1 minute read
When we consider how well our education system prepares our children for the world of work, we often focus on technology and it’s various applications. For example the ability to “code” is a primary concern for many schools. This overlooks a bigger change that is underway as organizations evolve to meet the challenges of a more volatile and uncertain environment.
This process can only work if people can communicate effectively and in a mature fashion and speak to each other with respect and trust. The objective is not to reach a compromise but to enable the individual to reach what they believe is the best decision. Whist you might expect conflict and blame, what you get is quick and effective decision making. What is more, if the decision turns out badly, those who disagreed are often first to help with resolving the problems because they feel ownership and they recognize that the decision was made with the best of intentions.
You can contact Colin at:colin@colinnewlyn.com