1 minute read
Making of a Movement
Fed up with politics – big P and little p?
Upset with our media, seeing propaganda filled programmes giving biased opinion, social media feeding our misconceptions?
Let down by the education system?Sickened by the poverty on our own doorstep?Is this the status quo? Can one person change anything?It feels impossible that anyone can even make a dent in our real world problems.And yet…There is a way for YOU to make a difference.Discover what Gill Tiney believes is the very beginning of a whole world solution.No revolutionNo bloodshedYet a way to stop the madness
Making of a Movement is her story to awakening, the dawning of a realisation that she isn’t looking for a hero to save the world – she is hero enough to make a start. She doesn’t need all of the solutions to the vast dichotomy we find ourselves in, we don’t need to have all of the answers to build a new future. What we need is Collaboration the tool to transform the negative spiral we are currently living in and together build a better future.
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