4 minute read
Cats Versus Dogs — You Decide

Writer // Janelle Morrison • Photography // Submitted
Attention dog and cat lovers! The Humane Society for Boone County is holding a competition where everyone wins — especially the many cats and dogs for which HSforBC provides care and stress-free housing.
As Boone County’s population continues to grow, so does the number of animals needing rescue and welfare. In 2021, the HSforBC took care of more than 600 cats and dogs, which maximized its resources. Expansion and renovations to HSforBC’s shelter facility are desperately needed to accommodate a fast growing and never-ending demand.
HSforBC Executive Director Susan Austin shared with Zionsville Monthly that plans are in place to expand the current HSforBC facility. And HSforBC is kicking off the HSforBC $800,000 Renovation Fund Drive with the opportunity for its wonderful donors to designate where their money goes. Cats or Dogs? The choice is yours!
“Boone County has doubled in population, and the number of animals that need our help has doubled too,” Austin shared. “The need just grows exponentially. Currently, we only have room for nine dogs and 20 cats at the shelter. The renovations will double the space in the cat free-roaming room and give them a ‘catio’ to look at the birds and enjoy a more enriched free-roaming space. Instead of being able to only have 10 [cats], we will be able to have 20.”
The renovation plan will also add another six runs on the back of the building for the dogs and much needed pet pantry food storage that is currently overflowing into the shelter’s lobby.
Austin shared that HSforBC has received generous grants and gifts towards the renovation, but as material costs have been skyrocketing, the $800,000 renovation project is far from being funded.

As the renovation work is soon to be underway, Austin is calling on all potential fosters to answer her call.
“We need more fosters desperately,” Austin emphasized. “We [HSforBC] take care of all the expenses of being a foster, and we provide all of the food and medicine as well. We currently do not have an Animal Control Officer (AOC) in Boone County, and we are getting the calls. People sometimes just show up to our shelter with a dog, not knowing that we don’t have any space, and we have to refer them back to the sheriff’s department. Until the AOC is back up and running, we really need the public to help us. If they find a dog that is friendly enough, and they can safely keep them to help us out by fostering them — we will provide the food, etc., and if they turn out to be a great foster, we’d love to have them do it again and again!”

If you donate towards the building fund on HSforBC’s website, it will go towards the renovation and expansion of the shelter. Austin explained that HSforBC is creating window clings for those who donate.
Austin added, “We’re not asking outrageous amounts to be part of it — the minimum donation is $25, and it goes up to however much someone wants to donate. If everybody could just help a little bit with [the renovations], we can make a huge difference!”
Then join the “Crazy Cat Catio Club” and help HSforBC fund the shelter renovations for the cats! Your donation will go directly to the buildout of the new “Crazy Cat Catio” and renovated cattery area for HSFORBC’s future frisky felines.
Then the “K-9 Kennel Krew Klub” is just right for you, as your donation will help fund canine shelter renovations that include six new dog kennel isolation runs for future canine furry friends to run and play and be secure!
If you love cats AND dogs, you can certainly make a donation on behalf of each!
For every donation of $25 or more, you’ll receive a Crazy Cat Catio or K-9 Kennel Krew window sticker to proudly display on your vehicle! Choose the level that best fits your generosity for additional recognition — you could even have a dog or cat named in your honor!
Please join us in answering HSforBC’s call for help by making your donations and by fostering the cats and dogs in need! Visit hsforbc.org for more information and to donate to the building fund! For those who prefer to send a check, please send your gift to HSforBC at P.O. Box 708, Lebanon, IN, 46052.