6 minute read
Rob Morgan - Key Collaborator
Taking a look at a key Collaborator in the community.
Who is Rob Morgan?
I have lots of ideas about who this Rob is. There are the relationships I have with others, father, son, husband, brother, client etc.
There is the work I do: change work, coaching, leadership development, training. Then there are the things I tell myself I am: good and bad (usually more bad than good). But my belief is that all those identities are just ideas that my true-self experiences and my true-self is consciousness itself.
That thing that enables me to experience all the ‘I ams’.
What fills me with joy is the experience of connection.
Connection with myself, with my family, my colleagues, my friends, my clients, and with the world around me. It is in that space of connection that we can see our world from a different perspective. Where we can get fresh new insights and ideas to move us forward; where we can create something new from nothing, literally no thing. What is your reason for BEing? Or in other words what are you passionate about?
Let me answer with a story. When I was around ten years old, I had a very clear view of my purpose.
I was disturbed by everything that was going on in the world; war, famine, disaster, and it looked clear to me that what was needed was for people to connect and communicate together rather than argue and fight. Although I didn’t know how I thought if I could somehow facilitate that process that would be great.
Over the following 50 years, that purpose got lost in beliefs about what I could do and what others thought I was capable of, and finding a job I wanted to do and, and, and.
Now it looks to me as if that purpose has been working in the background all the time.
The way I would articulate it now is to help people to see more clearly who they truly are, and where their experience is coming from. Because it’s as we discover those two truths for ourselves that our lives become easier, and we are better placed to be who we are meant to be in the world.
If you could choose one Collaboration Global behaviour or value that you identify with, what might that be?
I’d have to pick creativity, although once again that’s a fairly recent discovery for me. If you’d asked me even five years ago, I’d have told you that I wasn’t really the creative type and I really believed that to be true.
I was stuck in a mindset that creativity was about things like painting, music and drama and I didn’t believe I had any talent for that sort of stuff.
But I now see creativity as any activity where we create something new that wasn’t there before.
From that perspective almost all the success I have had in my work and more widely in life has come from my ability to look at things in a new and different way.
And it’s the same for my clients. It’s that ability to create a new different and better version of the now that moves us forward. This seems to be a quality that is innate for all of us.
Please share what your experience has been since you joined Collaboration Global?
Collaboration Global is a space where I can reflect and explore.
A safe space with like-minded individuals who understand that personal growth can be nurtured and fertilised in that space of connection.
The meetings are an oasis in the desert where I can leave my daily concerns at the door and soak in a feeling of connection, creativity, fun and joy.
This issue of The Quest has focused on ‘Business Reinvented’, how do you see that manifest in your life?
I see business as constantly reinventing itself in order to adapt to the world in which it operates.
A new business world is evolving continually because the businesses that don’t adapt to better fit the evolving wants and needs of their customers, just won’t survive.
Businesses adapt to meet the challenges of the world such as pandemics or climate change, and it could well be argued that they are much more effective at doing so than Governments which have more traditionally been the route for change. For me, this is where true leadership in business comes into its own.
The ability of leaders to identify and address the wants and desires of its customers, and of society more widely, often before their customers know what they want themselves, is the hallmark of successful leadership.
Are you free to operate within your Genius? What does that mean for you?
For me genius comes from within. It’s not about what I know, it’s about who I am. I find (that) the more frequently I can connect with that deeper wisdom that I believe resides in every human being, the easier life becomes and, hopefully the more my genius shows up in the actions I take.
What vision do you have for your business and your life going forward within the Collaboration Global community?
My business is all about making a positive difference in the world in the people that we work with directly or who we influence by who we are, what we do and how we show up in the world.
That may sound a little wishy-washy, but I don’t feel the need for a very specific and compelling vision. It looks to me that: if when we know our direction of travel, we have all we have all we need to take action in the world.
We can then see if our actions have moved us closer to our vision or further away from it. Then it’s just a case of doing more of what moved us closer and less of the other stuff.
If someone is interested in getting involved with our Collaboration Global community, from your perspective what might they expect when they get there?
They will experience a relaxed and supportive community of peers always willing to connect and explore, listen, and absorb, and share from their own wisdom and experience.
You can contact Rob at:
Email: rob@robmorgan.co Telephone: 07711 181852