This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
date & time :
26 may, from 9.00 til 14.00 (coffee from 8.30)
Performers House, Silkeborg Papirfabrikken 76, DK-8600 Silkeborg
sign up:
No fee Eddy Thomsen, email:
Yours og med kĂŚrlig hilsen VIA holdet: Martin Hansen chefkonsulent at DAMB Jan Jaap Rothuizen R&D staff at Peter Sabroe Eddy Thomsen, underviser, ph.d. at Peter Sabroe Partners: London: Collage Arts, Rinova and WAC Italy: Mulab Netherland: New Arts College Spain: Artiquimia
S E I R T S U ING P D I N H I N S R E R V A U I E E T L N A E FFY PRE R C U TRE L F - EN This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible!
Key concepts and mixed analogies:
the idea
TRANSITION What is the use of buslines if you don´t know where or how to buy a ticket? Lost in transitions?
Kreativ og Æstetisk aktivitet gør underværker. Fx for unge der skal holdes fast i det formelle uddannelsessystem. Men også for unge der falder ud af det formelle udannelsessystem og som pendler, finder egne veje. Der foregår en uformel læring…. . Hvad lærer de unge af det? Og kan samfundet hjælpe dem på vej og samtidig profitere af deres viden og kunnen? Nogle af disse unge fungerer som igangsættere, rollemodeller og løst tilknyttede instruktører eller undervisere. På europæisk plan er det dén meget brogede gruppe, der har været på rette sted, fremviser vilje og skaber muligheder, vi har fokus på. Den brogede, ind imellem marginaliserede gruppe som fodrer den 4. hurtigst voksende sektor i Europa: creative industries. Du er en professionel nøgleperson i den sammenhæng på dansk grund og i lokal eller regional sammenhæng. Derfor har vi ”håndplukket” dig sammen med en håndfuld andre til deltagelse i en konference i forbindelse med Euro-Aspire projektets partnermøde op arbejdsmøde i Danmark. VIA University Collage får besøg af ledende organisationer fra London, Chocolate Factory og WAC, samt partnere fra Holland, New Arts College, Italien, Mulab og Spanien, Artquimia. Vi har samarbejdet i godt et år, og er tæt på resultater til ”aflevering” i EU-fællesskabet: Det vil vi gerne dele med dig i denne fase, hvor vi stadig har brug for udvikling og kan tilbyde dig enestående kontakter og netværk. Arbejdssproget er engelsk: The EU Aspire Project, a Lifelong Learning Leonardo Project, will develop an innovative European competency framework for trainers using creative expression in informal and non-formal learning environments. The project will investigate how this kind of learning – through the performing and visual arts, media, production and design – provide a bridge from educational and economic exclusion to inclusion…
LEARNING & PARTICIPATION Knowledge and skills are currencies that fulfil their value within communities – some streetwise, some at the boundaries of shops, industries and even schools and education. It all depends on bridge-building. GENERAL EDUCATION & EMPOWERMENT The Dandelion experience (mælkebøtten, mønsterbryderen) tells the story about how a tiny flower breaks through the hard surface of the rundown road. This is due to the fact, that it takes a village to raise a child, all though we cannot avoid the other Clinton bonmot: It is the economy, Stupid! So – how to navigate? We count on bridge-building between informal learning, sustainable enterprises and responsible frameworks of institutional support. 8.45
Welcome at Performers House
9.15-9.40, discussion until 10.00
Building bridges between the formal educational system and innovative creative informal learning environments
Coffee break
10.15-10.40, discussion until 11.00
All in one: Unusual learning processes, community work, creative industries and business. About The Chocoltae factory, entrepreneurship and innovation for more then 25 years.
11.00-11.25, discussion until 11.45
The intrinsic factor. The transformative power of Martin Hansen, Eddy informal learning and aesthetics and the booming Thomsen, Jan Jaap of the creative industries in Europe Rothuizen, VIA UC
Lunch and networking -thematic tables
Performance by students of the international module in social pedagogy: Heart Head and Hands
Creative industries, youth and society: fluffy Panel: Allan (DK), learning and floating connections. Challenges and Enzo (It), Manoj (UK), perspectives Debbie (NL), Christer and Anne Mette (DK)
13.45 – 14.00
Closing of the conference
Denise Stanley, researcher in the ASPIRE-project and Richard Parkes director at Rinova Manoj Ambasna, The Chocolate Factory, London