1 minute read
Benn Abdy Collins
We now talk of Zooming, of ‘you need to unmute yourself’, and ‘virtual hugs!’ Our world has transmuted, we crave social contact, and we’ve needed to adapt hard and fast to exclusion and isolation; fortunately, we’ve had many tech toys, resources and services and facilities to get us through. We’ve also had utilities, rooves over our heads and food available. Whilst it’s been dreadful (in First World terms), we’ve been lucky, despite it being rather inconvenient in many unexpected ways. Other countries face far worse conflict, confusion, and challenge on a daily basis, even before Covid arrived to add its two-penny worth.
“I found myself feeling immensely grateful for many of my life fortunes and for what I have.”
You can contact Benn at:
Email: benn@bennabdy-collins.com Telephone: 07957 658890 Website: www.bennabdy-collins.com