meet. They will only donate to a registered charity that is supporting disadvantaged

and disabled people in the Channel Islands, and they pay close attention to whether the charity has good governance and can measure the results of any funding given. Importantly, the Foundation is able to give grants to support salaries and core operating costs. For Jo, this is a crucial way in which they can help. ‘We are one of the few foundations that can help in those areas, and they are often the things that charities really need to raise funds for. For a lot of charities, staffing is their main cost aside from project and programme delivery costs. Over 75% of our grants go towards salaries and core operating costs. We can make a grant of between £5,000 and £100,000 for up to three years, and that can make a huge difference to a charity’s stability and ability to forward plan.’ Jo has only been in post for 18 months, but she is already seeing changes in the Foundation’s approach. ‘We are very keen to work more collaboratively when appropriate. We recently co-funded the



They have a programme which matches any staff member’s fundraising pound for pound up to £500, and they will also pay for out of work voluntary activity up to the same level. assistant manager role at Victim Support along with the Guernsey Community Foundation. We are both covering 50% of the salary for two years. It would have been difficult for us to make the full commitment for both years, but this way the charity has the security of knowing it’s funded for that time.’ Jo is also keen to encourage charities to work together where suitable. ‘We don’t fund projects where we feel that the work is already being done elsewhere, or could be done more appropriately elsewhere. The grants we give have to be used well and we do monitor the charities afterwards to ensure that is the case.’ Alongside the grants it gives directly to local charities, the Foundation also encourages all Lloyds Banking Group staff to get involved with good causes. They have a programme which matches any staff member’s fundraising pound for pound up to £500, and they will also pay for out of work voluntary activity up to the same level. Last year that raised another £50,000 for Channel Island charities. Altogether it adds up to an organisation making a real difference in helping the Channel Islands prosper. ■

Creative Learning in Prison (CLIP), Guernsey

Guernsey Mind

Grant: £10,000

Grant: £46,000 (over two years)

CLIP helps to rehabilitate prisoners in Guernsey by providing a wide range of educational and learning opportunities. This helps enable prisoners address the causes of offending behaviour and give them values, skills and experience that they can use in the community upon release.

Guernsey Mind promotes positive wellbeing for the community and ensures all funds are spent on delivering services locally. Their employee wellbeing service supports local businesses through training for staff on the significance of mental wellbeing and teaches them to recognise common mental health problems.

Project: The money was given for new workshop machinery and a wooden building external to the prison to act as a shopfront.

Project: The money will go towards the salary of their employee wellbeing service manager.

Autism Jersey

Aspire Charitable Trust, Jersey

Grant: £50,000 (over three years)

Grant: £30,000

Autism Jersey is dedicated to supporting people on the autism spectrum, their families and carers. The charity’s aim is to enable people on the spectrum to live full and inclusive lives within the community, by providing a broad range of services from advice and guidance to social events and respite.

Aspire Charitable Trust aims to provide work and activity for those in need due to disability and other disadvantage. Their Beresford Street Kitchen is a café which also sells items made or assembled in the building, giving workplace opportunities for people with learning disabilities to develop skills and engage with the community.

Project: The funding will be used for the salary of the chief operating officer.

Project: The grant funded the installation of the lift at the Beresford Street Kitchen.



Sea Donkey

Guernsey advocate Adrian Sarchet is the hero of Sea Donkey – a locally produced documentary that charts his grueling attempt to swim from Northern Ireland to Scotland, said to be the most brutal open water swimming challenge in the world. Contact spoke to Adrian and filmmaker James Harrison ahead of the documentary’s premiere in Guernsey.

What made you want to make this documentary? James: I’d wanted to make a feature length documentary for a good few years, but needed the right story to tell. As soon as I got into open water swimming in early 2012, I knew I had to make a film about it. I thought Adrian’s story should be told.

What was the most difficult part of the process for you? James: Spending so much time on one project that wasn’t supplying any income was by far the hardest thing. Second to that was definitely filming the North Channel swim, and all the challenges that come with operating as a solo crew, on a boat while filming friends in very tense situations. Adrian: The publicity. I am actually a very private person. The documentary shares the innermost aspects of my private life with the world, which I find terrifying.

How do you feel watching the finished product? James: I think it is something I am proud of, but it will be a long time before I can watch it

for what it is, and let go of all the things I wish I’d done differently. Having said that, there were a number of things that happened during filming where I felt incredibly lucky to have been in the right place at the right time. Adrian: Immensely proud of James. He has fulfilled his dream and created a work of art at the same time. He richly deserves all the accolades which I believe will follow the release of Sea Donkey.

Why would you encourage people to go and watch the film?

What next for the film? James: I hope the film has the potential to reach a wider audience, maybe on a platform such as Netflix. We want to get the film onto iTunes, so all proceeds from the cinema showing and DVD sales will be ploughed into that.

What’s the next challenge? Adrian: The Cook Strait between North Island and South Island in New Zealand. ■

Adrian: Because inspirational insanity is catching. Ordinary people can do extraordinary things – all it takes is that first step …

What lessons would you hope viewers can take from this story? James: If it inspires anyone to go out and try something which they genuinely thought was impossible for them (sporting or not), then it’s done its job. Adrian: Don’t wait to be perfectly prepared. Don’t ask the universe for permission before acting. Just do it.

CINEMA SHOWING Where: Beau Sejour, Guernsey When: 19:30 Weds 8 November Duration: 96 minutes Tickets: or 01481 747200 For those who can’t make the showing, Sea Donkey will be released on 9 November at





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For more information: +44 (0)1534 885 000

You must be 18 or over. Subject to status. Interest rates may vary. AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and shows what the interest rate would be if we paid interest and added it to your account each year. The gross rate is the rate payable where interest is paid without the deduction of tax. The Minimum Balance Requirement is the minimum amount of money required to open, maintain and earn interest on an account. Rates correct as at 10/10/2017. Santander International is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission and is the Jersey branch of Santander UK plc, incorporated in the UK, having its principal place of business at 19-21 Commercial Street, St Helier, Jersey JE2 3RU, Channel Islands. Santander International is a participant in the Jersey Bank Depositors Compensation Scheme, offering protection for eligible deposits of up to £50,000. The maximum total amount of compensation is capped at £100,000,000 in any 5 year period. Full details of the Scheme and banking groups covered are available on or on request. Calls may be recorded or monitored. Santander and the flame logo are registered trademarks.

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