1 minute read
No, not all right Jack, not at all.
But what can you do that will change anything? Right? How can one person make a difference to what is happening? Well I agree one person alone usually cannot make much of a difference
In my eyes, distribution is just one of the problems. So too is power and control. Those with the money have the power and in turn control the masses. Again, how can you or I make a difference? Become politicians?
At BeCollaboration, as a collaborative community we have researched how different societies and communities have successfully established themselves for the greater good. We have looked at leadership, hierarchies, not for profit organisations, charities and committee run establishments, among others.
We acknowledge that, ‘you cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it’ Einstein
What would it look like if for every world problem there were a group of people who came together not with self-interest, but for the common good? These places already exist, don’t they? Well, apparently not, because for every issue in the world today from poverty, war, hunger, homelessness there doesn’t appear to be a solution. Why not?
So, let’s accept that whilst our planet has possibly never lived in total harmony, there is actually, no good reason why it can’t. We simply have to see our issues from a new perspective.
So, the answer is simple isn’t it? We all collaborate and the world gets better? Well sadly this isn’t the case. Going all out to collaborate is destined for failure unless you understand yourself.
As a society we are only just embracing the power of personal development, mindfulness and good mental health and we still have a way to go, but being in a community like BeCollaboration is a good beginning.
Together we are stronger, can make a difference and leave a good legacy for the next generation.
You can contact Gill at:
email : gill@becollaboration.com Telephone: 07798 601701 Website: www.becollaboration.com